#rayne's rabbits
raynesbunny · 5 months
Finding Rabbits
In which three of Rayne's pet rabbits went missing.
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💌: fluff, gn!reader, mute!reader
⚠️: cringe alert? Ooc Rayne?
Others: This is my first short story here in tumblr, please don't be afraid to mention some of my mistakes I haven't noticed, I'll fix them。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。. Enjoy reading, lovelies!
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Rayne Ames, the prefect of the Adler Dorm, was known for as someone who's calm even under a lot of pressure. But not when his beloved pet rabbits are missing.
As he approached his dorm room, Rayne noticed that the door was slightly open. Did his roommate, Max, forgot to close it? No, that couldn't be the case. Rayne remembered being the last one to leave and ensuring that the door was securely shut.
A wave of concern washed over him as he pushed open the door. To his surprise, he found no one inside except for six of his rabbits. Confusion clouded his mind. How did the door end up open, and where were the three other rabbits?
The thought of someone kidnapping his fluffy companions and potentially using them as a meal or even worse sent a surge of panic through Rayne. With a frown, he hurriedly searched everywhere, even venturing into the forest, but his rabbits were nowhere to be found.
Rayne couldn't bear the thought of losing his precious rabbits. It was truly unthinkable for him.
It won't hurt to ask for help, right?
His footsteps came to a halt, and his gaze fixated on the door in front of him. He hesitated for a moment before deciding that seeking help wouldn't hurt.
Rayne's knuckles gently hit the door repeatedly until it swung open, revealing the person he needed assistance from.
'Rayne?' You mouthed, concern evident in your eyes as you took in his troubled expression. 'You seem troubled, did something happen?' You signed.
Rayne proceeded to recount the events that had unfolded. You listened intently, your lips parting in an "oh" before breaking to a fit of silent laughter. You stepped aside, allowing him to enter.
To Rayne's surprise and relief, he found the three missing rabbits hopping around the room. You explained through sign language that you had heard some noises at the door and investigated, only to find the adorable fluff balls outside. Since you were in a rush to finish your work and your dorm was far away from his, you couldn't bring yourself to leave them outside. Your love for animals got the better of you, and you decided to take them in.
The sight of his rabbits safe and sound melted away all of Rayne's worries. Two of the rabbits hopped into your welcoming arms, finding comfort and safety in your embrace.
A small smile tugged at the corners of Rayne's lips, grateful that you had chosen to care for his rabbits instead of leaving them unattended, despite being busy yourself. Words were never his preferred method of expressing his feelings, so he let his actions speak for him.
His hand gently found its way to the top of your head, caressing it tenderly. You were left speechless but couldn't help but grin in joy, leaning into his warm touch.
Perhaps, Rayne thought, he could allow you to borrow one or more of his rabbits to keep you company in your lonely dorm room, especially since your roommate was often occupied. He also considered taking you to the zoo or a place where animals could be adopted, knowing your affinity for them.
'Usayama and Usao are okay, however, Usasuke has a bump on his head. Probably because he was the one who caused the noise on the door, but no worries, it's nothing serious' you signed, lifting the rabbit slowly and placing the said animal on your lap.
Rayne stopped himself from running his fingers through Usao's fur, his expression one of shock. It wasn't because the news of Usasuke's minor injury that surprised him—Usasuke gets them from time to time. What astonished him was that you could distinguish between his rabbits, even though you had only met them yesterday. Not even his roommate, Max, could tell them apart.
"You can tell them apart?" he asked, disbelief evident in his voice.
'Yup!' you signed, beaming with pride. 'It was difficult since they all look alike, except for Usazou, since he appears slightly bigger. But then you mentioned a few unique details about each of them. Usasuke tends to flail around a lot, Usayama is highly active, Usao is affectionate, Usanoshin is the rabbit that shivers often, Usakichi is a glutton, Usako and Usami are inseparable and get upset when separated, and Usatarou is the naive and innocent rabbit who is always found in the corner of the room.'
Rayne was left speechless. Though his expression remained stoic, his body froze like a statue. Sensing his reaction, you immediately grew concerned. Had you made a mistake?
