#real jebus!!!!!@!!@!@!@11
buglenitri · 1 year
jebediah is a fucking gnome he is a gnome he looks like a gnome give him a hat and some leather clothing he is a fucking gnome look at him he is so gnomish he is a gnome he is a gnome he's a gnome look at him he's so gnome like gnome he's a gnome christoff is a gnome so gnome krinkels get the damn gnome he's so gnome look at him he's a gnome
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hamsterrivals · 4 years
ok, so.
I made a youtube video, of me narrating Ashita no Joe episode 4.
I was wondering for awhile if it would be ok to upload a video that’s just directly an anime episode of Ashita no Joe.
I thought partly, maybe it would be ok, since that anime came out like before 1970 or something so maybe it’s free domain,
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but nah. It is blocked. I can’t find the video at all.
but, that isn’t going to stop me..
I will do the impossible, (even though I am depressed, about someone I know. irl)
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and narrate Ashita no Joe episode 4.
I made a whole video of me narrating it with my voice. but it’s blocked aaaa. I refuse to let it go, though.
giga..drill...breakeriswhat I’d say but I am too depressed about someone I know irl.
Ok so anyways, this was gonna be a YouTube video, especially cuz-- [had to delete the explanation] anyways here:
[deleted stuff.....] ...
anyways here:
oh shizzat its 4am I’m fluffin’ tired. so I’m just gonna skim the episode and post screenshots argh my foot is pulsating as I type that as if my entire body is thinking “wow I know you re-watched Ashita no Joe episodes again yesterday but you should watch the whole episode again its godly” I’m sorry ewotjwte its just almost 4am and I had to wake up at 10am yesterday.
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the opening plays. and then:
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that one guy that is like my dad reads about my stuff
Jebus freakin’ RICE I’m tired. But I need to do something productive today cuz after I woke up at 10am for my social worker I was tired and drained all day from hearing the voices of the people upstairs and the noise in the wall.
my dad I mean Danpai keeps reading the newspaper (like how in -- gah nevermind [deleted cuz I’m paranoid about what [NEVERMIND deleted the explanation]] and
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my freakin’ dad I mean Danpai gets mad at Joe just like
I DELETED [can’t say] like 8 years ago cuz of that time when I [=/ Can’t say the details]
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GOSH DARN IT this is just like something irl and I can’t even say what it is because I’m too paranoid about people [deleted explanation here]
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ok so basically Joe is super successful and doing good things in this world but no one believes him cuz his stupid azz danpai adopted dad figure is a dumb bummie, and then
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and then I wanna explain 99 lines but we’re not even 2 minutes into the episode, so I guess I have to skip some parts; I mean it is 4am after all
and then
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ok so there’s this snobby lady (at the time ? perhaps she changes at the very very very very end but I won’t give any spoilers about how the very final episode goes itjewiot btw I literally watched this anime starting from the very last episode cuz someone said this series has best ending in anime/manga of all time, and then I started back at early episodes after that, when I first watched this however years ago,)
and then
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yes we printed this article cuz .. you’re trustworthy and popular but Joe is just an unpopular guy who helps out orphans and gives his money away to help out orphans
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ya know how when I watched the first 11 episode with [won’t say but the guy that begins with Sau and ends with ce that I was friends with for 15 years and he kept making fun of it multiple times in the chat saying “More like a shit a joe.”] well these guys are like wow Joe is a delinquent cuz he is helping out orphans
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wow Yabuki Joe used an alt account or some shiz and made a complete lie to try to help society for the better like making a peaceful game and then I mean boxing I mean waterver and then
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no one believes ni the main character Joe who is LITERALLY helping out local orphans; and they’re basically like just jealous of him and twisting the truth to make him look bad is what these snobby popular people are doing t hat actually have friends unlike the wondering loner Joe Yabuki,
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this very popular snobby lady who actually has friends unlike ab- Yabuki Joe doesn’t care that Joe is actually being helpful and wants to make projects that will bring peace to this world, she will not give him a chance because she cares more about appearances and keeping up her reputation.
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....She takes on the full pressure and responsibilty. But can she handle it?
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they’re basically like “uhhh do you have [deleted in case it comes off as offensive, since I know some others that make fun of that stuff >=\ which I don’t like either cuz I get made fun of [the deleted thing] too . It shouldn’t even have to be deleted >=\ but I was in a [DELETED] and they made fun of [the deleted thing] so I guess it has to be [deleted] which is so sad for this world ??] and so
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the really cool person who *doesn’t reveal spoilers of the end of the series aa* says please leave Train- Yabuki Joe to me !!
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i have faith in him he totally will not somehow break this faith that I vaguely have in him and am kinda too shy to publicly admit..
I wonder what Joe is feeling like right now and doing:
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s o anyways Joe keeps laughing 99 times in this episode, and, cuz he knows he’s right and just helping out orphans and people that aren’t popular and too afraid to join the b- never mind.
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some of his followers don’t respond to his long rants and are like maybe he is going too far and should back down fro mthe very popular snobby lady
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Yabuki Joe laughs again
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he says What’s the matter with you!? Stop siding with the very popular lady that actually has friends and a good reputation who is a stuck up and like do what is right instead of what . will make people think better of you even if you know in your hear that maybe it might be wrong.
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The snobby lady posted on Twit- I mean irl the anime known as Ashita no Joe the they posted a screenshot of me saying “I have family.....” and they mocked him saying “Um.... I have family too....?” as her followers mocked Yabuki Joe on twitter in the 1970s anime or something,
but family isn’t what matters, everyone has family,
what matters is that you all still have a poor reputation because you have no friends which I think is 100% ok but the stuck-up lady who hates Joe for some reason atm just cares about how they’re rich in [deleted snarky remarks] reputation.
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stop caring about the dislikes and haters and appreciate the supporters that you do have;;.
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yabuki Joe says F THE HATERS THIS IS Just the beginning of [would say but I wanna here but X_X; [deleted the reason why I won’t] because of [deleted] because of [deleted]]
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,y gpa; s 1 million followers cuz then they at least know what is right
in this world.
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and then joe is like
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and then;
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then he’s like yea in my heart I know its good to have that many followers cuz I know the true true truth about Yabuki Joe the anime and manga character from Ashita no Joe, he just wants that many followers to program an indie game about- I mean anyways
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they say
[OK WHAT THEH ECK I SERIOUSLY DID RECORD A VIDEO OF ME JUST NARRATING THIS ENTIRE EPISODE AND I uploaded it yesterday on a video sharing site but it is blocked cuz of copyrighted content aaa even though this was from before  1970 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now I gotta explain in text instead of voice like I already did last night AAAAAAAAAAaa]
they say But what would you do with that much power, that many internet I mean irl followers in 197o in Ashita no Joe the anime/manga series?
and then Yabuki Joe says teh
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then he’s like What the gosh darn shiz in yoshville mans,
and then
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and they’re like Look Yabuki Joe lives in a Terrible place with Terrible living conditions wher e brick dust keeps falling down and then
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and like Joe has no problems like getting kawaii innocent ppl to follow him, but the others are a bit suspicious.. of Joe and his behavior..
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Joe is like i’m gonna build a huge online hamster game soon.
and then someone tells Abu in tumblr messages I mean they tell
Someone tells Yabuki Joe as you can see if you flippin’ watch the episode yourself (I don’t blame you. I hope someone will check this series out, though. It’s my favorite anime series, to be honest.) anyways and then someone from his fandom of - anyways someone says
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He’s so full of himself.
I guess you suffer from delusions of grandeur?
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the bully who is even in the same exact fandom as ab- Yabuki Joe of being an orphan says that, and because they’re so big inside, people blindly listen to them.
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the true actual innocent follower that knows trainerab- Yabuki Joe is actually honest and truthful is like, wow shut the fak up brah, and then:
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Then the “Are you sure you don’t suffer from delusions of grandeur?” doubtful follower who is keeping an eye on Ab-Yabuki Joe I mean and watching over him to try to keep the orphanage safe falsely then says “This is a clown. See this clown? Abu is hiring th I mean Yabuki Joe had this younger person defend him” Wow and then
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one of the only innocent ppl in this show besides Yabuki Joe and a bunch of later characters in this series in later episodes that happen soon, know Joe really is telling the truth and that he really is honest and she’s pizzed awf at that hater troll person trying to Provoke joe and such on [deleted] anime & manga series Ashita no Joe the anime/manga series, and then
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then they’re like, uh oh maybe Joe does have some loyal followers who know the real truth and we should hold our distance and see what he does and what he is truly like, first, and then
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so, then
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so then Yabuki Joe shows them their steam profile and the gam I mean the BY- I mean
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Joe is like ok I played retro games my whole life and watched cool cartoons like the Rugrats and I play cool games and twisted trolls like the snobby girl try to make it look like I “change my interests to appease others” but come into my YouTube channel office and c the truth that I really DID play a lot of SNES games and then
I mean Yabuki Joe says this is my office and this is where I live,
I live in a factory that rains brick dust,
and then,
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I mean I flippin’ already narrated this entire episode and commented on it etc. and made a cool video of it but YouTube blocked it AAAAAAAA even tho it was an anime made in
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1970 I thought it would be free domain by now and o.k. to upload a video of it to YouTube with audio commentary GOSH AAAaaaa GOSH I WANNA NARRATE THE WHOLE EPISODE
AS I SAID IN THE youtube video that is blocked on YouTube I think it is a requirement cuz like it really pejeroyjoirjyorejijioe
ok have a nice night.
