#is this method replicable? absolutely not. will it help anyone else? absolutely not. was it fun? no
buckynats · 1 year
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Absolutely making shit up as I go. Still finishing the other one and then I have to figure out how to attach them without ruining it all. I actually made my own pattern and cut fabric out to it without crying or panicking this time. So that's progress.
(Ignore how uneven those look, that's my abysmal posture at work. They do actually match in length when I'm standing still. And despite the lighting weirdness, it all matches.)
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lucerocosplay · 10 months
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Shohki Mask Cover
construction notes & photos under the cut
This has been a long time coming! I'm glad she's a costume I can work a mask into without it breaking the design of the character. I feel like people would be less inclined to ask that you remove it for photos this way ^^;
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I went with a very thin cotton gauze fabric (#9 "coffee" if you're wondering), think a slightly thicker cheese cloth. It's very breathable as a single layer and seemed the best choice for an N95 cover. The shape was really only achievable with this fabric because of the shape of my mask underneath, and some strategically placed 1/2" wide horsehair braid tubing from the dollar tree. I usually stock up around halloween but they stock around christmas too!
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Process is very straight forward, just traced my mask on the fold and made some rough adjustments for a card stock mock up. I like 90-110 lbs for this sort of thing but construction paper can work in a pinch too. Cut that out and fit to my face, tweaked the placement on the nose bridge and added a 1/4" allowance for bias tape/facing, and appropriate allowance for flat felled seams.
The ear tab was extended to cover the mask underneath, and included allowance for support fabric (denim scrap in my case) to support two eyelets intended to thread the elastic of my mask through. Then it was just patterning out the rest of the mask elements and making note of seam allowance and how to cut each piece. I trimmed the tape holding together the card stock mask apart and finally got to cutting out the fabric once that was done.
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There isn't anything fancy going on, the hardest part was just the inset mesh panel over the weirdly shaped keyhole cut outs on the mouth piece. It's just black nylon mesh typically used for interfacing bras sewn on after making the keyholes.
This fabric is like if toilet paper were a textile, which is great for breatheability and weight but absolutely hell for machine work like this. It's not for a competition so for me, hiding messy stitching with weathering later was ok.
The portion of the mask running from the underside of each ear tab was finished with homemade bias tape. The same method was used for finishing the top portion that runs over the bridge of my nose. The ends were simply folded and sewn down at the ear tabs for a clean finish.
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The side "filters" have an extra 1/2" long extension so I can tack in the ends of some horse hair tubing, then double fold the fabric back into itself before hand tacking with tiny stitches from the outside. That helps the light fabric balloon out into that shape, along with another layer of that same mesh interfacing.
They are really fun actually, very floppy with great movement. Though they stick out a tad too much so I did add one small french tack to the center of each to help them point downwards but retain that movement. The "filter" took the most hand finishing out of the whole thing, but that was to be expected.
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Once the little side "filters" were sewn in, there was just light weathering to do. I wanted to add some shadows and potential "mold spores" to certain areas to really make the texture pop and hide some messy stitching. Light passes with a dry brush and some acrylic helped a lot, so did referencing photos of mold growth on clothes.
It was a pass of burnt sienna along all seams and large patches where high humidity would accumulate. Then another lighter pass of burnt umber to deepen up areas, and some very sparse areas of white. Finally I wanted to give it the "blue cheese special" and mixed a little viridian green and that same white and hit the white areas first then dry brushed the spaces between mold patches. I'm trying to replicate active mold colonies so reference photos came in handy here. I also used some nail polish to match the grommets to fabric.
Maybe when I am not crunched for time I will get around to digitizing the pattern, but for now I hope the photos help anyone else trying to plan out a mask. Obviously the shape will change a lot depending on the sort of fabric and mask you have on under it, not to mention face shape. I would imagine bifolds would give you more her classic feed bag profile than an origami style mask, however.
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imtrashraccoon · 9 months
Do you know what tatting is? It’s a kind of lacework, but I’m curious how you think the Underfell bro’s would react to an MC with tatting as a hobby
Thanks for sending this ask, it was fun to write out! I actually had to look this up as I hadn't heard the term before. Totally thought it was related to tattoos until you specified lol. Headcanons under the cut as they got a bit lengthy...
Both brothers would likely be a bit confused about the term unless they saw you in the process of actually making the lace. While both would find the process and techniques interesting, they would have slightly different reactions from each other.
He would be absolutely amazed that you both have the time and patience to make such a delicate creation. He's certainly not known for his patience, especially when it comes to fiddly things like this with all the tiny loops and chains required to make lace. Also, he has sharp claws and would likely tear the thread or otherwise ruin the lace if he tried himself.
While he isn't interested in taking the time required to even attempt to make something like this, he is impressed that you are. Even though he makes a habit of doing nothing most of the time and often has long periods of his day dedicated to doing nothing, he couldn't see himself putting that time into something like this. He's still a lazy bonehead it seems.
He may not fully understand why you enjoy making lace. It takes hours upon hours to do and when you're actually done, you end up with such a tiny and delicate piece that doesn't really do anything? It does look nice but he wouldn't dare wear any lace out in public - he has a reputation to uphold afterall.
However, he might make an exception if you two are in a relationship and you make something specifically for him. He cares a lot about you, and this hobby of yours is one of the many things he admires about you as it shows how gentle, patient, and basically the complete opposite of everyone else he's ever known is like.
He's both proud and protective of your skills. If someone belittles you or thinks it's a dumb hobby? He will convince them otherwise, which may or may not involve a beat down depending on how mean they were.
He is fascinated you know how to do this and whenever you're casually doing so, you'll have a captive audience. He wants to know how you do it, even if he isn't sure he'd actually be able to replicate it like you can. He'll try his hardest though, even if it results in the obvious outcome of torn thread from his sharp claws. He'll get it eventually, just bear with him a little, and be patient.
Being a member of the Royal Guard doesn't allow him much free time and when he does, he generally spends it doing chores or running errands. He's motivated enough to slot this hobby of yours into his schedule though and would appreciate it if you helped him make time for it. He prefers spending time together with you, even if he is a workaholic, and this is the perfect reason to do so.
Much like Sans, Papyrus isn't interested in actually wearing the lace pieces but would likely use it for decorations around the house. Unfortunately, he also has a reputation to uphold and wouldn't tell anyone about his new hobby as a result. He would be the type to hype up your skills though if someone is visiting and compliments your lacework. He might even admit that he took up the hobby because of you, but only if they genuinely liked it.
He also might make an exception to wearing lace if it was a gift that you specifically made for him. He cares a lot about your talent and the commitment it requires to make it. He would be very proud to wear your gift if you two were in a relationship, regardless of what other people think.
He's already rather protective of you and your hobby is no exception. However unlike his brother, Papyrus is a bit more calculating if someone were to be mean to you or belittle your hard work. He could resort to physical violence but he'll try other methods first if the situation allows. The bully may not even know he was angry until they get a surprise visit from the Guards at an inopportune time, especially if they were already involved in criminal activity. If you find out about this, Papyrus will likely give you a wink and mention karma came for them, but you know he was purposely involved.
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roguetelepaths · 2 years
💐 for zara 🌿for tayli and 🌻 for kilaran
💐 - Zara
How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
I'm having a lot of fun trying to come up with a situation that would require Zara to need bed rest, lol. What would that even mean? Let's say, for argument's sake, though, that there was a situation that required them to be immobile in humanoid form for a while. It would probably be Tayli caring for them, if she's around. She would insist on it (and probably know much more about what to do with an unwell Changeling than she thinks she does, due to that personal attendant conditioning she doesn't know she has.) Much to Zara's chagrin, probably, because Tayli insisting on things is something that Zara never really knows what the hell to do with. Though because it's Zara and they're pretty laid-back by Changeling standards, I'm sure the "stop obsessing over me I'm FINE" to "actually this is okay you can keep doing it" pipeline is real with them.
On the reverse, with Tayli being sick or injured and needing to be cared for by Zara, though? Oh man. Zara would do their absolute best and pull out all the stops to help their friend (think "oh no you sneezed you must be dying"), but still. That's a recipe for some serious angst, seeing as Tayli, well. She doesn't exactly put a lot of value on her own life in relation to theirs. She's working on it, but still. That's not gonna budge easily.
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🌿 - Tayli
What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Generally, by listening. This is partially her authentic method of expressing care, and partially a conditioned tendency towards attentive service. But the more distance she puts between herself and the expectations that have been placed on her in the past, the more she comes to realize that the ability to make others feel understood just by listening to them is a gift that she has, regardless of who those others are or how she's been taught that she should relate to them.
As far as ways others would show care without using verbal speech, oh my gods, someone PLEASE give this girl a hug. You just KNOW she's touch starved as all hell and would cling to you like a bush baby if you gave her even the slightest bit of physical affection. This goes for, like, most Vorta but Tayli especially just. she needs a hug, man.
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🌻 - Kilaran
What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
At first, Kilaran sees no need for joy or excitement. He was created for one purpose, and he finds contentment and comfort in the niche he was designed to fill. But as time goes on, particularly after joining the crew of the USS Eudaimonia, he begins to find little things that make his day a little brighter. Finding replicator recipes in the mess hall that he likes to texture stim with. Collecting things that seem like useless junk to anyone else, but are priceless to him. Stealing a few moments off-duty to read and exercise the imagination he was never allowed to develop. Even the arguments about religion and theology that he gets into with Anaru help anchor him and remind him that he's broadening his view of the universe, at first because that was his assignment and he wants to do well, later for the sake of his own burgeoning curiosity.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
I’m rereading Vicious and after knowing everything about Vengeful everything that Eli did on vicious makes so much sense.
The first time I read Vicuous I always wondered what exactly went through Eli’s head, what was he thinking? When he looked for Victor when Victor was about to replicate his experiment? Was Eli concerned about Victor or was Eli was acting for selfish reasons? What was he thinking and feeling after he got his powers? What was he thinking when Victor attacked him and why was he so quick to think Victor was a devil in disguise? What was his last thought when he was about to become an Eo and how does it relate to healing? What was his thought process when he was trying to give up his life to god and when he decided that killing EOS was the “right” thing to do?
And after reading Vengeful everything becomes so much clearer, his last thought was probably about how he wanted to be “healed and saved” he internalized so some much religious trauma that it affected the way he acted and his thogught porcess, he witnessed his mother suicide on a bathtub and that’s probably why he chose that method both times before and after becoming an EO, his father used to beat him as a kid because he supposedly “had the devil in him” and he does feels like one through his life, doing his best to act as “normal” as possible.
His mother death also explains why he was so worried about Victor and even in the first book Eli talks very fondly of him even referring to him as his best friend and he explains to Serena he thinks Victor died and something sinister replaced him after becoming an EO and this conclusion although rash, it make sense he would try to rationalize and in a way justify the awful things that Victor did after turning into an EO.
And even in vengeful he started imagining Victor to kept him company when he was going through hell, he admits to himself that Victor was the only person who ever truly “saw” him and understood him, pretty much confirming that the “rivalry” Victor and Eli had was mostly one-sided and Eli really did loved him and consider him his best friend.
This also explains his weird behavior towards Victor when Vic himself was trying to turn himself into an EO, Eli witnessed his mother death and probably didn’t wanted the same to happen to Victor after Eli himself almost died trying to recreate it.
The first book also explains that he tried to take his life a second time after Victor got arrested begging for God to take away his power if it had been a mistake, he seemed to externalize all of this negative experience and feelings through his purpose of exterminating the EOS because he sincerely believed that was the right thing to do, his faith although horribly used and mishandled seemed to be genuine based on how we was him literally begging to god to take his life back if everything had been a mistake.
Everyone one of his actions seem to be driven by his childhood and religious trauma and it’s incredible sad to me, he wan’t a sociopath or a psychopath he was just very broken and delusional individual.
And his experience with Serena who forced herself into him also didn’t helped the whole “EOS are devils in disguise” perspective , even since I read the first book (when I didn’t knew anything about Eli yet) I was very repulsed by what Serena was doing to him, to the point that even though I greatly disliked Eli at first I kind of hated Serena more for what she was doing to him. I am also a little disappointed in how the fandom barely acknowledges that what Serena did to Eli was incredibly wrong and messed up.
I have already said this, but the fandom seems to treat Eli very unkindly, they brush over all of his story and just label him as a “sociopath” or “psychopath” barely understanding and completely missing the point of why he behaved the way that he did.
I don’t mind if people hate his character, I did so at first, but the way everyone brush over all of his trauma and the way people completely misinterpreted his character and actions don’t set up right with me.
It’s a little surprising how people can praise Serena, Victor and Marcella despite their awful actions while they hate on Eli for the same reason, overall Eli seems to have been the one to receive the shorter end of the stick by the fandom.
honestly I've read this so many times because you're so right and it's such a relief to know that somebody else out there is capable of critical thinking skills lmao. I think the problem with people's response to Eli is that they think his backstory is an excuse, when in actual fact it's an explanation. go figure, kids who grow up in abusive households will turn into adults with a boatload of issues, and some of those issues are more likely than not going to cause harm of their own. it's totally possible to be both a victim and someone who causes harm; yes, Eli thinks he's in the right, but his actions are still wrong. it's possible to understand both of these things and it's possible to still like his character and sympathise with him, while still understanding that damn, he maybe needs to chill on the serial killing.
it wouldn't bother me as much if people didn't think that Victor was absolutely innocent. people seem to revere him, and it's because in the narrative he's set up as Eli's opposite. the whole point of the story is that there's no good men in the game, but because Victor wants to stop Eli, people see him as the good guy and overlook how cruel he was to Eli throughout their entire friendship, and also how cruel he is to the others. (Mitch is probably the only one there of his own free will. Sydney was an injured 12-year-old child when Victor picked her up, and he did so only because she had information that he wanted -- his first thought was to torture it out of her, but when she gave it willingly and kind of hero-worshipped him in the way a neglected child would hero-worship their saviour, he decided she could stay. Dominic is there by force, because he's a disabled man in constant chronic agony that Victor fixes with his EO abilities, and if he does something to displease Victor or leaves him, Victor has threatened to bring the pain back even worse.) people rewrite both Eli and Victor's personalities to fit this, with Eli being cast as this unfeeling psychopath and Victor the person standing up to his evil, and in actual fact Eli is absolutely not a psychopath -- he's a traumatised adult recovering from a highly abusive childhood -- and Victor is not standing up to evil; he's settling a score. a score he kind of started in the first place, by being a jealous asshole towards Eli's thesis, trying to dominate it because his own sucked, seeking glory off the back of Eli's hard work, and then when he succeeded in his goals and became an EO, immediately murdering Eli's girlfriend and torturing Eli because he was jealous Eli's idea was correct. like, Victor Vale is a little bitch, on god. the reason it ended like this was because he was a god-awful friend to Eli, who was literally Victor's only true friend because he was the only person who would put up with him. go figure that the only person who could deal with Victor's behaviour was a grown abused child. nobody who hadn't been indoctrinated into believing that behaviour was acceptable would ever voluntarily deal with Victor.
literally every decision and action Eli takes can be traced back to his trauma, but go figure that nobody on this website can treat trauma with the nuance it deserves. people on this site seem to think that if you're traumatised you're always innocent and vulnerable; if anyone acts outside of this idea, they're written off. I take Eli's treatment very personally because I've seen people quite literally do this to real life people, myself included. because I wasn't a quiet, easy-to-deal-with traumatised person, I got all kinds of shit. it's the exact same with Eli. because he acts badly, because he does bad things, people seek to dehumanise him and set him aside because he apparently makes abuse survivors look bad or whatever -- when in actual fact acting badly is a very common response among abuse survivors, because we were brought up in an environment where that was normal and we don't know otherwise. not to mention the fact that the kind of mental illness Eli shows -- PTSD, mainly -- has many symptoms that make for unpleasant actions. it's not a crime to show the impact these things have, but people take it so personally. I've even seen people say it's ableist to portray characters like Eli because it gives people with trauma or mental illness a bad name, but no. that's literally not how it works. people with trauma and people with mental illness act badly, they fuck up, they can abuse people, sometimes they do harm or even kill people. ignoring this isn't going to get us anywhere, and if anything's ableist, it's looking at a clearly traumatised, mentally ill person and saying that he's a psychopath and evil and irredeemable. like, come on.