Unbeknownst to you, Rayne's mind was consumed by thoughts of you. He found himself falling deeper and harder, unable to resist the enchanting charm you have. Your endearing qualities touched his heart in ways he couldn't fully understand. Your ability to show genuine care for others and even animals, especially when they're struggling, even when you're busy, was a testament to your kind and compassionate nature.
Behind his stoic facade, Rayne's feelings for you ran deep.
And In your presence, Rayne felt a sense of solace, warmth, completeness, contentment, and many more.
You had captured the sword cane's heart entirely. Your unintentional effect on him was profound, and he cherishes every little moments spent together with you.
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I was in a rush writing this story, people kept disturbing me.ಥ‿ಥ So there might be some parts that are somewhat off? Also you're free to request for headcanons, but I can't promise you that my updates will be quick until June!
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luxthestrange · 4 months
MASHLE Memes #7
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One big rabbit plushie for the biggest rabbit fan in the magic world!
I commissioned @nyankocatnyan for this beautiful artwork of Rayne! Commissioning Kat is always a great time, I love the result so much and love how Kat drew Rayne, he looks amazing! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
If you're interested in commissioning Kat, check out the commission info here!
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gingeredmink · 1 month
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another quickie of the reaper rabbit oc wanted to show how funky their anatomy is [lower legs are twice as long as normal due to giant rabbit feet being stitched on + there's an extra joint]
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maeiia18 · 7 months
Happy Birthday To My BBG♡
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Didn't have time to actually do this digitally (curse you midterms TT_TT)
But i still wanna draw Rayne for his birthday, so he's a simple sketch
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cloversdreams · 5 months
Max: So the other day I sent Rayne out to get us some eggs Max: And instead of getting eggs, he got us novelty cookie cutters Max: Now everything we eat is shaped like a rabbit Max: … Max: I love him so much
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emerald57 · 6 months
Happy Easter 🐣
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finnmash · 7 months
max land x rayne ames shippers ... where are you...
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livefinn · 1 year
welcome to finn forgetting that Lance and Dot exist
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morgaseus · 8 months
Absolutely smitten by Rayne Ames the moment I saw him. Look i'm a sucker for self-sacrificing characters. And that got me thinking...
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Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who is the Golden boy of Easton Academy; Academics? Looks? Talent? Skills? The teacher's love him, every girl loves him, the boys want to be him, and parent's wish their children were like him. He's got it all, so what's not to like about him?
And enter you, a perfectly average student who can't seem to excel at anything other than subjects you're passionate/interested about. Compared to Rayne Ames, you're nothing, not even a pebble at a sidewalk.. So when midterm results came out… you feel like your soul’s about to ascend to heaven
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who’s as cold as the northern winds, even his fangirls have a hard time approaching him! but that won't deter you from approaching him! Not when your grades are on the line!
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who you begged to tutor you! And if he refuses, you threaten to tell everyone how he has a soft spot for rabbits, thereby ruining his image! HA! He can't have that now can he?!
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who absolutely does not care if you tell everyone about his fondness for rabbits; he’s got his priorities straight, he couldn’t care less about some nobody. But upon seeing how genuine you are about needing his help, relented.
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who’s tutoring methods are brutal. You feel like a recruit being told by his superiors to do 100 pushups! You feel like you're about to cry. Ahhh, just what the hell did you put yourself into, you’d rather go to sleep, but you have to push through! Think about your parents, who worked their asses off to enroll you in a prestigious school!
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who was the first person you told about your finals exam result. He didn't seem like it but deep down he’s very proud of you! Your score may not be the same as his but Rayne knows how much effort you put to achieve a high score.
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who found himself always waiting for you. It's Lunchtime? You’ll come to his room to fetch him, so you two can have lunch together. It’s a semester break and there's a festival near the town? You’ll come to his dorm room so both of you can enjoy it together.
And oh, there’s a prize you really want but can’t seem to get because you suck at the game? He’ll win it for you. There’s a stuffed toy who seems to remind him of you? He’ll get it for you.
Rayne Ames who’s slowly but surely falling for you.
Rayne Ames upon realizing his feelings can't help but be disgusted. Disgusted at himself for allowing someone like him to fall for you.
