#rdr uncle x gender neutral reader
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Uncle x GN!Reader in: Yours, Always and Forever
From the van der Linde Boys, With Love 💌 || VDE 2021
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You’re as sharp as you are sweet, proud and beautiful and one of the most giving souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing… You’re so much more than what I ever expected to get out of this life, and certainly a sight more than what I deserve.
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There’s no sweeter a story than the one you’re writing together…
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↠ Requested By: My burning desire to receive a love letter lol ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ so if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs: None ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ((tho we should, honestly)) ↠ Total WC: 300~
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Ayyy! Last two post of the event! Sure, I’m like 6 months behind, but who’s counting. ((It’s me. I’m counting, and I’m so glad I’m done lol…))
A big thanks to everyone who’s stuck around for so long, y’all the real ones. Are these installments worth the wait? Idk, but at least they’re done now.
Uncle is always fun to write for because, well, it’s Uncle. That’s just the way he works. This one’s got a bit more of a serious vibe tho, but only because he wants to make double sure you know how much he cares, sweet ol’ lush that he is.
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|| Yours, Always and Forever
To my sweetie,
As much as I love to spin a good yarn, writing stuff ain’t exactly my strong suit. Surprising, I know, but it’s the truth! Still, with it being Valentine’s Day and all I figured now was as good a time as any to give it a go.
So what do I say to the only person that has been able to truly tame my heart? Should I tell you that from the moment I first laid eyes on you that I just knew you were gonna someone special? Didn’t know just how special you were gonna be to me in particular back then, but I certainly knew you were a treasure. Still don’t know what someone as lovely as you wants with an old geezer like me, but I ain’t complaining. In fact I’m mighty honored to say that you’re all mine! You’re as sharp as you are sweet, proud and beautiful and one of the most giving souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing… You’re so much more than what I ever expected to get out of this life, and certainly a sight more than what I deserve.
I don’t rightly have much to offer you, but I do love you something fierce, ____, and all that I do have—all that I am—is entirely yours for the takin’.
Alright, I should probably end this now before I embarrass myself too much. So I’ll just wrap this up by saying happy Valentine’s Day, darlin’! Thanks for spending it, and every other day, with me.
Yours, always and forever, Uncle
P.s.: Ah! I should also mention that besides this letter and a small lil’ trinket I don’t have much else planned for the day, but if you want to do something I’ll do my best to make it happen for you, sweetheart. Just promise me we’ll make time to look up at the stars for a spell. You know how much I love to watch ‘em, but really that’s only because they’re the only thing that comes close to matching your beauty…
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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amorgansgal · 3 years
Could you write a hc about carving pumpkins with arthur?
So I knew that pumpkin carving came from Ireland, where in the past people used to carve Turnips for Halloween. But because I’m a nerd I did my research and found that Irish immigrants to America in the 1800s switched to pumpkins, because they grew well there. So if it’s alright with you, I’m going to include some fun shenigans with Sean!
Arthur thinks it’s cute that you want Jack to experience a proper Halloween, you’re encouraging all the adults in the gang to hide candy on themselves, so Jack can go ‘trick-or-treating’. But first and foremost, you insist on the carving of a pumpkin.
This is something Arthur doesn’t get. Why? Why do you need to carve a face into a vegetable? Why are you wasting said vegetable by carving a face into it? Nobody likes eating pumpkin that much and here you and Sean are, insisting that you have one each.
He doesn’t like scooping out the seeds at all. It’s messy, it feels disgusting on his hands. He thinks you’re bonkers. But you and Sean are having a great time, laughing, telling jokes and spooky stories, each one more outlandish than the last. So Arthur isn’t going to discourage you.
You decide you’ll carve one side of the face and Arthur can do the other. He’s a bit confused, but eventually carves out a rather artistic scary face. He quite likes that bit, says it reminds him of whittling.
Sean decides he’s going to try and place his pumpkin on his head, so begins carving a hole in the bottom for it. Even you say that’s a daft idea.
Sean eventually carves a large enough hole and places it on his head. He says the inside is damp and cold. Arthur lets out a grumbly sigh and you burst into laughter.
Jack comes running over to see what the amusement is. He screams in terror upon seeing pumpkin-headed Sean and runs away. Sean tries to give chase to reassure Jack it’s just him, but winds up tripping on Uncle and breaking his pumpkin head on the table!
You still put the two pumpkins together with little candles inside. You say Sean’s is even more spooky, because it’s a broken face. Arthur tells you not to encourage Sean.
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scarfacemarston · 5 years
Charles Smith x Reader Sick HCs What he’s like sick & caring for you.
Arthur’s post here. John’s two-part post Here and Here. Enjoy!
When He’s Sick:
*It’s very difficult to tell when Charles is sick. He can be very stoic at times and does not ever want to be a bother. 
