#really Really excited to see the finals of the Neon series if the leaks are anything to go by
coldvampire · 1 year
unrelated note but I may or may not be expecting a new doll tomorrow lmfao
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zh-lele · 8 months
Oasis (Preview)
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In a hostile environment or in a sequence of unpleasant situations, an oasis provides pleasure.
■Pairing: vampire!Doyoung x club dancer!fem reader x vampire!Johnny
■Genres: supernatural, horror, smut, romance if you want to call it like that (it's not).
■Warnings: mature themes; explicit sexual content, drugs and alcohol involved, guns, violence, death scenes and mentions of it, and some gore scenes. MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT!
■Preview wordcount: ~2.5k words.
■Estimated wordcount for the full fic: idk I have like 19k words written so far so this gonna be a long one.
Author's note: hey every1 :) I've been working on this fic for sooo long and it's sooo long don't know when I'll finish it it's all planned out I really just gotta finish the last scenes. But I figured that if you all like this preview a bit I could post it in two parts or something like that. I know this preview won't show much, but I don't wanna spoil !!!!! cuz there will be a lot going on and I rlly like this story, and doyoung to me is like the supreme vampire so finally having him to be one in one of my stories--I'm excited. I hope I can do it justice. Anyway, you all know how it goes: if you like this, comment, ask me more about it, ask to be in a taglist, reblog, etc., etc.. I appreciate you, tysm for the love on my other fics !!!
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.scene 01: words that will satisfy me
Lightning split the sky as the rain lashed the roof of the old bus, the drops seeping through the leaks, wetting the worn leather of its seats and spreading on the floor. You were lucky that public transportation was running that night and under those conditions, even more so considering that you had to be on time for your show at the casino—you couldn't afford to lose another night of work to torrential rains, even if it meant walking for forty minutes under the water from your house to the luxurious building.
The dirty streets of Seoul were already empty by the time you got off the bus, except for the old man you couldn't escape from even a single night arriving at the casino. While he wasn't inside, spending what was probably his last life savings on alcohol, drugs, and women (like most of the men you saw every night), he was living on the outskirts; under the big billboard of neon lights and on the fine and cold marble of the entrance serving as his refuge, along with a bed made of cardboard and an old, dirty mattress. Yuta kicked him out every night, especially the moment you arrived and he remembered the old man's presence due to the nasty comments he would give you, as you started up the stairs and toward the big golden doors.
Tonight was no different. Yuta left his position at the entrance as fast as he saw you coming and felt the old man open his mouth—although he didn't have a chance to say anything. As if Yuta could guess his intentions, he was in charge of throwing him in the hands of two high-security guards to the street and under that torrential rain; the homeless man's few belongings getting completely drenched, and causing the man to wail as he wandered off in search of a different place to spend the night. Only a series of what you assumed were complaints and curses came out of Yuta's mouth, in his native tongue.
Yuta lit a cigarette and didn't bother to return to his position. A quick wave of his hands was enough to have another man replace him, while he smoked under the cover of the water, resting momentarily from another night enriching his pockets in the largest casino in the city.
He opened his mouth to speak. A cold ran through your whole body at the same time that lightning struck right on the building across the street, highlighting the silhouette of the Japanese above the violent discharge. He squeezed then opened his eyes, already too irritated by all the interruption, to continue:
"Go upstairs. Dry yourself up and put on some other clothes. Doyoung wants to see you."
"But my show starts at two o'clock."
"Just do as I say."
You hurried to walk on the red carpet, passing between round tables and banquettes padded with burgundy velvet. The smell of alcohol mingled with that of fine perfumes and that of the money, scattered on each table among glasses, cards, and chips, and also kept in the pockets and wallets of the rich.
The back pocket of your black imitation of leather pants buzzed, so you reached for an old phone, its broken screen showing a message from Soyeon where she attached a picture of a ladder; the red neon lights of a "V.I.P." sign shone above it. You wondered why she was at the entrance to the third floor—an exclusive place that humans like you and Soyeon rarely frequented. So you quickly typed a message questioning what that photo meant before going downstairs.
