thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Hello, I was looking for "this won't be easy (wouldn't have it any other way)" by starspangledsteve but every time I look for it I can find it. Do you know if it was taken down?
it appears so!
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epicstuckyficrecs · 6 years
reccasama replied to your post “gigglepud replied to your post “I need help! I read a fic on ao3 a...”
Its Fins, I have a copy! Feel Free to message me to find out how to get a copy!
Thank you! 
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brendaonao3 · 7 years
Avengers Infinity War theory I think Thanos Confirmed Killed Tony in the trailer. His head spun quickly and he just flopped over... Im worried.
Well, any excuse to rewatch a trailer is a good one, so I just did (ahem) and...I mean, yes, I see the headflop, and I would be flopping like a fish in a boat if Thanos punched me that hard, but there is NO WAY IN HELL that Marvel would show an MCD in a trailer.
So I think you’re fine.  I mean, you’re right to be worried - I’m SO SO SO worried about Tony and Vision - but I don’t think that’s Tony’s death scene or anything. *HUGS*
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stevebuckythyla · 7 years
reccasama replied to your photoset: Total disclosure I only bought the wallet because...
Where did you buy these?!?!?
Off of multiple stores on EBay and from other online retailers. I bought the last of everything except the Caption Puppy wallet which you can find here (x) There’s only one left available of it.
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jaimistoryteller · 5 years
Pass the happy!🌻🌈When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Thank you @mousedetective for this! 
1. my furbabies - all the cats, Sasha and Winston. 
2. writing! definitely the writing.
3. my new meds, which help me deal with the depression so I can actually feel happy, and not just meh, angry or sad. 
4. my peeps - including sister, nephews, writing partners, and friends.
5. my art - cause art is awesome.
As I don’t wanna go in the notifications, I’ll tag ten awesome peeps, and add if you see it, you’re awesome too feel free to do this! 
@leavesdancing​ @fragrant-stars​ @a-lafaye @lady-redshield-writes @raevenlywrites @reccasama @aconsultingdetective @firewritten @homesteadchronicles and @ratracechronicler
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I was tagged by @its-aclever-url to do “pictures on your phone that describe you”
@sand-minion, @reccasama,
, @casbean, @lexie-ram
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dreamadove · 8 years
Tagged by @urbanlegends33
Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: all carbonated drinks make me feel sick :<
2: Disney or Dreamworks: Dreamworks <3
3: Coffee or tea: tea
4: Books or movies: Books or TV shows, rarely movies
5: Windows or Mac: Windows
6: DC or Marvel: DC!
7: Xbox or Playstation: Wii! It’s the only console I own AND ZELDA WORKS ON IT MARVELOUSLY, YES!
8: Dragon Age or Mass Effect: haven’t played either D:
9: Night owl or early riser: idk man, I’m always tired.
10: Cards or chess: Uno.
11: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
12: Vans or Converse: Keds
13: Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Are these types of cheese?
15: Beach or forest: forest. Beaches have the 3 awful s’s: sand, sun, salt. yuck.
16: Dogs or Cats: Cats :3
17: Clear skies or rain: Cloudy with light wind.
18: Cooking or eating out: Cooking
19: Spicy food or mild food: Medium? I can eat spice but not a lot.
20: Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween. I’ve never celebrated it, but it’s fun to watch 8]
21: Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot (and no the winter coats and AC’s are not an option) A little too cold
22: If you could have a superpower, what would it be: I want to fly! 
23: Animation or live action: Animation
24: Paragon or renegade: ??? what
25: Baths or showers: Showers that turn into baths.
26: Team Cap or Team Ironman: I never watched the movie :s
27: Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Fantasy 
28: Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? If not do you think you will in future?
I can’t remember anything anyone says to me. I’ll retain the gist but never word for word. I’m not much of a quote person, I don’t think that’ll change.
29: Youtube or Netflix: Netflix. Youtube is shaady
30: Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
30. (See answer to #29) me neither pal.
31.  humanities or stem?: stem
ehh, I’m not about to tag 31 people. so I’ll tag the last 10 people in my activity page :>
@fireonallwires @steampunkforever27 @crimson-canvas @codex-apollo @humansseriously @unicornrebellion20 @reccasama @hope-runs-underneath @lilys-existential-crisis @hope-deferred-inc
do it if you’re bored, no pressure :)
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Your StevexPeggy cross overs are beautiful, I creeped on your account
Thank you! You’re welcome to creep in anytime ;) 
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How will you know where to ship them? Kickstarter never asked for an address.