Eli didn't catch a single break for his whole life. everyone he's ever met has abused him horribly. you don't have to like him, but the people who can look at this and see nothing sympathetic about him? genuinely I don't trust them.
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lake-lilac-goth · 4 years
Could you show us the progression of your character sprite? I’ve been following for a while and it’s cool to see how far she’s come!
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Agh, I’ll try to the best of my ability. Do know that I despise looking at my old icons with a burning passion, so you guys are lucky that I’m doing this.
Just a quick warning, it’s gonna be a long one, so hang tight.
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Let’s start with the OG.
See this bitch?? Stage 4 baby-itis. She rocked that bisexual haircut though and y’all know it. Here, she was some 18-year-old college student who refused to talk to anyone else, besides Daniel. Sis didn’t even know she was a dhampir, let alone supernatural.
This was also my first attempt of drawing in the show’s art style. Does it suck? Yes. Did I try? Absolutely. This was long before I watched Queenie’s helpful tutorial on making not-so-time-consuming icons. I reckon you guys check it out.
I hate how CLOSE her face is. A g h.
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Now, we dive into this look.
Truth be told, I was in love with Wonder Woman’s hair style in DC Superhero Girls, so that’s where I got the inspiration from. I also gave Octavia this hair style on her birthday to show that she’s healed from a certain part of my her trauma. I should’ve explained that sooner, but that’s on me.
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Next, we’ve got the iconic hairstyle most of you recognize her by.
After the bit of backlash I received from the second style, I wanted to try and do a bit experimenting with her hair. Thus, I came up with this. Her hair looked boring, so I gave it a bit of style and added a bow to it.
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Now this...this is where I began to really thinks bout Octavia as a character.
As many of you know, one of my favorite things about Octavia is, much like me, she likes to test and bend the rules to her liking. She grew up with some hella strict parents that refused to let her show any bit of skin and for quite some time, she had major body image issues because of it. However, she eventually learned to love herself and that her body wasn’t inherently bad, so she wanted to show the world that she’s comfortable in her own skin and wears whatever she feels like wearing. She doesn’t wear her outfits to “get attention,” she wears them because it’s what she’s comfortable with; this is her way of expressing herself.
Here, I wanted to design an outfit that said that, and I did. The icons aren’t zoomed in (she finally learned personal space lmao) and they’re more expressive. I was doing a bit of experimenting here before I picked up on the method of icon-making I have now. I even made some minor adjustments to her face; the tattoo on her cheek being a prime example. Notice how saturated it was in her early icons? I toned it down. You’re welcome.
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Let’s move onto this one.
This one is gonna be a bit shorter.
This took place in December, if I recall correctly. Behind the scenes, I was experimenting with Octavia’s hair, because I wanted to see what she’d look like with streaks in her hair. If you saw the sheet I made with different colors, you’d know there were a LOT; I had red, I had purple, I had blue. You name the color, I probably tried it out.
I was close to being set on light blonde, but decided to go with white instead.
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If you really know me, either IRL or personally, you’d know that I have some pretty fuckin’ dark hair.
I wanted to give that dark hair to Octavia.
I was curious to see what she’d look like with her hair color being similar to mine, so I tested it out, and immediately fell in love with it. Of course, with her hair being darker, I had to readjusted the color of her eyes too make them cooler.
With this look, and at least, in my opinion, she gives off the vibe that she’s goth. It fit the overall aesthetic better, because the gothic style is all about cool and dark colors. A lot of people in the past used to think Octavia was wearing lipstick due to the shade of pink I used, so I made her lip color look more “natural.”
I’m sorry to those who were convinced that she was wearing lipstick. That was my fault.
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Here, you can tell that I watched Queenie’s icon tutorial.
Drawing in the show’s art style is a fucking nightmare, and I admire those who can replicate so well that it’s scary.
Again, another science experiment. I wanted to get back into the swing of drawing in my own art style and wanted to try something new. As you can style, I took quite the amount of inspiration from the anime style, but added my own spices to the mix.
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This brings us to her current design: Momtavia!
For those who aren’t aware, Octavia’s pregnant. That being said, I wanted to give her a look that said “soft mom who will give you cookies and comfort you, but will not hesitate to roundhouse kick a mf into the sun.” I think I did a pretty good job.
Now, the process itself was super tough, I’ll admit it. I went through a lot of trial and error, but I’m happy with the final result. I gave her a more mature look, and made her left eye (her left, your right) a more amber color to give off the idea that yes, this is the daughter of Penelope Priss. I got the outfit inspiration from Jinx (Teen Titans) and the hairstyle from Elsa’s final look in Frozen 2. However, her hair looked boring without the bow, so I went on Pinterest to get some hairstyle ideas. That’s when I stumbled across a M/HA meme captioned “bad bitches only ft this hairstyle.” The moment I saw Nana Shimura’s cute little hair bun, I immediately thought “holy shit, OP’s right.” After I added the little braids on the side, I was satisfied.
At this point, the white in her hair isn’t dye anymore; it’s natural. This is due to the fact that she’s the daughter of Dracula (my version, anyway). Everyone on her father’s side of the family gets some white streak in their hair as a “coming-of-age” thing, including wings. She has yet to figure out she has any, but that’s for another time.
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I hope you enjoyed this extremely long and wordy evaluation of Octavia’s “evolution.” Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna sit in the shower and cry over having to relive the nightmare that is Octavia’s old icons.
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How would the members, sans the kiddos, help relieve their male s/os stress after they've worked themselves to the brink?
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Okay, SO, both of these are pretty much the same so I didn’t to combine both. I tried to keep it ender neutral, but the ones that I ended up using pronouns, I ended up using male! pronouns. I hope you all enjoy!
Also, hey! I’m not dead and neither is this blog!
The best thing that Xemnas can do for you when you’re stressed is to leave you alone. There are moments when you’re just so overwhelmed by life that even the sight of anyone around you can make you snap in anger and frustration. When he senses those moods coming, he’ll turn straight around and avoid you for hours because he knows that’s what you want. You appreciate it because the last thing you want is to have him grate on your already tense nerves.
Will literally do whatever you want as long as you don’t yell at him. Do you want a blowjob? He’ll give you one. Do you want him to leave you alone for a few hours? That’s cool, too. Do you want him to get you something to eat, to draw you a hot bath, to cuddle with you in bed for a while? Hey, that’s awesome, let’s do it. As long as it makes you feel better, he’s up for doing it because he hates when you get stressed out.
Best way to work out your frustrations? Go break something. You want to go spar or let loose on a punching bag or throw a couple of spare plates across the wall? That’s fine. He’s up for it. Plates are replaceable and he’s up for taking a few stressed out punches if it means you get so exhausted that you aren’t stressed anymore.
Not a patient person in the slightest, so sometimes he might not even notice that you’re stressed until you straight up tell him to leave you alone. When he notices, he’ll drop whatever it is he’s doing and literally ask you “What can I do to make it better?” and he’ll do his best to make what you want a reality if it’s in his power to do so. If it isn’t, he’ll find someone who can make it a reality.
Hugs! All the hugs! All the time! Lexaeus gives the best bear hugs. You’re a tall dude but he’s like… a giant, so every time he sees you getting stressed out, he won’t say anything, he’ll literally just wrap his arms around you and squeeze you in the tightest hug possible, not caring if you complain. He’ll hold you tightly until you just go limp, knowing that you just need something else to focus on to get your thoughts off of something negative.
Zexion gets stressed out easily and in turn you get stressed out and that stresses him out more, which makes you even more stressed out, which ends up being this huge stress spiral that makes both of you be like, “We… need to get out of here.” So Zexion will drag you away from the castle and you’ll spend the day (or longer) away doing whatever happens to pop into your head. A picnic, having a little bookstore date, or just taking a long walk somewhere quiet.
Organization and stability come easily to Saix, but you don’t have those skills. When you get overwhelmed and stressed by all of the work you have to do, you can bet that he’ll step in and help. He won’t do your work for you, but he might be convinced to give it to someone else. Stress leads to work that is less than perfect, so anything he can do to make you happier is well worth it to him.
Movie night and cuddles on the sofa or in bed are Axel’s go-to methods to help you de-stress. He’ll put on your favorite show, get some sugary snacks for you both to share, and then he’ll wrap himself around you like a limpet and not let go until you promise that you aren’t stressed anymore. It’s good for date nights and for de-stressing!
Not really good at helping other people become unstressed, but he tries his hardest and that’s what matters. He does his best to make you laugh because he knows he’s a ridiculous and amusing person, so he goes full-fledged ridiculous in order to take the frown off of your face. You love that he tries so hard to make you feel better and you’re pleased to say that it works.
Luxord’s goal is distraction and pulling you away from whatever is stressing you out. A hot cup of tea and a scone or a cookie and he’ll take you away where no one will be able to find you and make you do more shit that’ll just make you stressed. He’ll even go so far as to do some of your work himself, just to help you lighten your workload in the long run.
Breathing techniques, meditation, and couples yoga. Marluxia is seriously into all that stuff and he swears by it, so he’ll usually drag you into doing it with him if he thinks it’ll make you feel better. Even if it doesn’t really lower your stress, the laughs you get when the two of you try to do yoga together make you happier than you previously were.
Larxene knows what makes you happy so she’ll do her best to replicate or give you those things to help you get into a better mood. She’ll probably make you a cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate or a glass of wine and let you rest and decompress in a hot bath. She might even be convinced to massage your back if you’re in the mood for it.
Literally hates seeing you sad and stressed so he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you feel better. Roxas is best at being a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear, so feel free to vent to your heart’s content while he listens to you complain. He won’t stop you and will even stroke your hair while you press your face into his shoulder.
Like an absolute sweetheart? Who knows exactly when you’re stressed. She doesn’t want to stress you out more but she hates that you feel that way, so she might suggest that you take some time to yourself or do something you enjoy to get your mind off of your stress. She’ll also surprise you by standing up to any of the other members who might want you to do something, claiming that you need to take a break.
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meditativeyoga · 4 years
The secret to effortless living
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There was a time when survival for a human being indicated food as well as sanctuary. Today, food as well as sanctuary are obtaining a growing number of challenging as well as pricey. It is great to have all those things however they ought to not become the determining variables of your life. What kind of food you consume, what type of clothes you wear, what type of residence you reside in-- each one organises these points inning accordance with his capacity but they should not come to be restricting elements, they are just the sustaining variables of your life. Whether you travelled from your the home of your office on foot or on a bicycle or in a Maruti or a Mercedes, it is simply a concern of different individuals's monetary capacities, choice as well as opportunity.
The important thing is you arrived, the ways of traveling is only incidental. This is real with every element of your life. However the incidental variables have taken on such sensational relevance that the fundamental feature of life has been completely forgotten. The process has come to be a lot more vital compared to the genuine thing. We are attempting to graduate from one material point to another due to the fact that our company believe that is happiness.
Don't follow the herd
It is in pursuit of happiness that you do the whole circus in your life. Different people could have various concepts about the best ways to arrive, but everyone remains in pursuit of happiness. The human race has actually been doing so much to achieve happiness and also wellness on this world that in this quest, we are damaging the extremely world on which we live. We must first recognize exactly what our idea of wealth is. Is it simply around more buildings, even more equipments, more cars and trucks, more ... everything?
If I go to the West as well as ask them, "Why don't you practice meditation?" the usual antiphon is, "Oh but we have actually reached pay bills." I claim, "Why do you individuals create a lot of expenses? If your whole life has to do with paying costs, why generate them? You can stop on your own and live even more pleasantly, isn't really it? To pay those costs, you are simply functioning endlessly. What's the factor?" The solution usually is, "everybody is doing it." No matter, they are all driven by someone else. You do not attempt to do exactly what somebody else does. When it involves outdoors circumstances, we have actually not included equivalent abilities. No two human beings are made with the same level of ability. There perhaps someone who can do a thousand points in a day without experiencing or being emphasized. Possibly you could do only three things in a day, it's okay.
Limit juggling to what you can
Life puts us in several situations where handling things is like balancing. Being in the family members is a big balancing procedure. Keep your feelings aside as well as simply consider it sincerely. Our lives have numerous complicated activities. We have different sorts of connections and also different degrees of involvement with different kinds of individuals on a daily basis. We are frequently changing from one kind of relationship to one more. Possibly you were just handling with two balls as well as it was rather simple.
Then you selected up more spheres as well as the juggling came to be challenging. When you wish to use up more task, there will be extra managing. You can not help it, that's the means it is. So when you require to juggling, you had better develop some skill. Otherwise, the spheres will be spread all over the location and you will be going crazy each day since you cannot hold things in area. Exactly how efficiently you carry your life just depends on the level of proficiency you have over juggling. This minute you might get on the phone with your business companion as well as the next minute you could be speaking with your spouse or your youngster. Life resembles this, it is continuously shifting. You can't simply tune on your own: "Ok, today I am going to resemble this." So, due to the complexity of this modification, if you occur to treat your wife like you treat your organisation companion, quickly you will remain in trouble. Or if you treat your business partner like your wife, you will certainly remain in problem, isn't really it?
So prior to we enter any situation, you need to check out your ability to manage. "Can I juggle all this and still enjoy or will I get shed when juggling?" If you are very little of a juggler, you much better continue to be alone as well as manage on your own. Every little thing includes a certain discomfort and satisfaction. There is a cost to pay in every aspect of life.
So prior to handling anything in your life, you must ask yourself: are you ready to pay the price? Every person needs to choose just how much of exactly what is right for him. Your neighbour may have a 100-bedroom house-- maybe he wants to reside in a hotel. For yourself, you must decide just how much you require. You do not do things like him. This is the greatest problem, we are attempting to do things like someone else. That's the wrong method to come close to life. We have to decide what does it cost? of exactly what we must carry out in our lives-- just how much outside task or internal wellness or social wellbeing would certainly maintain our life balanced without spoiling us and also the ambience around us. Unfortunately, such knowledge is missing out on in the world, we are just going widespread. It is crazy the method we are going due to the fact that the sort of lifestyle the globe has selected is simply not sustainable.
Don't die surviving
Today, if you have adequate loan, you could enter into a store and get every little thing that you need for a whole year. It has never ever resembled that on this world. Survival has constantly been a wonderful struggle. Today, for the initial time, the survival procedure has actually ended up being absolutely arranged. Currently is the moment to find expression to further measurements of being a human. The majority of individuals select to complicate their survival. We still do not seem to be do with survival. We wish to make the survival process so complicated that we will certainly spend the remainder of our life defending survival.
It is essential that you streamline your survival process to ensure that the further dimensions of that you are find expression in your life. It is incredibly essential that you find out exactly what it means to just sit below and also reverberate as an item of life since that is the supreme ecstasy of being below. And also now that our survival is typically cared for, I assume we should trigger a wave of bliss any place we go. As well as because we do not do that, we wrap up that a human being ways being an unpleasant, ineffective 'absolutely nothing'.
When you utilize the expression, "Oh, I'm simply human," it indicates, "I'm just powerless nonsense." We require to change the context of what it indicates to be human. When someone claims, "I'm human" he has to suggest "I'm delighted. I can wonderful things within myself." We've decided to make a human being right into a miserable worm who simply defend his survival throughout his life. We are capable of arranging our survival as if we don't have to have a hard time for survival every day-- unless we make complex the survival process.