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mtvswatches · 6 years
Wynonna Earp 1x09 Bury Me with My Guns On
Wynonna Earp 1x07 Walkin’ After Midnight
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Oh, wow…
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This definitely reminded me of this…
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2) “She is also a distraction I cannot afford right now.” Too late, Doc, you’re officially distracted…
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3) This is exactly what happened and I cannot be convinced otherwise…
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But in all seriousness, it’s quite interesting how Wynonna finds herself chasing any kind of feeling now that she’s done with the rage and revenge. The problem is, no matter how many revenants she puts down, she’s never going to get her family back and she’ll never get the forgiveness she so desperately craves. She needs to come to terms with these facts, and she needs to find a new purpose now.
I also find it interesting how she doesn’t find it hard to open up to Doc. For someone who’s quite closed-off and who puts up all these walls, she opens herself up rather quickly with the people she cares about.
4) Holy shit, she’s not messing around…
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5) Oooh, this is gonna be like “When She Was Bad”, right?
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6) Wynonna is going to be psychoanalyzed on the day she decides to go bad. This should be interesting.
7) Man, this girl is all tough and shit but she definitely wears her heart on her sleeve…
DOLLS: We need to be careful, alright? You're not even a real deputy, Earp, come on.
WYNONNA: No. I'm just the one with the big-ass gun who sends the fiends of Hell to their deaths.
DOLLS: Technically, it's not the gun that kills them, it's…
WYNONNA: Oh my God! You stupid government lackey, you left me in there with a bureaucratic sadist and I was alone and scared.
DOLLS: You're not alone, Earp.
WYNONNA: Or a murderer.
DOLLS: Okay.
WYNONNA: Just once, I want you to say it. That you care about me. Pussy.
It’s kind of refreshing to see this type of portrayal of women, you know? She’s hard as nails but she’s also not afraid to express her feelings and show her vulnerability to others, and that doesn’t make her any less of a badass. You can be both, what do you know?
And not only did Dolls not tell her that he cares about her, but he also took away her badge. Uncool.
8) Oh, that’s a big promise, Wynonna…
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That’s like calling bad luck, is all I’m saying.
9) OMG…
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She made this poor dude piss himself. Guess the Bad Girl thing is already backfiring.
10) She finally got her way…
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What is Drek, other than the witch’s baby/son? Is he a Revenant or is he something else altogether? I’m thinking he’s something else. And what does she mean when she says they “will be gods”? All I can think of is she wants to sing in the meadows…
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12) “Lord, girl, you need to blow off that steam.” Please tell me he’s going to bang off the steam out of her. Pretty please?
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14) So… the Sheriff dismissed Nicole’s report of what she had experienced herself by defining “Purgatory” as quirky. Riiiight. But then, he picked up her report from the trash. So, he’s either waking up and starting to believe there are supernatural forces at work here, or he is the Sheriff because he’s been in the know and assigned precisely to dismiss any type of supernatural claims – a la Snyder in BTVS. Either way, I think it will be an interesting turn of events.
15) They are having two completely different conversations, and I love it…
NICOLE: Um, can we talk?
WAVERLY: Yeah.Yeah. God, we're totally overdue.
NICOLE: I'm not I'm not crazy, right? There's something going on here.
WAVERLY: No. You're not crazy.
WAVERLY: I'm not sure I'm ready to get into it.
WAVERLY: Because it's different for me, right? And it's really personal.
NICOLE: But it's personal for everybody, right? I mean, they must know. People must whisper about it.
WAVERLY: My God, I hope not! No, I kind of only just discovered it. When I met you.
WAVERLY: Yeah. You're kinda special.
NICOLE: Okay, maybe a little bit more open- minded, but it's not like I have some mystical gift  or something.
WAVERLY: No, I get it. You're a lesbian, not a unicorn, right?
“You’re a lesbian, not a unicorn” is such an iconic line. Also, there’s no reason you can’t be both, what do you know?
16) I still don’t know what Bobo is looking for, but I guess that’s it for Drek and his brother...
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I’m guessing the reason Drek burned to death is that the Stone Witch used one of his brother’s bones to build him up, right? And who was Drek’s father? I wonder if we’ll meet him…
But I keep coming back to this question – what is Bobo after? What is this “lead” the witch promised him?
17) *heart eyes* *fans self*
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18) So Doc still wants to kill the witch, even though he now knows it will probably kill him, too. But Wynonna is having none of it…
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Get it, boy? She doesn’t want you to die, she wants to keep you around.
19) Why didn’t Wynonna run after Doc? He couldn’t have run that far away in 5 seconds…
20) I really enjoyed the whole conversation between the Sheriff – Randy – and Dolls. I think Dolls is a bit arrogant and he underestimates how useful Randy could be. I also liked how Randy admitted that he figured out the real reason Dolls had set up shop in Purgatory a long time ago, but he’d chosen to turn a blind eye because it didn’t really affect him and he strikes me as the type of guy who just wants to do his job, go home and have a beer. But now his own deputies – and friends – are getting hurt because of all the weird shit that’s been going on in Purgatory, and he won’t have that. So he’s decided to get involved.
Now, I’m not saying that he’s not honest about his intentions, because I’ve totally bought his whole “let’s work together” spiel. But I’m not dismissing but my other theory just yet. There’s still that guy who was a judge or something who had the picture of the seven, so the Sheriff could still be playing lackey to the higher-ups.
21) Waverly just told Nicole that maybe they can be just friends, and I’m like…
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23) Um, no, I don’t like this!
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What the hell is going on? Is this some “I’ll fight my own battles” macho bullshit? Because I expect better than that from Doc. Or is it simply because he doesn’t want her to interfere with him killing the witch?
24) Can… Bobo smell that Doc and Wynonna had sex? That’s so creepy.
25) It’s really smart how Doc put Bobo into a no-win situation. He had to either let Doc go with the Witch or show his minions he wasn’t a man of his word, which would probably turn into a revolt against him. So he obviously chose the lesser of two evils.
26) What does Bobo mean by “I have a very special surprise for you”? What the fuck is he going to do?
27) I really like how supportive Gus is of Waverly, encouraging her to live her own life like she wants and with whom she wants, but I still don’t understand why she would sell the bar? And I’m afraid Bobo’s going to be the new owner. Is that his surprise for Wynonna?
28) Well, considering one of his minions just showed up at Shorty’s asking for Wynonna, I’m guessing that’s going to be the case.
29) I don’t like this…
WYNONNA: Who won't you make a deal with, huh? First a witch, then the Devil himself. You're nothing like… You're just nothing.
DOC: You can judge me all you want. What do I care for some broken woman's evaluation of my character?
There’s so much subtext here is overwhelming. First, there’s Wynonna unfinished line “you’re nothing like...” I think she was going to say something along the lines of “you’re nothing like I thought you’d be.” But that would’ve shown vulnerability at a moment when she didn’t feel Doc deserved it. So she hits him where she knows it will hurt him most. And he pays her back in kind by calling her a “broken woman.” But we know he’s not indifferent to Wynonna’s judgment of his character. On the contrary, it affects him greatly. He’s just probably trying to convince himself otherwise.
30) How many times are they going to point guns at each other in one fucking episode?!
31) So we finally know something about the origin of the Earp curse…
WYNONNA: Tell me about the Earp Curse.
CLOOTIE: The details are hazy, as that was my demon husband. Revenge for the death of our boys. Direct and manly and, quite frankly, boring.
WYNONNA: Not the first word I'd use.
CLOOTIE: Us girls like to take vindictiveness to the next level, don't we, Wynonna? And I wanted my own revenge on Wyatt, so I went after what Wyatt loved most. His best friend.
DOC: You're a liar.
CLOOTIE: I threw it a few juicy morsels like "health" and "longevity," and you were mine.
DOC: You tricked me.
CLOOTIE: When Wyatt found you buried in a whore's muff instead of underground, when he learned of our deal, his heart broke in two. Then I threw you down a well, so that even if Wyatt softened, came looking for you…
DOC: Did he?
CLOOTIE: And you got to spend decades in the dark, knowing your best friend despised you. John Henry. This whole time, you thought it was personal, but it's always been about the alpha dog.
DOC: You shut your lyin' mouth.
CLOOTIE: You're a good sidekick, dear "Doc," but you'll never be a hero. A perpetual second choice. But in the end, everyone chooses the lawman. Everyone.
So the Earp curse and Doc’s curse were two sides of the same coin, one cast by the witch’s husband and the other by the witch herself.
What I find the most interesting, though, is the fact that Doc was Wyatt’s Achilles heel. What did she mean when she said that Doc was what Wyatt loved most? I can’t help but feel gay undertones in that. I mean, why else would Wyatt be so hurt to find Doc buried in a “whore’s muff”? Were they ever romantically involved? I’m going with this theory and I love it.
