#rebageling an actual promo not like last time
fortysevenswrites · 4 years
In depth fandom questions: FDTD!
Top 5 favourite characters:
Kate, Seth, Kisa, Richie, Amaru-In-Kate’s-Body
Other characters you like:
Zolo, Scott, Jacob, Margaret, Ximena, the baby doll stand in for Billie, Uncle Eddie
Least favourite characters:
Malvado, Carlos, Tanner, Sonja
SethKate, RichieKisa
RichieKate, SethKateRichie
Favourite friendships:
Kate and Richie, Kate and Scott, Seth and Richie, Freddie and Dakota
Favourite family:
The Fuller siblings and Los Hermanos Gecko
Favourite episodes:
Episode 1x02 because that’s when we first meet Kate, 2x10 because Kate and Seth are in the SAME DAMN BUILDING and they don’t run across each other, 3x04, 3x07, and 3x10, because DUH.
Favourite season/book/movie:
Season 3. Amaru is just so fun.
Favourite quotes:
“In the eyes of the people I love.” BECAUSE COME FUCKING ON
Best musical moment:
Probably season 1, when the Twister wakes up and the culebras go ham on everyone in the bar while the band plays. It’s just SO absurd. And also that same thing in 2x10.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
Any time Seth was shirtless. Any time Seth looked at Kate like he’d been punched in the face by a 2x4
When it really disappointed you:
Not gonna lie, when Richie and Kisa broke up, and also when Kisa disappeared in early season 3 and didn’t show back up until the end.
Saddest moment:
When Kate found out about how her mom died while in the Twister, the flash-forward Freddie had with Billie in season 1, and when Kate had to stab Jacob before he turned.
Most well done character death:
It’s a tie between Kate having to stake Jacob, and when Tanner got thrown into Xibalba.
Favourite guest star:
Adrianne Palicki as Vanessa, Natalie Martinez as Amaru, Demi Lovato as Maia, and of course Danny Trejo as the Regulator (even if the scene where he eats the ear is GROSS)
Favourite cast member:
Definitely DJ because of his absurd IG stories.
Character you wish was still alive:
One thing you hope really happens:
Give! Us! A! Season! Four! With! Los! Tres! Geckos! Doing! Crime!
Most shocking twist:
The end of 3x01 when Amaru-in-Kate’s-Body shows up after Seth and Richie stop the skullfucker.
When did you start watching/reading?:
At some point last year because of all the SethKate gifs I kept seeing rebagled onto my dash.
Best animal/creature:
Does Zolo count?
Favourite location:
Matanzas and Jed’s
Trope you wish they would stop using:
Definitely the one where Carlos had Kisa on a leash that one time. No thanks.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
Doesn’t apply.
Funniest moments:
Every time anyone makes fun of Scott’s music, Seth covering his balls in Straitjacket, the baby doll Billie stand-in in 3x10, and every single moment when Seth is 500000000% done in Shady Glen
Couple you would like to see:
Seth and Kate, duh. But also Richie and Kisa reconciling in some way now that Kisa has had time to grow into herself and her independence.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Does Vanessa coming back count? It does now.
Favourite outfit:
Everything Kisa wore in S3, and NGL, I am a fan of the leather getup that Amaru wore. Also, any time Seth is wearing the henley and the gloves and the vest and the jeans. So basically half of what Seth wore in S3. And also any time Seth was wearing a susit.
Favourite item:
Seth’s gun, Amaru’s amulet.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
Does an enduring passion for SethKate count? 
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I would definitely be Team Gecko.
Most boring plotline:
Honestly, finding the Santa Sangre in season 2 was kinda boring.
Most laughably bad moment:
Baby doll stand in Billie. It just took me right out of the scene.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
I loved the flashforward Freddie had with Billie in the Twister.
Most layered character:
Kate and Seth. Full stop.
Most one dimensional character:
Malvado and Carlos, because their ONLY motivation is Kisa. So like, I got bored after a while.
Scariest moment:
There were a lot of creepy moments in S1, especially when they went into the labrynth.
Grossest moment:
The Regulator eating all those bodyparts when he was hunting Seth and Richie and Kisa.
Best looking male:
Seth. Duh.
Best looking female:
Who you’re crushing on (if any):
Seth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favourite cast moment:
Any BTS content of DJ and Maddie.
Favourite transportation:
The car Seth and Richie drove for most of Season 1, and the Cammaro Seth and Kate drove off in at the end of S1
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
3x10, the blood transfusion. Kate waking up and seeing Seth. In the eyes of the people I love. Kate walking out of hell. The coda with Los Tres Geckos
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Best promo:
I’ve seen this Instagram post that Maddie posted a while back, BTS of her in full-on Amaru gear with the spooky red contacts, jokingly making a Coke Zero ad. Like, if I drank soda, I’d 100000% go for Coke Zero after that.
Does that count? It does now.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book:
Definitely after all the gifsets that were rebageled onto my dash. Then I started reading some fic, and decided it would be a good idea to actually watch the show too.
In depth fandom questions
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