#really interesting rewrite!!! i like this a lot more and it feels less cartoony than his og one
crushedsweets · 7 months
I know this shit is long as hell and you probably won't answer since you have so many asks but I just wanted to say I found a backstory for Cody(X-Virus) for your AU!!!
It's not as creative as your ideas but I tried to do something original and meaningful for him. He deserves more love and recognation.
I'm so so sorry for bothering you and I apologize for my mistakes.
Hope you like it and can't wait to hear your opinions about it!!!!
Cody never got adopted by a scientist, instead, he lived in an orphanage where he constantly got bullied. The reason for this situation was just straightly absurd. He just couldn't understand peoples and their emotions like other kids because of his lack of emphaty.
That's why he focused on academic knowledge rather than human relationships. Because mathmetical problems were easier for him compared to comforting a crying person.
Cody always was a succesful and smart kid so he could easily pass his exams in middle and high school. Because of that, in high school, he didn't bother to focus over boring topics like his daily lessons anymore.
No, he focused on more complicated science fields such as quantum physics, anatomy and organic chemistry.
Of course Cody couldn't understand everything he read easily, that's why he spend hours and hours on studying and having countless nights without any sleep. He read articles and textbooks, he watched professors' lectures on youtube, he tried to solve problems on his own and more.
Overworking on university lessons was not a good way for socialising, he got more and more isolated and the bullying was increased.
In last year of high school, he was worried because of the fact that he needed to win a success scholarship for all the cool topics he worked over, moreover, for a diploma. He could easily go to a college, however, he wanted the best of them. Because only the best could satisfy his hunger for research and true knowledge.
Cody was also confused about choosing which major to pick and he was stressing about this topic all the time. So many good fields were lying ahead him but he could only choose one of them and he wasn't sure which one is the one he wanted to dedicate his entire life. What if he would made a mistake and regret for his lost years for the rest of his living?
So yes, this was a very overwhelming decision for Cody. Since he was anxious all the time and he was going through a serious depressive episode, he decided to give a shot to the Chernobyl school trip in his school.
Obviously it was not like they really went inside of the nuclear powerplant since most of them weren't even over 18 years old. More like they wandered around the places in Ukraine which were close to the powerplant(Chernobyl City) and they visited some important museums.
But this was not enough for Cody.
He wanted to see the inside of the powerplant. He wanted to learn more details about behind the scenes. He wanted to see the deformed bodies. He to carry out experiments on dead humans who got affected by the radiation.
That's why he stole a gas mask and sneak out to the powerplant while everyone else was sleeping in a hotel.
He was truly breathless because of what he witnessed.
That's when he decided to became a chemistry engineer.
Of course he they got him and he took a huge punishment which caused to screw his school life.
Even though he got a really high score in his university acceptance exam, his applys were rejected by all the big schools he dreamed about. He got so, so upset about this that he even wanted to kill himself rather than living as a worthless piece of shit.
While he was rolling in thoughts of negativity, a teacher who respected Cody's success wrote a reference letter for him to an school.
The school decided to accept Cody with a few conditions. This school was not as big and as fancy as other schools he wanted but it was still better than what he could aford without that reference later. So he immediatly accepted this offer and thanked his teacher.
He did not became a chemistry engineer.
He majored in psychology which provided him the chance to do some different kind of experiments on mental health hospital residents.
He did a double major in chemistry, not in chemistry engineering.
But he's mostly using all his time for psychlogical experiments over chemical experiments. Sometimes he uses chemistry too for topics like neurotransmitter matters and the structure of hormones.
He's mostly a psychologist who you not want to cross and he works in mental health hospitals. He mostly manipulates his patients for doing something morally grey or hurtful for them either mentally or physically.
"That's why he focused on academic knowledge rather than human relationships. Because mathmetical problems were easier for him compared to comforting a crying person." I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOVE characters like this. who lean into math and science because they just cant grasp all of the wishy washy of emotion and that kinda stuff. characters who like clear, linear paths with rules and whatnot. i think its really interesting way to try to define a character
which is why i love "No, he focused on more complicated science fields such as quantum physics, anatomy and organic chemistry."
i love how much you focus on his desire for knowledge. i think its cool when someone CRAVES for intelligence, they want to learn, they wanna know everything they possibly can - and i think its especially interesting when that turns into scary, morbid curiosity
and i fucking love how scary it is that he decided to go snooping around during his Chernobyl trip. it just sounds like a really unsettling turn of events and i think is such a creative, yet creepy, take on what made such a big shift. going from a kinda awkward, focused, troubled kid to someone who is willing to hurt and sacrifice people for his own morbid curiosity. SUPER SCARY
and i like that he still couldnt get what he wanted. i like that he still got stuck doing smth that didnt truly appease any scary urges he had, and that he has to do his freaky killer stuff in a roundabout way by manipulating his patients
would be interesting to see if any other creeps could perhaps be his patient . . .
