#re:vale police
always-a-joyful-note · 6 months
I have got to give credit to Ryo, though. His whole deal was "I didn't get attention from one idol in a huge venue, so now I'm gonna kill everyone and maybe get attention like that" and it....worked? Sort of??
Like he got attention from Re:vale who kinda wrote Taiyou No Esperanza to mock him, the entire entertainment industry to be afraid of him and watch him very closely, the audience reading the story, ZOOL when they were trying to fix him, Ryu when he almost killed the guy (you go, boy), part of i7 who mostly did a pretty good job ignoring him, Gaku who almost decked the guy, and the police
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trgdaily · 1 year
Happy Anniversary, IDOLiSH7!
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Alright! A bunch of stuff got announced to celebrate the series' 8th anniversary today, so lets break down the most important things regarding our favorite group, TRIGGER!
You've probably heard this stuff already but hey. I do what I want and I'm making this post anyway.
First up, let's get all the smaller 8th Anniversary stuff out of the way! Plenty of stuff has been changed and announced to help bring the series into its latest era, and all of it is very exciting!
Special Anniversary visuals by the series' main character designers have been shared and released!
... Also I feel like it's worth noting that Arina-sensei has made it clear that we've reached TRIGGER's numbers in terms of anniversaries, and that reflects in her art. Meaning, maybe it'll reflect in other things too...?!
The game is hosting weekly free 11-pulls which bring back Heavenly Visitor, Wish Voyage, Kiseki, Music in Your Thoughts, and Light Future cards! On top of that, there's a log-in bonus for nanakores and 80 Stellar Stones in total!
The game has been refreshed with a few new features like notifications on screen when you get a message from an idol/manager, more idol storage, and even special voice lines that play before a live, after an auto live finishes, and if you manage to full-combo the song. The "hey, there's an event going on" home screen line has been replaced, too, thank fuck.
A new Namjatown collab has been announced that covers the idol in glowy clothing!
The official website has been completely overhauled including brand-new bios for the idols!
Now, onto the really fun stuff...
Shuffle Units are back!!
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As part of the yearly anniversary story, we're finally getting Shuffle Units including Re:vale and ZOOL! As of Producer Letter 26, it's been confirmed that these units will be themed and have special songs for each, but the themes haven't been shared yet! We may have to read the two-part story to find out!
Part 1 will release September 5th, and Part 2 will release September 15th! It won't be voiced, though. Voice acting will come at a later date.
Kuji Memorial Video & Cards!
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What's likely the most surprising thing of all for the anniversary is that it's big surprise looks back on all of the dramas IDOLiSH7's cast have starred in over the last seven years - down to releasing an animated memorial video that covers everything from La Danse Macabre to the Last Dimension musical! There's a lot of shots of TRIGGER to spot, so if you haven't seen it yet, go watch it! It's pure emotional eye candy!
On top of that, the yearly revival gacha deals with it, too, featuring special UR cards that focus on specific scenes from Mechanical Lullaby, i7 Police, Hoshimeguri (now known in English as The Stargazer?), Karatoga, La Danse Macabre, Mission (Yamato's movie from Part 3), and BLAST! (Part 5 drama)
The best part is all the old cards, including the same kujis shown here, are in these pulls, too! Best of luck if you try to bring them home!
Producer Letter #26 Takeaways
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As is tradition with i7 anniversaries, there's a new Producer Letter that goes over what the current and future plans for the series are that has a few interesting tidbits fans should be aware of! I'll break it down, but if you can, I suggest reading it in your own time.
The team is still figuring out what exactly comes "beyond the period" in terms of the story, so no updates on that just yet.
They're wanting to do another 16 person live, but they're trying to book a "difficult venue" so many fans can see it. Some fans believe this to be a hint that they're trying to book the Tokyo Dome. 😱 But 16 person live isn't an impossibility!
They've implies that they're working out international distribution and screening for the recent movie Beyond the Period! So sit tight if you haven't gotten a hold of it for yourself yet!
That's about it! Pretty damn big anniversary, isn't it?! Let's enjoy it to the fullest and keep supporting TRIGGER and their friends!!
Happy anniversary!! 🤍💖💙
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necle · 2 years
This is a week long overdo and I know the next episode is going to air tomorrow, but I need to go off just how in awe I am with Momo last episode.
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Not only did he meet with an 'enemy' group member that could have been a trap, he went out of his way to protect him. He played the bad guy when Ryo found them out from Touma's mistake, despite it jeopardizing Re:vale's plan and his own safety.
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Like even if the "mad dog" couldn't physically take on those bodyguards, I still think Momo could have maybe escaped if he squeezed through and ran away. He could even fairly argue he was not involved and leave it to Touma to deal with (not that Ryo would have accepted that anyways). But he didn't. He went along Ryo quietly and without a fight, because if he didn't, it would have left Touma to face Ryo's wrath and consequences. He even tried to 'dismiss' Touma from this so he wouldn't have to deal with the brunt of it. And this was for a group that was antagonizing RTI for most of this cour and last cour.
(Yes Re:vale did offer their phone number to him and they did know Touma from before. But to jump in and deflect the blame too?)
Not to mention this scene:
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I think Momo brought up the potential of Yuki noticing and arriving on purpose. Sure, maybe there was a low off chance Ryo would back down if he knew he would get caught. But if Momo hadn't given Ryo the heads up and Yuki did come to check in on Momo in his apartment, Ryo might have panicked and do something more drastic towards Yuki and drag him into it as pointy knife scene round 2 . Momo bringing it up now where Ryo calm and under control not only leads Ryo to calmly use a less drastic means to handle that situation if it were to occur (even if its not ideal either), it also redirects Ryo's focus to go after Momo instead of Yuki. (Yes, Momo and Ryo use the word "police" here. But Ryo may not know yet that Yuki had stormed in with a bat to save Momo before. So I think Momo was trying to be mindful not give hints of the possibility that Yuki may be the one confronting him. He used 'police' instead so he wouldn't think of any special means to deal with Yuki.)
To add on: Others have pointed out that Momo's usual earrings represents how he feels himself in regards to Re:vale (Banri and Yuki on top, himself on the bottom). But in this current set of earrings, his red earring is completely on a separate ear, away from the "Yuki" (and "Banri") earring. He's only worn these earrings a handful times. The key times being: 1)
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The day he thought he and Yuki would be officially splitting for good (Day 3 of the Zero Arena Inauguration concert)
2) this episode... where he is actually physically separated from Yuki now that he is trapped in his place alone because of Ryo. (He also wore it when he first gives his contact info to Touma. Which also connects nicely to this episode when Touma does use it the meet up with)
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(funny enough they are both wearing the same outfits too)
obviously for both instances in 2., Momo was not wearing those earrings intentionally in that I don't think he expected to get captured like this. Just that it was an unfortunate coincidence (well played i7)
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bunnymajo · 1 month
To I7 fans who've been with the franchise since the beginning and even know where the story goes in the games, I beg thee for your wisdom especially since "4th beat" hasn't been confirmed for a an anime adaptation yet.
Do the members of ZOOL start getting more moe and likeable as the story goes on? Torao in particular is kind of the worst
What in the world does "Re:Vale" mean. like. what's the word play going on here? Idolish7 is obvious, Trigger's just kind of a cool word that fits their image, ZOOL sounds like the words Cool Tool and Fool so again I think it fits their image. But I have no idea what ReVale means or why it was chosen. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of the etymology and how the writers came up with it
Hey. Hey so what's up with Aya learning how to be a bride for Haruka...when they're like. underage and also adopted by the same creeper man. (yes I know Haruka's disowned or whatever but still.) They really downplay how creepy that is. Can someone please just call the police.
Maybe we should just kill Tamaki's dad.
Actually for that matter, all the idol members' dads they've introduced as characters so far have been jerk dads. Does anyone have a normal dad? Where are Iori & Mitsuki's parents? I want to see their potentially wholesome dad
So like has anyone checked on Sumire Hanamaki?
I think it's really funny that time is clearly passing but the characters are not aging at all. A year is passed and Iori & Tamaki are still 17 in high school
Is Anesagi single and is she bi?
How are you all so powerful? I love you
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osakaso5 · 6 years
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Momo Re:vale Police Rabbit Chat Part 1: i7 Police 2!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Momo-san, good work! Thank you for accepting a role in the upcoming "i7 Police 2"!
Momo: Maneko-chan, good job! \(*゜∀゜*)丿
Momo: I just read the materials, and I think "i7 Police" was really interesting! Tamaki's super cool as an SAT agent~! 
Tsumugi: Thank you! i7 Police is about Riku-san, the rookie officer who's been captured by "Codename: 256", and who gets rescued by the teo detectives played by Iori-san and Mitsuki-san, as well as the SAT agent played by Tamaki-san!
Tsumugi: "Codename: 256" is made up of Yamato-san, the leader, Nagi-san, the master spy, and Sogo-san, the sadistic pervert!
Momo: "Sogo-san the sadistic pervert", lololol Cheers! Please be gentle with me! lol
Tsumugi: I ask that you be gentle with us as well!
Momo: I haven't given everything a proper read-through yet, but aren't we supposed to kidnap Riku from his kidnappers?
Tsumugi: Yes! You may be playing a villain, but I still think it's a cool role that fits you perfectly! I began imagining you acting out the scenes as soon as I read the script!
Momo: Really? In that case, I hope my character is a gentlemanly phantom thief!
Tsumugi: Huh?
Momo: Will you let me steal your heart, Tsumugi-chan?
Momo: Just kidding! (*丿∀`*)*・゜☆
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Tsumugi: If you really were a phantom thief, I think you might actually steal my heart!
Momo: You're so cute! I'd love to steal your heart, but I'll leave it be, so Ban-san won't get angry at me! (。>ω<)丿
Tsumugi: The people at our agency love to follow Re:vale's work together! It feels like you've become an even more polished team as of late!
Momo: Really!?   Momo-chan's so touched! +゜。*(*´∀`*)*。゜+ Yuki's a handsome gentleman, after all~~~~!
Momo: It seems like he's still worried because of the grand re-opening incident, so he's being really straightforward with me! It makes me really happy, but also embarrassed! So I told him: "We're practically joined at the hip, so you don't have to tell me everything!" (///▽//)teehee
Tsumugi: You're very close, as always! I look forward to seeing you work together on this shoot!
