#real folk blues
spike-and-faye · 1 year
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lil-lemon-snails · 3 months
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The Naptime Attendant ⭐️☁️💙🌙
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bohemiarock2 · 2 years
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loveneverfades · 4 months
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Spike and Julia
Art by LeslieVernon
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daddy-long-legssss · 3 days
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alex turner in a henley
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seawing-vibes · 9 months
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Some images of my Tsu plush from Creep Cat Toy Co. !!! I love her lots one of my fav plushes <3 !! Her glow spots are glow-in-the-dark fabric ,, its super neat !
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spikelovesjulia · 4 months
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credit: fsx.design
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Cowboy Bebop (1998), "The Real Folk Blues, Pt. 1"
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obnoxiouslittlefrog93 · 4 months
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This will always be the most devastating moment of the series for me. As soon as it comes, you know they will never be allowed a moment of connection like it again
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spike-and-faye · 1 year
Ladies, my god, we've finally made it. THE LAST POLL OF THE COWBOY BRACKET!
Here are the results from the second to last phase last week:
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Honestly kind of surprised Real Folk Blues beat Jupiter Jazz! Jupiter Jazz had a strong lead for a while. I'm actually so excited these two ended up being the finals though! The two biggest Spike/Vicious show downs! Also the two episodes most involved in Spike's back story with Vicious and Julia <3 Both of these are basically tied for my favorite besides Hard Luck Woman.
(difficulty level: berzerker mode)
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willowbirds · 3 months
I am SO down to hear about your blue blood Fearne headcanon 👀
Ooooh boy!
Alright so!
We as humans have iron in our blood (that is pretty common knowledge). Because of this our blood takes on a redish colour since it contains Haemoglobin, which relies on iron to trap oxygen.
In Exandria, we can probably assume that Humans, Halflings, Gnomes, and so forth are iron based creatures. The only exceptions to this likely being Genasi (but it’s likely that their blood is just a darker red), Aeormatons (Oil), and Hollow ones like Laudna (I don’t think her blood colour was ever confirmed, but her blood being Ichor is a completely different folk lore analysis).
Now, what does this have to do with Fearne having blue blood?
Well, within folk lore, iron is considered deadly to Fey. In some legends they are simply turned away from it, and in others it can harm and even kill them. This is common in all fey and overall monster lore. You may notice that the Fairy type in Pokémon is weak to the Steel type. This bit of folk lore is why.
So with that knowledge, it is likely that Fey creatures don’t have red blood. Since the only way blood can be red is if it contains iron, which a Fey creature would not be able to have.
Fey creatures like Dryads would likely have blood similar to tree sap, like a green colour or even an amber. Fearne however, is not a tree.
So why blue of all colours? Why not purple? That is because blue blood exists in nature.
Remember Haemoglobin? The thing that uses iron to transport oxygen? Well some animals in nature use something called Haemocyanin. Instead of iron, Haemocyanin relies on copper for transporting oxygen. Creatures like horseshoe crabs, squids, and spiders have blue blood.
With Fearne being a human adjacent creature and being a Fey that wouldn’t be able to have iron in her blood, naturally she would have copper based blood. Meaning that her blood, when exposed to oxygen, turns blue instead of red.
This is, of course, the scientific idea as to why she would have blue blood. Another reason she might have blue blood instead of red?
It just looks really cool.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk :3
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midlandcountrymusic · 7 months
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loveneverfades · 8 months
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Spike and Julia
Art by Saiivia_
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roses-for-julia · 1 year
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Julia didn’t caused Spike’s suicidal ideation.
She’s the only one to ever make it go away.
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thelastbraincell · 2 years
Ok but besides the hilarious implications, y’all realize Ronan has a good singing voice? Can you imagine how beautiful it must look him singing Opal to sleep? Or him quietly singing to himself as he works at the Barns? Or him cuddling with Adam softly singing in his good ear?
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spikelovesjulia · 4 months
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