Rayne Ames who slowly starts to distance himself from you. You want to eat lunch together? He’s got an important task to attend to. There’s a festival near town? Again, he's got an important task to attend to. You need his help regarding this certain subject you're having a hard time with? You can ask someone else to help you. He’s a busy man, he has no time for such frivolities.
Rayne Ames who despite his best efforts in avoiding you, can't help but feel like there’s something, someone lacking in his life. It feels so bleak, so empty,
Rayne Ames who always finds you seeking him, always asking about his whereabouts, despite it being months of avoiding you. He knows that you know he’s purposely avoiding you, any normal person would’ve given up by now, and yet, you still insist
Rayne Ames who found himself cornered by you. Apologizing to him if you did something wrong or told something offensive to him
Rayne Ames who denied any of the above. Telling you that you did nothing wrong and that you should go back to your room now, it's beyond hours.
“Then, is it because you don’t want to be seen with someone like me? Is that it Rayne? Is that it?”
Rayne Ames who’s chest ached.
Rayne Ames whose eyes are as cold as the northern winds told you: “that’s right, i'm ashamed to be seen with someone like you”
Rayne Ames who can't seem to read you, you've always worn your heart around your sleeves, but this time it's like you've totally enclosed your heart. But this should be fine right? This should be enough to deter you. So give up, stop looking for him and go on with your life. 
“You’re not being truthful, at all, Rayne. At Least tell me the truth so I can..”
Rayne Ames who clenched his teeth and told you the truth; how during those times you've been together, he found himself falling for you, and he can’t have that.
And Rayne Ames who told you that you deserve someone better; someone normal unlike him. Someone who can give you a normal life, grow old and have a normal happy family. Without him, without someone like him
Rayne Ames who heard the sharp, piercing noise, before the stinging sensation in his cheek. It took a moment for Rayne to process what happened, out of all the possible reactions for you to have, being slapped did not cross his mind.
Rayne Ames who sees your face contort with anger and sadness; telling him that he has no right to dictate what you should do with your life.
Rayne Ames who feels guilty, he knows what he’s done is wrong, but it's the only thing he knows that's right- keeping people he cherishes away from him. You shouldn’t get entangled with him any further. It's for your own good.
Rayne Ames who pulls you close to him, hiding behind the shadows of a pillar, so as to not get discovered by a patrolling staff. Your argument with him might’ve alerted them. 
Rayne Ames who became too aware of how close you are. Too close. Too close.
Rayne Ames who was ready to pull himself away from you. But before he could make a move, he felt your arms wrap around him, pulling him closer to you. Despite his inclination to pull away, he found himself melting into your embrace.
Just once, he’ll allow this luxury just once more.
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miharuki · 7 months
hello again angels
𝕽𝖆𝖞𝖓𝖊 𝕬𝖒𝖊𝖘
(x reader)
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Let's imagine something?
You were trying on fake rabbit ears to see how they looked on you, just to see how they would look on you. But then Rayne appeared in the room after long hours of work.
He enters the room only to observe you with rabbit ears, and to make it worse, or better, you were only wearing a dress shirt. You had just taken a shower and wanted to try on the strip.
"Rayne?" The boy just stares at you silently, with his neutral face.
"You okay?" Your words are cut off as you're thrown onto the bed. Let's just say that night you were a great bunny for Rayne. The hours of work helped Rayne a lot to vent his frustration on you, his pretty bunny who obeys him so well, who accepts him so well, so well that the next day you felt soreness; your legs were aching. You promised yourself not to wear the rabbit ears again, putting them away in the drawer.
But it doesn't stay tucked away for long, does it? Who are you to deny a request from Rayne? He only wants to see his precious obedient bunny, after all.
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luxthestrange · 8 months
MASHLE Incorrect quotes #2 Hairy potter
Sorcerer!Y/n*With a fake beard putting glasses on a rabbit that has a mark on its forehead and wearing a cute red and gold tie*...You're a wizard harry
Rabbit*Wiggling its nose cutely as it poses for you*
Sorcerer!Y/n*Giggling as you scratches it's head softly*...You're very hairy~
Rayne*Was going to kill whoever took one of his pet rabbits...only to find you with him*...Send me those pictures
Sorcerer!Y/n*Jumpscared from not hearing him* AAAAAH!?