Momo: You can count on us! +(♦'v`b)b。+
Momo: Huh?
Tsumugi: What is it?
Momo: I was just flipping through the script, and apparently my character is some kind of knife expert?
Tsumugi: Yes! I can't wait to see your knifework!
Momo: Thanks! Um, I think I've told you this before, but Yuki's got a knife phobia
Momo: Huh!? Yuki's partner isn't me, but Gaku!?
Tsumugi: You're his partner! Gaku-san is his ex-partner!
Tsumugi: By the way, Tsunashi-san is your ex-partner! Re:vale is on the run from their old partners!
Momo: I
Momo: Sorry! I mistyped! I see~! I can't wait to play Ryu's ex-partner~!! (V)o¥o(V)
Momo: No wait! This is the emoticon I was trying to use! └(`・ω・´)┘
Momo: Or maybe this one!? o(・ω・´o) I can't wait to play Ryu's ex-partner~! o(・ω・´o)o(・ω・´o)
Tsumugi: Yuki-san is your current partner! I look forward to seeing how you work together, now that you're practically joined at the hip!
Momo: Yes! I will give it my all!!
Tsumugi: You got very polite all of a sudden, lol
Momo: Momo-chan's gonna do his best~~~!!! ・゜・*♪*.♪。★*・゜
Momo: Ah! I got so worked up that I forgot!
Tsumugi: You're feeling upset?
Momo: Not at all~! Um, I think I've told you before, but Yuki's got a knife phobia, so he can't really handle sharp stuff.
Tsumugi: Ah..! Now that you mention it, I think I've heard about that before! I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner! ><
Momo: No, it's fine! It's not even public knowledge, so you don't have to apologize! I think Yuki will be fine as long as nothing gets pointed at him!
Momo: Right now he's at a point where he can even touch them, so I think it won't affect the shoot much, but you might wanna be careful where you put the props and stuff~ (-ω-)m Me and Okarin will be careful, too!
Tsumugi: Understood! There aren't any plans for scenes where you'd point knives at each other, but I'll let the crew know..!
Momo: Thank you! That being said, we might be able to cure his phobia before the shoot!
Momo: We've tried a little knife phobia curing challenge before! So I think if we give it another good try, we might succeed this time! My partner is as superstar, after all!!
Tsumugi: You're both very reliable! I'll see you at the shoot!
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ten-knee · 6 years
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i'd. i'd let momo stab me with that knife.
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yamamuragaku · 5 years
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Ainana Police [Re:vale Edition] RabiTV
Part 1-4
Read translations for the previous parts here [external link, not by me].
Part 1: Alias, Teishokuya Revale (1)
Momo: Thank you~!
Momo: ...Yuki, the last customer for lunch left.
Good work today~!
Yuki: Oh. Good work.
Momo: For now, we've assumed aliases and
worked at a lunch teishokuya to earn money,
but somehow we're on track.
Yuki: Yeah.
Your excellent customer service was helpful, Momo.
Since I'm not very good at hospitality.
Momo: ...You won't feign politeness, right?
Yuki: ....
Absolutely not.
Yuki: I won't forget those hellish days,
even if I die.
Yuki: --Of course,
the names Hundred Claw and Thousand Eyes too.
Momo: ...I already forgot
those tacky names though?
Yuki: Our former partners too?
Momo: Naturally. I forgot about
Dragon Claw
after tearing my brain into pieces.
Yuki: You really don't remember.
Momo: Shut up!
Yuki: ...The ones we should resent
aren't TRG.
Momo: I understand.
It's Code Name: 256's No.2.
Yuki: We can kill No. 5 and No. 6 while we're at it too.
Momo: Ah, really?! Yay!
Because they seem like they'll get in the way of our revenge!
Yuki: Does it sound fun?
Momo: Of course.
If I can see their dead faces,
I don't think I can contain my excitement now!
Yuki: Haha. Same.
Yuki: ...I can hear the sound of our revenge soon coming to a close.
I don't care if afterwards someone dies, or the people of Ainana Town
die. We'll meet soon enough, Nikaidou.
Part 2: Thousand Eyes
Yuki: I learned how to hack various security cameras, but...
Tenn is doing well, Gaku.
Yuki: ...International police, TRG?
Yuki, thinking: If we can get Nanase Riku's power,
it doesn't matter what we sacrifice.
Yuki, thinking: Yes, even if
I have to kill you--.
Yuki: The ability to manipulate people's hearts to your will,
Nanase Riku's power....
Yuki: I'll never hand it to you, Nikaidou.
Yuki: We may have ran away from your brainwashing until now,
but Momo and I will get our revenge.
Yuki: We're no longer your puppets.
Ring ring..
Yuki: Hello? Momo?
Momo: It's Momo-chan!
...Code Name: 256 and TRG have made movements.
Momo: If you're gonna kill them, do it tomorrow, Yuki!
Yuki: How about Nanase Riku?
Momo: He's in the abandoned factory on the outskirts of Ainana Town.
Momo: We were brainwashed,
did the dirty work of the police
and bore their crimes.
Momo: Tomorrow let's end
our nightmare, Yuki.
Yuki: Yeah. With Nanase Riku's power
this time, it's our turn to be the puppet masters.
Part 3: Hundred Claw
Momo: ...Mhm, right.
Anyway, are you taking tomorrow off
from Teishokuya Revale?
Yuki: After tomorrow,
won't every day will be a day off?
Momo: Ahahah! You're right.
We won't need to be
in that restaurant anymore.
Yuki: ...Are you sad to leave?
Momo: Not at all!
I'm so tired of smiling at customers
everyday without reward.
Momo: Starting tomorrow,
we'll no longer be humans at Teishokuya Revale.
Momo: We will live as Dyna R. (2)
Yuki: Yeah....
Well then, tomorrow, be on time.
Momo: Okay. See you tomorrow.
Momo, thinking: That's right, we are Dyna R.
The crimes we were made to commit
against people who opposed the police,
finally we can kill them.
Momo: ...Tomorrow will be a special day, Yuki...!
Momo: Oh yeah, while I have the chance
I should practice knife throwing!
Momo: I must hit the head or heart in one throw.
Momo: No, I can also take it out
and kill slowly?
Momo: Yay! Momo-chan is getting excited!
Momo: ...Just you wait, Code Name: 256-chan.
Momo, thinking: ...Ryuu will also come to the abandoned factory.
I wonder what kind of expression he'll make?
Momo, thinking: Angry? Sad?
Momo: --Whatever, anything's fine!
They're all gonna end up dead anyway!
Part 4: Wish, Dyna R
Yuki: ...Heh heh....
Yuki: Ahahahahahaha...!
Yuki: Now, at last the time has come,
Nanase Riku-kun with the power to manipulate people's hearts.
Yuki: The brave soldiers who have come to protect you
will no longer be able to stand!
Momo: How do you feel right now? Nanase Riku.
Riku: Sniff.... Sob....
Momo: Wow, you're loud. Are you crying?
Playing tragic heroine?
Momo: Ah, wrong. Because you
are our hero!
Riku: ...Don't kill everyone...!
Yuki: ...You even feel pity for
Code Name: 256 who kidnapped you?
Yuki: It's okay, they won't be killed.
Since I'll be troubled if they're not
turned into puppets to trick the police.
Momo: By the way,
no one has died yet!
Not yet!
Riku: Really?!
Momo: Yeah! Momo-chan
never lies!
Momo: ...That is, if you lend us your power.
Riku: Power...?
Yuki: Ah, you're not aware?
You have the special ability
to manipulate people's hearts.
Riku: I have such a power...?!
I didn't know...!
Yuki: The people who
want that power so much are
us, and Code Name: 256.
Yuki: For the police's purposes, we
have been brainwashed to do the dirty work
and eliminate troublesome people and organizations.
Yuki: So the police wanted to recapture us,
their valuable personnel who had escaped brainwashing.
Momo: Then, we arrived at your power's existence!
Riku: T-the heads of police....
Did that...?
Momo: Yes.
The police are indeed vile~!
Momo: I don't want to experience those hellish days again!
I've had enough of running away from the police!
If peace can return to our hearts, I don't care if people are sacrificed!
Momo: Now, hurry up and lend us your power, Nanase Riku.
Can you see this knife?
Riku: Eek...!
Tenn: That's enough, Dyna R.
Yuki: --?! Tenn?!
Momo: Why, are you here...?!
Tenn: Well. Isn't it because I'm an alien?
...Please don't move. Otherwise,
my finger might pull the trigger.
Riku: A-alien?!
Tenn: Ainana Station's new police officer, Nanase Riku.
For the sake restoring the peace
of your beloved Ainana Town.
Tenn: Manipulate the hearts of everyone here.
Can you do it?
Riku: I-I don't understand...!
But, I'll try!
Tenn: Good boy.
Yuki: Shit...! Tenn...!
Momo: No, I don't want to go back to those days...!
Tenn: It's okay. I am your senior.
Now that my memory is back, I will protect Momo and Yuki,
even if it costs my life.
Momo, Yuki: ...!
Riku: Everyone, those fun times....
I must think of an ideal world, so that the peaceful Ainana Town
can be restored....
Riku: Restore their hearts...!
Tenn: ...Thanks, Riku....
(1) A teishokuya is a restaurant that serves set meals, such as a main dish, soup, rice, and side dishes.
(2) "Dyna R" was the name chosen by a previous translator for ダイナーR (dainaa R), but I also wonder if it’s a pun for "diner".
About the post format: This story was available in 2 formats. I have gone with labeling it part 1-4 of the RabiTV of the card, Ainana Police [Re:vale Edition], however this story was also Part 13-16 of the event story, Re:vale Police SP. The previous Ainana Police stories make up part 1-12.
