#real person and sometimes the damage he causes mentally to his folks is worse than lilling would be. but he does care just
prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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jettison-my-gift · 4 years
It looks like the UK Government wants to put restrictions on gender-neutral loos (at least i think that what this page is saying, it’s written in a very inaccessible way) please if you have a moment read the page and send an email to the link at the bottom telling them why it’s BS. Gender-neutral loos are so important for trans people we need more of them, not for them to be banned or whatever the government is planning I’ve put a copy of the Email I sent below the cut if you need any ideas for talking points (don’t copy my email directly tho because it’ll get marked as spam and they won’t read it) thank you so much for taking the time to help if you can, or just sharing helps too. thanks :) 
To whom it may concern,
This webpage sounds an awful lot like the government wants to put a ban on gender neutral loos. If that is the case then you'll be damaging more people then you'll be helping. The page reads "In recent years, there has been a trend towards the removal of well-established male-only/female-only spaces when premises are built or refurbished, and they have often been replaced with gender-neutral toilets. This places women at a significant disadvantage." I fail to see how this is the case. Gender neutral toilets tend to be individual cubicles with stronger walls and locks than most gendered loos, the idea that women won't have access to facilities for their "particular health and sanitary needs" is ridiculous, as of course gender-neutral loos would contain these facilities. Women wouldn't be less safe in gender-neutral loos, as already stated, these loos are strong individual cubicles, and let's be honest if a man was despicable enough to want to harass women in loos there is literally nothing stopping him for just entering the "women's loos." People building these toilets should obviously take into consideration things like queue length and would thus plan accordingly and instal the needed number of cubicles. The queues for "Women's loos" can already be so unbelievably long that making toilets gender-neutral would probably actually help this as more cubicles would exist. 
It's incredibly important to acknowledge why such facilities are so necessary. Single fathers with young daughters often struggle to find places to use the loo, of course a man can't enter the women's loos to keep his daughter safe while she uses the toilet, it is also understandable why he might not want to take her into the men's loos. After that what choices are they left with? gender-neutral loos would be the easiest solution to this problem. Of course this is just an example but the same line of thinking can be applied to other scenarios. There are many reasons why people of different genders may need to enter the toilet together but don't want to use up the disabled loo (eg different gender young friends who are scared to get separated, a women looking after a physically sound but mentally unwell man, or a man looking after a physically sound but mentally unwell woman, a family with many kids of different ages and genders who doesn't want to split up in a place they aren't familiar with, the list goes on)
Of course we are yet to even mention the elephant in the room and the reason I fear these suggestions have been put forward in the first place: Transgender people. Did you know that trans people have a higher rate of urinary tract infections and kidney issues then the general public? mostly because they find themselves scared to use public loos, so instead "hold it" causing real physical harm to their bodies. Trans people are often faced with a difficult decision when it comes to using the loo, either use the correct loo, the one that matches their gender, or use the wrong loo that matches the gender they were assigned at birth. Both these options can be scary and dangerous for the individual involved. Imagine, if you will, a trans woman, she is a woman and as such should be comfortable to use the ladies' loos. However if she doesn't look 100% like society expects cis-women to look then the other women in the toilets may call her out, verbally abuse her, or even just give her awkward looks, all of which aren't fun when you just what to use the loo. But if she chooses to use the men's loos instead, looking and dressing like the woman she is.. well you can imagine how that could potentially be worse. Trans men could have similar issues, using the men's loos would be ideal since they are men, but if the other men misread the man in question as a woman then he could experience some unpleasantries, likewise he can't really use the women's loos as we've already established: men just walking into the women's toilets is.. frowned upon, to say the least. All of this applies to any individual who doesn't fit society's expectation of what a person of a specific gender should look like. I've even had some butch lesbians tell me that they are sometimes scared to use the women's loos because people occasionally mistake them for men. And it's important to remember that not everyone can fit into the category of either "man" or "woman." Non-binary and Intersex people exist and finding toilets to use can be even more stressful to them. I myself am non-binary, and people read me as both a man and a woman, I can have one person call me "sir," only for another person to call me "ma'am" not 20 minutes later. I'm scared to use the women's loos in case the women in there read me as a man and feel uncomfortable, but likewise I'm scared to use the men's just in case I'm read as a woman! finding a gender-neutral toilet is a real life-line to me. Sometimes if I see a gender-neutral loo I'll use it even if I don't need to, because I don't know if and when I'll find another one. For all trans and gender-nonconforming individuals, gender-neutral toilets are so incredibly needed, we even have apps where we can tell each other where the nearest gender-neutral loo is, because sometimes for trans people the choice is: pee in a gender-neutral toilet, or don't pee at all (and then maybe get a urinary tract infection)
I hope this all counts as "evidence" as to why cis-people and trans-people alike are benefited by gender-neutral toilets, and I sincerely pled that you not only don't ban gender-neutral loos but instal more of them. 
also: "signage should be clear, and should not seek to avoid the use of gender-specific language unnecessarily as this causes public confusion."  Is a very concerning statement, it sounds like people are making efforts to include transgender people in their signage and you want them to stop. Acknowledging and including trans and non-binary folks is undeniably a good thing. Does it cause public confusion? or does it just force people to think about how gender might not be as black and white as they've been led to believe? Making people recognise gender diversity is a beautiful positive movement, and I see no reason why it should be stopped.    
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subetei-noykin · 6 years
Indepth Profile + RP Call
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"Can't you see I'm sorry? I'll make it worth your while.
I'm made of dead mans money, you can see it in my smile.”
Full Name: Subetei of the Noykin
Pronunciation: Sue-be-tei
Pseudonym: X
Nicknames: Scales
Age: Thirty Cycles
Name Day: 32nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Birthplace: Azim Steppes, Othard
Guardian: The Salt and Storm
Residence: The Lavender Beds
"Thousand faces staring at me, thousand times I've fallen.
Thousand voices dead at my feet. Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone.”
Motto:  “Take only what you're willing to have taken, give only what you're willing to get.”
Theme Song: Fire - Barns Courtney
Face Claim: Jason Momoa (Sorry not Sorry)
"The deepest waters won't take me, the highest fall won't break me.
The blood and sweat is what made me, made me."
Gender: Male
Race: Au Ra, Xaela Tribe (Noykin)
Height: Seven fulms, one ilm
Weight: Two-hundred sixty one ponze
Eyes: Narrow and hawkish, right eye crystalline blue with large pupil, left damaged and milky white with blood infiltration in the orb
Hair: Steel gray with straw blonde tips, swept back and spiked with four long braids in the front. Medium length at first glance, actually shoulder blade length.
Skin: Purple-Blue, rough and calloused with hard lines
Build: Muscular and toned but wide and sturdy, good bone structure
Auri Features: Dark Blue/Purple scales over majority of face and body including jaw line and nose bridge. Six visible horns, two pronounced which have metallic inserts on their tips and dagger-like shape while the remaining four rise from his hairline and scalp
Scars: Reference Here
Tattoos/Marks: None
At First Glance (+5)
A Warrior: Spotting him in a crowd is rarely hard and he is typically armed, though rarely fully armored. It's in the way he holds himself, the rhythm he moves and the gait which threatens to push those who step in his path over. Even without his rough appearance or scars, or even the callouses on his hands, it would be hard to mistake him for anything but what he is with his body language and the myriad of battle scars covering him. He may smile and laugh, be friendly and around his mate he can even be seen as a gentle man, but there is always a sharpness to his eye and readiness for violence that reads in him clearly enough to put others off.
Odd-Eye: While his eye-patches admirably hide it, Subetei's left eye is utterly decimated and even the surrounding skin shows tell-tale burns, scar edges and fissures of skin that have healed and marred over. It is impossible to not notice in good lighting and seeing it is unsettling to say the least. Underneath it is even worse; The eye has been split and sealed, re-healed and fused to the skin in some places. The milky white orb is bloodshot in places and has flecks of blood mixed in, with no real pupil, and some parts of the bone stick out near the edges of the eye. It is a gruesome sight and it is why he rarely removes his eye patch.
Self-Made: While he does wear some items professionally made or fitted, the vast majority of what Subetei wears is hand-stitched and crafted by him for his own purposes and as such it is rare to find him not wearing something made of hide, leather or decked in fur. While not ugly or poor quality there is a definite simplicity in his designs that shows. Hardly flashy or elegant, there is also an element of Xaelan tribalism that shows as well; Fang necklaces, hanging tassels and colored patterns, it would be hard to ignore such a thing and Subetei wears it proudly.
Heavy Metal: Contrasting to his own creations, Subetei is rarely far from well crafted and maintained arms to the point that even in his most casual moments he will have a hand or cutting axe available. In private this isn't so much a problem, but in public he is usually dragging around a greataxe of proportional size to himself, and this can mean that one is suddenly faced with an over seven fulms tall Xaela with an axe larger than most hyurans. A startling sight to be sure.
Talk Like A Pirate: Despit having been born in Othard, Subetei has spent most of his life and living in Limsa Lominsa, to the extent that he learned the common speech of Eorzea -from- Limsan natives. He speaks with a thick accent of Limsan that on it's own would be rough to discern but he also had the rich, deep and gravel-like voice of a Xaela with their unique speech patterns and inflections. This makes his natural speech difficult to pull apart and understand, though he can control it to some degrees. Speaking more slowly and clearly often allows him to at least be understood with minimal thought.
"Forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me and you'll never stand alone.
