#reciting facts i know or connecting different scenarios and conversations together…..
nananaptime · 5 years
Request scenario : na jaemin and (y/n) bff since they're smol and grew up together, now at high school when (y/n) meets a guy (can be one of the dreamies) who likes her, jaemin gets jealous bcs the guy is literally stealing her away, thankies♡ I luv u and ur writing so much author nim♡♡♡
Open Your Eyes
This took so long, oops xD
I hope you like it
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Genre: Angsty?
Word count: 2 401
Summary: Being in love with your best friend becomes obvious once there’s a reason for jealousy.
Jaemin gave me a confused look as I skipped towards where my bike was parked outside the apartment complex and giggled as I approached him with it at my side. A judging look crossed his face as I the sound resonated from my throat, causing it to become even louder. He sighed, fighting the smile willing to appear on his face.
“What are you so happy about? Please, give me my normal friend back.” We climbed onto our bikes and started biking towards our local high school. He received my explanation all the while, listening and scoffing at the reason behind my giddiness. “So you’re reacting like this because someone new is joining our year? I knew you liked meeting new people but wow, not to this extent.” I shook my head at his teasing comments, knowing he meant nothing by it.
“From what I hear, he’ll be in my English and history classes, and I’ll do everything in my power to make him feel welcome. You know new students more often than not have a hard time adapting to school life with new people, especially when transferring in the middle of a semester.” He nodded, acknowledging the fact but not fighting the small pout that soon appeared on his face.
“Yeah, but someone else can do that, we were supposed to eat out at the bleachers today, and then you said you’d watch me practice my dancing after school.” The whiney tone grew with every word and I giggled at his behaviour.
“He can join us can’t he? If I’m not incorrect, I’ve snapped up that he dances as well so maybe you two can exchange tips or something. I’m not trusting someone else with the important task of making someone else feel welcome.” I caught the huff which left Jaemin’s lips but no more arguments followed it, and so we biked the rest of the way in peace.
We parted ways with a hug once we reached the school, him having to attend his science class and I, my English class.
There was already a boy talking to the teacher when I arrived, seemingly settling details such as the coursebook and what he already knew from his last school. He was clad in a slightly oversized hoodie with a pair of black jeans. I waited until they were done before approaching the desk with a smile. Ms, Williams had a knowing look in her eyes, silently thanking me for what she knew I was about to offer.
“Ms, Williams! Knowing how difficult it is to find students who have the time and want to introduce a new student to the school, I’m more than happy to shoulder the responsibility.” Ms, Williams’ smile grew as I finished my sentence and she instantly agreed, finding the idea to be exceptional. She encouraged the new student to connect with me today and suggested being seatmates in her class, knowing that might spur some conversation during the practical half of the class. With that said, I threw the new student a smile, relieved to see that he was already smiling back at me, seemingly not having anything against spending some time with me.
As we sat down, I introduced myself and found out that his name was Jeno in the process. His smile was so bright that his eyes were almost impossible to spot and just the sight of it caused another smile to appear on my lips. During the class, I spent most of the time explaining what we had been going over the past couple of weeks and later helped him as much as I could with the practical exercises. The entire ordeal was filled with laughter and jokes and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this close to someone this quick before. Well, except for Jaemin.
Just before bidding each other goodbye I asked whether or not he’d the willing to join me and Jaemin for lunch later on. He shone up as soon as my enquiry registered and accepted with immense energy. Then he thanked me for giving him something to look forward to before being on his way to geography class.
The rest of the morning, I had a difficult time concentrating on what the teachers said, math had never come easy to me either way and hence, not concentrating did not make the challenge smaller. All I could think about was whether or not Jaemin would click with Jeno just as much as I did. He usually got along with everybody, so it shouldn’t be that much of an issue, but for some reason, I had a bad feeling at the bottom of my belly.
Jaemin met me outside the classroom and accompanied me to the cafeteria where we fetched our food. I didn’t get responses that was satisfactory while describing my encounter with Jeno. This only resulted in my bad feeling becoming worse and I threw a glare his way.
“Dude, you haven’t even met him, give him a chance before adapting that whiney personality you so regularly seem to display.” I accepted my food with gratitude and turned to him, stopping in the doorway to wait for Jeno to join us.
“He’s just a guy, no need to put him on such a pedestal.” I rolled my eyes as Jaemin sourly popped a potato tot into his mouth.
“Just you wait, you’ll like him, you like everybody, you don’t have it in you to dislike someone once you’ve met them, no matter how much you might want to.” He scoffed at me before stealing one of my fries. “Hey, you have your own food!” I exclaimed and laughed, moving my tray of food away from him.
“You took the last fries though!” He tried snatching yet another one but I smacked his hand away, causing him to retrieve it in fake shock. “Oh, now you’ve done it!” My shrieks caused many faces to turn our way as Jaemin’s finger found its way to my side, resulting in me crumbling in fits of laughter and screams, desperately trying to stabilize my tray of food in my arms while avoiding his attacks like the plague.
