#re:mhny2 update
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2 days
(ft. Zim disguise redesign)
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Chapter 5 is up besties
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Mini update: pushing this weeks chapter because my coworkers gave me their shitty cold, on top of being on my period. Body is in shambles. Have a blurb as apology.
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amyisherenowitsokay · 10 months
surprise chapter be upon ye
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amyisherenowitsokay · 11 months
Hey y’all sorry for this months chapter delays. My latest excuse is literally being in another country for a wedding this week, and being the primary caregiver for a non mobile family member since mid October ❤️ sorry y’all
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Chapter 2 of Re:MHNY2 is up <3
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PSA that the next chapter of re:2 will be late, but only by 24 hours. Our wifis out and isn’t expected back til 4am my time. Sorry ❤️
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Chapter 5 is done, just making sure that what I wrote in my still-feverish haze that is reads coherently before posting. Should go up probably late tonight
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amyisherenowitsokay · 5 months
Sorry for MIA.
I got stuck in Re:2 and realized I was starting to experience writer’s block. As a wise post I saw once said, essentially, if you’re writing yourself into a hole, reconsider why you’re still digging it.
I realized I wasn’t super in love with the story the way it was originally going. Existing parts won’t be rewritten, but I am changing the path of the narrative. Without revealing too much, the original themes still stand, but I’m adding a character who I’ve historically liked reading about but never considered writing til I realized that their inclusion actually made this story so much more interesting. And came with the benefit of all the hints I’ve been dropping still fitting.
Anyways, since committing to the change, I’ve been chugging out pages again no problem. This was definitely a needed revision. Re:2 is now technically on hiatus, but one I expect to be resolved within a month or so to rebuild my chapter buffer.
If you’d like any teasers or hints in the meantime to make up for it, I’ll gladly accommodate as best as I can without spoiling too much! I might give hints to themes/new character(s) in the form of songs. Definitely not just as an excuse to push my hobby of finding really specific songs about my characters/ships onto people. Totally.
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amyisherenowitsokay · 2 months
Re:MHNY2 Spoilers
Have a wildly out of context screenshot while you wait for me to get my shit together
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Re:MHNY2 update
Had some downtime yesterday and finally started organizing all the chunks of writing I have in linear order, and discovered I have 4 chapters finished without noticing lmao. Each of the 4 chapters has maybe 5% more editing needed, but I’m really happy to have found out I’ve been way more productive than I thought I was.
In an ideal world, I’d like to get to about 10 chapters totally or at least mostly finished before I start publishing, but I could be happy with 6, depending on my mood, and depending on if I feel like the chapters I do have, even if they’re not finished, have a clear enough direction that I won’t sit there changing one scene or another and hemming and hawing about it for a month til I’m happy. I like to have lots of buffer room, and also, having concrete chapters written gives me a better idea of what lil bits of foreshadowing I can drop into the earlier chapters.
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haven't asked anything because I've got it in my head I'll wait until MHNY2's complete and do a straight binge of both back-to-back and THEN come frothing in yer asks. (..does tri-weekly updates mean per 3 weeks? or 3 a week. I assume the former.) BUT. i was reminded of the route you went in the original with this.. 'He’d train her until he was convinced she could take even him in a fight.' Am curious how you'll circumvent the prior controlled-gaz-vs-zim this time. If not just scratch it out for something else.
Spoilers under the cut
At this time, there is no plan for a new Gaz v Zim rematch in Re:MHNY2. That does not mean there are not sustained injuries.
This is all I shall elaborate with, to still keep it a ~ mystery ~
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claps hands together. hi hope you've been well, sorry i haven't asked much. buuuut. I forgot you wrote a thing until lately. :}
War On Love. How would it have continued/ended, what plot beats where there supposed to be if you remember any, etc?
also this'll sound weird, mainly because I can't really explain it and I'm still working thru it, but I wanted to say thanks for writing it? Finding it again and reading through it reminded me of things I had forgotten about myself for a while. Which has really helped from then to now. So, yeah, as silly as it sounds, thank you. :}
Lmao you're never obligated to interact with me homie, dw. Feel free to send me whatever when you're vibing, but don't also feel pressured to engage. You're too kind.
