#real estate ad network
realestateads12 · 3 months
Where to Discover the Premier Real Estate Advertising Service?
Are you a real estate agent or investor looking to enhance your marketing strategy and reach more potential clients? Success in the competitive industry of today depends on having a strong internet presence. One effective way to attract qualified leads and showcase your properties is through online real estate ad services. However, with numerous platforms available, it can be challenging to determine which one offers the best service for real estate ads. In this blog post, we'll explore why the 7Search PPC online advertising platform stands out as one of the top choices for real estate professionals.
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Why Choose 7Search PPC for Real Estate Ads?
1. Targeted Audience
One of the key advantages of using 7Search PPC for real estate advertising is its ability to target specific demographics, interests, and geographical locations. This ensures that your ads are seen by individuals who are actively searching for properties in your area, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
2. Cost-Effective.
With 7Search PPC, you only pay for the clicks your ads receive, making it a cost-effective advertising solution for real estate advertising professionals. Additionally, the platform offers competitive bidding options, allowing you to maximize your budget and achieve a higher return on investment.
3. Customizable Ad Campaigns
7Search PPC provides users with various customizable options to create tailored ad campaigns that suit their unique needs and goals. From ad copy and visuals to targeting parameters and budget allocation, you have full control over how your ads are presented to potential clients.
4. Performance Tracking
7Search PPC offers robust analytics and reporting tools to ensure your real estate advertisement' effectiveness. Monitor key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition to measure the success of your campaigns and make informed adjustments as needed.
5. Responsive Support
Should you encounter any issues or have questions about your real estate advertising campaigns, 7Search PPC offers responsive customer support to assist you every step of the way. Whether you need help setting up your account or optimizing your ads for better performance, their team is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
In conclusion, when it comes to finding the best real estate ads service, the 7Search PPC online advertising platform emerges as a top choice for its targeted approach, cost-effectiveness, customization options, performance tracking capabilities, and responsive support. By leveraging the power of 7Search PPC, real estate marketing professionals can effectively showcase their properties and attract qualified leads, ultimately driving business growth and success.
FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Can I target specific neighborhoods with my real estate ads on 7Search PPC?
Ans. Yes, 7Search PPC allows you to target specific geographical locations, including neighborhoods, cities, or regions, ensuring that your ads are seen by individuals interested in properties in those areas.
2. How much does it cost to advertise on 7Search PPC?
Ans. The cost of advertising on 7Search PPC varies depending on factors such as keyword competitiveness, ad placement, and budget allocation. However, you only pay for the clicks your ads receive, making it a cost-effective option for real estate professionals.
3. Can I track the performance of my real estate ads on 7Search PPC?
Ans. Yes, 7Search PPC provides users with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of their ad campaigns. Monitor key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition to measure success and make data-driven decisions.
4. Are there any restrictions on the content of real estate ads on 7Search PPC?
Ans. While 7Search PPC has guidelines in place to ensure ad quality and compliance, real estate marketing professionals have flexibility in creating ad content, including property descriptions, images, and contact information.
 5. Is there a minimum budget requirement to advertise on 7Search PPC?
Ans. 7Search PPC offers flexible budget options, allowing real estate professionals to set budgets based on their advertising goals and financial resources. There is no minimum budget requirement to get started with advertising on the platform.
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marketingrealestate · 9 months
How to Create Successful Real Estate Promotion Campaign
One of the most challenging issues for real estate salespeople is creating fresh leads. With referrals accounting for more than three-quarters of new business, it might feel like the whole real estate market is battling for a smaller and smaller piece of the pie.
However, with the correct real estate advertising techniques, you may improve your referrals and attract the attention of homeowners eager to sell or rent their properties.
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Source: 7Search PPC
Creating an outstanding real estate marketing strategy will aid in lead generation, conversion rates, and the formation of long-term partnerships with house sellers. The greatest real estate promotion also raises brand recognition and enhances your entire reputation.
Fortunately, real estate agents have a plethora of tools at their disposal for generating leads, converting them into customers, and completing agreements. We'll go over some effective property advertising methods and offer some of the unique real estate promotion concepts employed by top agents around the country in the sections below.
Why is real estate promotion so important?
Time is money for real estate agents. Every minute wasted on administrative chores or meetings might have been used to increase sales. They may have been hunting for homeowners who wanted to sell their home or arranging open houses where they could meet potential purchasers. 
A well-planned real estate Advertising strategy, on the other hand, makes an agent's work considerably easier. It assists you in defining your strategy, outlining your goals, and identifying your target audience. When done correctly, it may generate more leads and increase conversion rates.
Many of the classic strategies that have been used for years, such as email marketing campaigns, are used in real estate agent marketing. However, it now includes technological aspects such as 3D virtual tours. You'll need both if you want to reach out to potential customers.
How to Create a Real Estate Promotion Campaign
According to a National Association of Realtors report, more than half of all buyers begin their search online. They start by searching Google for terms like "how to sell my house," "prices for homes in my area," and "how to find a realtor."
Prospective buyers in today's market are seeking for more than just someone to advertise their house. They want someone who can lead them through the full home-buying process. They want a realtor that knows their community, understands the market, and has the knowledge to sell their property for the greatest price.
As a result, marketing for real estate brokers must be thorough. Top-tier real estate broker marketing must highlight your abilities and experience in all facets of the profession. Here are five crucial measures to consider as you determine how to effectively promote your real estate and your organization.
Define your intended audience.
People who are most likely to wish to buy or sell the sorts of houses in your company's portfolio are your target audience. These are the possible buyers and sellers you should be looking for.
You should narrow the field a little. It's pointless to reach out to first-time home buyers if you and your staff lack knowledge in that segment of the market. Determine which clients you can best service, since these are the ones most likely to provide you with that all-important referral.
How do you begin establishing your target audience? Investigate what buyers and renters in your region want in terms of location, amenities, and square footage. Assess their preferences in terms of commuting time or closeness to shopping. Learn what they require in a new house. 
Determine communication channels
Real estate firms have an abundance of options at their disposal for communicating with potential clients, from performing the most efficient email marketing campaigns to establishing the appropriate social media profiles.
Examine the content marketing channels you already employ and determine whether they are a successful component of your real estate marketing strategy. For example, you should be aware that you do not spend more money on video marketing than it generates.
Purchase the appropriate marketing instruments
Consider what tools will best benefit your clients when creating a marketing strategy. Tools that help people imagine your properties in depth, such as digital twins and virtual tours, should be prioritized. These will help your listings reach more people, grab their attention for longer periods of time, and keep your properties at the front of their minds. 
Most real estate agents want software that can handle all of their photographic, video, and 3D tour needs. Matterport is a popular tool among real estate agents since it provides a variety of imagery, intro movies, floor plans, and, of course, 3D walkthroughs.
Determine your marketing budget.
You'll most likely have several real estate advertising concepts but a restricted budget. There are several choices available, so be sure your organization has the funds to take use of them. 
How much should you spend on real estate promotion? The industry standard is around 10% of the previous year's total commission. This should give you an idea of how much a brokerage should spend on conventional and digital marketing.
Campaign Performance Evaluation
Along with keeping track of how much money you're spending on property marketing, you'll want to know how successful your efforts are. Divide the total cost of each campaign by the number of leads it generates to calculate your cost per lead. 
Determine which KPIs are most essential to your business. Make sure to track how many people connect with your social media postings, visit your landing sites, and click on your sponsored links. How many of these become leads? And how many of them become customers? Understanding this will allow you to develop even more effective marketing strategies in the future. Campaign Performance Evaluation
7 Real Estate Marketing Strategies
You can't afford to leave any stone unturned when it comes to generating leads and completing business. Here are 7 of the greatest real estate marketing suggestions for 2023, ranging from developing in-person connections to establishing an internet presence. 