The club was located below the casino and just above the parking lot. The stairs were marked with neon green arrows indicating floor -1 if you went down—your designated place of work. It was a very different world from the casino. While above the gold metal-edged bars gleamed in the warm light of huge chandeliers, below the place could barely be defined; cigarette smoke obscured what little vision the red lights dangling from the ceiling provided, and the confines of the club were lost in darkness, making it easy to get lost in that dive for hours.
The floor was slippery from the amount of alcohol that had already been spilled throughout the night, and you had to be careful not to trip or injure yourself on a dropped glass bottle. It was hard to move through the bodies that wouldn't stop dancing and pushing and gasping for breath as the club got more and more crowded. But still, you made it backstage and to the dressing rooms where you and the dancers were getting ready for the shows every night.
"Girl, you need me to do something for you?"
"Please," you begged while looking at the guy who shared the stage with you through the mirror. "Can you get my dress and my boots?"
Without wasting a second, you started working on your makeup. Red and black eyeshadow that accentuated your gaze, and a lipstick that was about to run out after so many nights of shared use—bloody red is what said on the side of its cover.
The boy returned shortly after with your clothes in one hand and a glass of liquor in the other. He lit a cigarette inside the small space while you changed, his eyes following your every move. Only the music coming from the club filled your ears until you opened the door ready to go out and he questioned you.
"Where are you going in such a hurry? There's still five until the show starts."
"Yeah, I know but…" you hesitated on telling him. It wasn't a secret amongst the human workers that you and Doyoung kind of had a thing—they knew you fucked from time to time, but you had no clue why he wanted to see you at that moment.
Doyoung managed everything and everyone at the club and knew your schedule like the palm of his hand. Work had always been his top priority as well, so you knew for sure he wasn't going to make you show up late on stage. Still, you didn't want to raise suspicions about anything, didn't want people to talk too much.
The boy—that was named Ten and was the second nicest person you knew as soon as you started working at the club—raised his brows at you, growing impatient, making gestures with both his hands for you to keep talking.
"Doyoung wants to see me," you finally concluded. "I don't know what he wants, but it'll be quick."
Ten only hummed and reached inside of his platforms, taking out a small blade and putting it in front of your face. His breath, which smelled like mint and whiskey, brushed your face while he talked. "Be careful." And he hid the blade inside one of your boots.
You gave him a nod along with a sympathetic smile and closed the door behind you on your way to Doyoung's office.
A long corridor connected the backstage dressing room to a mezzanine at the other end of the club. Suspended in the air from one side to the other, its tinted glass walls stretched to the roof of the club. Doyoung kept his office lit to a minimum, and the red lights outside it blocked all vision through the glass and into his office. This allowed him to have absolute control of everything that happened in his club, and to give orders without even having to get up from his chair.
You knocked on his door and looked above, at the corner of the corridor, letting the camera focus on your face. The door buzzed, indicating you were good to come inside.
Doyoung was sitting in his green velvet upholstered chair, facing the glass walls. A suit almost as pale as his skin accentuated his defined figure, even in that position. He turned to you, a welcoming smile adorning his face, and extended his left hand, the one not occupied with a glass feeding his tendencies, inviting you to get closer.
He called your name before holding your hand and bringing it to his lips. A soft kiss on your knuckles, which left them stained with a slightly thick red liquid. "I'll be brief since I don't want to delay us in our tasks, but I had to tell you this in person."
He set his glass down on his desk and moved you even closer, positioning yourself between his legs. He looked over your body with his gaze and dared to open the fine, shiny cloth robe that covered it. He caressed the curves of your hip and passed the palms of his hands over the micro tulle that covered your abdomen until he stopped below your breasts.
"You will dance on the third-floor stage tonight, along with Soyeon," he finally said, his clear eyes piercing your dark gaze. "Whatever happens there, you must tell me. Don't forget who you work for."
You swallowed dry. So Soyeon was at the entrance to the third floor because the two of you would be working there that night. Dancing for the vampires. Anxiety quickly took over your body, and you felt your hands and feet start to sweat. You were lucky Doyoung couldn't notice that temperature change, or he would have given you away.
"Won't you be there with the rest of them?"
This was not going according to your plan.
He denied it with his head. His hands began to move again, caressing your back and reaching the edge of your see-through dress. He lifted it, you felt the cold on your skin, and he squeezed both buttcheeks, awakening the lust within you.
