#new formatting ahoy!
italiansteebie · 1 year
I could teach you waking up in my t-shirt.
also on ao3 (preferred format) 2.3k Words
Steve Harrington has a really cool T Shirt. 
It was the exact type of shirt no one would expect him to wear, it was soft, and worn, and the design looked hand made, and sometimes there was a long, dark, curly, strand of hair stuck to it, like the person who made it left a piece of themselves there. 
Dustin didn’t know where he got it, or how someone like Steve came across a shirt like this, but any time he asked about it, the teen got… Defensive. 
Once Dustin asked Steve if he could borrow it, and Steve freaked out, like properly freaked out. So he stopped asking about it. It was a little strange how protective Steve was over the shirt, and how he never seemed to wear it to school, or outside of his house. He had to wear it somewhere though, because more often than not that long, dark, hair would be present, and Dustin knows for a fact Steve washes the shirt. 
So where did he get it?
What exactly does “HellFire Club” mean? 
Is it a band?
And Dustin asked all these questions only to be met with a nervous silence from Steve, which was unlike him. So, he stopped asking. There were more pressing matters than Steve’s shirt, like demodogs and Russians under the mall, and the fact that the girl Steve works with somehow knows him better than Dustin, all of a sudden. 
He’s not jealous, though. Well. Not that jealous. But why does she get to know where the shirt came from, and not him? It’s Steve’s biggest mystery, and it was well kept. At least, well kept from him. He remembers the day clearly. He walked into Scoops Ahoy with Steve who already happened to be in his work uniform. He usually changes at work to avoid walking through the mall looking like a Naval monstrosity. He watches the way Robin Buckley smirks, like she’s let in on a secret, “No Hellfire shirt today, Steve-o? Trouble in paradise?” she asks slyly. “Haha. Shut up, Robin.” Steve replies through his teeth, strained. Dustin whips his head around to face Steve. “You talked to her about the shirt? C’mon, Steve! We’re friends!” Dustin whined. Steve pushed his head away, “You’re like, 5, this is grown up talk. Now get back to your mom, she’s gonna freak if you’re late for camp check in.” Dustin sighed, “Whatever. See you later, Steve!” They hugged briefly and Dustin left, the shirt and what Robin Buckley said about it, still rocking around in his brain. 
But then Dustin got back from camp, with a big ass ham radio, a new, very real, girlfriend, and a Russian interception. And suddenly, the t-shirt didn’t seem all that important. In fact, Dustin forgot about it until one fateful day. 
The first day of highschool. 
There he was in all his glory. 
Eddie Munson, and guess what he was wearing.
The shirt.
Steve’s shirt.
So Dustin made it a point to seek the guy out, and in his mission he found that HellFire was not a band, but a DnD club. And that only made him more confused, did Steve secretly belong to a party? And that’s why he never played with them? No way. The betrayal. 
So, Dustin infiltrates the group. 
Along with Mike, and Lucas. 
Because it’s a DnD group, and well… Will’s gone, and they still wanted to play. 
And they become a part of the group. 
It’s fun, and the way Steve’s eyes almost bug out of his head when he sees all of them wearing his shirt is absolutely hilarious. 
Dustin keeps the whole “shirt debacle” to himself. He knows that Steve was in HellFire and didn’t tell any of them. He decided to let him keep his dignity, and put the whole mystery behind him. The only strange thing was, that whenever he brought up Steve during their sessions, the rest of Hellfire got… Weird. Gareth, Jeff, and Grant would smile slyly in Eddie’s direction and Eddie would blush. Did they have some type of falling out? Eddie never seemed to want to talk about Steve, and Steve never seemed to want to talk about Eddie OR HellFire. Why were they pretending not to know each other? It was weird. 
Steve would pick them up from sessions, he and Eddie would share a short wave back and forth, and that was the end of it. It was still weird that Eddie’s hair seemed to get tangled in Steve’s shirt, even though Steve didn’t go to the meetings anymore. In fact, now that Dustin joined, Steve didn’t seem to wear the shirt at all anymore. 
So another mystery was upon him.
But then a cheerleader died, and no one could find Eddie. 
And all of a sudden his face was plastered on the news, his name becoming synonymous with ‘Satan’ and ‘murderer’ which Dustin thought was ridiculous. Eddie Munson was not a violent person, not by any means, in real life. As a dungeon master he could be pretty merciless, but. That was just a game. 
And the newest mystery revolving around Steve and Eddie was put on the back burner.
They found Eddie a few hours later in Reefer Rick’s boathouse, a suggestion made by Steve, the stress too high to consider how he could even know that. But then there was a bottle pressed to his jugular and sorry Eddie, but he needs Steve alive for this. So he pleads until Eddie drops the bottle, Steve’s eyes reading more concern than fear, but Dustin would think about that later. He watches Eddie as Eddie watches Steve be comforted by Robin, wiping the stray tears away, looking back at Eddie with a look that Dustin thought Steve could only give to girls… 
Unfortunately, as entertaining as it was, Steve’s love life was not the hot topic of the moment. So he moved on, and the events unfolded in succession of disaster, like they usually do when the upside down rears its ugly head. And all of a sudden Steve is telling them not to be cute, and Eddie says ‘Make him Pay,’ in a tone that anyone could hear, means something different. 
Nancy delivered the final blow, and Vecna was down. But there was a pit in Steve’s stomach. Something was very, very wrong. So he ran. Nancy and Robin were hot on his heels, shouting for him to slow down but he couldn’t. The scene came into view and Steve couldn’t breathe. Dustin was sobbing over Eddie’s prone body, bats from hell surrounding them. 
Steve could only run faster, he reached them, dropping to his knees. 
“Don’t do that Munson. We’re getting you out of here. I swear to god. If you die, I’m going to fucking kill you.”  
And through his grief clouded brain, Dustin knew Steve meant what he said. 
From that moment on it was a blur, Nancy and Robin helped Dustin limp towards the gate, only looking back to see Steve lifting Eddie from the ground in what looked like sheer will. They’re going to make it out. He can feel it. He’s got to figure out the mystery. And maybe that was a stupid thought, but he was only 15, and that was what gave him hope. 
The gate that split in the Munson trailer was beginning to close, and it was a fight to get through, Dustin didn’t get to see the end though, because when his broken leg was met with the force of hitting the right side up, he passed out. 
He woke to a steady beep and a pressure holding his leg in place. 
He cracked open his eyes to see his mom sitting in the plastic hospital chair next to his bed, reading a book. 
“Dusty,” She gasped, pressing the Call button, and reaching to grab his hand.
“E- Eddie?”
“I- I’m sorry baby.” And for a second, Dustin’s heart dropped, “He’s still in surgery. That earthquake really did a number on him. The doctors think he’s going to pull through.” Dustin breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, and Steve was admitted for his wounds. He’s in the next room over. They’re going to put Eddie with him as soon as he’s in the clear, Steve’s request.” With the news that his friends were okay, and the soothing motion of his mom brushing her hand through his hair, he fell asleep. The next time he woke up it was by a doctor, getting him ready to be discharged with strict orders of rest.
He ended up moving from his room, to making a home in Steve’s room. 
It was weird to see Steve in the hospital, unmoving, hair flat against his forehead. It almost brought tears to his eyes to think about his brother like that, the only thing keeping him together was that Steve was here, awake, and the heart monitor’s beeps were steady and reassuring. 
It had been a few days, Steve’s wounds were healing nicely, and he was allowed to go home. 
Eddie had been cleared from the ICU and moved to a long stay ward. 
He was still asleep, but the doctors said that was his body’s way of healing. That’s what they said about Max too. They were confident both of them would eventually wake up.
Dustin had expected to see Steve around the hospital after his discharge, checking Max, and keeping up with his own check ups. What he didn’t expect to see was him and Eddie’s uncle Wayne in what looked like a heartfelt embrace. He didn’t really mean to eavesdrop, but he also didn’t move away. “He’s gonna wake up, son. I know he’s strong. And I know you’ll be right there waitin’ for him.” Wayne's gruff voice floated through the quiet hospital. Dustin didn’t realize Steve knew Wayne like that but, he guesses it’s from Steve’s secret HellFire days. 
He shook off the initial confusion and went to join the two men in Eddie’s room. They would sit and talk. Talk about Eddie, Steve’s interactions with weird customers, how Wayne was settling in to the new government provided house. Anything. Just to fill the room with sound, to let Eddie know they were there when he was ready to wake up. 
Dustin knew it was going to be an emotional day when Eddie woke up for real. 
He’d been opening his eyes, and saying one word responses for about a week now, and the doctors predicted he’d be starting to wake up for longer periods of time real soon. 
“Eddie! You’re awake, do you feel okay, can I get you any-”
“Slow down, boy.” Wayne said, resting a hand on his shoulder, Dustin pausing as he does. “Any pain, Ed?” 
“Good. They got you on the good stuff.” Wayne chuckled. 
“Steve?” Eddie mumbled, and Dustin was confused for a moment, but he thought that Eddie was probably concerned about the guy that carried him out of hell. Dustin watched as Wayne smiled, “Your boys gone to get some coffee and chips for the kid and I. He’ll be back real soon.” His boy? Interesting… 
Dustin was close to figuring out the mystery, there was just one thing he was missing. He knew these things took time, but this was taking forever, when was he going to figure this out? And right as he finished that thought, Steve walked in. He handed Wayne his coffee and tossed Dustin his chips, floating around the room on autopilot. Wayne and Eddie both watched with familiar fondness, as though they had seen this before. Steve finally let his eyes drift over to Eddie, who was wide awake now, smiling in his direction. “Eddie.” He breathed, eyes wide. 
“Hey, Stevie.”
“Oh, you bastard! I told you not to be cute! I told you,” Steve’s voice cracked, 
Steve slumped over to Eddie, basically crawling into the bed with him, and cried against his chest. Dustin felt as though the solution to the mystery was about to be revealed, were they related? No way. Best friends? Secret Best friends? Perhaps… 
“I told you,”
“I know you did, baby.”
Wait. Baby?
And y’know, he shouldn’t have been so surprised at what happened next. 
“I hate you,”
“No you don’t.”