1. Reconsider the open house
An open house generates just approximately 10% of purchases. However, this does not diminish their worth. An open house should not be used to market a single property. Consider it a means to persuade local homeowners that you and your team have the knowledge and experience to sell their house. It's an excellent marketing strategy for real estate brokers.
Why does an open house have to last only a few hours on a weekend? Virtual open houses should be offered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They reach more customers and allow them to 'visit' your properties whenever it is convenient for them. Instead of a business card with your phone number, you acquire a possible client's contact information online.
2. Obtain more listings by attracting the suitable purchasers.
A 3D virtual tour is an excellent selling tool since it allows clients to examine houses at their leisure. Simply simply, customers adore them. According to a National Association of Realtors poll, over 80% of respondents stated they would switch to an agent who offered 3D property tours.
A 3D virtual tour is more successful since purchasers can see how what they are getting corresponds to what they desire. Clients who viewed digital models spent more time in a property when they toured it in person, according to Colliers International.
3. Make use of eye-catching graphics
Nothing attracts consumers' attention like stunning images of a property. Make sure to upload high-resolution photographs and a 3D tour to your agency's website, the property's dedicated landing page, real estate websites, and your social media profiles. These scroll-stopping photos will attract more people's attention, allowing you to simply discover the ideal customer. 
4. Expand your social media marketing efforts
Social media provides several ways to reach out to new clients. A good web marketing plan allows people to engage with you and your organization in a relevant way.
Change up your social media real estate marketing methods. You may reach out to local house buyers using platforms such as Facebook. Targeted ad purchases might reach folks who are currently looking for a house. You may promote your local market expertise on professional platforms such as LinkedIn. It may be used to promote seminars and other special events. The intelligent use of hashtags helps you to reach out to new audiences outside of your own network.
5. Use email marketing to connect with others.
Successful email marketing campaigns allow you to directly approach clients, placing your properties in front of individuals who are most likely to be interested in them. Email is a simple, non-intrusive approach to follow up with folks who have previously indicated interest in your homes.
A call to action, such as a link to further information, should always be included in your email marketing efforts. Make sure there is fascinating information that will capture the attention of the reader and establish your reputation. Share your expertise about the local real estate market as well as industry trends. Include a nod to local firms to demonstrate your familiarity with the market. Include beautiful infographics and video testimonials from delighted customers if available.
6. Build a Referral System
Few resources are more significant in promotion of real estate than your referral network. This comprises small enterprises, banking institutions, and real estate agents. The larger your community, the more probable it is that prospective clients will be recommended to you, providing you with promising leads without raising your real estate promotion campaign expenditure.
7. Get involved in your community.
Your real estate company plays an important role in the community's fabric. By participating in your local community, you will put your customers first, offering possibilities to both serve the people around you and develop goodwill for your company.
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promoterealestate · 10 months
7Search PPC is an Real Estate advertising network that provides quality targeted leads by offering pay-per-click (PPC) advertising solutions for businesses of all sizes. It allows advertisers to tap into a wide network of websites, including search engines, and to target them based on various factors such as geography, demographic, or user interest.
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brownrainbow · 1 year
How to take your social media contents and online related gigs to next level
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Boost Conversions by 14x – While Working Less
Unlock the true potential of your Marketing Agency, task and gigs, saas Agency, contents creatives, Blogs and whatever your hobbies and jobs online represents.
Take back your time—increase conversions by an average of 14x. That’s what AdCreative tool can do for your agency.
The tool is a highly trained Artificial Intelligence that:
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A few clicks and words typed out – and ad creatives for your business are DONE.
It’s that easy with our Ai tool. No expensive outsourcing. No spending hours figuring it out yourself.
Just creatives that are optimized for attracting sales like a super magnet.
In the snap of a finger, Ads Ai generates all your Ad posters & texts – for all your products.
In record time, you’re ready to hit the market and pull Leads that converts.
This Ad Creative Ai (artificial Intelligence) isn’t just an advantage. It’s an unfair advantage.
Plus: New Users get $500 worth of Google Ad Credits for FREE.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
By Dan De Luce and Lisa Cavazuti
The unemployment rate in Gaza is 47% and more than 80% of its population lives in poverty, according to the United Nations. Hamas, however, has funded an armed force of thousands equipped with rockets and drones and built a vast web of tunnels under Gaza. Estimates of its annual military budget range from $100 million to $350 million, according to Israeli and Palestinian sources. 
As the U.S. House and Senate will be asking in separate hearings Wednesday and Thursday, where does all that cash come from?
Since coming to power in the Gaza Strip 17 years ago, Hamas has filled its coffers with hundreds of millions in international aid, overt and covert injections of cash from Iran and other ideological partners, as well as cryptocurrency, taxes, extortion and smuggling, according to current and former U.S. officials and regional experts.
Much of the money is public and legal, including large sums of financial aid from Qatar via the United Nations, an arrangement encouraged and approved by Israel. The Qatari aid covers the salaries of civil servants, buys fuel for the power grid and provides cash to needy families.
Some of it is less than legal, according to experts. In addition to levying taxes on Gaza’s businesses and residents, Hamas imposes unofficial fees on smuggled goods and other activity, for a combined income of up to $450 million per year. Hamas also has real estate and other investments around the globe, despite international restrictions, and uses cryptocurrency to mask some of its transactions.
Some of it may be fully illegal. A small portion of its budget seems to come from smuggling in South America, including drug smuggling.
Experts, enemies and Western governments have questioned whether Hamas mingles the money for its military operations with money meant for civilian use. Hamas could not be reached for comment. But Hamas representatives have said previously that the group strictly separates funding for the administration of Gaza from funding for its military wing, also known as the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
In the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel that killed 1,400 people, some former Treasury Department officials and experts argue that the United States and its European allies need to crack down on the group’s global financial network.
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maaarine · 9 months
Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World (Naomi Klein, 2023)
"The housing market isn’t about homes; it’s about hedge funds and speculators.
Universities aren’t about education; they’re about turning young people into lifelong debtors.
Long-term care facilities aren’t about care; they’re about draining our elders in the last years of life and real estate plays.
Many news sites aren’t about news; they’re about tricking us into clicking on autoplaying ads and advertorials that eat up the bottom half of nearly every site.
Nothing is as it seems.
This kind of predatory, extractive capitalism necessarily breeds mistrust and paranoia.
In this context, it’s not surprising that QAnon, a conspiracy theory that tells of elites harvesting the young for their lifeblood (adrenochrome), has gone viral.
Elites are sucking us dry—our money, our labor, our time, our data. So dry that large parts of our planet are beginning to spontaneously combust.
The Davos elite aren’t eating our children, but they are eating our children’s futures, and that is plenty bad.
QAnon believers imagine secret tunnels underneath pizza parlors and Central Park, the better to traffic children.
This is fantasy, but there are tunnels—literal Shadow Lands—under some major cities, and they do house and hide the poor, the sick, the drug-dependent, the discarded.
Under the flashing lights of Las Vegas, hundreds or even thousands of people really do live in a sprawling network of storm tunnels.
Like my doppelganger projecting all of our surveillance fears on a vaccine app, conspiracy theorists get the facts wrong but often get the feelings right—the feeling of living in a world with Shadow Lands, the feeling that every human misery is someone else’s profit, the feeling of being exhausted by predation and extraction, the feeling that important truths are being hidden.
The word for the system driving those feelings starts with c, but if no one ever taught you how capitalism works, and instead told you it was all about freedom and sunshine and Big Macs and playing by the rules to get the life you deserve, then it’s easy to see how you might confuse it with another c-word: conspiracy.
As Gilroy-Ware puts it, “Conspiracy theories are a misfiring of a healthy and justifiable political instinct: suspicion.”
But suspicion directed at the wrong target is a very dangerous thing."
