#really being strictly pro or anti any character is what i’m arguing against lol
superfallingstars · 1 year
wow that marauders timeline post is actually really fascinating with all the headcanons. snape is headcanoned as being homophobic and also snape’s worst memory is reframed as retaliation for him threatening to out remus as a werewolf, which like... lol.
as much as i love the marauders, i’m continually baffled by fans’ depictions of them and their relationship to snape. making the marauders completely well-intentioned and framing their bullying as justified because snape was so awful that he deserved it (?!) just completely squashes all the nuance and tragedy of both of their stories. why can’t we recognize that each of them have legitimate reasons for the things they do, even if we disagree with those actions?
flattening their motives into a basic good vs. evil dichotomy makes all of their decisions (especially later on in the series!) less interesting. and imo whatever might be gained from making characters completely morally good is absolutely not worth the cost of making them boring.
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