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seigyokus · 6 years
10.5 - Wait for Me
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 10.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, it shall be complete. Midou Torao: What are you talking about? Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, fear not-- I’m referring to TRIGGER, not ŹOOĻ. Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER pulled out of SoundShip at the last minute. The first time is fine-- unexpected circumstances happen all the time. However, once happens a second time, they'll be seen as incompetent and impertinent. Tsukumo Ryou: There’s a shining chance for TRIGGER to repair their image-- neither Re:vale nor IDOLiSH7 will be appearing at the Tokyo International Festival of Music and Arts, a high-brow and formal affair. (1) Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER lose their place at that event-- I’ll make sure of it. Natsume Minami: And how will you accomplish this? I'm certain they are also aware that this is a chance for them to recover from their current predicament. Tsukumo Ryou: You see, before I became the president of an entertainment agency, I used to dabble in trading alongside some rather dangerous fellows. I can use those connections.... Tsukumo Ryou: ...To abduct TRIGGER. Inumaru Touma: ...Hey. I ain't getting involved in anything criminal. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha! Oh, we won't be involved at all. TRIGGER are very famous stars-- it'll be the work of a couple stalkers, so to speak. Isumi Haruka: Hmph. Isumi Haruka: ...I don't care. If that's what it'll take to see that brat and his father in tears, then go ahead. Isumi Haruka: I want him to reject everything he's ever worked for and despair. Tsukumo Ryou: Alrighty then! Who wants to call TRIGGER? Midou Torao: Do you have all of their numbers? I only have Ryuunosuke's. Tsukumo Ryou: About that. My friend Momo is a simple person, you see. He set his birthday as the passcode to his phone-- 1111. And so, I extracted all of their numbers. Inumaru Touma: Oh shit, I should change my passcode.... Natsume Minami: You better. We live in an era where entertainment agency presidents casually glean personal information from their friends' phones, after all. Midou Torao: It’s better to change them periodically. Girls love to sneak glances at my phone screen. Isumi Haruka: Won't you forget your code if you change it? ...Well, I guess this should work. Inumaru Touma: What'd you change yours to? Isumi Haruka: My year in high school, followed by my class number and seat number. Inumaru Touma: Ah. Sure is nice to be a student. Midou Torao: Seriously, though. Using your birthday as your passcode when you're a celebrity? When literally everybody knows what's written on your profile? That's stupid. Natsume Minami: You know, Inumaru-san was also using his birthday to unlock his phone until very recently. Inumaru Touma: I'ma make my password super complicated!! Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now, children. Stop playing with your phones, and listen to me. Midou Torao: Hey, Ryou-san. Got RabbitChat? I’ve got some funny stamps I could send you. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? What are they like? Natsume Minami: We should all add each other. Do you know how to do it, Isumi-san? Isumi Haruka: ...I don't. Do it for me. Natsume Minami: So you shake your phone like this.... Here, everyone should try it. Inumaru Touma: Wait! I'm still changing my passcode so I'm not there yet!!
*phone rings* Kujou Ten: ...Who is it? It's from an unknown number.... Isumi Haruka: It's me. Do you want everyone to stop attacking TRIGGER? I can make it happen. Kujou Ten: ....... Isumi Haruka: I'll give you the conditions. If you agree, then I’ll consider it. Can you meet me outside right now? Alone, of course. Kujou Ten: .....Alright. I'll get ready.
*phone rings* Yaotome Gaku: ...Hello? Who the hell are you? Inumaru Touma: Woah, it's Yaotome Gaku's voice.... I can't wimp out right now.... Yaotome Gaku: ......? Inumaru Touma: You wanna save your dad and TRIGGER, right? Yaotome Gaku: You.... Inumaru Touma: If that's the case, then come outside right now. Alone. If you agree to the conditions, I might consider it. Inumaru Touma: And you better keep this a secret. Got it? Yaotome Gaku: I won't tell a soul. ...Where should I meet you?
*phone rings* Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Hello? Torao-kun, is that you? Midou Torao: Hey. It's been a while, yeah? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I've reached out to you several times about Hanamaki-san.... Also, I didn't know you were going to debut-- Midou Torao: Shh. All of this is part of a deal, and a secret one at that. You're my friend, after all. Midou Torao: There's a way to stop everyone from attacking TRIGGER. It might be a little risky, but do you wanna know what it is? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Of course I do. Midou Torao: I knew you'd say that. I need you to meet me right now, and make sure no one knows where you're going. The place is....
Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm glad everyone was able to take today off! Izumi Mitsuki: We gotta cheer TRIGGER on! I even made a fan for them! Are we allowed to have these at the Music and Arts fes? (1) Osaka Sougo: I've brought a light stick for everyone too! Nikaidou Yamato: Woah, look at that! There's a car all decked out, with TRIGGER's logo painted on it! It's.... (2) *car rumbles* Nikaidou Yamato: ...Stopping right in front of us. Okazaki Rinto: Hello! I see like everyone's matching! Yotsuba Tamaki: What’s this car, Okarin? Okazaki Rinto: It's the Revale Stylish Wagon. The manufacturers were kind enough to gift it to us. Nanase Riku: And you made it into a TRIGGER car!? Yuki: We did. Momo: 'Cuz we're celebrities! (3) Rokuya Nagi: Oh, amazing! How wonderful! This makes want to get a Kokona car! Osaka Sougo: I'm so ashamed.... I can't believe I was satisfied with mere light sticks.... Izumi Mitsuki: I feel ya.... I was so hyped up about my fan.... Izumi Iori: I'm certain the car manufacturers would be very surprised to hear that a model they expressly named after Re:vale was repurposed into a TRIGGER car instead. Momo: Let's all cheer for TRIGGER today! They haven't replied to me yet, but if they're free afterwards, we should grab food together! Nanase Riku: I'd love to go! I invited them out this morning as well, but they haven't read my messages yet. Osaka Sougo: I bet they're putting their all into rehearsals! *phone rings* Momo: Oh, Kaoru-chan's calling me! ....... ...What? Momo: Hey, does anyone know where TRIGGER are right now? Izumi Mitsuki: Where? ...You mean they aren't in the arena yet? Momo: Apparently she hasn't been able to contact them all day and has been trying since this morning.... Nanase Riku: What!?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Anesagi-san, is everything alright? I heard you haven't been able to contact any of the members.... Anesagi Kaoru: None of my calls are going through, and no one I've contacted has found them. Everyone at the agency is looking for them right now, but.... Okazaki Rinto: It's strange that all three of them disappeared. Have you contacted the police yet? Anesagi Kaoru: Mhmm. And they gave me lovely advice. Apparently they won't budge until 12 hours have passed since the last recorded contact. Anesagi Kaoru: It must be that Tsukumo man! He's trying to get in our way and wants to stop TRIGGER from performing on stage! If anything has happened to those boys, I.... Nanase Riku: I'll go look for them at Tsukumo Productions! Izumi Iori: Please wait! If you fixate on that tidbit and just march into their agency, it'll only cause more problems! Nikaidou Yamato: They ain’t stupid either. There's no way they'd do that-- it’s way too obvious. Nanase Riku: But! Momo: I understand your concerns, but we gotta leave this to Yaotome Productions. I don't wanna be in the way, so I think we should give them some space. Momo: Okarin, Maneko-chan-- You guys should stay with Kaoru-chan. Takanashi Tsumugi: I agree. Anesagi-san.... Okazaki Rinto: I'm sure everything will be alright....
Izumi Iori: If they can't perform tonight, then it'll dredge up the SoundShip incident from last year and only further the bashing.... Nanase Riku: This is bullying!! Everyone just keeps hating on TRIGGER, and only them! …...What if Ten-nii got kidnapped!? Osaka Sougo: The event will be over by the time the police start moving.... Even reporting the incident is a bit of a sticky situation in and of itself.... Momo: Don't worry guys, I'll talk to President Tsukumo. I'm gonna make sure he pays me back for everything he owes me, and then some! Yuki: I'll come with you. Momo: You can't! Yuki: Why not? Momo: You know how I run really fast? And you're really slow? Well, if he starts running away and I run after him at full power, you'll be left in the dust. Yuki: I guess you're right. Momo: And because I love you so much, Yuki, I'll have to stop chasing after him and run back to you.... Yuki: Momo... Izumi Mitsuki: I don't really wanna say this to you guys since you're our senpai, but.... Now is not the time for that!! Momo: Anyhow! Yuki, you stay put and keep watch! All of you are good kids, so you better hold the fort down! Got it? Nikaidou Yamato: Let us come with you. We can leave the minors behind.... Momo: You can't! That man is utter poison! I don't want him to pollute my darling IDOLiSH7!! Osaka Sougo: Since when did we become yours, Momo-san..... Nanase Riku: Is President Tsukumo really that scary? What if something terrible has happened to TRIGGER!? Momo: He's not the type to engage in violence. Not directly, that’s for sure. He's a very smart man, but his personality is godawful. Rokuya Nagi: And why in the world are you close to a man like that? Momo: He helped me out when I was stuck in a rut, so I thought he was a good person. Back when we were poor, he gave us really tasty organic vegetables, among some other things.... Izumi Iori: So not only did something similar happen with Chiba-san, it happened with him as well? Re:vale gets baited with food much too easily and way too often…. Izumi Mitsuki: In times like this, we should all charge in! It won't be so dangerous since it'll be all of us! Izumi Iori: We can't do that, Nii-san...! Izumi Mitsuki: Hey. If it comes down to it, can any of you fight? Izumi Iori: Like I said, we can't do that!! Nanase Riku: I can fight! Izumi Mitsuki: No, you can't, Riku. Ossan, you’re up. Nanase Riku: Yes, I can! Nikaidou Yamato: Hold up! This onii-san here can't fight!! Izumi Iori: The mere idea of idols engaging in fist fights is outrageous! Nii-san, this is too dangerous-- Izumi Mitsuki: I said, if it comes down to it! We won't initiate. What about you, Tamaki? Can you fight? Yotsuba Tamaki: So. You know how I'm really tall? Usually if I glare at ‘em like this-- the other dude looks away super fast. Like whoosh. Yeah. Yotsuba Tamaki: But some dudes don't look away, and they're really good at fighting. Whenever that happens, I just go whoosh.... And look away. Izumi Mitsuki: So are ya good or not!? Nikaidou Yamato: I'd say we cast him as an extra. Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun is a minor, so if you must insist, I will go. Nikaidou Yamato: Oh yeah, didn't you do kendo? What was your best move? Osaka Sougo: Stabbing my opponent in the throat. (4) Nikaidou Yamato: Mm, executing that move on someone who doesn’t have any protective gear isn’t exactly ideal, but.... Sou, I'm casting you as our ace-- you’re our secret weapon. (5) Osaka Sougo: Understood. Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi? Rokuya Nagi: Fighting? No problem. However, I forgot my Magical Stick, so I won't be able to unleash my true power. Yotsuba Tamaki: I remember you protected that one tower from a terrorist attack though, Nagicchi! Way back when we went to that TRIGGER concert. Izumi Mitsuki: I’ve said this before, but that joke isn't funny so stop saying it! Yotsuba Tamaki: But it's true!! Nikaidou Yamato: What about you, Yuki-san? Can you fight? Yuki: I may look like this, but I'm actually a black belt. Nikaidou Yamato: ...You're kidding, right? Yuki: Yep. Nikaidou Yamato: ...I'll cast Yuki-san, our local indoors person, as Riku's childhood friend. Together, they'll cheer us on from this bench! Nanase Riku・Yuki: Hip hip, hooray! Izumi Iori: You cannot do this! I will not allow it! Momo: Yeah! If anything happens to you kids, I'll never be able to face Ban-san ever again!! Momo: Oh, man.... I don't think I could live if Ban-san hated me.... Izumi Mitsuki: It'll be okay! We're just gonna look for TRIGGER the normal way! Izumi Mitsuki: But in the off chance that we bump into trouble and there's no way around it, there are a couple ground rules I'd like us all to follow since we're idols! Momo: Rules? Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number one! Even if they try to pick a fight.... Yotsuba Tamaki: No hitting until they’ve thrown the first punch! Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number two! If a civilian sees you.... Nikaidou Yamato: We're filming. Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number three! What do you do with your face? Rokuya Nagi: Protect it with your life. Izumi Mitsuki: We should be okay if we follow those rules! We don't want TRIGGER to have any more trouble, right guys? Izumi Mitsuki: Also, the media might cook something weird up again if someone from Yaotome Productions goes. So, let's give it a shot! Izumi Iori: sigh ...... No roughhousing, okay? Izumi Mitsuki: Gotcha! Don't you worry, Iori! Izumi Iori: ....... I'm filled with nothing but worry.... Momo: Oh God, I hope we don't bump into any trouble.... Ban-san will murder me.... Nanase Riku: Wait for me, Ten-nii. I'll definitely save you!