For most people, the survival process itself is ending up being a full time job. Simply to work, to reproduce and to die one day, exactly what a fuss they make! Also a worm as well as an insect with their minute brains handle their survival rather well. Nature has actually offered every human considerable intelligence to care for his and also his offspring's survival. You are simply exaggerating it.
Stop clinging
A while earlier, I had a major squirrel problem in your home. The mommy squirrel brought to life 4 children. 3 of them got consumed yet the mommy doted upon the last one. She would watch her child go throughout my points, biting into everything. Here was a mom that was excited for her kid to discover its squirrel business as quickly as feasible, she intended to be complimentary of him as soon as feasible. Sadly, most human moms and dads don't have this sense. They want their youngsters to find out the human service as slowly as possible due to the fact that they don't have a life of their very own. They obtain some life just by hanging on to their kids. Which's the reason there is so much juggling. People declare to be one of the most intelligent varieties. Our youngsters should be totally free of their moms and dads a lot quicker than anyone else, isn't really it? Yet that does not occur due to the fact that we look at our youngsters as a funding based upon which we could live our future lives-- when we are alive as well as likewise after we are dead. It is as a result of this that the juggling appears so much of a headache, not or else. Family is not the issue, your personal insecurity and also your very own 'desire' to stick to things around you is the actual problem.
Don' t do anything for fulfilment
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Human life does not finish with survival, it begins only when survival is looked after. If we had concerned this planet like any various other animal, then eating, sleeping, replicating and dying someday would certainly have been a complete procedure on its own. Also as a human you should do all these points. Somehow for human beings life doesn't seem to be fulfilled with them. Whatever activity you could have executed, life has not attained fulfilment. In every stage of your life you believe, "If this takes place, my life will certainly end up being total." As a child you believed, "If I obtain this plaything, my life will certainly be full." You obtained it but after 3 days, you threw it away. Life did not acquire fulfilment.
Then you believed that if you complete your education and learning, life would certainly be full. That also taken place but there was no fulfilment. Then you began to think, "Exactly what's the usage of functioning like a donkey? If only I get wed to that man or woman I enjoy, my life would certainly be made." That occurred and after that you know just what happened.
Fulfilment does not come since of some activity you do. Just if your frame of mind is complete, will certainly your life acquire fulfilment. Now, the human condition is such that without knowing anything regarding the nature of his presence, you are attempting to make a living and in some way pass via the globe. Your body, mind, emotion and also energies are the automobiles with which you travel with your life. Without any kind of understanding, control or subjective experience concerning them, you are attempting to live your life. This is an unexpected existence. When you exist mistakenly, even if you procure someplace in life, it will just be by accident. So, when a person is experiencing his whole life in an accidental way, experiencing anxiousness, concern and battle is all-natural. We go about stating, "Life is a battle." Life is not a struggle.
Get a grip on yourself
You are obtaining emphasized out merely due to the fact that you have no idea the best ways to function smoothly within on your own. You have no control over your own system. If your mind, body as well as powers were taking guidelines from you and also behaving the way you wanted them to, you wouldn't get worried no issue what was occurring around you. You should do something about this. If this does not occur, you will certainly continue living life by accident and also always be really hoping that circumstances function out.
If you are looking for to increase the range and also play of your life, if you are seeking challenging circumstances, then you need to do something concerning the way you function. Challenging scenarios suggest that you will face scenarios that you have no hint around. If you are the kind that obtains stressed out, normally you will certainly prevent those situations.
When you prevent those scenarios, you will naturally avoid all feasible growth for yourself. Today, so several people are getting into challenging tasks and are multi-tasking, however a large number of them could not be naturally outfitted to deal with such situations. This is why we see so lots of individuals losing their performance and simply damaging up while seeking their occupations-- surrendering to burnouts.
If you are regularly looking for obstacles in your life, and also you don't equip yourself with an internal security as well as an internal feeling of pleasure within on your own by your very own nature, you are bound to become a calamity over a duration of time. You could achieve success in your job however as a human you would have stopped working because you could not enjoy the procedure of life. Such individuals are not cheerful or serene, they have actually come to be stressful. If you are difficult, that implies somehow you have failed yourself, isn't really it?
When you tweak yourself to such a factor that the fundamental professors operate so wonderfully within you, then normally the most effective of your abilities will certainly simply drain of you. If you really intend to bring high quality into your life as well as to perpetuate that quality right into life around you, the most importantly thing that you have to do is to establish your internal truths in a certain way with a particular security. Just what is within you-- your mind, your feelings and your system need to not experience upheavals when facing the challenges of life. Just when there are no inner turmoils as well as concerns can you handle the outdoors problems well.
Take the first step
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So exists a method to produce an internal circumstance? Yes. As there is a science and also technology to developing outside situations the way we desire them, we have an entire scientific research as well as technology to produce inner situations the method we want them. As we have engineered the globe, we can additionally engineer our interiority. Without it, we end up operating by accident.
The firstly action that every person ought to take is: furnish on your own making on your own the means you intend to be. If this occurs, creating the exterior will become easy. You inform me, when can you utilize your body and mind well? When you are pleased or dissatisfied? When you more than happy you can effortlessly handle points, yet when you are stressed out or dissatisfied, the very same little points freak you out. If you are joyful, increasing a hill is also effortless, right? It could take a great deal of exertion, however you feel it's easy since you are doing it happily. When you are doing it joylessly, every little thing is difficult. When you are doing it happily, everything is effortless.
Effortless does not imply resting on a sofa. When I say simple and easy, I am stating, as soon as you get involved in a particular state of pleasantness within on your own, as soon as you are joyous by your very own nature, every little thing is easy. When you are satisfied, you agree to playing around and do everything since you do not feel the initiative of it. Effortlessness does not imply lethargy, ease indicates that in your experience, it's not burdensome.
Once a person is at simplicity within himself, normally he functions at his ideal. Bringing this sense of ease, bringing this feeling of effortlessness within you is essential. If you truly want to boost the high quality of your life, you have to take this step and also be willing to spend a little bit of time for your inner health and wellbeing. If this is done, you will see a remarkable change in the means you work. The necessary innovation is there-- I call it Internal Engineering, the optimal of wellbeing.
Inner Design is simply this, that you craft your interiority to make sure that you operate effortlessly within on your own. This does not indicate you stay clear of challenging scenarios. When you are uncomplicated within you, you seek them. Inner Design implies you discover exactly how to perform this piece of life. If you know just how to conduct it, after that inning accordance with your ability, you can additionally conduct the outside effortlessly.
If your health and wellbeing is constantly under hazard, you will certainly not take care of the outdoors well. If you intend to manage every little thing well outside, if you wish to achieve success in your life, you must simply discover exactly how to utilize these 4 limbs and a few mind cells, that's all that's needed. Just how vivid and also focused your mind is, how vivid and healthy your body is, that's just what decides just how successful you are.
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deep-sea-skiving · 5 years
How to shop for vintage aesthetics!
With vintage fashion and aesthetics becoming increasingly popular, I thought I'll share some of my techniques of shopping affordably for vintage clothing. A couple of disclaimers to start with, my preferred aesthetic time period for clothing is the 80s and 90s however, this does not mean that this ‘guide’ can’t be used be used for whatever vintage style you’re shopping for. This post will also be UK based as that’s where I live, some of the places where I tend to shop may apply to Europe but I'm not entirely sure! Finally this is how I shop and what I look out for when shopping for vintage clothing, if you got any of your own tips please share, vintage clothes shopping unfortunately, has become incredibly expensive :( Now all that incredibly dull stuff is out of the way, lets get into it!
The first thing I would do before even attempting to go vintage clothes shopping is research. Knowing your era and the distinctive style of that era is incredibly important. I know it sounds self- explanatory but having a good insight of the fashion and culture of your chosen vintage aesthetic will mean that you can spot certain pieces in the wild with ease. With anything if you know what you’re looking for you’ll find it a lot easier. The best research in my opinion is just asking someone who grew up or lived through that time period, they tend to remember the more obscure and weird trends that have been long forgotten. Maybe, for the greater good, I'm looking at you leg warmers. If you don’t like social interaction and I don’t blame you, I don’t like talking to old people either, watching TV shows from the time will also give you an insight. Top Of The Pops in my view is the best show to watch not because of the awful obvious lip-syncing, like how did they fool anyone when they’re playing electric guitars plugged into nothing ? But because you can see how both celebrities and normal people dressed.
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 Other shows I would recommend have to be of course friends, we all know that Rachel Greene was a 90s fashion icon, ok. To summarise, research means that shopping for your chosen vintage aesthetic is a lot easier, you can avoid common mistakes such as buying something that’s way too modern or clothing which was not fashionable in that particular era.
When you have decided what vintage era you’re shopping for and what you are looking for, knowing where to shop is the next priority. Like I said I live in the UK so some of these are maybe UK specific and I don’t have loads of money, so that narrows down some of the options. One of the best places to look for vintage clothing is charity shops. Due to the troubling economic climate at the moment there’s like 10 charity shops in every town spreading like head lice in a primary school. Consequently, it’s probably the most accessible way to shop for vintage clothes. If you are like me and favour an 80s/ 90s aesthetic look in the mens section as most of the clothes from this era were unisex or have a more oversized boxy look which means many volunteers mistakenly put these items in the mens. Anyway who need to conform to gender norms, wear what you like! Unfortunately, some charity shops have caught on to the popularisation of vintage aesthetics as such some items will go on their online shops (Still worth a look) or prices for vintage clothing will be higher than other pieces of clothing but bear in mind these prices tend to still be lower than eBay and vintage shops. It’s really hit and miss but when you do find something it’s normally a bargain. Recently I managed to get a wind breaker for £8.99 and it even had it’s original tag still attached! Plus this method of shopping for vintage clothes is ethical and helps real good causes.
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Another place where I look for vintage clothing is car boot sales. Normally you find absolutely nothing but they’re still fun to go to nonetheless. Anyway you could strike it lucky and find a long lost supremes costume at a French car boot (yes that really happened!). If you do find anything the great thing about car boots is that you can let out your inner apprentice candidate and haggle on prices. Though it’s rare to find anything apart from old ladies’ bone china plates with matching bowls, if you do you tend to find something you’ll get it for a steal when compared to eBay.
Shops that specialises in selling vintage clothing obviously will have the most stock and variety of pieces however, it’s going to cost you. Vintage sales are also a possibility but though the ‘low’ price per kilo is enticing once you put one sweatshirt or a pair of jeans in that bag you’re done for. Vintage sales are only good value for money when all the items you want are super light, if not they can become super expensive real quick. Also be aware that though these are called vintage sales there are a lot of items that are not vintage in the slightest.
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So, how can you tell if a piece of clothing is vintage? The first thing I look at is the label. Most vintage t-shirts and jumpers will have a label sewn in, while modern clothing will have what would been the label printed into the fabric. It’s hard to explain so here’s an example:
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However, this is not a definite rule some modern clothing will also have labels that are sewn in! Some over things to look out for to identify vintage clothing from modern is the materials. Look out for those incredibly flammable and definitely safe materials. Zips are also a big clue if a piece of clothing is vintage or not, older clothing tended to have metal zips while modern pieces have plastic. This is probably a cost cutting measure.
We all know that vintage clothing can be expensive so buying new versions of retro products can also be a possibility if you want to go for a certain retro aesthetic. This is a cheaper way of shopping however, quality and durability may vary when compared to the original product. I always buy new when it comes to shoes just because I’m not a fan of wearing someone’s else's incredibly worn 20+ years old trainers. But whatever floats your boat, I guess. Most athleisure brands like reebok will do a classic range which replicates retro shoes such as the freestyle hi which was worn by 11 in Stranger things 3.
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 Brands like Casio also continues to make vintage products such as the F-91W which sometimes gets discounted to as low as £7.99. The quality of these are superb and can add retro feel to any outfit.
so, there's some of my tips for how to shop for vintage clothing, this isn't all of them but I think this post is way too long now! If you have any tips that you would like to share please write them in the comments. I love learning new things!!
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starrystarrybabe · 5 years
Oh, How the Mighty Fall [In Love] CHAPTER FIVE (OC x Ben Hardy)
Lily Anne Mercury is brought in to help with Bohemian Rhapsody at the request of her Uncle Bri and Uncle Rog, and along the way, she might meet someone to share her life with. The only problem with this is that while their friends and the world can see that they’re perfect for each other, they’re going to be fully blind to this for a while.
Hello, everyone! Sorry this took so long to write. I’ve been bombarded with work and I’m just sort of drowning rn and I’m not sure what I’m doing anymore. I sort of spiralled, but writing this helps me stay grounded. I’m glad that everyone likes the fic so far, and if anyone wants to message me about the story or the characters, that’s totally fine. I love talking with y’all! This is a fun chapter, so please, enjoy!
-- casey
DISCLAIMER: I’m fully aware that it would’ve been physically impossible for Jim and Freddie to have a child even with this method during the time they were alive, but the idea of Freddie as a dad and the idea of how his child would turn out to be was just too sweet for me to not write.
TRIGGERS: hint at sexy times and scene in rehab
Kelly Gale as Lily Anne Mercury
Sira P. Kante as Ezichi Adebayo
Erika Linder as Bronwyn Ryan-Hughes
Bree Kish as Madigan Ryan-Hughes
October, 2018
Lily Anne drives to the filming studio after months away from her BoRhap boys, and the excitement she feels is threatening to bubble over. She’s missed them so much, and even though Joe would facetime her or send her pictures almost every day, it still hurt not to be with them in person.
She steps out of the G Wagon and walks across the parking lot to the set, smiling. The sounds of a bustling crew can be heard, and as she approaches the set, she smiles as she sees that it is a perfect recreation of the one from I Want to Break Free, which is one of her favorite music videos of all time. She can’t wait to see the boys dressed up in drag.
Roger and Brian walk in behind Lily Anne, and she almost jumps when she feels a hand clap onto her shoulder.
“How was the tour, love?” Roger asks, grinning at his goddaughter.
Lily Anne smiles and hugs her uncle, closing her eyes. “It was great. I could’ve done with something bigger than a twin bed, though. It was barely big enough for me.”
Roger lets her go after a moment, ruffling her hair. “You’d be surprised how many people can fit on a single bunk when you try hard enough.”
Lily Anne lets out a disgusted noise before hugging her Uncle Brian, smiling. He hugs her back tightly, smacking Roger’s shoulder.
“Ignore him. He’s just being himself,” Brian says, laughing. “We missed you, but you seemed to be having fun from what we could tell.”
Lily Anne smiles up at the man after they break apart, nodding. “It was fun, but I missed my boys and Lucy. How have they been?”
Brian nods after thinking for a moment, satisfied. “They’re doing great! They did miss you, though.”
Roger smirks, looking down to clean his sunglasses. “Especially Ben. You should’ve seen his face the first day you weren’t at set. The boy looked like a hurt puppy.”
Lily Anne scoffs and crosses her arms. “You’re being ridiculous. Quit it.”
Roger shrugs, looking smug. “I’m just saying. I don’t know what you did to that boy, but I’ve never seen anyone look so sad.”
Lily Anne rolls her eyes and looks up at Brian, waving one hand dismissively at Roger. “Whatever. Now, where are they? I need to see them before I do anything.”
Brian points to a red door and smiles. “Right through there, getting their makeup done.”
She smiles and kisses his cheek before turning to leave. “Thank you! I’ll see you both later.”
As she leaves, Brian looks over at Roger and sighs heavily. “What did I say about letting them figure it out for themselves?”