“You’re right,” Steve sighed, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to Eddie’s lips, savoring the sweet reunion. That is until Dustin breathed in sharply, trying to be quiet so as not to disturb them, but instead choked on a piece of potato chip. He coughed and hacked, and Wayne clapped him on the back and handed him some water, and there was snot and tears running down his face. “Sorry,” He said hoarsely, still partially choking. “I didn't mean to ruin the moment I just-” Steve cut him off with a smile, “You finally put two and two together, huh? Guess I owe you five bucks, Eds.” Dustin watched them carefully. “What?” He asked, only slightly embarrassed at the implication that the two had bet on him. 
“Me and Stevie bet that it’d take us kissing in front of you for you to figure out we’re together. He thought you’d figure it out before that.” Eddie said, smiling through his words. 
“I thought you were smarter than that, Dust. You really let me down,” Steve teased. 
Eddie sighed, “When you saw me in the shirt I thought I had lost for sure, but you never really said anything about it.”
“I thought that Steve might’ve been secretly a part of HellFire…” He trailed, looking down sheepishly. 
Wayne barked out a laugh, “It’s okay, kid. I was bettin’ that you’d figure it out at their weddin.’”
And Dustin gasped at that. “Mr. Uncle Wayne, I'm hurt,” He said dramatically, a hand clutching at his chest. Wayne sighed, “Boy, you are just about as bad as Eddie.”
And both Steve and Wayne shared a good, long laugh when Eddie and Dustin let out simultaneous “Hey!”s. Dustin shook his head, but let a smile rest on his face. This was a better outcome than he could’ve hoped for. 
And if he’d heard Steve and Eddie’s “I love you’s” whispered back and forth as they all settled in for sleep, well. 
He’d just keep that to himself. 
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2024 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest *CLOSED*
Happy Rockman Day! Time for this year's Megaman Summer Fanart Contest rules thread! Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize. CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Pallette Pastiche
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Ms. Museum Curator is back, looking for new pieces of art to display in the Kattleox Art Museum! A couple years ago for Valentine's Day, she needed your creations to display for an exhibit that featured a little bit of red and showed a little bit of love. This summer, her new exhibit is all about pastiche on your palette. What is pastiche? It's an artsy term that essentially means to imitate another work/artist/period. Or to just simplify it, we're talking a parody. So, for this theme, I would like you to parody any work of art, be it a famous painting, sculpture, etc.,…or maybe a piece that isn't as popular…only with Megaman characters involved in it.
As a visual example, way back in the CapcomUnity days, for Mega Man 10's release, there were fanart contests for each new Robot Master. When Solar Man came up, I decided to do an homage of this cognac poster art by Leonetto Cappiello:
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Your possibilities are endless, depending on how ambitious you want to be! Alien Dr. Wily in Munch's 'The Scream,' Botticelli's 'Birth of Shield Sheldon,' Higsby carving the 'Venus de Mariko,' Da Vinci's 'Mona Laika,' or even 'The Last Cross Fusion Supper,' featuring the immortal Barrel and his 12 CF disciples. Just to throw out a few ideas. Content Requirements: * Megaman character(s) of your choice in a parody of a real art piece * please also send me a pic of the actual art piece with your entry, just so we can all see what you were referencing CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Pirates of the Alohahabean
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Y'arr, ahoy me hearties! As voted by you on Twitter, the humor theme this year will be pirate-themed. Pirates have plenty of rep in the franchise, from Classic's Pirate Man, Marty and her band of pirates in Iwamoto's X manga, the Bonne family sky pirates, unused Tribe forms in Star Force, or, well…Ashe huntin' for booty.
For this theme, you can take any of those aforementioned pirate-y characters, or use any others of your choosing dressed up or acting like pirates, in the hunt for treasure. It could be a chest full of zenny, jewels, The Mother Lode, or whatever other booty you can imagine. The only problem is, this pirate treasure hunt is disturbing other characters who are just trying to enjoy a summer day on the beachy sands or the high seas. Your job is to draw the most hilarious scene in which this quest for a glorious bounty goes awry. Savvy?
Content Requirements: * Mega Man character(s) of your choice who are pirates or dressed/act as pirates hunting for treasure * A comical scene where these pirates interrupt a nice day on the beach/in the water for other characters PRIZES: The winners for each category will receive the following: 1st Place: $175 USD 2nd Place: $100 USD 3rd Place: $75 USD SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry: • (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says. • (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1/2, or talent/humor Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character. As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world. Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings. Kids, get your parents permission before entering. Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things as always, the better chance you have! Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic. DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I'll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won't be in the dark about whether or not I've received your entry. DEADLINE: The deadline for this contest will be Sunday, August 25th, 2024 by 11:59PM, global end of day. This gives you over 2 months to finish your entry! MISCELLANEOUS INFO: As usual, If you don't plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries. Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters! Confirmed Entries: Cat 1. - @aw-colorcat, @digitallyfanged, JazzmanZ, Ryan Vogler, @dwn-059, @puyonlilah, Ivo, @purplerubyred, @nightopianfoxgirl, Tori Campan, ArtisIan, @sylviidaee, Cat. 2 - @pstart, @dwn-059, Kamicciolo, @duskblogsthings, AbilityField, ArtisIan, @megagundamman, V-Campan,
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castielslostwings · 2 years
Please help me tell people about my book!
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Hi! I'm publishing a book! It's HERE, just in time for Christmas!! It's GAY!! It's romantic!!! It's HOT! It has firefighters and background sapphic romance, and is exciting AF!!!
I'm very excited, too!
Both U.S. domestic and international friends can order shipped Paperbacks from me directly via my Ko-Fi shop (retailers take less of a cut): https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings/shop Or you can order on amazon directly, this is the only way to get the KINDLE ebook option: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945687126
Standard EPUB format is available to download directly from me for $1 cheaper than Amazon: https://ko-fi.com/s/2a82c64d56
And WILL be available at other retailers soon!
Here's the thing: I had a pretty solid platform on Twitter, but since Elon took over, a lot of my followers left, the algorithm crashed, and the whole thing might go under. I don't have the same reach on other platforms, so I need some help! Please share this post if you like GAY SHIT and BOOKS and helping indie content creators be successful!!! Please follow me or check out my ko-fi for updates! Thanks!!! Here's my pitch, hope you like it:
"Fire & Ice": The flaming hot queer romance novel where a foray into BDSM helps two best friends find themselves, each other, and what it really means to burn. Summary: "Firefighter Tripp Truett has somehow tumbled into a whole new kind of relationship with his quirky paramedic best friend, Lee, but mutual relief from their high-stress jobs quickly develops into something more. With all the missed signals and crossed wires, can these two ever figure out that they're so much closer to being on the same page than they think?"
**************************************** About the author (info dump ahoy!!!!) :
I'm Robin, sometimes known as Wings! I'm a 36-year-old, queer, autistic, disabled mom of 2 humans and 5 senior rescue dogs, former R.N. & paramedic. I'm a hardcore fangirl and a proud fanfic writer (and reader), and while I know some people will judge me for that, I am not ashamed! I started writing as a hobby after becoming physically disabled and unable to work as an RN. Fanfic gave me an audience and an outlet, gifted me purpose and hope again. Transformative fiction is FUN! It fosters creativity and passion, heals wounds, and makes people happy. If someone wants to discredit me for that, then perhaps they aren't the audience I'm seeking.
Ultimately, I know I'm taking a risk, but since people seem to enjoy my fics, this book is my attempt to try and make ends meet through original fiction! I know some people WILL discredit me. But I'm always about being myself and speaking on what I feel matters: Fanfic should be legitimized as a creative medium. I assure you, friends—the thousands of hours I've spent on my fanworks are as REAL as it gets. The intersection of disparaging fanfic + sexism/misogyny can't be overstated—women (esp queer women)'s unpaid work is often treated as a "hobby," not worthy of uplifting. I'm here to uplift! The risk is worth it—I would have nothing without fanfic & I'm proud. Younger creators shouldn't feel shame about writing/reading fanfic. We should ALL approach it as a legitimate medium. In fact, MOST new media these days is transformative "fanwork" of SOME kind, whether it's inspired by, based on, or outright rebooting existing worlds.
Plus, we queer folk simply deserve to see our stories in the mainstream media and to see the characters we fall in love, identify with, and root for to get their happily ever afters.
TL;DR: I'm keeping my name and history. Hopefully, I'll be successful in original fiction, but if not, I'll still be a fangirl. Please consider supporting me + other creators attempting to dip into original works. Follow or subscribe to my ko-fi for previews, updates, access to my discord community where I share exclusive content, and more: https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings FIRE & ICE IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH MULTIPLE PLATFORMS! Ko-Fi subscribers will have the option to buy signed copies & merch bundles! The link to purchase will also be posted there first.
A MAJOR thank you to my friends, editors, and to everyone who in my server for supporting and encouraging me to put myself out there and try something new. Love you guys so much. <3 Thank you to @chaoticdean for the beautiful cover. Many more thank yous to come. P.S. If you are reading this and know anyone with a platform who might be interested in receiving a free copy in exchange for promo (only if they enjoy, ofc), please holler at me, I can use all the help I can get!
<3 Wings
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xirayn · 1 year
Stonathan Week Day 1: Scoops Ahoy - Jonathan helps Steve get ready to sling ice cream.
Hey Sailor
written by @xirayn and @aibhlynn
Trying something new by writing screenplays rather than short stories. Feedback on this format appreciated.
The kitchen is the height of modern interior design circa late 1980s: terra-cotta tile flooring, honey oak cabinets, white countertops and backsplash. JONATHAN is sitting at the island reading a SCOOPS AHOY training manual while STEVE gets a quart of rocky road ice cream from the freezer. There are already bowls on the island, as well as a white sailor’s hat with ‘AHOY’ embroidered in blue across the front.
Greet all customers with a smile and a cheerful 'ahoy'.
JONATHAN looks up at STEVE, who sets the ice cream on the counter.
Ahoy there, sailor. Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain, Steve Harrington.
JONATHAN is trying hard to suppress a smile. Steve rolls his eyes and takes the top off the ice cream.
That wasn't very cheerful.
(Still deadpan)
Ahoy, me hearty lads and lassies, I am Captain Steve and I will be taking you on a magical journey to an ocean of flavor.
It is painfully obvious you have never worked with customers.
I worked at the pool. There were a lot of customers there.
You weren’t serving them. Here, give me the scoop.
JONATHAN reaches for the ice cream scoop and STEVE gives it over without any objection. With the scoop in his hand, JONATHAN smiles with the forced friendliness that comes with working in the service industry.