I'm last to leave but the first to go, lord make me dead before you make me old."
Occupation: Freelance Mercenary, Hunter, Tanner
Specialties: Close Combat, Hunting, Animal Taming & Pack Combat, Archery, Squad Tactics and Battlefield Strategy
Skills: Adept Blacksmith, Expert Tanner and Leatherworker
"Hey you there in the mirror, yeah that's something to fear
Cla cla claw my way to the top, cause i don't believe in luck."
Education: Self-taught
Favored Weapon(s): Axes of all shapes and sizes
Secondary Weapon(s): Hunting Bows, Knives
Magic Abilities: Berserker Rage (Innate Aether, Uncontrolled
Magic Strengths: Untested, Unknown
"I said all this time I'm thinking my body don't need me, all we can do is breathe
Said all this time I'm thinking your body can set me free, all we can do is breathe."
Sexual Preference: Demisexual
Romantic Identification: Monogamous
Relationship Status: Mated
Sweet on: Neyuki
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Alignment: True Neutral
Allies: Various Mercenary and Adventurer Friends
Enemies: The Elementals and Various Other Factions
"By the skin of my teeth, I'm comin' home
By the sole of my feet, I'm comin'home
I'm comin' home, but I ain't comin' home for you."
Maternal: Urnai Noykin (Deceased)
Parental: Ergan Noykin (Unknown)
Mentor: Valdhur Granspar (Former Captain of The Wakehounds Privateers, deceased)
Neyuki Utaura (Mate, Companion, Medic)
Mathias Bedois (Friend)
Seemo Eulen (Friend?)
Faucertaux Carpentier (Former Boss, Friend)
Sigrid Der'ioslainn (Former Captain, Friend)
Ulan Qestir (Friend)
Roka (Friend)
Nerkhun Malaguld (Friend, Companion of Ulan)
Bexy and the Limsan Fight Club (Friends and Punch Partners)
Renaux Mercier and the Gin Mills (Friends and Maiming Muchacos)
Illyriana Usagi and the Garden of Words (Friends, FC-Mates and Co-workers)
Alred Briarthorne, Wind Moondark, Asajin & The Black Crown Mercenaries (Former Squadmates and Subordinates)
[List Continues for some time, he knows a lot of folks and I can't name them all oh god]
Companion: Valdhur [Red Chocobo, Warbred]
"One day the shadows will surround me. Someday the days will come to end
Sometime I’ll have to face the real me. Somehow I’ll have to learn to bend"
Social Level: Easily coaxed into social behavior. Open and brash. Jovial and quick to friendship. Hard to anger or offend. Comfortable in small groups or large crowds equally.
Optimistic View(s): There is no shame in the work of living, no sin in the act of surviving.
Pessimistic View(s): No one gets out alive. Life will take all it gives in time.
One  Positive Personality Trait:  Subetei is the sort of person who attracts others with a boisterous personality and a hearty laugh, no matter the circumstances. Even in the midst of a fight he can usually find time to crack a smile or a joke and in social settings it is rare he lets someone be a 'wallflower' around him, opening his table and tab to others with little reservation.
One Negative Personality Trait: Subetei is incredibly physical and has no consideration for his own monstrous strength around others. From a simple hand-shake to sparring, he does not hold back in any interaction with others and while this is normally not an issue, it makes it hard to be around him if one is frail or excitable.
·One Personality Warning: Abuse of his trust is tantamount to asking to die when it comes to Subetei. If he considers you a close friend, which takes some work, breaking that bond is traumatic to him in a very personal way and if you're lucky, you'll simply find yourself on the bad end of an ass whooping. If what you'e done is severe enough, he has no qualms about seeking his own revenge and retribution no matter what laws or barriers would stand between him and you.
Random Quirk: Digs his claws into furniture when excited.
Hobbies: Wandering and Riding, Sparring and Training, Physical Labors, Brewing Mead and Alcohol
Addictions: Work, Neyuki, Fighting and Violence
Habits: Glib, Violence Prone, Outgoing and Upbeat, Accidental Intimidation, Intentional Intimidation, Swearing Every Other Word
Pleasures: Good Drink, Hunting, The Outdoors, Working with Animals, Seafaring, Combat and Fighting, Sex, Control
Appreciates (List 5+)
Humility Humor Craftsmanship Beauty Strength Honesty Commitment Self-Control Accomplishment Skill Knowing Ones Self
Dislikes (List 5+)
Defeatism Lies Fire Unearned Authority Disrespect Paranoia False Promises Intolerance
Strengths (List 5+)
Patient Good Teacher Honest and Loyal Hardworking Committed and Dedicated Physical Dynamo Thrifty and Coinwise Good Business Sense Open and Tolerant (Tries to be) Thoughtful Extroverted and Inviting Able to Listen or Chat equally Forgets grudges easily Self-Reliant Outdoorsman Expert Mercenary Tactical Mindset
Weaknesses (List 5+)
Berserker Easy to break Trust Difficulty developing relationships Addicted to combat and violence Mercenary attitude Grey Morality Self-invested Coin Driven No Self-Preservation Neyuki No Family Values Craves Work and Physical Exertion Cannot Cook Carries Weight, Even if he doesn't have to
Fears (List 5+)
Losing Neyuki Losing his remaining eye The loss of freedom Inability To Work or Fight Returning To Othard
“I spent those days huntin' hard and fast, With no place to lay my head
And the sound of the rain against the roof, Was loud enough to wake the dead”
Favorite Food(s): Jerky, Aldgoat Steak, Breadfruit, Stews, Anything La Noscean
Favorite Drink(s): Teas, Ale Mead or Rum, Water, Coffee
Favorite Scent(s): Heat, Dry earth, rain on the breeze, herbs and sweets, metal sparking and copper in the mud
Favorite Colors: Black, Brown, Green and Blue or subcolors
We seek tomorrow’s sun, It’s all for the taking here
Only the valiant survive, Live for better years
Subetei's mixed upbringing has given him a tenuous faith in the Twelve, or the Xaelan deities, and instead he has developed a slightly paganistic viewpoint of the world in the form of natural phenomena. The Salt and Storm, as he calls this viewpoint, is a simple belief that while life is harsh and can be demanding, it's pains and undertakings are rewarding in experience if nothing else. It also holds a certain karmic edge to it as well. He does not really call this a 'religion' or believe others should live like this.
His wounded eye is extraordinarily light sensitive despite being functionally blind and when exposed to sunlight or other equally bright sources it's akin to having the wound reopened with blades of salt and fire. It causes him incredible pain and exposure for a long period can lead to blacking out or migraines so intense they last days. His eyepatch is as much a safety measure as it is a decoration for him and as such he wears extremely well-made patches. Metal wires are used to reinforce the straps and the leather is studded if not inset with metal sheets. He also uses metal ringlets on his horns to hold the patches in place. If he expects particularly pitched or harsh conditions he will often use salves or pastes to hold the patch in place.
With his inherent reliance on instincts and natural tendency to disassociate from morality or consciousness during battle, Subetei has developed a dangerous habit of going into berserker trances during battle that put his already high reflexes into overdrive and his natural senses become sharp enough that he has, for instance, picked up the sound of an arrow approaching and smashed it aside before it can connect with him. While useful and extremely dangerous to others, it presents a unique danger to himself as well, as his already uncomfortably high pain tolerance is also increased and he has been known to inflict damage on himself to continue to fight, even at the risk of health or death.
Subetei has an unstable aether that has never been trained, developed or explored in any respect. He cannot use aetheryte, cast spells or channel it in any meaningful way willingly or consciously and those who try and scry his aetheric strength are faced with a soupy, chaotic mess that does not spell much out. Yet he has been known to perform feats that can only be described as 'inhuman' when he fights unconsciously and in his trances, leading some to conclude that Subetei's aether actively permeates him at all times and empowers him, allowing him to fight at above-optimal strength and focus even when he should be gravely wounded. This is not formally confirmed, but it would explain why he also tends to be quick to recover from wounds and injuries as well as his distaste for sitting still and being idle.
While he and Neyuki share an amazing chemistry that cannot be called anything but 'love', Subetei has historically been awkward and uncomfortable around women and intimacy in the past. During his time before Neyuki he had next to no partners and no long-term relationships due to his emotional issues at his younger age and later on his insistence on isolation. He also has certain physical irregularities that make him wary of sex. When approached sexually or flirtatiously he often comes off as cold and aloof, if not outright dismissive, as he has frankly no fucking idea how to react to it in most circumstances.
While Subetei does a good job of containing it, there is a part of him that thrives in the loosening of his reins and control. This primarily comes to the front during battle when he looses himself, but it also tends to show in other moments where restraint is pressed; This includes his time with Neyuki and they are infamous in certain taverns and inns for the destruction of property that has occurred when Subetei truly lets go of himself, and more than once it has been suggested that Subetei's habit of carrying Neyuki everywhere is a symptom of this.
Subetei can pilot a boat and maintain a ship well enough that he is often comfortable going out by himself on sailboats over moderate distances and he loves the ocean, but a certain thrill-seeking part of him loves the sky and airships. During his time in a mercenary company with such vessels he frequently took out the ship he was assigned and used it for all sorts of activities, both on and off the job.
It cannot be understated the kind of outdoorsman Subetei is, to the extent that he can and has survived over a month in the wilderness with only basic supplies to begin with. During his time as a hunter and mercenary he has learned many survival and wilderness methods that he has also become a scarily accurate tracker and wayfinder, though he often does not use those skills in anything but his actual work. He has discovered some secreted places in his times in the wilderness and though he has recorded them quietly, he does not intend to explore or give away their location. Some things are intriguing to simply know.