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
Thank you Bicky (@denego_ on twitter) for betaing!!!
(1) uchiwa are these little round paper fans that people bring to concerts that have messages on them (for the artist) or a picture of said artist's face. (2) ita-sha is like the car equivalent of an ita-bag... think of those cars u see at cons with a massive hatsune miku painted all ovr it ALSO, Revale Stylish Wagon is stylized like that because the original is written as リヴァーレ, which is the romanization of Re:vale’s name in katakana and I am an uncreative fuck so I had no clue what to eigo it (3) i switched the orders of the lines bc english/jpn syntactical flow (4) IM NO KENDO MASTER BUT THE "TSUKI" IS A THRUST AT THE THROAT, SEE ATTACHED VIDEO FOR A DEMONSTRATION-- SOUCHAN IS NOT HERE TO FUCK AROUND  (5) these moves are !!! not to be done on people without the proper protective equipment. In kendo you have a mask, and a lot of other things protecting you from bodily injury, and uh, death, amongst other things hence why that move is okay in the context of kendo and why yamato says this
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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arukit · 6 years
idolish7 - Part 3 Chapter 15.2 Translation
Chapter 15.2 - A song linked to memories
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Tenn: Good evening! We’re TRIGGER! Audience: Kyaaaa…. Tenn: I’m glad we can finally meet again. We’ll be singing with all of our might just for you! Audience: Kyaaaa…. Audience: ….Tenn-kun…! Gaku-san! Ryuunosuke-san! I love you!
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Salaryman 1: Whoa, what’s going on with those girls over there? Salaryman 2: Maybe they’re spectators of that live house? Ah… TRIGGER is playing. Salaryman 1: So it’s TRIGGER! It seems like they’re still popular. I haven’t been seeing them on TV lately, but I’ve been watching Yaotome Gaku’s drama series.
Security guard: If this many people gathered here, it may bother the residents of the neighborhood and the other people as well… If you don’t take measures, this could get troublesome. Anesagi: I apologize for the trouble we have caused you…
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Gaku: Thank you for coming to see us! Ryuunosuke: It’s incredible. The audience is so close that I can see everyone’s faces! Audience: Kyaaaa….
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Anesagi: Eh?! We’ll be prohibited from performing here? Live staff: We’re thankful for the full house but… with just today, we really can’t meet the logistic requirements for TRIGGER’s lives. Live staff: Even the police came several times to give warnings… You’re better off at a place with a much bigger capacity! I’m wishing you luck! Anesagi: …
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Mister Shimooka: That was IDOLiSH7’s “Sakura Message”! Riku: Thank you very much! Audience: Kyaaaa….
Woman 1: Apparently Riku-kun’s favorite food is omurice! Woman 2: So cute! Hey, did you see this month’s magazine? When he tried making carbonara, he ended up boiling soumen noodles! Woman 1: He was the one who said he ate together with Iori-kun, right? I want to see that! I wish they had a camera at their dorm! Woman 2: ZOOL has gotten popular but somehow, they look scary so I couldn’t really get into them. Fufu… Riku is so nice! Woman 1: He makes you want to cheer for him!
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Iori: After MEZZO”, Nanase-san also received a radio work offer… Iori: Seeing how he cannot talk by himself, it’d be better if he teamed up with someone else. Tsumugi: The recording session will be done during the day but the show will be on air late at night. For this reason, I was thinking of someone outside you and Tamaki-san. Tsumugi: Since Mitsuki-san is a regular on several shows, fitting his schedule will be difficult. That’s why I thought Nagi-san would be the best choice. Iori: …Can those two really organize a show together? Tsumugi: It’ll differ from MEZZO”’s soothing mood and I think it could become a fantastic show like no other before!
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Riku: Good evening! This is IDOLiSH7’s Nanase Riku with… Nagi: Hello~! This is Rokuya Nagi! Riku: Here is our first postcard! The topic is “Methods to fall asleep when feeling sleepy”! Nagi: Methods to fall asleep? Let’s see. In my case… Riku: Hold on, I got it wrong! It’s “Methods to stay awake when feeling sleepy”! Nagi: I lay down on my bed. See you next week! Riku: Don’t end it already!! That won’t do! We want methods to keep our eyes open! Nagi: You’re the one who mixed it up, Riku. OH… The postcard is so intricately decorated with colorful pen and yet you still read it wrong. Riku: Hey now… It was my bad. I’m sorry. Nagi: What else could the lady do even more for you to read correctly? Riku: She could whisper softly into my ear. Nagi: Nice idea! Let’s implement that. Very well, with your postcard in hand, dress up nicely and come to the broadcast sta-- Riku: Don’t say that! Don’t come, alright? Please keep sending in your postcards! Nagi: Akin to a whisper in our ear, please decorate your postcards intricately, as intricately as you can. Riku: Alright, for our next postcard… Nagi: OH! Oh my god… Riku: Hey now, don’t get so carried away on the radio! Ahaha! You’re infecting me. What’s up? Nagi: We didn’t even spend a single minute to discuss the previous topic! Riku: Ahaha! That’s true! That won’t do. Come on, methods to stay awake! Nagi: At this point, I’m already wide awake.
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Sougo: Continuing, let me introduce the next song. This song “Melody Blue”  was released in 1982 by “Baby Beer”. Sougo: It’s a hardcore masterpiece. The bass line is heart wrenching, along with the penetrating vocals and the mixing that-- Tamaki: What’s hardcore? Rock? Sougo: It’s indeed rock. The most extreme type of rock. Tamaki: Earlier you talked about al…. al… Sougo: Alternative. Tamaki: That, didn’t you say it was rock too? Sougo: It’s indeed rock. Tamaki: What exactly is rock? Is it something like humans? Sougo: Humans? Tamaki: Like if rock was like humans, then hardcore could be the Americans and Alternative could be the Japanese or something like that. Sougo: Ooh, I suppose that is one way to see it. It… does feel that way. Everybody could be like rock. TamakI: What’s with that category? Sou-chan, you normally go into details so wasn’t that too broad of an answer? Sougo: It’s actually more convoluted than that and personal tastes also come into account, so it’ll differ from one record shops to another. Tamaki: What about hip-hop? Sougo:  I believe that its roots come from jazz but there are thinking schools who say it comes from rock, so who knows? Hip-hop is quite divided. Tamaki: Is it okay for rock to be such a broad category? Next time, can I compare salt, pepper and soy sauce to rock all I want? Sougo: Not a chance. Those are seasonings. Tamaki: Don’t mess with me! It’s unfair that only rock gets to do it!