He took a breath of air that inflated his chest, causing the emeralds that hung rimmed in gold around his neck to rise and fall. He moved you at his will until you were sitting on top of him, your sex barely covered by a thong that resembled black leather in contact with his bulge, and you had to make an enormous effort not to forget the plan and take him right then and there. Getting rid of Doyoung would be much more difficult than you had imagined.
"Don't forget who you must be loyal to."
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.scene 02: this is not a threat
It is important to create eye contact with the audience when you are performing. That was never a problem at the club, with its stage right in front of Doyoung's office. And while you couldn't see him from your place, you knew that he was always watching you from above, so your gaze was directed most of the time towards his tinted windows. He helped your concentration and allowed you to focus on the dance. On the third floor stage, however, you felt quite lost; too many things happened there.
In the club, just a large group of mortals huddled under the smoke and red lights, paying little attention to what was happening onstage. In the vampires' cave, distractions were everywhere. The white lights that illuminated the stage blinded you from time to time but still allowed you to make out the scenes. Vampires sipping drinks at the bars, smoking around a game of poker, passing through heavy velvet curtains, going in and out of small cabins with humans who had a job other than yours. Some came staggering out of there, like drunk on something and wiping their lips, while others just came out arranging their clothes to resume their activities around a table or on the small dance floor.
But despite everything that was distracting, you were forced to make eye contact. You felt a presence, someone's gaze heavy on your figure, hidden in a dark corner of that exclusive area. The lights spun illuminating him for a split second, but it was long enough for his amber eyes to finally find yours. From that moment on, you felt attracted to the man as if you were magnets. You went down the stairs of the stage and walked between the chairs and tables, making some of the vampires who hadn't paid attention to you yet turn to look at you. Not for a second could you lower your gaze from his or focus on anything other than dancing for that man.
He was sitting in the middle of the round table smoking a cigarette, looking a little too relaxed for your liking. His white shirt was slightly ripped, revealing a barbed wire tattoo that stretched from clavicle to clavicle on his chest; below, on his right pectoral, a spider tattoo. Resting the weight of his body on a semi-extended arm holding a cane, looking too vampire-like under your eyes. His tattoos seemed to end on his both hands: a floral engraving on the back that contrasted with the phrase on his fingers: be afraid.
You got on that rounded table on your hands and knees, not caring about whatever game was going on between the rest of the men and the women who sat with him. You wanted to seduce him, that you knew. And he didn't seem to mind, because when a tall, blonde guy got up to protest, this man silenced him with a simple gesture of his hand. You thought it had to be a common thing amongst these vampires—they held so much power they didn't even need to use many words. So you danced the rest of your choreography for him, felt and touched your body as if your hands were his until the music ended and the lights turned on again.
Reality came down to you as if you were descending from the sky at miles per hour, and you landed on the ground in your black platforms after getting off the table. You felt incredibly out of place, yet an incessant throbbing between your legs and this man's gaze on you was sending your mind into a spiral. You had no idea what just had happened.
His deep voice cut through the air in that cave—like lightning from the storm outside the casino. A chill ran down your back for the second time that night when you heard his voice.
"No one tells Doyoung about this."
But he didn't mean it for the rest of the people seated with him—he knew they would remain silent.
He meant it for you.
The question is: who are you going to listen to?
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chin-up-love · 7 years
On The Brink
Hey! This is my first fanfic so all feed back is appreciated. This will be a series if anyone shows interest.
Dean x reader , Sam Winchester
Warnings: mentions of blood, angst, nightmare, drunk!Dean, cursing. I think that’s it!
You walk towards your old dusty motel room with heavy feet. With every step your legs are screaming and begging you to collapse right there in front of the bright orange door. As you finally will the door open after fumbling with the door knob you are met with what is the closest thing to home you’ve had in months. The room looks as if it could be a embodiment of everything from the 80’s. The walls are all different shades of cringey neon orange and the poor carpet was cursed with a sick looking green.
With a heavy sigh you will your legs a couple more feet until you collapse with a groan onto the creaky old bed. Your mind plays back every moment of your hunt. You see the pure blackness in the eyes of a child as you are performing the exorcism. You relive the ache in your chest as the child’s body lay limp. Tears well up in your eyes and you scold your brain for reminding you of the heartbreak you rather not relive. This particular hunt left you with little to no external wounds, but you know the image of that five year old boy will haunt your nightmares for weeks if not months. With his beautiful brown hair and blood stained shirt in mind your consciousness slipped into darkness.