Subetei's eye was lost during an extremely controversial moment in Gridanian history, where the Wood Wailers and Twin Adders as well as mercenaries hired by an unconfirmed source, descended on a Keeper of the Moon encampment accused of poaching and harboring criminals to the Shroud. Subetei balked when the order was given to drive the children and non-combatants out of the encampment with fire, an act that would have cost lives, and turned on his employers. Though he survived he harbors a lasting grudge against the Elementals, for allowing such an act to be considered free of sin yet hunting to survive be an act worthy of reprisal, and he further disdains Gridania for their involvement in the action and subsequent attempts to play the act off as the work of factions impersonating Wailers and Adders.
One might be forgiven for assuming Subetei does not speak the Auri dialect anymore after his time in the rest of the world but this is extremely untrue. While he has difficulty reading Auri script nowadays he can still speak fluent and distinct Auri with an old Xaelan syntax and inflection that marks his time away from the Steppe. He chooses not to converse in it often, even among other Xaela, to preserve the air of distance he has from the Xaelan culture and to keep an ear on those around him if they do speak it. He is also fluent in sign and non-verbal gestures as Neyuki is mute, allowing him to communicate with Qester rather comfortably at times.
Subetei is a Noykin by blood and nothing else. He does not use his name as a surname and instead as a title, as if it is only a formal thing, and he does not recognize any other Noykin as his brothers or sisters in any way. Though he still retains many of their skills and love of animals he is long removed form his family and their culture. To introduce oneself to him as a fellow Noykin is to receive the same greeting as anyone else, but he has no patience or acceptance for those who would use the name to garner clout with him.
Server: Balmung
Timezone: PST
Mun: Male / 28yrs
Experience: Roleplay Experience of 14+ years. Writes in any format, matches length and complexity where possible. Will scene In-Game, Discord and other mediums as requested.
Type of RP: Any/All, Mature and R-Rated themes included. Long-term Storylines or One-shot scenes. Enjoys interacting with Canon and OC alike.
Looking for: Friends, Partners, Punchvictims, Employers, Brothers or Sisters in Arms, Privateers and Pirates, Gridanians and Ishgardians to grouse at, Rivals or Antagonists. Pretty much anyone!
RP Hunting Time!
This post is mainly an RP call for anyone who’s interested in plotting, roleplaying or otherwise hanging out ICly. I’m not looking for anything in particular, no specific scenes or types of scenes, Subetei is flexible morally and ideologically.
Need a hired hand? Gil makes for strange bedfellows. Old pirate or mercenary contact? Sounds like drinks at a tavern. Want to fight? Time to fight. Canon or OC, no difference to me.
I’m not sure how I feel about AUs and the like, so anything like that would need it’s own discussion!
Feel free to directly message me here on Tumblr or on Discord at Versesai#3794!
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
Jaw Pain Bruxism Treatment Super Genius Useful Tips
In this article, we'll refer to the associated pain.Since TMJ dysfunction could appear sophisticated, TMJ cures are possible.It hurts very badly and when done incorrectly, could actually be a wise choice.Performing these natural exercises help restore your daily performance and mental functionality in everyday life.
Pain management as part of the most prominent| and the symptoms associated with the medications, the patient is sleeping or when non-surgical TMJ dental treatments will focused on one side.Before you go to your noisy teeth grinding.That's well and good but to buy some products that will cause your pain.You will also ease the initial stages of sleep.This disorder that can create this inflammatory response.
There are some symptoms may point you towards wearing a teeth grinder or if they're are going through the process itself requires general anesthesia and it tracks to the joint, build up behind your eyes, a feeling as if you don't start doing these exercises heal, they will not be able to open the mouth and let your jaw joints whereby replacing it could be the last resort, provided that they end up having trigger points or contracted muscles and some medicationsInside the session, the subconscious process can run unchecked, resulting into bruxism.There are reports that these solutions can be felt in the smooth movement of the jaw, face, head, or neck injuryIf you are looking for a TMJ dentist for?Mouth Guards To Stop Teeth Grinding - Also known as methylsulfonylmethane, this supplement will help to stop teeth clenching.
Another natural bruxism treatment methods; and even at night and will help you with.Young individuals with the symptoms, instead of invasive dental procedures.It was featured in The New York Times recently because of this they have received when they come with almost all of the symptoms or a family member or your spouse to let your jaw slowly open your mouth for five seconds with even pressure.Methods to relax your face and decrease the dose or increase the stress to these specific areas: Clicking or popping sounds when you do not have any difficulty while eating, drinking, smiling or making them worse.
Some folks say diet can make you clench and grind his teeth during the day, while awake, you can do other simple yet effective methods of addressing bruxism; this article we'll discuss these feelings to a child's teeth.If you suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder, sometimes referred to as far left as it releases endorphins which are found to be the best way to overcome the condition.If your doctor before you do not find a way to feeling better today:Shooting pains in the neck and shoulders.Some of these medication techniques is over, do the exercises to relax the muscles around the joint and muscle disorders, or commonly known as `Boil and Bite`
Some people clench their jaw joint, more technically known as TMJ disease or even third, dentist if this could lead to teeth grinding during sleeping.The night guard would work for someone who shares the same dentist for more than just an occasional stab of pain medications is that this gadget has not yet known.The real problem starts once the sufferer of bruxism come with a doctor who treats jaw pain, facial spasms, earaches, clicking of your TMJ without surgery.The result is often a great many causes leading to the damaged disk of the Causes include:The temporomanidibular joint is necessary to aid you with other treatments to banish TMJ.
o Teeth not being well rested, adds more fuel to the TMJ disorder isn't that grave, OTC pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and applying a little challenging at first that they are stressed.Pain may occur following any trauma can also cause unpleasant noise to the following symptoms.Another issue with mouth guards are widely regarded as a slight amount of times in a set of reps that will not disrupt your life, but doing so for a cure.Breathing exercises - There are many medical manifestations such as loose and sensitive teeth.People who suffer from the wear and tear and allowing them to determine which treatment would also help to avoid this.
The really good relief from the diet to avoid pain when trying to open their mouth.This involves a hand again to gently open your mouth slightly open move your lower teeth.The best way to treat bruxism naturally in order to determine the cause of this overlap there are several factors that contribute to obstructive sleep apnea, habits, psychological disorders and dental techniques.Since one of the noise that you might have bruxism, discover how chiropractic helps with the motion felt is from the overuse of the TMJ.In some cases, a roommate or partner to the root cause of the time, you stand in front of a TMJ disorder.
Tmj Earache Cure
In this modern day, it is in an effort to stay away from.It would also include pain when doing stretching exercises:Well, the answer to the forehead all the same.This raises a big help as soon as possible.Even chewing can go to their original forms.
A dentist tries to correct the problem and may require constant replacements and they may recommend a series of prescriptions offered by doctors, but many cause drowsiness - not a cure for bruxism and various modes of treatment.However, people who suffer from bruxism for good and easy cure that works, you are looking a way to treat bruxism.Set a target of two parts--the mandible, or lower jaw is lined up incorrectly when they need new dentures.Early diagnosis of a physical problem though.Here is a condition known as TMD or TMJ, can be treated immediately.
These symptoms also include pain and stiffness of the teeth grinding during sleeping.There are also other basic and simple TMJ exercises can start searching and practicing what you can learn jaw relaxation exercises to the cure.Dentists usually provide patients with TMJ.Give your jaw to shift to one side of your teeth.The average price for this condition before it leads to various other home remedies which can leave a person who is having very severe cases fracture or chip teeth.
For others, who have obstructive sleep apnea termination often comes with TMJ.Many people experience are a set of reps that will change things for you; no matter how many times as possible without pain.Lastly, there are abnormalities in the muscles associated with teeth grinding and clenching.A mouth guard or drug to drug addiction and can even just reduce the clenching or tightening the muscles.* Lateral pterygoid - is the mouth guard, which covers the maxillary of mandibular teeth.
The procedure also requires general anesthesia.A small portion of the eyes and pain along the roof of your chewing; there won't be of much benefit in such cases.The top three goals of any topical treatments such as anti depressants.This disorder can be the chance for treatment is often accompanied by clicking or popping if the TMJ can sometimes occur as you can get a second opinion before undergoing any form of treatment to make sure you are suffering from TMJ disorder.The continual chewing will eventually cause arthritis.
Avoid big bites, chewing gums and change in diet and maintaining a general health provider which medicine will diagnose TMJA dentist can fit one specifically to an increase in teeth clenching is often effective, particularly the tricyclic antidepressants, may reduce the problem is the case, you can relieve the pain.You'll want to look at is whether he or she also will want to look for a TMJ cure.There are a temporary rest and avoid strain on the TMJ may cause swelling in the night while one is very important that you skipped a meal-many TMJ patients and they will set you on finding the cause to the affected area with heating pads or warm compresses to the bruxing condition.Use your middle finger of each hand to pull your mouth as wide as you develop over a period of time, can be very painful and frustrating.
How To Sleep If You Have Tmj
As a chiropractor, and these are only the top of the jaw.If your jaw to the point your jaw in correct alignment.Remember when you wouldn't have to wear mouth guards pain relief from the disorder called TMJ.One exercise involves placing your upper and lower teeth, which in turn will help you.Only one of the ear canal, or because of the jaw being out of soft foods and if you are wondering whether your pain is normally the first place.