Roger puts on his sunglasses and shakes his head. “If we don’t make it clear to them, they’ll never figure it out.”
Brian looks down, rubbing his temples. “Just be patient, Rog. It’ll happen eventually.”
Roger shakes his head. “I want to see them produce a child and walk her down the aisle before we become senile or croak. If I need to speed up the process, I will.”
Brian shakes his head, and the pair walks off to check with the director what they would be doing that day.
All they want is for Lily Anne to be happy. Ben can make her happy, and he knows it. But it will happen at their own pace, and however long he has to wait, he will.
Lily knocks on the door of the large trailer, smiling. She can hear Joe inside, going on about something, and recognizes Rami’s laughter immediately.
The door is opened by Ben, with his makeup on and wig pinned back, and her jaw drops.
She always knew Roger looked pretty in this music video, but Ben is on a whole other level, and she’s just-- wow. He’s already pretty, but in this makeup, with the wig, and the skirt--
Holy fuck.
“Lily! I didn’t know you’d be back today!” Ben exclaims happily, bringing her inside and hugging her. She’s silent, and when he pulls back, she’s just looking over him in awe. “Words, Lil. I need to hear words. What’s going on?” He frowns, concerned.
She blinks and shakes her head furiously, backing up. “This--” she gestures wildly to Ben’s get up, “--should be fucking illegal. Who gave you the right to look this good as a girl, Hardy?”
Ben laughs, shaking his head and heating up. “It’s just the outfit, really.”
Lily Anne scoffs, looking up at Ben with an offended gleam in her eyes. “No, it isn’t. It is absolutely disgusting how fucking well you’re pulling this off and you know it, Ben. Don’t be fucking humble about it, that’s even worse!”
Joe has been recording this, and snorts, prompting Lily Anne to look towards him and his camera.
“That’s what I was saying!” he says, just as insistent as Lily Anne.
She nods, putting down her purse and pointing to Ben. “Look at this shit! Just take it all in, and tell me that this isn’t the prettiest woman you’ve ever seen.”
Rami and Gwil can’t form words, they’re laughing so hard.
Lily Anne puts her hands on her knees, slouching over, and catching her breath. She regains her composure before straightening up and doing a deep cleansing breath. She faces Ben again and smiles.
“I’m sorry. I needed to get that out of my system. You look good.” She smiles and hugs him, before moving to greet the rest of the cast.
She hugs Joe from the back and grins. “I missed you all so much on tour.”
“We missed you too,” Rami says, smiling and squeezing her hand as his makeup is touched up.
Lily walks over to Gwil and gives him a hug, smiling.
“How was the tour?” he asks, smiling up at her.
She stands up straight and smiles, moving out of the makeup artists’ way. “It was great! We sold out almost every stadium, and the fans were super receptive to the new music. I had a great time meeting some of them as well. The only downside was sleeping on a tour bus. It wasn’t exactly easy to sleep with the movement.”
Ben speaks as the hair person begins to finesse the blonde wig he’s wearing. “What was your favorite gig?”
Lily Anne purses her lips, tapping her chin. “That’s a good question. I think… probably Madison Square Garden. Especially since my Papa performed there as well. It meant a lot that I was carrying on his legacy and returning.”
Rami smiles and nods, turning around in the chair as the wig is adjusted. “I loved the song you wrote that you debuted on tour.”
Lily Anne looks down and laughs nervously. “Thanks, Rami.”
Joe looks over at Ben, who’s making it a point not to face Lily.
“It had some really beautiful lyrics,” Gwil says, keeping still as the makeup artist reapplies his eyeliner. “Your performance of it was amazing.”
Lily Anne smiles, rubbing the back of her neck. “I hated it while I was writing it, but I couldn’t sleep until I got it out of my head and onto paper. Thought it sounded bloody pathetic at first.”
Rami frowns. “I didn’t think it sounded weak. If anything, it was brave. You were just putting it all out there, and that’s incredible.”
Ben nods, and speaks quietly. “It takes a lot of balls to perform something like that.”
Lily turns to look at him, and smiles. “I guess it does.”
The trailer falls into a comfortable silence as the makeup artists and hair people finish up, and pretty soon, the boys are escorted to begin the shoot for the day. Lily Anne sits back and watches as they replicate the music video, smiling to herself as she thinks about how Freddie would always take her to his video shoots.
The set of I’m Going Slightly Mad
Freddie bounces a two-year-old Lily Anne on his lap as he gets his makeup done for the video, trying not to smile as she lets out high-pitched giggles and waves her arms around. Eventually, he cracks, and the makeup artist huffs, shaking her head.
“Freddie, we don’t have time to waste! I can’t keep redoing this because you keep smiling!” she exclaims, putting down her supplies. “Let someone else take Lily Anne. She’s very cute, but right now we need to work.”
Freddie sighs, regaining his composure after cooing and hugging his daughter. “Alright. I’m sorry, darling. She’s just too much sometimes.” He kisses her cheek and looks over to see Deaky reading a book in his chair. “John, darling!”
Deaky looks over to his friend, closing the book. “What is it, Fred?”
“Could you take Lily? She’s making me laugh,” he asks, gesturing to the two-year-old with her hair in pigtails.
Deaky grins and walks over, plucking the baby from her father’s lap. “Of course! Hello, Lily Anne! We’re going to have plenty of fun, aren’t we, love?”
Lily Anne giggles, clapping her hands and cuddling into her uncle. “Unca John! Unca John!”
Deaky smiles, kissing the girl’s cheek. “Good girl! What’s that, darling?” He points to the penguins.
“Penguin!” Lily Anne exclaims, clapping.
“What about that thing on Uncle Roger’s head, love?” he points to Roger, who’s wearing his teapot hat.
When Roger sees Lily Anne, he sticks his tongue out at the girl, causing her to giggle.
“Kettle!” Lily Anne responds, sticking her tongue back out at her uncle.
“What’s the best instrument in the world, Lily?” Roger asks, smiling at the girl.
Lily Anne purses her lips before saying, “Guitar!”
Roger pretends to cry, sniffling and wiping away fake tears. “Not the drums?”
Lily Anne reaches for her Uncle Roger, and Deaky hands her over. She immediately begins patting Roger’s face with her tiny hands, pouting.
“No cry. Drums okay, guitar better,” she says, looking at Roger seriously.
He smiles and kisses her cheek, smiling. “I’m just joking, love. I’m not crying.”
Lily Anne huffs, hitting his chest with her little baby fist. “Not funny!”
“What do we call Uncle Rog when he’s being bad, darling?” Freddie calls out, smiling.
Lily Anne pokes Roger’s nose and grins. “Wanker!”
Roger cackles, leaning back and holding the little girl close.
To say that Lily Anne is confused by Gwil asking her to meet him in his trailer is beyond true. She has no fucking idea what he could possibly want from her alone, and he’s shown no attraction towards her, so she doesn’t quite know what all this is about.
Brian 2.0: Hi, Lily. I need to talk to you about something.
Lily Anne: sure thing. what is it, gwil?
Brian 2.0: Can you come to my trailer later? I need to tell you in person.
Lily Anne: of course. should i be concerned?
Brian 2.0: No, not at all! I think you’ll like what I have to say, but I don’t know for sure. Just come over later and everything will be cleared up.
Lily Anne: alright. will do!
Brian 2.0: Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.
After the shoot is over, she does as she’s been told to, and knocks on the door of Gwil’s trailer. He opens the door, looking nervous. She walks inside, frowning.
“Gwil, are you sure you’re alright? I’ve never seen you this nervous before,” Lily asks, looking up at the tall man.
Gwil takes a deep breath and fiddles with his fingers, trying to compose himself. “I’m alright, I swear. Just… sit down, please. On the couch.”
Lily does as she’s told, and when Gwil sits next to her, he turns to face her and clears his throat.
“I know I’ve made a rather… well, a strange request by asking you to come here alone, and it’s even stranger that I did it over text since you’ve been here all day,” Gwil says, fiddling with the cuffs of his sweater sleeves.
“Yes, that’s true. You’ve been off all day, really. I noticed that you were quieter than usual on set, less engaged than I’ve seen you be with the boys,” Lily says, looking back up at him.
Gwil nods, gulping. “I know, I know. I just… how do I say this?” He runs a hand through his hair. “While you were on tour, I couldn’t…” He moves his hands, trying to articulate. “I couldn’t stop thinking--” He huffs and drops his head. “I’m sorry, I’m usually so much better with words. You know that.”
Lily Anne nods, resting one hand on Gwil’s knee. “I know. Take your time.”
After a moment, Gwil lifts his head again, taking a deep breath. “I couldn’t stop thinking about Ezichi. I missed her so much, and even though we talked almost daily, it was still so hard to be away from her for that long. I never want to feel that way ever again, and I’ve most certainly never felt so strongly about someone as I feel about her.”
Lily Anne’s smile grows as he speaks, spreading across her entire face. “You love her.”
Gwil nods, smiling nervously. “I do. I love her more deeply than I’ve ever loved anyone. I don’t think this feeling will ever go away or fade, and I have to express it to her.”
Lily Anne laughs, leaning back. “Go ahead and do it, Gwil! This is great! Why did you want to tell me about it first?”
Gwil smiles and holds Lily’s hand. “I wanted your permission. She’s your best friend. You know her better than anyone, and if you didn’t think that I was the best person for her to be with, who could love her fully and make her happy for the rest of her life, I wouldn’t make a move.”
Lily puts her hand over her heart, touched by Gwil’s words. “Gwil, I… I don’t think anyone could love her more than you already do. You should go for it. She loves you just as much.”
Gwil’s face lights up, and he squeezes her hand. “Did she tell you that?”
Lily nods, smiling. “Yep. The entire tour, you were the only man on her mind. You had her listening to Stevie Nicks she missed you so much!”
Gwil pulls his hand away and smiles, nodding. He hugs Lily, and she hugs him right back.
“At the wrap party, I fully expect you to tell her everything you told me,” Lily says, rubbing his back.
“Don’t worry, I absolutely will,” Gwil responds, squeezing Lily.
Lucy and Lily are walking through London, enjoying their girl’s day. They had decided to go to brunch and shop, and as they walk by a boutique, Lily grabs Lucy’s arm and points to two outfits in the window.
One of them is a red velvet suit with an embroidered sheer collared top, and the other is a Twiggy-style dress with a scalloped collar and leather accents on the bell sleeves. They look perfect.
“Lucy, if you don’t try on that dress, I will literally kill you,” Lily says, looking over at her friend. “You’ve got legs for miles. They would look fucking fabulous in that dress.”
Lucy points to the suit, grinning. “Your skin against that color red? C’mon, we have to try it.”
The pair walk inside and are tended to by a store employee, who immediately starts changing rooms for them.
“What’s the event?” another employee asks, smiling.
Lily Anne smiles back at the employee. “A party. It’s going to be at the Ritz, and we intend to look just as classy as the ballroom we’re going to be in.”
Lucy smiles at her friend, nodding. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”
The employee seems impressed, raising a brow. “The Ritz. Wow. Well, we can pull some more outfits worthy of the Ritz if you’d like. There are plenty here.”
Lily looks at Lucy, who smiles and nods. She turns back to the employee and nods. “Sounds great, darling. We’d love that.”
The employee walks off, and the girls go in to try on their outfits.
Lily Anne loves the fit of the suit, and walks out to see Lucy looking at herself in the mirror, checking out the different angles of the dress.
“Damn, Lucy! That looks amazing on you!” Lily exclaims, grinning.
Lucy turns to her, nodding. “I really like it. But I’m not sure if it gives off the right vibe.”
Lily frowns, crossing her arms. “The right vibe? What is that supposed to mean? You look hot, is that not what you want?”
Lucy blushes slightly. “Well ideally I would like Rami to ask me to be his girlfriend--”
Lily scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry. He would date you no matter what dress you wear to this party. He’s been in love with you since you started filming!”
Lucy nods, looking back in the mirror. “I know I probably sound ridiculous, but it’s not screaming ‘I’m ready to be your girlfriend!’ to me.”
Lily Anne takes a moment to analyze the dress before nodding. “I get what you mean. Do you think this outfit would be good for the party?”
Lucy looks over Lily Anne and smiles, nodding. “I mean… you look stunning.”
The sales assistant from earlier comes back holding two dresses, and gasps when she sees Lily Anne. “Holy shit! Pardon my language, but that looks amazing on you!”
Lily Anne smiles at the sales assistant. “Thank you, darling.”
The assistant hands off the two dresses to another worker to put in Lucy’s changing room, examining the suit. “It looks very glam rock. I would wear the shirt with a nude lace bra, or just pasties if you’re brave enough. However, it’s a really good look either way.”
Lily Anne smiles as Lucy goes back to change, and examines herself in the mirror. She takes off the blazer, revealing the tattoos on her arms, and the worker gasps.
“Oh my god, you’re Lily Anne Mercury! I didn’t recognize you without all the glam when you walked in.” The worker turns red, shaking her head. “I’m so embarrassed! I listened to your music all the time in 2012, and I love the new album. I’m a huge fan, really.”
Lily Anne smiles, putting a hand over her heart. “Thank you, darling. It’s alright. I can be very lowkey when I want to be, and not many people recognize me on the streets unless I’m wearing something outrageous. I appreciate that you like my music.”
The worker’s smile is so wide and bright, and Lily Anne is touched that she could brighten this retail worker’s day with her presence. “It’s so cool to have such a powerful group of women to look up to. My niece loves you too. Her greatest wish is to go to a Room 301 concert and become a songwriter.”
Lily Anne nods, thinking for a moment. “What’s her name? I can get her a ticket to the next concert we do, and if she wants to go backstage afterward and meet the band, she can do that as well.”
The worker gasps, and covers her mouth. “That’s so sweet of you! Her name is Evelyn Kensie Wells, and I can give you her mom’s name and number.”
Lily Anne nods, and plugs the information into her phone. “What’s your name, darling?”
“Caroline Lewis, miss,” the worker responds, smiling.
Lily Anne grins. “I expect to see you there with Evelyn, alright?”
Caroline hugs her, and she smiles, hugging her back. She loves helping people and giving them nice things, and especially women and children. When Caroline pulls away, she’s slightly shaking.
“Can you ring up this suit, darling? I’m taking it.”
Caroline goes to ring up the suit and Lucy exits the changing room in a silky black gown with a turtleneck and a thigh-high slit. The sleeves hug her arms, and the backless detail just adds another layer of glamour to this look.
Lily Anne is speechless, and Lucy looks at herself in the mirror.
“What do you think, Lily?” Lucy asks, smiling.
“Rami is going to lose it and so will I,” Lily says excitedly. “You look like a goddess, Lucy. I love it. I’m getting it for you because you need this dress.”
Lucy frowns, shaking her head. “Lily, please--”
Lily shakes her head, cutting Lucy off. “Take that off and get into your casual clothes, because we’re getting shoes next.”
Lucy mumbles affirmatively, and the girls leave the store with their outfits for the party.
Lily sits back in an armchair, checking her phone as she waits for Lucy to finish getting her makeup done.
“Do you really think Rami will make a move, Lily?” Lucy asks, nervously playing with her rings.
Lucy looks over at the woman looking up at the ceiling as her bottom lashline is smoked out. “Look at yourself in the mirror, Lucy. You’re a five-course meal, darling! I’d marry you on the spot if you weren’t already emotionally involved with someone.”
Lucy smiles, letting the makeup artist do her other eye. “You say that as if you’re not also emotionally involved with a certain man.”
Lily rolls her eyes, and hears a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” she asks.
“Room service,” Bronwyn answers, causing Madi to laugh.
Lily opens the door, smiling. “I don’t remember ordering two raging lesbians.”
Bronwyn shrugs. “Sorry, love. We don’t come with a return policy.”