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Riku: Haa… I’m so tired… Mitsuki: Are you alright, Riku? Riku: Yeah. My body is in good shape. It’s just that my exhaustion finally set in when I returned to the dorm and saw everyone’s faces. Yamato: Same here. I’ve been feeling really worn out. Sougo: Once things settle down, it’d be fun if we could all go on a trip somewhere. Tamaki: I want to go! Fall is probably impossible, then what about winter? How about going to Nagicchi’s country to see the aurora? Nagi: OH! The cold in Northmare during midwinter is extremely harsh. The nights are long and the sun only rises for short hours. Tamaki: Why? Is that place still on Earth? Nagi: Iori, you’ve slacked off on teaching Tamaki geography, haven’t you? Iori: Why did the blame have to fall on me? Riku: How did the people of Northmare from the ancient times manage to live in such a cold place? Nagi: Northmare’s ancestors were Vikings. During summertime, they invaded the neighboring lands and pillaged the food and treasures. Nagi: During winter, they secluded themselves on a safe territory and awaited the arrival of minstrels. Mitsuki: Minstrels? Nagi: They are wandering singers who told tales through songs. During the ancient times in Northmare and the neighboring countries, tales were told through songs. Riku: Tales through songs… Nagi: They would typically be from the Codex Regius written in Old Norse or the Poetic Edda. Nagi: Riku, since you’re an avid reader, in Völuspá… Perhaps you might be familiar with the seeress’ prophecy. Nagi: It is a poem of a myth that tells from the creation of the world to the deaths of the gods. Would you know about it? Riku: Ah! You must mean Ragnarök! I see, it’s from Norse mythology after all! Nagi: Yes! Mitsuki: Then, during winter, the wanderers who sang the poems of myths were anticipated by everyone? Nagi: That is correct. When the rays of light cannot reach them and the world is buried in white, the people took joy in the songs and tales. Nagi: And that is no different from this era. Nagi: Even without needing to be cornered by blizzards, we still have sleepless nights when the heart is lost in a well of darkness where light can no longer reach. Riku: I can understand… When that happens, Tenn-nii would sing for me. The songs had all sorts of stories associated with them. Riku: There were the songs’ own stories and then there were the stories of the memories I had with Tenn-nii. Mitsuki: I wonder if it’s the same with our fans. Just how many stories do our songs have with all the people who listened to us? Mitsuki: Every time they listen to our songs, they’d recall the events of the previous day or something like that. It’d be great if we could connect to them this way. Yamato: So songs are stories, huh… That must be why everyone holds TRIGGER dear. Momo-san holds Re:vale dear just as well. Yamato: If we could no longer listen to a song that we associated to ourselves, the pain would feel like losing a part of ourselves. Sougo: However, we will relive that feeling each and every time we hear it. Even the feelings that we forgot will resurface… Iori: Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin… I can say this now but for some time, I didn’t have it in me to listen to “miss you…”. Nagi: OH! For me, it was when TRIGGER sang “Natsu ☆shiyouze!” It felt akin to drinking a bitter cup of coffee. Yamato: When I hear “NO DOUBT”, it reminds me of the time I was so overwhelmed that I caused a huge ruckus. It was so uncool, I should have learned to relax my shoulders. Mitsuki: When we did a unit song with TRIGGER, we only kept good memories from that one, didn’t we! Those guys were so cool and we had a lot of fun. Riku: When I was made IDOLiSH7’s center in “MONSTER GENERATiON”, I was so happy… Riku: It felt like I was finally acknowledged but then a lot happened and I lost my confidence… Riku: But when I sang “RESTART POiNTER”, I felt like I did grow up a little. I felt like I could finally forgive myself. Riku: I love the members and the fans after all. I remember not to ever hesitate whenever I sing or listen to that song. Iori: Nanase-san… Riku: There was something that Tenn-nii told me a while ago. He said that even if the world was to stop spinning, it was our job to keep on singing. Riku: When I first heard that, I thought that it was so sad that it had to be so harsh, so unforgiving and so difficult. Riku: But I understand what he meant now. If our songs were associated to a good memory to someone or brought a happy story to someone, then… Riku: Each time we sang, someone would be reliving their story. We can make them relive that feeling of joy and happiness. Riku: Like a shooting star flying across a starless sky. Riku: We can become stars or even a rainbow.
To be continued.
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tigerintokyo · 6 years
IDOLiSH7 PART 3, CH 10.5
Wait For Me
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the break.
Ryo: It’s about time to finish it.
Torao: What are you talking about?
Ryo: Not you. I’m talking about Trigger.
Ryo: Trigger cancelled last minute on Sound Ship. Once can be “due to unforeseen circumstances.” But twice, it’s due to their bad character.
Ryo: Trigger has a chance to recover their image with a strong performance that even Re:vale and IDOLiSH7 can’t do at the Tokyo Music Arts Fest.
Ryo: But, Trigger will be absent.
Minami: How would that happen? If you say it’s a chance of a lifetime, they should be thinking the same thing.
Ryo: Before becoming the president of this agency, I was in the trade business with a dangerous crowd. I can use my connections...
Ryo: and abduct Trigger.
Touma: ….Hey. I’d rather not be involved in a crime.
Ryo: Ahaha. It won’t involve us. Trigger are popular stars. It’s just the work of a little stalker.
Isumi: ……….heh.
Isumi: ...Anything is fine. As long as I can see that family cry.
Isumi: As long as everything they’ve done can be denied, and they fall into hopelessness.
Ryo: Ok, now then. Who wants to call Trigger?!
Torao: Do you know their numbers? I know Ryunosuke’s number though.
Ryo: My friend Momo is a little careless. His password on his smartphone is his birthday, 1111. I extracted all the phone numbers.
Touma: Oh no, I have to change my password...
Minami: You should, because nowadays, even the president of a company will extract personal information from their friend’s smartphone.
Torao: You should change it on a regular basis, in case a woman wants to peek into your phone.
Isumi: But if you change it, isn’t it hard to remember? Is this necessary….
Touma: What did you use?
Isumi: My school grade, class number, and student number.
Touma: Oh, it’s nice being a student.
Torao: But, to have your birthday as your code when you’re an entertainer is stupid. Anyone can know it from looking at your profile.
Minami: Mido-san, you know that Inumaru-san’s was his birthday too, right?
Touma: I’ll change it to a super complicated number!
Ryo: Hey everyone, let’s stop messing with our smartphones. Are you listening to me?
Toaro: Ryo-san, if you use Rabbit Chat, I’ll send you some fun stickers.
Ryo: Eh? What kind of stickers?
Minami: Shall we all add each other? Isumi-san, do you know how to do it?
Isumi: I’m not sure how to… Do it for me.
Minami: You do this and then shake it [1]…. See, everyone else, try it too.
Touma: Wait! I’m still changing my password. I’m not sure what we’re talking about now!
(phone rings)
Tenn: … Who’s calling? An unknown number...
Tenn: Yes?
Isumi: It’s me. Do you want to stop the attacks on Trigger?
Tenn: ……….
Isumi: After you accept our conditions, you can give it some thought. Can you come out now by yourself?
Tenn: … I got it. I’ll get ready now.
(phone rings)
Gaku: ...Hello? Who are you?
Touma: Wow, it’s Yaotome Gaku’s voice… I’m so freaked out I could die...
Gaku: ……….ah?
Touma: You want to help Trigger and your father, right?
Gaku: …. you….
Touma: If so, come out by yourself now. After you accept our conditions, you’ll want to do it.
Touma: Of course, don’t tell anyone else.
Gaku: I won’t. ...Where should I go?
(phone rings)
Tsunashi: Hello? Torao-kun?
Torao: Hey. It’s been awhile.
Tsunashi: I’ve been trying to contact you. About Hanamaki-san… And then, about your debut...
Torao: Shh. Right now, I have a secret deal for you, because you’re my friend.
Torao: There’s a way to stop the attacks on Trigger. It might be a bit dangerous, but do you want to know what it is?
Tsunashi: Of course.
Torao: I knew you would say that. Come here now without letting anyone else know. The place is...
Tsumugi: Today, it’s great that we could all have a day off together!
Mitsuki: We have to go and cheer on Trigger! I made cheering fans! It’ll be great to wave them at the music fest, right?
Sogo: I also brought penlights for everyone!
Yamato:  Oh! What’s that over there? It's really flashy with the Trigger logo painted on it. An ita-car [2]...?
(car pulls up)
Yamato: …. And it stopped right in front of us.
Okazaki: Hello! Is everyone doing well?
Tamaki: Okarin?! What is this car?!
Okazaki: It’s the Re:vale station wagon. We got it from the car manufacturer.
Riku: You made a Trigger ita-car?!
Yuki: Because we’re celebrities.
Momo: We did.
Nagi: Oh! Amazing! How fantastic! I also want a Kokona ita-car!
Sogo: What should I do… I just came with penlights. How embarrassing...
Mitsuki: Ah… And I was all excited over just bringing fans.
Iori: The manufacturer must’ve been surprised to specially make a car named Re:vale into a Trigger ita-car.
Momo: Let’s all cheer on Trigger together! And, I still haven’t heard back from them, but if you’re heading over there, let’s go eat together!
Riku: Yes, let’s! This morning, I tried inviting them too! But it seems like they haven’t been responding for awhile.
Sogo: They’re probably getting themselves pumped up and doing rehearsals!
(phone rings)
Momo: Ah, it’s from Kaoru-chan! ……. ……. ….eh?
Momo: Everyone, do you know where Trigger is?
Mitsuki: Where they are? They still haven’t gotten to the venue?
Momo: She says they haven’t been able to contact them since this morning...
Riku: Eh?!
Tsumugi: Anesagi-san, are you okay?! I heard you can’t contact the members...
Anesagi: They’re not answering any calls, and everywhere we checked, we can’t find them. The office is searching for them in full force, but...
Okazaki: It’s strange that all three of them disappeared. Did you contact the police?
Anesagi: Yeah, I filed a report, but it’s only been half of a day since we lost contact, so they said they can’t do anything about it yet.
Anesagi: ….It’s the work of that Tsukumo guy! He’s been trying to keep Trigger from getting on the stage! If anything happens to those boys...
Riku: I’ll go to Tsukumo Prod. and look for them...!
Iori: Please wait! It can become a big problem if we just jump to conclusions!
Yamato: They’re not stupid either. They’ll just put up a front like they don’t know anything.
Riku: But…!
Momo: I know you’re worried, but let’s leave it to the Yaotome Prod. staff. Everyone, it’s not good if we get in their way, so let’s leave.
Momo: Okarin, Maneko-chan [3], stay by Kaoru-chan’s side.
Tsumugi: Leave it to me…. Anesagi-san...
Okazaki: It’ll be okay, for sure.
Iori: If they can’t perform tonight, they can be attacked with last year’s Sound Ship incident too.
Riku: Those bullies!! They keep making Trigger look like the bad guy! Was Tenn-nii kidnapped…?
Sogo: The performance will have already finished if we wait for the police to move. Now, the police report itself is difficult to handle...
Momo: Don’t worry. I will go talk with the president at Tsukumo. I’m going to pay him back in full!
Yuki: I’ll go too.
Momo: You can’t!
Yuki: Why?
Momo: I’m really fast, right? You’re slow though, right? When that guy tries to run off, even at full speed, you’ll be left behind, Yuki.
Yuki: You're right.
Momo: And then, because I love you, I’ll stop chasing after him and just come back for you, Yuki.
Yuki: Momo...
Mitsuki: Umm, I shouldn’t be saying this to my senpai, but … Now is not the time for that!
Momo: Anyway, Yuki will be the house-sitter. You’re all good guys, so all of you are also house-sitting!
Yamato: We will go with you. The underaged [4] guys can stay behind...
Momo: No way! That guy’s really toxic! My cute IDOLiSH7 will get corrupted!!
Sogo: I didn’t even notice when we became Momo-san’s…?
Riku: Is that president that scary?! Did he treat all of Trigger really horribly too?
Momo: He doesn’t do the acts personally, because he’s really smart. But his personality is really bad.
Nagi: Why did you become close with a man like that?
Momo: He helped me when I was in trouble, so I thought he was a good person. When I didn’t have anything to live on, he even gave me delicious organic vegetables.
Iori: When Chiba-san was around, he did the same. Weren’t the members of Re:vale being fed too much then…?
