#really silly gal and smart gal duo
sillygaygirl · 2 years
First OC post!! This is Izzy (left) and Maddie (right)
They're besties with a sisterly bond :3
Izzy is stupid (/pos) and annoys Maddie quite often cuz she does really silly things
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littlemeangreen · 4 years
Since you like my alt-Marauders (WHICH IM SO HAPPY FOR) how about challenge for headcanons of them interacting with the Smashers, as allies or foes or just a chance encounter? No need to, I just thought it might be something you'd have fun with!
@thecorteztwins k I'm suddenly in a big writing mood so!! FINALLY getting around to this I'm so sorry sksksk
For anyone who doesn't know: Thecorteztwins has an amazing au where she's collected Haven (thicc angel lady who was possessed by a demon disguised as a baby), Claudine (Miss Sinister),Madelyne (clone of Jean Grey), Pyro, Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi Shaw and sometimes Alice (a clone being tested by Claudine)!
I feel like the first few days are really testy. Everyone's got some bone to pick, the usual. But the biggest thing? The name. A brief encounter with paparazzi ends with their name and the reactions go from Pyro and Claudine scoffing at how silly it sounds and what a rip off it is (Pyro being a writer?? U KNOW he wouldn't stand for Alt Marauders) to Shaw sighing about the fact that he's been stuck on a team with a cliche super nickname.
Then there's personal names because once again, Pryo and Shinobi both agree that everyone needs a name to reapply make them unique! Hardly anyone goes for it, ranging from Haven's soft "no thank you" to Shaw punting Pyro into a wall. Madelyne is slightly soft for Pyro's RPG themed alias ideas for her and less than impressed for Shinobi's idea of "Mad Milf".
Alice....I'm definitely thinking she gets nicknamed "White Rabbit" or "Wonderland" because; 1) no one can leave her out of getting a name. 2) Pyro 100% would give a cheesy media related name and 3) I like the very small connections of white rabbit to the white and red queens in Alice in Wonderland (and 4) rabbits always get experimented on :).
Gamma Gals having amazing duos with the ladies of the Marauders? Absolutely!!
Jen and Haven, being an amazing duo and I feel like they'd be the two who would have that issue where they're the only ones who can save the day and end up learning a lot from each other? Haven is probably thanking her stars that she finally gets to meet a hero who believes in her kindness just as much as she does (S H A W).
Just....Haven being able to meet an even bigger woman and trading stories and being GalPals(TM). Its a really interesting concept to me that Haven is someone who was deliberately used to destroy and Jen is someone who's entire identity is formed around smashing and destruction. It's probably rather cathartic to be working with someone who purely doesn't want to resort to violence immediately and who has been used (Haven by her demon and Jen by different people).
But also learning something from each other? Haven being able to see that sometimes you do need to fight for what you love and Haven proves to Jen that even after all this time, it isn't the muscle or power that can save everything, it's her and her drive and will alone. Catch Red and Shaw scoffing about it.
Speaking of, those two could either REALLY clash or really get along, no imbetweens. Have we found another old man for Shaw to wrestle with, Roman style??? (Ngl that would be hot in a sick way)
Skaar and Shinobi? Both long haired, beautiful, sons of big figures, grew up in abusive environments,,,,its a duo. Just put Shinobi into a mini team with Skaar and Daken and we have the "Black haired brood squad"
Rick and Pyro working together to have a joint production??? FIrebomb productions baby!! My podcast ideas? Absolutely would happen when you combine these two and its hell. Aka; Rick and Pyro gossip on their podcast and give advice to starting heroes as immortals and smack talk. But also outside of that I imagine they can get along a lot in the "had a hard time accepting stuff" and "we were heroes who often did a lot for others and got disregarded and hurt for it".
Pyro: Hey if I set you on fire can you become a flaming bowling ball
Rick: well let's fine out!!
Red and Shaw....there's a lot there. Both are old men who have been pressed on in their lives and affected by masculine presences in their lives...both are regarded as awful shitbags but they're both MUCH more complex and driven by a need for power and stability...lots of thoughts here.
Shaw and Red are one team you do NOT wanna mess with because two old men who are perfectly willing to do what's needed? Red can respect a man willing to get his hands dirty with clear means and Shaw can probably like a guy who has the drive to do what he believes is the better good. Also big hulk man who can give you endless power.
But also differences in them because Shaw abused and continues to abuse Shinobi while Red neglected and most likely emotionally abused Betty but it seemingly trying to make a difference in it now that she's come back? I feel like these two probably have a SUPER in depth conversation when forced to or alone and then never speak about it again.
Spending of Betty! Her and Madelyne?? What a DUO they're litreally a great mix because Maddie is a clone of Jean, Betty was assumed to be a clone at first and often has to suffer being the "domintrix" she hulk. Both have serious issues with their mental health and identities as well as dealing with their lives being ruled or devoted to men who ruin them. Both want freedom and have such passion! I just....so much to say about these two and the similarities. They're both red.
But yeah Phoenix and Harpy?? Skksks Maddie voice: I'm FIRE HARPY nOW
Am I still yelling for her hero name to be Griffin because of how mystical they are and being a bird and lion??? Yeah.