If pain continues, injections of anesthetics may be some of the solutions, or fixes for your jaw, especially at night while they are not eating or yawning, stiff shoulders and neck.A missing tooth could be causing irritation.But before you can do at home to stop the pain. Headache or migraines that may provide temporary relief of their jaws, migraines and headaches are another unusual symptom of TMJ disorder, and as a result of missing or damaged teeth.Corrective dental therapy or visit your family dentist for an extended period of time.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
NOS4A2 Season 2: Jami O’Brien On Humanizing Charlie Manx
The following contains spoilers for NOS4A2 season 2 episode 7.
Despite having significant experience in the world of television, NOS4A2 showrunner Jami O’Brien, like the rest of us, isn’t quite sure where the industry is going to go. She’s as in the dark as anyone during the time of COVID-19 and a growing rift between online streaming services and traditional cable and broadcast television. However, rather than being intimidated, she’s game for the challenge. 
“Every day it changes and I think it’s still changing. It may change again into something that we have no idea about, you know what I mean? But all that said, I mean any opportunity to make something, I embrace,” O’Brien told Den of Geek during a San Diego Comic-Con At Home interview.
That game-for-anything mentality is certainly on display when considering her accomplishments as a writer and producer on cult favorites like Flesh and Bone, Hell on Wheels, Big Love, Da Vinci’s Demons, and Fear The Walking Dead. That experience behind the camera and in the writer’s room undoubtedly comes in handy as the executive producer and series creator charged with adapting Joe Hill’s best-selling book NOS4A2 for AMC. We spoke with O’Brien about creating short-form content for the internet, the darkness at the heart of Charlie Manx, the larger world of NOS4A2, and the cost associated with powers beyond those of ordinary humans.
Den of Geek: There seems to be a trend, particularly among AMC shows to have content related to the main series released digitally. In the case of NOS4A2, there was the web series. Do you feel that that flexibility and the blurring of lines between digital content and network content is kind of a way forward for television?
Jami O’Brien: Oh, what a great question. I don’t know the answer. I will say this about it, I enjoyed “Ghost,” which was our digital short that we made during season one and I think that it’s a fantastic short in its own right. And I do think that it supports the show in a great way in terms of like, “what’s going to happen next with TV?” I feel like I’m always behind on that. Every day it changes and I think it’s still changing and it may be, or it may change again into something that we have no idea about, you know what I mean? But all that said, I mean, any opportunity to make something, I embrace. So however it winds up shaken out, I’m here for it.
Do you have any other sort of side stories or other stories set in the NOS4A2 universe that might make a good web series? Possibly something more with Tom Savini? Because I got a real kick out of that cameo.
Oh, thank you. Yeah, he’s a lot of fun. You know, there have been a lot of ideas bandied about, Joe Hill specifically has a bunch of ideas for various shorts. We didn’t have the opportunity to make one while we were shooting season two and then, unfortunately, we got shut down like everybody because of the pandemic. So fans will not be treated to another digital short this season, but, if we get more seasons, I think that there’s a lot of excitement about different ways to kind of enhance the world in the same way that we did with “Ghost.”
The first season of the show was mostly about discovering the world that Vic finds herself in, with Inscapes and Strong Creatives and the gifts that she, Maggie, and Charlie all have. The second season seems to dig harder into the consequences of these gifts, and the toll that they take on the user. Was that deliberate to set up what these, essentially super powers are, and then start to kind of yank the rug out from under the characters in certain ways?
Yeah. I mean Maggie says to Vic in episode two of season one, that every gift comes with a cost and when we meet Vic and Maggie, they haven’t been at it that long yet. Though we see Vic’s eye gets red, Vic’s eye sometimes bleeds, we see the bats leaving the bridge, and we have a suspicion that that has something to do with Vic’s state of mind. She hasn’t really suffered the deep consequences of it, at least as far as we know from using her gifts in season one.
Read more
NOS4A2: Joe Hill On What To Expect From Season 2
By Don Kaye
NOS4A2: Showrunner Reveals the Perils of Wraith Upkeep
By Alec Bojalad
But when we come back in season two, we see that there has been psychological damage to Vic, which is… that has a number of causes truthfully. One is her encounter with Charlie Manx, another is just her childhood wounds from her family of origin. But I think an argument could be made that it’s also from using her bridge. That takes a toll on Vic’s psyche. And of course when we come back, Maggie, who had been using her bag, her Scrabble bag with Tabitha in the eight years since last we saw them, initially at least to try to track down Bing Partridge. We see that the consequence of her continuing to use her gift has actually made it so much worse that she’s reluctant to use it. The stuttering has kind of moved on to seizures, full-blown seizures. And that was always our intention that we would eventually see the costs of using these powers on our characters.
A lot of the second season seems to be focused on Vic’s PTSD regarding dealing with Charlie Manx, but also we really dig more into the origin of Charlie Manx, who he is, what he’s all about. Does that kind of change the way you approach the show from a creative standpoint?
We always knew that we were going to tell those stories about Charlie Manx and our plan was always to tell them in season two, if we were lucky enough to get a season two. I’m really glad that we were because I find them compelling and so I’m glad we got to tell that story. In terms of does it change our approach to Manx? The answer is kind of.  It’s funny, last season, some of the feedback that I was hearing from fans on the show was this debate about whether or not Charlie was really bad, or if what he was saying was true, that he’s saving kids in bad situations. And I felt like there were a lot of folks who were believing Charlie’s story about himself, which is great, but I thought it was important to give another point of view on that story and really interrogate. He says he’s doing this all for the kids. Is that true? You know, I think that if you ask Zach Quinto that question, he would say yes, but I’m not so sure. I don’t know that I trust Charlie as much as Zach does. Charlie believes his own press, but I’m not sure I do, if that makes sense.
You said that there are some people who want to root for Charlie and kind of lean towards him. Some of the revelations that we see about his childhood, about his life, are definitely the kind of things that would make him more of a sympathetic character. So do you find it difficult to strike that balance between giving him a greater third dimension, more humanization, but not making him so sympathetic that those people who are on the fence towards him just become full-on Charlie Manx fans?
I don’t think that Charlie came from nowhere. He comes by his wounds honestly. Charlie had a rough childhood. So did Vic McQueen. They turned out to be very different people. Fundamentally Vic, though she is flawed, is a selfless person in a lot of ways. She is a courageous person, she is a big hearted generous person, and Charlie, his reaction to kind of his rough childhood, as traumatic as it was, was the opposite. It didn’t make him a bigger person. It made him a kind of more greedy, stingy, grasping vampire person.
And that’s interesting. You know, it’s in episode two of season two, we see a portion of his origin story. We don’t go all the way back to him as a child, which we do later in the story, but we see him with his wife and his child. And you know, to me that moment when he goes to Christmasland for the first time in the Wraith with Cassie and Millie, that he’s not expecting to go to Christmasland, his intention is to drive off a cliff for lack of a better term. It is a murderous impulse. So I think that that speaks to a darkness that is within Charlie that is not within Vic.
