#really hated how small and sad the original lapels on this coat were
buckynats · 1 year
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Absolutely making shit up as I go. Still finishing the other one and then I have to figure out how to attach them without ruining it all. I actually made my own pattern and cut fabric out to it without crying or panicking this time. So that's progress.
(Ignore how uneven those look, that's my abysmal posture at work. They do actually match in length when I'm standing still. And despite the lighting weirdness, it all matches.)
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chrisevansbabymama · 5 years
Daddy Hair Care - Chapter 4.2
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Here is the second instalment, at long last! Still using the same gif as the previous, as it’s still the same night. The more time I sat on this chapter, the more time I’ve had to tweak it and change it from the original draft, so it’s still slightly longer than usual - all 4,288 words, but I hope you all enjoy. Thank you for being so patient. 
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2 - He’s Just Not That Into You:
“I gotta say,” Chris said, stuffing his hands in his pockets, suddenly very coy.
It’d been a mere five minutes since they’d left the restaurant and were walking in the direction towards her house. They’d delved in and out of a couple of topics, including Mya and Dodger who Chris confessed to be missing, but was trying his best to not be on ‘daddy mode.’ Kayla found that so cute, and could see he had been honest when he’d said he wanted to get out more and put himself out there, it seemed his internal battle was learning to let go of his dependants. Whatever putting himself ‘out there’ meant for him, she supposed she could only be happy for him.
“Mmmh?” Kayla asked when the pause was a second too long.
“I’ve just...I’ve had a pretty good night tonight,”
Kayla pressed her lips together to hide a smile, her heart fluttering at the way he casually dropped the compliment. Here she was thinking that he would have given up anything to be anywhere else. His warm eyes met hers, but with the look he wore she could discern that there was more to it. She wasn’t going to interrogate him and make it awkward, if he wanted to, she was sure he would say it.
And she hadn’t been wrong about there being more to it; it was more of a feeling than Chris could put into words. It was a weird, funny feeling he felt; elation somewhat laced with anxiety. The good kind.
“It was nice to finally get out of my suite and do something that’s not work related, or taking the kids out,” he said, referring to his two kids – Mya and Dodger.
Then his stomach twisted as guilt washed over him for confessing that he enjoyed his time without them.
“It’s okay,” Kayla looked at him reassuringly. She could sense his aura change in the same way that her siblings’ would when they talked about finding space and a life outside of their kids. “To do things without them, you’re not neglecting them. Call it self-care,”
“Yes ma’am,” he nudged her gently with his elbow, relaxing at her encouragement.
Kayla was smiling too now but she looked ahead in the direction they were heading, “Y’say you had a good night as if you are surprised that I’m good company,”
“Not that, I wasn’t surprised,” he quickly corrected, appreciating the humour to lighten up the threatening sombre mood. “I just mean that I didn’t realise how busy the whole team was, that I never really got a chance to know you properly since you joined us,”
“Relax Hollywood, you’re sweating,”
As usual, comedy was her go-to defensive mechanism so that he couldn’t see the effect his words had on her, because she was more than flattered that he actually enjoyed being alone with her. At least that’s what she was going to take from his statement.
“You are right, I mean this whole thing took off so quickly for me, I haven’t even processed it,”
Kayla recalled to the day she got a call from his assistant Tiffany, asking if she was able to assist on a photo shoot the following day. His previous make-up artist had gone on maternity leave and he had been booked on a last minute cover shoot, so they needed someone to groom just for that one day. But a photo shoot turned into a contract for several projects, then she was hired on for the Lobby Hero and possibly Infinity War press; but the later was still TBC due to his conflicting schedule. She prayed that he was going to do a few rounds of press for it, otherwise her work with him was coming to an end in less than a couple of weeks.
Once he starts Lobby Hero, that was going to be it, and then he would start filming the last Avengers instalment not too long after. He had spoken about going to Boston in the small gap before filming. He was very much a family-oriented man, Kayla accepted the fact that once he was in Boston, he would shut the rest of the world out. Especially his Hollywood life; which she was a part of.
So yes, whilst he didn’t overtly say he only enjoyed spending time with her alone; Kayla convinced herself that he was implying just that, because it was probably the first and last time she would ever be alone with him like this.