Mitsuki: What about this time? Let’s all do it together, with everyone! Then, it won’t be dangerous, right?
Iori: We can’t do that! Nii-san…!
Mitsuki: I’m asking this just in case something happens, but are you guys good at fighting?
Iori: I said we can’t do that!!
Riku: I can fight!
Mitsuki: Riku is a “no.” Ossan, are you in?!
Riku: I’m not a “no”!
Yamato: This onii-san is a “NO”!
Iori: Idols getting into fights is absurd! Nii-san, you’re acting recklessly...
Mitsuki: I said it was “just in case something happens”! It’s not like we’re going to start fighting right now. How about you, Tamaki?
Tamaki: So about me, I’m big, right? So, if I let out a big “gah!” then they’ll shy away like “shuu~”
Tamaki: But, if the guy doesn’t back off, that means he’s good at fighting. So, in that case, I would shy away like “shuu~”
Mitsuki: So then which is it?!
Yamato: He’s the henchman role.
Sogo: Tamaki-kun is underaged, so if it is completely necessary, then I will go.
Yamato: You said you did kendo? What’s your best technique?
Sogo: Tsuki (thrust to the neck) [5].
Yamato: If you use tsuki on a guy with no armor, it’ll really be serious. Sou, you’re the trump card role.
Sogo: Understood.
Mitsuki: How about Nagi?
Nagi: No problem. But, since I left my magical stick at home, I can’t use my full power.
Tamaki: Nagicchi, way back, before the Trigger live concert, you protected the tower from terrorists after all.
Mitsuki: We’re not gonna fall for that story. How many times are you going to tell it?!
Tamaki: It really happened!
Yamato: Yuki-san, can you fight?
Yuki: Despite how I look, I’m a black belt.
Yamato: That’s got to be a lie!
Yuki: Yup.
Yamato: …. Indoorsy Yuki-san is with Riku as the childhood sweetheart roles. If you cheer for us from the bench, we’ll get energized.
Riku & Yuki: Fure fure!
Iori: You cannot do this! I do not accept this!
Momo: That’s right! If anything happens to you guys, I won’t be able to face Ban-san again!!
Momo: Ah…. If Ban-san hates me, I can’t go on living.
Mitsuki: It’s okay! We’re just looking for Trigger, like normal!
Mitsuki: If, in the very unlikely chance, you get yourself into some trouble, at that time, you have to keep the Basic Idol Rules!
Momo: Basic rules?
Mitsuki: Basic Idol Rule, #1! Even if you pick a fight...
Tamaki: Do not strike unless you’ve been stricken!
Mitsuki: Basic Idol Rule #2! If regular people see you...
Yamato: We’re “filming.”
Mitsuki: Basic Idol Rule #3! The face...
Nagi: I will defend it with my life.
Mitsuki: If we just keep these, then it’ll be fine! After all, we all don’t want to see Trigger being treated like this anymore, right?!
Mitsuki: If you let the Yaotome Prod. people handle it, it could take a weird turn for the worst. Let’s take care of it ourselves!
Iori: ………. You really aren’t going to do anything violent, right?
Mitsuki: Yeah! Don’t worry, Iori!
Iori: ……. I’m worried.
Momo: Don’t get into any bad situations… Ban-san will kill me.
Riku: Tenn-nii, wait for me. I will definitely save you...!
Next chapter
1. A popular messaging app in Japan called LINE allows friends to add each other on the app by shaking their phones next to each other. I guess Rabbit Chat also has this function. [youtube video]
2. ita-car (or itasha, see: itabag): a car decorated extensively for a famous person or character, in this case for Trigger. [wikipedia]
3. Maneko-chan: Momo’s pet name for the player. It combines “manager” (pronounced maneejyaa) and ko (Japanese for “child,” can be used to refer to people younger than the speaker; also often used in girl’s names).
4. Underaged in Japan is under the age of 20. [wikipedia]
5. Tsuki is a technique in kendo in which the sword tip is thrusted directly at the throat and gains a point if successful. [wikipedia] [youtube video of the technique]
(Please do not use my translations without permission. Do not copy & paste them. I don't actually know anything about kendo. Sorry if it seems like I did.)
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yotsutama · 6 years
2nd Anniversary Special Story 5
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Idolish7 2nd Anniversary Special Story
Chapter 5 - Innocent Feelings
Phantom: This is your last chance. Kujou Tenn.
Tenn: Okay.
Gaku: You look confident.
Tenn: Well, yeah. Can I answer now?
Phantom: Say it.
Tenn: Love is, when we find out your true self, and call out your name.
Riku: …… Call his name?
Tenn: I’ve been suspicious of you. You’re asking us what ‘love’ is, even if you are a criminal, it’s hard to think that you are a man.
Tenn: Phantom, you are a woman. Plus, you couldn’t understand philosophical or adult-like answers.
Tenn: What you understood was an answer anyone, even a kid could understand, ‘an exciting feeling when surpassing the rainbow.’
Tenn: What angered you was the word ‘sea.’ Because someone couldn’t take you there.
Riku: Take her there…? ……! Ah…!
Tenn: Yeah. Phantom is the Master Director’s daughter. Am I right? Hitomi-chan.
Master Director’s Daughter: …………………
Iori: Master Director’s… Now that you said it, if she wasn’t related to Master Control, she couldn’t release breaking news that quickly.
Nagi: However, Master Control’s room has high-level security.
Nagi: Even if she is the staff’s family. A little lady like her couldn’t possibly access the computer that easily.
Master Director’s Daughter: …… I took the magic bag.
Mitsuki: The magic bag…?
Riku: Hitomi-chan, why are you doing this?
Master Director’s Daughter: I heard Papa and Mama talking, they said it was the president of TRIGGER’s agency’s fault they couldn’t celebrate my birthday.
Yaotome Sousuke: …… What?
Master Director’s Daughter: I liked TRIGGER very much. But since I found out about that, I hate them so much now.
Master Director’s Daughter: They are idols, they can be stars whenever they want, but I can be the star only on my birthday.
Riku: …… Hitomi-chan……
Master Director’s Daughter: That’s why, I used the magic bag. Then, I found out you were going to have a party at this restaurant.
Master Director’s Daughter: It’s not fair only TRIGGER gets to be celebrated. So I wanted to mess it up, just like my birthday.
Sougo: …… What do you mean by magic bag?
Master Director’s Daughter: It’s a big bag Papa’s new coworker put in our garage, he asked us to keep it for him.
Master Director’s Daughter: There’s a lot of difficult instructions in it. But I’m used to computers, so I learned how to access it.
Master Director’s Daughter: Then, when I tried pulling a prank, the instructions told me how to do it and then I could write whatever I wanted and make it appear on TV.
Tamaki: A prank, you mean that news about King Pudding being discontinued!?
Master Director’s Daughter: Yes. The bomb was a lie, but there are detailed instructions on how to create breaking news about a meteor.
Iori: Is that… A special machine and instructions on how to hack master control’s work!?
Iori: It’s dangerous for you to have those things. Let us go, and give that bag to us……
Master Director’s Daughter: No!!
Tenn: ………………..
Tenn: You haven’t satisfied messing up our party?
Master Director’s Daughter: I haven’t……
Tenn: I see. But I don’t think you can be satisfied even if you continued.
Master Director’s Daughter: Why?
Tenn: Because you like us, after all.
Master Director’s Daughter: ………………….
Tenn: You won’t ask what love is to guys you hate, right?
Tenn: If you almost started to hate us, try to like us. We will definitely make you love us again.
Tenn: We promise you won’t regret it. Please, don’t give up on us.
Tenn: Please, keep loving us.
Riku: …… Tenn-nii……
Master Director’s Daughter: I……
Master Director’s Daughter: I wanted to marry Yaotome Gaku.
Gaku: Me?
Tenn: So your favorite is Gaku……
Ryuunosuke: Is that so……
Momo: Do the two of you feel slightly disappointed you’re not her favorite?
Master Director’s Daughter: But, if I marry Yaotome Gaku, I have to call that stupid president my dad……
Yaotome Sousuke: Who are you calling stupid president!? Don’t you know I can demote your father with my power!?
Okazaki Rinto: President Yaotome, don’t talk about adult matters in front of a little girl! Little lady, you shouldn’t call uncle Yaotome stupid!
Master Director’s Daughter: Okay……
Okazaki Rinto: Hitomi-chan, how about not marrying Yaotome Gaku-kun, and marrying Rinto Onii-chan here? There won’t be any problems that way, right?
Yuki: Okarin just lined himself with the most Desired Embrace no.1 man.
Momo: Awesome. I might fall for him.
Master Director’s Daughter: No way.
Okazaki Rinto: Hm… Youngsters these days reject confessions so fast.
Ogami Banri: Hitomi-chan, how about Banri Onii-chan? I would make sweet sugar bread snacks for you.
Tamaki: Our guy stepped forward too!
Sougo: And he used snacks to lure her……
Iori: Plus, the snacks were simply cheap……
Master Director’s Daughter: No way. Yaotome Gaku is popular in my class.
Gaku: You like me because I’m popular? You shouldn’t like someone just because of that reason.
Master Director’s Daughter: …………………
Gaku: I want you to find my good traits and like me because of that. I have weaknesses too, but I have quite a lot of good traits.
Gaku: Find your own reason to like me. When you genuinely like me, my old man won’t matter to you anymore.
Master Director’s Daughter: …… I thought of that too before……
Master Directobr’s Daughter: But my birthday, the day I became an adult, ended up as a boring day. I can no longer believe in love or adults anymore……
Mitsuki: Don’t say you don’t believe in it! Hitomi-chan, you’re still 10 years old, aren’t you?
Mitsuki: Lots of exciting things are waiting for you! True, there might be sad things too.
Mitsuki: But believe, you are the star in your life every single day, forever!
Master Director’s Daughter: …… Not only on my birthday?
Ryuunosuke: He’s right. Even on sunny days or rainy days, you are here, with your family and friends. You are the star in your own story that will always continue.
Momo: Even if you don’t stand on a stage or air pranks on TV, if you laugh, it’s a good story ending!
Yamato: A story about locking idols up is hard to brag about to your classmates, right? You should go out, and make a new story.
Yamato: Onii-san understands it well. If you think you can’t believe it, you will no longer believe it. But…
Yamato: If you think things will be OK, and believe in yourself, surprisingly, it will be OK in the end.  (1)
Gaku: Please let us go, Hitomi.