The ruckus ended only when someone cleared their throat beside us.
“Jeno!” I exclaimed, giving him a smile in return of the one he displayed on his face. “Jeno, this is my best friend Jaemin. Nana, this is Jeno.” Jeno extended his hand for a greeting which Jaemin accepted, albeit unwillingly. I bumped his shoulder, shooting him a meaningful look, telling him to be nice. With a small roll of his eyes, he turned his frown into a smile, putting in an effort to engage in some kind of conversation with Jeno. Satisfied with the current course of events, I started walking towards the bleachers, the boys behind me having a conversation regarding some new video game I wasn’t familiar with.
I sat down on one of the cold, metal benches outside, with Jaemin taking a seat next to me and Jeno on the bench further down in front of me, turned the wrong way around in order to exert some social sense. He joined in my and Jaemin’s talk about his upcoming dance recital which turned into me investigating his own dance story and what style he prefered. I could feel Jaemin’s eyes burning into the side of my face but did my best to ignore it, more surprised than anything as to why he wasn’t happy to talk about his biggest interest.
I asked Jeno if he could show us some moves, which he declined, explaining that he needed to warm up if he was to do any move justice. I heard Jaemin scoff at this and glanced at him, seeing him with his eyes turned to his food which he was just poking around at with his fork. Jeno’s smile faltered slightly but he continued socializing happily, not letting Jaemin’s rude behaviour get him down.
“You could show me another time then! We have many dance rooms at the school due to it being an extracurricular activity.”
“That’s a good idea!  I might need to buy new dancing shoes though, but I think I have the time to do that today after school. I need to check out this city anyway.” He took a bite of his food.
“If you want, I could accompany you and show you around. Wouldn’t want you getting lost.” All he could do was laugh at my joke, and nodded to accept my request.
“Y/N… You said you’d watch me dance after school.” I turned my attention to Jaemin and my heart broke slightly at the sad expression on his face, a small pout adorning his lips.
“Ah… Yes, I forgot about that. Can we postpone it? I mean, I’ve watched you dance so many times, it’s not like I’m missing anything, right?” His eyes shifted down to his food and a small “Yes” left his lips, leaving me feeling incredibly guilty. Before we could continue the conversation, the bell went off, alerting us of the end of lunch.
The shoe shopping had been quite enjoyable, especially since it had been followed by a cup of coffee at my favourite café as well as a visit to the bookstore and the game store, indulging in one interest each. We then bid each other goodbye at the bus stop as we were going in different directions and hence, catching different busses. We also decided to meet up earlier at the school library the next day as he needed some help with the History material he had gotten from their history teacher.
That’s where I was when my phone started ringing on the table beside me. I realised my mistake when I noticed the caller ID and answered it with a timid “hello”.
“Y/N, where are you, I’ve been waiting outside your place for ten minutes now and you’re never late.” The guilt instantly took hold of me.
“I am so sorry, Nana. I forgot to let you know that I was going to school earlier today. I’m helping Jeno with some school work.” I heard him suppress a groan.
“You’re with Jeno?”
“Yeah, he needed-”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, I’ll see you later.” Then he hung up. I looked at the phone, feeling a lump in my belly at the thought of having hurt my best friend. My best friend whom I’ve tried suppressing my feelings for the last couple of years. My best friend who’s never left my side and always prioritised me, even over himself. which I’ve scolded him for on several occasions. I knew my own faulty traits, one of them being focusing all my energy on one event or one person and hence forgetting everything else around me. I can’t believe I let it affect Jaemin like this.
“You okay?” Jeno asked carefully, giving me a sympathetic look. I nodded slightly.
“Yeah! Yeah, let’s finish this before our classes start shall we.” I received another nod and we continued in silence, only talking when he had a question.
I didn’t see Jaemin until lunch, which he was spending alone by a table in the corner of the cafeteria, earphones in and ignoring the world around him. I fetched my food and sat down in front of him. He glanced up at me before removing his earphones with a sigh and putting them in his pocket.
“Nana, I really am sorry.”
“It’s fine, who am I to decide who you can and can’t hang out with.” He didn’t look at me as he said it and every word had been dipped in bitterness. A small sigh left my lips, trying to think of how I could fix this.
“You have dance practice this afternoon as well, right?” He nodded and continued eating. “I’ll join you then and you can show me what you’ve been working on!” I attempted to smile at him but it fell as quickly as I’d manage to conjure it.
“I can dance alone, you go spend time with Jeno.” Then he left to leave his now empty tray, leaving me alone at the table.
I decided to show up anyway. Maybe my stubborn personality would manage to win him over. I was not going to let this fight pull us apart, we had too many years of friendship under our belt for that.
He was warming up when I arrived at the dance studio, stretching down to reach his toes, which he didn’t succeed with but was satisfied with either way. He noticed me in the mirror as he stood to his full length again, cocking one eyebrow as to enquire the reason behind my presence.