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hxney-lemcn · 7 months
Cloud Nine — Rayne Ames x gn! reader
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summery: reader finds themself not only friends, but falling for the mysterious stoic Divine Visionary. Lucky for reader, Rayne seems to be falling for them as well.
tw: anxiety, breakdowns, but also tooth rotting fluff, hurt/comfort
a/n: I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! WOOOO! And I'm so proud of this too!
wc: 3.2k
Master List
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You didn’t exactly know what your relationship with Rayne was. It seemed that you had managed to wiggle your way into his soft spot, but that didn’t mean he treated you much differently. He’d watch your every movement and it felt like he was judging you (he was actually just admiring you but he would never admit that). He’d pick apart the faults in your projects or homework (he just wanted to make sure you got a good score). He’d pick apart whomever you’d find yourself fawning over (they were never good enough for you and he didn’t want to see you hurt).
You weren’t even sure how you ended up in this…friendship? You had a basis. It had to be due to the fact that you both ended up in the same set of classes together. Study of magical creatures. You were completely enraptured with animals and insects alike (more so animals, but you found some insects quite interesting). Rayne had a similar interest…though his fascination was more narrowed to a specific animal. You had only found out about his obsession with rabbits when you had been scratched by a creature your class had been tasked to observe. Rayne had handed you a magical handkerchief that he said would heal your wound…it’s pattern being bunnies. 
You bit your lip to stop a smile from spreading over your lips at that. The stoic heart throb of Easton Magic Academy was a bunny lover. That moment had humanized him to you. It showed that he wasn’t just some powerful prodigy that only cared about his own agenda, he had a heart that he hid from the world. He told you to keep it, but you ended up washing it and giving it back to him at a later date. It was nice of him, but it felt wrong taking something from a stranger. 
Well he wasn’t much of a stranger after that, since the next project for your class had been raising an animal of your choosing with a partner. It was to teach you about the importance of development in animals and how their environment can dictate their personalities. To your utter surprise, Rayne had claimed you as his partner for the project, not even allowing you a word in the matter. You weren’t too pressed about it though because you didn’t really know anyone else in the class. The two of you worked together quite well. You weren’t as annoying as Rayne had thought you’d be, and he wasn’t as rude as you thought he’d be. 
You found yourself walking down the hallways with Rayne by your side. You found yourself sharing lunch with each other. You found yourself studying with him in your free time or going to his dorm to check in on what you dubbed, your child (bunny) from your previous project. You had even acquainted yourself with his roommate and best friend Max Land! 
So why didn’t you fully think of yourself as his friend? Well…Rayne had a tendency to send mixed messages. On one hand, he’d walk you to your class, and on the other, you wouldn’t see him for a week straight. Of course you knew he wasn’t going to be as present this year, as he had been donned a divine visionary, but he couldn’t warn you about an upcoming mission or task? It stung when you’d either found out from Max when he asked you to take care of the bunny or when Rayne would just mysteriously vanish off the face of the Earth.
But at the end of the day, you still considered Rayne to be your friend. He wasn’t perfect, but you still cared for him and in his unique ways, he cared for you.
One time that he let his feelings shine through was at this moment.
“Are you stupid?” Rayne asked, eyes squinting at you.
You pouted at his bluntness, “But I wanna pet it!” 
Today in your class you were going over rare creatures, at the moment, going over Bunyip’s. It was a beast that was only found in lakes, rivers, or other bodies of freshwater. They were dangerous as their diet was apparently indiscriminate about what their prey was, but you got hooked on their appearance. Perhaps most people would be horrified or put off (particularly by the fact that no one has seen one enough to give a description), but when you heard that it was sometimes described to look like a seal or swimming dog you were caught in a strange love. 
“There’s not even enough evidence that it exists,” Rayne countered. “And if it did, it would kill you without mercy.”
“That’s okay,” You shrugged. “As long as I can claim I got to pet it.”
