#reader reincarnated into jamil viper and now shares a body with him
acim-ed-ortsac · 1 year
The Way to a Vipers Heart
You weren’t sure how your life became this way. For context, you're dead. Not living, unalive, not in the living realm, overall, cold body and heart not beating. How and why? To start, you’ll have to go to the life you had before, in which you were the sole heir of a wealthy family. That sounded good, right? Wrong. Your parents are not the best since they have high expectations of you being their child, and anything you do that doesn’t meet their expectations, they verbally abuse you. They expect a six-year-old to get a perfect score in math - middle school level math!? - when your six-year-old mind just wanted to play. Yeah, they’re delusional and narcissistic. 
It wasn’t until you got older that you became aware of your situation, how unrealistic your parents' demands are, and how they clearly see you, their child, as an asset. And the cherry on top? The multiple assassination attempts on your life. You weren’t sure if they were rivaling families or companies, but at the age of ten, you knew you had to be cautious. If food or drinks were tampered with? You made one of the staff taste tests. If a maid tried to kill you in your sleep? Don’t worry, you have an alarm that will notify the guards. You can’t really rely on your parents since the last time you brought it up, they just said “Deal with it. You’re our child, so you should be able to handle it.”
Yeah, your parents were shitty.
You didn’t really have friends to play with or any extended family, and your parents made you watch documentaries of successful people or other educational stuff for your upcoming teachings to success. You had learned to dance when you were seven, but after obtaining an iPad, you discovered the world of dancing and music. You loved the varieties of dance styles, from contemporary to traditional and cultural dances from foreign countries, to some known styles such as salsa, waltz, and erotic pole dancing.
You had also used the Ipad to watch some non-educational videos when your parents weren’t home and you were alone. You were introduced to a colorful world of fun and creativity of games and gaming videos along with the drama side of news reports and Karen/Kevin activities.
You weren’t interested in pole dancing because it was sexual, you were just fascinated by the control and strength of the dancers, how their grip on the pole never faltered, and how they moved around the pole like a snake. It intrigued you. And when you were too tired to dance, you went to your other source of escape Twisted Wonderland. You didn’t know much about Disney since your parents found it ‘garbage’ in their words, but through the game, you had come to love the characters and development, the storyline, the lore of the game, and more.
Though, you think they should be called vampires instead since they seem to like to suck out the fun and common sense of people, plus, it’s an insult to people who are actually named Karen.
However, they weren’t enough to not make you wanna die. You didn’t have a stable adult figure to hold on to, and your parents didn’t seem to care about your well-being - well mental well being that is. You didn’t want to live this life. So the next and last dinner you had with your parents, you noticed one of the staff tampered with your drink. Again. But hearing your father drone on and on nonstop made you wanna end this. So with a dry and empty smile, you lifted the cup to your lips and downed the drink. In seconds, your throat burned and your guts were lit on fire, twisting in pain as you fell to the floor. Despite the pain, you smile wryly at your parents, seeing their expressions of fear as everything turned black.
You should’ve seen a light or something when you died, but instead, you felt your eyelids flutter open to a new environment around you. Granted, your body was still numb from the poison but you were able to open your eyes a bit. And the first thing to greet you was a roof made of sandstone, with intricate and elegant carvings that reminded you of one of those blocks from . . what’s that game called? Minecraft? You never played the game, but you watched some videos out of curiosity.
A few things caught your eye as you examined your surroundings groggily, the room wasn’t bare of decoration with a few posters, a lamp, a gramophone with a few discs near it, and a basketball. At your bedside was a statue of a tall man with a bearded goatee, a turban with a proud standing feather, and long robes. The man looked thin yet intimidating, as expected of the Sorcerer of the Scalding Sands.
Wait. . .why does that title sound-
“Jamil! You’re awake!”
As if by instinct, you turned to the young voice that sounded like a young boy. Your eyes met shining ruby irises that shone with tears, with dark tan skin that wasn’t as dark as the African race yet wasn’t tan like those overrated golden tan Greeks but rather dark in a sense of those Arabian people. The boy that looked around eight years old had short and choppy white hair - as in snow white type of white. His clothes seemed fit for a noble with luxurious clothing made of silk and golden trimmings, the bangles and pieces of jewelry he wore did nothing but show how much wealth he had. Though, the boy looked quite familiar. . .
Another thought that wasn’t your own voice as the body you were in let out an acknowledged hum. “Kalim, what are you doing here?” you had asked - no, the body you were in asked. The voice that came out of your mouth was young and definitely male, with a tinge of smooth silkiness in it. What did that boy call you?
‘Jamil,’ you realized. ‘As in Jamil Viper.’