You wake up with a gut wrenching scream. Reaching for your gun you jump out of bed to assess the situation. Once you’ve determined that the scream was in fact your own you settle back down on the bed gun still in hand. You stare at the pistol with a strange smile on your face. It was your mother’s and never failed to bring a strange air of safety around you. She was the one who taught you to hunt against your father’s wishes. He left us on your thirteenth birthday to start a new family with some kind looking southern women. Fast forward another 13 years and he has three kids and two dogs. A white picket fence surrounding all that you could never have.
Your cell phone buzzing harshly on the side table breaks you from the bitter thought. You trade your gun for the phone and smile when you see Sam’s name in all caps. You flip your phone open and you’re met with a the sweet sound of Baby’s purr in the background.
You can hear Sammy hushing who you could only assume is Dean. “Hey (Y/N). I hope I didn’t wake you up, but I was wondering if you were by any chance at a motel called… De Sola Inn?”
You jump out of bed and push the harsh green curtain to the side slightly and see the one and only Winchester Impala pulling in the parking lot. A sudden jolt of excitement courses through your veins. You slap your phone closed and run out to meet Sam as he get’s out of the driver side door.
Sam gives you his signature smile. “So that’s a yes then obviously.”
He let’s a soft chuckle as you punch his arm with just enough gusto to hurt. “What the hell are you doin in this neck of the woods?”
That’s when Dean finally decides to get out of the car. You feel your chest get tight and a little of the excitement drain from your body as he stumbles his drunken ass towards you and Sammy. He slings his arm over Sam’s shoulder and leans heavily on him. Sam turns to me with an apologetic look and sighs. “ We finished up a hunt not far from here and figured we could stop for a couple beers on the way back to the bunker. This idiot mistook a couple of beers for a six pack and decided to get plastered. I got wind that you might be in town through the grapevines and figured we could stay here and catch up.”
You push a sympathetic smile in Sam’s direction before you looked over the old Winchester. His hair was standing in all direction and his lips looked swollen from what you could only guess was a very passionate drunken kiss. You casted your eyes back in the direction of your room and your heart begged your brain to walk back inside and sleep. Your brain won and before you could stop words spilled from your mouth. “Well my room is a double. You both could just stay in my room for the night. I have a couch we can stick Dean on so you could have the bed.”
Sam opens his mouth and before he can thank you he is interrupted by Deans harsh scoff. “All i get is a fucking couch? Send me to the dog house why don’t you babe.”
You shudder at the nickname that used to bring butterflies to your stomach. You and Sam share a look as you turn and walk back towards your door assuming Sam will get the hint to come in. You leave the door open for Sam as he helps Dean inside and guides him towards the couch. You go and grab a big bowl for Dean just in case he needs to throw up and can’t get to the bathroom fast enough. You also leave two advil and a small class of water for when he gets up. As you turn to go the bathroom you feel a large hand rub your back and you visibly relax when you see it’s Sam. “I’m sorry we came in so late (Y/N).”
With that you glance at the alarm clock sitting on the side table of your bed and a small humorless laugh leaves you before you could hold it down. “Honestly I had no idea it was three in the morning until right now. Don’t be sorry Sam. You know you are always welcome no matter where you are.”
That brings a smile to his face before he turns to Dean’s now sleeping figure. “I know I’m welcomed but I’m sorry for bringing him around. I know that after how things ended between-”
“It’s okay. If you need me I’m here. You know that goes for both of you. No matter what happens or what we go through us hunters have to have each others backs.” You try to hide the pain in your eyes with a bright smile. “Well I’m going to change into some pj’s real quick and then the bathroom is all yours if you need it.”
With that you grab a random shirt and shorts and head to the bathroom. You shut the door softly and flick the lights on. You head over to the mirror and smile the fake smile you presented Sam with only a few seconds ago. You knew he didn’t believe you. Your (Y/E/C) looked drained and full of an underlying pain waiting to leak out at any moment. You pull your shirt off with tired arms and slip the other shirt on. It was one that used to be your fathers. Your mother used to wear it all the time but as you grew older you slowly began to steal it from her.