Chris nodded, “It’s crazy, it’s such a fast-paced industry you never get a chance to slow down. I’m glad we got that tonight. You were pleasant enough,”
His devil may care tone at the last statement earned him a sharp glare and a heavy sigh, enough to make Chris retract.
“London, I’m joking,” he said quickly putting an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side.
He was incredibly tactile, this she had learnt very early on since the first time she worked with him; the hugs, the gentle touch on her upper arm when he was trying to squeeze past her, the tap against her leg when he was laughing hysterically. Her favourite touch was when he would gently squeeze or rub her shoulders on a long day of interviews. He would comfort her with a “almost there London,” as if she was the celebrity ready to retire from the repetitive questions.
So this was nothing.
It didn’t feel like nothing though. It felt nice. It felt like she belonged there, flush against him.  
When she didn’t respond he wrapped her in his arms in the biggest teddy bear hug he could muster, gently swaying her.
“Talk to me,” he sing-songed.
“Please say something,” he was starting to worry that he’d upset her. “I’m not used to you not having anything to say back,”
Kayla’s voice came out muffled as she breathed against his chest, “You’re so annoying!”
“There she is,” he finally laughed in relief, drawing back from the hug but still held onto her, this time he slid his hands down her arms until her held her hands, studying her but he failed to suss her out.
Please kiss me, she thought, glancing at his lips.
Chris considered it. She was only a few inches away, he could do it seamlessly if he wanted. But he didn’t know if she would like that. She looked away quickly before he could even suggest to her that he was going to kiss her.
But Kayla had only looked away because she noticed the make-up stain she’d left on his shirt when he’d squeezed her against his chest. Too embarrassed to confront it, despite her boldness towards him, she figured that some things were better left unsaid. If she brought attention to it, she knew he would be put off. He’d always been vocal about being a simple guy, liking his women natural - your girl next door type*. Hence why she’d gone for the ‘no make-up, make-up’ look tonight, to look as natural as she could for him.
Patriarchy 2 – 0 Kayla.
“Your hands are cold,” he said quietly deflecting the tension brewing from the assumed rejection, squeezing her hands gently but firm in an attempt to warm them up.
“Yeah,” she said distractedly, shaking off the thought of the very close encounter. “You were right, it’s cold,”
“Why didn’t you tell me,” he said shrugging his coat off and swung it around her, he held onto the lapel.
“I didn’t want you to say ‘I told you so,’” she pouted childishly. “You don’t have to do that Chris, you’re gonna get sick - that blazer is not gonna keep you warm. And we can’t have you sick and cancelling all your work commitments,”
“Maybe that’s the plan, I deserve some time off. A little flu never hurt anybody,” he shrugged with a wink.
“No seriously, Keith will kill me,”
He titled his head and studied her, before saying, “Why thank you Chris for this coat, you’re such a gentleman,”
She rolled her eyes, “I don’t sound like that,” and then laughed at his attempt at her voice, before finally accepting the coat and sliding her arms into the sleeves, letting out an earnest, “Thank you.”
“And now you can’t say I’m not a nice guy,”
“Wait, what?” Kayla laughed with uncertainty. “I have never said you’re not a nice guy,”
Chris smirked, giving her a side-glance that she couldn’t read, but one thing for sure was it was so sexy.
“I don’t know, sometimes I get a feeling that you hate me,”
“I don’t hate you, I just enjoy knocking you down a pedestal or two. Keeps you grounded,”
He smiled.
“Works like a charm,”
“Besides, if I hated it being on your team, I’d have left within a second, believe me,”
“Well, wouldn’t want that,” he commented, eyeing the coat on her before doing up the buttons that he had disregarded when he had been wearing it. “Want me to get you an Uber home?”
“No, unless I’m boring you?”
“Ha, never that,” he stuffed his hands back in his pockets and eyed the pavement as they paced in unison. “I was thinking that since you’re not going to die of hypothermia now that you have my coat, maybe we should do something spontaneous,”
Kayla eyed him suspiciously, frowning and raising a questioning eyebrow.