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fatehbaz · 10 months
In this remarkably rich account of land and profit-making in colonial Calcutta (now Kolkata), Debjani Bhattacharyya traces the transformation of marshes, bogs, and muddy riverbanks into parcels of fixed, bounded, and alienable property under British colonial rule. Framed evocatively as a “history of forgetting” (6), Bhattacharyya details the everyday enactments and contestations of imperial power undertaken by colonial officials and merchants, hydrographers, Indian property owners, urban planners, surveyors, and speculators between the 1760s and 1920. Over this period, the fluid and culturally multivalent spaces of the delta were translated and transformed into “dried urban landscapes of economic value” (12). [...] [T]he economization of space was so encompassing that earlier ways of understanding and inhabiting the delta’s shifting lands and waters were [obscured] [...].
The British thus had to produce landed property both conceptually and materially in a process that proceeded through two entangled registers of power. The first was the legal register, which translated shifting and indeterminate aqueous spaces into apparently solid landed property through modes of legal classification and arbitration. The second register of power concerned hydraulic technologies of drying and draining the landscape (10), which materialized these legal categorizations in the production of urban space. 
By the early twentieth century, these “technologies of property” (5) had produced new lines between land and water in the city and rendered its fluid ecologies, such as marshes and bogs, as valuable “land-in-waiting” (172) for property development and financial speculation. [...] 
[T]he delta’s fluid ecology emerges at times as a limit on the property-making activities of the East India Company and the British Crown [...]. Bhattacharyya’s account highlights the mobility of the delta’s fluid landscape, with water, silt, and mud taking on agentic roles and shaping historical trajectories. [...] [Bhattacharyya] provides a fascinating account of the meanings of rivers and other watery spaces in Bengali cultural life, drawing on folk songs, poetic genres such as the maṅgalkāvya, storytelling, and forms of artistic representation such as painted narrative scrolls. [...] Bhattacharyya recovers forms of relationality and claim-making in the fluid deltaic environment that exceed the representations of colonial cadastral surveys and revenue records. [...] 
[H]owever, Calcutta became increasingly disconnected from its watery past. [...] [There was an] increasing entanglement of the urban land market with infrastructural projects to dry land and control water. These included the excavation of an extensive network of canals; the construction of docks in Khidderpore and the draining of the Maidan [...]. A collective amnesia about Calcutta’s fluid ecologies set the stage for the emergence of a speculative real estate market by the beginning of the twentieth century [...]. This period saw Calcutta’s remaining wetlands and marshes rendered as “land-in-waiting for property development” (169) in a process that continues to the present day.
All text above by: Calynn Dowler. “Debjani Bhattacharyya, Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta: The Making of Calcutta.” Asian Ethnology Volume 80 Issue 1. 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
Canada is joining the advertising exodus from Elon Musk's hate-filled platform. 🇨🇦
Ads for several prominent Canadian companies and organizations have been appearing in the feeds of extremist accounts on X, prompting some of them to pause advertising on the social media platform following an investigation by CBC News. They join a growing number of brands that are backing away from X, formerly known as Twitter, amid the unchecked rise in hateful content and owner Elon Musk's seeming endorsement of antisemitic and other far-right conspiracy theories.
There are still ads by well known companies which are showing up next to extremist posts.
A review by CBC News of about two dozen accounts linked to white nationalists, white supremacists, misogynists and other extremists found ads by major brands such as Samsung Canada, CF Montréal and Pathways Alliance, an oil industry lobby group. Ads for Samsung's new Galaxy flip phone appeared in the results when searching for a hashtag used to circulate racist content, where other posts included messages such as "Keep Europe White." Samsung ads also appeared in the feed of an account that the Tech Transparency Project, a watchdog group, flagged for spreading Islamophobic and antisemitic conspiracy theories. In addition, Samsung ads were spotted in the feeds of Libs of TikTok, which LGBTQ advocates say stirs up anti-trans hatred, and Mike Cernovich, who has been described by extremism researchers as a "male supremacist."
But others have left after being informed of their ads appearing next to purveyors of hate.
Other companies and organizations, though, said they halted advertising on X when informed by CBC News about where their ads were appearing. Bell Media suspended advertising on X after it was informed that an ad for a subsidiary, the news division of Quebec TV network Noovo, appeared in the feed of the far-right fitness leader. The ad appeared over a post that called journalists "priests of ruin" and featured the slogan "all journos are bastards." "Despite putting measures in place to protect Noovo from such a situation, it seems that X considered the offensive content from a third party to be moderate, which allowed our ad to appear alongside it," Patrick Tremblay, a Bell Media spokesperson, said in a statement to CBC News last week. "This situation is unacceptable. As a result, we have interrupted Bell Media advertising campaigns on X."
But wait, there's more!
Our team met with X representatives in the past month to confirm that our ads account is set up with the most stringent sensitivity settings X offers. In this case, those controls appear to have failed," Spencer Reynolds, director of marketing and communication at Angus Reid, said in an email. "Angus Reid Forum has ceased all activity on X indefinitely pending a comprehensive review." The Appraisal Institute of Canada, an association of real estate valuation experts, paused its advertising campaign on X after it was informed its ads were appearing in the feeds of Carl Benjamin, Richard Spencer and an account linked to the white nationalist and antisemitic Groyper movement. Ads for insurance giant Sun Life appeared in the feeds of multiple accounts of extremists, including Spencer's, as part of a sponsored content campaign with the National Post. Sun Life stopped advertising on X after Musk took over the platform last year, and the placement of the sponsored content ad was an error, a Sun Life representative said.
There are some thoroughly bad people out there and Elon Musk has decided to provide them with a comfortable digital home.
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realestateads12 · 3 months
The Power of Real Estate Advertising in Boosting Your Business
In the realm of real estate, where competition is fierce and visibility is paramount, effective advertising strategies can make all the difference. One such potent tool in the marketer's arsenal is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, and when it comes to real estate, 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform stands out as a powerful means to boost your business. Let's delve into the dynamics of real estate advertising and explore how the 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform can elevate your game.
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Understanding the Real Estate Landscape
Real estate is a dynamic and fast-paced industry where timing and visibility can significantly impact success. Whether you're a real estate agent, broker, or property developer, capturing the attention of potential buyers or tenants is crucial for driving sales and securing deals. In such a competitive environment, traditional real estate advertising methods may fall short of effectively reaching your target audience.
The Role of PPC Advertising
PPC advertising offers a targeted approach to reaching potential clients by displaying ads to users who are actively searching for relevant keywords or phrases. Unlike traditional advertising, where you pay a fixed amount regardless of the outcome, PPC campaigns allow you to pay only when a user clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective solution for lead generation.
Introducing 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform
7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform is a specialized advertising platform tailored to the needs of real estate ads. With its robust targeting options and extensive network of partner websites, 7Search enables you to reach a highly relevant audience of potential buyers or renters actively seeking properties in your area. Whether you're promoting residential homes, commercial spaces, or rental properties, 7Search offers the tools and flexibility to maximize your advertising ROI.
Key Benefits of 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform for Real Estate Professionals
Targeted Advertising.  With 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform, you can target your ads based on specific keywords, locations, demographics, and even device types, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time.
Cost-Effective Campaigns.  By only paying for clicks, you can control your advertising spending more effectively and allocate your budget towards campaigns that deliver tangible results.
Increased Visibility.  With prominent placement on search engine results pages and partner websites, your listings gain increased visibility, attracting more qualified leads and driving conversions.
Performance Tracking.  7Search provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that allow you to track the performance of your campaigns in real-time, enabling you to optimize your strategy for maximum effectiveness.
Flexibility and Customization.  From ad copy to targeting parameters, 7Search offers unparalleled flexibility to tailor your campaigns according to your specific goals and target audience.
Tips for Creating Effective Ads on 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform
Keyword Research.  Conduct thorough keyword research to identify terms and phrases that potential buyers or renters will likely use when searching for properties. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition.