Also, why did she look pointedly at Wynonna when she said that “in the end, everyone chooses the lawman”? Does this mean Wynonna will choose Dolls over Doc at some point? Because I don’t want that!
32) I love how Wynonna used their previous conversation to talk Doc out of killing the witch right then and there.
33) OMG they’re going to bury her in salt flats!
34) Yes!
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WAVERLY: I've always wanted to do things that scared me. But, well, it's not so easy to be brazen when the thing that you want, that scares you to death, is sitting right in front of you. NICOLE: I scare you? WAVERLY:  Yes. Yes, you do. Because I don't wanna be friends. When I think about what I wanna do most in this world it's you. Oh God, that sounded so much more romantic in my head. Just jump in any time, Nicole, because I really, really don't know how to do this. NICOLE: Oh, sure you do. WAVERLY: Maybe I should just stop talking. NICOLE: See, you're getting better at this already. WAVERLY: Maybe you should stop talking too. NICOLE: Maybe you should make me.
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I knew they would become a thing, but I really wasn’t expecting to feel so much for them? They’re super sweet together but also super hot, and I definitely got all tingly inside watching them.
35) So… we still don’t know what “the lead” is. We know what it is for, but we don’t what – or who? – it is. But I fear what Bobo might be able to do if he can break himself from the triangle and from Wynonna’s curse…
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I really don’t know why they didn’t bury her completely. Oh, wait, is it because if they did, she would die and therefore Doc would die? Yes, that’s probably it.
36) Wynonna basically just asked Doc on a date, and I’m here for it.
37) So, Dolls faked a report of Wynonna passing the deputy exam or something.
38) Called it!
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39) I guess that whole “no one’s ever taking anything from us again” thing instantly backfired, huh? What a packed episode, and there are only a few left in the season! I can’t wait where this all leads up to!
40) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #194
VM 3x16 Un-American Grafitti
Stray thoughts
1) The smiles of these two fucking idiots as they pretend to be friends while secretly pining after each other, I hate them so much ugh!
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2) Oh, this sardonic self-deprecating asshole, stop breaking my heart!
LOGAN: Lots of advancements since the last time I buckled down. How 'bout you?
VERONICA: Uh, "Violence in Early Adolescence."
LOGAN: Ah. Need me to autograph your textbook?
It’s nice to see them chat and banter without all the angst, even if it’s short-lived and all pretense, though.
3) Veronica is all smiles and sunshine until Logan uses the word “both” to refer to him and Parker. The realization that Logan wasn’t just bluffing and that not only was he dating someone else but he also seemed to have zero hang-ups about their break-up just utterly destroys her. 
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4) This is actually refreshing, and it’s not the only time it happens in this season…
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I took this case so I wouldn't have time to dwell on Parker's birthday party and now, here I am, sitting in a car with nothing but a whole lot of dwelling time on my hands.
Veronica’s voiceover clearly implies she’s far from cool with the idea of Logan being Parker’s Picture Perfect Boyfriend. It’s the most outspoken she’s been as regards how she really feels about Logan and their break-up. We get the same type of voiceover in There’s Got to be a Morning After Pill, when Veronica goes bananas and stalks Madison because of her misplaced vendetta. Hardly ever did Veronica let us on in her inner feelings during times of emotional turmoil caused by the ups and downs of her relationship with Logan. In fact, in the early seasons, she usually went uncharacteristically silent when Logan was concerned. I think that in spite of all their fuck-ups, Logan and Veronica actually were in a much more mature and vulnerable place now than they ever were (think of their intimate conversations in Wichita Linebacker and Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves) and it’s shown in Veronica’s voiceovers.
It’s sort of a step in the right direction for Veronica, and it’s hard to argue it’s not related to Logan’s claims that she always puts herself at a distance and never lets herself need others. 
5) I love this little callback…
AMIRA: Veronica Mars?
VERONICA: Amira. Long time, no see.
AMIRA: Yeah. Like since my senior year, when you made my Pirate Points worth less.
But… wasn’t Duncan the one who did that?
6) I think this is the moment when Veronica decides she will get her revenge on…
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You don’t go ruining Veronica’s jacket and expect her not to get you back.
7) I know Ronald is only a kid, but damn does it feel good to see Veronica putting that little dick in his place…
RONALD: What does a criminologist do?
VERONICA: Oh, grads usually go into work in law enforcement. I'm considering pursuing a career at the FBI.
RONALD: You're a girl.
MRS. HILLS:  Ronald.
VERONICA: Actually, Ronald, did you know that on average, girls develop faster than boys and have higher levels of cognitive functioning, including math calculation, written language, and verbal fluency?
VERONICA: Well put, Ronald. We need fireman, too.
There’s nothing wrong with being a fireman, though.
8) This is hands down one of my favorite moments in the series, I don’t know why I get so much pleasure from seeing Veronica reenact a scene from Pulp Fiction almost verbatim and using a paint gun in lieu of a real gun.
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9) Poor Mr. Clemmons but aww at Veronica shooting "Towelie” for making fun of him.
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10) How didn’t Mac read Veronica’s expression? That’s not the face of someone who has ever been cool about anything ever.
MAC: You ready? We can offer them our table.
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11) And I love how dumbfounded Veronica is about Mac and Logan actually getting along. I brought this up in a previous recap, but it’s pretty obvious the only reason Logan didn’t form any bonds with Mac or Wallace is because of Veronica’s need to compartmentalize. Mac sums it up quite nicely here…
VERONICA: You and Logan seem chummy.
MAC: Guess I never thought much of the guy when you two were dating. Surly thing, you know. But since he's been around so much lately, I've seen his sweet side. Probably the side you saw all the time.
VERONICA: Oh, yeah. That side.
And in fact, it begs the question: did Veronica keep Logan away from her friends and family because she feared they might not like him or because she wanted them to continue seeing him as the dark, brooding, dangerous type so that she could keep the “real” Logan all to herself?
12) Piz actually gained a couple of cool points because of this reference…
PIZ: It's like the new Rocky Horror. Now at one point people throw plastic spoons at the screen. You gotta check it out. It'll-it'll change your life.
But don’t worry, he’ll lose all of them and then some by the end of the episode.
13) Wallace, you’re such a good friend to all your friends, I love you.
WALLACE: I thought you were going to Yoyo Taco on Saturday.
PIZ: Yo La Tengo. Yeah. But, you know, this sounds more fun. What?
WALLACE: You're like one of those guys who stands behind the players at the poker table and pretends he's playing.
PIZ: Sorry, I've never been to Vegas, so what exactly...
WALLACE: Look. Every once in a while, you gotta go all in.
PIZ: Right. Will do.
WALLACE: Excellent.
PIZ: I don't know what that means, though.
WALLACE: It means we're going out tonight. You're going to talk to some girl who knows you're alive. Wait, actually, that's not what it means, but it's a start.
14) I’m not addressing the mystery of the week because I feel it’s so wrong in so many aspects I don’t even know where to start.
15) Now, this is awkward…
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KEITH: Last time I saw you, you were nineteen, and that was...just a couple weeks ago. (…) Mind if I see those IDs of yours. I guess I don't have to ask where you got these.
 KEITH: You recognise the work? Out of thirty-seven citations yours truly wrote in six campus-area bars last night, no fake ID could hold a candle to your standards. You may not want to believe this, honey, but there are mistakes you can't take back. What if they'd gotten drunk and stumbled into the street like Jim Wilson. Would you want to explain that to their parents?
This is yet another instance of Veronica’s almighty and reckless attitude.
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DICK: Veronica Mars! What's that line about the beginning of some sort of friendship?
17) Isn’t there here a bit of foreshadowing, though?
MAC: Sorry. I was afraid you were trying to get back at Logan somehow by coming as Dick's date.
VERONICA: Ew. Yeah, nothing says "I'm over you" like dating down.
18) Oh, the cringe, the c r I N G E!!!
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19) And the pain, oh, THE PAIN!!
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20) Jebus, the subtext in their conversation is so overwhelming, though.
LOGAN: I girded myself for seeing you with a date tonight, you know, proof you weren't pining away.
VERONICA: All the periodically good ones were taken and I pine for no man.
LOGAN: Hmm. Well maybe you should try branching out. I mean, who knows, maybe there's a consistently good one here tonight.
I kind of wish she had brought up the fact she had been eating his face when he approached her.
Anyway, it’s kind of obvious that Logan is disguising the truth as a joke and that he had mentally prepared himself to see Veronica with someone. Joke’s on him, though. Have you ever thought about the fact that Logan’s joke about sending the weird guy on Veronica’s way was the catalyst that brought Veronica and Piz together? If Logan hadn’t sent the guy, then Veronica wouldn’t have run to Piz for help. In turn, Piz wouldn’t have pretended to be her boyfriend, Wallace wouldn’t have confronted Veronica about how insensitive she was being with Piz’s feelings, Veronica wouldn’t have apologized to Piz, Piz wouldn’t have sloppily kissed her and Veronica wouldn’t have chased him.