After finishing up in the restroom you flick the light back off and head back to bed. You peal back the blankets and crawl into the much needed safety net. You catch Sam’s glance and deliver a genuine smile. “Good night Sam.”
“Good night (Y/N).”
You wake with heavy eyelids begging to pull you back into a deep slumber. You turn to your right and see the bed Sam was sleeping in last night is empty. The sheets returned to a polished and neatly made manner leaving you to question if last night was a dream. The door suddenly opens to Sam carrying bags that your stomach hopes is full of readily available food. He drops the bags of at the table and comes and sits on the side of your bed. “Good morning sleeping beauty.”
You sit up and softly nudge him as a goofy smile finds it’s way to your face. You sit next to him with your knee softly bumping his as you lean your head on his shoulder. “I really missed you Sam.”
Sam rests his hand on your lower thigh and sighs softly. “I really missed you to (Y/N/N).” With a soft slap to your leg he stands up. “Now it’s time to fill that stomach of yours.”
He coaxed you out of bed as he slowly tugged on your arms making you stand up and trudge over to the table. You look in the bags and let out a fist bump into the air when you see that Sam indeed went out to get breakfast. Sam chuckled at your act of appreciation and you saw him suddenly look behind you with a slightly worried look. You didn’t need to turn around to know it was Dean. You simply sat down with your food and uncovered your favorite breakfast meal. With a bright smile in Sam’s direction you dug in.
Dean moved around to the other side of the table and sat down. “No one laugh or speak. I have the worst hangover and the Advil hasn’t started working yet. Thanks for that by the way Sam.”
You and Sam shared a look in which you conveyed you didn’t care about Dean’s misconception. You did just as Dean wished and the three of you ate in silence. As you finished up Dean must of decided that the Advil had kicked in enough because he began a conversation with Sam. Most of the conversation happened purely through eye contact. You stood and disposed of your foods container giving a chance for the brothers to talk in hushed voices. Not that you were trying but you caught Dean saying something along the lines of “Why the fuck did you bring me here. You know she has no interest in being anywhere near us.” You then slipped back into your chair before Sam could respond to his brother in anyway.  
“Thanks for the breakfast Sam. It really hit the spot.”
“No problem. It’s the least I could do.”
You then turn your attention to a visibly uncomfortable Dean. You decide then and there he shouldn’t be uncomfortable around you. He doesn’t even know why you left the brothers a year back.
You shifted your body language into an open and kind manner and smiled softly at Dean. “So what’s the plan? Are you guys heading back to the bunker or are you off to another hunt?”
Dean bit his lip still as he contemplated leaving Sammy to answer for him. As you continued to look at him expectantly he caved. “I think we’re heading back to the bunker for a while. We just finished up a tough couple of hunt’s and I’m ready for a brief break.”
Sam nodded in agreement before nudging your foot under the table effectively catching your attention. He sent a thank you with his eyes and you sent back a no problem. He then cleared his throat softly. “What about you? I assume you just finished up around here because you aren’t running around in hunting mode.”
You tried to keep the image of the hunt out of your head as you nodded. “Yeah I just finished up. I think I’ll stay here and keep my ear to the ground for a bit. Try to figure out where I’m going next.”
Dean rubbed the back of his neck and you were scared to hear what was going to come out of his mouth next. “Come back to the bunker with us.” He hesitated and looked up to see the reserved look in your eye. “Only if you want to of course. It would be nice to have someone to keep Sam here occupied for a while.”
“Hey! Don’t talk about me as if I’m a kid.” Then Sam shifts his attention all around your body. “Only if you wanna come hang out for a little while. It would be cheaper than this dump.”
You shifted in your seat contemplating the idea of being back in the bunker. Your fingers found their way to the hem of your shirt and you tugged and played with the frayed edge carefully. You could feel the Winchesters shifting to the edge of their seats in anticipation of your answer. You seemingly decided you tortured them enough because the next few words left your lips with haste. “I’ll go.”
Hope you enjoyed. Feedback welcome.