Compelling Ad Copy.  Craft compelling ad copy that highlights the unique selling points of your properties and entices users to click. Use attention-grabbing headlines, clear calls to action, and persuasive language to compel users to take action.
Optimized Landing Pages.  Ensure your ads direct users to optimized landing pages that provide relevant information and a seamless user experience. Include high-quality images, detailed property descriptions, and clear contact information to facilitate conversions.
A/B Testing.  Experiment with different ad creatives, headlines, and targeting options to identify what resonates best with your target audience. Use A/B testing to compare the performance of different ad variations and refine your strategy based on the results.
Continuous Optimization.  Monitor the performance of your 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform real estate advertising campaigns regularly and make adjustments as needed to improve results. Analyze key metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per acquisition (CPA) to identify areas for optimization and refinement.
By following these best practices, you can create highly effective ads on 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform that drive qualified traffic to your listings and ultimately boost your real estate business.
Final Thoughts
In the fast-paced world of real estate advertising networks, staying ahead of the competition requires strategic thinking, innovative approaches, and a willingness to adapt to changing trends.
By harnessing the power of 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform, real estate ad professionals can amplify their marketing efforts, increase visibility, and generate more leads and sales. With its targeted approach, cost-effective pricing, and robust features, 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform emerges as a valuable tool for driving business growth in the competitive real estate market.
In the competitive landscape of real estate advertisement, leveraging the power of PPC can give you a significant edge in reaching potential clients and driving business growth. With its targeted approach, cost-effectiveness, and robust features, 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform emerges as a standout solution for real estate advertising professionals looking to maximize their advertising ROI.
FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)
Q1. How does 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform differ from other PPC platforms like Google Ads or Bing Ads?
Ans. 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform is specifically optimized for the real estate industry, offering specialized targeting options and a network of partner websites focused on property-related searches.
Q2. Can I use the 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform to promote both residential and commercial properties?
Ans. Yes, the 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform allows you to create campaigns tailored to different property types, whether residential, commercial, or rental properties.
Q3. Is 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform suitable for small-scale real estate businesses?
Ans. Absolutely! 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform offers flexible budgeting options, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes, from independent agents to large real estate firms.
Q4. How can I track the performance of my 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform campaigns?
Ans. 7Search provides detailed analytics and reporting tools within its platform, allowing you to monitor metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversion rates in real time.
Q5. Are there any specific best practices for creating effective ads on the 7Search PPC Online Advertising Platform?
Ans. To maximize the effectiveness of your ads, focus on targeting relevant keywords, crafting compelling ad copy, and regularly monitoring and optimizing your campaigns based on performance data.
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phroyd · 17 days
‘The Apprentice’ and the creation of Leader Donald Trump
In 2024, Donald Trump no longer relies on his TV celebrity — and has warped reality so that he is no longer an exception.
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Bill Pruitt’s description of his time producing the NBC show “The Apprentice” reads like a confessional.
Newly released from his nondisclosure agreement, Pruitt wrote an essay for Slate that frames his efforts steering the reality show explicitly in terms of a con artist running a con. Pruitt describes choices about scripts and editing and challenges as efforts to present a particular, inaccurate image: the show’s star, Donald Trump, as an omniscient business leader. Looking back across the decades since the first season of the show was filmed, Pruitt clearly regrets having helped foster that perception.
He describes feedback from the network demanding that Trump appear more frequently in the episodes (given how much he was being paid). So the show added segments in which Trump presented his assessment of how the challenges might go for the contestants vying for a position with his organization — assessments taped after the challenges were completed.
“The net effect is not only that Trump appears once more in each episode but that he also now seems prophetic in how he just knows the way things will go right or wrong with each individual task,” Pruitt writes. “He comes off as all-seeing and all-knowing. We are led to believe that Donald Trump is a natural-born leader.”
At the same time, to foster the perception that Trump was the pinnacle of success, his flaws were kept off-screen. Taping a Jessica Simpson concert at his branded casino in New Jersey, for example, posed particular challenges, according to Pruitt: “The lights in the casino’s sign are out. Hong Kong investors actually own the place — Trump merely lends his name. The carpet stinks, and the surroundings for Simpson’s concert are ramshackle at best.”
The solution: “We shoot around all that.”
Trump’s initial awkwardness in the final, dramatic boardroom scenes of each show was smoothed out as taping progressed. But a new problem arose, according to Pruitt.
“Trump made raucous comments he found funny or amusing — some of them misogynistic as well as racist,” he claims in the essay. “We cut those comments. Go to one of his rallies today, and you can hear many of them.”
He also alleges Trump used a racist slur in a planning session for one episode, a comment recorded by other participants in the meeting. In a statement to The Washington Post, Trump’s campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, without providing evidence, called Pruitt’s essay “fabricated” and “fake news.”
Pruitt suggests that all this — the creation of the infallible Trump, the perfect leader — aided Trump’s 2016 election. He notes that Trump parlayed his new success into “Trump University,” real estate classes that were announced soon after the second season of the show aired and resulted in multiple claims of fraud. (Trump settled those cases soon after the 2016 election.) If Trump’s new persona could persuade people to hand over money, why wouldn’t we assume it could persuade people to hand over votes?
As it happens, there is new research strongly suggesting that it did. A paper from Columbia University’s Eunji Kim and Shawn Patterson Jr. of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center uses statistical tools and analyses to assess the effects of the show on Republican primary voters.
“As most voters lack personal interactions with politicians, the candidate-voter connections are primarily parasocial,” they write, referring to a phenomenon in which people build perceived, one-way relationships with celebrities. The research notes that early seasons of “The Apprentice” earned more viewers than NBC’s nightly news broadcast, which reinforces the scale at which Pruitt’s deceptions were consumed by Americans.
“Using a survey of white voters conducted before the 2016 presidential election, we find that regular viewers of the program were more likely to trust Trump, feel a personal connection to him, and reject information critical of his candidacy,” Kim and Patterson write. “Open-ended answers further reveal that avid Apprentice viewers were explicitly relying on aspects of his television persona, such as his business experience and leadership potential, to explain their support. In contrast, non-viewers supporting Trump were more likely to evaluate his campaign along more typical partisan dimensions.”
This is partly a function of the media; news reports about Trump regularly featured — and reinforced — his role on “The Apprentice.” Trump’s candidacy quickly centered around immigration; Kim and Patterson’s research determined that there was one article mentioning his show for every three that mentioned Trump and immigration.
That Trump emerged from the world of reality television, they argue, also helps explain his politics.
“Relying on public support unmediated by traditional political institutions,” they write, leaders who emerged as Trump did “can drive dramatic, heterodox shifts in mass opinion and public policy.”
Trump’s success in 2016 was not solely a function of that show. He also had a recurring gig on Fox News, appearing as a commentator on its morning show each week for years before announcing his candidacy in 2015. That focus on immigration, first presented during his presidential campaign announcement, spurred enormous news coverage and a backlash that raised his profile with Republican voters. But Pruitt and the researchers offer convincing arguments that the show played a significant role: Pruitt in how it presented Trump and the research in how that presentation was received.
“The presumption is that reality TV is scripted,” Pruitt writes. “What actually happens is the illusion of reality by staging situations against an authentic backdrop.”
In the case of “The Apprentice,” that illusion convinced a lot of people, helping to propelTrump to the Republican nomination. Then he became president and sloughed off the perceptions created by the TV show. A constructed reality elevated him to the point that he could change actual reality. Trump was once the outsider viewed as unusually capable, thanks to his public persona. Now he is an insider who defines what being an insider on the right means. He’s no longer the exception; he’s made his exception the norm.
Pruitt, very clearly, regrets whatever role he might have had in making that possible.
Republican Voters are so gullible and ignorant, that so many of them voted tor Trump because of the False Persona created for him on "The Apprentice", a persona that did not, in any way, reflect both his business acumen and his leadership potential.