21) Veronica was pushing it, though. She could really be an asshole sometimes. There’s no way she wasn’t aware of how he felt about her. Also, bless you, Wallace.
VERONICA: There you are! Sorry, this is a “break glass in case of emergency” situation. I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.
PIZ: Oh, sorry. You're right, babe. Bad boyfriend. Fresh drink coming up, okay.
WALLACE: (…) You need to listen to me right now, okay. What you're doing is cruel.
VERONICA: Are you kidding? When I told him my name... He did that whole "banana fanna fofanna" thing.
WALLACE: No, not him. Piz. If you don't know he has a thing for you...
VERONICA: Piz doesn’t have a th-
WALLACE: You're smarter than that. Be a good person. Just put him out of his misery.
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Isn’t this the most awkward and awful kiss in the history of kisses? There’s nothing about that kiss that would’ve swept Veronica off her feet. If you’d like to read more about what I think of this scene, go here. And if you want to see something that can’t be unseen go here.
Totally unrelated, but if you get me a kofi I’ll be forever grateful!
23) My heart.
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Ugh, that ending.
fuck you, Piz.
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dfroza · 4 years
we must be cleansed by an act of grace
and this takes humility to see.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures points to this:
[Hebrews 5]
Every high priest selected to represent men and women before God and offer sacrifices for their sins should be able to deal gently with their failings, since he knows what it’s like from his own experience. But that also means that he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins as well as the peoples’.
No one elects himself to this honored position. He’s called to it by God, as Aaron was. Neither did Christ presume to set himself up as high priest, but was set apart by the One who said to him, “You’re my Son; today I celebrate you!” In another place God declares, “You’re a priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek.”
While he lived on earth, anticipating death, Jesus cried out in pain and wept in sorrow as he offered up priestly prayers to God. Because he honored God, God answered him. Though he was God’s Son, he learned trusting-obedience by what he suffered, just as we do. Then, having arrived at the full stature of his maturity and having been announced by God as high priest in the order of Melchizedek, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who believingly obey him.
I have a lot more to say about this, but it is hard to get it across to you since you’ve picked up this bad habit of not listening. By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, yet here I find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics on God again, starting from square one—baby’s milk, when you should have been on solid food long ago! Milk is for beginners, inexperienced in God’s ways; solid food is for the mature, who have some practice in telling right from wrong.
The Book of Hebrews, Chapter 5 (The Message)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 11th chapter of First Chronicles that documents the life & times of King David:
[King David]
Then all Israel assembled before David at Hebron. “Look at us,” they said. “We’re your very flesh and blood. In the past, yes, even while Saul was king, you were the real leader of Israel. God told you, ‘You will shepherd my people Israel; you are to be the ruler of my people Israel.’” When all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, David made a covenant with them in the presence of God at Hebron. Then they anointed David king over Israel exactly as God had commanded through Samuel.
David and all Israel went to Jerusalem (it was the old Jebus, where the Jebusites lived). The citizens of Jebus told David, “No trespassing—you can’t come here.” David came on anyway and captured the fortress of Zion, the City of David. David had said, “The first person to kill a Jebusite will be commander-in-chief.” Joab son of Zeruiah was the first; and he became the chief.
David took up residence in the fortress city; that’s how it got its name, “City of David.” David fortified the city all the way around, both the outer bulwarks (the Millo) and the outside wall. Joab rebuilt the city gates. David’s stride became longer, his embrace larger—yes, God-of-the-Angel-Armies was with him!
[David’s Mighty Men]
These are the chiefs of David’s Mighty Men, the ones who linked arms with him as he took up his kingship, with all Israel joining in, helping him become king in just the way God had spoken regarding Israel. The list of David’s Mighty Men:
Jashobeam son of Hacmoni was chief of the Thirty. Singlehandedly he killed three hundred men, killed them all in one skirmish.
Next was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite, one of the Big Three of the Mighty Men. He was with David at Pas Dammim, where the Philistines had mustered their troops for battle. It was an area where there was a field of barley. The army started to flee from the Philistines and then took its stand right in that field—and turned the tide! They slaughtered the Philistines, God helping them—a huge victory.
The Big Three from the Thirty made a rocky descent to David at the Cave of Adullam while a company of Philistines was camped in the Valley of Rephaim. David was holed up in the Cave while the Philistines were prepared for battle at Bethlehem. David had a sudden craving: “What I wouldn’t give for a drink of water from the well in Bethlehem, the one at the gate!” The Three penetrated the Philistine camp, drew water from the well at the Bethlehem gate, shouldered it, and brought it to David. And then David wouldn’t drink it! He poured it out as a sacred offering to God, saying, “I’d rather be damned by God than drink this! It would be like drinking the lifeblood of these men—they risked their lives to bring it.” So he refused to drink it. These are the kinds of things that the Big Three of the Mighty Men did.
Abishai brother of Joab was the chief of the Thirty. Singlehandedly he fought three hundred men, and killed the lot, but he never made it into the circle of the Three. He was highly honored by the Thirty—he was their chief—still, he didn’t measure up to the Three.
Benaiah son of Jehoiada was a Mighty Man from Kabzeel with many exploits to his credit: he killed two famous Moabites; he climbed down into a pit and killed a lion on a snowy day; and he killed an Egyptian, a giant seven and a half feet tall. The Egyptian had a spear like a ship’s boom but Benaiah went at him with a mere club, tore the spear from the Egyptian’s hand, and killed him with it. These are some of the things Benaiah son of Jehoiada did. But he was never included with the Three. He was highly honored among the Thirty, but didn’t measure up to the Three. David put him in charge of his personal bodyguard.
The Mighty Men of the military were Asahel brother of Joab, Elhanan son of Dodo of Bethlehem, Shammoth the Harorite, Helez the Pelonite, Ira son of Ikkesh the Tekoite, Abiezer the Anathothite, Sibbecai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite, Maharai the Netophathite, Heled son of Baanah the Netophathite, Ithai son of Ribai from Gibeah of the Benjaminite, Benaiah the Pirathonite, Hurai from the ravines of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite, Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba the Shaalbonite, the sons of Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan son of Shagee the Hararite, Ahiam son of Sacar the Haranite, Eliphal son of Ur, Hepher the Mekerathite, Ahijah the Pelonite, Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai son of Ezbai, Joel brother of Nathan, Mibhar son of Hagri, Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite, the armor bearer of Joab son of Zeruiah, Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite, Uriah the Hittite, Zabad son of Ahlai, Adina son of Shiza the Reubenite, the Reubenite chief of the Thirty, Hanan son of Maacah, Joshaphat the Mithnite, Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the Aroerite, Jediael son of Shimri, Joha the Tizite his brother, Eliel the Mahavite, Jeribai and Joshaviah the sons of Elnaam, Ithmah the Moabite, Eliel, Obed, and Jaasiel the Mezobaite.
The Book of 1st Chronicles, Chapter 11 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, january 10 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
January 10, 2021
Touch Not Mine Anointed
“And [David] said unto his men, The LORD forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the LORD’s anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD.” (1 Samuel 24:6)
These words have been widely misappropriated in later times as a warning to any who would presume to question or rebuke an erring pastor or other Christian leader. In the theocracy of Israel, there were three groups of men specially chosen by God and then anointed for their offices—prophets, priests, and kings—and God indeed “suffered no man to do them wrong” (Psalm 105:14). However, all three offices were completely fulfilled in Christ. The Levitical priesthood has been abolished, and Christ is our eternal high priest. The prophetic office ceased with the completion of the Scriptures, and Christ has inherited David’s throne forever.
As far as New Testament anointing is concerned, this is now accomplished in every true believer. “Now he which...hath anointed us, is God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts” (2 Corinthians 1:21- 22). No longer are we dependent on special instruction and guidance from priests and prophets, for we have the inerrant, infallible, written Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. “The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him” (1 John 2:27).
Christians can, and should, learn and grow spiritually from godly teachers of the Word and faithful pastors of the flock, but all—leaders as well as learners—must continually be subject to correction from God’s Word, “neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:3). HMM
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qualkoesuce-blog · 5 years
Dating without physical attraction
Is Physical Attraction Important When Dating? Publication date: July 11, 2013.  Physical attraction is not the total baseline for determining relationship compatibility; however, it must be present for you to have a healthy relationship.  When I've been available that's how most of my relationships developed.  Lord, where did that come from? Personality and Individual Differences, 50 2 , 253-258.  Meet the parents: Parent-offspring convergence and divergence in mate preferences.  I have to have physical attraction to evolve it into a relationship.  I dunno how well I'd do dating a trans person since I've never tried though.
Physical Attraction Doesn't Matter as Much as You Think It Does I turn into a bowl of brainless Jello thinking of my boyfriend and I just love that high.  As you grow in love with someone, they become attractive to you.  The really pretty ones I don't even want to talk to.  I'm a woman of the species and he is a man.  But I still think its worth having a full and open discussion with him about it first, to see how he's feeling about things too.  This week one of my clients asked me if I thought they were being unreasonable with their dealmakers and dealbreakers.  My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.