Ahoy, matey. Are you ready to set sail on an ocean of flavor?
Dude, you look like someone is controlling your facial expressions.
Do you want my help, or not?
Do you want my ice cream or not?
STEVE takes the scoop back as Jonathan laughs.
Fine. Try adding some of that 'Harrington charm' this time.
STEVE runs the scoop over the smooth surface of the ice cream. He looks at JONATHAN through his lashes with the start of a coy grin.
Ahoy, my good sir. I'm Captain STEVE, would you like to set sail with me on a journey through an ocean of flavor?
Do you have anything other than rocky road?
There's mint, butterscotch and Swiss vanilla.
JONATHAN smirks at ‘butterscotch’, trying not to laugh and making Steve tense.
What's wrong with butterscotch?
Nothing, if you're taking your grandkids out for ice cream.
With a tight frown, STEVE returns the scoop of ice cream back to the carton. He closes the carton and returns it to the freezer, coming back with Swiss vanilla. JONATHAN is clearly unimpressed and possibly a bit exasperated by the display.
And there goes your tip - You can't let the customer know you are anything other than happy to serve them.
STEVE pushes the bowl of Swiss vanilla across the island to JONATHAN. His expression remains neutral.
Enjoy your vanilla ice cream, sir.
Oh, come on, are you actually upset?
STEVE hesitates to answer while JONATHAN picks out the chocolate covered almonds from his ice cream.
The very first and last time my mom took me to get ice cream, she got me butterscotch. Last time she said she was proud of me.
You don't have to justify why you like something, Steve. Just like it.
This seems to be a revelation to Steve. He blinks, confused, then laughs lightly with a shake of his head.
You might have a point there.
JONATHAN eats his ice cream while STEVE picks up the hat to idly fidget with as he sits down
Did I mention the Party is already asking me for free ice cream? I haven't even started working yet!
Of course they are. When I worked at the theater, they were always asking if I could sneak them in or get them free popcorn. Their favorite babysitter working at an ice cream shop is basically a dream come true.
STEVE flips the hat onto his head then slumps forward onto the counter, resting his head on his crossed arm.
I fully expect them to beg me to let them sneak in to slip inside the theater unseen once I start working.
And Dustin is the one that suggested you apply?
JONATHAN pushes the ice cream bowl aside so he can mirror STEVE’s posture. They are both grinning slightly with an almost playful energy that hints there is more to their relationship than what is seen at first glance.
You got played, skipper.
Are you going to complain about all the future free ice cream coming your way?
Abusing your employee benefits already?
If I'm going to be forced into abusing them for a bunch of brats, I might as well abuse them for my friends.
So we're friends now?
Dude, we're hanging out in my kitchen eating ice cream.
That's true.
How was your vanilla?
STEVE sits up slightly to take the spoon from the bowl JONATHAN pushed aside to have a taste. When he notices JONATHAN watching his mouth, he pulls the spoon out slowly. STEVE’s tongue flicks over his lips. JONATHAN swallows before looking away.
Scoops Ahoy knows how to make ice cream. I don't get the obsession with chunks, though.
Not even a ribbon of flavor?
That's more understandable. I'm just not into chewing my ice cream.
What can I say. I like nuts.
STEVE is clearly going for a double meaning that JONATHAN glosses over.
I like them, too, but in trail mix or cookies.
I could go for some cookies.
All this ice cream isn't enough?
How much did you see me actually eat, Jon?
I asked if you were ready to set sail on an ocean of flavor.
JONATHAN gets up and goes around the island to lean beside Steve.
What do you say, matey? Want to cast off with me?
STEVE chuckles, amused by JONATHAN’s attempt at flirting. It works, of course, and STEVE takes the hat from his head to put on JONATHAN.
Aye aye, Captain.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Summer Fic Recs!
Did I read as much as I wanted to this summer? Very much no. Did I still get to read some great stuff? Hella yeah! Here's a roundup of all the wonderful things I got to read this summer from a bunch of wonderful writers! Go check them out and send some comments, reblogs, and love their way!
If you want to see what else I've read, you can find my fic rec masterlist here
Rec's below the cut!
Star Wars
No Pairing
Filed Under: Incident Reports by @ghostofskywalker
This is tied with another similar fic by the same author for probably my favorite fic of all time. It is SO funny and written in such a fun and creative format! Basically it's a roundup of incident reports that resulted from Clone shenanigans at a favorite bar. 10/10 fantastic read.
Operation: Rest and Relaxation by @ghostofskywalker
Literally one of my new favorite platonic Star Wars fics. Short, fluffy, funny, and absolutely perfect. The 212th’s general and reader’s Jedi Master needs a nap and, to quote the fic, “Obi-Wan Kenobi was many things, but attuned to his own self-care was not one of them.” Hijinks ensue.
Top Gun
Multiple Pairings
Week One by @jupitercomet
One of the biggest crimes of my hectic schedule is that I don't do a great job of keeping up on all the amazing, FANTASTIC fic this author is writing. Check out any of her stuff and you won't be disappointed, but this one had Rooster, Hangman, and Bob, pranks, and a Formula 1 AU. Literally what else could you ask for????
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
The Trial Run by @jupitercomet
I think this series is also in an earlier rec post of mine, but it's fantastic. I'm not completely caught up, but I'm going to be ASAP. Very soft and sweet, and I'm a big fan of reformed frat boy Bradley in this AU (even though he's still sort of going through the process lol)
Xu Shang-Chi x Reader
The Compass Part 1 & Part 2 by @never--doubt
Absolutely adorable soulmate AU! Shang-Chi is one of my favorite ever characters, and this is a very sweet two part fic with the reader and him getting closer as friends and also as soulmates! Literally what more could you ask for?
Miguel O'Hara x Reader
i'm not cute by @sunflowersteves
A very very very sweet and fluffy fic with the grumpiest version of Spider-Man. Exactly the adorable domestic vibes I needed to read after seeing this movie. Bonus, I actually understood the Spanish without needing translation, which I'm personally happy about!
Tony Stark x Reader
A Bed Big Enough For Two by @trekkingaroundasgard
I don't usually read for Tony but I'm SO GLAD I read this! Some ADORABLE hurt/comfort that focuses on the comfort with a Tony Stark this is so in character in the absolute best and most endearing way possible. Nicola, you're amazing
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington x Reader
Absolutely Smitten by @starryeyedstories
Absolutely amazing and adorable and funny and so so good! I love Steve so much lol, and watching him work with a coworker he has a crush on in his peak dorky Scoops Ahoy era is incredible. Great appearances from Robin and Dustin too. Very very fun and fluffy.
The Vampire Diaries
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
salvation by @starlightsalvatore
Literally such a sweet fic, similar to the scene where Klaus saves Caroline from the werewolf bite but with (imo) a more fun twist and attitude for the reader. Very sweet with a great sprinkling of humor, too. The lines "Playing with werewolves, are we?" "Thought it was a golden retriever" will live in my head forever lmao
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Not For Him by @iwritefandomimagines
This was a heart-achingly adorable fic for Benedict, with a very fluffy ending and a very helpful appearance from Antony "shitstirrer" Bridgerton to get his brother and best friend headed in the right direction. FANTASTIC read.
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rigginsstreet · 6 months
The Duffers trying to peddle the whole found family, outcasts band together arc is so fucking funny to me because:
Nancy was never an outcast, they just gave her that shitty 'preppy popular girl gets moral angst so becomes a badass gun wielding apocalyptic grunge princess overnight' arc and then literally never showed her at school again so even if she did become an outcast, you actually never see it. In fact, we see multiple times beyond that that she's still very much considered the polite, proper, middle-upper class small town girl by any of her peers who aren't The Gang.
Barb. Chubby shy girl always in the preppy princess' shadow as the holy voice of reason, invited along as nothing but the moral support so Nancy can get laid. Dead. Dead and forgotten by literally everyone except her parents and used as a character device for Nancy (and by extension her romance with Steve.)
Steve is only technically an outcast by association. Sure, he has that fight with Tommy, but Tommy and the dude always kissing ass in Tommy's shadow are the only ones we ever see actually like. Treating Steve any differently, arcade manager dude aside (who just does not give a shit about anyone else anyway.) If the Duffers had actually properly shown Steve at school like Nancy we would've seen that while he might not have been as popular, he definitely wouldn't be sat alone in the corner. I mean come on he was in Scoops Ahoy and still getting flirted with. If you actually peeled him away from The Gang for like five minutes he'd be top of the food chain again.
The actual outcasts themselves pick and choose who is and isn't allowed in The Gang and will immediately turn on each other the moment one of them doesn't meet the standard, as we clearly saw with Lucas, who literally just got into sport and made a few friends on the team. They turn on each other constantly, weaponize their knowledge of each other as and when it suits them, and clearly have a classification of what is and isn't the 'right' kind of outcast. (coughBillyHargrovecough.) Which is exactly the behavior they resent the 'normies' for.
Apropos Billy. The Duffers literally said "its about outcasts and found family and coming together against monsters both human and not" and then also said "except for the traumatised queer-coded abuse victim. We very very clearly want you to know he is the most evil of evil out there and his sole purpose is to get beaten up and die." They decided Steve Harrington couldn't die so they made his evil gay clone. The literal only way they could think of to make Billy "bad" was to have him shout at Lucas and beat up Steve. They said "his ass is too big for him to live but we're gonna ride it for the entire PR train."
Speaking of queer-coded outcasts and dying. I know you hate Eddie Munsen, but he was basically the Queer Canary 2.0. The Duffers really said "anyone who would not be on a Home and Garden magazine cover must be shot on sight." Joe and Joseph started getting a lil too homerotic and the Duffers started loading up the gun.
And controversial but Robin. I love love love Robin but its really like the Duffers said "we have to keep one queer alive to avoid the homophobia allegations" and then after months at the drawing board they just shrugged and said "why don't we just copy-paste Steve but change the formatting to lesbian?"
And like. Its been shown that the moment all these so-called outcasts are separated, suddenly, they're not really that outcast anymore! They're all growing up, getting hobbies, making new friends, realizing that they don't have quite as much in common as they thought they did. Will and Dustin are the only two who kind of stay on the hem of that original format.
