Top 10 Tumblr AI Moments (OFFICIAL RANKING):
1. the "i can haz cheezburger?" bot
2. the "cheese, cheese, cheese" bot
3. the "you" bot
4. the "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?" bot (this is the real AI moment, imo)
5. the "how much money would a baby chick make" bot (immediately after the first one, it was a real AI moment)
6. the "this post goes out to every person who has ever loved me <3″ bot
7. the "i can haz cheezburger?" bot again
8. the "you" bot again
9. the "you are not special, just like all the other girls. you have to accept this" bot (this one was a real AI moment for me when i saw it. i'm not even a tumblr girl and it scared me!)
10. the "#reblog2017″ bot
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argumate · 3 years
at least he’ll die happy in the knowledge that he leaves Russia with a terrible power vacuum and no agreed succession plan.
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arbitrarygreay · 2 years
The dx009386 channel got wiped (they only have 2 public videos now, the rest have been privated), but this is one of the best H!P mashups hands down, so I'm sharing Ookubo Kaoru’s Brass Synthstravaganza with y'all.
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etirabys · 6 years
Found some journaling I did in May 2017, the day most of my college friends graduated (leaving me to slog on alone for another two quarters) and I left campus to check into the hotel I’d be staying in during my last internship orientation
I have the rash of sentimentality after all. Today I woke up and left dufr's room after sleeping over for the last time – most of my conscious mind occupied with things like 'how do I squash volume=N stuff into volume=M (<N) luggage space, what do I throw out, decide now*', 'how fast do I need to get my meds from the pharmacy to make this train', 'need to phone hotel to see how early one can check in', etc. And all throughout, this weird clenched chest feeling. I went to sleep late last night talking inanely at matthew, not having anything to say really but not wanting to say goodbye – he's moving to the Midwest, I don't know when I'll see him again. At one point I was holding him up with statements like “TLP. Those are the consonants in the word tilapia...” (M: 'Mhm.') 'Tulip.' (M: 'Mhm.') 'Tulpa.' (M: cracks a smile.) We went to bed past 3am. I love him and will miss him.
* Why was this necessary when I’d packed perfectly for two hands and human shoulders? Around midnight last night friend yu, in the throes of graduation, messaged me that he still had a suitcase of mine from last November that I'd left with him when taking leave of absence. I'd forgotten about it. He'd forgotten about it. That was how I said my goodbyes to friend yu, who was half naked and bustling around in an apocalyptically disorganized room, getting ready for commencement. 'What the fuck is in this?', I’d been wondering about the suitcase since finding out about it. Found a coat I'd just assumed had disappeared, an interview suit, and two femme bags my mom got me that I never used.
Anyway. Weird chest feeling. I left dufr's room – my ex's room – this morning, for the last time after sleeping over in college. The mind goes, 'wait! You're doing this for the last time!' and one looks around at the room, feeling a little lost and confused, bewildered precisely by the lack of felt significance – yes, this is a room that has endured a parade of undergraduates of varying character and talent, it is messy because a messy person is messily moving out, there's little to notice here. It is time to leave. This is the room of a person I will not see again for a long time. This is the room of a person with whom I had a friendship that is almost over. After this there will be points where we speak and meet, but the jug has been drained, and what's left will drip sparsely in the following years. The idea of this was huge and painful, but the empty room was too insignificant and too poor in memory to contain it.
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regicide1997 · 5 years
Tumblr media
I can picture it now:
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enye-word · 6 years
hieronymus bosch painting of an owl labeled @argumate making a foolish choice with an owl labeled reblog2016 watching that owl with an owl labeled reblog2017 watching that owl
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How I do my computing
Inspired by this and this but not as interesting/amusing as either one. Maybe in a year or three I’ll #reblog2017 this and laugh at how stupid/obsolete everything in it is.
I do most of my personal computing on my MacBook, which obviously runs Mac OS X (10.10). I like my MacBook because it rarely malfunctions, never gets viruses, and has powerful enough hardware for everything I want to do.
My MacBook also has a small Windows 7 partition, because there is exactly one game I like to play that doesn’t run on OS X. The company that makes this game is like 6 guys and their DRM is “please pay for this game” so I don’t blame them much. I have malwarebytes on my Windows 7 partition and so far I haven’t had any trouble.
I back up all my files on a big external drive using Time Machine. Half of the drive is Time Machine backups and the other half is my movie collection. 
For mobile, I have a Galaxy S6. I’m mostly satisfied by it, but don’t approve of the amount of nonremovable bloatware apps, so I’ll probably get a Pixel or something when my current one hits its planned obsolescence and/or I drop it on the floor.
I do all my web browsing through Chrome, both on my laptop and on my phone. 99% of my social networking is done on tumblr. The other 1% is on my linkedin and my Google+ account.
My main email address (soon to be my only, when my school account expires) is a gmail account. I look at my email through Kiwi, which is nice because it saves me from having 6 gmail tabs open in Chrome and still not being able to find one when I want it. The only problem with Kiwi is that it doesn’t have a PGP plugin. Get on that shit, Kiwi, I want to encrypt my email without copying and pasting things back and forth between programs all the time.
When I want to text people, I use Signal, because what if at some point I want the government not to know something, and anyway looking suspicious when you aren’t doing anything wastes the NSA’s time. (@ the NSA agent reading this: go home. Talk to your family. Read a book.)
When I want to create a document or a spreadsheet, I do it on Google Drive so I can see it on my phone and won’t lose it if an alligator eats my laptop. If I want someone else to have it, I share it to them. If I want someone else to have it and they hate Drive, I convert to PDF or CSV so people who didn’t get a free copy of Office from god knows where in 2013 can read it.
My favorite programming language that I know is Python, because it’s convenient and doesn’t have much weird shit going on and I learned it first. Also it has some good libraries. My favorite language that I don’t know is C++, because I want the power of assembly with the convenience of being able to name my variables instead of tracking register numbers, but I’m not good at it yet. 
My least favorite programming language that I (sort of) know is JavaScript, because it’s shit. My least favorite language that I don’t know is Haskell, because I don’t understand it and trying to write anything in it makes me feel like a dumbass.
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argumate · 4 years
abstraction for the abstraction god!
(or for any other class of entities that fulfil a similar role as the abstraction god)
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argumate · 5 years
when I’m false, I’m trivially false, and when I’m true, I’m vacuously true.
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argumate · 5 years
the handjob replacing the handshake as formal business greeting was certainly controversial at first, but how else are you going to get the DNA sample you need to add them to your contacts list
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argumate · 5 years
There is another optimal strategy: total interbreeding. There are no reparations if everyone is the descendant of natives, slaves, immigrants, oppressors,
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argumate · 5 years
all that separates incel from chad is a few feet of bony growth covered in velvet which must be stripped off by rubbing against tree trunks
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argumate · 4 years
if the Bitcoin price is over $1m by the end of 2020 then I’ll eat McAfee’s dick, so either way that dick is history.
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argumate · 5 years
antisemitic Christians are like “fuck all the Jews except this one in particular”
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argumate · 5 years
(for the nth time, PR is an actual skill, something you can “level up in” if you feel that you must “become stronger” because you “have something to protect” and want to save the world).
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argumate · 5 years
The real mystery is how someone get paid to write “My Instagram group chat with my two best friends was popping off this week”
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