Online dating: the physical attraction problem Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 10 , 1315—1331.  Sweet jebus, she was the hottest female I had ever met.  Attraction is a basic function of being human and there is no shame in admitting it.  Stereotype directionality and attractiveness stereotyping: Is beauty good or is ugly bad? This weekend, I met someone by chance, a friend of a friend, who immediately asked for my number and email, and started constant contact.  Not a judgement or troll post; looking for honest feedback.
Dating without physical attraction Free Dating, Singles and Personals What leads to romantic attraction: Similarity, reciprocity, security, or beauty? I am honestly a bit shocked about this reply.  Should you date someone who's not your type? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94 2 , 245—264.  Some guys like slim women, while others like women with some meat on their bones.  It's also a great way to start an extended stay in the friendzone.  These love maps are a result of early childhood experiences delivered to us via the five senses.
Dating Advice: How Important Is Physical Attraction In A Relationship? These factors play a major role when it comes to reproduction.  To interest us, then, potential mates do not need to be exceptionally attractive, only moderately so.  And once you start loving a man, truly loving him in the fullness of marriage, they become even less important. .  With respect to our pursuit of a perfect dating service, we cannot, nor should we try to, avoid the attractiveness question.  Tell him that you are, currently at least, not feeling any physical attraction for him, but that you still feel a connection with him and would like to see how things develop, if he's willing to take that chance.  I am specifically here to try to know whether I should give it another date or just leave it there.
How Important Is Physical Attraction in a Relationship On the flip side, our attraction for someone can grow over time.  Clearly I am not attracted to him but should I still give it a chance? There is nothing wrong with not being physically attracted to someone.  I am turning 50 on friday here.  Implicit and explicit preferences for physical attractiveness in a romantic partner: A double dissociation in predictive validity.  Do you feel any kind of connection with him at all? Is Physical Attraction Important When Dating? However, consciously ranking traits as more or less important may not reflect the way we make our real-life dating and mating decisions.  I have a guy who contacted me on Match who lives nine hours from me.
Can Men And Women Really Be Friends Without Sexual Attraction? They're one and the same thing.  A loving doe, a graceful deer—may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.  No one seeks involvement with someone unless they feel attracted.  Those things often become less important, and even likeable, as you grow in relationship.  We all might have a type but some people gain esteem in our eyes over time sometimes as well.  We had a wonderful, warm 9 year relationship that ended for reasons that had nothing to do with his looks.
Online dating: the physical attraction problem In reality, all that matters is attraction.  Some guys are intimidated by tall women.  Here are some new perspectives on this question.  In most cases, physical appeal is all we have to base our initial attraction.  No opportunity to meet someone in the workplace.
Physical Attraction Doesn't Matter as Much as You Think It Does Now, you notice that there were physical and non-physical traits in there, and you see preferences and deal-breakers in both categories.  Without intentions of sex or anything else friends normally wouldn't have? What really counts is that you have some real substance if you plan on keeping that thing ablaze.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24 3 , 285—290.  But our world has evolved in ways that make it tougher.  He was not my vision of the big, tall man I was planning to marry.
Little Physical Attraction = Deal Breaker? And the more I grew to know him, the more attractive he became.  That's the mind bender, that's what I'm trying to get people to understand and I know that while many people don't have that upper threshold, some other people do.  Twigs and leaves and stuff boobies, prominent jawlines, or whatever it is that you're in to are all hugely important, but not essential, to get any meaningful fire going.  What ever happened to treating others as you would want them to treat you? Others — usually those with lots of friends from the opposite sex — insist that platonic friendships between straight men and women can exist.  The more I got to know my boyfriend, the more physically attractive he became in my eyes.  Attraction can also change over time.
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marymperezga · 6 years
Mount Zion might not be where we always thought
For decades, tourists have made a traditional circle through the Old City of Jerusalem, visiting so called biblical sites including Mount Zion. Shops have cropped up at these sites, selling wares and trinkets. It’s become its own economy, where it is less important that biblical events actually happened there, and more important that loads of tour buses arrive each day.
But sometimes, we find out our understanding of history is wrong. Tradition doesn’t leave room for new discovery.
For the past 25 years, Living Passages has brought teams to Israel. Through the years, Mount Zion was said to be within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. This was always the way it was.
We are excited about the continued revelations coming to light through the excavation of the City of David. As you know, each year, new discoveries there are validating Scripture.
Before its discovery 150 years ago, it made sense that Mount Zion would be within the Old City, where many claimed ancient Jerusalem was, albeit thru tradition.
Living passages scholar and guide Eli Shukron is an Israeli archaeologist, excavator, scholar and licensed tour guide of the ancient remains of Jerusalem. He has personally discovered the Pool of Siloam and Jerusalem Pilgrim Road from the Second Temple era and helped excavated those and other areas of the City of David.
You may be familiar with his theory: It is in the walls of this smaller city, to the south of the Old City of Jerusalem, Eli says is the real Mount Zion.
We believe this not because Eli Shukron said it, but because the Bible did.
“Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.” 2 Samuel 5:7 (KJV)
“And the inhabitants of Jebus said to David, Thou shalt not come hither. Nevertheless David took the castle of Zion, which is the city of David.” 1 Chronicles 11:5 (KJV)
“Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion.” 1 Kings 8:1-2 (KJV)
This is exciting evidence that the City of David is Mount Zion. The Bible used them interchangeably. If the City of David is not in the place we have thought it was, that means Mount Zion isn’t either.
Tour buses continue to bring tourists to the traditional Mount Zion. But just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean we should continue to do so. We want to take your team to the true Biblical sites where Biblical history really played out, and where other tours don’t go.
As you have no doubt experienced firsthand over the course of your studies, what makes archaeology so fascinating is that it is a changing field where we are constantly learning new things. We are excited to share those new discoveries with your group as you lead them on this path through history.
Interested in a Bible archaeology tour? Check out our Israel tours here or our cruise options here.
The post Mount Zion might not be where we always thought appeared first on Living Passages.
from Living Passages https://livingpassages.com/2018/05/mt-zion-might-not-be-where-we-thought/ from Living Passages https://livingpassages.tumblr.com/post/174419531775
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livingpassages · 6 years
Mount Zion might not be where we always thought
  For decades, tourists have made a traditional circle through the Old City of Jerusalem, visiting so called biblical sites including Mount Zion. Shops have cropped up at these sites, selling wares and trinkets. It’s become its own economy, where it is less important that biblical events actually happened there, and more important that loads of tour buses arrive each day.
But sometimes, we find out our understanding of history is wrong. Tradition doesn’t leave room for new discovery.
For the past 25 years, Living Passages has brought teams to Israel. Through the years, Mount Zion was said to be within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. This was always the way it was.
We are excited about the continued revelations coming to light through the excavation of the City of David. As you know, each year, new discoveries there are validating Scripture.
Before its discovery 150 years ago, it made sense that Mount Zion would be within the Old City, where many claimed ancient Jerusalem was, albeit thru tradition.
Living passages scholar and guide Eli Shukron is an Israeli archaeologist, excavator, scholar and licensed tour guide of the ancient remains of Jerusalem. He has personally discovered the Pool of Siloam and Jerusalem Pilgrim Road from the Second Temple era and helped excavated those and other areas of the City of David.
You may be familiar with his theory: It is in the walls of this smaller city, to the south of the Old City of Jerusalem, Eli says is the real Mount Zion.
We believe this not because Eli Shukron said it, but because the Bible did.
“Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.” 2 Samuel 5:7 (KJV)
“And the inhabitants of Jebus said to David, Thou shalt not come hither. Nevertheless David took the castle of Zion, which is the city of David.” 1 Chronicles 11:5 (KJV)
“Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion.” 1 Kings 8:1-2 (KJV)
This is exciting evidence that the City of David is Mount Zion. The Bible used them interchangeably. If the City of David is not in the place we have thought it was, that means Mount Zion isn’t either.
Tour buses continue to bring tourists to the traditional Mount Zion. But just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean we should continue to do so. We want to take your team to the true Biblical sites where Biblical history really played out, and where other tours don’t go.
As you have no doubt experienced firsthand over the course of your studies, what makes archaeology so fascinating is that it is a changing field where we are constantly learning new things. We are excited to share those new discoveries with your group as you lead them on this path through history.
Interested in a Bible archaeology tour? Check out our Israel tours here or our cruise options here.
The post Mount Zion might not be where we always thought appeared first on Living Passages.
from Living Passages https://livingpassages.com/2018/05/mt-zion-might-not-be-where-we-thought/
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kuuderekun · 7 years
Was the Second Temple even built on the same location as The First?
Was the Second Temple even built on the same location as The First?