Master Director’s Daughter: …… Gaku-kun……
Gaku: You like me, don’t you? Then come to me. I will make you feel like you’re surpassing the rainbow.
Gaku: I promise.
Yaotome Sousuke: ……………….
Yaotome Sousuke: …… I understand. I will talk to that TV station’s Master Director.
Yaotome Sousuke: I can’t promise, but I will see if your father can have another day off for your birthday.
Master Director’s Daughter: Really…!?
Yaotome Sousuke: Yeah. So you must let us go already. Anyway, where is this!?
Master Director’s Daughter: The restaurant’s 1st floor.
Yaotome Sousuke: What? Then, where are the owner and chefs!?
Master Director’s Daughter: They’re here. They’re waiting until the surprise ends. They helped me lock the room too.
Yaotome Sousuke: Surprise!? The owner thought this was a surprise!?
Master Director’s Daughter: They said Re:vale called them and asked them to help with their surprise.
Master Director’s Daughter: That’s why they listened to my requests too.
Yaotome Sousuke: You brats…!!
Momo: Ouch--! Sorry sorry!!
Yuki: Well well, President, well well well.
Anesagi Kaoru: Then what are the hand-shaped bloodstains on the refrigerator!?
Master Director’s Daughter: The owner accidentally put the documents and CD into the shredder and when he tried to take it out he injured himself.
Master Director’s Daughter: If it’s put in a refrigerator, the scratches would disappear so he placed it in there.  (2)
Anesagi Kaoru: Don’t you know that’s our legendary CD!?
Master Director’s Daughter: Ah…!!
Riku: Are you okay!?
Master Director’s Daughter: Some weird people are coming! The restaurant owner is unconscious…!
Iori: Is the owner of the bag coming back to get it?
Iori: He had instructions on how to hack master control’s work, he can’t be a normal person. He must have planned a criminal act!
Nagi: Hurry up, Hitomi! Hide yourself this instant! Look for a narrow space so the adults can’t find you!
Master Director’s Daughter: Eh……
Nagi: Go go go! Hurry up!
Master Director’s Daughter: ……gh, Kyaaa…!
Nagi: …… Jesus!
Yamato: Tama! How’s the door!?
Tamaki: It won’t open!!
Riku: Hitomi-chan! Hitomi-chan…!
Sougo: …… She’s not responding……
Anesagi Kaoru: You must be lying… No way…!
All: ………………..
Takanashi Otoharu: …… Everyone, are you okay!?
Tsumugi: Dad!
Ogami Banri: President!
Yaotome Sousuke: Takanashi! Is that you!?
Takanashi Otoharu: Sorry I am late. When I arrived, a little girl was cornered by an odd guy.
Ogami Banri: President, are you safe!?
Takanashi Otoharu: I am okay! I threw him with a one arm shoulder throw!  (3)
Ogami Banri: President, so ikemen…!!
Momo: Ban-san just fanboyed like me……
Takanashi Otoharu: I will open the door now. … Ah! Right. Yaotome-kun, TRIGGER.
Yaotome Sousuke: What.
Takanashi Otoharu: Congratulations on your award! As expected of Yaotome Production’s top idols. Do your best from now on too.
Yaotome Sousuke: …… Haha. Shut up. Hurry and open the door already.
Tsumugi: Thus, the case was solved.
Tsumugi: The man who owned Hitomi-chan’s magic bag was arrested by the police.
Tsumugi: His motive was he was upset because a woman he worked with at the TV station dumped him.
 [Re:vale’s Agency]
Momo: I’m glad the case was solved in the end! If the culprit’s plan went as planned, Japan would be in a panic.
Yuki: Idols who saved Japan, that doesn’t sound bad.
Momo: You’re super ikemen!!
Okazaki Rinto: Thanks for your work! I should do my best too so President Yaotome will forgive me soon……
[IDOLiSH7 dorms]
Riku: But it was inspiring! We don’t talk about love except at our jobs after all!
Nagi: We were able to get home on time to watch Cocona as well.
Tamaki: Nagicchi, which do you like more, girls or Cocona?
Nagi: Tamaki… My love is deeper than the sea and higher than the sky.
Tamaki: So?
Nagi: I love both with all my heart.
Mitsuki: That’s called two-timing!
Yamato: How about you, Mitsu? Have you improved your vocabulary, not just ‘having your heart throbbing?’
Mitsuki: Uumm… It’s kinda hard to express our feelings, see?
Iori: What if there are feelings that can’t be expressed using words?
Mitsuki: In that case… I’d bake a delicious cake to express my feelings! I’m a baker’s son, after all!
Tamaki: We’re goi--…… Sou-chan, leave that thing!!
Sougo: But Tamaki-kun, you said I should bring this with me regularly……
Tamaki: I wasn’t serious! The police would arrest you if you brought that screwdriver everywhere!
Yamato: …… You could get out easily whenever you’re locked somewhere, then.
[TRIGGER’s dressing room]
Anesagi Kaoru: Sigh… I was afraid that something would happen to you. Thank god you are ok.
Anesagi Kaoru: That girl was able to have her birthday party with her dad too!
Ryuunosuke: Is that true!? I’m glad!
Ryuunosuke: But Tenn, I was impressed by how you could guess that Phantom was a girl.
Tenn: Because I’m an idol.
Ryuunosuke: Because you’re an idol?
Tenn: I’m always thinking about how to make the girls who like us happy.
Tenn: I’m having fun doing that, it’s like celebrating someone’s birthday every day. I have a wonderful job.
Ryuunosuke: You’re right. Even though we don’t have any magic item, we can always make someone happy with our own power.
Ryuunosuke: It’s such an honor to have this wonderful job.
[TV station hallway]
Gaku: Oi.
Yaotome Sousuke: What.
Gaku: I heard from Mom. When I was a kid, we celebrated my birthday at that restaurant before.
Yaotome Sousuke: ………………..
Gaku: …… If that’s the truth, you should’ve told me.
Yaotome Sousuke: …… Your mother was raised in a small town with an impetuous personality. She always complained about the French cooking there.
Yaotome Sousuke: ‘The cooking time is so slow. Even a Soba just takes 10 minutes to be served,’ she said. Thinking about it now, we never got along from the start.
Gaku: …………….....
Yaotome Sousuke: …… However, it was a good memory.
Gaku: Hmph……
Yaotome Sousuke: I won’t take us to dinner again. You made friends with those brats without my permission and messed up the dinner.
Gaku: Thanks to that, you were saved by them, right? Anyway, I don’t care, we can have a party ourselves.
Yaotome Sousuke: Head to the studio already. Stay focused.
Gaku: You don’t have to tell me that. Bye.
Tenn: Gaku, you’re so slow.
Gaku: My bad.
Audiences: Kyaaaaaaaaa……..
Ryuunosuke: The audience is so excited.
Tenn: Are you ready to show them the rainbow and the sea?
Gaku: Yeah.
Ryuunosuke: Let’s do our best!
Tenn: No matter where our stage is, we are TRIGGER. No matter what happens, we won’t budge. Our passion is here, and it will never change.
Tenn: Being loved as if it’s our birthday and loving them as if we were celebrating their birthdays.
Tenn: Up until now, from now on, towards every person we see with these eyes.
Proofread by Sophia @ousama-pudding!! <3
(1) *part 3 spoiler* do you know how much I cried at this line knowing yamato spent his young days not believing in anyone SOBS
(2) Freezing a CD can actually remove scratches on a CD. By placing a damaged CD into the freezer for several hours and then letting it thaw to room temperature on its own and removing any excess moisture afterwards will fix the CD. When small ice layers forms in the scratch, this will allow the laser to read the song normally and it basically won’t read the scratches anymore and play the CD like normal. (TBH I didn’t know this until Sophia told me hahaha thanks!)
(3) One arm shoulder throw is a judo/sumo move.
We plan to translate Twelve Fantasia in Fukuoka next (personally just because Re:vale and MEZZO” take the spotlight in Fukuoka story lol) not going to do the whole twelve fantasia story bc I believe someone would do it... someone would......
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re--vale · 7 years
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hey bamco don’t think i forgot abt the villain boyfriends au
when the fuck are re:vale getting their ainana police cards
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ryuuppai · 7 years
[i7] Yaotome Gaku Birthday Photobook Part 2: Gaku and his Senior Idols
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Tsumugi: Re:vale have gathered here for us, today!
Momo: I'm here~! -=≡∑(((⊃°∀°)つ
Yuki: Greetings
Momo: Still early, but happy birthday~! (≧∇≦)▼☆▼(≧∇≦)
Gaku: Sorry for making you do this when you're busy. Thank you. 
Tsumugi: IDOLISH7 has received both Re:vale and TRIGGER together as guests, but due to the large number of people, this time we will conduct the talk with only Re:vale and Yaotome-san! 
Tsumugi: I apologize for calling you during busy times, but please talk like you usually do!
Momo: Hey~ Isn't Gaku pretty co~ld lately? I'm lo~ne~ly~
Yuki: I bet you got a boyfriend~ come on~ tell us~ (1)
Gaku: This isn't how you usually talk, right (lol)
Momo:  (・ω<)Heehee (2)
Gaku: Since it's my birthday, I have something I want to ask Re:vale. 
Momo: Oh! What is it what is it~! We'll do anything! ☆
Gaku: Momo-san, you have a sports club with Ryu and the older Izumi, don't you. Yuki-san, let's make some club too.
Yuki: A club huh...
Gaku: You said you'd do anything, didn't you!
Momo: It's because Yuki is an indoor type! Lol What kind of club do you want to make?
Gaku: Anything's fine. I want to fool around like you and the others too. I'll invite Nikaido from IDOLiSH7. 
Tsumugi: I'm happy that Yamato-san would be invited! I'm sure he'll be happy too! 
Yuki: If that would make Yamato-kun happy. It's Gaku-kun's birthday, so it's fine.
Gaku: Alright, so it's been decided. I wonder what would be good. If it's me, Yuki-san, and Nikaido, I guess something about acting or drinking. What about visiting wineries?
Yuki: Since we'll all be drinking, I don't think anyone will want to drive
Momo: Wouldn't a movie club be good!? Not watching them, but making them!(*>ω<) 
Gaku: Sounds good! I want to be the director!
