Renegade Publishing 2023 Typeset Exchange: this world is gonna break your heart by lise
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So I'd picked up a pinch hit in the @renegadepublishing typeset exchange, and was in the process of typesetting Regardless of the Hardships. One of the other potential fic @admiraltypress had on their list was a shorter fic, that I'd already read. And the gremlin part of my brain started to ask... but what if? What if we typeset another one? It's just little! It will make a great quarto (half-sized) book! It won't take long...
And then I apparently entered into a fugue state, and typeset this in about eighteen hours. Fortunately, @veliseraptor got back to me quickly with permission to include this fic! (The event requires author permission, since the finished files are shared with everyone who participated.)
This Word Is Gonna Break Your Heart is a canon-divergent MDZS fic where Jiang Yanli survived instead of Jiang Cheng, and is the incredibly unlikely pairing of Jiang Yanli/Xue Yang. But... it works. In a tragic, heartbreaking way, it works.
I went with a font called Monument for the title, reminiscent of gravestones, and a lotus motif for Jiang clan reasons. Stark negative images and black and white match the tone of the fic.
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I hope I've done the mood of the fic justice!
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mikhailrakitin · 24 days
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unfinished, lise and rakitin gossiping
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mrspiffy123 · 7 hours
Dear scientists/engineers/robotics experts or whomever may be in charge of designing robots
Please stop giving them human faces. It is incredibly creepy and I do not want to interact with them. Below I have compiled a list of viable alternatives to design your robots with the intent of being approachable and user friendly. This is not good. No one wants this ⬇️
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The screen face
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Pros: Simple, humanoid, capable of displaying more than just facial expressions, doesn't creep me the fuck out
Cons: none, this is perfection
The google eye(s)
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Cons: Capable of minimal facial expression
Pros: Provides some form of face for the user to connect and make eye contact with, cute, doesn't creep me the fuck out
Literally no face at all
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Cons: there isn't a face
This is not a complicated concept, please stop. It would be easier and less creepy to just draw a smiley face on the robot in sharpie
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I love Lise so much I’ll ruin my life with her or whatever if that’s what she wants 💕
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chornayadrakoshig · 20 days
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and yes I much prefer Aelita's s2-3 outfit over s4 outfit so here we are :)
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chic-a-gigot · 11 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 22, 28 mai 1865, Paris. Toilettes de Melle Lise, 17, r. Nve. St. Augustin. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Description de toilettes:
Robe en toile écrue très-pâle. — Le bas de la jupe est bordé avec une corde en laine rouge, remontant sur toutes les coutures réunissant les lés; au-dessus de cette corde, c'est-à-dire sur le bord de la robe, se trouve une guirlande de coquelicots avec feuilles, et tiges, le tout brodé en laine. La jupe est nouée par devant avec une cordelière de laine rouge. Corsage blanc, en nansouk, brodé au point russe, en laine rouge. Paletot pareil à la robe, bordé et brodé comme la robe. Chapeau rond en paille d'Italie avec grande plume blanche et petite plume rouge. Gants nuance chamois. Ombrelle blanche recouverte de dentelle noire.
Robe en foulard lilas, festonnée par devant depuis les pieds jusqu'à la taille, avec des boutons en passementerie lilas, ornés de perles blanches. Au-dessus de l'ourlet de la jupe (cet ourlet a seulement 3 centimètres de largeur) se trouve une légère broderie en lacets lilas, très-étroits, mélangée de perles blanches. Corsage montant, orné d'une basque en forme d'habit, entièrement faite en passementerie lilas, mélangée de perles blanches. Le corsage est boutonné devant jusqu'au cou. Grand bournous en dentelle de laine blanche. Chapeau en tulle lilas, brodé en perles blanches, orné d'une très-courte frange en marabouts lilas qui entourent le visage. Ce chapeau a été dessiné chez Mme Aubert, modiste, rue Neuve-des-Mathurins, 6.
Dress in very pale ecru canvas. — The bottom of the skirt is edged with a red woolen cord, going up on all the seams joining the lengths; above this cord, that is to say on the edge of the dress, is a garland of poppies with leaves and stems, all embroidered in wool. The skirt is tied in front with a red wool cord. White bodice, in nansouk, embroidered in Russian stitch, in red wool. Overcoat similar to the dress, bordered and embroidered like the dress. Round Italian straw hat with large white feather and small red feather. Chamois shade gloves. White umbrella covered with black lace.
Dress in lilac scarf, scalloped in front from the feet to the waist, with lilac trimmings buttons, adorned with white pearls. Above the hem of the skirt (this hem is only 3 centimeters wide) is a light embroidery in very narrow lilac laces, mixed with white pearls. High bodice, adorned with a basque in the shape of a coat, entirely made of lilac trimmings, mixed with white pearls. The bodice is buttoned in front to the neck. Large bournous in white wool lace. Hat in lilac tulle, embroidered with white pearls, adorned with a very short fringe of lilac marabouts which encircle the face. This hat was designed by Mme Aubert, milliner, rue Neuve-des-Mathurins, 6.
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max0ke · 1 year
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art from march 2023
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epicforwards · 4 months
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"From error to error, one discovers the entire truth."
-- Sigmund Freud
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mdzsao3 · 5 months
some people? plan weddings?? to cope???
[ao3 link]
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magpies-gold · 3 months
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"Do you think she misses us the same way that we all miss her?"
A long, long time ago, before the rebellion and before the skyquake, when he was barely used to his new name and only just stumbling into being a human and not just a pet possession,  Heinrich had an opportunity to make friends for the first time in his life.