After the Kickstarter ends and we’re ready to ship copies, we’ll send out a survey to all backers via Kickstarter asking for their current shipping address. So if your shipping address changes between now and then, no need to worry!
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
I'm hoping you can help me find a fic. I remember that the band Pierce the Veil's "Song For Isabelle" is quoted. I know one of the boys was listening to it. I remember the line "All we have are parking lots and nowhere to go"
could it be
Song for Isabelle by worrisomeme (oneshot |1,926 | T)
It’s 2 AM and Steve is standing outside the entrance to Bucky’s apartment building. They’ve been on four official dates now (Steve counts breakfast the morning after Tony’s party) and Steve thinks he’s officially falling in love. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text.
[Steve: Clarke’s????]
His e-cig dangles from his lips as he hits send and looks up to the window he knows is Bucky’s.Barely a minute later and Steve hears the window open, then a head pops out and looks down at him and a familiar laugh rings through the late-night silence. The head ducks back into the apartment and the window slams shut and a few minutes later Bucky emerges from the building.
Steve pushes himself up from where he’s now leaning against the side of the building, a smirk on his lips as he tucks his e-cig into his jacket pocket.
“You’re so whipped,” he teases the brunet.
“Fuck yeah I am,” Bucky laughs, wrapping an arm around Steve’s shoulders and pressing a kiss to his temple.
Part 6 of Steve Rogers: 21
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Are these ever going to be available for purchase?
Hi there! I’m not sure to be honest. I’m still trying to figure out a way to make them available where I make no profit off of them. I might do a sort of “pre-order” where I figure out the exact cost to print and ship them and everyone who would like a deck would have to pay in advance. 
At the very least I will have a digital download of the complete deck available as soon as I receive the remaining submissions! I think I’m still waiting on 50% of the cards?
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crystaldragoncynzi · 9 years
I was following your Mermaid au and The Stray au role-plays and your Modern Magic au is there a way to view them now that you have changed urls?
Yes! Instead of “scalebratayla” for the url, put in “spookybratayla”!
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kingofthewilderwest · 9 years
reccasama replied to your post: dragonlover7860 asked:Do you know...
Could it be arm guards for bow and arrow shooting?
I’ve got no experience with archery! I do know these arm wraps seem to be very thin, so I guess there’s that to take into consideration. Anyone have any idea about whether or not the arm wrappings Astrid, Ruffnut, Johann, and Gobber wear (not Hiccup, Stoick’s, or Snotlout’s vambraces) are good for archery? 
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ehrola · 9 years
What is the HTTYD tarot about?
Hi there! It’s just a fun, self indulgent group project to fulfill my desire to have a HTTYD tarot deck! I was going to do it all by myself but 1. that’s a TON of work that would take me months (if not years) to finish and 2. I love seeing fans come together to make things and this would be perfect for that! I’m hoping to get a different artist to do every card, but we’ll see how many people sign up. You can read more about it HERE.
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hijack-week · 9 years
Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. -The Moulin Rouge
Thank you!
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DO you have a drabble where baby Stoick meets his dragon?
Sorry it took so long.  I am so behind on fics.  But, I did it!  It became more a story of how Inky joined the family than Stoick and Inky really meeting.  As we know, these two will make quite the team.
The sounds of a dragon in distress broke through the silence of the night.  On Berk, usually the only night sounds were some dragons, either snoring or playing, or they were the wild animals that lived on the far side of the island where the land was still dominated by forests.  Normally, the nights were fairly calm, now that the dragons were living amongst Vikings instead of against them.  However, on this night, the calm was broken by the cries of a little dragon.  The noise was enough to put the Vikings and their resident dragons on edge.
It was some ungodly hour when a group of Vikings made their way to the house of their chief.  Frustrated from their lack of sleep and the agitation of their own dragons from the noise, Hiccup was probably the best to deal with it.  While the whole village knew how to deal with dragons, there was no one better than their chief and perhaps his wife.
Unfortunately for the chief and his wife, they lacked sleep as well, and it wasn’t the cries of that dragon.  They had an infant in the house.  Their son, Stoick, was constantly awake and while he wasn’t much of a crier, he was for sure a screamer.  Stoick knew just how to use his voice to alert and wake everyone in the house, particularly his mother.
