#really feels like a proper pokesona for me
malachite834 · 8 months
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A peaceful night to oneself
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kygerbearr · 11 months
you are clearly a tiger where does the bear come from
I go by last name Bearr in a lot of places to distance myself from my family but it's also because people call me bear, because anyone who knows me knows I'm absolutely obsessed with bears. I also have a bear OC who I rep'd for a while named Noël
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Apollo, the person in my PFP, is 100% my fursona and a white tiger, and my entire reasoning for it was just because I saw white tiger furries and felt like damn hes like me for real. But he also represents more of me than Noël does because Noël is an absolute gremlin meanwhile Apollo is an idealized version of myself personality-wise (or perhaps represents an amount of positivity and cheer that scarcely shows itself these days).
Apollo is also based off of my old Pokesona by the same name
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This design is a heavy modification of a design that was initially given to me by a past abuser, and then in some stupid twist of fate, modified by my second abuser that I had right after. This design here is my finalized version of him with adjustments to help me distance him from the aforementioned abusers, but I don't really think it ended up working so I just kind of abandoned the pokesona entirely in favor of a proper fursona.
Additionally, I had one other bear OC who was relevant for a comic I was making for a short period of time as a means of processing a lot of the grief I've amassed over the years named Mímir.
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In the story of this unreleased comic, he is the last living(?) being on the planet after the earth turned into a permanent winter (think Fimbulvetr from Norse mythology but without Ragnarok coming right after) and all that's left for him to do is explore the frozen world and try to imagine what kind of people had lived there.
This would have gone into greater detail as those lives who were present during the event that led to the freeze would have had their crystalized memories turn into trees, that Mímir then would be able to study and process. Afterwards, he would make snowmen effigies to honor their memory
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The world is entirely monochrome aside from when Mímir has dreams about a world of color. This wasn't an intentional choice, but I was gravitating towards monochrome because I had really been into Inabakumori who was especially influential style-wise. That, and I had listen to a lot of The Microphones albums -- specifically The Glow, pt 2. and It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water. I tried to convey how these albums made me feel in addition to my perspective on how I felt during these times about my place in the world and how I felt more like a spectator than someone who was part of it.
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That tangent aside, Mímir was someone I also represented myself with for quite a while, so that's a +1 for the bear counter. Usually when people ask I just say "I'm a bear in real life but I'm a big kitty cat on the internet" which is equally as true, but I felt like sharing a lot more details on myself and my fursona/OCs
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karlthefirst-stuff · 6 years
Oh man I've been getting back into traditional drawing lately, it's been loads of fun!
First off is this skeleton I'm drawing for bone practice, I'm planning on making a skeleton oc in the future so I wanna practice to make sure I can draw bones for when I do.
A bit realistic but still cartoony enough so it doesn't feel like a huge pain in the ass to draw.
I'm very happy with this becuase I've been trying to draw the pelvis bone whatever the fuck it's called for a lo~ng time and actually happened to find a really good reference pic that I could actually look at and understand when drawing this, so I'm very happy.
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Next I decided to finally actually make myself a new pokesona! A Sableye!
For a while I had Munchlax as a pokesona but honestly the fact that it evolves into Snorlax, a pokemon that honestly to me feels kinda like it's dead with how much they sleeps, made me want to change it so I stopped drawing my pokesona for a while.
I think that was at least half a year ago?
Also height chart of Sableye's canon height with my girlfriend @pokemongirl773 's pokesona Eevee and the Flareon it'll eventually become.
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[ 0.5m | 0.3m | 0.9m ]
(I know it look a bit odd with the Sableye having perspective but the other are straight from the front, I didn't get the idea of a height chart until I finished Sableye and by then to get proper heights Flareon didn't have enough rrom to do any perspective with)
Also here's a second pic of me, a close up so you can see the clothes a bit better. So far my Sableye is just a normal Sableye wearing my clothes; a short sleaved shirt, t-shirt underneath, a messenger bag, and a pair of work pants, but I still want to actually do something with it to make it feel more like it's *me* than just *someone dressed as me*, I'm just not sure what that'll be yet.
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I tried adding a thumb but I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna keep it or not.
Until next time y'all ( ( )|( ))/
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