#reading kendler fanfic
shadowswilltakeus · 6 years
Writer: shadowswilltakeus)
Fandom: Whitechapel
Pairing: Kendler (Detective Constable Emerson Kent/Detective Inspector Joseph Chandler)
Type: one-shot
Characters: DI Mina Norroy, DC Emerson Kent, DI Joseph Chandler, DC Finley Mansell, DS Ray Miles, DC Meg Riley
Word Count: 829
Rating: Mature
Warning: Implied sexual content; mild sexual language
Summary: Just an average working day at Whitechapel police station when a familiar - and none too popular - blast from the past pops in to pay the team a visit. Ensue ruffled feathers and a lot of uptightness once the reason is uncovered.
DI Joseph Chandler cannot keep back his stunned laughter. He thinks he must have misheard. Maybe he should double check, just in case.
“I’m sorry, DI Norroy - “
“ - Mina, please.”
Joe swallows at her interruption; the look of satisfaction on her face is not reassuring him in the least.
“Mina”, he repeats, albeit with an accompanying wince of discomfort at the familiarity. “Mina, I apologise if I have read the entire situation wrong, but I must ask you ... did you come all the way over here to - er - “, he clears his throat and loosens the knot in his tie slightly, “did you come here to ask me out?”
She tilts her blonde head, her tight ponytail barely moving as she awaits Joseph’s response, so certain of what his answer will be.
“And what is wrong with that?” She smiles and flutters her lashes in what she is sure is an appealing way. She leans towards Joe across his desk and smirks almost playfully. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.” She sits back and crosses her arms confidently ...
DI Mina Norroy storms out of the office with Joe following behind her. She points to Kent and snaps her head back around to look at Joe as she yells "What the hell do you see in him?!"
"OI!" Miles shouts from his desk, offended on Kent’s behalf.
She stops in front of Kent, vibrating with anger and Joe stands next to her with eyes bulging in shock as he looks from the blonde detective inspector to his dark curled detective constable.
"Well, it's clear what he sees in you!" she briefly gestures from Kent towards Joe. "A quick promotion!"
Kent leans back in his chair, his left leg resting on his right knee, and with pen waving between his fingers, replies deadpan:
"Actually, he's just a really great lay."
Immediately Riley shrieks with laughter and Mansell and Miles follow suit, their shoulders heaving as they both guffaw. Norroy is shocked into silence and only glares at Kent who gives her a shit-eating grin and a wink. She turns on her heel and storms off towards the exit. "You have a good day now." He calls after her, still fanning his pen between his finger and thumb as he sits forward to carry on with his work.
Mansell chuckles he has to text his girlfriend Erica what just happened; as Kent's twin sister as well she always needs to hear the gossip as soon as it happens, and she's heard all about DI Mina Norroy. He pulls his phone out and wipes his eyes, still laughing heartily.
Kent tuts at Mansell, though he is secretly proud of his response to the uptight blonde; he was determined to not be jealous concerning Joe and Norroy's interaction a couple of years previously. Kent opens a new tab on his computer and starts typing rapidly just as Joe shifts closer to him.
"Kent, a word in my office please." He states in that low, clipped way he has when he is feeling overwhelmed and not in control of the situation. Kent looks up to see Joe's cheeks still flaming red.
Kent swallows nervously as he watches Joe stiffly turn and stride quickly back to his own office.
"I'm in trouble now." He sing-songs, trying to make light of the dread he's beginning to feel.
"Nah", Mansell responds supportively, "just turn it into something useful later" and winks meaningfully, making Kent roll his eyes and grin in spite of himself.
"I'll remember that", he chuckles, then walks into Joe's office and shuts the door. Joe immediately locks it, then yanks the blind down covering the glass pane, and moves deftly to pull down the other blind on the large window looking out into the incident room. Kent’s eyes follow his superior's movements and he sighs. "I'm sorry, Joe, I know I shouldn't have, but -"
Suddenly Joe grabs Kent by the hips and crashes his body against his, forcing their mouths together and sending them against the opposite wall. His tongue pushes into Kent's mouth and the younger man moans.
"Ha, I should be inappropriate more often." Kent murmurs, laughing, then losing his mind as Joe's lips trail their way over his throat and his tongue sweeps over that spot just below Kent's ear.
"Only to unwanted guests who gatecrash in order to ask your fiancé out," Joe replies breathily, his lips still fastened to Kent's throat.
"Noted." Kent breathes and places his palm against the back of Joe's head to guide his boss's mouth back to his own. Joe reaches for his constable's belt buckle and zip, his hand slides inside smoothly, eliciting a gasp and Joe smiles against his fiancé's lips.
Needless to say, at the end of the shift when the two men do not resurface, the other three decide to head to the pub without them and make Ed come along instead.
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elamae56 · 4 years
Okay, so I’m creating a pinned post because I think that might be a useful thing to have. Just to say a bit about me and what you’ll find on this blog. I’ll endeavour to update 'Current Fandoms’ below so anyone new to it who decides to follow can see what I’m into (and what they’re getting into!) and what they might need to filter. 
Edited for the cut below as promised and to add current/recent tags list :)
Current fandoms: THE OLD GUARD. Oh my god, how deep have I fallen?!?! I’m still occasionally reblogging other random fandoms but I’m going to be honest this has turned into a 98% Joe x Nicky blog and a slight obsession with the two actors.