Lily grins. “Eh. I didn’t pay too much for you two, so I’ll keep you.”
Madigan smiles, and they walk inside, closing the door behind them. Bronwyn looks over at Lucy, raising a brow.
“Damn, Lucy. If I weren’t already married, I’d wife you the fuck up,” she says, smiling.
Madigan looks over and wolf whistles, joining her wife. “If it doesn’t work out with Rami, you can always come to us.”
Lucy blushes. “Thank you. You’re both very sweet.”
Lily smiles, and there is another knock at the door. “Hello?”
“My tit is about to pop out of this dress. Open up before I give someone a show,” Ezichi says, sounding panicked.
Lily Anne opens up the door and lets her friend, whistling at her ensemble. “We’re going easy access tonight, aren’t we?”
Ezichi examines Lily’s sheer top and raises a brow. “You’re basically flashing everyone. Don’t be a hypocrite.”
Lily Anne scoffs and looks in the mirror. “You can’t see that much with the embroidery, really. If it’s actually too much I can just wear the blazer over it.”
Ezichi rolls her eyes, picking up a piece of fashion tape from the box on the table and applying it to her dress. With Lily’s help, they manage to stick the fabric down, and Ezichi jumps for good measure, testing it out. The tape stays, and Ezichi smiles.
Lucy stands up from the chair and walks over to the mirror, and Ezichi’s jaw drops. “Holy crap, Lucy!”
Lucy’s eyes widen in panic and she immediately begins to look over herself for anything off. “What? Is there a stain on the dress?”
Ezichi shakes her head, laughing. “No! Not at all. You just look really good, that’s all. I’ve never seen you in a dress like this! I love it!”
Lucy smiles at Ezichi. “Thank you so much! I love yours too!”
Lily Anne frowns as her phone buzzes, and looks down at the device.
blind bitch: Help
She responds to Roger, sighing.
Lily Anne: what is it?
blind bitch: Can you sign tonite ?
Lily Anne: … sign?
blind bitch: Sing*
Lily Anne: what’s in it for me?
blind bitch: Are you kidding mr?
blind bitch: Me*
Lily Anne: nope.
The text bubble appears, disappears, and appears again over a span of ten minutes.
blind bitch: I’ll buy hte food for the after party.
blind bitch: The*
Lily Anne purses her lips, thinking for a moment before responding.
Lily Anne: sure. what songs are we doing?
blind bitch: Thank u !! Just we are the champions, dont stop me now, we will rock you, and borhap.
Lily Anne: got it. will warm up now.
blind bitch: Love ya, Lily !
Lily Anne: love you too, uncle rog.
Lily takes a sip of water and begins to do vocal exercises, causing Ezichi to frown.
“We’re not performing tonight, why are you warming up?” Madi asks, voicing what the band is thinking.
“Roger just texted me asking if I could perform with him and Brian tonight, and he’s buying us after party snacks if I do,” Lily explains, shrugging.
Bronwyn answers her phone as she gets a call, smiling. “Hello, Brian! What’s up?” She leans back against the bed she’s laying on as he speaks. “Alright. I’m down to perform if you have the bass. Which songs?” She nods as the songs are listed. “Got it. Easy enough. Bring up the bass so I can practice and we’ll be good to go! Thanks! Bye, Brian!” She hangs up and looks over at Lily Anne. “Sarina is bringing up the bass.”
Lily smiles, pausing her singing. “Sounds great.”
Ten minutes later there’s a knock on the door, and Ezichi opens it to reveal Sarina Taylor carrying a bass and wearing a low cut dress that fits her body like a glove.
“Hello, Ezichi! I love the outfit!” she says as she walks inside, kissing Ezichi’s cheek.
“Thanks, Sarina! I love yours as well,” Ezichi responds, smiling.
Bronwyn walks over and gets the bass from Sarina’s hands. “Thanks, mum,” she says jokingly.
“You’re welcome, love. You look dashing,” Sarina says, pinching Bron’s cheek.
Lily Anne smiles and hugs Sarina, grinning. “You look stunning, mum,” she says, smiling.
Lily Anne reclines in her bed, writing down the lyrics to one of her new songs when she hears a knock on the door. She looks up tiredly. “Who is it?”
A nurse responds to her. “You have a visitor, Miss Mercury.”
Lily Anne puts aside her paper, frowning. Nobody has come to visit her since she got here two months ago. “Who is it?”
“Sarina Taylor. She says that she’s your aunt. Do you want to meet her at the front desk?” the nurse asks.
Lily Anne blinks in confusion, biting her lip. Roger took it particularly harshly when she overdosed for the second time, but as a small gift, she received sequin slippers from the Taylor clan as a collective whole. She didn’t anticipate Sarina or any of the Taylors actually wanting to see her.
“Miss? Do you want to meet her? It’s up to you,” the nurse prompts.
“Y-yeah. Sure, just let me put on some shoes and a sweater,” she responds, clearing piles of paper off her bed.
“Take your time, Miss. I’ll tell the front desk that you’ll be down soon,” the nurse says before leaving.
When Lily Anne heads down to the front desk with a messy bun, gray sweats, and her slippers on, Sarina spots her and perks up, sitting up in her seat. Lily Anne walks over to her and the woman puts aside the bouquet she has in her lap to stand up and tightly hug Lily Anne.
There are no words that come out of Sarina’s mouth, but the love and relief she feels radiates from the warm hug Lily Anne recieves. When Sarina pulls away, she hands her the bouquet, smiling. “They’re from your garden. Mary helped me collect them.”
Lily Anne nods, smiling weakly at the flowers. “Thank you, Sarina. They’re gorgeous.”
Sarina picks up her purse and smiles at the girl. “Do you want to put them in your room and then go for lunch?”
Lily Anne raises a brow at the word lunch. “Lunch where? I can’t leave the facilities.”
Sarina nods. “I know. Jer and Kashmira made you some food, and I have it in my bag. We can eat it near the pond and have a little picnic of sorts.”
Lily Anne gulps back emotion and nods, smiling. “Sure thing. Let’s go to my room first.”
When Sarina sees the papers all over, she frowns. “Love? What’s all this?”
Lily Anne places the flowers in a plastic pitcher and puts them near her window. “The papers? They’re song lyrics.”
Sarina nods and leans down to pick some up off the floor. “Can I look at them, or are they not done yet?”
Lily Anne hesitates before nodding, helping her to pick up the papers. “I’m most likely gonna produce them, so I guess it really doesn’t make a difference, does it?”
Sarina smiles and nods, and as they leave the room and walk over to the elevator, she looks down at Lily’s feet. “I’m glad you like the slippers. Lola picked them out for you.”
Lily smiles, looking at her aunt. “Tell her that they’re a very good gift.”
Sarina nods, satisfied. “I will.”
Lily Anne smells the Indian food when Sarina pulls it out of her bag and nearly begins to cry. She can taste the love when it reaches her mouth and closes her eyes. A single tear falls because she can barely handle all this emotion she feels. Sarina squeezes her hand, and she squeezes it back, looking over to see the woman barely holding back tears.
“We all just want you to be okay, Lily. We’re here for you always, no matter what,” Sarina says.
Lily nods. “I know. I appreciate it.”
“They why don’t you take it?” Sarina asks.
Lily Anne takes a deep breath. “Sometimes I don’t think I deserve it. I’ve hurt so many--” She wipes away a tear. “So many people, so badly. I know that I’ve wounded Brian and Anita more times than I can count. My bandmates are so loyal, and I just don’t understand why. But the worst hurt has always fallen on Roger.”
Sarina nods, looking down. “He loves you so much. We all do.”
Lily takes another bite of her food. “I know that. He’s like a third father to me, which is why he can’t stand to see me destroy myself.”
Sarina takes a deep breath. “He’s hurting so badly. We all are. I offered for him to come, but--”
Lily Anne furiously shakes her head. “I don’t want to see the hurt in his eyes.”
“That’s why I’m here. He wants to know that you’re doing better.”
Lily passes Sarina a song she’s written. “Bring this to him.”
Sarina nods. “Can I read it?”
Lily looks over at her and nods. “Yeah. I want him to write this one with me.”
Sarina looks down and begins to read it, smiling. “Lily, you’ve never written anything this… this vulnerable.”
Lily takes another bite of her food and nods. “It’s my own form of therapy. I tried the group stuff, the meditation, the art therapy, but this is the only thing that really works for me.” Sarina nods, looking at the scrawled out lyrics. “Does it make you feel better?”
Lily nods, smiling. “Yeah. It helps me out a lot. I think I finally found a good coping mechanism.”
Sarina’s smile only grows as she reads further. “Oh, Lily… he’s going to love this. He’ll be so happy that you’ve found something that works for you!”
Lily smiles as her aunt kisses her forehead, closing her eyes.
Lily Anne leads the group of ladies downstairs, walking into the lavish ballroom and smiling as she sees the BoRhap boys together. As soon as she walks inside, Ben is the first to notice her, and smiles when he sees her, beginning to walk over. Gwil and Rami follow, and Joe tags along behind them.
Lily Anne looks over Ben’s suit, nodding in approval. “Black velvet with a red cufflink. I approve.”
Ben smiles at her and nods. “I see we both got the memo.”
She nods, laughing before looking over his cufflinks. “Are these real rubies?”
He nods, and Lily Anne’s jaw drops. “Wow. How boujee of you, Benjamin.”
He grins down at her. “What can I say? You’ve influenced my style.”
Her lips quirk up into a smile, and as he offers her his elbow to walk to their table, she takes it, walking away with him.
Joe looks like he wants to kill both of them. “How are they so blind? How? They even dressed the same fucking way without consulting each other!”
Gwil sighs, patting Joe’s back. “Just be patient, Joe. You’ll be his best man someday.”
Ezichi nods, agreeing with Gwil. “It will be a long time before she puts me in a bridesmaid’s dress.” She looks at Gwil, smiling. “I love the suit.”
Gwil smiles back at her, nodding. “I think that’s a gorgeous dress. You look amazing.”
She smiles as Gwil offers her his arm, and she takes it, walking off with him.
Bron looks over at Joe and sighs, offering her own arm. He takes it with a smile, and she grins.
Brian taps the microphone and the room quiets down, everyone turning to look at the man.
“Hello, everyone! Do I have your attention? Good.” Brian pulls out a piece of paper from his suit jacket. “First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone who worked on this project, which is so important to Queen, to Lily, and to everyone who knew and loved Freddie.” He smiles at the audience fondly. “This project has been in development for so long, because we knew that it had to be absolutely perfect for Freddie. Everything, from the script, to the cast, to the set, to the timing. Everything just had to be perfect. I’m very pleased to say that Roger and I found that it was the best it could possibly be, and our goal of making sure the world knows Freddie and the band as more than just another rock band was met.” Brian wipes his eyes, smiling. “Queen is a family for me, and it has been since 1970, when we first got together. Just like a family, some people have decided to be less directly involved, but that doesn’t change that we love them unconditionally, and hold our arms open for them if they choose to return to the forefront. Also, just like a family, we take care of one another, no matter what.” Brian looks down at Lily, who blinks away a happy tear. “Everyone in this room is now part of the Queen family, and I’m so glad that we could extend our love to all of you talented, dedicated, wonderful people.”
The audience claps, and Brian nods, waiting for them to calm down.
“As a thank you, we’d like to perform a few songs for you all. On the bass, we’ll have the talented Bronwyn Ryan-Hughes, and in place of Adam and Freddie, the lovely Lily Anne Mercury.”
As the crowd roars, Lily Anne sheds her blazer, putting it on her chair before stepping on stage. She walks over to Brian and gives him a tight hug, smiling. He reciprocates, and when he pulls away, walks over to his Red Special. Roger gives Lily and Bron thumbs up, and the girls nod, heading over to their instruments.
Lily Anne takes her spot at the baby grand piano, angling down the microphone with a smile.
“I must admit, I was informed of this just thirty minutes ago, so I have no idea what the order of the set list is,” Lily Anne laughs, waving dismissively. “But I think it’s only right to start off with a song that truly encapsulates the legacy of this amazing band.” She begins playing We Are the Champions, and as the room claps, she lets the music take her, infusing all the heart and soul she can into the lyrics of the song.
She imagines that Jim and Freddie are watching her from the back of the room, smiling and holding hands as their baby girl sings, knowing that they raised a strong, independent, confident woman. In a way, she thinks they are watching her, and she could swear that she feels her Papa behind her, performing alongside her. As the song closes, she takes a bow before returning to the piano.
Don’t Stop Me Now gets her moving around the stage, at one point headbanging to Brian’s guitar solo. She owns the song, and as she begins the stomp stomp clap of We Will Rock You, she prompts everyone to stand up, causing the whole floor to shake. The power of the song causes the air around her to buzz with energy, and she sighs deeply, taking a sip of water and sitting down to catch her breath before the last song.
“You’re an amazing audience, truly.” She says, smiling at the people in the room. “I can’t help but feel like Freddie is watching this all from above. I’m sure he’s forcing Jim to sing along to all of it, and playing with the cats.” She lets out a laugh. “How about we close with a little Bohemian Rhapsody?”
The audience yells, and Lily Anne stands up to finish off the set. The song goes perfectly, and everyone screams once the song is over. Lily Anne feels a spark on her forehead and a hand on her shoulder, and knows that it’s Freddie, and he’s proud of her. She takes a bow with Bron, and hugs Brian and Roger, smiling.
Ezichi smiles and hugs Lily Anne as she sits down, grinning. “You were perfect, Lily! That was amazing.”
Lily Anne smiles at Ezichi and returns the hug, leaning against her friend. “Thank you, Ezichi. I appreciate it.”
Bron sits down and Madi kisses her cheek, grinning. “You looked so happy up there, B! I loved it!”
Bron wraps an arm around her wife, kissing her on the lips. “Thanks, Mads. I must admit, your dancing did encourage me to continue on. It was adorable.”
Madi blushes and shakes her head. “I dance like a chicken without a head, Bron. I’m so bad at it.”
Lily Anne frowns. “Madi, you’re a great dancer!”
Madi looks over and scoffs. “Not when it’s anything but Irish dance.”
Joe smiles, looking over at her. “You did Irish dance?”
Madi nods, smiling. “Yep. I’ve done it since I was five.”
Bron ruffles her wife’s hair. “She dances and I play Welsh fiddle.”
Gwil perks up. “How Welsh were your parents?”
Bron looks over and raises her brows. “My father had the flag tattooed across his back and my mother was a Welsh clog dancing champion. I grew up only speaking Welsh in the house.”
Gwil leans back, nodding. “I did clog dancing as well. I was pretty good at it, actually.”
Ezichi grins at Gwil. “No way. I have to see that.”
Gwil smiles at her. “I’m sure I can find my clogs somewhere in my closet.”
Just then, a slower acoustic cover of You’re My Best Friend begins playing, and people start to go to the dance floor in the center of the room as couples.
“Speaking of dancing,” Gwil begins, standing up and offering Ezichi his hand, “would you like to join me out there?”
Ezichi’s smile grows, and she stands, nodding. “Of course.”
Bron soon sweeps Madi to the floor, and Lily Anne, Ben, and Joe are left sitting there. The tension is thick, and Lily Anne sighs, sipping her virgin margarita. She clearly expects Ben to ask her to dance, but that’s not going to happen, so Joe steps in, standing up and offering her his hand.
“M’lady, could I have this dance?” he asks in a silly accent.
Lily snorts, putting down her drink. “I suppose so, my good sir. Please, sweep me away with your dance moves!”
Joe smiles and takes her hand, and as they walk to the dance floor and begin dancing, his hand on her back and hers on his shoulder, she sighs.
“Listen,” he says, becoming serious. “I know you were expecting Ben to ask you to dance. I get that I’m not him and this is a bit of a disappointment, but I will get that man to dance with you by the end of the night.”
