#ready to wreak havoc on our kiddos lol
honorhearted · 8 months
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// Plotting call! I have a fair amount of mutuals I've never written with before, so feel free to like this post so we can get something started!
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shoutogepi · 4 years
I'd wake up an hour before shoto does so i can get our kids ready for school and make sure he has his breakfast at the right time. All he needs to do is WAKE TF up and I'd do EVERYTHING for him. 😊😊😊 ~domestic anon who said she'd have all 6 of tiny Todorokis.
domestic anon, you came back!!! but are you sure an hour is enough time to get all 6 of icyhot’s gremlins ready for the day? ;)
Mornings with Dad!Shouto
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genre : [ ☀︎ ]  fluff (gender neutral reader)
hc prompt : morning routine with your husband, daddy icyhot
i think shouto is the kind of partner who would feel a little guilty if you did everything for him and his kiddos. this guy would probably try his best to wake up with you, but sometimes the poor man is dead tired because he works long hours and is a top hero after all. 
on days like those, he’d awake with a frown, hand reaching out in search of your warm body. of course, then he’ll hear the screams and shrieks of your army of todorokis, and the frown will melt instantly, his heart swelling with appreciation for you. 
walking into the kitchen and seeing you scrambling around frantically, anticipating your kids’ needs seconds before they even recognize them themselves, seeming to do seven things at once. you’re throwing a lunchbox into a backpack, frying something on the stove, making a smoothie for the picky kid, trying to listen to another kid’s assignment they’re explaining, and keeping an eye on the newest addition to the family, who’s inspecting some cheerios rather than eating them. this is a familiar sight, because he sleeps in much more often than he’d like to say he does. and yet you never complain to him. wow he loves you.
shouto would absolutely try his best to entertain the family as you’re trying to tidy up the whirlwind of pots and pans, markers and jelly. maybe he would play something with them; probably an easy, quick game like hangman which demands all the kids pay attention to him so you can have a moment to breathe. the phrase ends up being something like “thank you mama/papa for making breakfast”, and he gives you a warm, adoring look of appreciation. and then the next round is something silly or gross that makes everyone giggle. 
alternatively if he wakes up with you, you’ll have to find some solace in the few precious moments you’re alone with him. it’s hard to find time for each other with 6 kids running around and terrorizing the house (not to mention your pets). he would certainly show you how much he appreciates you and everything you do, even if it’s a little rushed because let’s be honest, your little monsters will awake at the crack of dawn, ready to barge in and wreak havoc under your covers. so yeah it’s hurried but damn this dude knows how to make it count even if it’s 10 measly minutes. omg wait this is supposed to be soft ok back to the point— 
so if shouto wakes up with you he’d wait til you say good morning and of course he’s gonna say cheesy shit like “it’s always a good morning waking up next to you, Y/N.” but then your kids are banging on the door much too soon, tumbling into a pile on the floor once one manages to finally get it open. they spring onto the mattress like a pack of monkeys, crawling under the covers and grabbing onto the two of you. after a quick snuggle-fest, shouto is shooing them out of the room so you can both change into your clothes for the day. 
shouto is def the kind of dad who lets his kids wear whatever they want so you can bet that if you’re seen all together out in public you look like a damn circus troupe. but the kids are happy and that means you and shouto are happy so no one can say shit lol.
once everyone has a shirt and a pair of pants on, you both start making breakfast. the older kids can make their own toast/bagels/cereal and shouto makes one of the only dishes he can make, tomato eggs. you can make stuff too but i mean if he wants to cook for once, then you’re gonna let him and enjoy not having to. 
after the kids are all finished eating he would scoop you up into his arms for a moment from behind, nuzzling into your hair. the gremlins would all make puking noises and run away screaming, creating the perfect opportunity for your husband to press a long and gentle kiss to your lips. you don’t have to share any words because this moment is so perfect, and that’s how you start your day, every day. 
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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