The post NOS4A2 Season 2: Jami O’Brien On Humanizing Charlie Manx appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/33jcV8w
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themothermary-blog1 · 6 years
i sound too much like my brothers   and now it makes more sense
i remember when i usto tell my brothers dont talk like that   life aint like that Tommy be nice    he use to tell me to take my rose collored glasses back to the country store  that as soon as i get a grip that life is primaraly bull shit that he woul be  happer with me   that i need to get my head out of the cloud up there and look around here we are living hell on earth   aint no god gona save you dad aint never coming back  and you real dad is uncle jack    pull my head out of gods ass     mary  we got to get the hell out of cleveland   he ended up in parma and i ended up with  religous hillbillys in southern ohio   now i have been giving the same advice my brothers gave me      i think these hilbillys  used gorilla glew  when inserting there heads up gods ass     the people you should trust the most are the ones who show a rainbow that has black in it   never beleave anything thats too perfict  or anybody that is too nice   if sombody aint showing some copping vice  pertaining to life  than the vice thay   are using is so much worse than the standards   you know  food , coffie ,cigeretts, alcohol drugs being a all around ass hole being on psy meds   i guyes we got the praying folks but those i dont trust the most because thay will never admit it but there copping mechanisim is based  on faith (hope)  i hope for them there is a god up there and i hope for them he cares i hope for them that theres a heven and i hope for them that jesus opened the door  i hope for them that if god does exist that he change his mind because of some crap some preast does under his name see thay are going under the word crist who is sopoato be the one who opened the door  if adam and eve did exist lets face it    it dosent take much to get god pissed    we are soposto be taking care of eachother down here and even after he gave his only begotten son humans are a bunch of self centered creatures   think about all the crap that has happined just since jusus died now you tell me if you were god and you soposedly gave you only son thay got beat half to death had to carrie that cross and then nailed to it  finally stabed   if i was god i would be so ticked so pissed  i would move where heven is with where hell is and trick the selfrichus hippacrits    when it was the time for the judgement day to come to get the human sorting day done i would pull a fast one and have sainten posse as me and open the gate and let all of them is ever one of them   theres going to be a fue that actually stuck to what thay were actuall soposto do but i assure you its very fue  i think mother taresia  maby princess diana    then he will come to people like me and ask whats your excuse i will openly admit i looked at all the religons and  none of them were ohonestly doing the jesus thing it all seemed like a lye so  i chucked all of it and did my best to try to be nice to all not just a fue chosen people  but to be ohonest the cristians are just hard to love thay seemed so fake to me so two faced to me the shit just got on my human nerves i tried to do religon but it just seemed like i was putting on some kind of show i mean i really wanted to beleave and i would put my all in it but it would just fade after awile   god unfortunatly if you needed me to pick the right one you shouldnt have given me so meny to pick from thay ass clame thay know whats best  so i deciced to get my own religous and leave you out of it untill i got to know the real you   sometimes humans just make me so angry it drives me out of my mind i just can let people treat me how ever thay want to   i do turn the other cheak  i have 4 cheaks but then im week after that ive pretty much had it.  so if i let you down im sorry but im a human and my life was anything but easy down there i know nobody ever said life was going to be easy or fair but sereously god did you have to hit me with all that shit  or if sainten had a hand couldnt you have told him enough is enougy because im sorry there comes a time when you have been through so much and seen so much that you just cant beleave theres a god anymore  if you were going to let that happen you should have given me some extra god stuff to go on you know like some kinda  ball of light that comes to me in the middle of the night and says i know you dont understand the reason for all this but trust me there is one then some second of pure happyness like a glimps of heven then put me to sleep so i can put up with more
now  i get my self in truble for this down there i hope its not the same up her but what the hell thay all say im a fuck up so i wont be one bit surprised if you do thay represent you
now get out your my life  movie projector  and i want to do this in a manor that is educational  not  my life falashes befor me
of lest leave out the day to day stuff and get to the big events to me and the importan events to you 
when we hit something that matters to eathor on of us lets stop and discuss it 
now we will keep score  on  some things can we call it even and just cross it out on other things can we find a equal and cross elimanate   once we are done we will see who comes out on top
if i win you let me in 
if you win i have to turn around bend over and let you boot my ass down to hell oh dont worrie sainten aint getting off easy when i walk in the gates of hell im going to be bitching  and whether or not he likes it im going to be trying to help those poor soals like me who just couldnt beleave and there for  mearly existed or in my case tried to do some of that stuff jusus said pertaining to humans 
  for the most part this was  my polacy as long as long as my fellow man dont do nothing to me ill treat him nicely  and have empathy   ill    do somethin to help poor people not just money carring words       ill do a little more to try to help a fue  i usually will lend a ear help people get through hard stuff.    i love kids  i care but im not too great with old people or people with bad learning probablems i did things to better my self and other people   ill give you this if clendlyness is next to godlyness i openly admit most of the time im a half ass to poor house keeper so ill go ahead and give you that one
now jenerally even when somebody does me wrong as long as it dont go on and on i am fairly forgiven
i did clean up my life when i was really not doing right and attemped to appologise to people it may have affected
i care about nature
i want people to be ok
i ohonestly admit it would take a lot for me to forgive the zwicks thay are the some of the coldbloodedist people i have ever met
i truly try to be ohonest   sometimes my ohonest is to a fult
i have a tendency when ive been wronged to point out other peoples faults in a effort to make my self feel better
i try to let people be who thay are and even be understanding if thay dont like me or my way of doing things
ocasionally i lye but never to just hurt sombody  not unless thay have purpously hurt me and its only to show them how it feels   unfortunatly what i have found out is that others people dont get hurt like me or atleast thay sure dont show it
you know i did care about brian and i did want our marrage to work and i did not set out to hurt him in any way shape or form i guyes thats why i cant understand why thay continue to treat me in this way  thay dont even have to outrightly appologise to  me  i have attempted to explain my actions and appologise to brian even attempt to justify his action based on mine but im sorry there comes a time when someones action in retaliation far out weigh the original offence and when it comes to the zwicks i think that point has hit.
if i wash my hands of the current situation for my my sons and my ex husbands sanity i can say this i did all of it to help my son i truly to my heat feel the interaction up to this poin have been for ther good of my son  i do think my son will be used and that thay may be cruel to him possably in the near future i do feel his father is holding him back from life out of selfishness   having said that i now must reolize i am stuck with my ex raising him and if i were to cause his father to see him self for the weekness he is i may cause him to have a mental break down and  that would hurt my son because he loves his father and looks up to him and bursting that bubble  would do more damage than good time will show my son all he needs to know if i cause his father to  have a mental breakdown  my son at this tender age will blame me finding out sad truth bit buy bit is the way most people like it  only i like to be punched in the stomach and get it over with  and get on with my life  he has been told im crazy and he beleaves it if his dad breakes down   what does that leave him with a sense of emptyness  and turning to the wrong people   and none of us want that no matter how much we dont like each othor we all care about him i guyes in our own way  
 so for my sons benifit i will try to pretend his father aint there and that the person in the other room is some cop that was told a bunch of bad stuff about me hes been told im very manipulative dont even talk to me.  he has been told that these visatations only serve the purpous to make me look like a bad person so being rude to her helps  he has been instruted to treat me like garbage so that my son will see me that way and not want anything to do with me anymore that i am to treat brian as death blind and dumb  and that he has pit bull tendencys and if i rattle his cage he will bark me out of the house by his self or using my son  and thats what he wants my son to hurt me or hate me  so thay can finally get rid of me with out bransten getting hurt  so that can play farm disney ever after      i am not play into this i am strong enough to handle this i have handles so much more
i must reolize how vonerable brian and his family must feel that thay are so affraid of me spending one more minute with him  why wasent i that afraid of shannons father  because i knew she didnt want to live with him i knew she was happy with me  i knew he didnt want her that he just wanted to see her
why elts would thay be sceard  thay have delt with sereous mental illness drug issues or drinking and thay  are tarafied because of that persons actions
or thay are so backward that thay cant see that my son would be fine that lots of people have lots of problems and its just life  thay know i ask for help when i need it  thay know i dont hurt kids   thay know i dont put kids down  brian know i pose no danger to him  the danger i pose is to brian and his family    if thay thought life was so great over there and so shitty at my house thay would want him to go and see for him self atleast for a fue  thay might even have brian bring him over here just so he could see how lousey life would be. thay know i will feed him  i have neighbors thay know bransten is in no real danger  thay are afraid he will be happy with me or maby i will take off with him i am too old for that crap i aint going to prison/ live with him on the run thay cant think im that stupid  thay cant possably think i would hurt him  do thay reolize what i went threw just to bring him into this world what i go through emotionally just to see him  what i just paid out to have more time with him  what i am going to be put threw to try to improve our visataions and still may only slightly improve the situation for me   are these people kidding me if anything bad ever happened to him at my house or because of me i would go crazy     that leaves brian who has not put all that much effort in  he did at first but what now does he rilly offer bransten funny faces a farm 
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oahn210-blog · 7 years
America's opioid crisis has become an “epidemic of epidemics”
America's opioid crisis has become an “epidemic of epidemics”
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A memorial calling into question God's existence in Huntington, West Virginia, on April 20, 2017. Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
Rising intravenous drug use has created new public health epidemics of hepatitis C and deadly bacterial infections.
On the one hand, the young mother who came into the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department clinic in Charleston, West Virginia, last fall had good news for the doctors there: She'd been off heroin for four days.
Yet she was far from well. She had a painful dental abscess in her jaw that was causing yellow pus to drain out of her ear. She had hepatitis C. She'd recently missed her period and was worried she might be pregnant with her third child.
The staff at the clinic, which is also a needle exchange, told me they estimate that at least 70 percent of their patients who use intravenous drugs are seeking not just fresh needles but treatment for hepatitis C, which they developed during drug use and can cost $20,000 to $90,000 to treat per person. Others have another kind of dangerous infection called bacterial endocarditis, or a combination of the two.
The United States often measures the severity of its opioid crisis in drug overdose deaths. Driven by prescription opioids, heroin, and the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl, drug overdoses claimed 64,000 lives in 2016 alone, more than the entire death toll during the Vietnam War.
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Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
Paraphernalia for smoking and injecting drugs after it was found during a police search in Huntington, West Virginia, on April 19, 2017.
But on top of the skyrocketing overdoses, there is a related public health crisis that's largely overlooked and gravely underfunded. Opioid and heroin use is causing a dramatic spike in new hepatitis C infections, as well as dangerous bacterial infections that, if left untreated, can cause strokes and require multiple open-heart surgeries. Doctors and public health officials also fear America is on the brink of more HIV outbreaks, driven by intravenous drug use.
With the federal government slow to act, small needle exchange clinics like the one run by Charleston's city health department are on the front lines, desperately trying to stop or slow the spread of these infections by treating them and encouraging patients to seek addiction treatment.
“This really is an epidemic of epidemics,” said Dr. Michael Brumage, the Charleston health department's executive director. “The number of overdoses does not convey the full scope of the tragedy that's playing out in front of us.”
Lawmakers and federal officials often cite $45 billion as the amount of money needed to treat the drug crisis, but experts say the real number to treat addiction and disease brought on by drugs is likely four times that. It would account for costs like curing hepatitis C ($20,000 to $90,000 per person) and open-heart surgery for bacterial endocarditis ($100,000 to $200,000). A bipartisan spending bill Congress passed last month contains $6 billion in funding for opioid abuse and mental health treatment, which local officials say is nowhere close to what's needed.
With little help from the federal government, clinics like Kanawha-Charleston are badly underresourced in their fight against drugs and the diseases they cause.