“You can’t claim anything if you’re dead,” Rayne huffed, but you had learned to read his emotion through his eyes, and they held a slight glimmer of amusement at the moment. 
You paused, as you weren’t sure how to rebuttal that. So instead you crossed your arms with a pout. Moments like these became more abundant the closer you two got. The stoic Rayne Ames became…well still stoic, but he seemed to become more comfortable in your presence. Awkward pauses in your conversations became far and few inbetween, banter started to become natural between you both. Maybe you dramatized yourself a bit, but that seemed to make it easier for him to tease you (in his own slightly condescending way).
Although the moment that you realized his feelings for you ran deeper for you than you realized happened when you were having a terrible day. You woke up annoyed, no particular reason for it, you just felt like it was going to be a rough morning. Of course, how you perceive the day is going to lead to its outcome. You skipped breakfast, not feeling hungry, only to become ravenous in your first period. Your teacher handed back your previous tests and you didn’t do as well as you thought you had. As the teacher went over ways to better scores for the next test, it felt like they were aiming every word at you. When lunch rolled around, it was hard to hide your sour mood in front of Rayne and Max, but it didn’t seem to matter as the two seemed to completely ignore you, only worsening said mood. You knew it was irrational, they weren’t doing anything wrong, maybe you were hiding your feelings better than you thought, but it felt like maybe they just didn’t care.
So you continued on, not even trying to hide scowl on your face. You felt invisible, so why try? You had finally snapped as someone accidentally spilled ink on your paper that you had nearly finished. You felt your eyes well up with stressful tears threatening to fall down your face. You quickly gathered your things, waving off the person as they apologized. You didn’t care that the class had only started ten minutes ago, you were done. The day was almost over anyways, no harm in skipping your last class. You booked it out of the class, ignoring the stares of your peers and the way your teacher looked at you worriedly. You tried your hardest to stop the tears, but it was no use as they started spilling the second you crossed the door frame of your class. Keeping your head down, you rubbed at your eyes as you walked down the halls towards your dorm. 
So caught up in your torment, you had forgotten that you shared your last class with Rayne. In your mind, it didn’t matter, yes he was your friend but you knew how seriously he takes his schooling seriously. So when you were suddenly pulled into an empty classroom by said Divine Visionary, you were surprised. Not only surprised, but you felt ashamed. You hid your face as pathetic sobs left your lips. You continued to rub at your face, trying to halt the never ending stream of tears. God this was so embarrassing! You didn’t want him to see you like this, it felt like it ruined how you wanted him to see you. 
Rayne on the other hand felt out of his depth. Emotion’s were something he tried to stay away from. That was until it came to you. You had unknowingly shown him the good in feelings, not just the bad he was used to. In fact, you were so good at making things seem brighter, he had failed to consider that the bad affected you just like it does to everyone. Seeing you sob your heart out didn’t sit well with him, hearing your distressed cries felt wrong. You were always happy, cheerful, a shining smile on your face as you shared something you found fascinating. With all the bad in the world you always managed to find something good, and you shared that with whoever would listen. 
“I’m sorry,” You apologized, still hiding yourself from the stoic man standing across from you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Rayne’s heart broke, even in a pained state, you still apologized. For what? He wasn’t sure, but he had a gut feeling it was because you didn’t want him to see your own pain. Rayne racked his brain for what to do, but seeing you in such a state made it feel blank, like all knowledge had vanished from him completely. In what he lacked with emotional knowledge, he knew even less in comforting or touch. He was completely out of his element, but he refused to just stand on the sidelines and watch you suffer on your own.
You felt yourself pause as you felt a hand rest on your head. Peeking up through your fingers, you watched in slight wonder as Rayne awkwardly patted your head. Tears were still falling down your cheeks, but your breathing started to even and your sobs diminished. You had been so flabbergasted by Rayne’s actions that he had managed to shock you out of your previous hysteria. 
You felt yourself warm at the gesture, how he went out of his comfort zone to try and comfort you. It was awkward, sure, but it meant everything to you. And against your own wishes, you felt more tears start to fall, this time due to how intense all your emotions felt at the moment. You had never felt so grateful towards someone, so much care and love. Out of your better judgment, you jumped at Rayne, squeezing him tightly as you cried into him. His arms froze awkwardly at his sides, unsure if this meant you were happy or still sad. The way your hands scrunched his robe, or how you squeezed him like your life depended on him. He felt his face warm, unused to such a notion. Slowly and awkwardly, he put his arms around you.