Lily looks down, shaking her head. “It’s alright. I get it.” She looks up at Joe, concerned, and whispers. “Did I come on too strong with that song I wrote? I know it wasn’t subtle, but it wasn’t meant to scare him away.”
Joe sighs, looking down at her. “No, you didn’t. It was a good thing that you wrote that, because he called me up after he watched the video of it and asked me if you loved him.”
Her eyes go wide and she squeezes Joe’s hand. “What did you say?”
Joe smiles. “I asked him if he loved you.”
She squeezes his hand more tightly. “What did he say?”
Joe winces. “Lily, could you--”
She lightens her grip. “Sorry. I’m just really nervous.”
Joe shrugs, smiling. “It’s alright. To be honest, it’s pretty damn cute. Instead of saying yes or no, he said maybe, and before you say anything-- listen to me. I asked him to talk about you.”
Lily raises a brow and nods. “And?”
Joe smiles. “He praised you for almost ten minutes straight.”
Lily nods, pursing her lips. “Okay. But that’s not a yes or no answer.”
Joe nods, twirling her. “I then asked him that if you asked him to give you the world, would he do it?”
Lily looks up at Joe and presses her lips together nervously.
Joe leans in and whispers, “He said ‘Of course.’”
Lily smiles and sighs in relief, hugging Joe tightly. “Oh, thank God.”
Joe pulls away after a moment, looking down at her. “He’s scared. You’re scared. But I think if you asked him to dance, he would be less scared.”
Lily nods, smiling. “Alright. Thank you, Joe. You’ve been a great dance partner.”
Joe salutes her playfully. “Go get ‘im, tiger.”
Lily Anne walks off, going over to Ben, and the smile that lights up his face makes Joe want to squeal. Maybe, just maybe, he’s sped up this long and grueling waiting process.
Gwil is by far one of the best dance partners Ezichi has ever had. The height helps, but the firm hand on the small of her back and confident steps he takes are truly a wonderful combination. She lets Gwil guide her around the floor, smiling.
“You look really amazing, Zichi,” he says, looking into her eyes. “Truly gorgeous. I didn’t want the boys to tease me about it there, but I needed to get it off my chest.”
Ezichi smiles, letting out a little laugh. “I was going to say that your suit looks incredibly good on you, but I know Lily and Madi would have a field day going on about that. I’d never hear the end of it.”
Gwil smiles, but looks slightly confused. “I would think that Lily and Bron would be the ones making a big deal about it, not Madi.”
Ezichi nods, grinning. “I get that. Nowadays, Madi tries to contain her chaotic, nosy tendencies. She knows that Bron will immediately say something that gives away what she thinks, and she has to act like an adult to prevent that. But she’s a drummer. Drummers are inherently chaotic.”
Gwil lets out a laugh, and spins Ezichi. “All the chaotic energy is taken out on her drums?”
Ezichi nods, snorting. “Basically. She tries to be calm and collected and make sure Bron isn’t making a mess of things, but the one area where she’s still a teenager at heart is when it comes to gossip. She loves it.”
Gwil smiles and lets out a puff of laughter, shaking his head. “As a band, you all just work so well.”
Ezichi tilts her head to the side, shrugging with a fond smile on her face. “We have our fights, but we love each other. I couldn’t imagine life without them by my side. It would be so lonely.”
Gwil takes a deep breath, and looks down at Ezichi. “I understand the feeling. This project has been truly amazing, but I’m not sure how I’m going to get on once it’s all over. I’ll miss them all so much.”
Ezichi squeezes his hand, smiling. “Ben and Lucy will still be in London, and Rami and Joe both live in New York. It won’t be that hard to visit.”
Gwil shakes his head slightly. “I’ll also miss seeing you, Ezichi.”
Ezichi smiles fondly at Gwil, her stomach full of butterflies. “I’m in London. Lily’s in London. Bron and Madi are in London. We won’t be far at all.”
Gwil tilts her chin up so she’s looking in his eyes. “I know that, but I think I’ve become far too attached to you in particular, Ezichi.”
Ezichi’s eyes widen, and she begins to blush. “I-I… I’ve enjoyed your company as well, Gwil.”
Gwil smiles nervously. “If I’m being fully honest with myself, I’ve never felt so close to anyone before in my life. While you were on tour, I was so lonely. Every picture I saw of you just made me want to be with you, and I’ve never felt that kind of loneliness before, Ezichi. When you came back, I was just so indescribably happy. It was like a hole had been filled, but instead of making me simply content, it made me…”
Ezichi responds for him. “Happier than I’d ever been before.”
Gwil’s eyes light up. “Yes, that’s exactly it. Did you--” he turns red. “Did you feel the same way?”
His voice is so hopeful, and Ezichi is glad that she can make his hopes come true.
Ezichi nods, smiling. “I felt the same exact way, Gwil.”
Gwil nods, and as the song ends, he dips her, their faces mere inches apart. “I was so confused as to why it hurt so much, but I figured it out.” A new song starts up, and he lifts her out of the dip, his hand on her back beginning to shake. “I need you, Ezichi. You complete me in a way that nobody else can, and you make me want to be the best person I can be, because you’re my better half, and you deserve the best I can give you.”
Ezichi smiles widely as she’s twirled, and lets one hand rest on Gwil’s cheek, thumb stroking his stubble slowly. “I would’ve taken a simple ‘I love you,’ but I do love your monologues.”
Gwil smiles and kisses her gently, to which she reciprocates immediately. When they pull away Ezichi is flushed, and smiles as she move to wipe her lip gloss off of his face. After she does, he dips her again, holding her flush as his lips are at her ear.
He leans in to whisper in her ear as they keep dancing. “Now, as gentlemanly as I would like to be, and as much as I would like to treat you like the goddess you are, I am a mere man, and this dress is absolutely begging to be ripped off of your body.”
Ezichi smirks, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Gwil, let’s get a few things cleared up.” She’s twirled again. “I appreciate the gentleman, but right now I want an animal.” They sweep across the floor, and she smiles as they turn. “I am your goddess. My body is your temple, and your temple only.” Finally, she’s pulled in again, and looks up at him with a wicked grin. “I want people to know that you worshipped me.”
Gwil looks down at her, pupils dilated. “Get your purse. We’re going to my room now.”
Roger watches as Ben and Lily dance, and Sarina sits down beside him, smiling and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He turns to face her and smiles. “Hello, love. Enjoying the party?”
Sarina nods. “Very much. You sounded great up there, love. Everything was amazing.”
Roger smiles, sipping a glass of whiskey before kissing her hand and looking back at the dance floor.
Sarina watches with him, grinning into her glass of wine. “Lily and Ben aren’t going to admit their feelings for each other tonight, Rog.”
Roger looks over at Sarina, frowning. “Why not? They’re dancing. Lucy and Rami left earlier, and so did Ezichi and Gwil. How is it not going to happen?”
Sarina shrugs and holds his tattooed hand. “The timing isn’t right. They’re almost there, though. Be patient.”
Roger huffs and leans back, and Anita and Brian sit down next to them.
Brian smiles, sipping his water. “I know. I wanted it to happen too, but it won’t tonight.”
Roger shakes his head. “They’re so blind. It’s ridiculous that it’s taking this long for them to tell each other how they feel.”
Anita shakes her head. “They know how they feel for each other.”
Roger scoffs. “Then what’s taking so long?”
Brian smiles fondly. “They’re scared and cautious. They want it to work so badly that they’ll wait it out until it is fully clear that they won’t be rejected.”
Anita smiles and squeezes Roger’s hand. “When it happens, it will happen fast.”
Sarina nods, looking over at her husband. “Stop stewing, love. You’ll walk her down the aisle someday.”
Roger finishes his drink, sitting up. “I better.”
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
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dailyironfamily · 7 years
day 26 - sci-fi au
Day twenty-six of the November Fic Challenge is a sci-fi AU! Except I took the easy way and made it a Star Trek AU. Thankfully you don’t need to know anything about Star Trek except what Vulcans are to read this because it’s mostly just relationship drama. You know, the good part of Star Trek.
“Hey, Stark! Your girlfriend’s here to see you!”
Puzzled, Tony crawls out from underneath a control panel to see who Ensign Parker is talking about, because unless something happened he wasn’t aware of, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Lieutenant T’Pos is standing at attention near the entrance to Engineering, and he sighs and picks himself off the floor, dusting off his uniform as he makes his way over to her.
“Get back to work, Ensign!” he shouts to Parker, who laughs and leans in closer to Ensign Leeds presumably to gossip and not to get back to work.
“Do you need assistance controlling your subordinates, Lieutenant Stark?” the Vulcan standing by the door asks in lieu of a greeting. She doesn’t smile when she sees him, but that’s to be expected.
“I’ve told you a thousand times, Lieutenant, you can call me Tony when I’m off duty.”
“And yet it seems like you are never off duty, sir. Hence why I came looking for you here, instead of your quarters or the mess hall.”
Tony sighs and says, “Right, well, what can I do for you, Pepper?”
Her expression doesn’t change save for the slight furrow of her brow that always appears whenever someone uses that nickname for her. “I was hoping you could help me with a...personal problem.”
Tony blinks in surprise. Pepper never spoke about personal anythings with him, or anyone else, he imagines. “Sure, uh, let’s go somewhere a little more private?”
“Here is adequate,” she says, but lets Tony usher her out of engineering and into a corridor with less people.
“Is something wrong?” he asks once they’re alone.
“Quite the contrary. I require your assistance courting a friend of yours.”
“Courting, like―you want to date?” Tony can’t hide the shock from his voice. He’s known Pepper since they both started on the USS Resilient at the same time all those years ago, and she’d never shown any interest in being romantic with anyone. Much to his disappointment.
“That would be the human word for it, yes. I was hoping you could give me some advice on courting Lieutenant Rhodes.”
That was an even deeper blow than the first. Vulcan-human pairs weren’t absolutely unheard of, and everyone in Starfleet knew of Commander Spock. But Tony had always consoled himself with the assumption that she wasn’t interested in humans, and that was why she hadn’t shown any interest in him. Apparently, she just wasn’t interested in him, period.
“Oh! Yeah, sure,” he says after an awkward pause, realizing she’s waiting for a response. “Rhodey’s amazing, you have great taste. I’m sure he’ll say yes.”
“Lieutenant Rhodes is an excellent helmsman, and very handsome,” she agrees with a nod. “Though I do not think you can guarantee his answer will be a positive one.”
“Nah, come on, you’re amazing too,” Tony says, smile slightly strained. “You’d be perfect together.”
“Thank you, Lieu―Tony,” she corrects herself, giving him a slight bow. “You are an ‘amazing’ person as well.”
Hardly, Tony thinks to himself, but out loud he just says, “You’re off duty now, right? Let’s go get drinks and gossip about Rhodey. We’ll have a plan whipped up in no time.”
Tony spends the evening telling Pepper about the kinds of things Rhodey likes and traditional human methods of courting. She listens to a list of gifts that are considered romantic, a look of consternation on her face.
“Would it not be easier just to tell him my feelings?” she asks when he’s done listing things off.
“Sure, if you want to come on too strong,” he says. “You’ve got to scope him out first, see if he’s interested.”
Pepper continues to frown. “Wouldn’t discovering his interest also be easier if I asked?”
“And scare him off? You guys live on the same ship, Pep, if you make things awkward you can’t just avoid him.”
“I would not just avoid him,” she protests, but she seems to consider his words anyway. “All right. I’ll will test the proverbial waters with some of these methods you’ve explained. Thank you, Tony. I do appreciate the help.”
Tony tries to smile, and knocks back the rest of his drink. “Of course. It’s no problem.”
A couple days later, Rhodey comes up to him as he’s heading back to his room after his shift and says,
“Hey, Tony! You’ve got to come see this.”
Curious, Tony follows him down the hall to his quarters instead, and when Rhodey keys open the door, a startled laugh escapes him. The room is filled with flowers of all colors, on the desk and the shelves and the bed, even some on the floor. Rhodey steps through them to pick up something else from his desk, showing it to Tony.
From a secret admirer, it says, and Tony has to stifle another laugh. Oh no, he hadn’t realized Pepper would go for the most dramatic possible option when he was giving her suggestions.
“Rhodey, you handsome bastard,” he says, punching him lightly in the arm.
“Do you...I mean, any guesses who it’s from?” Rhodey asks him, looking oddly expectant. Why would he assume Tony knew? Aside from the fact that Tony actually does know who his secret admirer is, but Rhodey doesn’t know that.
Tony shrugs and plays dumb. “No clue. Has anyone been trying to get cozy with you lately?”
Rhodey sets the card back down on the desk with a frown. “Not that I’ve noticed.”
Hmm, that’s no good. He’d have to try and get Pepper to ask Rhodey to dinner or something. Even just to grab a cup of coffee.
“I’ll keep an ear out for any gossip,” Tony promises, then lights up as if suddenly thinking up a brilliant idea, “Hey, why don’t you ask Lieutenant T’Pos if she’s heard anything?”
“Is this an ear joke? Because that’s not very nice.”
“What? No! I mean, she’s in communications, you know how those people love to gossip. Maybe she heard something.”
“Pepper doesn’t seem like the gossipy type,” Rhodey says, skeptical.
“Oh, trust me, there’s more there than meets the eye,” Tony says. “It wouldn’t hurt to ask.”
Rhodey doesn’t look entirely convinced, but finally he nods. “Okay, I’ll try. Thanks, Tones.”
“Anytime,” Tony replies, and it almost sounds entirely sincere.
“So when I said replicate him some flowers, I didn’t mean every flower in the database,” Tony tells Pepper the next time he sees her, the two of them alone in an elevator.
“You did not specify which kinds he liked,” Pepper answers, looking at him like it’s entirely his fault. “So I thought, better safe than sorry, as they say.”
“Luckily, I think he found it kind of charming. Maybe just reel it back a little next time?”
She looks thoughtful, then nods. The elevator slides to a stop, and Tony adds quickly before the doors open and he walks out,
“Oh, and I told him to ask you if you heard any related gossip, ask him to get coffee if he does!”
“So Pepper doesn’t know anything about the flowers,” Rhodey tells him that evening. Tony looks up from the datapad he’s reading and tries not to sound too excited as he says,
“Oh? That’s unfortunate.”
“She was really insistent about me drinking coffee, though,” Rhodes says, frowning slightly. “So I gave in and had a cup and she just sort of watched me drink it.”
Tony wants to groan and put his head on the table. He clearly should have been more specific in his instructions. “Probably a Vulcan thing,” he says instead with a shrug.
“Maybe.” Rhodey pushes his food around his plate with his fork, silent for a moment. “Hey, are you sure you don’t know who put those flowers in my room?”
Tony tries not to sound too nervous as he says, “Um, yeah. Why do you ask?”
Rhodey shrugs, setting his fork down. “I just thought, maybe it’s someone in our friend circle?”
Tony stares back down at his datapad so his face doesn’t give anything away. “Oh, maybe. Who do you think it is?” Rhodey doesn’t answer for a long moment, and Tony finally looks up to see what the problem is, but Rhodey’s just staring at him. “Jim? You okay?”
Rhodey finally looks away, breaking his gaze. “Sorry. No, I’ve got no idea. That’s why I’m asking.”
Tony smiles encouragingly, nudging Rhodey’s leg under the table with his foot. “Hey, we’ll figure it out! They’re probably a super babe but are really shy.”
Rhodey laughs and shakes his head, expression brightening a little. “Sure, Tony. You keep telling me that.”
This time Tony tracks down Pepper after her shift is done so they can talk.
“You’re only going to hear me say this once, but you were right and I was wrong.”