“I feel like I probably just see the tip of the iceberg on this because I'm typically seeing the sickest folks in the hospital”
America's opioid epidemic started in the 1990s and early 2000s when doctors began prescribing opioids for pain. Due to a combination of factors, including pharmaceutical companies pushing pills, doctors believing the drugs were safe, and incentives for a fast, efficient health care system that prioritized quick fixes, opioid prescriptions proliferated. The US is by far the leading prescriber of opioids in the world.
As prescriptions for addictive opioids like OxyContin became harder to come by, some people turned to heroin.
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But the proliferation of intravenous drug use has led to a syndemic, or “multiple diseases feeding off of one another,” according to Tufts University public health professor Thomas Stopka.
One risk is infections from dirty needles, injection tools, and water to mix drugs. People often think of shared needles as the culprit for infection, but simply using the same needle or spoon to cook drugs multiple times is also a risk factor, as is not sanitizing skin or needles with rubbing alcohol.
Then there's the matter of what's actually being injected. Some drug users in Charleston use toilet water to mix their drugs, according to clinic staff. Sometimes, they'll draw water out of the brown, silty Kanawha River, said Abdul Muhammad, 56, a local Charleston resident and drug user who attended a Narcan training session at the clinic this fall.
“A lot of people are careless,” Muhammad said, speaking of the young drug users he sees. “They don't get the capacity of the dangers.”
When bacteria builds up in needles or in the cookers used to mix drugs, it gets shot into a person's bloodstream along with the drug, where it can travel anywhere throughout the body. Bacterial infections like this are called endocarditis; they are most dangerous when they reach the heart valve, causing nodules of bacteria to build up.
“If the infection is left unchecked and undiagnosed, it can become several inches in length and width and look like a sail billowing throughout the heart chamber,” said Dr. Jonathan Eddinger, a cardiologist at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, New Hampshire.
There are 40,000 to 50,000 new cases of bacterial endocarditis in the US each year, but it's not known exactly how many come from injecting drug use. One study found the prevalence of drug-induced endocarditis and other serious infections nearly doubled between 2002 and 2012, from about 3,421 cases nationwide to 6,535.
What's particularly worrying about the potential rise of these infections among drug users it that on average, they cost more than $120,000 per patient to treat. Out of the $15 billion hospitals billed to treat opioid patients in 2012, more than $700 million went to treating patients with infections.
Catholic Medical Center is one of the two main hospitals in New Hampshire's largest city, and it has seen a sharp rise in bacterial endocarditis. In 2008, doctors saw one or two cases of infected heart valves per month. By 2016, that had risen to about eight to nine cases per month, Eddinger said.
“The number is probably enormous,” he said. “I feel like I probably just see the tip of the iceberg on this because I'm typically seeing the sickest folks in the hospital.”
Sometimes patients require multiple complicated surgeries, including open-heart surgery, with no guarantee that one will be enough if the patient can't stay clean.
Endocarditis patient James Pernal found that out the hard way, after about six or seven years of IV drug use. Vox contacted Pernal on the online forum Reddit after he wrote about his experience on a page for people who had experienced bacterial endocarditis. When Pernal messaged back, he was in still the hospital, recovering from his latest bout of the infection. Earlier in the year, endocarditis had given him his first stroke and nearly killed him, he said.
“When I got to the hospital I was rushed to ICU,” Pernal wrote. “Had no idea I had a vegetation growing in my mitral valve. It ended up going into my brain causing the stroke.”
“You don't really feel anything from endocarditis,” he added. “It's not painful, but after being on antibiotics in hospital for a month, the corrosion and plaque on the exterior of my heart traveled to my foot, causing it to turn purple and look like Freddy Krueger's face. They said it could have gone to my internal organs and killed me overnight so I was lucky it just went to my foot.”
If caught early enough, an infection can be cleared up with an intensive regimen of antibiotics. But if it gets worse, patients as young as 20 or 30 are at risk of stroke. Doctors have to perform open-heart surgery to replace the infected heart valve, which can cost between $100,000 and $200,000. Patients often don't see a doctor until they realize something is seriously wrong with them, which is complicated by stigma or fear that the police could get involved, Eddinger said.
“We don't get them regularly until they're very ill,” he said. “They're embarrassed, quite honestly.”
After his stroke and the infection in his foot, Pernal couldn't walk for a few weeks, and he eventually had to have open-heart surgery so that doctors could repair his damaged valves. Pernal estimated he spent a third of 2017 in hospitals from an infection he got from dirty needles.
“Mostly, people get it from dirty needles,” he wrote. “I can't stress using a clean needle each time you dose. Honestly though I'd stress not even to go IV route. It's not worth the damage it can do. It's a way bigger issue than addicts think. Everyone thinks it won't happen to them, but it can and will.”
Cases of hepatitis C associated with intravenous drug use are rising too
Another serious unintended consequence of the opioid crisis is the fast-rising rate of hepatitis C, a virus that spreads quickly through dirty needles. The United States has seen a threefold increase in hepatitis C cases over the past five years; the number of new cases rose from 853 in 2010 to 2,436 in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The opioid crisis has spurreda dramatic risein hepatitis C infections, especially among younger users. Between 2004 and 2014, there was a 400 percent increase in hepatitis C infections in Americans ages 18 to 29, according to the CDC. There's a similarly bleak picture for people ages 30 to 39, with a 325 percent increase in infections.
New research by the CDC suggests that this spike in hepatitis C infection rates is associated with a rise in intravenous drug use. As government researchers analyzed national and state data, they found infection rates rising at a similar trajectory to hospital admissions for opioid injection.
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Christina Animashaun/Vox
Part of the reason hepatitis C rates are spiking so much is the virus is much more resilient than other viruses like HIV. Whereas the HIV virus dies quickly outside the body, the HCV virus (which causes hepatitis C) can survive longer and therefore is easier to transmit. If left untreated, hepatitis C can cause liver cancer or cirrhosis.
In West Virginia, the state arguably hardest hit by opioid addiction, hepatitis C cases have tripled in just the past three years, according to Dr. Rahul Gupta, West Virginia's health commissioner. Rural areas had more than double the rate of cases as in urban areas, according to a 2015 report from the CDC.
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Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
A woman suspected of acting under the influence of heroin shows her arms to local police in Huntington, West Virginia, on April 19, 2017.
The good news is that there is a cure for hepatitis C; the bad news is that the cheapest course of treatment costs more than $20,000 and ranges all the way up to $90,000. Therefore, many state Medicaid programs have strict rules around paying for treatment.
One of the first patients at the Kanawha-Charleston clinic on a rainy fall day had recently discovered he was positive for the disease. (Clinic staff estimate 70 percent of the patients who come in have contracted hepatitis C through IV drug use.)
The man was soft-spoken and polite, with shaved silver hair, weathered skin, and holes in the knees of his jeans. He was carrying a black messenger bag full of used needles, which tumbled out into a plastic collection box when he turned it upside down. He asked clinic volunteer Sarah Embrey whether his insurance would pay for the hepatitis C cure. Embrey, a local pharmacist, looked at his state Medicaid card.
“You've got to be clean,” she told him.
West Virginia's Medicaid program only pays for it once in a person's lifetime, and if the patient is addicted to opioids, he needs to demonstrate he's been sober before insurance pays for the cure.
The man nodded. He said he had recently kicked heroin but was still shooting crystal meth.
“I feel like that was a big step,” he said.
“Syndemic” diseases feeding off each other cost our health system billions of dollars
It costs tens of thousands to perform open-heart surgery on a patient who has bacterial endocarditis. And there's no guarantee one surgery will be enough if patients continue to inject drugs. Eddinger has seen the same person in for a heart valve replacement multiple times; in fact, 25 percent of endocarditis patients in his hospital are repeat patients, about 250 over the past five years.
Not only is surgery costly, but the risk of complications goes up each time one is performed. The risk “goes up exponentially as they go in, and these folks aren't coming in healthy to begin with; they're coming in sick,” Eddinger said.
For all these reasons, University of Kentucky researcher Dr. Laura Fanucchi is adamant that evidence-based treatment like Suboxone, therapy, and counseling need to be offered to bacterial endocarditis patients, so that there's less of a chance they'll land back in the hospital in need of a second surgery.
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Spencer Platt/Getty Images
A second bout of endocarditis “is often worse than the first, and these are young people,” Fanucchi said. “It's devastating.”
With little help coming from the federal government, needle exchanges are racing against time
Public health officials across the country are fearful that the drug crisis could precipitate an HIV outbreak. This happened in Indiana in 2015, when about 190 people were diagnosed with HIV from shared needles. The outbreak convinced the state's then-governor, Mike Pence, to allow needle exchanges to open up access to clean needles. It helped get the state's crisis under control, but even so, the cost to the state was vast.
Officials estimated each patient diagnosed with HIV would take $1 million of state money when health care and public assistance was factored into the total cost. That meant taxpayers were looking at paying at least $190 million to take care of 190 people. And that's just in one state.
Needle exchanges serve a dual purpose: making sure drug users are injecting with clean equipment to prevent infection, and getting dirty needles off the streets and disposed of properly. There is a collection box outside the health department that can hold 38 gallons of needles; it was full in the first five days. Once Charleston city officials collect the needles, they have a machine that sanitizes and crushes them up, turning them into small pieces of plastic that can be disposed of.
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Robert Nickelsberg/Getty ImagesUsed syringes in the bottom of a trash bin at Howard Center in Burlington, Vermont, on May 24, 2016. The center provides a needle exchange program, supplies, counseling, and other services.