That moment had changed things between you both. You had become a lot more affectionate towards Rayne (though you kept that for either if you two were alone or just small things in public). At first Rayne didn’t know how to react, he thought you were warm before, but now you were like a sun shining down on him. He was even more befuddled as your special treatment only seemed to be aimed at him. Unknown to him, he had become warmer towards you as well. After that incident, he kept a sharper eye on you, wanting to make sure you never cry like that again. You found it odd at first when trinkets would show up randomly. Sometimes it was items with your favorite animal as the pattern, other times it was trinkets with bunnies as the pattern. Which was a dead give away that it was Rayne who was giving the items. 
You both had become pining idiots, much to Max’s amusement. He hadn’t expected to ever see his roommate fall for someone else in such a way. Yes, he knew that deep down Rayne was a softie, but he couldn’t imagine his friend to be in a romantic relationship. Even so, Max was overjoyed at the events unfolding before him. He would watch with a grin as you offered parts of your lunch to the spilt colored haired man, or how in return Rayne would slip an animal keychain in your bag. 
It was amusing for a certain period…but he started to slowly lose hope that either of you would try to take it further. You both were in a comfortable spot in your relationship, so why rock the boat? Even Finn couldn’t deny that his brother might’ve found himself a true companion, a fact that made him happy. All in all, no one could deny the chemistry between you both. Not even you could find a way to wave it off as friendly. You certainly felt a love deeper than you’d like to admit towards the Sword Cane, and it was hard for you to brush off how much he seemed to care for you as well. 
You found yourself in a conundrum. You had never been in a situation like this before. Where you had feelings for someone and the person actually seemed to reciprocate. But as always, you managed to find a problem. Was Rayne looking for a relationship? He was busy as ever as a Divine Visionary, and that didn’t seem like it was going to slow down. Could it even work? Maybe it was for the best if you two just stayed friends. While Rayne on the other hand never expected to feel like this for anyone. He hadn’t expected to fall for anyone, it wasn’t in his plans for the future, nor would it benefit him in his goal to make the world a better place for orphans. Yet now, when he thought of the future, it seemed bleak if you weren’t by his side. 
Both of your paths seemed like it was going to stray. You wanted to become a wildlife expert of some kind, while he already had his career. A Divine Visionary and a scientist, how would it work out? (Yes, you were both so in love with each other y’all are already thinking that far ahead). 
Yes, Max found your pining amusing, but he also started to get tired of how hopeless you both were. You both clearly cared for the other deeply, it was time for one of you to push things further. So, Max decided to talk to you first, as you seemed to be the easier of the two to push things forward. What he hadn’t expected was how deep your anxiety ran. He could only sit there sweating as you continued to rant a seemingly never ending list of possible problems that might happen. 
“What about tomorrow?” Max asked, cutting you off before you could go further into how you may both be trapped in a loveless marriage.
“What?” You asked, unsure what he meant by that.”
“If you both were together, what do you think would happen tomorrow,” Max clarified, brown eyes filled with warmth. 
You paused, not having thought of that, “Uhm…I guess what it's like now.”
Max smiled, “So why shouldn’t you confess?”
You stammered, heart beating erratically at the anxiety that filled you, “Be-because what if it goes wrong?”
With a sigh he retaliated, “And what if it doesn’t? You have to just take it a day at a time.”
Pausing once more, you realized the anxiety you tried to work on before had overtaken you. You had a problem with overthinking the future, you had even sought help to combat it. They had told you the same thing: ‘it’s not healthy to obsess over the future like that. Just take it a day at a time’. Thinking over the situation once more, you groaned. 
“Your right,” You grumbled, head falling onto your arms. 
Instead of teasing you like he normally would, Max only smiled at you gently. You were a friend of his after all, and everyone struggles with something. You really cherished Max, especially when he helped you come up with a plan to confess. 