Friends, he thought, give each other gifts.
He had nothing of his own to part with, but he did still have a treasure that he could share: While Alpha Base has no stars, the Archive had memories of them.
And Lise had always wanted to see the night sky.
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felsefebilim · 1 year
Bir Felsefi Eylem Olarak Yürüyüş
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Temel olarak zihnin hareketli yapısına bedenin de eşlik etmesi ve bu sayede ahenkli bir yapı oluşturmasına dayanan akım Aristoteles’in okulu Lykeion’da uygulanmıştır. Peripatetizm denen yolda olmayı kapsayan, düşünürken yürümek anlamına gelen terim, daha sonraki dönemlerde birçok düşünürü de etkilemiş, onlara esin kaynağı olmuştur. Bu bakış açısıyla felsefe ve yürüyüş arasında bir bağ kurulmuş, o düşünürlerin gözünde yürüyüş felsefi bir eyleme dönüşmüştür.
Bu düşünürlerden birisi de Kierkegaard’dır. Filozof, düzenli olarak Kopenhag’ta yaptığı yürüyüşlerden, eserlerinde de bahsetmiş hatta yürüyüş üzerine yazmıştır da. Onun bu yürüyüşleri, melankolik ruh halini ve acılarını dindirme, ruhuna nefes aldırma aynı zamanda da gözlem yapma aktiviteleridir. Kierkegaard, yürüdüğü yolları, caddeleri bir botanik bahçesine benzetir ve tıpkı insanların bitkileri gözlemlemesi gibi onun da insanları gözlemlediğini söyler. Bu gözlemlerin de çoğu zaman kendisini derin düşüncelere, sorgulamalara ittiği düşünülür.
Kierkegaard’ın yürümek üzerine söylediği cümlelerden en sevdiklerimi de sizinle paylaşıyorum.
“İşte böyle gözlerim yerde sokaklardan aceleyle adeta süzülerek geçiyorum; kaldırımın bana ait olduğundan emin bir şekilde, etrafa bakmayı hiç gerekli görmüyorum, böylece saadetimle koşar adım kaldırımda giderken...”
“Her şey bir yana, yürüme arzunu kaybetme … Yürüyüşe çıkabildiğim sürece hiçbir şeyden korkmuyorum, ölümden bile”
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mikhailrakitin · 25 days
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various tbk girls (and aglaya hehe)
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justatiredghost · 6 months
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twf your girlfriend wakes you up in the middle of the night to tell you she loves you and that you gotta fistfight each other about it
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Been fixated on The Brothers Karamazov this past week and am almost finished. I love Lise forever no matter if she personally tortures the entire cast
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erlkonigstochter · 6 months
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Everyone in the party: Why is there blood all over camp? What happened last night? It looks like a war zone.
Lise, glancing at Lae'zel, after they nearly fought to the death to prove their love for each other: Uuhhhh no reason?
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 12, 19 mars 1865, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Lise, 17 r. Nve. Ste. Augustin. Envois de la Mon de Commission Générale, r, d'Hauteville, 53. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Description de toilettes:
Robe en poult-de-soie noir, bordée avec une grosse corde verte en soie. Au-dessus de cette corde, une guirlande d'épis brodés en soie verte remontant sur le devant de la robe et sur le corsage. Pardessus en drap léger, gris souris; grandes poches ornées de passementerie et de longues olives en passementerie; même ornement répété sur les épaules; manches étroites, fermées avec trois gros boutons plats. Chapeau de tulle noir garni en taffetas vert. Jupon blanc en percale, garni avec un volant ayant 6 centimètres de hauteur, plissé à gros tuyaux et à tête fixée par une bande de percale ayant 3/4 de centimètre de largeur, piquée sur chaque côté.
Robe en foulard écru foncé; allongée par une bande de foulard violet clair, ayant 10 centimètres de largeur. Cette bande remonte par devant en se rétrécissant graduellement jusqu'à la ceinture qui est de même nuance violette. Chemisette blanche, montante et plate, à petits plis et entre-deux. Veste courte entr'ouverte, bordée avec une bande violette; ces bandes sont partout surmontées d'anneaux entrelacés faits avec une grosse corde violette en soie; sur les épaules, mêmes anneaux terminés par des glands. La chemisette montante a un petit col droit auquel la bande violette garnissant l'encolure tient lieu de cravate. Chapeau blanc, moucheté de grosses perles noires; boules noires retombant par derrière.
Dress in black poult-de-silk, edged with a thick green silk cord. Above this rope, a garland of ears embroidered in green silk goes up the front of the dress and on the bodice. Overcoat in light cloth, mouse grey; large pockets decorated with passementerie and long olives in passementerie; same ornament repeated on the shoulders; narrow sleeves, closed with three large flat buttons. Hat in black tulle trimmed in green taffeta. White percale petticoat, trimmed with a flounce 6 centimeters high, pleated with large pipes and head fixed by a strip of percale 3/4 centimeter wide, stitched on each side.
Dark ecru foulard dress; lengthened by a strip of light purple scarf, 10 centimeters wide. This band goes up in front, gradually narrowing to the waistband, which is of the same purple shade. White shirt, high and flat, with small pleats and in-between. Half-open short jacket, edged with a purple band; these bands are everywhere surmounted by intertwined rings made with a thick purple silk cord; on the shoulders, the same rings ending in tassels. The rising shirt has a small straight collar to which the purple band trimming the neckline serves as a tie. White hat, speckled with large black pearls; black balls falling from behind.
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