It was too early in the morning or too late at night when the group of Berkians knocked on the chief’s door.  Hiccup groaned and rolled over, burying his head under his pillow to block out the noise.  They had just gotten Stoick back to sleep a few minutes before.  Next to him, Astrid huffed and nudged him not so gently with her foot.  The chief only groaned in reply and ignored his wife.
With a loud sigh, Astrid got out of bed, throwing a fur cloak around herself and the baby. Amazingly, Stoick remained asleep, despite the loudness of the angry group outside of the house.  Tired and lacking sleep, the chief’s wife opened the door, hoping that the expression of her exhaustion would quell whatever argument that had that sent them to the chief’s house.  If anything, at least for the night.
‘Evening,’ Astrid said, making a show of yawning.
The group looked amongst each other, trying to decide who would speak first.  ‘There’s a situation.’
‘A “situation”?  How so?’ she asked.
‘A crying dragon.  It’s somewhere under one of the houses,’ another piped up.
‘A baby dragon,’ added another.
Astrid looked at the group.  It was too late for this and she thought about.  Sadly, she knew that if it wasn’t dealt with, they would come back the next night, unless it was dealt with accordingly.  After all, she had a tracking dragon.  And a useless husband, who was asleep in their bed.
‘Give me five minutes.  I’ll deal with it.’
‘Where’s the chief?’ one of the men asked.
With a thoughtful look into the house Astrid gave a slight shrug.  ‘He’ll be watching his son.’
With that, Astrid closed the door and placed her son on the bed, cooing to him softly to keep him asleep.  She then put on clothing, a simple dress and shoes, nothing fancy or special, all she was doing was tracking down a dragon.  Putting on her least favorite dress was the best way to go as was possibly going to have to get a bit messy.
‘Hiccup,’ the blonde whispered, shaking her husband’s shoulder to wake him.
‘Hmm?’ he grumbled, still asleep.
‘Watch Stoick, I’m going out.’
Hiccup managed to open one bleary eye, rubbing the other with a yawn.  ‘Where’re you going?’ his voice full of sleep.
‘Out.  There’s a situation.’  Astrid was walking to where her Deadly Nadder, Stormfly snoozed.  Adorably, Stormfly’s head rested against Toothless’ back.  Toothless was curled up and didn’t seem to notice or mind.
‘Stormfly, come on, wake up.’
The chief sat up slightly, the warm furs slipping off of his body.  His wife bit back a smile at his adorably disheveled state.  He was clearly watching her and seeing what she was doing.  There was no sign of worry on his face, clearly, he trusted her to be able to handle herself.  Other than himself (and Valka), Astrid was the best at any issues concerning dragons and with the residents of Berk.
‘Stormfly!’ Astrid hissed and earned an annoyed grunt from Toothless as the Nadder woke up and did a show of stretching and preening.  ‘Come on, I need you, girl.’
The pair walked out of the door and into the chilly Berk night.  Astrid remained on foot, as the cries were said to have come from under a house.  There was no sense in going by air as the group lead the woman and her dragon to the approximate location of the cries. 
‘Listen, Stormfly.  We need to find the baby dragon.  It probably got separated from its mother and is scared and alone,’ the blonde explained to her dragon.
The Nadder sorted and tilted her head.  The head tilt was often a sign that the dragon was listening to her surroundings.  The sounds of the cries came again, but Astrid was unable to tell from where they were coming from.  The poor little thing was probably lost and scared.  Its mother probably worried as well.
Stormfly squawked and made her way to a house and tried to claw at the dirt by the house.  Astrid took note of the location and rested her hand against her dragon’s side to silently tell her to stop digging.  It was now up to Astrid to try and either coax the little dragon out or try and get it out physically.
She had put on weight since getting pregnant with her son.  While the weight was slowly coming off, it was enough for her to realize the changes.   She had to figure a plan of action to get this little dragon, despite the changes.  Being a mother herself, she couldn’t imagine what this little guy’s mother was thinking.  Hell, her son was at home with her husband and she was worried that something would happen while she was out.  Still, dragons weren’t like humans.  What a human would feel was not always the case with a dragon. 
‘Someone get me some fish,’ Astrid instructed as she crouched down, signaling Stormfly to give her some light.