It's the Trump version of The Truman Show!
This is horrific!
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promoterealestate · 10 months
10 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Real Estate Marketing Tips
Real estate marketing is a dynamic field that requires creativity, strategy, and a deep understanding of the market. While you may be familiar with some common marketing practices, there are lesser-known techniques and insights that can take your real estate advertising to the next level. In this blog, we'll uncover 10 amazing things you probably never knew about real estate marketing tips that will help you stand out in the competitive world of property promotion.
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The Power of Storytelling
Storytelling Sells
One of the most potent yet underutilized tools to promote real estate is storytelling. Sharing compelling stories about a property's history, transformation, or the experiences of previous owners can create a strong emotional connection with potential buyers.
The Influence of Color Psychology
Colors Evoke Emotions
Colors play a significant role in how people perceive a property. Understanding color psychology can help you choose the right hues for your marketing materials, eliciting the desired emotional response from your audience.
The Magic of Virtual Staging
Transforming Empty Spaces
Virtual staging is a game-changer in real estate marketing. It allows you to digitally furnish and decorate empty properties, helping potential buyers envision the space's potential and increasing their interest.
The Art of Drone Photography
Aerial Perspectives
Drone photography provides breathtaking aerial views of properties and their surroundings. It's not only visually appealing but also an excellent way to showcase large estates, waterfront properties, and scenic locations.
The Secret of Micro-Moments
Capturing Attention
Micro-moments are short windows of opportunity when potential buyers turn to their devices for quick information. Creating content that addresses these micro-moments can help you capture the attention of your target audience.
The Impact of Personal Branding
You Are Your Brand
In real estate, your personal brand matters. Building a strong personal brand as a trustworthy and knowledgeable agent can attract clients and set you apart from the competition.
The Use of 3D Tours
Immersive Experiences
3D virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore a property as if they were physically present. It's a cutting-edge technology that provides immersive experiences, increasing engagement.
The Benefits of Local SEO
Local Visibility
Optimizing your online presence for local search terms ensures that your properties are visible to potential buyers in your area. Local SEO can significantly impact your real estate marketing efforts.
The Power of Influencer Marketing
Leveraging Influence
Partnering with local influencers or experts in your field can amplify your marketing reach. They can endorse your properties and lend credibility to your brand.
The Role of User-Generated Content
Harnessing Authenticity
Encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences on social media or your website. User-generated content adds authenticity to your marketing efforts and builds trust.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Real Estate Marketing
In the world of real estate ad networks, staying ahead of the curve is essential. By incorporating these amazing insights into your strategy, you can elevate your real estate marketing game and leave a lasting impression on potential buyers and sellers.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I get started with storytelling in real estate marketing?
Begin by identifying unique and compelling stories about the properties you represent. Use these stories in your property descriptions, blog posts, and social media content.
2. What are some key color psychology principles for real estate marketing?
Colors like blue can evoke a sense of calm and trust, while red can convey urgency and excitement. Tailor your color choices to match the emotions you want to elicit from your audience.
3. Is virtual staging cost-effective?
Yes, virtual staging is often more cost-effective than traditional staging, as it eliminates the need to purchase or rent physical furniture and decor.
4. How can I start using drone photography in my real estate marketing?
Hire a licensed drone photographer or invest in a high-quality drone and learn how to capture stunning aerial shots of your properties.
5. What is the first step in building a personal brand as a real estate agent?
Identify your unique strengths, values, and expertise. Use these as the foundation for your personal brand and convey them consistently in your marketing materials and interactions with clients.
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realestatead · 1 year
Best Real Estate Ads Network - 7Search PPC
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The real estate field is too competitive, so it's essential to make your website on top to get good results. Here we will show you the most effective ideas for real estate advertisement along with the best ad network. If you want to know easy & effective real estate advertising thoughts to grow your business, keep diving into the depth of this blog. 
What is real estate advertising?
Advertising is when you pay to display your name, message, or logo in a particular way, at a particular time, on a particular channel, and get an interested audience to see your product or service.
The specific motifs of each real estate ad vary, but are most commonly used to generate leads for sellers and buyers, or to find homes at the best value. Ultimately, advertising is an effective tool for growing and expanding your real estate website and business.
PPC for real Estate ad
PPC marketing is a successful internet strategy for promoting your real estate business. By focusing on specific phrases and keywords, you can reach out to potential buyers and sellers who are actively looking for properties similar to yours.
PPC real estate ads can also be tailored to specific geographies, demographics, and even device types, ensuring that your ads reach your target audience. Organic traffic is always the goal, but PPC is a great way to add to his SEO efforts, helping him generate sales and leads more effectively and quickly.
If you haven't used PPC on your real estate website or business yet, give it a try. It could be the growth you need to take your real estate business to the next level. The real estate industry is unpredictable whether you work as an individual agent or as part of a team of real estate agents.
His budget-friendly PPC allows for optimal ad management. Therefore, major real estate advertising networks use it to help their clients' businesses. 
Real Estate PPC ads
PPC (Pay Per Click) is a type of online advertising where advertisers pay each time a visitor clicks on their ad. Its campaigns are highly targeted and therefore widely used and widely used by B2C companies.Choosing the best ad network for the bidding process will be more effective.
The advantage of his PPC advertising for real estate businesses is that your ads will only be shown to audiences interested in purchasing goods and services. That way, you can invest your money in potential customers who are already in the buying cycle. It helps you grow your business without worrying about spending money in the wrong direction.  
Few benefits of PPC ads for real estate business
PPC allows you to buy real estate from your website visitors in Google Ads. Strong commercial PPC ads drive 65% of all clicks. This is just one of the many benefits offered to the real estate industry. If you choose to place her PPC ad in a real estate company, you will get the following benefits: 
You have to pay for the results only
Other advertising methods charge you for the number of times your ad is shown (impressions), but there is no guarantee that it will produce results. Her PPC (Pay Per Click) for realtors only charges when a visitor lands on a landing page or her website, so there is a direct link between performance and cost. 
Target your audience effectively
When choosing a PPC ad format for your real estate ads, it can help you reach the right target group effectively. You'll get better results with audience segmentation because your ad messages are specifically designed to connect with different buyer personas.
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Therefore, Google's laser-targeted segmentation option advertising platform means that you won't waste a single click. And as your CTR goes up, your ad spend goes down. 
Remaining Top-of-Mind
PPC real estate marketing enables fast, high volume searches in a short amount of time. From search ads to his YouTube video campaigns to display his banners, you can place your ads on a variety of platforms connected to the Google Ads Network to ensure your real estate ads and business are always in the spotlight. 
Provide quicker results than SEO
If you decide to do SEO, it will take time because it is an organic process. PPC, on the other hand, provides immediate results for real estate listings. This is obviously not a long-term solution as SEO is still required for steady growth.But if you are a new real estate startup and want to attract clients to your business, PPC is ideal for your ambitions. solution. 
Helps to increase client engagement
In high-quality situations, PPC real estate marketing ads are more engaging and viewed longer. You can also use Google Ads to target potential customers who have already visited your website and expressed interest in your business or services.
As a result, increasing engagement and sales conversions is a cost-effective strategy. hope! This data is enough to show the value of his PPC in the real estate business. This is the most effective way to achieve growth in this industry, but other methods are available.  
Have an alluring Homepage
Did you know that 75% of people admit that they judge a company's legitimacy by their website layout? First impressions matter, so your website needs to be in good shape. I have. That means strong calls to action, eye-catching images, and intuitive menus. If you want to promote real estate ads, you should follow these steps: 
Hire a photographer
Having impressive photos of your property is a real necessity—the right time of day or the right angle can make all the difference. Hire a professional photographer (ideally someone with experience in architectural or residential photography) or try it yourself if you have the necessary equipment and are confident in your abilities. Providing your clients with eye-catching photos of your business will help your real estate ads reach the skies. 