‘How do you know me despite me not even knowing you?‘
Your fingers - no, Jamils’ fingers stiffened but Kalim doesn’t seem to notice. Jamil is still looking at the tearful Kalim, you’ll have to reassure him first before having this . . .explanation/discussion. You felt your consciousness take control of the body before you tried to comfort the young Kalim with a strained yet reassuring smile as you spoke, “You should go back, your father will not like it if you neglect your studies.”
Kalim, to your poor heart, only hiccupped a sob. “But, you got poisoned because of me!” A sniffle “I’m sorry.”
“I’ll be fine, just go or else your father will come here himself.”
Reluctant but obedient to his best friend, Kalim nodded before leaving the room. The moment he left, Jamil’s body immediately closed his eyes and you were in darkness once more. ‘Who are you?’ asked the depths of his mind as you stood alone. Then, out of the darkness, Jamil came towards you. He was young, around Kalim’s age, with short dark hair that was cut above his shoulders with a lone strand braided at his side and his signature bang that curved down to his chin. His skin was about the same shade as Kalim’s, a dark tan. His eyes were round almond-shaped eyes with bluish-dark grey eyes with thin yet finely shaped eyebrows. His face was scrunched into an expression of distrust and curiosity, a lone brow arched over his eye.
While you wanted to squeal at how cute he was, you knew this was no matter going gaga. This child is experiencing someone inhabiting - intruding - in his body and can’t understand how and why. You could feel the fear and confusion in his soul and mind, as expected of a child yet he tries to look strong. This was the last thing you expected, not only are you reincarnated in Jamil Viper but you’re also merged into one body with his soul. This scene feels familiar as if you saw a manhua with this exact set-up, but you can worry about that later, you have a child to explain to.
‘You know your thoughts and feelings are really easy to read.’ The young Jamil spoke, laced with a deadpan tone.
‘Your fear is also exactly hard to feel.’
Jamil huffed his cheeks at being caught, ‘Fair, but at least tell me who you are and why you are in my head.’
‘I will just relax first’
‘I am relaxed’
‘Kid, I could literally feel the uneasiness coming from your side.’
‘. . .’
After getting him to relax, you two now sat crossed legs in front of each other. You then explained your life before, your world, how you died, and how you have no idea how you got here. Jamil had scrunched his eyebrows at how your parents treated you, ‘Your parents suck, I can’t imagine my parents treating me like that.’
‘Wonder how that feels like,’
The boy giggled before shaking his head, ‘ That still doesn’t explain how you know me.’
Here’s the part where it could lead Jamil to an existential crisis and question his worth. ‘Yeah. . .about that. In my world, we have this mobile game - you know what mobile games are, right? Good. - Well, there’s this mobile game that’s called Twisted Wonderland - ‘
‘Why do I have a feeling that that game is connected to my world?’
‘Yeah, If I told you, your older self is one of the characters in that game in my world, how would you feel?’
The next moments of silence were torture as Jamil stared at you like a statue, his eyes dimming to a dull shade, but the emotions that were raging on his side of the mind were wild. They were muddled and mashed into something indecipherable, like a bunch of food colouring were put into the same water glass and swirled around to make this confusing and cloudy colour. The feelings were constricting in your throat, making you anxious and uneasy. You needed to calm him, and reassure him that his life isn’t a game.
‘I know it’s confusing, Jamil.’ You started, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. ‘But being here shows that your world isn’t a game, maybe it’s more complex than that.’
‘Meaning it’s not as simple. Maybe the games and shows in my world are like windows to other worlds and what we’re watching is just only a glimpse.’
The light in his eyes returned as he seemed interested in the theory, ‘That would be cool! Am I a cool character in your world?’
‘Kid, a lot of the players like you.’
Jamil let out a genuine smile before it fell as he widened his eyes, ‘I forgot to ask you for your name, how rude of me.’
Smiling at what innocence is left in him, you gave him your name. ‘So are we going to live in one body from now on?’
‘Seems that way,’
‘That’ll be hard.’  Jamil let out an adorable pout as he stared at the ground of his - and your - consciousness. You chuckled, ‘It will be hard, but I’m sure we’ll be able to do it.’
‘. . .All right, glad to be working with you.’
‘The feeling is mutual.’
During the next few days of your body recovery, you have gotten to know Jamil more and the world you’re in. It was still the Twisted Wonderland that you saw in the game, but with one difference.
‘You have alphas, betas, and omegas here!?’
‘Yeah, mama is a beta and papa is an alpha. I’m pretty sure Master Asim is alpha when I saw him last, and he has a harem of omegas. Which is kinda rare.’
‘Rare how?’
‘Omegas are rare from what mama and my teacher told me. A majority of the world is made up of alphas and betas.’
‘Really now, then what are you hoping to be, Jamil?’