Chris looked at her nonchalantly, his eyes glazed with a mischievous shimmer.
“I’m worried,”
He laughed softly, “Nah it’ll be fun, nothing to worry about,”
“You’re making me nervous, how spontaneous? On a scale of 1-10?”
“Go on,” her tone was still doubtful.
“Let’s go catch a film,”
“I don’t understand,” she was dumbfounded.
“I really don’t wanna end the night,” coyness really suited him. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, his face turning a shade of pink again. “Remember when we were teenagers – well, I don’t know about you, but I used to sneak out at night and I’d always make sure I’d stay out as late as possible and make the most of it. I knew if my mom caught me out, I’d never be allowed again for a while…tonight’s kinda like that. But instead of my mom, work’s going to occupy my time and I might not get a chance to do this again until I finish Lobby Hero. So if you still care to spend the rest of the evening with me; what do you say we go watch a film?”
Kayla felt sad. His face was a shimmering look of hope, like a child asking to go to Disneyland; which was the source of her sadness. Why did going to the theatre excite him so much? Something so normal and regular to her, and took for granted, for Chris normalcy was a luxury, it seemed.
“Uhmm...I thought you said spontaneous,” there she was again with the humour, she cringed immediately, realising this wasn’t the time.
“Uhmm yeah it is, for me anyway....” he shrugged casually and looked ahead.
“Chris?” she wanted to ask him if he was okay. Maybe the magazine event he’d been too had been a negative reinforcement of the cons of his job, as he had mentioned earlier that he barely knew anyone there and had to endure it, in the name of good press.
“Yes,” she said, she deflected. “I mean, yes, let’s go watch a film. I’m a little overdressed though,”
He smiled so brightly that her concern for his wellbeing vanished, “You sure?” she nodded. “Honey, we’ve both been overdressed since that restaurant,”
“Maybe I should go home and change my shoes and get my coat so you can have yours back,”
“Everything you just said defeats the whole ‘spontaneous’ part, I usually have to go to the theatre dressed in a hoodie and baseball cap. I go miles to be incognito, tonight, I’m living on the wild side,” he retrieved his phone from his trousers pocket. “I’m getting an Uber as we speak,”
Kayla considered this: never imagining the first time alone with Chris in a dark room would be in a movie theatre. She had to admit, it would be fun to sit in such a close proximity in the dark. They’d both missed their opportunity to kiss the other just several minutes ago; maybe fate was giving them another chance.
“ See anything you like, London?” Chris shifted from his window seat to the middle, minutes later as they sat in the back of the Uber exec. He held the phone so they could both see the movie listings.
If she was going to be honest, none of the films stood out for her but this wasn’t about her. So she looked on as he scrolled slowly, thinking more about her strategy on dealing with being in the dark lit room with him. What better way to get up close and personal than a film? It was the perfect set up for that missed kiss; she pictured it so vividly: his arm would surreptitiously snake around her shoulder as he pretended to yawn and disregard the film before making a move on her. She had seen this scene many times in films that she was even surprised Chris was going to be this predictable.
Annihilation, Irreplaceable You, Peter Rabbit, she read the listings…Fifty Shades Freed.
“Game Night?” he offered after several debates.
Kayla looked at the poster on his screen and glanced up at Chris, “So much for spontaneity, Chris no offence but if you were to die tonight and I was to read your eulogy about the very last film you saw, you want it to be this?”
“Whoa,” he was genuinely startled. “There’s a lot to unpack there. First of all...actually you are right. I told you I don’t get out much. And second, that’s so deep, why does someone have to die tonight?”
“You thought I was going to get hypothermia,”
“Are you suggesting we watch something a little steamy?” he cocked his eyebrows playfully and gave her a look that she recognised instantly. He was back in form. “Fifty Shades Freed? Is that what you want?”
Kayla shook her head with no witty comeback to rally with him.
“I haven’t seen the other ones,”
“I should hope so, not suitable for kids,”
“Game Night it is, only because you’re annoying me and I’m not gonna give you what you want,”
Chris ignored the double entrendre. Begrudgingly.