Take the help of social media
If you want to promote your real estate business through social media, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook are the most popular social networking platforms for real estate marketing. When creating your business account on these platforms, fill in all the available fields to help your ideal leads find you.
A social media presence can increase brand awareness and build trust with your visitors. If you want to choose these social media platforms for your real estate listings, you are not far from success.
Partner with local businesses
Building relationships with other local businesses is essential to your real estate marketing strategy. Providing a company logo or calendar to promote your real estate business can attract a significant number of clients.
This type of real estate promotion helps boost your brand identity around you.These points show you how to promote your real estate business and website. Follow these points and you won't be disappointed with the results. 
Real estate ad network
If you want to choose the best ad network for your real estate ads or business, 7Search PPC can knock on your door. This is one of the ideal AdSense alternatives and real estate advertising networks that provide quality leads in a short amount of time. They specialize in conversion rate optimization and his PPC campaigns for real estate companies and agencies.
We never invest in clicks or impressions that are not relevant to your business. You can also reach out to them if you want to get quality leads through social media. For more information about this real estate advertising network, please visit the company's website.
Final takeaway
Advertising is an effective weapon for beating your competitors in markets such as real estate, gambling and travel. Along with PPC, we have mentioned some of the best real estate advertising ideas. If you want impromptu growth and income, I recommend Real Estate PPC. You can also choose alternative methods such as B. Social media advertising or SEO to get organic traffic.
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bristol-property · 1 month
Bristol Commercial Property For Sale
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Preparing a commercial property for sale and marketing it successfully requires a strategic approach. This provides an in-depth guide to effectively marketing commercial properties in Bristol, covering everything from optimizing listings to generating buyer interest. Before listing a commercial property, conduct thorough renovations and upgrades to appeal to potential buyers. Refurbish fixtures, fittings and interiors to meet modern standards. First impressions are key, so ensure the property is clean, well-presented and move-in ready. Provide multiple high-quality photos showcasing interior and exterior spaces. Give an accurate summary of key details like property type, lot size, amenities, condition and price in the description to generate interest. Promote listings on popular commercial property sites like . Ask representatives to share listings on social media platforms. Consider boosting Facebook and Instagram posts through targeted ads to a wider audience. Hold an open house to allow buyers to visualise the property. Create flyers and signage with your contact details to distribute in the local area. Reach out to relevant commercial brokers and let them know about the listing. They may have clients seeking such properties. Print outdoor banners and yard signs with basic details to catch the eyes of passersby. Have knowledgeable representatives available during viewing times to quickly address queries. Collect contacts of interested parties for follow ups. Networking is crucial. Join local business groups and chambers of commerce to expand your professional network. Leverage relationships to gain referrals and recommendations. Host seminars on relevant commercial real estate topics to position yourself as an industry expert. With thorough preparation and a multi-pronged marketing approach, you can effectively maximise exposure and generate interested buyers for your commercial property listings in Bristol. Consistent follow ups will help seal the deal.
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unpluggedfinancial · 1 month
Understanding Blockchain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin
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Blockchain technology, often synonymous with Bitcoin, is a revolutionary system that has far-reaching implications beyond its initial use in cryptocurrency. While Bitcoin introduced the world to the concept of a decentralized ledger, blockchain's potential extends well beyond digital currencies. This article explores the fundamentals of blockchain technology and delves into its various applications across different industries.
What is Blockchain Technology?
At its core, blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions across many computers in such a way that the registered transactions cannot be altered retroactively. This ensures transparency and security. Each block in the chain contains a list of transactions, and once a block is completed, it is added to the chain in a linear, chronological order.
Key features of blockchain include:
Transparency: All participants in the network can see the transactions recorded on the blockchain.
Immutability: Once data is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted.
Security: Transactions are encrypted, and the decentralized nature of blockchain makes it highly secure against hacks and fraud.
Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin
While Bitcoin brought blockchain into the spotlight, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Ripple have expanded its use cases. Ethereum, for example, introduced the concept of smart contracts—self-executing contracts where the terms are directly written into code. These smart contracts enable decentralized applications (DApps) that operate without the need for a central authority.
Applications of Blockchain Technology
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi platforms leverage blockchain to create financial products and services that are open, permissionless, and transparent. These include lending, borrowing, and trading without intermediaries.
Cross-border Payments: Blockchain simplifies and speeds up cross-border transactions while reducing costs and increasing security.
Fraud Reduction: The transparency and immutability of blockchain make it harder for fraud to occur, as all transactions are visible and verifiable.
Supply Chain Management:
Tracking and Transparency: Blockchain provides end-to-end visibility of the supply chain, ensuring that all parties can track the movement and origin of goods.
Reducing Fraud: By recording every transaction, blockchain helps prevent fraud and counterfeiting, ensuring the authenticity of products.
Secure Data Sharing: Blockchain allows for secure sharing of patient data between healthcare providers while maintaining privacy and consent.
Drug Traceability: Blockchain helps track pharmaceuticals through the supply chain, reducing the risk of counterfeit drugs.
Voting Systems:
Secure Elections: Blockchain can provide a transparent and tamper-proof system for voting, ensuring that each vote is recorded and counted accurately.
Increasing Voter Participation: The security and convenience of blockchain-based voting could lead to higher voter turnout and greater confidence in electoral systems.
Real Estate:
Property Transactions: Blockchain can streamline property transactions by reducing paperwork, ensuring transparency, and preventing fraud.
Record-Keeping: Immutable records of property ownership and transactions enhance security and trust in the real estate market.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite its potential, blockchain technology faces several challenges:
Scalability: The ability of blockchain networks to handle a large number of transactions per second is limited, impacting its adoption in high-volume industries.
Energy Consumption: Blockchain, particularly proof-of-work systems like Bitcoin, requires significant energy, raising concerns about its environmental impact.
Regulatory Challenges: The decentralized and borderless nature of blockchain poses regulatory and legal challenges, as governments and institutions seek to manage and control its use.
The Future of Blockchain Technology
The future of blockchain looks promising, with continuous advancements and innovations. Potential developments include improved scalability solutions like sharding and proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms, which aim to reduce energy consumption and increase transaction speeds. As blockchain technology matures, its adoption across various industries is expected to grow, potentially transforming the way we conduct business, manage data, and interact with digital systems.
Blockchain technology, initially popularized by Bitcoin, holds immense potential beyond cryptocurrencies. Its applications in finance, supply chain management, healthcare, voting, and real estate demonstrate its versatility and transformative power. While challenges remain, ongoing innovations and growing interest in blockchain suggest a future where this technology plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives.
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Steps from the Capitol, Trump allies buy up properties to build MAGA campus | The Washington Post
At first glance, the flurry of real estate sales two blocks east of the U.S. Capitol appeared unremarkable in a city where such sales are common. In the span of a year, a seemingly unrelated gaggle of recently formed companies bought nine properties, all within steps of one another.
But the sales were not coincidental. Unbeknown to most of the sellers, the limited liability companies making the purchases — a shopping spree that added up to $41 million — are connected to a conservative nonprofit led by Mark Meadows, who was Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump. The organization has promoted MAGA stars like Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.).
The Conservative Partnership Institute, as the nonprofit is known, now controls four commercial properties along a single Pennsylvania Avenue block, three adjoining rowhouses around the corner, and a garage and carriage house in the rear alley. CPI’s aim, as expressed in its annual report, is to transform the swath of prime real estate into a campus it calls “Patriots’ Row.”
The acquisitions strike some Capitol Hill regulars as puzzling, considering that Republicans have long made a sport of denigrating Washington as a dysfunctional “swamp,” the latest evidence being a successful GOP-led effort to block local D.C. legislation to revise the city’s criminal code.