‘Not sure, alphas are cool since they’re strong and they can command the area, but they have this thing called ‘rut’ and papa has it every once a month. . .it looks painful.’
‘What about omegas?’
‘They’re really pretty, papa and mama said that they have a sweet smell. But it’s kinda unlikely that I’ll present as one, and if I ever am one, being guarded twenty-four-seven sounds kinda annoying. Plus, they also have this thing called heat, not sure what that is but when they have it, they’re usually locked up in a room and won’t come out for a few days.’
‘I think you’ll learn about ruts and heats when you’re around ten or twelve, but I can teach you about those things.’
‘Really? Thanks! That’ll be helpful!’
‘No problem, so you want to be a beta?’
‘I don’t really see a problem with them, they’re okay. Mama is one and she doesn’t have any of those ruts or heats, so I’ll probably be one. Or I might be an alpha like papa.’
Yeah, you’re not in the original Twisted Wonderland. You’re in some alternate universe where A/B/O dynamics exist and secondary genders are the norm. But this isn’t a traditional omega verse, usually, omegas are seen as the lower class while alphas are the top-tier class. But in this omega verse, omegas are rare and seem to be treated more respectfully than alphas or betas. How peculiar.
When you and Jamil’s body were able to move without the effects of the poison, you were greeted with Jamil’s younger sister bursting through the doors and flinging herself on your body. Jamil’s body let out an oomph! before his - or yours since Jamil’s body is also your body as well - eyes looked down at a beaming Najma. “You’re finally better! I was starting to wonder if you’ll be stuck in bed forever!”
You let out a chuckle which the body mirrored as Jamil took control for the rest, patting his sister’s head before telling her to get off of him. Once Jamil managed to get his - perhaps also your sister as well - to leave, you managed to get out of bed and walk towards the vanity’s mirror. Upon taking a look at your reflection, you notice a difference in appearance.
It was a young Jamil’s body, of course with his short dark hair that was above his shoulders with brown highlights, his sharp eyes, and the baby fat present on his cheeks. What he wore right now was a long-sleeved shirt made of the lightest and softest material you ever felt with pants of the same material. The body wore sandals. But what caught your attention was the coloured circle that seems to surround the border of the body’s iris, a colour similar to your eye colour circling the dark grey irises like a gradient of some sort. 
A jolt of realization followed by puzzlement let you know that it was Jamil. ‘That wasn’t there before. . . It kinda looks like your eye colour.’ He noted. Your blinking was reflected when the body blinked as well before Jamil leaned forward to examine his eyes. ‘Not gonna lie, looks kinda cool.’
You hummed as you took control for a second to walk out of the room, ‘I think it’s the result of us merging together. Since I’m in your body now, a part of my original appearance has to make it somewhere.’
‘Well, I suppose that would make sense, like putting together two bodies to make one body. Some characteristics of body number one will show while the rest of the characteristics of body number two will remain. Though, I don’t get why it’s only your eye colour.’
‘Perhaps it’s to not scare the people here, they would probably freak out when you go under a massive change of looks after a few days.’
‘I guess.’
From there, you watch and learn the routine that Jamil went through in his childhood, letting the young boy take charge of the body. The boy cooked the food with the rest of the servants - which you noticed were betas with few alphas - to your now employers, after that, the body went to make Kalim’s room clean. You had to hold yourself steady before you made a fool of yourself upon seeing the large and lavish room filled with shiny silk fabrics littered, a pristine white bed covered with a red blanket with golden trimmings. Jamil had given you an amused glance as he started his duty.
Throughout the day, you had gotten a sense of satisfaction as you felt the body’s fatigue but the satisfaction of a chore done before moving on to the next one. This is coming from a child that came from a wealthy family with servants. During his breaks, Jamil had shown you a clearing with his device which wasn’t a phone but something close to it with earphones. He smiled at you before looking around, ‘I think no one’s here, good.’ 
‘Are you hiding from Kalim?’ you asked the obvious, but just wanted humour.
‘Yeah, part of my duty is to keep Kalim company.’ Jamil had a pinched expression upon Kalim’s name, ‘But he’s so . . . annoying!’
You hummed in response, deciding to drop the topic for another time. ‘So what are we going to do here?’ 
Jamil’s expression brightened at the change of topic, ‘ I like to dance when I don’t have anything to do!’
A smile made your way at the word ‘dance’. ‘I love to dance!’
‘You too!? What kind of dance style? Street dance? Or is it the one that Kalim dances?’
‘I like to dance different styles. . .’
From there, you and Jamil exchange the types of dances that you know. Jamil had shown you the street dancing he talked about, the movement slightly clumsy but fluid and full of energy. When you took control of the body, you demonstrated the types of dances you learned from videos. The contemporary dances that you watched and showed you how they became successful. This dance is an interpretive dance that merges ballet, jazz, modern, and lyrical dances. From the videos you saw, the dancers were moving with the music, letting their bodies get swayed with the rhythm and tone.