I'm not even going to talk about whatever the fuck that was with Eleven running away to some fever dream Murder Goths™ secret club. Not even the Duffers want to talk about it. It genuinely makes me think of the Twilight baseball scene. Its like you know the vision they had in mind when they thought it up but then its like they asked AI to create it.
Stranger Things is just the Duffers' Wattpad Mary Sue Y/N fanfiction.
Don’t you DARE disrespect the twilight baseball scene like this
No one in this life could ever convince me Eddie is queer like god himself could stand before me and I will tell him he is wrong
Billy being Steve’s evil gay clone is so real tho I’ll give you that
Um it’s 2024 are we all ready to admit the party is just the nerd boy version of the plastics? Are we ready to have that conversation? I’m ready to have that conversation
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knight-tale · 1 year
Part 5
I nod in gratitude and open the doors.
Upon stepping through, I’m startled by the sudden cold.
The doors slam shut, and I get thrown forward into the snow.
I see a sign. It says, “The Skeleton Brothers o' the jolly Puerto Nevado do bid ye welcome to the giant, frostbitten expanse o' Snowdin.”
“Most wondrous,” I mutter under my breath, “Snowdin is a frostbitten wasteland! I shouldst not beest surprised, though, seeing how the name gives t hence. Not only yond, but these Skeleton Broth'rs art pirates, if 't be true this sign is aught to wend by.”
I stand up and begin trudging forward, avoiding frostbite by summoning a few fire minions and having them walk in a tight formation around me.
After trudging forward for only half a minute, I hear a voice behind me.
“do ye not know 'ow to greet a new matey? yarr, ye should turn around, bonnie lass, an' shake me 'and.”
I whirl around and hold up my sword.
“oh, a feisty lass this here one be, eh? don't worry, knight, I ain't a violent gentleman o' fortune. the name be sans, sans the skeleton. or, as me brother likes to call me, the laziest o' bones in all o' snowdin.”
I lower my sword and glare at Sans. I can see how he looks like a pirate, I mean he’s got the shirt and the pants and the boots. He’s wearing a white tunic, blue-gray overcoat, black breeches, and brown boots. I notice his twin cutlasses on his sides.
“If 't be true thou art not termagant, then wherefore doth thee has't those cutlasses?”
“oh, these be just fer self-defense an' duelin'.”
"I seeth. Well, if 't be true thee couldst leadeth me to the nearest town, yond'd beest most wondrous."
"oh, i can't do that there. now, me brother, papyrus, would be the one to ask," he says. He turns around, points at a not-so-distant watchtower, and says, "when 'e ain't on our flagship or doin' a job fer undyne, ye can find 'im in that there watchtower, lookin' fer someone in need o' 'elpin'."
“Thy broth'r sounds liketh an... int'resting... pirate if 't be true that gent wanteth a chance to holp people. And what about thee? Art thee as gentle as thy broth'r?”
“aye, i do 'appen to be as friendly as me brother. come an' follow me. I'll take ye to papyrus. 'e'll be able to 'elp ye get to the nearest town.”
Sans leads me to the base of the watchtower. We get there right as another skeleton pirate comes down. My first instinct is to hide, and I’m too cold to fight the urge, so I hide behind a snow mound. Sans sees this and shrugs.
“ye know humans turn into monsters upon fallin' into mt. ebott. it be almost impossible to tell humans from monsters.”
Oh nay. I've been discov'r'd. I shouldst cometh out from behind this snow pile. ... Wherefore can I not moveth?
I realize with fear that my body must’ve mostly frozen over. I try to summon fire to thaw myself, but I’m too cold to even do that.
“uh, well, if there been a human, then they'd be frozen behind that there snow pile.”
Papyrus walks around the snow pile that I’m behind, and I see him approach as darkness encircles me.
My internal temperature is too low to stay conscious.
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ellegaard · 1 year
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──⇌• 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 •⇋──
This singlemuse blog is for Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer, from Minecraft: Story Mode!! Semi-sporadic activity, safe for work, crossover/OC friendly, a sideblog- and I'm so happy to have you here!! ☺️
𝑰𝒔 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒌𝒂𝒚?
Absolutely!! 💜 There's no one exclusive ship here, and we can even scream about it together in DMs if you'd like!! 💜
Ahoy there, I'm Nova!! (She/her!!) ☺️ Thank you so much for stopping by my rules page! My main is @novatheastropirate, and it's what my likes and follows will come from- so if you see a random purpley profile accidentally like a thread, don't worry!!! It's still me!! 💜
I'm not a minor, but I'm also under 21- and this blog won't ever feature anything nsfw or explicitly sexual in nature!! 💜
I'm always open to learning what I can do better! If there's ever anything I can change, like making certain things easier to read, formatting things more accessibly, or tagging content that's a trigger, you never have to feel anxious about letting me know! I want to make this as fun and safe as possible, even if you're just scrolling by!! ☺️
My writing style is pretty fluid, and I can match lengths; I always try to have at least two paragraphs!! (I can also get really verbose too- so if my replies look like an APA research paper, please don't worry about having to match it!! ✨) I'll never rush your replies, so please take all the time you need- real life and your own wellbeing always come first!! 💜
Whenever my classes let me, I like to do art- so you might get a spontaneous ask answer doodle, or even a little something based on a thread we have!! 💜
I think this is just about everything!! If you ever have any questions about writing with me, or you just want to stay a while and read, I'm usually always nearby- and I'm so delighted to have you here! Have a wonderful day!! ✨
𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔
All icons, borders, and art old and new on this blog are made by yours truly!! ☺️ Any screenshots are from the game itself too!!
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vampireimiko · 21 days
omg could you a write a steve harrington x reader where the kids meet her not knowing that she’s dating steve (maybe set when he’s working at scoops with robin) and they find out they’re dating and are basically like “how did yall start dating, she’s wayyy too cool for you” and they’re like straight clowning him
Girlfriend ?!
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warnings, none!
note, this was so fun to write oh my god 😭 it's been finished for a few days but i started slacking up on formatting these to post 😓
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“Oof, excuse me!” you said, surprised, as you bumped into someone while navigating the crowded mall.
“It’s okay, we’re good,” Dustin responded, trying to sound nonchalant despite the fact that he had nearly tripped over his own feet.
“Yeah, it’s cool!” Lucas added quickly, giving you a brief, awkward smile.You flashed them a warm smile in return, not noticing the way Dustin’s and Lucas’s eyes widened slightly.
“Sorry about that! Busy day, huh?” you said, your tone light and friendly.
“Uh, yeah,” Dustin stammered, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “No worries.”
As you continued on your way, they exchanged a look, still processing the encounter. Lucas was the first to recover, nudging Dustin. “Dude, was that Y/N?”
Dustin blinked, his brain catching up to what just happened. “No way,” he muttered, more to himself than to Lucas. “That was Y/N?”
“I think so,” Lucas replied, his voice laced with a mix of awe and disbelief. “She was, like, the coolest girl in Hawkins High, What’s she doing here?”
“I don’t know, man, but that was definitely her,” Dustin said, still trying to wrap his head around it. “And she just talked to us. Like, it was no big deal.”
They stood there for a moment, staring in the direction you had gone, when Lucas suddenly noticed where you were headed. “Wait... is she going to Scoops Ahoy?”
Dustin turned to look, his eyes narrowing as he saw you approaching the ice cream shop. “Why would she be—” His words trailed off as realization dawned on him. “No way.”
They watched in stunned silence as you walked up to the counter, where Steve Harrington was busy serving customers. You leaned over the counter with a bright smile, and Steve’s face lit up the moment he saw you. He quickly handed off his task to Robin and stepped out to greet you.
“Dude, are you seeing this?” Lucas whispered, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"I'll see you later, hot stuff!" Steve exclaimed, a playful grin lighting up his face as he leaned in to kiss you goodbye. His lips brushed yours briefly, but the warmth lingered long after he pulled away. With a final wink, he adjusted the Scoops Ahoy hat perched on his head and headed back into the ice cream shop.
"Have a good day, I love you!" you called after him, giggling as you watched him disappear through the door. You turned, still smiling, and started down the bustling mall corridor. You had a list of things to buy for your date night with Steve, and you were excited to surprise him with his favorite snacks and a new mixtape.
As you strolled through the busy mall, unbeknownst to you, a pair of wide eyes followed your every move.
From behind a row of potted plants, Dustin peered out, his jaw practically on the floor. "Lucas, I'm telling you there's no way she's with Steve!" he cried out in utter disbelief. He ducked back down quickly, glancing at Lucas, who was crouched beside him, equally stunned. "There’s no way someone as cool and as hot as her is dating The Steve Harrington."
Lucas rolled his eyes, barely suppressing a laugh. "Well, why the hell did they just kiss, Dustin?!" he hissed, giving Dustin a sharp flick on the forehead for emphasis.
"Shit! What'd you do that for?" Dustin grumbled, rubbing his forehead. He peeked over the plant again, watching as you turned a corner, still looking completely at ease. "Okay, maybe they did kiss. But that doesn't mean they're dating," he insisted, though his voice held a note of doubt.
Lucas shook his head in exasperation. "What else do you think it means? A farewell ritual? You’re in denial."
Before Dustin could argue further, they heard a familiar voice behind them, tinged with curiosity and a hint of annoyance. "What are you guys doing?"
"SHHHH!" Both Dustin and Lucas said in unison, shushing Mike. "Quick, get down!" Dustin whispered urgently, waving his hands to usher Mike to the ground beside them. Mike hesitated, his brows knitting together in confusion, but he eventually crouched down.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Mike questioned starting to get annoyed with how sudden this all was.
"You see that girl over there? In the food mart," Lucas said, nodding subtly in your direction. You were busy picking out Steve’s favorite chips, blissfully unaware of the commotion you were causing.
"Yeah what about her?" Mike asked with a bemused expression.
"That's Steve's girlfriend," Dustin whispered dramatically, as if revealing a state secret.
Mike raised an eyebrow. "Steve's girlfriend? Like, Steve Steve? Harrington? Since when does he have a girlfriend? And how do you guys know?"
"We just saw them kiss!" Lucas explained, his voice hushed but excited. "She’s way out of his league, man."
Mike glanced back at you, then at his friends. "I mean... good for Steve, I guess?" He shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant, but there was a flicker of interest in his eyes. "So, why are we hiding behind a plant?"