Main tags: #the old guard, #the old guard cast, #joe x nicky. Plus individual actor tags. I'm not reblogging much on the discourse but anything I do will be tagged #tog discourse if you want to avoid.
Currently back into comfort fandoms. Starsky and Hutch (tv series only) rewatch and re-read of old printed fic. #starsky and hutch.
Other fandoms/pairings: 
Stucky/Evanstan (yes I do RPS so be warned) all rps posts will be tagged with #stucky and  #evanstan and now #marwan x luca
#finnpoe  plus  #oscar isaac  and  #pedro pascal and occasionally  #oscar and pedro
#due south for #fraser/rayk and #fraser x rayk
#whitechapel and #kendler
#kiefer sutherland (mostly his 80s/90s films)
#1917 film  for  #blakefield, 
#person of interest  for  #rinch, 
#homicide life on the street
Me: So I’m elamae (not my real name) I’m from the UK (yes, feel my tears of pain right now, tears that have been falling since 2016). This is a primarily a fandom blog. You won’t find much in the way of politics or stuff going on in RL here but a few posts will sneak in as there are some very important things that should. I’ll tag those with - #RL stuff - so you can filter if you need to. Personal posts are tagged - #elamae personal - for the same reason. Occasionally I feel the need to have a rant about something, well, personal, which helps me but you can filter those out because if you’re here for fandom why should you have to listen to me whinge?
I’m a slasher and I’ve been in fandom, normally lurking, since 1997, so about 23 years or so (God I feel old!). But I’ve been what I would consider a ‘fangirl’ since I was about 4 years old. I’ve always been into tv shows starting out with Knight Rider, Airwolf, The A Team, Macgyver, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and Land of the Giants! Looking back now I was wanting to explore the characters and stories even back then. Found fanfic when I went to uni, very quickly discovered slash and never looked back. Warning that 99% of this blog will be slash focused.
I also do rps so if this squicks you out you can blog the appropriate tags (mostly #evanstan and #marwan x luca atm but there may be others so do please be aware).
As of my 2012 list (yes this needs updating) I’ve been into 64 fandoms since I was a child (*this doesn’t include those in the last 8 years and doesn’t differentiate between childhood obsessions and adult slashy ones but I’m going to do a spreadsheet, because I’m nerdy like that, to track all fandoms and pairings because I want to KNOW!) *But* this should give you an idea of how into fandom I am, how much I slash and how quickly I can sometimes trip from one fandom to another!
Edit: I did the spreadsheet and I have 102 identified. Take away the 6 that were childhood or ones that I didn’t watch that much or didn’t read fic and we’re at 96. It's very hard to differentiate between those I’ve watched a lot but not written for and those I’ve not watched a lot but have written for. And then those that fall somewhere in between. Especially those which have been both childhood shows and adult slash pairings.  
Other posts: I also reblog cute cats, animals, nature, houses, autumn (although I have a separate blog for that) and other random stuff. There may some posts on anxiety and mental health. I have ocd and mild to moderate issues with anxiety, stress and low mood. I’m also borderline hoarder so there may be stuff on these that comes through. These will be tagged #mental health.
Tags: I do try and tag everything as much as I can, particularly fandoms and pairings as I know that, as a multi fandom blog, people may follow me for one specific fandom/pairing and not wish to see my other obsessions. So most of my reblogs/posts will have a simple/obvious tag which are mostly easy to figure out. I’ll use other more specific ones (and rambling ones) but there should always be a main one for each fandom. I’ll endeavour to list them up above. I’m going to try and be more consistent with tagging as I think that’s only fair for both followers and myself.
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choochoo284 · 5 years
Hey ya! Thanks for tagging me in that Kendler fic xoxo
Yourewelcome hun! I haven't really read any fanfics in months and then it popped up and was like "awww I missed my boys!" And then I must tag her to show her if she hasn't already seen it! Xx
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choochoo284 · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @pocketwishes
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better (I only kinda talk to the person who tagged me soooo I’m not going to tag anyone)
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′8
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs to come up:
Staring at the Stars By Passenger
Monster by Skillet
Major Minus by Coldplay
Savin’ Me by Nickelback
Grab the nearest book and turn to page 23, what’s on line 17?
I never thought I’d die like this....
Ever had a poem written about you? Not as far as I know.
When was the last time you played the air guitar? Probably a few years ago
One sound you hate and one sound you love: I absolutely hate the sound when someone bites their nails when they are sitting right next to me and it’s quiet so you can really hear it. I love the sound of rain and leaves rustling.
Do you believe in ghosts: I am fairly open minded about it but I would definitely believe if I see something
Do you believe in Aliens: There must be live out there on another planet somewhere.
Do you drive and if you have you gotten into a car crash: I do drive and I haven’t had a crash yet but I have had a few close calls.
Do you like the smell of gasoline: I don’t mind it in small amounts.
Last movie you’ve seen: Mama Mia 2.
Worst injury you ever had: I haven’t had any really bad injuries... But I would say it’s a toss up between the time I almost fell out of a old tractor and the back wheel scraped some of the skin off my back. Or the time I tried jumping over a small pallet of potatoes and I didn’t quite clear it and I slammed onto a concrete floor and grazed both knees, my hands and my chin, possibly blacked out for a minute and probably had concussion.
Have you got any obsessions rn? Reading Kendler and John Luther/Justin Ripley fanfics (Whitechapel TV show & Luther); 
Do you hold grudges? Yep I can do, but it is dependent on what they did.
Are you in a relationship? Haha no
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