By incorporating a bit of ballet and modern dance in it, you moved through the music as if you were trying to decipher what it was telling you.
When the high of the music and the body’s adrenaline and Jamil’s joy and excitement almost hit, a young voice shattered the world you were in. Jamil groaned within the confines of his mind as you made the body turn to see a beaming Kalim. “ Jamil, can I join you? You looked like you were having fun!”
You could feel the annoyance from Jamil’s side, so you decided to take control of the body till the boy cooled down. “ You could, but are you done with everything? Last I check, you had dance practice around this time.”
“The instructor caught a cold so I went to find you!”
The annoyance in Jamil grew and you had to refrain the body from twitching an eye in irritation. Jamil can’t really go against orders seeing his family’s position but compromising his comfort for Kalim’s is a bit of a problem. It’s one of the reasons why he went against Kalim in NRC. You need a compromise for this, Kalim is a nice boy and he sees Jamil as a friend so he wouldn’t mind adjusting for his friend’s comfort, right? You suppose the reason why Jamil didn’t really talk to Kalim about this is because of his subservient mindset and fear for his family. Still. . .
“Kalim,” you said, “Do you mind if you play with your siblings for now?”
“Huh?” Kalim’s smile dropped, “Why? Do you not want me here?”
You heard the slight panic in Jamil’s emotions before you spoke again, “It’s not that I don’t like you, but sometimes I want to be alone for a while so I go to places like here. To be by myself.”
Kalim had a look of understanding before smiling, “Oh, so you just wanted to be alone? Okay! Sorry, I disturbed your alone time.”
“It’s okay, perhaps next time I could play with you?”
“Yeah! We could play mancala!”
When Kalim left, it was you and Jamil alone. The young boy sighed, ‘That was reckless! Asking a master something like that is. . .reckless!”
‘But did he react badly?’
‘. . .No, I guess not.’
‘I know you’re not accustomed to asking Kalim things like this for your own benefit, but when you need it, I’ll take over and ask for you.’
‘That’ll be unnecessary of you,’
"We're gonna be in the same body for the rest of your life so might as well make myself useful.’
Yes, to avoid Jamil overblotting, you need to lessen his resentment and anger of Kalim and his position. But you know that with his family’s position as servants, that’ll be a bit difficult. But servants are also humans and have selfish desires as well, not all people are selfish and ready to serve after all. Perhaps while not trying to find a way to be free, since you’re still a child and you have a new family to think of, you can find ways for Jamil to indulge himself.
Jamil has shown to be smart and capable of many things and while the common mindset is that the master is better than the servant, there are a few exemptions on where the servant is better but the master can learn from this. Or, at least that’s what you’re thinking. Perhaps you can show-off Jamil’s skills while also having the Asim family benefit from it, kinda like showing the esteem and prestige of the family by showing the kind of servants they have in their household?
Although, that might be risky.
. . . Maybe you could teach Kalim to be more independent and capable, guide him to be at least a bit cunning and able to do things on his own. By doing that, you’ll be able to lessen Jamil’s load of work in the future.
“You want to help Kalim to be more independent?” Jamil repeated what you said, although sounding a bit ludicrous. It was night and the body was asleep, letting you and Jamil discuss what will happen in the future.
“Yeah, so that we won’t have to babysit him and we’ll have a lighter load.” 
“But it’s a servant’s job to cater to the master’s needs and we have duties—“
“We can’t keep doing stuff for Kalim forever, he has to do things on his own. And since he’s the heir, he should learn how to be responsible. We can’t be there for him forever, there will always be a possibility of us dying and him being by himself. It’s like having a little brother or sister — minus the servant position — you teach them, show them how to be responsible and to take care of themselves, and let them learn from their own mistakes.”
“. . .I guess that’s not a bad idea.”
“Jamil, you’re human and right now a child, you should be able to enjoy some things you like without giving it up for Kalim.”
“. . .Okay, I’m glad you’re here with me now. At Least I have someone with me.”
You smiled in fondness as you ruffled his head, much to his childish indignation. “Happy that I can be of service.”
You were eight years old when you unexpectedly met Leona Kingscholar. Although you didn't know if this was a hidden fact from the game or the universe is going in a different direction, you were quite surprised to have met the young boy at a Spelldrive tournament between NRC and RSA. The Asim family got VIP seats due to their prestige and power and fame, so you had to come along since Jamil was Kalim’s retainer and bodyguard.
Although he hasn’t killed anybody yet.
I decided to make a fic of this and yes it has a/b/o dynamics.
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