There you stood, just as planned, Rayne was alone in the dorm. Max had left so you two would have privacy. Gathering all of your courage, you knock on the prefect’s door. Your heart felt like it was slamming against your chest. You couldn’t help but feel ridiculous. You were holding a bunny plushie, face feeling aflame. The door opened, Rayne’s stoic face, though it seemed like his eyes slightly lit up when he realized it was you. He let you in, as it wasn’t unusual for you to visit. Your eyes landed on your shared pet rabbit, it hopped towards you and you couldn’t stop yourself to lean down and pet it. Rayne watched on, trying to ignore how his heart skipped a beat at the sight. He found you as cute as a bunny, but he wasn’t sure how to express that. 
Standing back up, you inhaled a deep breath. A serious look fell across your face, but it was hard for Rayne to take you too seriously as you now not only held a rabbit plush, but your pet rabbit. 
“I really like you and I think we should date,” You stated, holding the plushie out towards Rayne. 
He stared at you, his brain felt like it was short circuited. You both stood there, watching the other, warmth overtaking the both of you. Suddenly, your serious face turned into one of horror. Had you really just confessed like that? You felt your face flame up, shoulders rising to hide you. That was close to how you had first asked someone to become your friend (they did become friends with you, but didn’t let you live down how awkwardly you asked). That was when you had vowed to never ask someone to be your friend, every time it was someone making friends with you. So why had you trusted yourself to confess? 
“I-I mean, uh,” You stumbled, eyes darting around to try and salvage it.
“Okay,” Rayne finally spoke, accepting the bunny plush. You had managed to leave him speechless, but he quickly snapped back, ending your fumbling. 
You blinked with wide eyes, “Wait, really?” Yes, it was hard to deny how well you both got along, how you both treated the other like they were special, but you hadn’t actually expected him to say yes. Maybe he would let you down nicely, saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship, or that he just wanted to stay friends, but you weren’t going to complain. 
Rayne nodded in response, “I…like you too.” 
“Cool,” You nodded, unsure how to continue. Like stated before, you hadn’t expected it to get this far. You pet the rabbit in your arms, trying to calm your racing mind. What do people do after becoming a couple? It didn’t help that Rayne had just continued to stare at you, making your heart race faster. 
Once again, Rayne patted your head awkwardly. Yeah, it seemed like you both had to figure out what to do.
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kadabo · 7 months
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Rayne likes rabbits ig (they just keep finding him)
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cloversdreams · 5 months
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i said i needed more and welp,,,,,,,, the collection grows
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dabi-drift · 1 year
Rayne Ames x Reader (Mashle: Magic and Muscles):
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Rayne is very family-oriented, so he needs someone who sees the value in family. He'll plan for children, but it's okay if you don't want them; a family of two is still a family.
And with no division of love, he can have you all to himself. He can dote on you. He wants to build a life together, and as long as you're there, that's enough for him. He won't ask for more.
Oh, but not liking rabbits is a deal-breaker.
You're his first partner, and the only one he'll ever want.
Your love empowers him. It makes him feel like he can do the impossible. If you want something that doesn't exist, he'll find it. To disappoint you would be the gravest sin, and you deserve better. He'll go to the ends of the earth and walk through Hell for you. He'll be the shield that protects your happiness and your smile.
If you have pets, Rayne has bought bunny ears for them (he has a pair for you, as well).
You definitely run his fanclub.
Jealousy isn't included in his catalogue of emotions, but anger takes its place, and you know how to rile him up. His glare makes you swoon, and he's so dreamy when he's calling people trash and stomping on them ♡
Like when you get 'overly-friendly' with someone, he'll give you a light reprimand. He'll push you up against a wall, squeeze your wrists and kiss you. It's him saying, 'Pay more attention to me.' But he'll never use force. He'll treat you like glass.
He loves having a monopoly over your heart. He loves to kiss your neck and feel you shiver against his lips. He loves to see himself reflected in your eyes. He loves to hold your hand, because it keeps you close to him and calms his every rage.
He loves to do things for you, to be a gentleman, and to try to be the kind of man you deserve.
He wants to be your love that comes around once in a lifetime.
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