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dreamersparacosm · 8 years
Stuart Twombly - Fuck You Better
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warnings ; oral (male on female x female on male), lil bit of car sex, cursing, fingering, unprotected sex, just rlly smutty tbh 
 prompt ; in which you and stuart twombly hit the strip club, and your feelings about him are thrown into the open when another girl comes at him.
a/n ; my first stuart smut!! (how exciting) just something to suffice while i write the pregnancy series & the malia smut (: 
 Neon Hitch - Fuck U Betta 
 From the moment you had walked into that strip club that Stuart had talked about for ages, you knew you weren't going to enjoy the night. Of course, Stuart was your best friend and literally the only person he would talk to without looking at his phone. But you would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't thought about him as more than a friend. Everyone around you two were beginning to notice as well - at work, near your other friends, literally everyone.
 The idea of Stuart even wanting to go to a strip club made your heart ache and stomach turn, but when he had brought it up, you couldn't say no to his excitement. The blue lights danced across the floor, chandeliers lining the ceiling. It was beautiful - well, as beautiful as it could get with pole dancers. It wasn't like you were against it; you just didn't want Stuart to like it as much as he did.
 "Um, Stuart?" You muttered lowly, still trying to make yourself heard above the music. His eyes were averting all across the dance floor, searching for god knows who. This was the first time you'd seen him without his phone - well, besides when he was talking to you.
His eyes locked on the girls at the bar, and without even saying anything to you, he walked off in their direction as if he was being dragged by them. You watched in shock as he approached them, making conversation and even going as far as letting one of the girls touch him. Your blood was boiling. This is what he brought you here for?
 Confused and agitated, you looked around, searching for something to do. You wanted to go to the bar and get drunk, but you didn't want to bump into Stuart. Instead, you made your way to a two-person table and sat yourself down, hoping somebody would offer you a drink. Thankfully, once of the dancers who you presumed was also a bartender, asked what you wanted to have tonight.
"Uh, give me the strongest drink you have," you shrugged nonchalantly. "And bring two of those."
 "Rough night?" The brunette girl asked. You almost couldn't take her serious with her black lingerie and perfect body - but you knew you had to play nice. She seemed sweet anyway.
 "Yeah, yeah. The guy I came with ditched me for a bunch of girls," I sighed at the mention of Stuart. My eyes searched for him over the crowd, but he was long gone from the last time I saw him. "He promised he was gonna stick by me all night."
 "Boyfriend or friend?" She questioned, trying to make conversation as she sent off your order to the other bartender. He looked particularly young to be working in a bar.
"Uh, friend," you immediately responded. But with a sigh, you couldn't help to admit, "But I wish he was my boyfriend." This time, when your eyes searched around for Stuart, you finally located him. Another girl was on top of him, cozying herself up as she grinded against his lap. Your mouth almost dropped in awe. You couldn't even hear the words the girl was still speaking to you, too in shock to even move. Stuart was really doing this? Did he even remember you were there?
 You were so overcome with anger and frustration that instead of replying to the girl, you raced to the bathroom to blow off some steam. A billion thoughts were racing through your mind, and you struggled to comprehend what you just saw. You couldn't even really blame him, though. It's not like he knew you liked him. He was just being himself.
 But you wanted him to want you like that. You were overcome with such anger that all you saw was red. You wanted him to look at you like that, with desire and longing. You wanted to take a risk. With the amount of adrenaline bursting through you, you just wanted to push the girl off of him and make him notice you. 
 You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You weren't ugly. You had guys before who wanted you and made it known. So, why was it so damn difficult with Stuart fucking Twombly, of all people? He was sarcastic, he was rude, he never cared enough to look up from his phone for two seconds.
 But, you wanted him to fuck you until you couldn't even remember your own name. 
 You were still wearing your button down shirt and pencil skirt that you had worn to work that day. Slowly, you glided your skirt up a little higher, showing off more of your legs. Undoing a few more buttons so that your cleavage was fully showing, you took another long look at yourself. You knew what he liked - typical long-legged, big-breasted girl. But none of that mattered when you knew exactly what would go on in his little head. The desires he had, the kinks he would think about. You were the only girl who was ever going to completely and utterly destroy him.
 With a deep breath, you exited the stuffy bathroom and made your way towards the couch where Stuart and the girl were still seated. As you made your way closer towards them, you pushed all thoughts aside. You could see her laughing at something he said, but her mouth shut completely when she locked eyes on you.