Also sad thoughts but,,,gals talking about their lost kids (Maddie with Nate and Betty suffered a miscarriage induced from stress), the stress of their lovers and who they've lost to (Jean, Emma, Caiera, Jarella,,,) and being manipulated by men for their power (Maddie by Sinister into Goblyn queen and Betty by Leader into Red She-hulk, Harpy, both died).
Anyway point is I can fully see them two just CLICKING or fighting a lot at first until someone points out just how similar they are. Then? Maddie and Betty out here being the brand new Thelma and Louise. Red and Black styles, willing to use force but protect the innocent, both take Alice and this cute kid that Betty absolutely mother henned in her run and,,,two moms and their talented daughters pls step out the way sir.
Tbh I don't think I have much for Samuel apart form him having a small crush on Claudine (and like,,,,not in That Sense, but Samuel does have a big history of falling for smart women or just...OP women). And then a series of gags where Haven wants to know him because he's like Shaw but also incredibly different in thinking and everytime she walks into the room,,,,Samuel is doing some horrific experiment and she just NOPES OUT. Shaw wants to make use of this but it goes horribly wrong oh God why did he try.
Lyra! I just....feel like there could be a lot for her and Claudine and Alice. Lyra was genetically engineered to be used in a war and was bullied relentlessly for being "half man" which...is rather transphobic and sexist but that's her storyline and it's too deeply embedded for me to headcanon over it so...sighs.
But yeah!!! Lyra taking Alice and giving her a night of being able to just....be whoever that night, not being pressured to have an identity of the sorts from anyone and just being able to fight people with a giant green woman. Probably has a lot of deep talks later that night with Lyra, sitting over a building and eating ice cream because it was one of the first things Bruce shared with her and a first realisation that Lyra could be more than someone's daughter.
100% would picture this with Carmilla (Lyra's sister and...also messy kinda clone) or Laura Kinney hopping along and!! Clone weapon woman team!! I could GET INTO this!!! Just...pls marvel give me a team of women overcoming abuse and forming identities among each other and cool women,,,,
But also Lyra admittedly would respect Claudine for her skills and her...tenacity? Yeah, that. She has strength and guts and Lyra probably actually tells her that she'd rather get experimented on by Miss Sinister than some pig of a man and Claudine just "thhhanks?"
Hulk,,,,funny enough I don't think I have many ideas for him yet? Probably gets into a fair few fights with Shaw and Haven over different stuff, Maddie has a bome to pick for Betty,,,I am,,,blank.
I feel like a lot of things for him would be Haven trying to break through into him, maybe each of the Marauders dealing with different parts of the system? I can imagine Shinobi and Pyro don't have a high opinion of the oversized dad until Bruce turns super ashen pale and immediately Joe starts yelling for some whisky and GIRLS....and a fella or two for matchstick and ghost baby here.
Maddie thinking that he's another Scott and then finding out that Hulk's thing is more complicated than Scott simply looking for Jean again. Also Maddie demands that she will forcefully adopt Hulk's kids and these two bonding over abusive dads???
But uh,,,that's about it!! Hope you liked it!!! I probably could easily delve into more thoughts if there's anything specific for me to set my mind on.
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for madeofsaltiness
Hello everyone! How are ya? As always, due to work, I haven’t been able to post in a while, but I am here with a ship for @madeofsaltiness ! I am so sorry it took me this long to get your ship up, but I hope that we will have no disappointment around here. Let’s get started! 
These are the traits I used in your requests from your submission: 
You’re a 99 liner hah same!
You’re 166cm and Latina
You can come off as intimidating at first, friends say you have RBF
But you really love to smile and make people happy
You also like to make the best out of every situation we love an optimistic queen
You can have a hard time expressing your feelings
You’re easy going
You love animals
You’re a hip hop dancer and dancing is your passion 
You’re a mixture of the mom and adventurous one of the group, and you also like to take care of people
You also don’t mind being taken care of
Eating and traveling
Your style is described as urban street wear
You know English and Spanish and are learning three other languages
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with BTS, NCT 127, and WayV! I had a lot of fun with this request- let’s go! 