"Because it’s weird!" Dustin whispered back, a touch of exasperation in his voice. "I mean, come on, Steve Harrington dating someone who’s actually, like, awesome? We gotta figure out what’s going on."
"I say we go ask Steve about her." Lucas said, clearly just wanting to be nosy.
Mike snorted. "How would you even approach Steve about something like this? 'Hey, Steve, we were spying on you and saw you kissing your super cool girlfriend. Care to explain?'"
Dustin rolled his eyes. "We don’t have to be that blunt. We can just... you know, casually bring it up."
"Yeah, because we’re so good at being casual," Mike said sarcastically.
"What's going on?" A familiar ginger behind them said, accompanied by Eleven and Will.
"SHHHHHH!" The 3 said all the while still crouched.
"What are you doing?" Max asked, looking down at the three boys crouching behind the potted plants. Her tone was more curious than annoyed, but there was a definite hint of impatience in her voice.
"We’re investigating," Dustin whispered back, gesturing for Max, Eleven, and Will to get down and join them. "Come on, join the stakeout."
Max raised an eyebrow but crouched down anyway, exchanging a glance with Eleven and Will, who were both clearly intrigued. "Investigating what?" Will asked, looking over at the food mart where you were still shopping.
"Steve’s new girlfriend," Lucas said, as if it should have been obvious. "We saw them kiss."
Max smirked. "Wow, Steve actually landed someone? Good for him."
"Yeah, but that’s not the weird part," Dustin added quickly. "She’s, like, really cool. Like, way cooler than Steve. It doesn’t make sense."
"Wait, holy shit, is that The Y/N? Steve's dating her?" Max asked genuinely surprised, in her eyes you could most definitely do better than Steve.
"Yeah, that’s her," Dustin confirmed, his voice still tinged with disbelief. "Can you believe it? Steve freaking Harrington, dating her."
Max leaned in closer, trying to get a better look at you through the aisles of the food mart. "I mean, Steve’s okay, but Y/N? She’s, like, the coolest person in Hawkins. How did he pull that off?"
Lucas shrugged. "Maybe she likes his hair. Or maybe she’s never heard about all his terrible date stories."
"Or she has and thinks they're funny," Will suggested, grinning. "Steve does have a way of growing on people."
Eleven, who had been quietly watching, tilted her head, a thoughtful look on her face. "She looks happy," she observed. "Steve makes her smile."
"Okay sure but, can we stop spying on her like creeps and just go ask Steve about her?" Max asked hastily, really wanting to know how this rarepair came about.
"Yeah, seriously," Mike added, finally standing up and brushing off his shorts. "This is getting weird."
Dustin sighed, but nodded in agreement. "Fine, let’s go talk to him. But we need to be cool about it."
"Right, because we’re always so good at being cool," Lucas said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he got to his feet.
Max smirked as she watched them. "Good luck with that," she teased before leading the group out of their hiding spot.
As they made their way toward Scoops Ahoy, you were just finishing up at the food mart, blissfully unaware of the mini-stakeout that had just taken place. When you stepped back into the mall, you noticed the group approaching Steve’s workplace. You smiled, thinking it was sweet how much Steve's friends cared about him.
The kids walked into Scoops Ahoy with a mix of determination and awkwardness, and Steve looked up from behind the counter, raising an eyebrow at their sudden appearance. "Hey, what’s up, guys?" he asked casually.
Dustin exchanged a quick glance with the others before stepping forward. "Uh, hey, Steve. We, uh, saw you earlier, with... someone."
Steve's eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion.
"With who? There's tons of customers that come here everyday dude."
Dustin shifted on his feet, glancing at Lucas and the others for support. "Yeah, but... we saw you with Y/N."
Steve’s expression softened, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Oh, you mean my girlfriend?"
"Bullshit! No way your with someone as nice and cool as her." Lucas said, his tone a mix of disbelief and admiration.
Steve raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Why’s that so hard to believe? Just because I’m a goofball doesn’t mean I can’t date someone amazing."
Will hesitated, then asked, "So, how did this happen? What’s the story?"
Steve shrugged casually. "We just hit it off. She’s great, and she makes me better. It’s really as simple as that."
A soft voice interrupted the conversation.
"Steve? Your shift almost over?"
Steve looked up, his face lighting up as he saw you approaching the counter. “Hey, Y/N! Just about—” He glanced at the clock on the wall. “—a few more minutes.”
You smiled at Steve and then noticed the group of kids standing around. “Oh, hi there,” you said, giving them a friendly wave. "I saw you guys walk in a few minutes ago. It's nice to finally formally meet all of you! Steve talks about you guys all the time."
The kids exchanged surprised glances, their previous astonishment now mixed with curiosity.
“Hi, again” Dustin said, attempting to sound casual. “I’m Dustin, and this is Lucas, Will, Eleven, and Max.”
Max, now more relaxed, offered a smile. “Nice to meet you. Steve’s told us a lot about you, too.” She says coming up with a quick lie for him.
"Yep!" The rest said quickly agreeing, not wanting to embarrass Steve for the first time ever.
You laughed softly. “That’s sweet of him. He’s pretty great himself."
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additional note ! this is probably my top 10 favorite works i've written bye, also requests are currently open!
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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girlaux · 21 days
I recently got a new laptop (used, but it was a display model), and I can finally fulfill my anime DVD authoring dreams I've had for a few years now. It's complicated, but it's so much fun getting all the files together and making the cases, and my reward at the end is another DVD for my collection! But there's so many series that I want to make a physical copy for, and there's pros and cons for both. So far, I've sharpened it down to two series, because I wanna play them on my CRT tv.
First series is Sugar Sugar Rune, a series I've never finished but own merch for. I have a raw rip of the series that came with soft subtitles that are just formatted in the cutest way.
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Maybe I just don't watch enough anime, but most of the fansubs I see are classic Black and White Arial burned on the video. So if I could get these subtitles onto a disc without any alteration, I'd die happy! And along with that, the quality is very good, probably the best it could look without AI upscaling (which I don't plan to do). Overall, not a lot of work for me besides finding stuff for special features, designing the cases, and authoring the actual discs. Maybe I'll run into issues with the subtitles but whatever. I'll figure it out.
The second series is Patalliro, a series I actually have finished and even have favorite episodes of. I don't have merch for it like SSG, but that's because it was STOLEN!!!!! Very long story. And it's the series I've always wanted to burn on a disc, right from the very beginning of my authoring fascination. In fact, it's exciting to think about, because I have rips of the series that are in very lovely quality (compared to what I've seen get passed around). Walk with me for a moment...
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The left is the episodes available online on your *usual* sites (ahoy matey, whatever), whereas the right is my files. It's not the biggest quality bump in the world, since I believe Toei has only remastered this series up to 'High Quality SD', so no 1080p goodness here. But no compression, and the noise on the picture makes me all fuzzy inside.
My only issue is the subtitles. As far as I know, there are no SRT files floating around for this series that I just need to download and put into my authoring program. I need to manually make subtitles for all 49 episodes. Which is whatever, like I can make them fancy like the SSG subs and copy the aarinfantasy subs. I just don't wanna rewatch a full series to do these subs :(. I'm lazyyyyyy.
I also need to find special features for my discs. These are for my personal use, but I wanna make them as cool as possible, ya know?? Less 'I just put episodes on a disc and called it a day' and more 'I'm doing this out of the love in my heart'. I have a few commercials for both series that I'll be using, but I haven't been able to find anything like interviews or stuff in that nature. I'm mostly taking inspo from my Geneon and ADV DVDS here. Not sure if anyone is going to reply to this, but if anyone does, I'd appreciate input! Especially if you're familiar with either series, or DVD/BluRay authoring! That is all.
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stobinesque · 1 year
(for the fic ask game ;p)
🫶🫶🫶i grinned like a little fool when i saw this, thanks gerry 🥰
also asfjdklansk i am answering these out of order because have to put the answer to one of them under a cut
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
somehow no matter what the number is the answer is always not enough!! If I am posting something to AO3 I will usually revise it at least three times and then proofread it at each point it switches to a new text editor. So a chapter of a fic will generally get: a rough draft, a first pass through to fill in placeholders and make major edits, a second pass through to revise whatever things got added in the first pass through, and 3 to 5ish more passthroughs to make sure everything feels relatively coherent to me. When I export from Scrivener to Word/GDocs (usually Word) I do a quick proofread. When I paste from Word/GDocs to the AO3 text editor I do a formatting copyedit (usually I don't do a full proofread, I just check for obvious places the formatting may have gotten fucked). And then I preview the chapter before posting it just to be sure.
...and then I inevitably find a grammatical error the next time I reread the fic. I have been thinking about figuring out beta readers for my next few big projects because revising all of phryctoria on my own was exhausting D:
prompt fills and ficlets on tumblr get a less intense version of that process, but still probably roughly one major revision and one major proofread.
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Okay, I'm intentionally picking people who are not my mutuals because that feels like trying to pick between favorite children and also stresses me out, so:
@pukner has written several of my favorite Steddie fics in the fandom from well before I was on ST tumblr. I read a lot of Steddie fic before having seen all of seasons 3 and 4 (long story), and I think in that period of time that I was first devouring steddie fics pukner's fics were the ones that captured the potential that I'd seen in both Steve & Eddie as well as Steve and Robin's dynamics from what I had seen of both seasons. Also got me hooked on genderqueer!Steve who gets to attend Girls' Night.
I'm a sucker for a good character study and a good queer culture exploration and scoops-ahoy on AO3 has done both of those things excellently multiple times and I will eat it up always. everyone should read the shame is on the other side.
I've also enjoyed everything I've read by oaseas and I think the throughline is that they just write the whole ensemble really well? Like the love jumps out, you know? Excellent found family vibes. also paradise by the dashboard light. is just. a work of genius.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
okay this is the one i have to put below a cut bc it got kinda nsft.
hmmm, I don't think so? Mostly because I don't...really believe in guilty pleasures? I guess there are a few things that I enjoy reading that are popular to rag on in fandom spaces. e.g.: I am not personally interested in water sports, but have enjoyed almost every single water sports fic I have come across [sidebar: ACTUALLY--given how prevalent "wet & messy" is as a trope in the steddie fandom I'm frankly a little surprised there aren't more pissplay fics out here??]. I also really enjoy a good deal of omegaverse fics (I'm just pickier about them than I am with other fic genres).