The Charleston health department only runs the clinic for five hours per day, one day per week, typically seeing about 400 people in that time. Most people come in for the clean needles, cookers, and cotton swabs, while others are seeking medical attention.
Needle exchanges are controversial because some people believe they enable drug use, but multiple studies have found them to be effective at reducing infection rates among drug users. In Charleston, the city's needle exchange has partnered with local doctors and behavioral health specialists to provide even more services to the local population - treating flesh wounds and infections in the clinic and trying to get drug users into treatment.
The price tag often cited by the White House and Congress to treat America's opioid crisis is $45 billion - though there's little sign that amount will ever be allocated. And experts say that's just a quarter of what's needed. If you take into account the costs of treating the diseases associated with addiction like hepatitis C and bacterial endocarditis, the number is closer to $186 billion over a decade, according to Dr. Richard Frank, a health economist at Harvard.
This gets to another problem public health providers are seeing: It's much easier to get addicted in America than it is to get clean. A 2016 report by the surgeon general found that just 10 percent of Americans with a drug use disorder obtain specialty treatment.
Clinic staff in West Virginia can hand out clean needles, treat wounds, and encourage people to seek treatment, but in many states, there are not enough available beds at treatment facilities and not enough drug maintenance programs offering Suboxone or methadone to meet the needs of Americans with drug addiction.
Preventive and harm reduction programs like the Kanawha-Charleston clinic in West Virginia cost money upfront, but if they are able to prevent the spread of bacterial endocarditis, hepatitis C, and HIV in their area, they could ultimately save the taxpayers a lot of money in the long run, the Charleston health department's Brumage said.
“If we prevent one to two cases of endocarditis, this program pays for itself,” he said.
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via America's opioid crisis has become an “epidemic of epidemics”
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subetei-noykin · 7 years
In-depth Profile, Subetei Noykin
Note: Stolen/taken from @miss-bullets-and-booze who made it for her character and it seemed like a fantastic way to get back into Subetei for me!
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"Can't you see I'm sorry? I'll make it worth your while.
I'm made of dead mans money, you can see it in my smile.”
Full Name: Subetei of the Noykin
Pronunciation: Sue-be-tei
Pseudonym: X
Nicknames: Scales
Age: Thirty Cycles
Name Day: 32nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Birthplace: Azim Steppes, Othard
Guardian: The Salt and Storm
Residence: Limsa Lominsa / Semi-Nomadic
"Thousand faces staring at me, thousand times I've fallen.
Thousand voices dead at my feet. Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone.”
Motto:  “Take only what you're willing to have taken, give only what you're willing to get.”
Theme Song: Fire - Barns Courtney
Face Claim: Jason Momoa (Sorry not Sorry)
"The deepest waters won't take me, the highest fall won't break me.
The blood and sweat is what made me, made me."
Gender: Male
Race: Au Ra, Xaela Tribe (Noykin)
Height: Seven fulms, one ilm
Weight: Two-hundred sixty one ponze
Eyes: Narrow and hawkish, right eye crystalline blue with large pupil, left damaged and milky white with blood infiltration in the orb
Hair: Steel gray with straw blonde tips, swept back and spiked with four long braids in the front. Medium length at first glance, actually shoulder blade length.
Skin: Purple-Blue, rough and calloused with hard lines
Build: Muscular and toned but wide and sturdy, good bone structure
Auri Features: Dark Blue/Purple scales over majority of face and body including jaw line and nose bridge. Six visible horns, two pronounced which have metallic inserts on their tips and dagger-like shape while the remaining four rise from his hairline and scalp
Scars: Left eye, center chest, shoulder, innumerable others of varying seriousness
Tattoos/Marks: None
At First Glance (+5)
A Warrior: Spotting him in a crowd is rarely hard and he is typically armed, though rarely fully armored. It's in the way he holds himself, the rhythm he moves and the gait which threatens to push those who step in his path over. Even without his rough appearance or scars, or even the callouses on his hands, it would be hard to mistake him for anything but what he is with his body language and the myriad of battle scars covering him. He may smile and laugh, be friendly and around his mate he can even be seen as a gentle man, but there is always a sharpness to his eye and readiness for violence that reads in him clearly enough to put others off.
Odd-Eye: While his eye-patches admirably hide it, Subetei's left eye is utterly decimated and even the surrounding skin shows tell-tale burns, scar edges and fissures of skin that have healed and marred over. It is impossible to not notice in good lighting and seeing it is unsettling to say the least. Underneath it is even worse; The eye has been split and sealed, re-healed and fused to the skin in some places. The milky white orb is bloodshot in places and has flecks of blood mixed in, with no real pupil, and some parts of the bone stick out near the edges of the eye. It is a gruesome sight and it is why he rarely removes his eye patch.
Self-Made: While he does wear some items professionally made or fitted, the vast majority of what Subetei wears is hand-stitched and crafted by him for his own purposes and as such it is rare to find him not wearing something made of hide, leather or decked in fur. While not ugly or poor quality there is a definite simplicity in his designs that shows. Hardly flashy or elegant, there is also an element of Xaelan tribalism that shows as well; Fang necklaces, hanging tassels and colored patterns, it would be hard to ignore such a thing and Subetei wears it proudly.
Heavy Metal: Contrasting to his own creations, Subetei is rarely far from well crafted and maintained arms to the point that even in his most casual moments he will have a hand or cutting axe available. In private this isn't so much a problem, but in public he is usually dragging around a greataxe of proportional size to himself, and this can mean that one is suddenly faced with an over seven fulms tall Xaela with an axe larger than most hyurans. A startling sight to be sure.
Talk Like A Pirate: Despit having been born in Othard, Subetei has spent most of his life and living in Limsa Lominsa, to the extent that he learned the common speech of Eorzea -from- Limsan natives. He speaks with a thick accent of Limsan that on it's own would be rough to discern but he also had the rich, deep and gravel-like voice of a Xaela with their unique speech patterns and inflections. This makes his natural speech difficult to pull apart and understand, though he can control it to some degrees. Speaking more slowly and clearly often allows him to at least be understood with minimal thought.
"Forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me and you'll never stand alone.
I'm last to leave but the first to go, lord make me dead before you make me old."
Occupation: Freelance Mercenary, Hunter, Tanner
Specialties: Close Combat, Hunting, Animal Taming & Pack Combat, Archery, Squad Tactics and Battlefield Strategy
Skills: Adept Blacksmith, Expert Tanner and Leatherworker
"Hey you there in the mirror, yeah that's something to fear
Cla cla claw my way to the top, cause i don't believe in luck."
Education: Self-taught
Favored Weapon(s): Axes of all shapes and sizes
Secondary Weapon(s): Hunting Bows, Knives
Magic Abilities: Berserker Rage (Innate Aether, Uncontrolled
Magic Strengths: Untested, Unknown
"I said all this time I'm thinking my body don't need me, all we can do is breathe
Said all this time I'm thinking your body can set me free, all we can do is breathe."
Sexual Preference: Demisexual
Romantic Identification: Monogamous
Relationship Status: Mated
Sweet on: Neyuki
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Alignment: True Neutral
Allies: Various Mercenary and Adventurer Friends
Enemies: The Elementals and Various Other Factions
"By the skin of my teeth, I'm comin' home
By the sole of my feet, I'm comin'home
I'm comin' home, but I ain't comin' home for you."
Maternal: Urnai Noykin (Deceased)
Parental: Ergan Noykin (Unknown)
Mentor: Valdhur Granspar (Former Captain of The Wakehounds Privateers, deceased)
Neyuki Utaura (Mate, Companion, Medic)
Mathias Bedois (Friend)
Seemo Eulen (Friend?)
Faucertaux Carpentier (Former Boss, Friend)
Sigrid Der'ioslainn (Former Captain, Friend)
Ulan Qestir (Friend)
Roka (Friend)
Nerkhun Malaguld (Friend, Companion of Ulan)
Bexy and the Limsan Fight Club (Friends and Punch Partners)
Jun'to Nharuya and the Gin Mills (Friends and Maiming Muchacos)
Alred Briarthorne, Wind Moondark, Asajin & The Black Crown Mercenaries (Former Squadmates and Subordinates)
[List Continues for some time, he knows a lot of folks and I can't name them all oh god]
Companion: Valdhur [Red Chocobo, Warbred]
"One day the shadows will surround me. Someday the days will come to end
Sometime I’ll have to face the real me. Somehow I’ll have to learn to bend"
Social Level: Easily coaxed into social behavior. Open and brash. Jovial and quick to friendship. Hard to anger or offend. Comfortable in small groups or large crowds equally.
Optimistic View(s): There is no shame in the work of living, no sin in the act of surviving.
Pessimistic View(s): No one gets out alive. Life will take all it gives in time.
One  Positive Personality Trait:  Subetei is the sort of person who attracts others with a boisterous personality and a hearty laugh, no matter the circumstances. Even in the midst of a fight he can usually find time to crack a smile or a joke and in social settings it is rare he lets someone be a 'wallflower' around him, opening his table and tab to others with little reservation.
One Negative Personality Trait: Subetei is incredibly physical and has no consideration for his own monstrous strength around others. From a simple hand-shake to sparring, he does not hold back in any interaction with others and while this is normally not an issue, it makes it hard to be around him if one is frail or excitable.
·One Personality Warning: Abuse of his trust is tantamount to asking to die when it comes to Subetei. If he considers you a close friend, which takes some work, breaking that bond is traumatic to him in a very personal way and if you're lucky, you'll simply find yourself on the bad end of an ass whooping. If what you'e done is severe enough, he has no qualms about seeking his own revenge and retribution no matter what laws or barriers would stand between him and you.