Kayla’s imagination has always been very active since her youth. She’d learned to be imaginative as a means to escape from a young age, hence why she has always gravitated towards creative subjects and eventually a career in the arts. When she’d imagined the exciting prospect of being alone in the dark with Chris, what was going to ensure seemed clearly written in the stars. Though a small part of her thought the idea was too far fetched, it became more promising when she realised that they were the only ones in the late showing of Game Night in the theatre.
The ticket purchasing was strategically planned to avoid Chris being spotted by any chance. Judging by how seamless every stage was, she became more optimistic that halfway through the movie he was going to make a move on her, like they did in the movies. She wondered if the sign would come when he either placed his bag of popcorn on the floor or on the seat next to him, yawn and sneakily wrap an arm around her shoulders. Then she imagined he would naturally whisper something in her ear, making her giggle before lifting her chin with his index finger and finally kissing her.
And so it happened:
Half way through the film, he placed his almost empty bag of popcorn on the floor and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Her heart was thudding, leg jiggling nervously, so she crossed them and tried to act normal, as if she didn’t even know what was happening. It was surreal, the adrenalin charged through her that she didn’t even know what to do anymore and feared she wouldn’t give him the kiss of her life.
So Lauren was right. He does like me, she thought, making a mental note to thank her and apologise profusely for dismissing her claims.
“Oh man,” he stifled a yawned and muttered under his breath, becoming increasingly restless.
Everything was going according to plan. And imagination.
A few seconds passed and she didn’t feel an arm on her shoulder, nor did he inch near her. Instead, he inched away, resting his elbow on the other armrest and his chin on his clenched fist. The arm around her shoulder never came. She kept her eyes glued on the screen, watching on in a haze, barely concentrating. She felt sick.
She’d done the calculations, and this wasn’t the outcome she expected.
But then again, Maths was never her strongest subject.
She soon realised he hadn’t been trying to flirt or intend to make a move on her. His eyes were shut and chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She watched him for a few seconds, thinking it was a sick twisted joke, maybe he would crack and burst out into a laugh, and yell “gotcha,” but he was actually in a deep sleep. He didn’t flinch or budge at the reverberating sounds throughout the rest of the film.
That’s when she knew that dream was over. There only so many disappointments one could take and keep sticking around with hope.
“Chris...Chris...” he heard her faint voice in the distance, ignoring it because he thought it was another one of his dreams where she made a regular appearance. He felt a hand on his shoulder, her voice speaking again. “C’mon, we have to go,”
“Hmmm?” He sat up, opening his eyes as they prickled from the glare from the screen ahead. He looked around and saw her. A delightful sight, even if it was slightly dim. “Kayla?”
“Good morning,” she laughed.
What a sound to wake up to, he thought.
“Morning?” he instantly panicked, his mind automatically thinking of Mya and Dodger.
“I’m joking, the movie’s finished. I didn’t wanna wake you up earlier, you looked really comfortable.”
“How much did I miss?”
“Like the last hour,”
“Fuck,” he sighed, pushing his hair back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I’d sleep,”
“It’s okay,”
“I can’t believe I made you come out to enjoy a movie by yourself,” he grimaced as he voiced his concern, cringing at the thought. “I’m really sorry, I owe you. So much for spontaneity huh? You should have left my ass.”
“Chris, relax. It’s fine; it’s been a long day for you. I sleep through a film all the time,” she waved a hand dismissively.
Still, he felt bad. He had wanted to spend the entire night in her company, (not even in a sexual kind of way) and he had jeopardised that.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” he said to quickly, avoiding eye contact. “Still half asleep,”
“Okay Sleeping Beauty, shall we go?”
The wait outside had been icy and awkward. On Kayla’s part, it was the affirmation that he wasn’t that into her, that kept playing on her. She didn’t know how to act around him anymore; scared to give too much of herself away, even though she was already in too deep with her feelings. She now had to negotiate a healthy balance between being herself, as always but not allowing him to sway her. Or flirt with him.