As I've repeatedly engaged in the ongoing debate of where The Temple was located, usually favoring the Southern Conjecture.  This question has been in my mind, and I think I even alluded to it on this Blog before, but I've held off on going too deep into that issue. The Book of Ezra's account of the Second Temple's construction never named Mt Moriah, or refereed to a threshing floor, nor said anything else to indicate they made sure it was the right spot. In fact the only books of The Bible they seem to have consulted were The Torah.  And it had been over 50 years.  Ezra also seems to imply they didn't even know the proper Hebrew language anymore. And since The Tabernacle had been set up at multiple locations before The Temple, Yahuah may have not cared if it was built on the same spot anyway.  Either way, Yahuah was not as hands on in the Second Temple's construction as he was the first. When Zerubabel's Temple was completed, it's said that the older generation wept because of how unlike the original Temple it was.  This is generally taken to just mean it was inferior in terms of size or magnificence.  But perhaps there is something deeper. In my investigation into if The Tabernacle and perhaps also Solomon's Temple had a Dome design rather then the Box shape Josephus describes Herod's Temple having.  It has been suggested perhaps this mourning was partly because the new Temple had this wrong shape and wasn't a Dome.  Perhaps the second Temple's construction was intentionally or subconsciously influenced by Pagan Temples like the one at Ain Dara, since they had spent so much time in exile among Pagans. But perhaps they were also mourning it being built at the wrong location.  Maybe those two things correlate, if the Temple's shape was changed because it was built on a squared rather then circular site? Solomon also built a magnificent Palace complex for himself, that took nearly twice as long to build as The Temple did.  1 Kings 7:1-12 focuses on this.  What if the site of Solomon's Palace was where the Second Temple was built by mistake?  They assumed the largest ruin in the city was where The Temple was? The Second Temple I believe was on where the Al-Kas fountain is, or maybe I could accept the Al Aqsa Mosque view.  But the Dome of The Rock was the Antonia Fortress, of that I'm certain. Now when I first came to consider this.  I was working under an assumption many people have that Solomon's Palace was right by The Temple.  Josephus seems to have thought it was to The South of The Temple.  So that had me considering it being where the Al Aqsa Mosque was, and Solomon's Temple at the Al-Kas Fountain.   I'd also thought of looking typologically at Ezekiel's Temple, how the Nasi's house is just west of the Holy of Holies.  But Solomon's palace complex was larger and more and complex then that one. I notice however that Pharaoh's Daughter was moved to her house in II Chronicles 8:11 specifically to keep her at a distance from any place the Ark of the Covenant had been housed.  So now I'm thinking perhaps Solomon's Temple was not in any place we're used to looking for it.   This also refutes a suggestion I've seen that it's a misunderstanding Solomon built a house for himself and that 1 Kings 7 is just elaborating on The Temple complex, since 1 Kings 7 also clearly places the house for Pharaoh's Daughter here. II Chronicles 3:1 is another important verse for refuting the Temple was in the City of David view.  And perhaps working against it being in what we today think of as Jerusalem proper at all. In this verse Mt Moriah is considered part of Jerusalem at this time.   But it's clearly idneitfied as the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, also known as Araunah in II Samuel 24.  Verse 23 of that chapter calls Araunah a King in the Hebrew, Wikipedia accused English translations of obscuring this fact, but I feel it's implied well enough in the KJV reading. Both the Samuel and Chronicles accounts of the Plague and buying the Threshing floor clearly place it outside Jerusalem at that time.   David's purchase expanded what was considered part of Jerusalem, but when The Angel of Yahuah held off there, it's presented as approaching but not yet reaching Jerusalem. Now my past assumptions about what Mount is Mt Moriah, would say this must have been north of Jebus.  But the Plague had already afflicted Israel "from Dan to Beersheba" so both to the north and south.  So actually it may have approached from a different direction.  Since the hills east of Jerusalem are where Solomon placed his Idols in 1 Kings 11 (The Mount of Olives), I feel like deducing this was approaching from the West. I have since taking the Augustus view of Daniel 11:36-45, concluded that the Appeden of Daniel 11:45 is the Antonia fortress.  Appeden is a Persian term that means "Audience Hall", and I've seen people describe one of the building mentioned in 1 Kings 7 as part of Solomon's palace as an Audience Hall.  So what if the Antonia Fortress was built over Solomon's Temple?  Maybe Solomon's Judgment Seat in 1 Kings 7:7 is about where Pilate's judgment seat was when he sentences Jesus?  Which would thus mean it included the Dome of The Rock, but maybe covered the entire Temple Mount. So, if I'm going to look West for Solomon's Temple, where should we begin? I decided to look at Maps of modern Jerusalem. http://www.generationword.com/jerusalem101-photos/2010/jerusalem-map-for-site-location-1500.gif http://c8.alamy.com/comp/DRHJ2F/the-plan-of-jerusalem-town-map-layout-DRHJ2F.jpg South of the Temple Mount is a Circle that is basically what Tradition now calls the City of Jerusalem, where Bob Cornuke thinks The Temple was.  I have argued the City of David is Bethlehem but do think that site may be the Core of the Jebus David originally captured.  David had palaces in both cities.  And I place neither The Temple in either. Wikipedia acknowledges three traditional candidates for the Hill that is Mt Zion.  I think Zion is none of those but in Bethlehem. The one within the supposed "City of David" is what Bob Cornuke thinks The Temple was built on.  The second is simply applying the term to the main Temple Mount, the traditional Mt Moriah. The third, the Western hill, which is South of the Armenian Quarter. is a site Christian Tradition has called Mt Zion, and that has it's own claimed site for King David's Tomb (in the same compound as the traditional site of the Upper Room of the Last Supper and Pentecost), but that Jewish tradition knows most certainly was not Zion and probably not part of David's Jerusalem at all.   Justinian built an important Church on this "Zion", the Nea Ekklesia of The Theotokos, which Porcopius describes in a way that is designed to parallel the account of Solomon's Temple.  It was originally thought to be where the Al Aqsa Mosque is, but we now know it was on the Western Zion. Earlier was built there the Church of the Holy Apostles (not to be confused with many more famous churches of that name) and the Hagia Sion which is now the Abbey of the Dormition. Perhaps the Western Hill is the real Mount Moriah and one of these Churches was built where Solomon's Temple was? Since I firmly believe Solomon's Temple would not have been built on the full top of the Hill, I think the Nea possibly fits best. So, I hope that was enlightening.  This is mostly speculative so I can't be sure of anything yet. Update October 15th: And the day after posting this, I found that at least someone before me has argued the Nea Ekklesia is where Solomon's Temple was.   Their reasons for coming to this conclusion may be different from mine, I haven't read all of what they've argued yet.   (They mistakenly think The Mercy Seat was a Throne like many.)  They seem to believe the Second Temple was also at this site, which I'm open to. https://haheykal.wordpress.com/. I was also off a little on where I thought the Nea was.  It's more where  Jewish and Armenian Quarter meet, between the Zion and Dung gates, near HaTkuma Garden.  This blog places the Holy of Holies under the current Deir al Zeitune Armenian Church, which is an interesting coincidence given it's a Church with a Dome.   According tradition that Church was the house of High Priest Ananias, which could easily have been near The Temple.  Perhaps High Priests often lived just west of the Holy of Holies to try and fit the imagery of Ezekiel's Temple. But again, given the starting premise of this post, it could be Ananias house was built over where Solomon's Temple was. Update October 16: There is one more factor I should look at. Moriah in Genesis 22. Christians have long wanted to view Genesis 22:14 as saying the place where Isaac was offered is the same spot as where Jesus was Crucified.   The problem has been Mt Moriah being clearly identified as where Solomon's Temple was (The name Moriah appears in The Bible only twice, Genesis 22:2 and 2 Chronicles 3:1), and we know Jesus wasn't Crucified inside The Temple. The Garden Tomb theory is based in part on saying that location is also on same mountain as the Temple Mount, and was originally it's peak.  But the Garden Tomb in question is too old, and I have long felt that location for The Crucifixion was least likely to be true. However now that I've opened the door to the possibility that the Second Temple wasn't where the First Temple was.  What if Jesus was Crucified where Animals would have been killed in Solomon's Temple?  The Brazen Altar?  And maybe the Tomb where he was buried and rose from the dead was the Holy Place or something like that, his Body laid where The Ark once stood? Now needless to say if this is true it rules out the Mont of Olives model that I had been favoring before making this, since that's to the East and where Solomon placed his Idols. Placing Solomon's Temple to the West would happen to fit The Church of The Holy Sepulcher.  In my post about Venus maybe being the Star of Bethlehem, I was interested in the implications of Hadrian Building a Temple to Venus on that site.  In the apocryphal Prophecy attributed to the Tiburtine Sybil, The Church of the Holy Sepulcher seems to play the role modern Futurist Christians tend to give The Temple in Bible Prophecy. But I'm not quite willing to support The Church of The Holy Sepulcher being the site of either  Solomon's Temple or Calvary just yet.  It may be too far West (and North) given where I think Jebus proper was. What if the real site of Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection was where the Nea Ekklesia was built? The Garden that exists by that site now happens to by sheer coincidence be called The Garden of The Resurrection, the intent being to refer to Israel's modern Resurrection as a nation.  And that Armenian Church is called the Church of the Archangels, I have suggested before that Michael's actions in Daniel 12 could be died to the events of the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
0 notes
mtvswatches · 6 years
Wynonna Earp 1x08 Two-Faced Jack
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) WTF happened here…
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What does Dock mean by “Devil’s hell, plus an angel incarnate?” Why is he looking at the horse when he refers to the angel?