Long answer under the cut
I go back and forth on whether I'll ever update WoL. It just has so many bad connotations and memories for me about the headspace I was in while writing it, and where I was at emotionally, etc. On the other hand, I'm also incredibly proud of some of the insights I wrote about Gaz's perspective, and the overall plot twists and where it was going. I also still have a TON of writing for it still in bits and pieces, both important chunks and unimportant, AND like 4 chapters of the sequel written.
Sometimes I'm like, well, I could sort of finish it in the same style that like That Thing on Your Wrist and What We Become, which are more written in sort of continuous blurbs with gentle transitions and takes occasions to focus on really important scenes. I think with what I have written, it'd be feasible, but that'd also mean taking time away from my more important projects like Dead Weight and Re:MHNY2, so I hesitate to really commit to anything. You are not the first person to ask though, so that may be something I end up doing in the long term. A quick add up of the chunks of the story I have written says I have roughly 53k words of unpublished story for WoL. On the one hand, a shame to go to waste, on the other hand, I'm not really sure how I'd feel emotionally about trying to dig it back. Like I said, I go back and forth. Just for bonus trivia, since I gave the unpublished word count for WoL, it's sequel, which had a pending title of War on Finality, has 25k words written, and about a 2k words worth of ideas that I wrote, but wasn't sold on including.
I super appreciate btw your note about "things I had forgotten about myself for awhile." That really resonated with me. WoL has is a bittersweet for me because while it was my attempt to push through the gross stuff happening during that time period that I hadn't processed yet, I'm still also really proud of the messages I was going to include, some of the plot points I'd come up with, plot parallels, the OC's character development and direction, and how incredibly different it was going to be from anything I'd written at that point. I think it'd probably have ended up being one of my most emotive fics, and definitely with the (initial) darkest ending.
That being said, the plot of WoL definitely is it's own whole ass post, so apologies for not being able to answer immediately, but I genuinely think I'd break the character limit of tumblr if I tried to go into it all here lmao. Also, since it comes up sometimes from other dm's I've gotten, I think the better idea for me to do is make a masterpost about WoL and where it was going, include some screenshot blurbs for context, etc. That might take a few days, but when that posts, I'll reblog this with the link to the masterpost.
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amyisherenowitsokay · 2 years
Ghost 👻!
👻 ghost: can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future?
Oh gosh oh boy!
So right now on top of my main projects of Re:MHNY2, Dead Weight, and Paradorx, I have another mini-WIP that's kind of in the same vein as That Thing on Your Wrist, both in that'd I plan on it being a one-off, and in that it's an AU.
I've definitely mentioned it before. Right now I just have it referred to as Pen Pals, but the basic premise is below (spoilered for people who would like to keep the whole thing a surprise)
The idea I had is 1) there's not enough AU's in the Invader Zim fic community and 2) I got stuck on this idea of like, love letters, and falling in love from a distance. Like ye olden stories used to be, where fair maiden would write to yonder hero, and they'd swap poetics until someone inevitably died of tubercolosis or they ran off together. That kind of cheesiness.
Essentially, Dib's device from the first episode of IZ actually manages to connect with Zim's signal directly. Dib initially assumes it doesn't work, but Gaz inadvertently manages it. Initially, she's just trying to shut it off and keep her brother from being extra annoying if/when he finds out if works. The story is basically about Zim and Gaz communicating across the galaxy and falling in love.
There are some elements that are different, and Zim's backstory has been changed and updated. I have like, the whole beginning premise written, but I really want to take my time drawing out the details of what a developing friendship would like between them, and marinate on the funny interactions, what stories they'd tell each other, how they'd tell them, etc. I think, similar to That Thing On Your Wrist, I also want to make it like a 3 or 4 chapter story. I probably have enough for a whole short first chapter, but like my other AU, I want to have it finished before I update it so I don't have all these incomplete publications. I think it's also going to maybe have a lewd spinoff after its completion, because like, I can't have this premise and not get them to have phone sex. C'mon now.
Here's some teasers that elude to the progression of their relationship, and show some of the bits and bobs I've got written. Please enjoy. <3
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