“So you don’t respect how we administer our city and then you secretly buy up chunks of it?” said Tim Krepp, a Capitol Hill resident who works as a tour guide and has written about the neighborhood’s history. “If it’s such a hellhole, go to Virginia.”
Reached on his cellphone, Edward Corrigan, CPI’s president, whose name appears on public documents related to the sales, had no immediate comment on the purchases, which were first reported by Grid News and confirmed by The Washington Post. “I’ll get back to you,” Corrigan said. He did not respond to follow-up messages.
Former senator Jim DeMint, CPI’s founder, and Meadows, a senior partner at the organization, did not respond to emails seeking comment. Cameron Seward, CPI’s general counsel and director of operations, whose name appears on incorporation documents related to the companies making the purchases, did not respond to a text or an email.
As Congress’s neighbors, denizens of the Capitol Hill neighborhood are accustomed to existing in close quarters with all varieties of official Washington. Walk the neighborhood and you might catch a glimpse of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) or former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon, among those who own homes near the Capitol. The Republican and Democratic national committees both have offices in the neighborhood.
But it’s rare, if not unprecedented, for a nonprofit to purchase as many properties in such proximity and in so short a period of time as CPI has assembled through its related companies, a roster with names like Clear Plains Holdings, Brunswick Partners, Houston Group, Newpoint and Pennsylvania Avenue Holdings. The companies list Seward as an officer on corporate filings, as well as CPI’s Independence Avenue headquarters as their principal address.
Now, in what may be an only-in-Washington vista, a single Pennsylvania Avenue block is occupied by Public Citizen, the left-leaning consumer advocacy group, the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, and CPI, which bought four properties through its affiliates.
In addition to the nine D.C. parcels CPI’s network has bought since January 2022, another affiliated company, Federal Investors, paid $7.2 million for a sprawling 11-bedroom retreat on the Eastern Shore. In 2020, CPI, under its own name, also spent $1.5 million for a rowhouse next to its headquarters, which it leases, a few blocks from the Capitol.
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DeMint, a former Republican congressman from South Carolina, started CPI in 2017, shortly after he was ousted as Heritage’s leader amid criticism that the think tank had become too political under his direction. Meadows joined in 2021, after working as Trump’s Chief of Staff. He was by Trump’s side during the administration’s final calamitous days, before and after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and as the President’s allies were seeking to overturn election results.
On its 2021 tax returns, CPI reported $45 million in revenue, most of it generated through contributions and grants, and paid DeMint and Meadows compensation packages of $542,000 and $559,000, respectively. Its current offices, a three-story townhouse at the corner of Third Street and Independence Avenue SE, is a hub of GOP activity. During the chaotic lead-up to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s election as House Speaker, dissident Republican lawmakers were observed congregating at CPI.
CPI also provides grants to a cluster of nonprofits headed by Trump allies. Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, for example, leads America First Legal, which received $1.3 million from CPI in 2021 and bills itself as a check on “lawless executive actions and the Radical Left.”
Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who was on the call Trump made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger seeking to reverse votes in the 2020 election, runs what the organization bills as its “Election Integrity Network,” which has cast doubt on the validity of President Biden’s 2020 victory.
“The election was rigged,” EIN tweeted last July. “Trump won.”
At an introductory meeting in December, recalled Gerald Sroufe, an advisory neighborhood commissioner on Capitol Hill, a CPI representative said the group planned to move its headquarters to a three-story building it had bought on Pennsylvania Avenue, next to Heritage’s office. Until the pandemic forced it to close, the Capitol Lounge had occupied the 130-year-old building. The bar had served a nightly bipartisan swarm of congressional staffers and lobbyists for more than two decades.
The CPI official, Sroufe said, indicated that the group planned to use the new Pennsylvania Avenue properties to “expand” its offices and “provide new retail.” But the official made no mention of Patriots’ Row, Sroufe said, or the three rowhouses the group’s affiliates had bought around the corner on Third Street SE. All of the properties are in the neighborhood’s historic district, which protects them from being altered without city review.
“This is much grander than what we were talking about,” Sroufe said after learning from a reporter about the other purchases. “On the Hill, people are always talking about how wonderful it is to be close to the Capitol and Congress. It’s kind of like a curse.”
As in many commercial corridors hit hard by the pandemic, businesses along Pennsylvania Avenue have struggled over the past couple of years. Tony Tomelden, executive director of the Capitol Hill Association of Merchants and Professionals, said CPI could energize a strip pocked with vacant storefronts.
“I welcome any business because the only thing opening right now are marijuana shops,” said Tomelden, an H Street NE bar owner who helped open the Capitol Lounge in 1996 and, as it happens, instituted a rule that patrons could not talk politics while imbibing. “If they’re going to pay a lot of money and raise property values, I’m all for it. I don’t care about anybody’s politics as long as they pay their tab.”
In an overwhelmingly Democratic city, finding those who are less sanguine about CPI’s growing footprint is not exactly difficult.
Yet politics is only part of the issue, as far as Krepp is concerned. CPI’s purchases, he said, threaten the area’s neighborhood vibe, as would be the case if any group, no matter its ideological leaning, bought as many properties. “I don’t want to create another downtown on Capitol Hill,” he said. “There’s a glut of available office space downtown. You don’t have to buy up neighborhoods.”
Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.), a regular commuter to the Capitol from his home in Montgomery County, sees CPI’s acquisitions in terms more political than geographic.
“It just seems like a massive real estate coming-out party for the extreme right wing of the Republican Party,” Raskin said. “This is a very explicit and well-financed statement of intent. They set out to take over the Republican Party and they’re very close to clenching the power.”
Instead of Patriots’ Row, Raskin suggested an alternative name: Seditionist Square.
“Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene can be their advisory neighborhood commissioner,” he said.
On its 2021 tax return, CPI said its mission is to be a “platform” for the “conservative movement,” and to provide “public policy” training for “government and nonprofit staffers” and meeting space for gatherings and policy debates.
Although not required to identify donors, CPI reported seven contributions in excess of $1 million, including one of more than $25 million. Trump’s Save America political action committee gave $1 million in 2021, according to campaign finance records. Billionaire Richard Uihlein, a major Republican donor, gave $1.25 million a couple of years ago through his foundation, records show.
A CPI-related entity, the Conservative Partnership Center, rented space to two political action committees as of early January, the House Freedom Fund and Senate Conservative Fund, according to campaign finance records. CPI also received $4,000 from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who has recorded his “Firebrand” podcast at the group’s studio, as has the host of the “Gosar Minute,” Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.), according to the group’s annual report. Greene paid CPI $437.73 for “catering for political meetings” in 2021, the records show.
“No one stood up to the Left as courageously as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene,” CPI declared in its 2021 annual report, hailing her as a “hero” who “endured sexist fury that always lurks just beneath the progressive surface.” The report described Boebert as a “gun rights advocate” who “wants to protect our environment more than anyone else.”
It was in CPI’s 2022 annual report that the group briefly referred to its expansion plans, writing that it has strengthened “its ability to serve the movement by beginning renovations to Patriots’ Row on Pennsylvania Avenue.”
“In 2022, the Left tried to drag America further into a dark future of totalitarianism, chaotic elections and cultural decay,” the report asserts in an introduction from DeMint and Meadows. “The Washington establishment, per usual, did nothing to stop them. But neither the Left nor the establishment could stop the culture and community we’re building here at the Conservative Partnership Institute.”
“With our expanded presence in D.C.,” they add, “we’re launching CPI academy — a formal program of training for congressional staff and current and future members of the movement.”
“Even if we can’t change Washington, we can create a permanent bulwark against its worst tendencies.”
CPI began its expansion in 2020, purchasing the rowhouse next door to its headquarters and christening it “The Rydin House” for Mike Rydin, a construction magnate and prominent conservative donor. When Federal Investors bought the Eastern Shore property, the group named it “Camp Rydin.”