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diddly-darn-ghost · 7 years
anyways here is the text for the “environmental/setting/art direction/WhaTEVER YOU CALL IT” redesign for my danny phantom rewrite a few months back 
I actually made numerous sketches in August to demonstrate this because i was originally going to accompany the text with visual examples of each spooky component I wanted to incorporate, since it was inspired by jayrockin's amazing ghost physics post, which I suggest you check out yourself ...but i found out quickly that was too ambitious and I didn't have the stamina for that. However, I’ll still accompany a few rough sketches. It was good practice for me to try to bring about my ideas for the art direction of a show. 
Keep in mind this was my personal taste to fit my personal preferred narrative (i wanted it to be a bit more spookier/dramatic, to truly go along the plot)
“A fun spooky essay by Diddly!!
I've seen a lot of people redesigning the characters, which is awesome, but I haven’t seen a lot about redesigning the environment
It can still have that cartoony look that's reminiscent of the original style of the show, but just incorporate the environment differently. How the characters look is one thing, but in animation you also have to think about how the characters move, behave, and sound like. Timing is extremely important in an animated series, and that goes along with how much drama/suspense is produced
They can still look cartoony as heck with exaggerated proportions but it's the way they're animated that really shows what kind of world they live in.” “A good example of this is Gravity falls. It has a simple cartoony style for its characters but they still do a good job at showcasing horror by how it's animated: ”
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I'm talking about wider range of facial expressions, intense close-up shots, silhouettes and shadows junk!! MAKE IT SPOOKY. CAPTURE THAT FEAR! I want to feel SHIVERS when i see these characters! ((it wouldve made more sense if i had finished illustrations to show this))
((the document was pretty unorganized, but here were some key aspects))
👻 “ imagine if all the ghosts antagonists had their own leitmotif/boss battle themes, like in Steven Universe. that would truly bring about the memorability of their character and immediately tell the audience what their personality is like. It’s no wonder Ember is one of the most memorable ghosts, she has her own song”
👻 “ Soundtrack and movement and setting: everything has to work together to build up that good ol’ suspense! I want it to feel like there truly is something sinister around.”
👻 “spooky and eerie background noises? whispers in the background? make the ghosts have echo-y faded voices? and damn right i want to hear creepy circus music or creepy children singing in the background!!!”
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👻 Have the ghosts move/animated in ways that seem suspenseful or mysterious. Make them feel like ghosts, add more flow into their movements! Make them feel a little less human…........
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👻 Dont just stop at the ghosts though, the setting of Amity park in general should feel a little unsettling …
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👻 If I were to redesign the show to incorporate a spookier, more ghost-like environment, it takes is spookier lighting and shading for the environment to completely change. (i loved those neon colors, but be smart with color choice when you can!)
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👻 Dramatic contrasting lighting? Flickering lights? Have the characters shaded in a way that really showcases the mood? More wispier, transparent ghosts? 👻 for all the ghosts who have firey glowy hair, make their hair look all nice and glowy (have it resemble fire a bit more), with relative lighting and all that. it would be so much prettier and spookier. in addition, have their eyes glow whenever possible!
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👻 Play with some common ghost trope characters perhaps? It’d be nice to just take full advantage of that fine paranormal activity and do some interesting interpretations on previous horror tropes, but in a unique animated format.
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All these things could easily and completely change the atmosphere of a cartoon! And I love that. The cool thing about animated things is that you can draw out some things that you can’t necessarily reproduce in live action horror. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT!
It's more than just redesigning the characters and rewriting the plot, it's about redesigning the whole heckin environment! Go full out! You might not agree with me on all these points but I just wanted to share my ideas on how to more effectively incorporate an environment about ghosts in a cartoon. 
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My animation skills are pretty limited and I'm no pro, but just imagine: animation is a really neat medium to do go about such an interesting setting like ghosts, you can make it so much more dramatic in so many ways!
I kept a tag of really cool spooky fanart I reblogged, in case you want to better understand what I’m talking about, go take a look at it. 
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thanks for reading this! ill post more if I can :^)
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