Random Quirk: Digs his claws into furniture when excited.
Hobbies: Wandering and Riding, Sparring and Training, Physical Labors, Brewing Mead and Alcohol
Addictions: Work, Neyuki, Fighting and Violence
Habits: Glib, Violence Prone, Outgoing and Upbeat, Accidental Intimidation, Intentional Intimidation, Swearing Every Other Word
Pleasures: Good Drink, Hunting, The Outdoors, Working with Animals, Seafaring, Combat and Fighting, Sex, Control
Appreciates (List 5+)
Humility Humor Craftsmanship Beauty Strength Honesty Commitment Self-Control Accomplishment Skill Knowing Ones Self
Dislikes (List 5+)
Defeatism Lies Fire Unearned Authority Disrespect Paranoia False Promises Intolerance
Strengths (List 5+)
Patient Good Teacher Honest and Loyal Hardworking Committed and Dedicated Physical Dynamo Thrifty and Coinwise Good Business Sense Open and Tolerant (Tries to be) Thoughtful Extroverted and Inviting Able to Listen or Chat equally Forgets grudges easily Self-Reliant Outdoorsman Expert Mercenary Tactical Mindset
Weaknesses (List 5+)
Berserker Easy to break Trust Difficulty developing relationships Addicted to combat and violence Mercenary attitude Grey Morality Self-invested Coin Driven No Self-Preservation Neyuki No Family Values Craves Work and Physical Exertion Cannot Cook Carries Weight, Even if he doesn't have to
Fears (List 5+)
Losing Neyuki Losing his remaining eye The loss of freedom Inability To Work or Fight Returning To Othard
“I spent those days huntin' hard and fast, With no place to lay my head
And the sound of the rain against the roof, Was loud enough to wake the dead”
Favorite Food(s): Jerky, Aldgoat Steak, Breadfruit, Stews, Anything La Noscean
Favorite Drink(s): Teas, Ale Mead or Rum, Water, Coffee
Favorite Scent(s): Heat, Dry earth, rain on the breeze, herbs and sweets, metal sparking and copper in the mud
Favorite Colors: Black, Brown, Green and Blue or subcolors
We seek tomorrow’s sun, It’s all for the taking here 
Only the valiant survive, Live for better years
Subetei's mixed upbringing has given him a tenuous faith in the Twelve, or the Xaelan deities, and instead he has developed a slightly paganistic viewpoint of the world in the form of natural phenomena. The Salt and Storm, as he calls this viewpoint, is a simple belief that while life is harsh and can be demanding, it's pains and undertakings are rewarding in experience if nothing else. It also holds a certain karmic edge to it as well. He does not really call this a 'religion' or believe others should live like this.
His wounded eye is extraordinarily light sensitive despite being functionally blind and when exposed to sunlight or other equally bright sources it's akin to having the wound reopened with blades of salt and fire. It causes him incredible pain and exposure for a long period can lead to blacking out or migraines so intense they last days. His eyepatch is as much a safety measure as it is a decoration for him and as such he wears extremely well-made patches. Metal wires are used to reinforce the straps and the leather is studded if not inset with metal sheets. He also uses metal ringlets on his horns to hold the patches in place. If he expects particularly pitched or harsh conditions he will often use salves or pastes to hold the patch in place.
With his inherent reliance on instincts and natural tendency to disassociate from morality or consciousness during battle, Subetei has developed a dangerous habit of going into berserker trances during battle that put his already high reflexes into overdrive and his natural senses become sharp enough that he has, for instance, picked up the sound of an arrow approaching and smashed it aside before it can connect with him. While useful and extremely dangerous to others, it presents a unique danger to himself as well, as his already uncomfortably high pain tolerance is also increased and he has been known to inflict damage on himself to continue to fight, even at the risk of health or death.
Subetei has an unstable aether that has never been trained, developed or explored in any respect. He cannot use aetheryte, cast spells or channel it in any meaningful way willingly or consciously and those who try and scry his aetheric strength are faced with a soupy, chaotic mess that does not spell much out. Yet he has been known to perform feats that can only be described as 'inhuman' when he fights unconsciously and in his trances, leading some to conclude that Subetei's aether actively permeates him at all times and empowers him, allowing him to fight at above-optimal strength and focus even when he should be gravely wounded. This is not formally confirmed, but it would explain why he also tends to be quick to recover from wounds and injuries as well as his distaste for sitting still and being idle.
While he and Neyuki share an amazing chemistry that cannot be called anything but 'love', Subetei has historically been awkward and uncomfortable around women and intimacy in the past. During his time before Neyuki he had next to no partners and no long-term relationships due to his emotional issues at his younger age and later on his insistence on isolation. He also has certain physical irregularities that make him wary of sex. When approached sexually or flirtatiously he often comes off as cold and aloof, if not outright dismissive, as he has frankly no fucking idea how to react to it in most circumstances.
While Subetei does a good job of containing it, there is a part of him that thrives in the loosening of his reins and control. This primarily comes to the front during battle when he looses himself, but it also tends to show in other moments where restraint is pressed; This includes his time with Neyuki and they are infamous in certain taverns and inns for the destruction of property that has occurred when Subetei truly lets go of himself, and more than once it has been suggested that Subetei's habit of carrying Neyuki everywhere is a symptom of this.
Subetei can pilot a boat and maintain a ship well enough that he is often comfortable going out by himself on sailboats over moderate distances and he loves the ocean, but a certain thrill-seeking part of him loves the sky and airships. During his time in a mercenary company with such vessels he frequently took out the ship he was assigned and used it for all sorts of activities, both on and off the job.
It cannot be understated the kind of outdoorsman Subetei is, to the extent that he can and has survived over a month in the wilderness with only basic supplies to begin with. During his time as a hunter and mercenary he has learned many survival and wilderness methods that he has also become a scarily accurate tracker and wayfinder, though he often does not use those skills in anything but his actual work. He has discovered some secreted places in his times in the wilderness and though he has recorded them quietly, he does not intend to explore or give away their location. Some things are intriguing to simply know.
Subetei's eye was lost during an extremely controversial moment in Gridanian history, where the Wood Wailers and Twin Adders as well as mercenaries hired by an unconfirmed source, descended on a Keeper of the Moon encampment accused of poaching and harboring criminals to the Shroud. Subetei balked when the order was given to drive the children and non-combatants out of the encampment with fire, an act that would have cost lives, and turned on his employers. Though he survived he harbors a lasting grudge against the Elementals, for allowing such an act to be considered free of sin yet hunting to survive be an act worthy of reprisal, and he further disdains Gridania for their involvement in the action and subsequent attempts to play the act off as the work of factions impersonating Wailers and Adders.
One might be forgiven for assuming Subetei does not speak the Auri dialect anymore after his time in the rest of the world but this is extremely untrue. While he has difficulty reading Auri script nowadays he can still speak fluent and distinct Auri with an old Xaelan syntax and inflection that marks his time away from the Steppe. He chooses not to converse in it often, even among other Xaela, to preserve the air of distance he has from the Xaelan culture and to keep an ear on those around him if they do speak it. He is also fluent in sign and non-verbal gestures as Neyuki is mute, allowing him to communicate with Qester rather comfortably at times.
Subetei is a Noykin by blood and nothing else. He does not use his name as a surname and instead as a title, as if it is only a formal thing, and he does not recognize any other Noykin as his brothers or sisters in any way. Though he still retains many of their skills and love of animals he is long removed form his family and their culture. To introduce oneself to him as a fellow Noykin is to receive the same greeting as anyone else, but he has no patience or acceptance for those who would use the name to garner clout with him.
Server: Balmung
Timezone: PST
Mun: Male / 27yrs
Experience: Roleplay Experience of 14+ years. Writes in any format, matches length and complexity where possible. Will scene In-Game, Discord and other mediums as requested.
Type of RP: Any/All, Mature and R-Rated themes included. Long-term Storylines or One-shot scenes. Enjoys interacting with Canon and OC alike.
Looking for: Friends, Partners, Punchvictims, Employers, Brothers or Sisters in Arms, Privateers and Pirates, Gridanians and Ishgardians to grouse at, Rivals or Antagonists. Pretty much anyone!
Tagging: @tarot-dancer @the-false-ser-toes @ulanqestir @alred-briarthorne @nharuya @rokachan @windflower-moondark @sigridderioslainn @falconsgaze @uurkhilen @theolder @cranialupi @healerstail @lamiavuinuet @muffinsandglasses @lorythas @an-ale-of-a-tale @trishelle @kulain @riskibusiness @doman-swordswoman @snowy-catte @snowcoeurl-xiv @snowdrop-xiv @praise-nhaama @ayyymeric @aymeric-the-blue @accaliadecorus @heretiques-xiv @shirtlesslizard @degeneratemagicalcatgirl @bexyamalaryssia @illyrianausagi @skysteelsun @the-hawkeyes @dietkoalawithlime @chiffon-rabbit @connor-is-the-captain-of-my-bed @wyrmbled @lordcommanderaymeric @safestsephiroth @freshorenjuice @moryera @wyvernjack-xiv @rexnorh @maybeimawhale @eiragos
I can’t keep tagging but this maelstrom of tags if brought to by ‘I wanna interact with everyone but have only one soul to sell for more free time so if ya’all got tagged or even if you didn’t, please feel free to hit me up for the RP’.
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