#rebecca has that souji tb energy
hakuoki-dreams · 5 years
Back from weekend hiatus!
Me: Not to get personal but
Also me: [gets super personal]
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  Someone get me some ochimizu...because I feel like I’m dying 😭
  So first off! Sorry to disappear for a few days! Last weekend I had some unexpected travel plans sprung on me. In addition, the past two weeks I’ve felt super low energy and fatigued all the time...like all. the. time. It’s pretty bad. I’ve got a couple underlying health problems that probably aren’t helping, but it’s kind of blindsided me and made it super hard to work on my writing projects recently. So if you’ve noticed a slowdown in my posts, that’s why!
  Basically uhhhhh the brain no doing the words good at moment. I still feel really excited about writing HCs, and I still want to write, but my body and mind are just not cooperating right now. So I’ll probably take things slower for a while until I can see a doctor or start feeling better!
  Thanks everyone for your continued patience and support, especially people waiting on requests. All of you dudes are phenomenal! I’ll just be here in bed scrolling through your excellent content 😎💙
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