 Stuart looked down at your infamous black heels, eyeing up your legs before meeting your eyes that had darkened with desire. He could hardly recognize you under the light. You looked absolutely stunning. With a smile, you sat in between the girl and Stuart, making room for yourself. His jaw fell slack as he watched you turn to the girl, waving at her to leave before she finally got the message and roamed away.
 "Thanks for ditching me, Stuart," you placed a hand on his chest, pushing him into the couch. "You know, I didn't think I would care, but when I saw that little skank just sitting around, I got so fucking jealous."
 "Y-You got jealous?" Stuart was tongue-tied at your words. This was his best friend - someone he had loved for a long time. There was no way he was going to pass this up: whatever this was.
 "Yeah," you smiled sinisterly. "I felt really stupid, until I remembered that it wouldn't matter. Because I'm the only one who knows how to treat you right. I'm the only one who knows exactly what you want."
Your voice was so low that you had leaned in closer to him. He shuddered at your words, his heartbeat increasing as he thought about you. His best friend. He was about to fuck his best friend, and he totally didn't care. But first, he definitely wanted to make sure you weren't drunk. "Oh, yeah? What do you wanna do?"
 "Well, first," you moved yourself so that you were sitting on his thigh, your clit pressed down against him. You grinded against him, and his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. "I'm gonna make sure I come first."
 "Are you serious?" He almost whined in agony.
 "I think I deserve it after watching you flirt with that girl," you replied, leaning down to pepper light, teasing kisses along his jawline. 
 "Fair enough," He spoke, his voice raspy as he contained his moans. He didn't want to be so submissive in such a public area - but he definitely loved this side of you. His hands moved to your waist, his fingers pressing into the crevices of your hips. He had only dreamed of feeling those curves. 
 He was starting to get anxious, you could tell. You leaned down next to his ear, whispering over the loud music, "Do you wanna get out of here?"
Immediately, the boy perked up, and you climbed off of him, fixing your skirt seductively and latching onto his hand. You nearly dragged him out of the night club, and for a moment, you caught the eyes of the girl you had been talking to before. She sent a wink your way before continuing her job. Once the music had faded away and you had exited the club, you both almost ran to Stuart's car, hoping to get to his loft as quick as possible. 
 The moment he had shut the car door, he was already in reverse and zooming down the streets of San Francisco, headed straight towards his loft that he had bought a few months back. But you knew you couldn't wait it out. You needed him. And you could tell by the bulge forming in his pants that he couldn't wait any longer either. "We don't have to wait until we get to your apartment," you whined. "Why can't we do it in here?" 
 "Well, I mean, there's a bit of a-"
 He stopped in the middle of his sentence as soon as he saw you reaching down and beginning to unbuckle his belt. "Um- [Y/N]? What are you-" 
 His sentence was soon cut off with a moan as your hand latched onto his erection forming through his boxers. He immediately shifted uncomfortably in his seat, gulping down his saliva. "Do we really have to wait, Stuart?" You spoke as you pushed down the band of his boxers to release his hardened cock.
 "I-I, I don't-" 
 He couldn't even manage to form a single sentence as you ran your hand along the shaft of his cock, your thumb swiping away the pre-cum that leaked. He was in awe at your actions, his eyes struggling to focus between you and the road. Your right hand continued to jack him off, while you ran your tongue down his length. Stuart let out a sharp gasp, inhaling a deep breath. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, "[Y/N]." That was all he could manage to say.
 Wrapping your around the base, you slowly dragged it up and down, pumping him so that he was fully disengaged from driving. He couldn't take his eyes off you as you took him into your mouth, bobbing your head at a painfully slow pace that you were sure would make him go insane. He was moaning for you, letting out grunts of pleasure as you roamed your tongue on the underside of his cock. Your lips wrapped around his tip once more, and Stuart nearly collapsed over the steering wheel. "Fuck," he moaned out as his hips thrusted upwards to create more friction with your mouth. One of his hands wandered down to your hair, collecting it into the messiest ponytail you had ever seen. You two made eye contact, and you could tell by the way he was swallowing that he was going to combust with pleasure.
 But you didn't want to let him come yet. You knew better than to do that — the poor boy would probably get into a car crash. You pumped his length a few more times, removing your lips from and sitting back up in your seat. With a smirk, you wiped your lips and smiled, "How was that for a preview?" 