*Unlike Arthur and John, Charles has the sense to actually care for himself when he shows symptoms of being ill. Charles believes full heartedly in caring for mind, body, and spirit at all times, otherwise, he knows he can’t be at his best. * He’s very aware of his body and limitations. This didn't come easily to him. He was a healthy enough child, but after his father died and his mother was kidnapped, he struggled to care for himself. He didn’t see the point. *He didn’t start to care until he met a kindly old hermit who had nursed him back to health after he had collapsed from exhaustion. The man was part Native like Charles was and had lived by himself after his tribe had either moved to the city or to a reservation. He taught Charles what he knew about botany including how to make medicine and poison, what plants were safe to eat as well as his personal philosophy. Charles picked and chose what he believed from those discussions. He combined his prior knowledge with what the old hermit taught him.
* You become worried when you notice him sleeping for longer periods of time. Charles normally wakes up at dawn in order to hunt or enjoy some alone time. You don’t want to nag him for sleeping. You know he deserves it, but you had a gut feeling that something was wrong.
*He’ll try to cover up his coughs so not to worry you. As kind as his thoughtfulness is, you want him to know how much you love him, even when he’s sick. You’re the type to worry about him either way.
*It isn’t until you discover him mixing masses of herbs that he finally admits to you that he’s been ill. You just nod and say, “I know”. Charles decides to turn this into a lesson. He explains what herbs he’s using, what their properties are and how to properly mix them. *After the lesson, you send him to bed. You pile him with blankets and rub his calves.
* He always feels guilty when you care for him. He thinks he should care for you, but when he feels how good your hands feel on him, it’s hard to resist.
*You’ll sometimes try to tell him jokes. He’s more likely to laugh when he’s alone with you. You love the way it sounds.
*Sometimes, you’ll try to gossip with him. He’ll roll his eyes, but listen anyway. Charles occasionally throws in something juicy as well. Beware if John is nearby. He’s a ho for gossip and will try to join in.
*He tries to be a good patient. He will try to care for himself if Miss Grimshaw forces you to do chores. He tends to recover very quickly.
Charles Caring for You:
*You literally could not ask for a better person to take care of you in the camp.
*Your bond with Charles is so deep, that the two of you can communicate with glances only. However, you’re both very intuned with one another. You’re not surprised that Charles immediately senses that you’re off.
* He’ll silently hand you a canteen full of water and motion for you to drink.
*He and Hosea are the ones that make tea for everyone when they are sick. Hosea focuses on Ginseng whereas Charles likes to use ginger, mint, and elderberry. He’ll occasionally give you something extra special in the drink :)
* Charles is one of the few people that can cook. He’s not a gourmet chef by any means, but he knows what’s he doing with seasoning.
* This dude gives A+ massages. He’s also like walking heater. * He’s been known to carry to your shared tent in order to get you to rest.
* He’ll do extra chores and does what he can to keep Miss Grimshaw off your back.
*He’ll stay up late with you, fingers carding your hair as he tells you stories that he heard growing up.
* He’ll keep Uncle away from your tent. Uncle likes to hang out with sick people so he can claim that he’s “caring for them” and get out of actual work.
* Charles will sometimes make you little gifts out of feathers, bone and whatever other material he can find.
*He is always relieved to see you up and about once again. He gives you a proper greeting later. ;)
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scarfacemarston · 5 years
John Marston Caring for Sick Reader HC
Note: I think the way he’d care for you would change depending on where he is in life. John before Chapter 4 of RDR 2 isn’t as kind or selfless as he is later in the game. By rdr 1, he’s a very different man than he was when he was twenty-six. Link to part 1.    Arthur’s post. Charles’ Post. 
* Just because I think it’s cute: child John is super protective of you, but he doesn’t want to make it look like he cares. Think Damian Wayne from DCU. He’ll drop off a cup of tea or coffee on the table by your bed and hide behind a tree to see if you take it.
* At night, he’ll sit by your tent, but he’s not guarding it. No way. You kiss him on the cheek when you’re feeling better. He’s definitely not blushing. Never.
*As an adult, he still has that caring heart deep inside of him, but he’s still a little insecure about showing it. Fast forward to about 1906 and you couldn’t ask for a better husband.
* John is extremely perceptive. He’s always observing his surroundings and watching over those he loves. Like Arthur, his eyes will narrow on you the second he hears you coughing or notices that you’re not eating as much.
* He’s a little gruff than Arthur is. He still loves you with all his heart, but he is far more likely to drag you to the doctor than Arthur is. John just wants you to get the best care possible.
* He’s actually rather strict but acts this way to hide his anxiety. He’ll carry you off to bed and have someone like Uncle or Jack watch over you.
*He’ll rush through his chores and will either do your chores as well or delegate the rest of the chores.
* He’s been known to run into town at strange hours of the night to fetch whatever it is you need, even if it’s only the food that you are craving.
* Not the best cook, but he thinks that he is a better cook than Abigail was. He tries his best. Funny enough, Uncle is the best cook in the house, but he tries to keep that to himself.
* He’ll pull up a chair and sit by your bedside, holding your hand. When you wake up, you see him glaring into the distance.  He’s already lost too many people in his life to illness. He can’t lose you, too.
* In a moment of weakness, you asked him to hold you. He does so without a second thought. It’s no surprise to either of you when he becomes sick a few days later.
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