Yuki: I don't think we can finish that in one day
Gaku: We won't. It's club acitivities, after all. Let's make a parody of "Mission." Please come as a guest too, Momo-san.
Momo: Is that okay!? Yay–! \゙( °∀°)ノ゙●~*
Yuki: Isn't having only a corpse collector and a bomber as partners too much?
Gaku: It's fine. I'll be a guardian angel.
Momo: It's LastDime– (3)!! •_ε(°-°*)ß☆*°¨゚゚Angel☆Eight*:..☆☆。
Gaku: If you're worried, let's call Yotsuba as a boxer too.
Momo: It's KoiKake–  (4) !! (o≧ω≦)〇))Whoosh whoosh=〇)°0°).。
Yuki: Do that one, Gaku-kun. I like that one.
Gaku: That one?
Momo: The Shinsengumi's Hijikata Toshizo (5)! You were saying that before too, right Yuki!
Gaku: Ah–! You did praise me for it!
Tsumugi: You were really cool as the Shinsengumi, so I loved it too! The picture that Yamato-san took of you is also appearing in the Gaku Photobook, isn't it!
Momo: The one where Yuki unexpectedly got the first comment!
Yuki: That's right. I liked it so I took it
Gaku: Really!? That makes me super happy!
Momo: You were a miracle pretty boy! I even printed it on a T-shirt and wore it! (ノ∀*)
Gaku: Ah–, that's a lie. This one's a lie. I've become able to tell, lately......
Yuki: Lol
Momo: Lolololololol
Gaku: I got really happy for nothing, didn't I.
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Momo: Gaku is cute lololol
Yuki: I mean it when I say that I liked it. It's my favourite Hijikata that I've seen so far
Gaku: Thank you. I'm glad. Momo-san, please wear that T-shirt one of these days (lol)
Momo: I will I will I will! (・∀・)=b
Tsumugi: You're being lively talking about your movie club, but I've received some questions from Re:vale for you, Yaotome-san!
[Tsumugi: If I want to bribe Yaotome Papa, what do you think would work?]
Gaku: A bribe!? I don't think his mood would improve upon receiving objects. He was looking for a good music producer.
[Tsumugi: Natural curls?]
Gaku: (lol) That's right. Can't you tell, looking at my old man.
[Tsumugi: When you're in a pinch, what would you want the person you like to do?]
Gaku: I don't need anything. I just want them to watch me overcome it on my own.
Gaku: Is it alright like this?
Momo: It's perfect! Thanks, Gaku–!
Tsumugi: Thank you, everyone! Finally, Re:vale, please send your messages to Yaotome-san!
Momo: Gaku, happy birthday!! Gaku-chan gets poked at by Tenn a lot, but this well-informed Momo-chan knows that as TRIGGER's leader, you have to get through all kinds of hardships! That's the Gaku that I love! +.(≧∀≦)°+.°
Momo: From now one, keep being our handsome, cool and cute junior! 
Yuki: Gaku-kun, happy birthday. No one really pays attention to me on location, so I'm happy that you come talk to me. Thanks. We're both busy, but take care of your body. 
Gaku: Thank you, Re:vale. I'm really moved. 
Gaku: I'm deeply endebted to both Yuki-san and Momo-san, but if it's okay for me to say something so pretentious, then I'll be thinking of you as rivals, or as a goal. 
Gaku: I love you both, so I definitely want to win against you sometime.
Yuki: That's right
Momo: Come at us with all you've got!
Tsumugi: Even I got fired up. . Re:vale, Yaotome-san, thank you!
(1) Yuki and Momo are imitating teenage girls talking.
(2) Momo says "tehepero" which is a word used when you giggle (tehe) and stick out your tongue (pero) in a cheeky way. 
(3) In the musical for Last Dimension, Gaku played the role of an angel called Eight. 
(4) MEZZO'' 's song "Fragments of Love" (koi no kakera). It was mentioned in Part 2 that the song was used in a drama starring MEZZO'', in which Tamaki played the role of a boxer. 
(5) During the late Edo period, the Shinsengumi were a kind of private police force made of samurai, employed by the Tokugawa shogunate to defend the rule of the emperor. Hijikata Toshizo was a vice-commander of the Shinsengumi, and one of its most famous members. In Japan, the Shinsengumi is a very common theme for historical dramas, games, etc. It was mentioned in a previous chat that Gaku played Hijikata in a historical drama (here). They included a photo card of him in costume in his Birthday Photobook (here).
Trying to reproduce Momo’s kaomojis was absolute hell. Thank you for testing me I have come out of this stronger. 
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jemiroka · 7 years
Idolish7 part 3 story 11.3 notes
Ryunosuke is the first TRIGGER member to make it to the concert venue. Manager-tachi tell him to get changed and prep for the concert while they find the other two.
According to Iori there’s only 30 minutes left before the concert starts. Riku and Mitsuki have figured out where Tenn is. It also seems like the boys are hiding the details from Tsumugi. Tsumugi knows that they’re hiding something from her and is a little hurt with her exchange with Iori who still isn’t telling her the big details or that TRIGGER has been kidnapped (she just knows that they’re not there).
Tsumugi is mad but lets it go. Iori thinks she’s as scary as her father.
Yamato and friends figure out Gaku’s location from Re:vale. Sougo compares their situation to a chess match and that Yaotome is the king. I think he’s using this to figure out a strategy. Yamato and Sougo’s conversation is too intricate for me to figure out DX I am literally Tamaki who doesn’t understand what they’re going on about either.
Tenn isn’t cooperating with his kidnappers and yells for help. They threaten to tape up his mouth to stop his commotion.
Enter Mitsuki. The kidnappers freak out and Riku offers to fight too but Mitsuki’s like NO.
The concert is about to start with only Ryu present. He believes that the other two will be rescued in time before the end of the concert so he says he’ll sing on his own if he has to.
WTF is Ryou doing here...WTF Zool GTFO... Ryu is like “Torao! I trusted you!” and figures out that he’s been deceived the entire time. Torao is unapologetic. He also figures out that he’s been using Hanamaki.
Anesagi says they’ll call the police over what they did but Ryou feigns innocence and asks if there’s a stalker around.
Yaotome papa figures that Tsukumo is at Zero Arena and decides to head there.
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ioriku · 7 years
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IDOLiSH7′s “Wish Upon a Shooting Star” Volume 1 and Volume 4 of the IDOLiSH7 manga go on sale tomorrow, August 4th, 2017! Hakusensha has released previews for the tokutens included with your purchase(s).
In addition, LaLaDX’s September and November Issues will be featuring postcards of Ainana Police’s villain trio (Nagi, Sogo, and Yamato) and Re:vale in their No Doubt MV outfits drawn by Arina Tanemura! Stay tuned~
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osakaso5 · 6 years
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Yuki Re:vale Police Rabbit Chat Part 1: i7 Police 2!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, good work! Thank you for accepting a role in the upcoming "i7 Police 2"!
Yuki: No problem
Yuki: I saw the previous story
Tsumugi: Thank you! How did you like it..?
Yuki: Yamato-kun was such a sleazebag
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Yuki: The sudden reveal that some characters were aliens was pretty interesting
Tsumugi: Thank you! I'm glad to hear that!
Yuki: So, am I from an underground civilization? Or the future?
Tsumugi: For now, you're just a normal earthling, but there may be developments that take you into space later!
Yuki: I can't wait. I'll have to learn some Martian
Tsumugi: As I thought! You must be tired of Earth girls by now!
Yuki: No no no
Yuki: I was just joking. I like Earth girls.
Tsumugi: Our Ogami says that you'd be suited for the role of a Martian!
Yuki: Thank you ^^ Tell him that he'd be suited for the part of a Venusian ^^
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Tsumugi: i7 Police is about Riku-san, the rookie officer who's been captured by "Codename: 256", and who gets rescued by the teo detectives played by Iori-san and Mitsuki-san, as well as the SAT agent played by Tamaki-san!
Tsumugi: "Codename: 256" is made up of Yamato-san, the leader, Nagi-san, the master spy, and Sogo-san, the sadistic pervert!
Yuki: It's so unclear whether this is aimed at kids or adults. But I guess that's fine?
Tsumugi: Since you're such a talented and young actor, IDOLiSH7 is really looking forward to  this! And so is TRIGGER, apparently!
Yuki: Oh
Tsumugi: You're an award-winning actor who's even been called "Japan's Academy Award Winner", so I'm sure other idols who work on dramas aspire to be like you! Is there some secret to your success?
Yuki: Eating vegetables? I don't really do anything special. 
Yuki: But, I guess I was doted on by my seniors. To put it bluntly, I often went to them for pocket money.
Tsumugi: Pocket money?
Yuki: We were poor, after all. I wanted Momo to be able to eat nice things.
Yuki: I did odd jobs for lots of people. Walking dogs, washing cars, shoveling snow. In return, I got some money and acting lessons.
Tsumugi: It's hard to imagine you doing all that! Did Momo-san not feel uncomfortable about it, since he respects you so much?
Yuki: It seems like he did feel uncomfortable. But Momo would often work himself down to the bone trying to support me, so that makes two of us.
Tsumugi: So you went through a lot of hardships to become the esteemed actor you are today! I hear you're even on close terms with some of the veteran actors who represent Japan!
Yuki: I wouldn't call us close, but sure. I have relied on them a lot.
Tsumugi: I read that article where Shizuo Chiba was giving you high praise! "He's beautiful, refreshing, sexy, and elegant, so he can pull off a wide variety of roles. Also, he has sharp senses, and his expressions are dainty yet provocative, giving him a unique presence. He's an outstanding talent who has no trouble with entertainment or literature."
Yuki: Right. I guess he is complimenting me.
Tsumugi: It's amazing for the Shizuo Chiba to hold you in such high regard!!
Yuki: Thanks ^^ Do you like boiled or sunny-side-up eggs?
Tsumugi: Huh?
Tsumugi: Um, I like sunny-side-up eggs!
Yuki: I see
Tsumugi: Does this have something to do with what we were just talking about?
Yuki: No, I was just curious.
Tsumugi: Maybe it's some sort of metaphor...
Yuki: No. Just trying to change the subject
Tsumugi: Change the subject...
Yuki: Well, I'm going make dinner now
Tsumugi: Ah! Are you making egg dishes?
Yuki: No
Yuki: I'm gonna wash some rice
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