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shecallsbs · 1 year
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Why ahoy there!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! ✨ I'll do my best to keep this as short as I possibly can!! ☺️
I'm Nova, (she/her), and welcome to my Friday Night Funkin' rp sideblog!! I'm pretty new to a lot of this, even if it isn't my first rp blog- but I'm so excited to write with you!! Here are some of my most important blog details:
This singlemuse blog is for Lauren Dearest, better known as "BS"- she's an OC set in the Friday Night Funkin' Universe! Lauren and the Dearest family she belongs to were made by me, but Friday Night Funkin' sure wasn't!! ☺️
I have two other rp blogs for different fandoms!! You can also find me at @ellegaard, and @ourladyoflight !! ☺️
This is a sideblog so I can get to my inbox easier- my main is @novatheastropirate, and it's what my likes and follows will come from!! ✨
I'm always open to learning what I can do better! If there's ever anything I can change, like making certain things easier to read, formatting things better, or triggering things, I'm always willing to listen!! I want to make sure that this is fun and safe for others, too. ☺️
I'm not a minor, but I'm also under 21- and I'm not willing to do NSFW or explicit scenes!
Mun ≠ Muse!! If she's poked or prodded too much, or if she's being threatened, BS might say or do things that come off a bit snippish- but that'll never, ever reflect my feelings towards you!! (I love leaving little notes from myself in the tags too, and you'll always be able to distinguish between us- but if you're ever worried, I'll never be upset or angry if we talk about it! ☺️💜)
My writing style is really fluid, and I can match lengths- I always try to have at least two paragraphs!! (I can also get really verbose too- so if my replies look like a MLA research paper, please don't worry about having to match it!! ✨) I try to respond as early as I conveniently can, and communicate when I might have delays- especially in cases of exam seasons, or life being life!
I love plotting, shipping, and even just saying hello!! (I also love listening to people talk about their muses!!!) I’m pretty much always reachable through Tumblr’s DM system- and if you’d like my Discord, we can talk there too! 💜
I think this is just about everything!! If you ever have any questions about writing with me- especially in terms of shipping, or anything else- my DMs are always open, and I'm always excited to meet you! Stay peachy, and thanks so much for giving me and my writing a shot!! 😊✨
(Art Credits:
Animated Blog Banner Art, Profile Picture Fanart, and Roleplay Assets: Self-made! ✨ @novatheastropirate
Blog Theme Credit to @/starlightthemes!!)
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mediadiscord · 1 year
New Comic Book Releases - 4/19/23
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. If you want to see what you may have missed in the past, check here A WAVE BLUE WORLDTower #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Loyiso Mkize & Andrew Dalhouse), $4.99Tower #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Loyiso Mkize & Andrew Dalhouse Virgin Variant), AR ABLAZE PUBLISHINGMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover A Olivier Vatine), $3.99Mighty Barbarians #1 (Cover B Francesco Tomaselli), $3.99Mighty Barbarians #1 (Cover C Emanuele Gizzi), $3.99Mighty Barbarians #1 (Cover D Giuseppe Cafaro The Brave And The Bold #28 Homage Variant), $3.99Mighty Barbarians #1 (Cover E Blank Variant), $10.00Mighty Barbarians #1 (Cover F Olivier Vatine Virgin Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover G Francesco Tomaselli Virgin Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover H Emanuele Gizzi Virgin Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover I Giuseppe Cafaro The Brave And The Bold #28 Homage Virgin Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover J Olivier Vatine Line Art Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover L Zoe Thorogood New Art Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover M Emanuele Gizzi Line Art Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover N Giuseppe Cafaro The Brave And The Bold #28 Homage Line Art Variant), ARMighty Barbarians #1 (Cover O Zoe Thorogood New Format Art Edition), AR ABRAMS APPLESEEDStar Wars Return Of The Jedi Board Book HC, $12.99 ABRAMS COMICARTS – MEGASCOPELast Count OF Monte Cristo GN, $24.99 AC COMICSSuperbabes Starring Femforce #14, $5.95 ACONYTEMarvel Crisis Protocol Novel Into The Dark Dimension SC, $16.95Marvel Untold Novel The Tyrant Skies SC, $16.95 AFTERSHOCK COMICSChicken Devil Volume 2 #3, $4.99 AHOY COMICSBillionaire Island Cult Of Dogs #6 (Of 6), $4.99 AMULET BOOKSWe Are The Smurfs Volume 1 Welcome To Our Village GN, $8.99 ANDREWS MCMEELAdventure Kingdom Volume 2 A Knight Of The Realm GN, $12.99Adventure Kingdom Volume 2 A Knight Of The Realm HC, $21.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSBetty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #313, $9.99Chilling Adventures Presents The Cult Of That Wilkin Boy #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99Chilling Adventures Presents The Cult Of That Wilkin Boy #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Robert Hack), $3.99 AWA STUDIOSBlack Tape #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99Black Tape #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Dave Johnson), $3.99Black Tape #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Chris Ferguson Heavy Metal Homage Variant), $3.99Black Tape #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Dan Panosian Black & White Virgin Variant), AR BLACK MASK STUDIOSGangster Ass Barista #2 (Cover A Conor Hughes & Fin Cramb), $4.99Gangster Ass Barista #2 (Cover B Conor Hughes & Fin Cramb), $6.99Gangster Ass Barista #2 (Cover C Conor Hughes & Fin Cramb Foil Variant), $6.99Gangster Ass Barista #2 (Cover D Daniel Cooney & Lisa Gonzales), $4.99Gangster Ass Barista #2 (Cover E Daniel Cooney & Lisa Gonzales Foil Variant), ARGangster Ass Barista #2 (Cover F Conor Hughes & Fin Cramb Spot Color Variant), ARGodkiller For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice #2 (Cover A Anna Muckracker), $4.99Godkiller For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice #2 (Cover B Anna Muckracker), ARGodkiller For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice #2 (Cover C Anna Muckracker), AR BOOM! STUDIOSExpanse Dragon Tooth #1 (Of 12)(Cover A Christian Ward), $4.99Expanse Dragon Tooth #1 (Of 12)(Cover B E.M. Gist), $4.99Expanse Dragon Tooth #1 (Of 12)(Cover C Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), ARExpanse Dragon Tooth #1 (Of 12)(Cover D Salvador Larroca Virgin Variant), ARExpanse Dragon Tooth #1 (Of 12)(Cover E Christian Ward Virgin Variant), ARHarrower #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Brahm Revel), $4.99Harrower #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Aaron Campbell Virgin Variant), ARHouse Of Slaughter #14 (Cover A Mateus Manhanini), $3.99House Of Slaughter #14 (Cover B Werther Dell’Edera), $3.99House Of Slaughter #14 (Cover C Danny Luckert Connecting Card Stock Variant), $4.99House Of Slaughter #14 (Cover D Danny Luckert Virgin Variant), ARHouse Of Slaughter #14 (Cover E Skan Virgin Variant), ARHouse Of Slaughter #14 (Cover F Werther Dell’Edera Black & White Virgin Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 (Cover B Jorge Corona), $3.99Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 (Cover C Bon Bernardo Virgin Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 (Cover D Jorge Corona Virgin Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 (Cover E Taurin Clarke Virgin Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers Recharged Volume 1 TP, $16.99Vampire Slayer #13 (Cover A Skylar Patridge), $4.99Vampire Slayer #13 (Cover B Yoshi Yoshitani), $4.99Vampire Slayer #13 (Cover C Skylar Patridge Virgin Variant), AR BOUNDLESS COMICSJungle Fantasy Secrets Ivory Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $24.99Lady Death Frisky Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Outrage Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Roguish Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Threshold Allure Wraparound Bag Set (4 Count) , $19.99Threshold Ravening Covers Bag Set (4 Count) , $19.99 BROKEN TREE COMICSCryptidnals #1 (Of 7), $4.99 COFFIN COMICSLa Muerta Primeval #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Sun Khamunaki), $8.99La Muerta Primeval #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Anthony Spay Huntress Variant), $8.99La Muerta Primeval #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Mike Debalfo Premium Foil Variant), ARLa Muerta Primeval #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Steven Butler Daredevil #1 Homage Variant), ARLa Muerta Primeval #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Sorah Suhng), ARLady Death Sacrificial Annihilation #1 (Of 2)(Raw Edition), $25.00Lady Death Sacrificial Annihilation #2 (Of 2)(Chamber Of Coffins Edition), $25.00 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1861, ARComic Shop News FCBD 2023 Special, AR DAIKAIJUG-Fan #139, $8.95 DARK HORSE COMICSAll Eight Eyes #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Piotr Kowalski), $3.99All Eight Eyes #1 (Of 4)(Cover B James Stokoe), $3.99Art Of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands HC, $49.99Ask For Mercy Volume 1 TP, $29.99B.P.R.D. Omnibus Volume 5 TP, $29.99Critical Role Vox Machina Coloring Book SC, $19.99Light Carries On HC, $19.99Order And Outrage #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Rags Morales), $4.99Order And Outrage #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Jim Starlin), $4.99Star Wars The High Republic Adventures The Nameless Terror #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Ornella Savarese), $4.99Under Kingdom TP, $14.99 DC COMICSBatgirls #17 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99Batgirls #17 (Cover B David Marquez Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batgirls #17 (Cover C Robbi Rodriguez Card Stock Variant), ARBatman #357 (Facsimile Edition)(2nd Printing Cover A Blank Variant), $4.99Batman Fear State Saga TP, $29.99Batman Superman World’s Finest #14 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99Batman Superman World’s Finest #14 (Cover B Serg Acuna Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Superman World’s Finest #14 (Cover C Simone Di Meo Superman Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Superman World’s Finest #14 (Cover D Hayden Sherman Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Superman World’s Finest #14 (Cover E Nikola Cizmesija Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Who Laughs The Deluxe Edition HC, $39.99Black Adam #10 (Of 12)(Cover A John Giang), $3.99Black Adam #10 (Of 12)(Cover B Daniel Bayliss Card Stock Variant), $4.99Black Adam #10 (Of 12)(Cover C Lee Garbett Card Stock Variant), $4.99Black Adam #10 (Of 12)(Cover D Ibrahim Moustafa Card Stock Variant), ARCatwoman #54 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99Catwoman #54 (Cover B Joshua Sway Swaby Card Stock Variant), $4.99Catwoman #54 (Cover C Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), $4.99Catwoman #54 (Cover D Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), ARCatwoman #54 (Cover E Joshua Sway Swaby Foil Variant), ARDC Silent Tales #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Gustavo Duarte), $5.99DC Silent Tales #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Fabio Moon & Gabriel Ba Card Stock Variant), $6.99DC Silent Tales #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Rafael Albuquerque & Gustavo Duarte Card Stock Variant), ARDCeased War Of The Undead Gods #8 (Of 8)(Cover A Howard Porter), $3.99DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #8 (Of 8)(Cover B Jay Anacleto Homage Card Stock Variant), $4.99DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #8 (Of 8)(Cover C Kael Ngu Acetate Card Stock Variant), $4.99DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #8 (Of 8)(Cover D Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), ARDCeased War Of The Undead Gods #8 (Of 8)(Cover E Sun Khamunaki Card Stock Variant), ARFlash #797 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99Flash #797 (Cover B Daniele Di Nicuolo Card Stock Variant), $4.99Flash #797 (Cover C Yasmin Flores Montanez Card Stock Variant), $4.99Flash #797 (Cover D Francis Manapul Superman Card Stock Variant), $4.99Flash #797 (Cover E Serg Acuna Card Stock Variant), ARFlash #797 (Cover F Taurin Clarke Foil Variant), ARGirl Taking Over A Lois Lane Story TP, $16.99Jurassic League HC, $24.99Justice League Volume 1 Prisms TP (2021), $19.99Legends Of The Dark Knight Jose Luis Garcia Lopez HC, $49.99Nightwing #103 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $4.99Nightwing #103 (Cover B Travis Moore Card Stock Variant), $5.99Nightwing #103 (Cover C Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), $5.99Nightwing #103 (Cover D Nicola Scott Superman Card Stock Variant), $5.99Nightwing #103 (Cover E Vasco Georgiev Card Stock Variant), ARNightwing #103 (Cover F Travis Moore Foil Variant), ARStatic Shadows Of Dakota #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Nikolas Draper-Ivey), $3.99Static Shadows Of Dakota #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Rahzzah Card Stock Variant), $4.99Static Shadows Of Dakota #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), ARSuperboy The Man Of Tomorrow #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Jahnoy Lindsay), $3.99Superboy The Man Of Tomorrow #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Joe Quinones Card Stock Variant), $4.99Superboy The Man Of Tomorrow #1 (Of 6)(Cover C George Kambadais Superman Card Stock Variant), $4.99Superboy The Man Of Tomorrow #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Blank Card Stock Variant), $4.99Superboy The Man Of Tomorrow #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Baldemar Rivas Card Stock Variant), ARSuperboy The Man Of Tomorrow #1 (Of 6)(Cover F David Talaski Card Stock Variant), ARSuperman #3 (Cover A Jamal Campbell), $4.99Superman #3 (Cover B David Nakayama Card Stock Variant), $5.99Superman #3 (Cover C Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), $5.99Superman #3 (Cover D Helene Lenoble Card Stock Variant), $5.99Superman #3 (Cover E Travis Mercer & Danny Miki Card Stock Variant), $5.99Superman #3 (Cover F Steve Rude Superman Card Stock Variant), $5.99Superman #3 (Cover G Megan Huang Card Stock Variant), ARSuperman #3 (Cover H Scott Kolins Card Stock Variant), ARSuperman #3 (Cover I Jamal Campbell Foil Variant), ARWonder Woman #798 (Cover A Yanick Paquette)(Revenge Of The Gods), $4.99Wonder Woman #798 (Cover B Joelle Jones Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), $5.99Wonder Woman #798 (Cover C Jeff Dekal Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), $5.99Wonder Woman #798 (Cover D Tony Daniel Superman Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), $5.99Wonder Woman #798 (Cover E Zu Orzu Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), ARWonder Woman #798 (Cover F Yanick Paquette Foil Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), ARWonder Woman Who Is Wonder Woman The Deluxe Edition HC, $29.99 DENPA BOOKS – KUMAHappy Crappy Life Volume 1 GN, $14.95 DRAWN AND QUARTERLYWe Are On Our Own TP, $22.95Work Life Balance TP, $24.95 DYNAMIC FORCESAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover F Giada Perissinotto Disney 100 Variant)(Terry Dodson Signed Edition), ARAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Terry Dodson Signed Edition), ARAmazing Spider-Man #20 (Terry Dodson Signed Edition), ARBatman Spawn #1 (One Shot)(Ken Haeser Signed & Remarked Batman Spawn Sketch Cover), ARMs. Marvel And Moon Knight #1 (CGC Graded Edition), ARScarlet Witch #1 (CGC Graded Edition), ARSins Of Sinister #1 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau)(CGC Graded Edition), AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENTDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover A Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99Darkwing Duck #4 (Cover B Mirka Andolfo), $3.99Darkwing Duck #4 (Cover C Jacob Edgar), $3.99Darkwing Duck #4 (Cover D Trish Forstner), $3.99Darkwing Duck #4 (Cover E George Kambadais), $3.99Darkwing Duck #4 (Cover F Carlo Lauro), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover G Blair Modern Icon Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover H Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover I Mirka Andolfo Black & White Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover J Action Figure Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover K John Blair Moore Modern Icon Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover L Jacob Edgar Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover M Carlo Lauro Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover N George Kambadais Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover O Trish Forstner Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover S Cat Staggs), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover T Ken Haeser), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover U Ken Haeser Black & White Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover V George Kambadais Black & White Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover W Jacob Edgar Black & White Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover X Trish Forstner Black & White Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover Y Ken Haeser Virgin Variant), ARDarkwing Duck #4 (Cover Z Cat Staggs Virgin Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover A Junggeun Yoon), $3.99Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover C Rebeca Puebla), $3.99Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover D Joshua Sway Swaby), $3.99Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover E Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover F Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover G Joseph Michael Linsner Line Art Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover H Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant, ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover I Lesley Leirix Li Virgin Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover J Joshua Sway Swaby Virgin Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover K Rebeca Puebla Virgin Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover N Junggeun Yoon Black & White Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover O Rebeca Puebla Black & White Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover P Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover Q Joshua Sway Swaby Black & White Variant), ARDejah Thoris Volume 4 #2 (Cover R Joseph Michael Linsner Red Line Art Variant), ARDisney Villains Scar #1 (Cover U Jahnoy Lindsay Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #4 (Cover Q David Nakayama Metal Premium Variant), ARMiss Fury Joy Division Maria Sanapo Cover Edition TP, $34.99Purgatori Must Die #4 (Cover A Collette Turner), $3.99Purgatori Must Die #4 (Cover B Mike Krome), $3.99Purgatori Must Die #4 (Cover C Antonio Fuso), $3.99Purgatori Must Die #4 (Cover D Alvaro Sarraseca), $3.99Purgatori Must Die #4 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Purgatori Must Die #4 (Cover F Collette Turner Black & White Variant), ARPurgatori Must Die #4 (Cover G Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARPurgatori Must Die #4 (Cover H Alvaro Sarraseca Virgin Variant), ARPurgatori Must Die #4 (Cover I Antonio Fuso Virgin Variant), ARPurgatori Must Die #4 (Cover J Mike Krome Virgin Variant), AR FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKSAgency HC, $24.99Love And Rockets #13, $4.99 FIRST SECOND BOOKSHungry Ghost GN, $17.99Hungry Ghost HC, $24.99 FLOATING WORLD COMICSAbolition Of Work GN, $15.00 FRANK MILLER PRESENTSFrank Miller’s Pandora #4 (Cover A Emma Kubert), $3.99Frank Miller’s Pandora #4 (Cover B Anthony Marques), $3.99 GRAPHIXSunshine How One Camp Taught Me About Life Death and Hope GN, $14.99Sunshine How One Camp Taught Me About Life Death and Hope HC, $27.99 IDW PUBLISHINGDead Seas #5 (Cover A Nick Brokenshire), $3.99Dead Seas #5 (Cover B Ario Anindito), $3.99Dead Seas #5 (Cover C Jacob Phillips), $3.99My Little Pony Best Of Twilight Sparkle #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Brenda Hickey), $6.99Sonic The Hedgehog #59 (Cover A Thomas Rothlisberger), $3.99Sonic The Hedgehog #59 (Cover B Natalie Haines), $3.99Sonic The Hedgehog #59 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), ARTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #6 (Cover A Roi Mercado), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #6 (Cover B William Soares), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #6 (Cover C Mateus Santolouco), ARUsagi Yojimbo Volume 5 The Green Dragon TP, $19.99 IMAGE COMICSDeadliest Bouquet TP, $16.99Dr. Atomic The Pipe And Dope Book #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Larry Todd), $3.99Dr. Atomic The Pipe And Dope Book #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Blank Variant), $3.99Forged #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Mike Henderson), $5.99Forged #2 (Cover A Mike Henderson), $5.99Gunslinger Spawn #19 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $2.99Gunslinger Spawn #19 (Cover B Francesco Tomaselli), $2.99Hitomi #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Carlos Lopez), $3.99Hitomi #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Jason Muhr), $3.99Immortal Sergeant #4 (Of 9)(Cover A Ken Niimura), $3.99Last Barbarians #3 (Cover A Brian Haberlin), $3.99Last Barbarians #3 (Cover B Brian Haberlin), $3.99Last Barbarians #3 (Cover C Brian Haberlin), $3.99Last Barbarians #3 (Cover D Brian Haberlin), $3.99Magic Order 4 #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Dike Ruan), $3.99Magic Order 4 #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Dike Ruan Black & White Variant), $3.99Magic Order 4 #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Jodie Muir), $3.99No One #1 (Of 10)(2nd Printing Cover A Matteo Scalera), $3.99No One #2 (Of 10)(Cover A Geraldo Borges)(Massive-Verse), $3.99No One #2 (Of 10)(Cover B Federico Sabbatini)(Massive-Verse), $3.99No One #2 (Of 10)(Cover C Mark Englert)(Massive-Verse), $3.99Ordinary Gods #11 (Cover A Frank William), $3.99Outpost Zero Complete Collection TP, $17.99Postal Compendium TP, $39.99Rogue Sun #12 (Cover A Luana Vecchio)(Massive-Verse), $3.99Rogue Sun #12 (Cover B Carla Wyzgala)(Massive-Verse), ARShirtless Bear-Fighter Volume 2 TP, $19.99Spawn Origins Volume 12 HC, $39.99Starhenge Deluxe Edition Volume 1 The Dragon And The Boar HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $29.99Summoners War Awakening #1 (Of 6) Cover A Luca Claretti), $3.99Swing Volume 1 HC, $49.99Terrorwar #1 (Cover A Dave Acosta), $3.99Terrorwar #1 