You suffered severe damage to your spinal cord, causing paralysis from the waist down.
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It’s clear to me that she’s being held hostage, there clearly was no car accident. But this whole hospital scenario? I don’t know if she’s dreaming or if she’s hallucinating or if someone is inducing her hallucinations or dream-reality or whatever. I mean, she can’t be paralyzed…
3) Doc and Dolls will be forced to work together to rescue her, that should be fun.
4) Wynonna is smart, though. She realized something was off immediately, but even before this “doctor” mentioned the “radical new procedure” he’s been implementing on his patients, she made him take the bait by asking him what University he’d gone to. Plus, she did this:
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Which hopefully means she’ll be able to walk soon?
5) Why is Bethany there?! I thought she had been ripped apart!
6) Okay, so this Jack of Knives revenant is a psycho serial killer from Wyatt’s and Doc’s time. Cool. Cool cool cool. And he’s the last of the Seven. That should be a treat.
7) Oh shit, Nicole had to be resuscitated. But this begs the question, why did this Jack-ass took Bethany and not Nicole? I get why he took Wynonna, but what does he need Nicole for? What kind of sick Human-Centipede experiment is he trying to pull off?
8) Ugh Bethany! I get what she means, she’s not brave, she’s just a regular girl, but… Wynonna just told her this guy is a serial killer, so what does Bethany think is going to happen if she stays in her bed and keeps quiet? Look, I’m not a brave person either, but I’ll be skedaddling for sure if my two options were to stay with Dr. Serial Killer or run away.
9) See, Bethany? This is what happens when you’re not a risk-taker…
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10) This is scary as fuck, I wasn’t expecting this shit.
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11) Wynonna is going to pull one a la Beatrix Kiddo, right?
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12) I think I’m shipping this…
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My heart turned to mush when she said that. I believe they are a thing, I think I’ve seen some gifs of them on my dash, and if that’s the case, I’m grateful this is not queer-baiting.
13) So the Jack-ass has a type of victim, which again begs the question, what do Bethany and Wynonna have in common that made them his target?
14) Yep, Wynonna is Beatrix-ing the hell outta there.
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15) Why do these two give me so many platonic feels?
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I truly enjoy their interactions in a different way from his interaction with Wynonna, you know? I see him and Wynonna and I’m like WHY DON’T YOU BANG ALREADY. And then I see him and Waverly, and I’m like AWW THIS IS SO WHOLESOME, HE’S LIKE HER BIG BROTHER! 
16) I don’t know why I loved the shade they gave the Fight Club…
DOC: There are two rules to this, Mr. Dolls.
DOLLS: Let me guess. First rule of fight club, never talk about fight club, right?
DOC: Nobody talks about it, how're fellas gonna know where it is?
17) Dolls literally said what I was about to write…
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18) Oh shit…
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How did she manage to hold in the pain?!
19) I don’t know, but maybe is what a psycho would say?
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20) Dolls and Doc are gonna fight each other and I’m here for it.
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This is going to be delightful to watch.
22) I guess he’s found his motivation…
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23) So he wasn’t talking about himself in the third person after all…
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This is Jack-ass!
24) Even though I feel this is a case of the kettle calling the pot black…
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...I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.
25) Yep, he totally deserved that.
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Like, telling Doc that Wynonna going missing is his fault? And that Wyatt left him to die? How dare he?
26) He’s so excited he’s won, I love him.
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27) There’s no way he’s killed Dolls, though. I’m not buying that. He probably seems dead because of the drugs he’s taking, right? Or he might have been trained to pretend to be dead.
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Seriously, though, that was super creepy.
29) I died. Doc trying to figure out how modern technology works is simply the best and a nice reminder that he’s not from this time.
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Also, Dolls is alive and kicking, but he hasn’t explained how yet.
30) This reminded me of Cordelia’s “What’s your childhood trauma?”
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Also, having a serial killer compare themselves to you is everyone’s dream right?
31) What is this Jack-ass deal though? He likes taking women’s organs out and showing them to the girls, okay. But why? What is he looking for?
32) Okay, yep, Dolls had been trained on how to make himself look dead, but I don’t think he’d be able to pull it off in the situation he was in? In the middle of a fight, when his pulse was probably racing and he was super stressed because Doc had called him out? I don’t think so.
33) Okay, Dolls’ division is starting to look eerily similar to The Initiative…
DOC: If your bosses have no compunction about turning a person into a pin cushion, how are they better than the demons?
DOLLS: Your body is a treasure trove for science. Think about what the military could do with soldiers who didn't get sick, didn't age? It was a decision made for the good of the many.
DOC: I get to choose who I share my treasure trove with, not the goddamn government.
34) Wait, what?
JACK-ASS: I know you're not gonna believe this, but I really liked your father. He wasn't like the other Earp heirs. He wasn't ambitious like Edwin, or courageous like Josiah, but he had something that they didn't have. Wits. When Ward started his little ride, he realized that in order to survive, he was gonna have to make certain alliances.
WYNONNA: With who? Black Badge?
JACK-ASS: Don't be daft. He made a pact with the big man himself. Bobo Del Rey.
WYNONNA: No. My daddy would never make a deal with a demon. Never.
JACK-ASS: They were very close friends
So Wynonna’s father had made a deal with Bobo? Does this mean that the reason the Seven went after him was that he’d broken the pact somehow? I mean, not only did he make a deal with Bobo but he was FRIENDS with him?
I also find it interesting how what made Ward different from the other heirs is probably one of Wynonna’s most important traits – her wits.
35) Bless you, Doc, for saving Wynonna in the nick of time. 
36) Oh, sweet Jebus, these two falling into each other…
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Why don’t you kiss already?!
WYNONNA: Don’t kill each other.
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38) “It was you… or her.” Doc is trying to teach Dolls about principles, but let’s be real, he probably would’ve made the same choice if he’d been in Dolls’ shoes, so…
39) Can this dude predict the future? Is this where this show is heading…?
JACK-ASS: Oh, I wish I could stay! Watch what's coming next. A reunion. An escape. So much blood.
Who will be reunited? Who will escape? WHO WILL DIE?! I’m scared, but I’m also excited to see if this turns out to be foreshadowing...
40) The Buffy feels are real, y’all!
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41) “What now?” is a great question. The Seven are dealt with, so, is Wynonna going after Bobo? The Stone Witch? There are 5 more episodes left, so I’m sure shit is about to get real…
42) Okay, I’m back to liking Dolls since he told his boss Doc is only a con artist and is more concerned about finding out who in his organization is working for Bobo.
43) Yet another great episode. I’m always surprised at how long my recaps are for this show, but there’s so much going on all the time and everything seems relevant somehow? I really can’t wait to see how this season ends…
44)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #189
BTVS 7x08 Sleeper
Obligatory soundtrack: Early One Morning - Pavlov’s Bell
Stray thoughts
1) If the fact that Spike was feeding and turning people wasn’t enough of a clue that something was amiss, then him humming a lullaby while digging graves most certainly was.
2) I love that whenever we hear a British man speaking in this show we immediately know he’s a watcher. Side note, this watcher was totally shacking up with his slayer, right? 
3) Okay, so Dawn told Willow all about seeing “Joyce” but she didn’t disclose Joyce’s warning about Buffy. Willow then proceeds to tell her that she’d seen someone, too, but it was the Big Bad. Dawn, understandably, convinces herself that Joyce couldn’t have been an evil manifestation. I get why her first reaction is to believe she’d seen her mom. She’s a kid who’s had a rough two years, whose mom died suddenly, who was almost sacrificed to open up a portal to a hell dimension, whose sister killed herself shortly after, and who spent hours in a bedroom with the body of her stand-in mom before anyone came to check on either of them. Joyce represents the normalcy and stability her life is lacking, so it’s absolutely understandable she’s so eager to believe she’s seen her mom. What I don’t get is why – other than because it suited the writers’ purpose – she didn’t talk about this with Buffy (even if she didn’t feel like opening up about the actual warning...) and why it was never brought up again (that I remember, at least.) I’ve talked about this in my previous recap, but I must hand it to The First, it played its cards right by manipulating Dawn. She was the only one who 100% bought the lies, and the fact that she didn’t discuss this any further – especially not with Buffy – and that she kept believing her “mom”’s warning all along had far-reaching consequences. Dawn was probably the only character not mature enough to realize she was being duped. Joyce/The First warned Dawn that “when it's bad, Buffy won't choose you. She'll be against you.” Not only does this warning foreshadow what will come to happen in Empty Places, but it is the precise reason why that happens, except that the roles are reserved: when things get bad, Dawn won’t choose Buffy, she’ll be against her…
4) I do appreciate that Xander truly tries to be objective here and to see things from a purely rational perspective. It’s a very nice change of pace from his “slay first, ask questions later approach”, and it is in fact exactly what Buffy needed. Emotionally, she can’t bring herself to believe Spike’d be able to be killing people while having a soul. I think the church scene from Beneath You is what drives Buffy to believe having a soul has truly changed him. Of course, she’s letting herself be driven by her emotions (which, btw, we know are her strength…) So it was necessary for her to hear the voice of reason. And I’m grateful for the fact that Xander was actually written as a reasonable voice of reason - unlike what they did with his speech to Buffy in Into the Woods… where we were supposed to buy into what he was saying (he didn’t even have all the fact!) and take his word as the voice of reason.