On Capitol Hill, several property owners who sold their buildings to CPI-linked companies were surprised to learn that the buyers were connected to a group led by Meadows and DeMint.
“I did not know,” said Jacqueline Lewis, who sold a townhouse on Third Street SE to 116 Holdings for $5.1 million in July. The company’s officer, according to its corporate filing, is Seward, and the principal address it lists is the same as CPI’s headquarters. A trust document related to the transaction is signed by Corrigan, CPI’s president.
Brunswick Partners, which lists CPI and Seward as contacts on its corporate filing, bought the neighboring rowhouse for $1.8 million in January, according to property records. Brian Wise, the seller, said he did not know of the company’s CPI connection. An attorney who approached him and his wife, he said, “asked if we were willing to sell and we agreed on a price. It was a business sale.”
Keith and Amanda Catanzano also were unaware of CPI when they sold a garage in the alley behind Third Street SE to Newpoint for $1 million in June. Newpoint lists Seward as an officer and the same mailing address as CPI. “We had no idea,” said a woman who answered the phone at a number listed for the Catanzanos before hanging up.
Eric Kassoff, who sold the former site of the Capitol Lounge to Clear Plains, said he knew of the company’s CPI ties before the $11.3 million deal was finalized in January. He also sold the group a carriage house behind the building for $400,000.
Kassoff said he did not want to lease the space to a fast-food restaurant or a convenience store. He said CPI’s political leanings were not a factor in his decision to sell to the organization.
“Why would I have any issue selling my property to proud Americans?” asked Kassoff, who described himself as an independent. “We need to get past the labeling and demonizing and talk to each other, and that’s true in politics as well as commerce. If we were all to take that position we wouldn’t have much of a country left, would we?”
Although the Capitol Lounge closed more than two years ago, vestiges of its past remain on the building’s exterior, including a rendering of Benjamin Franklin beneath a quote concocted by the bar’s founder, Joe Englert: “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
James Silk, the bar’s former owner, said he left behind memorabilia when he vacated the building that could be suitable for the new owner: Richard M. Nixon campaign posters still hanging on the walls of what the owners cheekily dubbed the Nixon Room (located across from the Kennedy Room).
“Nixon is finally with his people,” Silk said. He laughed and added: “Nixon was a Republican, right?”
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gacmediadaily · 2 months
Actress Candace Cameron Bure (“Full House” and “Fuller House” fame) chatted about the movie “Just in Time” and her other Great American Family films.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” A woman that embodies this quote is Candace Cameron Bure.
‘Just in Time’ movie
Most recently, she served as an executive producer of the film “Candace Cameron Presents: Just in Time,” which coincided with this year’s Easter festivities.
“I love that movie,” she exclaimed. “Laura Osnes is so fantastic, so was Peter Bryant and our writers were incredible as well.”
She noted that she is excited for her new holiday movie “A Christmas Less Traveled,” which she announced yesterday. “I am always searching for the next Christmas movie. This is a fun road trip story that we get to tell,” she foreshadowed.
“It is also quite heartwarming, so you might need to have the tissues handy for that movie,” she acknowledged.
‘A Christmas… Present’ movie with Marc Blucas
She shared that she enjoyed doing the holiday film “A Christmas… Present” with Marc Blucas. “I loved that movie,” she said. “Working with Marc was so great.”
The synopsis is: Real Estate Agent Maggie Larson and her family will be spending Christmas with her recently widowed brother, Paul, and his young daughter at their house.
Maggie is determined to give her brother and niece the best Christmas possible and to lift their spirits when they most need it. Though Maggie’s plan is to aid her brother, his faith and parenting style ultimately helps her to understand issues within her own life and a need for closeness in her own family.
Working with director Lesley Demetriades
She also had great words about working with female director Lesley Demetriades on “A Christmas… Present.” “I have had a career filled with so many wonderful people, and Lesley was certainly one of them,” she said. “Lesley is a wonderful director, and she is so kind.”
“As a producer and a lead actress, I am always trying to create the best environment on set,” she said.
“I get the privilege of working with incredible people, and I get to put those teams together. I enjoy everyone in my film so very much, and it is always great to work with new faces and I also get to work with a lot of familiar faces behind the scenes,” she elaborated.
She also had great words about Emmy nominee Randy Wayne, who served as a supervising producer on that film. “Randy is great,” she admitted.
‘My Christmas Hero’ film
An equally enjoyable movie for her was “My Christmas Hero,” where she worked alongside Gabriel Hogan. It was a film about military appreciation and meaningful relationships. “That one was wonderful,” she said.
The digital age
On being an actress in the digital age, she said, “It is wonderful since there are so many ways to watch film and television today. Digital is taking things to a whole new level, and it is great because there are more ways to watch.”
‘Unsung Hero’
Bure also stars in the upcoming movie “Unsung Hero,” where she also served as an executive producer. The cast includes Joel Smallbone, Daisy Betts, Kirrilee Berger, and Jonathan Jackson. Bure plays the role of Kay Albright.
Great American Family
Bure serves as the Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of Great American Family network. She is also a lead actress and executive producer on many of the films.
“It has been wonderful,” she admitted about being a part of Great American Family. “I am so proud to be a part of the channel and be a part of the whole process as the Chief Creative Officer of Great American Family. It has really been a beautiful step in my career,” she acknowledged.
“I love bringing family movies to all the viewers at home,” she added.
Mario Lopez joining ‘Great American Family’
Most recently, she is thrilled to welcome Mario Lopez (“Access Hollywood” and “Saved By the Bell”) and his wife, Courtney, on Great American Family. “We are so excited and proud to have Mario and Courtney on Great American Family,” she exclaimed.
“Everyone is going to be a part of that,” she said about the upcoming Great American Christmas movies later on this year.
“We keep building bigger and better lineups, so we are excited for this coming Christmas season,” she acknowledged.
Danica McKellar on Great American Family
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Advice for young and aspiring actors
For young and aspiring actors, she said, “Learn your craft well. Keep practicing and take lessons or classes whether that’s in theatre, or privately, or in school. Just keep working at it. I’ve been in the business for a really long time, and I am still trying to be better and better every day, and learn my craft better, and the nuances of it.”
“I would tell young actors to keep doing it and to keep practicing,” she added.
90s Con
Bure recalled being a part of the 90s Con fan events in Connecticut, which are produced by That’s 4 Entertainment.
“90s Con is so much fun,” she said. “I was sorry to have missed it this year, but they have been really fun events. I’ve gotten the chance to meet so many wonderful people there, and families. I enjoy them very much.”
Stage of her life
On the title of the current chapter of her life, Bure said with a sweet laugh, “Hustle.” “I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing. I’m hustling and I’m working really hard.”
Matthew West
Bure had great words about Christian music singer-songwriter Matthew West. “I love Matthew [West] so much,” she exclaimed. “It is always a joy to be on his podcast. He is one of my favorite musical artists. Matthew is the voice of the Great American Family channel during Christmastime.”
Superpower of choice
If Bure were to have any superpower, it would be “to teleport.” “Then, I could be in any place at any time, especially since I do a lot of traveling,” she said. “So, I think that would be a great superpower.”
Career-defining moment: Playing DJ Tanner in ‘Full House’
Bure noted that her biggest defining moment is “Full House.” “That’s what put me on the map,” she said. “It’s what everyone mostly knows me from; they know me as DJ Tanner, and that will always be such a huge part of my life and my career.”
Best advice she was ever given: ‘Be Yourself’
On the best advice that she was ever given, she revealed: “to be yourself.” “Just be yourself; my mom told me that all the time,” she said. “Don’t try to be anyone else or something that you are not.”
Alternate career choice: Fashion
If she weren’t in the entertainment business, her alternate career would have been in “fashion.” “I just love fashion,” she admitted.
On her definition of the word success, Bure said, “Success, to me, is having a wonderful relationship with my family and with God.”
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