On Chris’ part, he felt like he had let her down; it wasn’t about the kiss – he didn’t suspect it, it was the fact that he had kept her out all night only to fall asleep. He wouldn’t even blame her if she was offended. He worried she would never subject herself to something like this again; imagining that she thought the worst of him. Had it been a date, would he have fallen asleep? Even worse, he felt embarrassed, and he couldn’t even figure out why. Maybe at the realisation that maybe his life was as boring as everyone was implying; so he asked himself, who would want to date that?
Chris insisted on ordering them an Uber each, but Kayla politely insisted she could get her own.  Being the chivalrous charmer he was, Chris didn’t back down easily, but Kayla took the initiative and just booked them both a ride. The drama was unnecessary, this was New York; right in the heart of Manhattan where taxis were aplenty.
But they’d both been cunning; using the Uber excuse to buy more time with each other. As if they had both accepted it was their last goodbye, a closure on the feelings they had harboured for each other. And maybe if they stuck it out a little longer, one of them would bite the bullet and make a move?
“I should give you this,” she said sliding off his coat. “Thank you for letting me wear it tonight,”
“Don’t do that,” he waved a hand. “Take it, it’s cold,”
“There’ll be a heater in the car, I’ll be fine Chris,”
He drew close to her again, politely putting it back on and redoing the buttons she had undone to give it back to him, “Keep it on,”
She sighed, giving in quickly, “Okay, I’ll bring it back on Monday,”
“Okay,” he could careless.
“Here goes your ride,” he squeezed her shoulders as the car pulled up in the waiting bay.
“Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun. And thank you for the dinner, I owe you,”
“Yes, you do. You owe me that Pad Thai,” he winked playfully before hugging her briefly. “See you on Monday, London,”
He opened the door for her, guiding her in with his hand on the small of her back.
“Bye Chris,”
It wasn’t long before the car was circling Columbus Circle, routing back to home. Above all, albeit the anti-climactic theatre ordeal, she’d had a good night with Chris. Far beyond her expectations, so what was it going to hurt if they were only going to be friends?
It was all replaying like a movie reel; the laughter, the touches, the anecdotes and his scent. The way he set his eyes on. The way he listened when she spoke. His scent on her, she breathed it in – his coat a vivid reminder of him. A vivid reminder of the way he would wrap his muscled arms around her and never wanted him to let go.
She suddenly remembered the huge make-up stain she’d left on his shirt and cringed.
The moment was over.
She felt her phone vibrate in her bag; she had ignored it the entire night, never one to be glued to it when she was out. That was a lie, she used to be glued to it; always one to take pictures for Instagram until she got bored of over sharing and instead shared her work on it, occasionally peppering her feed with food snaps, selfies, with her family or a cheesy snap on holiday.
She wondered if Chris would follow her on Instagram…or if she had the balls to follow him first.
She took her phone out, her friend’s Instagram post notification the source of the vibration. She scrolled down on the notification centre, opting to read Lauren’s copious messages that she’d missed earlier on when Chris had joined her at the sushi place.
Lauren: Sorry babe, won’t be making it tonight. I’ve been regurgitating my guts all evening. Have fun.
Lies, Kayla thought, trusting Chris that she was probably entangled under the sheets somewhere with Seb.
Lauren: Oh yeah, I purposely forgot to ask Keith and Tiff to come along. Ooops.
Lauren: Because I lied, I’m not sick. I decided not to come, and thought I’d leave Tiff and Keith out of it too. I thought you kids needed the evening to yourselves and I didn’t want to play 3rd wheel tonight. I do it all the time, not doing it tonight. You kids have fun.
Lauren: So I hope your inadvertent date with Chris goes well.
Lauren: ....you’re welcome.
Lauren: No reply? I’m guessing you’re “playing hide the zucchini”? Thank me later.
Lauren: ps. safety first kids. Love ya xxx
She shook her head in disbelief; too tired to figure out whether she should be angry or laugh. It was less funny now that she knew for sure that Chris only had platonic feelings towards her. She now needed to speak to Lauren sometime in person, figure out a way to politely tell her to stop bringing Chris up. She needed the closure.
As if on cue, his name popped up on the banner of her screen; a strange sight and brand new occurrence. They had never directly communicated with each other via phone, even though they had each other’s numbers. It was always Lauren that organised non-work related occasions, and if it was to do with work, she dealt with Keith and Tiffany. Never him.