Pepper tilts her head slightly. “Why would you only say it once when it is true more often than that?”
“Nope, don’t distract me right now. Flowers and coffee dates aren’t going to work. You should just ask him directly.”
“Would this not be off-putting for a human?” she asks.
Tony sighs. “I think my brilliant plan’s just making Rhodey anxious. I should’ve known, he’s not good with surprises.”
Pepper doesn’t say anything and her expression doesn’t change, and Tony eyes her warily. He nearly jumps, startled, when she finally does speak. “I appreciate the honesty. I will go ask him now.”
“What, now, like, right now?” She’s already turning to walk down the corridor, and Tony follows after her.
“I believe he will be in his quarters at this time,” she says, unperturbed. “Would you please come with me?”
The last thing Tony wants to see is his best friend hooking up with his crush, but Pepper looks expectantly at him, and he just nods and keeps following her.
“Maybe you should slow down, think this out,” he tries as they make their way to the proper deck. “Don’t rush into things.”
“It was your advice that I be direct.”
“Yeah, but my advice has been pretty bad so far.”
“I trust you, Lieutenant. Your advice has come from a place of caring.”
That flusters Tony long enough that he has nothing else to say until they come to a stop in front of Rhodey’s door. Pepper doesn’t hesitate to knock.
When Rhodey answers the door it’s clear he’d been sleeping very recently, but he looks at the pair of them in surprise. “Tony? Lieutenant T’Pos?”
“May we enter?” Pepper asks, and Rhodey looks over at Tony, confused.
Tony just shrugs, but Rhodey steps back and lets them into his room. The place is still full of the flowers Pepper had snuck in, but the bed and desk chair had been cleared.
“Is something wrong?” Rhodey asks once everyone’s in. Tony leans back against the closed door, feeling awkward.
Pepper, however, seems to feel no such thing, because she gestures at the edge of Rhodey’s bed. “Please, sit. I have a question to ask.”
Slowly, Rhodey sits and waits. Pepper clears her throat, fiddling with the cuff of her uniform for a moment.
“I like you very much, James. I had hoped to use human methods of courtship to make that clear, but I’m afraid I did not understand as much as I’d hoped.”
“Oh, the flowers...” He glances around the room, then over at Tony, glaring. “You knew who did it.”
Tony winces. “I couldn’t just blab. She came to me in confidence.”
“I appreciate the help Tony provided, but I feel I must be more transparent,” Pepper admits. “Would you be interested in fostering a relationship of that sort?”
Rhodey doesn’t say anything for a long, painful moment. Tony forces himself to stay silent and not interrupt. Finally, Rhodey responds with an answer Tony wouldn’t have expected in a thousand years.
“You’re wonderful, Pepper. I mean it. But I have a confession too.” He takes a deep breath and looks over at Tony. “I’d kind of hoped the flowers were from you.”
“Me?” Tony squeaks, flabbergasted. “You―you like me?”
“Since the Academy,” Rhodey says.
“Well, this is awkward,” Pepper says after another moment of silence. “I was always under the impression that Lieutenant Stark had some sort of crush on me.”
Tony silently prays for an asteroid to hit the ship and put him out of his misery right now.
“You knew?” Rhodey asks her, eyebrows raised, because of course Tony had never shut up about Pepper around him, and oh god, he’d kept talking about his crush on another person while his best friend was pining for him. For years!
“For some time now,” Pepper says. “I was under the impression it was a human faux pas to bring it up in conversation.”
Tony buries his face in his hands. What a disaster.
“I can’t believe you tried to get him to help you woo someone else when you knew he liked you!” Rhodey says, standing at last.
“I assumed since he did not bring it up, it was not serious.”
“Can we please stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Tony interrupts, straightening up. The other two stop arguing, and Tony sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. “What now?”
Nobody answers for a moment, then Pepper says,
“We can try this arrangement.” The two men look at her, and she gestures between the three of them, drawing a triangle. “I would not be opposed.”
Rhodey and Tony look at each other, startled. “What, like a ménage à trois?” Tony asks.
“I do not know what that is, but it sounds more agreeable than the three of us going our separate ways unsatisfied.”
“You seriously think that could work?” Rhodey glances between the two of them, but he’s not dismissing the idea outright, to Tony’s surprise.
Then again, Tony’s kind of surprised he’s not dismissing the idea either. It’s got a kind of appeal to it, the more he thinks about it. Rhodey’s been his best friend for years, and they’ve always stuck together and had each other’s backs. Kissing him doesn’t sound like a terrible idea too.
“Hey, if anyone can figure out how to make it work, we can,” Tony says with a grin. He goes over and takes a flower from the desk, handing it to Rhodey. “These were half from me anyway, it was my idea.”
Rhodey laughs and takes the flower from him. “They’re lovely,” he tells him, then hands the same flower to Pepper. “And I’d love to try fostering a relationship of that sort.”
Pepper takes the flower more carefully, spinning the stem between her fingers. “That sounds...awesome,” she says, testing the unfamiliar word, and Tony and Rhodey laugh.
Whatever the future has in store, they’ll boldly go toward it together.
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reconditarmonia · 5 years
Dear Gen Freeform Writer
(Edit: I apologize for not coming back to fill out this placeholder. It’s unlike me and it’s negatively affected you. I hope this addition comes at a time when it’s still useful to you; it largely replicates my signup but expands on some things.)
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods should be able to contact me if you have any questions.
Fullmetal Alchemist | Machineries of Empire | Legend of Korra
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity; stories whose resolution isn’t the sex scene.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships.
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Group(s): Roy Mustang & Riza Hawkeye
Competence - highly effective teamwork
Intensely Important Nonsexual Nonromantic Relationship
Loyalty - Betraying Leader or Subordinate to Save Them
Loyalty - Deferring To Leader or Subordinate's Judgment
Loyalty - Gestures of Loyalty
Loyalty - Risking Self For Someone
Loyalty - Swearing
I love the loyalty kink in this canon, and in this duo specifically: the trust and competence and stoically hidden but very very intense feelings, the willingness to risk oneself or the other person, or to stake a lot on the other person’s competence (and willingness to hurt or sacrifice the other person because their shared cause says it’s right, too, all the times that comes up), the fighting together in tandem.
So - a dangerous mission (or intelligence-collecting situation) where their deep familiarity/trust/awareness of each other’s presence and fighting style and communication come into play (god, that bit in canon where Hawkeye shoots two guys right over Mustang’s shoulder), or where they worry about each other’s safety, or rescue each other? Or a more private scene? I love the intimacy of their work relationship and personal history, on levels from casual to very intense. I love the "protect my back" exchange so, so much (I'm particularly interested in fics set during a time when that is already part of their relationship history, rather than fics set in Ishval or shortly after, and I am not really interested in fics set when they were children or young adults at all) and the way that, eventually, ends up playing out with regard to Envy.
Group(s): Olivier Mira Armstrong & Briggs Soldiers, Olivier Mira Armstrong & Mile, Olivier Mira Armstrong & Miles & Briggs Soldiers
Competence - highly effective teamwork
FMA: Everyone at Briggs Is Gay
Loyalty - Deferring To Leader or Subordinate's Judgment
Loyalty - Gestures of Loyalty
Loyalty - Risking Self For Someone
I love the loyalty kink in this canon, and in Briggs specifically - both heartwarming and id-satisfying. (The watch! Buccaneer handing Olivier a clean pair of gloves after she kills Raven! Constant and deeply sincere saluting! And Olivier’s lack of patience for anyone’s shit.) Ordinary or extraordinary circumstances - daily life in the fort, a battle with Drachma where they work together seamlessly, surviving a storm or the typical winter cold? Entire Briggs Is Gay would also non-ironically be neat, as would other ways of exploring the idea of Briggs being a united wall made up of people with a lot of secrets and/or racial and gender differences. This of course can bring in Miles specifically - I love the scene where he recounts Olivier's explanation of why it's important to her to have him as her right-hand man.
Fandom: Machineries of Empire
Group(s): Ajewen Cheris & Shuos Jedao, Rhezny Brezan & Devenay Ragath & Neshte Khiruev, Shuos Mikodez & Shuos Zehun, Shuos Nija & Shuos Feiyed
Intensely Important Nonsexual Nonromantic Relationship
Loyalty - Betraying Leader or Subordinate to Save Them
Loyalty - Deferring To Leader or Subordinate's Judgment
Loyalty - Gestures of Loyalty
Loyalty - Swearing
No moral compass so I'll borrow yours instead
Platonic Kneeling
I love the loyalty kink in this canon and the various forms it takes - "I'm your gun" with the kneeling, Mikodez showing the contingency plans to Zehun to make a point, Ragath defecting from the Kel because of what they did to his soldiers - and the variety of important, intense platonic relationships. I don't have a lot of particular plot prompts (I'd just love to see more loyalty and trust, especially under strain - deferring to someone's competence or sense of ethics even though you don't know how it will turn out, making difficult choices, verbal or nonverbal displays of loyalty like the kneeling and swearing and the glove thing)...but for Cheris and Jedao I'm especially interested in a post-Glass Cannon timeframe. (Oh my god, they were roommates telepathically bonded. I quite like their Ninefox Gambit interactions as well when he's in her head, but the fallout of everything that happens in the series and how it creates that strong Jedao->Cheris loyalty is very good.) For Nija and Feiyed I reckon Feiyed mentors Nija after rescuing/recruiting her, and maybe they work together in future? Brezan, Khiruev and Ragath in the Revenant Gun timeline or after, trusting each other with the future of the former hexarchate and working together on an interpersonal level? Mikodez and Zehun at any time, oh my god. I also enjoy the faction loyalty within the Kel and within the Shuos in general, and seeing that play out in some proportion or other of ritualized and personal.
Fandom-Specific DNW: I'm aware that there's a lot of torture and dubcon in canon. I don't mind if you mention that they exist but I'd like to reiterate that I absolutely do not want any onscreen, or any details about torture even mentioned.
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Group(s): Korra & Kuvira, Korra & Zaheer
Learning from an Enemy
Mentor/Mentee Relationships
One thing I enjoyed about seasons 3 and 4 of Korra was the writing team’s attempt to write villains who were sincerely committed ideologues with valid points, even if they became evil in pursuit of their goals, and to figure out how Korra could relate to those villains as the Avatar and as the person that she is. I loved how Korra needed to seek help from Zaheer because as an anarchist he truly opposed what Kuvira was doing and wanted to help Korra, and how she was able to empathize with Kuvira at the end of s4 because the two have some big personality similarities. How might they continue to work together or influence each other after the end of s4? I don’t need a redemption arc if that’s not what you’re interested in writing - Zaheer and Kuvira can absolutely continue to believe that their ideals were correct and even that not all of their methods were wrong - but I would be interested in reading about Korra getting more mental/spiritual tutoring from her enemy Zaheer and deciding how much of that she wants to integrate into her practice, seeking Kuvira’s advice on how to handle ongoing developments in the Earth Kingdom as it transitions to a republic, sparring or practicing bending with Kuvira, Spirit World meditation adventures with Zaheer… (I haven’t read the comics, so you can either take or leave comics canon.)
Fandom-Specific Exception: I've been a Korrasami shipper since s1, so if your vision for this fic includes a big part for Asami, consider that an exception to my unrequested-ships DNW.
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memozing · 5 years
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satoshiglobal-blog · 7 years
Bitcoin Workshop | Bitcoin Seminar | How To Buy Bitcoins
In this educational exercise, we are going to cowl all that you just have to be compelled to have faith in bitcoins.
The instructional exercise begins off with the barmy and bolts of introducing the computer programming to Bitcoin Investment, however, moves into the any developed components speedily. after reading this Instructable, you'll have tailored all of the barmy and bolts for starting your work with bitcoins. 
notwithstanding whether or not you comprehend what bitcoins square measure, or just in case you’re quite recently here to start profiting by doing nothing ( however to shop for Bitcoins ), you’ve gone to the proper place.
Read on to appreciate what bitcoins square measure, and the way they will be used as a region of a normal computer individual life.
Stage 1: Understanding Bitcoins
In the wake of reading varied, a good variety of articles everyplace throughout the net, regardless I didn’t have a wise thought of what bitcoins were, the means that by that they might be created, and on the off likelihood that it had been executable for the conventional individual to utilize them. The initial few things I browse, they were created intent on appear to be you required to own a software package engineering degree to urge them.
In any case, in the wake of reading on regarding them, I discovered that they're a form of cash that's 100% virtual. there's no administration that directs the cash, as much each different single money on the earth. Rather, it's all virtual. The bitcoins that you just possess square measure place away on your computer. you'll provide these bitcoins for the real United States or Canadian bucks.
The following may be a YouTube video instructive the complete plan of bitcoins. whereas helpful for visual students, the way to purchase Bitcoins, some get a kick out of the possibility to examine to find out.
How To Buy Bitcoins. the cash is placed away regionally between peers. the cash (bitcoins) is changed from computer to computer. every (exchange of bitcoins beginning with one computer then onto the next) is confirmed by “mining” for bitcoins.
At the purpose, once ab initio sorting out regarding bitcoins, you discover that bitcoins square measure place away specifically on your computer. Things being what they're, will that imply that by doing slightly of computer hacking you'll offer yourself an excellent several bucks price of bitcoins? The response to the present is NO! The framework is found out thus well that programmers can’t try this. the explanation is on the grounds that for bitcoins to be changed from computer to computer, the exchange should be confirmed. This check is finished by “mining.” Mining is wherever normal people such as you and that I introduce some product onto their computer This product is exceptionally last and troublesome to ascertain, nevertheless essentially it will some abnormal state process (SHA256 disentangling) to verify exchanges of bitcoins.
The following inquiry that often comes up is: Why would possibly anybody have to be compelled to merely surrender their computer to assist translate these encoding things? so, the acceptable response is that you just get paid to try it. All things thought-about, you don’t get paid, nevertheless, you get free bitcoins for giving your computer an opportunity to figure for you. this can be nearly an equivalent as being paid, as you'll learn in later advances. this can be the sole means that new bitcoins square measure created. They can’t merely seem unexpectedly, influencing the framework coder to proof.
Stage 2: fixing a notecase
This progression strolls you thru the means of introducing the “Wallet” programming. This product capacities as a real wallet: it stores the larger a part of your cash, that during this scenario ar bitcoins.
The initial section of this progression is to transfer the merchandise. move to the Official Bitcoin web site. in an exceeding crate at the very best purpose of the page, faucet the merchandise type that applies to your given OS. The suggests that ar an equivalent for each mack and Windows shoppers, aside from introducing various programming. Open the document and take once onscreen directions.
Bitcoin Investment
When it's done, open up the merchandise from the beginning Menu. it'll take one or two of hours to transfer all items to your computer. you must merely sit and setback amid now (see pictures).
When it's finished downloading the squares (don’t stress over what this implies; it’s not imperative), head toward the “Get Coins” tab up at the simplest. Right-tap on the one existing summary factor, and snap “Alter”. provides it the mark “Principle” and hit OK. Right-tap thereon once more and click on “Duplicate Address”. this can be the one with a form address that your notecase was given. it's the place you get coins in later advances.
Stage 3: take a look at Your New Bitcoin case
This progression is for making an attempt functions because it was. visit Daily Bitcoins (www.dailybitcoins.org). near the middle of the page, glue your bitcoin address that you just replicated before. Uncheck the “Postpone installment to limit exchange expenses” checkbox. it's to lure people. Enter the captcha (they are extraordinarily basic ones on this site), and snap Send. it'll confide in you that it absolutely was fruitful. On the off probability that it didn’t, come the captcha licitly.