*gets herself angry at remembering Into the Woods*
*breathes furiously*
*tries to calm self down*
*watches videos of puppies*
*resumes writing*
Anywho, this is their exchange in this episode:
XANDER Why would a vampire lie about who sired him. What's that? Some kind of status symbol for the undead. My sire can beat up your sire. (sits)
BUFFY I'm not saying I don't believe him.
XANDER You just don't want to. OK, let's look at this objectively. Figure it out in a cold, impersonal, CSI-like manner 'cause we're a couple of carpet fibers away from a case.
BUFFY Spike can't be the one doing this. He couldn't if he wanted to.
XANDER Why not?
BUFFY Well, for one thing, pain chip, remember? He can't hurt anyone.
XANDER Didn't stop him from hurting you. Hey, objective here. Maybe the chip's not working anymore.
BUFFY Oh, it's working. I've seen it.
XANDER Is it? Or is that what Spike wants you to think?
BUFFY You think it's an act?
XANDER I don't really know. And neither do you.
BUFFY No, mm-mmm. There's something. I-I can feel it. He's different. He's changed. And, if it is an act, then the Oscar goes to...
I just appreciate the fact that he was trying to help Buffy see the situation from every angle, instead of taking a stand and only viewing the evidence that would support her belief. 
5) These two truly had a very lively sex life…
XANDER You're gonna be fine. 
ANYA Better be, because if I get vamped, I'm gonna bite your ass.
XANDER Wouldn't be the first time. 
ANYA What was that?
6)  And this is exactly why they should’ve talked to Dawn more about the whole seeing Joyce thing…
WILLOW Buffy, this thing knows us. It made us think that we were talking to people we knew. Mine said it came with a message from Tara. But Dawn actually saw... your Mother. This thing—it had me for a while—I mean, before it started letting loose with the pulse-pounding terror. But before that, the lies were very convincing. It just seems real.
WILLOW I mean maybe—maybe to confuse us, to mess us up. Or maybe just to be cool.
Unfortunately, Buffy was too concerned with the urgent issue of a potential serial killer vampire on the loose to take the time to talk to her sister. She should have done it, though. I mean, even if she assumed Dawn had understood what she’d seen wasn’t real, Buffy should’ve known that seeing Joyce again, even if it was a fake Joyce, probably had messed her up. I think that Buffy not approaching Dawn about this probably fed Dawn’s belief that she’d seen the real Joyce.
7) Sweet Jebus, this man…
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8) Bless Anya.
SPIKE Anya, do be specific and tell a fellow just exactly what you're doing here.
ANYA Well, Spike... I'm here, obviously... for...um...sex.
SPIKE Uh, beg pardon.
ANYA You and me. Here and now. Let's go. Let's... get it on, you big bad boy.
SPIKE Wait, wait, Anya. Just a minute. This is not exactly—is that a stake?
ANYA Yes. Kinky. 
SPIKE Uh, well, yeah, but what do you—?
ANYA Shh. No questions. No talking. I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about you and us and our brief but unforgettable time together. I mean, it's—why else would I be here? I mean, it's not like I'm snooping around looking for proof that you're some sort of wacked out serial killer. I don't know why I said that. Forget I said that. It's craziness talking. It's just nerves. Nerves. Nerves and-and horniness. Oh, just shut up, William, and take me. Take me now. 
I think... I think she looks kind of riled up and disappointed he didn’t take her up on her offer? 
9) Where do all this people come from? This street has never been this crowded! Sunnydale doesn’t have that big of a population!
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Like, I get it, they needed the streets to be super crowded so that it would be believable for Buffy to lose track of Spike, but THIS IS NOT BELIEVABLE! A) My point above and B) any citizen of Sunydale who isn’t as dumb as a brick won’t go out at night!!! 
10) Awww, Buffy woke him up by throwing him across the room just like in the old days…
11) I had to stop writing during this scene, I was simply enthralled by James’ delivery of each of his lines. I truly don’t think Spike would’ve been a redeemable character if it hadn’t been for James’ portrayal. He brings so much emotion into every word and every gesture, and it truly makes you feel for the character. Well, unless you hate Spike, of course.
SPIKE Well, I certainly didn't off her. Where are you getting this? (grabs a shirt) You know I can't.
BUFFY Right. The chip.
SPIKE No, not the chip! Not the chip, dammit. You honestly think I'd go to the end of the underworld and back to get my soul and then— Buffy, I can barely live with what I did. It haunts me. All of it. If you think that I would add to the body count now, you are crazy.
SPIKE Yeah, I talk to people. Women. Talk to them 'cause I can't talk to you.
BUFFY Oh, Spike, save it.
SPIKE As daft a notion as "Soulful Spike the Killer" is, it is nothing compared to the idea that another girl could mean anything to me. This chip—they did to me. I couldn't help it. But the soul, I got on my own—for you.
BUFFY I know.
SPIKE So, yeah. I go and pass the time... with someone. But that's all it is is time, 'cause—God, help me, Buffy—it's still all about you.
12) FYI, If you don’t remember what you’ve done the night before, that’s a BIG FAT warning sign.
13) I get that Willow’s line is meant to feed Dawn’s belief that she did, in fact, talk to Joyce, but this just doesn’t make any sense?????
DAWN You only think Spike is turning people 'cause that vampire told you so, right? But that night we were all told things that weren't true.
DAWN What? What maybe.
WILLOW Well, just because those weren't the spirits of, you know, our people—just because it was some evil thing, doesn't mean what they said can't be true.
Like, why would the Big Bad disclose information that might actually help them???? 
14) The music choice for this episode is so absolutely perfect, I mean, Pavlov’s Bell? Accurate AF.
15) She’s a quick learner, right?
YOUNG WOMAN Huh. I get it. You'd rather I slip into something more comfortable. Should we pick off the crowd one-by-one, or block the exits and ravish the place?
SPIKE Get away from me.
YOUNG WOMAN What's with the wallflower act? You didn't seem so shy when you were biting me. I'm not asking if you wanna be soul mates, just figured you'd wanna have some fun. I take him, you take her—or the other way around. Whatever.
I love how this scene is reminiscent of Spike and Drusilla prowling the Bronze in Crush, except this time Spike does not want to play.
16) This fucking show.
YOUNG WOMAN Is that all I was to you—a one-bite stand?
17) I swear to god. THIS. FUCKING. SHOW.
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BUFFY Oh, uh, actually, I need some help. I'm looking for this guy. Bleach-blonde hair, leather jacket, British accent? Kind of sallow, but in a hot way?
BOUNCER Yeah, yeah, I know the guy. Billy Idol wannabe?
BUFFY Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from—never mind. Has he been here?
19) This. Fucking. Show.
AIMEE MANN Man, I hate playing vampire towns
I just love the fact that she uses the plural, “towns” like she’s fucking aware Sunnydale is not the only town infested with vampires.
It’s so amazing to see a regular someone supposedly not in the know – after 7 freaking seasons! – acknowledge the supernatural because even though it’s a staple of the genre that people are ignorant of the paranormal or choose to find more “rational” explanations for every odd occurrence, sometimes they just end up looking very dumb.
20) And this is why The First was kind of a dumb Big Bad, like, how couldn’t he have known that tasting Buffy would have the opposite effect on Spike?
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21) It’s really heartbreaking that Spike not only assumes that Buffy is going to stake him but he welcomes it, I think he wants the pain to end and wants an easy way out from the things he’s done (that’s why he pleads for her - or it? - to “make him forget”)
22) Buffy reads the situation right, though. She understands that someone or something has been using Spike as a puppet and that killing him won’t really accomplish anything other than doing exactly what it wants them to do.
23) I gotta admit, I’d be Xander in this situation…
BUFFY You didn't see him down there. He really didn't know what he'd done. It wasn't in his control.
XANDER Oh, an out of control serial killer. You're right, that is a great houseguest.
24) I love how they’re talking as if he was deaf or not there, and he’s obviously listening to every single word they're saying. HE IS SITTING RIGHT THERE FOR FUCK’S SAKE!!!
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Sorry, I just hate when they do that on shows or movies, okay?
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There’s no fucking way Giles would’ve survived that, okay? I mean, I’m glad he’s alive, but they probably should’ve faded to black BEFORE the axe was about to chop his head off. Just seeing the demon brandishing the axe would’ve done the trick, and then it wouldn’t have felt as they were retconning the scene.
26) This is not a great episode. It’s not bad, either, but I feel the reveal that Spike was killing again and the why he was doing it should’ve been placed further apart (although I understand they were trying to get people to like Spike again, so that might’ve been detrimental to that purpose…) I don’t know, there’s something that just doesn’t work about this episode. The scenes between Buffy and Spike are great, but the whole episode feels somewhat disjointed. What do you think? Is this when season 7 started to go south?
27) If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting my blog on ko-fi. Thanks!
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