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), $3.99Time Before Time #22 (Cover A Declan Shalvey), $3.99Time Before Time #22 (Cover B Gavin Guidry), $3.99Undiscovered Country Volume 4 TP, $16.99Voyagis #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Sumeyye Kesgin), $3.99Voyagis #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Yildiray Cinar), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #61 (Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #61 (Cover B Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #61 (Cover C Stephanie Hans), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #61 (Cover D Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99 IZE PRESSBoxer Volume 2 GN, $20.00My Gently Raised Beast Volume 2 GN, $20.00World After The Fall Volume 2 GN, $20.00 JYW.I.T.C.H. Part X 100% Ladies Vs. W.I.T.C.H. Volume 1 GN, $15.00 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENTKid Slapshot Vs. Zomboni #1 (Cover A Troy Dongarra), $5.99Kid Slapshot Vs. Zomboni #1 (Cover B Franco), $5.99Kid Slapshot Vs. Zomboni #1 (Cover C Alejandro Rosado), $5.99Kid Slapshot Vs. Zomboni #1 (Cover D Rob Potchak), $5.99Kid Slapshot Vs. Zomboni #1 (Cover E Franco Holofoil Variant), $19.99Kid Slapshot Vs. Zomboni #1 (Cover F Troy Dongarra Coloring Book Variant), AR KODANSHA COMICSBlue Lock Volume 6 GN, $12.99Go Go Loser Ranger Volume 4 GN, $10.99Rent-A-Girlfriend Volume 17 GN, $12.99Something’s Wrong With Us Volume 14 GN, $12.99 LITTLE SIMONDragon Kingdom Of Wrenly Volume 9 Legion Of Lava GN, $9.99Dragon Kingdom Of Wrenly Volume 9 Legion Of Lava HC, $19.99 LOCUS MAGAZINELocus Magazine #747 (Volume 90 #4), $12.50 MAD CAVE STUDIOSHunt Kill Repeat #2, $4.99Mad Cave Studios Legacy Battlecats #4 (Cover A Michael Camelo), $2.99Mad Cave Studios Legacy Battlecats #4 (Cover B Jesse Lonergan), $2.99 MARVEL COMICSAmazing Spider-Man #24 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99Amazing Spider-Man #24 (Cover B Gerardo Sandoval), ARAmazing Spider-Man #24 (Cover C Alex Ross Timeless Vulture Virgin Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #24 (Cover D Alex Ross Vulture Virgin Sketch Variant), ARAvengers Assemble Omega #1 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $7.99Avengers Assemble Omega #1 (Cover B Steve Skroce), ARAvengers Assemble Omega #1 (Cover C Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), ARAvengers Assemble Omega #1 (Cover D Alex Ross Timeless Galactus Virgin Variant), ARAvengers Assemble Omega #1 (Cover E Alex Ross Galactus Virgin Sketch Variant), ARBishop War College #3 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99Bishop War College #3 (Cover Read the full article
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lovemichixo · 2 years
An Ode to Michi
I'm challenging myself to write 3 blogs a day for a week. I'm hoping this helps my creative hand to keep writing, maybe it'll help me relieve some pent up stress. And possibly I'll find a new passion in blogging. (I'm already enjoying it, to be honest.) This is my third post for my first day. (My first post today was an ode to the web girl) So it only feels fitting to have my last post today to be an ode to the webgirl I know best: myself. (The cheese is cheesy aye?) I have countless posts from my old Tumblr that show who I was, but it feels good to create something new yet familiar to the old format I used to love swimming in. Here's to then, now, and the future Michi. Ahoy!
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Michi xo
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Uncle x GN!Reader in: Yours, Always and Forever
From the van der Linde Boys, With Love 💌 || VDE 2021
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|| ao3 version | event m.list | rdr tag | main blog ||
|| rdr vde (ladies) | batboys vde | bnha vde ||
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You’re as sharp as you are sweet, proud and beautiful and one of the most giving souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing… You’re so much more than what I ever expected to get out of this life, and certainly a sight more than what I deserve.
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There’s no sweeter a story than the one you’re writing together…
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↠ Requested By: My burning desire to receive a love letter lol ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ so if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs: None ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ((tho we should, honestly)) ↠ Total WC: 300~
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Ayyy! Last two post of the event! Sure, I’m like 6 months behind, but who’s counting. ((It’s me. I’m counting, and I’m so glad I’m done lol…))
A big thanks to everyone who’s stuck around for so long, y’all the real ones. Are these installments worth the wait? Idk, but at least they’re done now.
Uncle is always fun to write for because, well, it’s Uncle. That’s just the way he works. This one’s got a bit more of a serious vibe tho, but only because he wants to make double sure you know how much he cares, sweet ol’ lush that he is.
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|| Yours, Always and Forever
To my sweetie,
As much as I love to spin a good yarn, writing stuff ain’t exactly my strong suit. Surprising, I know, but it’s the truth! Still, with it being Valentine’s Day and all I figured now was as good a time as any to give it a go.
So what do I say to the only person that has been able to truly tame my heart? Should I tell you that from the moment I first laid eyes on you that I just knew you were gonna someone special? Didn’t know just how special you were gonna be to me in particular back then, but I certainly knew you were a treasure. Still don’t know what someone as lovely as you wants with an old geezer like me, but I ain’t complaining. In fact I’m mighty honored to say that you’re all mine! You’re as sharp as you are sweet, proud and beautiful and one of the most giving souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing… You’re so much more than what I ever expected to get out of this life, and certainly a sight more than what I deserve.
I don’t rightly have much to offer you, but I do love you something fierce, ____, and all that I do have—all that I am—is entirely yours for the takin’.
Alright, I should probably end this now before I embarrass myself too much. So I’ll just wrap this up by saying happy Valentine’s Day, darlin’! Thanks for spending it, and every other day, with me.
Yours, always and forever, Uncle
P.s.: Ah! I should also mention that besides this letter and a small lil’ trinket I don’t have much else planned for the day, but if you want to do something I’ll do my best to make it happen for you, sweetheart. Just promise me we’ll make time to look up at the stars for a spell. You know how much I love to watch ‘em, but really that’s only because they’re the only thing that comes close to matching your beauty…
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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lexsssu · 3 years
𝑀𝑎𝑝𝑙𝑒 (𝐾𝑎𝑒𝑑𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝐾𝑎𝑧𝑢ℎ𝑎)
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Ao3 ver.
“Momiji-sama, where are youuuuu?”
“Please come out, Momiji-sama! The cooks made a fresh batch of maple leaf tempura!”
“We can play hide and seek in plain sight instead, okay?”
Several handmaidens called out within the inner courtyard of the Imperial Palace in search of the Crown Prince, becoming increasingly worried as they checked every bush and ornamental rock formation for any sign of him. The rambunctious child in question however, sat upon a thick branch of the tallest tree and simply observed the servants that ran around like headless chickens trying to look for him.
Kaedehara Momiji, Crown Prince of Inazuma, was a calm child. He mostly possessed the temperament of his father, Kaedehara Kazuha, but he was undeniably his mother’s son as well. An amused smile lit up his cherubic face as he watched his caretakers flounder about, deciding to give it another minute or two before he got down from his perch and relieve them of their worries—
“It’s times like these that I’m reminded of the fact that even if you look and act so much like Kazu-chin most of the time, you’re definitely still her ladyship’s spawn. Heh” 
“Tomo-oji!” Exclaimed the little boy, golden orbs lighting up at the sight of his uncle and godfather sitting beside him upon the branch.
“In the flesh! Now, how about we get down from here and let the ladies below know that you’re all fine and well? Your mom’s gonna kill me and resurrect me just to do it again if you have even just a hair out of place” The captain of the imperial guard chuckled, taking the young prince in his arms before taking a mighty leap down to the ground.
The flustered handmaidens were startled, but quickly sighed in relief when they realized it was just Tomo-taichou and the prince—
“...Sorry for worrying you?”
“Smooth, kid. Real smooth”
“Ahoy, there! You sure kept us waiting, your highness. And it seems you even brought along a couple of honored guests”
“...Thoma, I told you before not to refer to me as such. My given name will suffice”
“Sorry, but no can do! It’d be blasphemous if I were to call our own Emperor by his name!”
“...Consort, not an emperor”
“Details, details. You’re married to our archon and the father of our crown prince sooo…”
Aether and Paimon blinked at the exchange between the two young men, noting the anemo-user they’d recently become acquainted with furrowing his brows and rubbing his temples while the blonde simply grinned at his exasperation.
“Just please send word that we’ve arrived in Inazuma and will arrive at the imperial palace shortly”
“I already sent word even before you docked at the port. You know her majesty always wants to be informed of your whereabouts. She can never take her eyes off of you” Thoma shrugged nonchalantly, wiggling his eyebrows as he teased the samurai.
Kazuha only coughed, trying to will away his burning cheeks at the reminder of his wife’s devotion. 
“Wait, wait, wait! So you’re trying to tell us that you BATTLED the previous shogun for Inazuma and won?”
“Then you snuck into Captain Beidou’s ship one night and met Kazuha then fell in love with him?”
“That’s right~”
“So now you’re the nation’s new archon and he’s your consort?”
You nod ever so happily from your seat on your husband’s lap, relishing in the warmth of his body and his mere presence after he’d been gone for a few weeks on one of his excursions.
“...WHY THE HECK DIDN’T YOU TELL US THAT YOU WERE A KING BACK IN LIYUE?!” Shouted Paimon accusingly at the blushing samurai who’d been trying to hide his face in your hair ever since he took his rightful place as your chair.
“...It didn’t feel right to mention it before”
“Tou-chan’s just shy like that,” said a childish voice, attracting the traveler and his little companion’s attention.
At the entrance to the throne room stood a little boy with features that were undeniably a mix of you and Kazuha. Beside him stood the tall figure of Tomo who merely grinned once he caught sight of your beaming self and his friend’s flustered visage.
“He prefers to be ‘low-key’ like Mama says all the time”
“But it’s one of the things that make him so cute~❤”
Despite how his family and friend mercilessly teased him, the platinum-haired male could only smile helplessly in defeat. He honestly wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.
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