Hold up 10 minutes and subsequently open up the Bitcoin case programming over again. visit the “Exchanges” tab up at the simplest. within the summation, it has to be compelled to have a solitary exchange of zero.00001 bitcoins (approx…This esteem goes here and there). You currently have picked up somewhat live in bitcoins. the overall transformation of bitcoins to USD is times 8298, implying that one Bitcoin worth is 10 United States of America bucks (simple for mental math; this variety changes terribly once some time). Congratulations! you just created tenth part of a penny!
This is a legitimate approach to select up money. Be that because it could, you'll simply get coins sent once systematically, therefore it's moderate. You won’t profit quickly with this strategy.
Stage 4: Understanding the categories of Mining 
now that we tend to comprehend what bitcoins are, have a case established to store them, and have created somewhat live of bitcoins to check our case, we’re set to start creating some real measures of bitcoins.
The manner we tend to do that is by mining for them. Mining, as expressed it slow recently, could be a methodology for checking bitcoin exchanges created by different people as associate degree end-result of recent bitcoins (offered applicable to your wallet).
There are 2 primary styles of mining: solo and pool. Solo mining is completed while not anyone else. With the instrumentation of an everyday individual, it might take a really durable to urge win actual bitcoins. However, once you succeed, you get fifty bitcoins (worth around 414948 United States of America dollars). This takes too long, therefore during this Instructable, we tend to don't seem to be progressing to cowl this method. The technique we'll utilize is named pool mining. It includes agreeing to just accept a record with any of a good vary of organizations. Utilizing their own product and instrumentation, they combination along the mining endeavors of bunches of individuals’ PCs. every individual gets few bitcoins (regular decimals of a bitcoin). As a person with a humble computer, this can be the simplest thanks to going.
Stage 5: putting in a Mining Account
Subsequent to making an attempt one or two of assorted mining pools, the one that I really enjoyed was BitMinter. It is, by a protracted shot, the foremost easy to utilize. It accompanies its own explicit programming, creating things therefore considerably less hard-to-please. the subsequent are the few sections that embody the creation and setup of your record.
1) Open up an online program and explore the BitMinter check-in (https://bitminter.com/login).
2) opt for your record you’d jump at the possibility to attach with BitMinter. check in with this record. BitMinter utilizes a symbol of a profit known as OpenID, that is a sophisticated methodology for sign language in with associate degree formally existing record to dispense with the necessity to remember one more secret word.
3) Set the principal settings as per the photo: – Set your email address. – Set your motor vehicle cash out edge to a wise add. Mine is ready to one BTC (approx. $8298). this means once I mine one BTC, I'll get the picture into my bitcoin case, a lot of identical because of the take a look at, but with the next variety of bitcoins.
– Set your “Pay to address” to the address that we tend to used as a section of Step three to check the case. this can be the address that the bigger a part of your bitcoins is sent to, on the off probability that you just haven’t created a sense of that, however.
Stage 6: putting in place the staff
very computer desires its own specific manual laborer to go together with on the BitMinter server. the merchandise (in the subsequent stage) on each computer can every be started to associate degree alternate manual laborer in order that the BitMinter server doesn’t expertise issue sending and obtaining mining work.
While still signed on the BitMinter website, float over “My Account” at the very best purpose of the page. At that time faucet on “Workers”.
Close to the bottom of the page, there area unit 2 fields beneath the “Name” and “Secret word” headers. provide your new manual laborer a reputation like “Portable Workstation”, or “New Dell”. create a brief secret word. detain mind the key for the manual laborer. At that time click “Include”.
Stage 7: Install Java
The overwhelming majority as of currently have Java introduced, however within the event that you just don’t, take once this progression.
1) attend World Wide Web.java.com/download. 2) Click “Free Java Download”. 3) Click “Concur and begin Free Download”. 4) betting on your operating framework, associate degree alternate sort of the record can transfer. 5) Follow the onscreen tips to stay introducing the merchandise. 6) Click complete and be finished introducing. Proceed to the next stage to line up a jack.
Stage 8: started a jack
Backpedal to the BitMinter landing page. faucet on the “Motor Start” catch. this may transfer a Java internet Starter, which can transfer the real program and introduce it.
Utilize this document to start the program anon. once it begins, you'll see a program that resembles the first image.
How To Get Bitcoins
Set up the merchandise by connecting it to your specialist created in Step seven. “Snap Settings” > “Account…”. Adjacent to “Client Name:” utilize the username you created whereas creating the BitMinter account. Adjacent to “Specialist Name:” and “Laborer Password:” enter the {laborer|manual laborer|laborer|jack|workman|working man|working person} name and laborer secret key you created in Step six.
On the off probability that the window is no, faucet the catch within the base right corner of the screen. At that time faucet the “Motor Start” catch near every one of the gadgets you wish to utilize. For reference, i purchase around sixty-five Mhps (million hashes for every second). one thousand Khps = one Maps. take a look at the larger a part of your gadgets, however, you ought to simply strive running gadgets that get you twenty-five Mbps or on top of. You will likewise get to amendment a handful of settings with regard to mechanization. I leave my computer on throughout the day and throughout the night. I unremarkably kill the mining once I come home from work (around 6:00) and have the jack begin severally throughout the evening just in case I neglect to start it once I’m finished with my computer.
Go to Settings > choices to vary these settings. Take a goose at the fourth image to line it up like however I even have it started. The picture has explanations.
Robotized gadgets area unit a summation of gadgets that you just set with the goal that you just will begin all alone consequently once the merchandise begins. I even have chosen one among my gadgets as robotized with the goal that once the merchandise begins, simply that contrivance begins. See the fourth image for additional points of interest.
Stage 9: Mine!
Give your computer an opportunity to run whereas it mines! Running it around dark may be a sensible thought because it can twofold the life of money you create. sensible fortunes profiting!
Stage 10: Pay Your Bitcoins
What nice may be a cash on the off probability that you just can’t pay it? the suitable response is it’s mostly by no means. There area unit loads of belongings you will do. the subsequent may be a rundown:
– Gamble – SatoshiDice – Bitzino – Peerbet – RoyalBitcoin – obtain completely different stock – Some online sellers area unit getting down to acknowledge bitcoins as a technique for getting things – obtain low – Trade it for PayPal money – Mt. Gox Bitcoin Exchange
The last one I want to debate it Mt. Gox. it's the foremost well-known website accustomed exchange (purchase or offer) bitcoins for bucks or another national money. you'll get this money through PayPal or varied alternative on-line cash exchange administrations. I'm not aiming to expertise the delicate parts of this, however, to send bitcoins to anybody or any administration, take the rules within the resulting stage.
Stage 11: Send Bitcoins to somebody
To utilize bitcoins, you ought to send bitcoins to a different address. To send bitcoins, the administration can provide you with a specific delivery to send bitcoins to.
Duplicate this address. Open up your bitcoin notecase. faucet on the “Send coins” tab.
Enter the delivery you wish to send the coins to within the “Pay to” field. On the off probability that you just can send coins to the present individual or gather varied circumstances, you'll enter a reputation for this individual thus you'll discover them in your address book another time. Enter the total within the following field (for simple arithmetic, recall that one BTC is $8298). Snap send once you area unit finished.
On the off probability merely|that you just} simply got to work on causing bitcoins to someone, you'll take a look at causing them to Pine Tree State. merely send zero.01 BTC to Pine Tree State (approx. 82.99 pennies). sensible fortunes!
Stage 12: Done!
Also, that's regarding|almost|almost about|around|as regards to|close to|concerning|near to|on the subject of|regarding|with reference to|with regards to} all the essential information about bitcoins. On the off probability that you just have any inquiries, or there's one thing really clear and imperative that I had uncomprehensible, drop Pine Tree State a remark. I’ll commit to react as quick as may be allowed.
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Life of a Breeder - 3
  With the little ones fed, she was free to move along to the next phase of her day. Thirteen babies might have sounded like a lot; but she had well over a hundred Pokemon living on her land. She had produced at least triple that number during her time as a breeder. Most of her morning would simply be spent checking the feed levels so that she could be sure that there were no issues. Believe it or not, her creatures were fairly self-reliant once they reached adulthood. She would put a few bags worth of feed into the troughs in the barns, and they would snack at it throughout the day - or the week - until it came time for her to restock. During the warmer seasons she had little need to put extra effort into feeding most of her Pokemon. Currently her focus was on the more mammalian of the creatures. She had yet to get hold of any that thrived on a strictly meat based diet. The population consisted primarily of omnivores.
 Yes, there were some who leaned more towards meat in preference; and there were others who would eat more foliage than anything else. Even so the fact remained that she had only a handful of creatures whose diet had a specific domination. Strict herbivores built up that minor population; and they would steer clear of the feed that did not suit their appetite. She had two nice sized barns, more than big enough to comfortably house her companions come poor weather. One having been designed specifically to cater to the prey based Pokemon; while the other was meant to house the predators. Keeping everyone well fed helped her to establish that there was no need for predator-prey relationships on her land. She still saw to it that each creature was able to get adequate exercise and care; but they could safely co-inhabit the space without her needing to worry about real threat of damage.
 The addition to this being specifically trained Pokemon which stood guard to see to it that there were no unneeded quarrels. Had there been a few fights? Absolutely. Had she been forced to bury anyone as a result of them? As of now, the answer would be no; and she counted herself lucky for that. Thankfully Pokemon are smarter than animals. Where a dog might see a goat as food the instant that they run; a Pokemon has the sense to not attack a companion that had been an ally up until that point. Bird-type Pokemon could be raised with Bug-type Pokemon; and as long as the trainer established that they were not enemies while under their care, then no serious fights would come about as a result. Or at least that was the overall intention. There had been accidents before; not with her, thankfully; but they had happened. Thus far she could only pass off her streak of luck as having been so blessed as to be able to properly train her companions.
 The feed bags were heavy. More often than not it would take the help of one of her Pokemon for her to carry them from the shed to the intended barn. She would blame her small size for the difficulty. Aside from being less than one-hundred and twenty pounds, she was short. Short to the point that some people had mistakingly assumed that she was a child. When it was taken into account that she had met many children who were taller than her, the misidentification only went on to add insult to injury. This time around, there was no need to add any feed to the troughs in the prey-oriented barn. The predator barn, on the other hand, did happen to need a bit of a refill. A pair of Weavile helped her to carry the hundred pound bags to their destination. The use of a wagon made the transport much easier. She could pull the bags along just fine; it was lifting them up above her chest that proved to be difficult.
 Then again, she did not know many people capable of lifting up more than four-fifths of their body weight without difficulty. This was just another situation where her small size made work on the farm difficult. If not for the fear of theft, then she would likely hire a handful of helpers to come out into the area to see to it that she could get her work done. She had the money to do it. The issue was that she had material which could be stolen and used to replicate her breeding methods. Until a couple years ago, she had assumed that she had been the first person to selectively breed Pokemon until they underwent a change of appearance and Type. She had been assuming that her seemingly obvious theory was something that others had deemed to ridiculous to attempt. Then, as luck would have it, a ‘New’ region would make its debut and confirm a few notions. The first being that humans had specifically bred Pokemon to change their type in the past.
 Alolan Meowth and their evolution happened to be proof of that. To her knowledge, those were the only current examples of selective breeding. There were likely more examples out there, somewhere. Examples that she could pick up and use as her means of proving so many people wrong. Family, people she had counted as friends - she had been called a fool for wanting to take on this task. Before the ‘discovery’ of Alola, the people closest to her had called her insane for wanting to breed for an Ice-Type Charmander. When she set out to get it done, they were quick to get as far away from her as possible. Some relatives went so far as to legally disown her in an attempt at assuring that they would have no reason to support her should she wind up homeless and without money. Humans really were horrific creatures; and she could consider herself no better. To corrupted by greed and desire to step forth and put some good into the world.
 She was the same in many aspects. A desire to see something new had given her the drive to take up this job. The urge to create something completely unique, so that she might leave a lasting impression on the world; that was her greed. She wanted to assure that she would not be easily forgotten once her body inevitably broke down and she was no longer able to exist. So she could admit that she was a corrupt person by any aspect of the word; but at the same time, she held some purity. Yes, she was greedy. She wanted to see change; and to be the one that brought it into the world. She loved Pokemon, and wanted to see them thrive. To add more variety to the species would, ideally, make it impossible for any one group to go extinct as a result of human intervention. A number of species have been so domesticated that it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.
 It would be only a matter of time before it became impossible for them to thrive without human intervention. One hope was to breed for a variety of these specific species that could thrive in the wild. Allowing the very survival of another species to reside upon the shoulders of humans was a slippery slope. Considering the current state of the world; the outlook for anything un-equipped to protect itself, was bleak. Someone out there had essentially captured God itself. This had happened some-odd years ago, when she was but a child; but it had happened. The creature still resided under the control of humans, appearing to be unwilling to disobey some sort of law that it had written for itself. Either way, there was a power struggle taking place that she had no means of describing for fighting against. The best that she would do was try to give the Pokemon a better chance of thriving once the violence inevitably started.
 “Put the bag up here, bud.” She advised, looking to her Pokemon and patting the nearly empty trough that she had come to stand beside. The Weavile, small as they were, happened to be far stronger than she was. Strong enough to literally throw the heavy bags atop the trough so that she could empty them. This was a special sort of long-lasting meat based feed, which her predatory Pokemon appeared to adore. There were next to no plant-based products housed inside of it. Each piece of the feed was, in essence, a carefully cured piece of meat. Dried in a heated environment with a fair amount of smoke to prevent decay. The only plant matter to be found, consisted of special berries that contained heavy amounts of moisture. As the berries sat with the meat, the humidity inside of the bags increased; adding moisture over time. Thankfully the berries also contained components which were naturally mold resistant.
 So food would be kept fresh despite the otherwise unideal conditions. Science was at least useful in seeing to it that food would not easily spoil. When it was taken into account that there were medicines available that would cure a Pokemon of almost any ailment, it would come as no surprise that it was easy to design a means of preserving food without loading it with salt and preservatives. Even humans had proven to benefit from this notion. She began to rip open the bags as soon as her companions had thrown them upon the tough. This being a simple task, namely because she was able to pull a piece of thread which held each bag together at the seams. The contents began to spill as soon as she had provided the feed with its exit. She dug her hands into it to spread it out evenly inside of the trough, repeating as needed with the other bags. Three of them were opened and emptied.
 The fourth, which had been brought along, was inevitably put back into the wagon. No point in opening the bag when there was no use for its contents. The Weavile stepped forward to enjoy the first few bites of feed, offering content purrs as they did so. The woman chuckled as she watched the pair. Honestly she had stolen a taste of the feed here and there, if only to assure that it was up to her standards. She found that the dried hunks of meat had the flavor and texture of jerky; minus the salt.
 “Good?” She hummed, earning a series of amused yips from the Pokemon in response. She allowed the pair a moment to enjoy their snack. While they ate, she collected the empty bags and the leftover string so that she could throw them recycle them. The bags were waterproof and worked well for storing berries and other such items. Whenever she had a harvest the bag would be put to good use in the temporary storage of produce. Most of what she grew out here either went to herself or to her Pokemon; albeit every now and again she would wind up with a private buyer. Usually it would just be people looking to get a fresh supply of berries to feed their Pokemon. Sometimes it would be a manager at a restaurant looking for fresh produce needed for an array of recipes.  “Alright, lovelies. Lets go put this back~” She requested. The Weavile finished with what was left in their claws, so that they could help her take the last bag of feed back to the shed. She was able to pull the wagon on her own accord. The due followed after her, offering soft noises of affection and idle strokes to her legs using the back of their claws as they did so. She would smile down at them every so often to assure them that the affection was mutual. After getting back to the shed, she allowed her Weavile to pick up the leftover bag of feed and put it back in its desired location. From there they were free to go about their business. Whether or not they would follow her around for a while longer, would be up to them.
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