 Stuart couldn't even reply as he tried to contain himself. He was completely focused on the road, knowing that the quicker he arrived at his loft, the quicker he could destroy you. Your hand still remained at the tip of his cock, which was still erected. You knew better than to not let him orgasm, but you loved watching him squirm. 
 He was speeding down the street where his apartment complex was, and with one very sharp turn to the left, the two of you clambered out of the car as quick as possible. The wetness between your thighs pooled, and you clamped your legs shut as you waited for Stuart to whip out his eyes and open the door. Shivering on the doorstep, you watched as he gasped in excitement when he found the key, slipping it into the keyhole and nearly slamming the door open off its hinges.
 The moment the door was closed, his hands cupped your cheeks and his lips were suddenly on yours. You could feel his heartbeat going wild against your chest as he pressed you deeper into the wall of the door. You were overcome with emotions as you realized you were kissing your best friend. This was all you had ever wanted — and now it was finally happening. 
 You two were still in the hallway of his apartment, but it seemed obvious neither of you were moving away. He helped you guide the zipper of your shorts down, discarding them. He kissed down your neck, making his way towards your inner thigh. He looked up at you, almost as if he was asking if it was okay. You nodded impatiently, your hands reaching for his hair, tugging on it. He pushed your black lace panties to the side, letting his tongue swipe up your clit. You let out a small mewl of pleasure, encouraging him to continue. Your back leaned against the wall, both hands entangled in his messy hair.
 His tongue swirled around your sensitive clit, lapping up any wetness that was once there. He pressed his tongue flat against you, another loud moan exiting your mouth at his action. Stuart stuck his tongue inside of you, making you nearly go insane. He nibbled on your clit before licking up your slit again. "Oh god," you moaned out as you felt a familiar feeling of heat knotting in your stomach. You could hardly breathe, gasps of air leaving your mouth as your orgasm impended on you. 
 Stuart moved his lips off of you for a second, replacing them with his fingers. You yelped in shock, your eyes widening as you watched him work against your clit with your tongue and his fingers teased your g-spot. The feeling returned, spreading through your whole being. He could tell you were close as his tongue worked quicker, your chest heaving. Two of his fingers continued to work inside you as the burning heat of your orgasm shattered through your whole body. He watched in awe as you moaned out his name, tugging on his hair. Stuart removed his fingers from you, licking off the juice that had remained and standing up to kiss you.
 You could taste yourself on his lips, your legs still shaking slightly from the orgasm. He hurried to remove his jeans, his cock already erect and bulging against his boxers. You turned around, your chest facing the wall and your back towards him. He positioned himself at your entrance, gripping your hips tightly. He pushed into you, a groan both exiting yours and his lips. It was obvious the anticipation of this exact moment was greater than known.
 Your tits bounced with each thrust, and his hands tugged on your hair, pulling your head back as you moaned out his name. "Faster, Stuart," you encouraged him, and he almost pulled out of you before slamming himself into you. He was moving faster than humanly possible, and your legs shook as you took his full length. It seemed as if after each thrust, you were moaning out his name. Your walls clenched deliriously around him, and the feeling of your orgasm already erupted around you. "I'm going to come," you announced to him, and he bit his bottom lip as he worked harder to bring you to the brink.
 The burning heat in the pit of your stomach exploded as he continued to thrust into you, desperate to experience his orgasm. "Fuck, baby," He spoke as he went over the edge. You clenched around him as he came, and white washed over your vision as you thought you were going to come again. You exhaled a deep breath after you had calmed down, your hips sensitive to the touch, and you were certain they were bruised. Stuart removed his cock from inside you, and you turned around to face him.
 For a moment, you almost hesitated before leaning in to kiss him again. The feeling of your lips against his made you feel ecstatic. You pulled away, resting your forehead against his. "Was I better than the stripper?" You said comically.
 "Are you kidding?" Stuart raised his eyebrow, "I wasn't even serious about her. It was just a plot to get you jealous," he shrugged before laughing, "I guess it worked." 
 "How'd you know I was gonna get jealous?" You asked, confused.
 "Did you really think Neha wasn't going to tell me about your little crush?" He chuckled lightly before pressing another kiss to your cheek.
 "That little bitch," you grinned widely, but at least then you had something to be grateful for. After all, you finally got Stuart. And it was the best feeling you could ever attain in the world. 
 masterlist + request
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