Under the beams was a little dragon, the shape was clear, but the dragon itself was hard to actually see as it was dark, almost black in the low light.  It continued to cry out, but would look to Astrid and hiss with the distinctive Terrible Terror sound.  The little guy was clearly scared and in distress. 
‘It’s ok, come on out.’  She tried to keep her voice as calm and soothing as possible.
The little dragon skittered back, dragging one of its hind legs behind it.  It screeched and hissed as Astrid tried to get herself closer and reach her hand under.  Eventually, the hand went away and the little dragon stopped screeching and went back to crying for help.
With a sigh, Astrid stood and brushed her hands on her thighs as she thought about what to do.  She was still waiting on the fish.  And then it really struck her that there was no mother Terrible Terror there crying and fighting to get to this young one.  Perhaps its injury had meant that it wasn’t seen as fit enough to survive.
‘Astrid, ‘ere’s the fish you wanted,’ someone said behind her.
‘Thanks.’  But she was distracted as she crouched down to watch the dragon.  The poor thing stayed back, favoring one leg.  ‘Come here, little guy.  I have food for you.  Come on.’
It took a long time for the little dragon to even try to come closer.  It would growl and hiss after it took a few steps forward and then would skitter back.  This seemed to be more of an exercise in Astrid’s patience than her ability to lure a frightened dragon out of its hole.  In her opinion, it was going rather poorly.  She was tired and somewhat cranky, but having a four and a half week old did that to a person.
‘Come on,’ she said softly, a slight tone of begging edged into her voice.  ‘There’s a yummy fish in it for you.’
It took another twenty minutes or so to actually get the little dragon to come out, then another ten to actually touch it.  Every time Astrid tried to reach out, it would only recoil and try to run away, but it was hindered by the injury to its hind leg.
Eventually, Astrid was able to get it to come out.  ‘That’s better, isn’t it?  We’ll patch you up and try to find your mommy.  I bet she’s worried about you.’
Now curled up in Astrid’s arms, the little Terrible Terror purred contently as it munched down on fish.  Still, Astrid was unable to touch the injured leg without the little creature going crazy on her, trying to snap.
The group of Vikings stood around and watched for a long moment before Astrid announced that she would be taking the injured dragon back to her house and tend to its injuries.  Most were relieved, because who else would care for it?  The chief was the best when it came to dragons (although, his mother actually might be better than him), so it seemed like the natural choice.  As well, the little thing seemed to be a handful and no one wanted the responsibility of caring for it. 
When Astrid walked into the house, she expected to find Hiccup asleep, but instead, he was awake with Stoick in his arms.  A smile crossed her lips, her two favorite boys together.
‘Hey,’ she said softly, sitting beside her husband.  ‘Did he wake up?’
Hiccup nodded, ‘Yeah, but he seems content right now.  Maybe he missed you.’
The baby dragon wriggled out of Astrid’s arms and walked on its good legs towards Hiccup and Stoick, cautiously smelling them.
‘Is this out trouble maker?’ the chief asked.
‘Yeah.  Poor thing has a broken leg.  I didn’t see the mother anywhere…maybe she’ll be back in the morning.’
Cautiously, Hiccup and Astrid watched the dragon as it sniffed Stoick and purred, climbing into Hiccups arms and snuggled next to the baby.  Somehow they knew that even if the mother came back, the little guy had adopted them and more importantly, their son.  Stoick in turn, wrapped his pudgy little baby arms around the dragon and made a happy sound.
‘I think he found his human.  Cute little guy.  I’ve never seen a Terrible Terror this dark before.  Almost the color of ink.’
‘We can’t keep him, Hiccup.  We have to see if we can find the mother.’
Hiccup gave Astrid a look, it was a somewhat pleading, she knew that look well.  It was selfish, but he loved seeing his son bond with a dragon.  And if the dragon was abandoned, it wouldn’t survive on its own.  It was just a baby.
‘We look for the mother, if we can’t find her, we’ll keep him,’ Astrid said finally.
All she could do was smile as her husband kissed her cheek.  His eyes drifted down to the sleeping pair in his arms.
‘You should get a splint on his leg, Hiccup.’
‘Yes, dear.  You take Stoick and I’ll get a splint on Inky’s leg.’
‘“Inky”?’ Astrid asked as she untangled the pair.
Hiccup nodded.  ‘He’s ink colored, isn’t he?  I have a feeling it suits him.  And for now, welcome to the family, Inky.’
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