#read the new volume of erha maybe
veliseraptor · 10 months
i knew there was going to be an "ideal modern au job" poll for xue yang and i knew i was going to hate it and what do you know, i was correct
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coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
Sha Po lang is my favorite romance* of all time and having to wait 10 months (MINIMUM THEY HAVE ALREADY POSTPONED OTHER BOOKS IN THE PAST) for it to reach the best part is so evil 😭
*spl is not a romance it's mostly a political drama etc etc but let's be honest whoever says Priest doesn't write good romance is a tasteless fool because this book is heavy on the romance between all the rest
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i just finished Erha volume two and I am SO happy I decided to try this story I LOVE THEM
but also I have Theories and im gonna put them under a readmore because I Do Not Want people to confirm or deny my theories or even give me hints I want ZERO spoilers so if youre reading this and you're the kind of person that can't help themselves with spoilery comments just dont read my post k thx
Theory 1: SHI MEI. Shi Mei has been dosing Mo Ran with the love pill things since Day 1, literally Mo Ran became obsessed with Shi Mei after Shi Mei gave him food. and he Stopped being obsessed with Shi Mei when they were at the Springs because they could hardly ever see each other which meant Shi Mei couldn't dose his food anymore.
Even if that's all off base, Shi Mei is. Suspicious as heck. Like. Maybe it's a red herring type of suspicious? I'm prepared for that but also. Why was Shi Mei there when Mo Ran and Chu Wanning emerged from the illusion test?? Literally he should not have been there he's supposed to be training, and presumably getting tested, in a whole different part of that place. ALSO the person who attacked Mo Ran at the end of volume 2 was very concerned with how Mo Ran feels about Shi Mei which is suspicious as HELL. My guess is that after Shi Mei died in the original timeline, he went to like the ghost realm or something, and could either see what Mo Ran was doing, or heard rumours or whatever. And when Mo Ran died, Shi Mei was pulled back too, but in a new body? or something? idk this isn't a very solid theory yet but I am looking at Shi Mei super sideways.
Theory 2: Ye Wangxi is a woman. (S)he's the one using the voice alteration spell that the paper dragon detected. When Chu Wanning suggested inviting YWX and SQT to stay in their room, Mo Ran tried to say "that would be bad for YWX because" and was cut off. I think it would be bad because YWX is secretly a woman, so staying in the same room as Mo Ran and CWN would make it difficult to keep her secret.
Okay that's my thoughts for now. If youve read this far, again please dont comment on my theories either way. I'm just writing it down for like posterity or something. If I'm right I will be delighted and have Bragging Rights, and if I'm wrong I can laugh about how wrong I was. Either way I wanna find out by reading the books, not from someone making comments on tumblr. <3
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veliseraptor · 1 year
tagged by @agendratum and I think also maybe @thatswhatsushesaid ages ago and sure, enrichment in my enclosure and avoiding more data validation work
3 ships: (song)xuexiao, vegaspete, beefleaf, spot the similarities.
first ship: pretty sure it was rand/min from wheel of time but mat/tuon a close second
last song: the lion's roar by first aid kit
last movie: uhhhh genuinely do not remember the last movie I watched, it's probably been at least a couple months
currently reading: finishing the master and margarita today (thanks tumblr for helping me make a reading decision!) and then going to read the chaos machine to make myself depressed about social media
currently watching: nominally or actively? currently rewatching kinnporsche, kind of in the middle of a my country: the new age watch, in a stage of intending to watch a few other things but haven't yet committed to it
currently craving: to not be at work, next volume of mdzs/tgcf/erha, this formatting project to be going faster than it is, my wrists to stop hurting, the ability to decide what the fuck I'm going to eat for lunch. having a bit of a time at the moment fellas
I tag uhhh @majestictortoise, @lealhound, @ameliarating, @paradife-loft, @veilchenjaeger, and I have no idea how many people I'm supposed to be tagging. do it if you need some enrichment
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