His very first text message to her said:
Chris: Let me know when you get in. Thank you again for tonight; I owe you big time, especially for falling asleep.
Kayla: Likewise. Honestly, don’t worry about it lol
She wanted to shut him down, be dismissive but subtle and polite. She wasn’t going to do this again.
Closure, closure, closure, she chanted in her head.
Chris: I insist. I’m a man of my word.
And just like that, her resolution to get over him disappeared. How could she?
Chapter 5
Disclaimer: Gif not my own
Tags: @thegirlwithpaperheart  @disaster-rose @youlifetime @mississippifangirl​ @thinemineours @tessathedragon @thottio​ @caninoona @eratotalles @allonszassbutt @thinemineours@dreamingwithmendes @void-imaginations​ @daybreak96​ @l-auteuse​ @cliffordasparagus @bumber-car-s @lvlyab@melaninmarvel @milkymil-k @dyckvandyke @prettymuchboodup  @i-fear-neither-death-nor-pain @the-doctors-fallen-angel @mariswritingforfun
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anerdquemoraaolado · 5 years
Through Chrissie’s eyes
Officially artists
The following months were going on and the boys' expectations for the demos were on average, and their lives of college students and musicians were moving on. So we arrived in September, and Freddie's family kindly invited us to celebrate his birthday, all of us together.
Thinking about the invitation, I also stopped to think that we never knew much about Freddie beyond what he told, what he wanted us to know. So it was a little surprising to discover his origins and understand why he hid them. He didn't have to be ashamed of where he had come from and his name, but people rarely liked someone different and hiding this information, guaranteed that he wouldn't be the subject of jokes and more cruel things that would end up hurting him and making him sad even more.
I understood this, I was quietly so people wouldn't mess with me and being quiet was the reason some people would mess with me. But as always, Freddie didn't let anything shake him, and the news we got that afternoon helped even more to forget the bad things. Queen had finally found a manager. We cheered, and within me, there was a mixture of happiness and fear of what was to come.
If there was one thing I was sure of, it was how good the boys were, brilliant and creative musicians capable of creating a sound that caught the attention of any audience, for good or bad, and now, with the possibility of recording discs and touring, they had everything to become a huge sucsess. And success was the word that defined my fear, what would it be like if I were the girlfriend of someone famous? Would I be free of criticism, would media ignore me, or have the same interest in me as they would in Brian? But who would be in the media and spotlight was them, not me, and I hated being the center of attention ... Well, I was too worried about something that hadn't even happened yet. I was like that, I could not help being anxious. Anyway, all this possible reality that I created in my head was not yet the life I was living, or I would live ... well, I decided to wait to see how everything would work out.
Then came the day the boys would find John Reid, their supposed agent. Brian looked at himself in the mirror about five hundred times, worried and anxious.
"How do I look?" he asked, and I adjusted the lapels of his jacket.
"Nervous, but that's not what you asked me," I joked, to relax him "a well-behaved rockstar".
"And that's good for the band's image? To guarantee our chance to have a contract?" Brian bit his lip, and looked at me with wide-eyed eyes.
"Relax Bri, it's going to be all right, just keep the faith you always have and inspire confidence," I advised.
"Yeah, right," he sighed, put his hands on his waist and made his face of determination "I'll go then."
"Oh, Brian!" I called, reminding myself of something "you're forgetting something."
"What?" He was confused.
"This." I kissed his forehead, both cheeks one at a time and lips last, all kisses with a little bit of exaggeration.
"Oh ..." Brian blushed.
"Lots of good luck kisses, for a lot of luck," I explained, laughing.
"Okay," he chuckled. "Bye, see you later!"
"See ya! I love you!" I shouted as he walked.
"I love you, too." Brian turned around and waved.
As he walked away, I heard his laughter once more.
I waited anxiously for them to return, not knowing what to expect, trying to block the fear of fame and its consequences I had been feeling before. I tried to read "The Horse and His Boy" while I waited, but I couldn't concentrate, turned on the television and switched channels frantically. My God! I wasn't even in the band and I was wildly anxious! I took a deep breath, trying to relax. I just lay down on the couch and closed my eyes, I didn't sleep, but it helped calm me down. Then finally the agony was over as the door opened, and I heard the unmistakable voices of the boys, excited and contented.