BTS: Jimin 
Overall, you really sound like an all around kind of gal, and I feel like you and Jimin would be good for each other. Jimin has his hands dipped in a little bit of everything, and I think you two would have good chemistry together. No matter what, there is always sunshine and happiness surrounding you two, as you two never have conflicts and you’re both so bright and happy. Jimin would be the type of guy to always tell you how much he loves you tbh, and Jimin would also want you to know your worth. Not only would Jimin tell you about how you are his everything, but he also will gush over how important your sunshine and energy is to those around you, and how you can really make an impact on people. Jimin is also perfect because he always trying to take care of you. As a fellow dancer, Jimin would make sure that you are ALWAYS getting the proper nutrition you need for your body. Being a dancer is tough work, and it makes sense as to Jimin wanting you to be full, and feel strong and mighty when you dance. And to be honest, you would be equally as stern with Jimin on his nutrition. I feel like Jimin is also stubborn, so your mom like sense of nature can really help you poke at Jimin to eat right and keep himself in tip top shape. You take care of him out of habit and nature. Moving right along, I want to talk dogs and puppos. Dogs are going to play a big role in this whole ship to buckle up. You and Jimin would LOVE to spend a lot of your free time going to dog parks. You two wouldn’t quite get a dog yet, but you two would always want to see the varieties of dog and gush over their cuteness, and even play with them. And better yet, you and Jimin are the go to duo when it comes to puppy sit his fellow members dogs. You two are also quite playful, so I can see a prank war between you two. Sometimes the boys will get involved, but you two prefer to keep it to yourselves. The prank war is sort of that couple thing that you two do together. Some pranks even include hair dye in shampoo bottles and pouring salt in one’s drink. You also always impress Jimin with your language skills. Jimin would always do his best to interact with you in Korean since you are learning, and Jimin would also want you to practice different languages on him, any and every practice can make a difference. Lastly, this boi is always wanting some kind of snuggles. He loves to kiss your cheek, and hand holding would be his favorite. Oh, also, be prepared for a lot of prince like knuckle kisses. 
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NCT: Johnny 
Okay so, I’ve said this in other ships but, it’s a perfect opener. You and Johnny would be a little intimidated and scared of each other when you would first meet. Both of your RBF would shine through, so it would be a game of time for you both to express your feelings for each other. Johnny would be the first to say something. You would have to take some time to spill the beans since you have difficulties with expression emotions and that’s okay! Also, Johnny wouldn’t be quick to give up. Before you would spill the beans, Johnny would know you had feelings for him. Although you didn’t say any words, your feelings would be expressed through your actions. The amount of time and effort you would put into Johnny would say more than enough to him. You would pick up on little details on things he would like or take a certain interest in him that Johnny would think would be super sweet. Johnny is smart, so he knew to stick around, and of course when you were ready, you would tell him how you felt about him. After you would spill the beans with him, you two would become love sick puppies. Wrapped around each others pinkies and you’re also constantly gushing over each other. I can also see you constantly gushing over how Johnny is the best boyfriend ever. Mr. Seo here would be so considerate and he would do what you did before you started dating. He is always wanting to surprise you- they’re his thing. Whether it be flowers, lunch, bringing you your favorite snacks or drinks, Johnny has got some surprises for you. Another surprise that Johnny would call “his specialty” would be travel trips! What he would do is, he would take you with him when NCT would travel. Whether it be around the country(you can imagine your location wherever you want) or abroad, as soon as Johnny would get the okay, he is coming at you to pack your bags. Of course you wouldn’t always be able to go with him, but you best believe that this boy would always bring you souvenirs back. The boys would also absolutely adore you, so they would always be more than happy to have you tag along. Taking pictures is #1 on your priority list when you’re traveling, and after you would get home from the trip, you and Johnny would make a little scrapbook of all the pictures. You would also keep track of the best places/entertainment spots you’d visit so you could go there again if you traveled there again. Lastly, PDA wise, Johnny would always have you wrapped around him. You’d be like his teddy bear, and you would fit around him perfectly, and he also loves to rest his chin on the top of your head. 
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WayV: Kun 
This is my first WayV ship+write for WayV ever, I am so excited! So, much like Jimin and Johnny, I want you to think about puppy love through this ship like I said, that’s the theme of this ship. You and Kun are two smiley babes ftw. Starting out, Kun would be a little intimidated by you at first. When he took that first look at you, you were this beautiful, powerful woman and he would be shy- but this boy has two hands. Kun is more than qualified to told a powerful woman like you in his hands. Music would be the center of your relationship. There would be so much bonding between you two when it came to music. I can not even imagine how many all nighters you and Kun would have spent in a music studio. Whether you would be listening to music, studying different types of music, or even making music, music is everything. Those three am nights are always the most memorable as well since you can remember the nights when you two were basically delirious from exhaustion and you would be the cutest little pups giggling over something silly, wrapped up in a blanket together. There would be a couch in the studio where you two would snuggle and you two would keep a stack of pillows and blankets beside the couch in preparation for a long night. Some great take out and a microwave for reheating is also the cherry on top for the perfect all nightery by the way. There would also be nights where some of the WayV members would tag along with you two, and it’d be like a huge sleepover because the boys would litter the floor with their bodies, some of them even sleeping in the recording box. Also, just in general, the studio would be the place where you two would go to relax at. You two would lay together, eyes closed in the quiet, having much needed healing time when your weeks would get stressful. Moving along, but keeping the music theme, you and Kun would collab a lot. You would LOVE to make choreography for Kun’s music, and tbh, this bub would light up like an absolute Christmas tree. He’d think it would be so sweet. And, if a song was too slow, it’d be a fun project for you two to do and remix the song so you could make choreo to it- you geniuses. Also, I can not forget about the Kun and the WayV members wanting to teach you the choreo to their songs. That would also be a fun time. And once in a bull moon, I can see you getting the chance to help make some choreo for WayV for comebacks! Lastly, I feel like Kun would have reserved PDA. He would show enough love to get the point across, but he wouldn’t be overly flashy ya know? And ps, this boy may be all sunshine and sweetness, but he is not afraid to be protective over you. 
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