"Guess who's the new EMI Records contract, Mes. May?" Freddie said to me and hugged me unceremoniously.
"Already? So, no bureaucracy, no fuss?" Now I was excited too.
"Yeah, we're going to record two discs" Brian said.
"And they promised us to appear on television!" Roger added.
"Don't forget the possible tour in Japan" John reminded him.
"Japan?" I was shocked "are you going to Japan?"
"Not now, my love" Brian noted my astonishment, "it all depends on the audience, the album sales, and our popularity. Don't worry, our only commitment now is to compose and record, and then God knows what's coming."
"Spotlights and everyone screaming Queen when they see us!" Freddie predicted.
"Calm down man, we're just getting started on this ... artist thing." John sounded kind of startled by this new status.
"But I told you, we have enormous potential and everyone will see it now." Freddie had a special gleam in his eyes when he said that, he was clearly proud of himself and his companions.
Then in the weeks that followed, they engaged in rehearsals and more recordings. Most of the songs that would be part of the first album were already done, half of them were from Freddie and the other half were from Brian and even one from Roger. Another good thing about this was that they didn't have to wake up at dawn to record, as record company artists they had a specific schedule for them and could even stay longer if they needed to.
Freddie still had one more idea, one that only he had. As a student of drawing, he really got the hang of it, it was his other great talent, and sometimes he scribbled some of our caricatures. (Once I saw a drawing of me that he made, and he even wrote Mrs. May over it). But his latest creation was the official symbol of the band, worthy of the exaggerations of Freddie, since more seemed a coat of arms. Soon he showed the illustration to the boys, who found the figure as imposing as I did.
"Each element represent one of us?" Brian asked to confirm what he was thinking.
"Yes, the symbol of our signs," Freddie pointed to the drawing in Bri's hands, "the lions of Rog and Deaky, the crab is yours, the fairies of mine, and the phoenix above all, the great final touch.
"And the Q and the crown obviously mean Queen," John concluded. "Look, Freddie, I have to say it's impressive."
"I know, but thank you," returned the vocalist, "that coat will be in everything that concerns us."
"It's nice how you put everyone on the drawing," Roger commented.
The four of them kept talking, there were so many things to worry about and get ready now that the album was almost ready. After a relatively modest and discreet launch, I received firsthand Queen's first album. Holding it gave me a hard feeling to describe, it was living proof of something impossible coming true. The cover was beautiful, a picture of one of the shows, captured just as the spotlights left the room half purple, half dark pink. The word Queen in pink rose and with the Q in the way that Freddie had designed positioned right on top. Freddie was right in the center, raising his broken pedestal, he had been wearing it since that first show, when they were still Smile. To complete, the boys had autographed the cover.
"Write my words, Chrissie, one day this record with our exclusive signature will be worth millions," Freddie said, never losing his confidence.
"For now," I said more calmly, "I'm glad to hear my favorite songs whenever I want."
Doing All Right, Jesus and Keep Yourself Alive were the ones I liked the most about this album.
After the release, the boys played shows all over London, but not in small places. EMI had gotten the biggest show houses in the capital, though they weren't so crowded, but even so a new band always attracted the attention of inquisitive young people who formed a relatively large audience. But among those shows there was one that happened in a special place, the auditorium of Imperial College.
Brian was still a student there, and coming back to perform there as a professional musician was surreal. I didn't miss his nervousness when I went to see the band on the backstages.
"It'll be all right, just play with the heart, as you always do," I advised him.
"I will." He stared at me again, as he'd been doing a lot in the last few months.
"Is something wrong, Bri?" I couldn't bear it and I had to ask.
"Nothing, nothing at all." He glanced over my shoulder, turned around, and saw that Roger was giving him a thumb up "I'll see you later."
He kissed me to stop me from saying anything else. I noticed this, and as I left I saw Freddie and John saying something to Brian. Now how would I pay attention in the show with all that conspiracy? No matter what, I was going to ask Brian what was happening once the show was over.
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