“I thought I said I’d be fine on my own.”
“Yeah, but I wanted to watch you dance, you know how much I love seeing you do what you love.” He scoffed slightly, however, with less resentment than before.
“You sure you wouldn’t rather be with your new bestie?” This time, it was my turn to scoff and roll my eyes.
“You know that I’m allowed to have more friends than you right? I know I screwed up and I apologized for it, no need to be mean about it.”
“Of course you’re allowed to have friends, I just wish it didn’t rub the fact that that’s exactly what I am in my face.” He kept his eyes on the mirror, as he stretched his arms.
“What? What are you talking about Nana?” An unbelievable laugh left his lips and he turned to me.
“Y/N, I don’t want to be your friend. I never wanted to be just your friend.” My brain did not make the connection as fast as I would’ve liked.
“So, what? You don’t want to hang out with me anymore?” Another laugh and he shook his head at me.
“I really need to force your eyes open, huh?” The confusion written on my face caused him to approach me, stopping only inches away from me. “Y/N, I don’t want to be your friend, I want to be your boyfriend.” My breath hitched in my throat. He glanced down to my lips. “Would a kiss be inappropriate or would it be an action ending on a happy note?”
Instead of answering him, I cradled his face and pressed my lips to his in a soft kiss.
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Late (20.3)
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Plot, Blood
Word Count: 3640K
Note: Wheeew, I know, I know, I know. This took FOREVER. I’m sorry, truly. I told you guys I wanted to make this perfect especially because we are at the end and I don’t want to put out half-assed work and I wanted to make the necessary connections. I hope you guys enjoy this. I also have been going through a writing drought and haven’t felt the want to write. I know my issues and not yours, I’m sorry. Without further a due, ta-da!
***Loosely edited/proofread
******Interactive Chapter(KINDA, PICTURES COUNT :) )***
Thank you guys for reading. I appreciate it. If you enjoyed this, please LIKE and REBLOG. ❤️ ❤️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wakanda was abuzz with the latest gossip of Ma’Uchi, Nakia, Tandra and W’Kabi and the attempted coup. No one could believe the lengths Nakia went to and no one could believe the fate the group shared and how T’Challa had went from one side of the spectrum to dropping the full weight of Wakanda’s rule upon them.
Everyone was now wondering when the king would finally give into his love for Y/N. In truth Wakanda was ready for the dawn of the era the king had promised.
You sat in the garden watching the sun set behind the Jabari mountains and smiled. You now had more of a fondness for the Jabari and their leader Lord M’Baku and you were excited about the potential for not only Wakanda’s growth but also the Jabari. You’d decided to finally unite all the tribes for a stronger Wakanada, all that was left was to reason with the king and help him see the logic of your words. You didn’t think it would be a hard task especially after he knew of the details of today.
You took a deep breath in and slowly released it. As you did you felt the stress and anxiety from the last few months dissipating. As you took another deep inhale you felt a sort of freedom you hadn’t felt in months. You closed your eyes hoping to relish the feeling for as long as you could. You didn’t know how long you sat there but by the time you opened your eyes you saw the queen mother sitting next to you. You jumped in shock before she placed a soothing hand upon your knee.
“It is just me,” Ramonda calmly voiced.
You smiled and nodded, relaxing yourself. The sun had disappeared behind the mountains and the sky was filled with hundreds of stars. The same stars that always made you think of T’Challa. You smiled to yourself.
“By yourself?” Ramonda asked.
“Hm, interesting. I did not expect you to be by yourself. In fact i expected you and my son to be deep in conversation at this time,” she continued.
“The king is a busy man. After the debacle of today i am sure he had a lot to see to,” you reasoned.
“I am sure he did, but I didn’t expect anything to be more important than you.”
You sighed and looked to Ramonda’s face. She had a sly smile on her lips as she stared up into the star speckled night sky. After a few moments she looked to you and smiled wider.
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“Unless it is you who is hiding,” she finished.
She’d guessed it, hit the nail right on the head, stolen the cookie from the cookie jar, pieced it together. You doubted it was a hard puzzle to put together. You looked down to your hands and entangled your fingers together before untangling them only to do the action again and again.
“Why are you hiding?” Ramonda asked when minutes passed of silence and her careful observation of your face.
You didn’t know the right words to speak, you didn’t even know what to say.
“Y/N?” Ramonda urged.
“A lot has happened. The last forty-eight hours have sped by like a tornado and in it’s wake everything has changed but quite possibly nothing. All that is certain is there is so much uncertainty,” you rushed out in one breath.
“You are right, a lot has happened. A lot has changed because of what has happened, but the only way to shed light on the unknown is by addressing it,” Ramonda counseled.
You knew what she was saying was true, still when the chance came you ran away.
“Wakanda owes you a debt Y/N. I owe you a debt.”
“You owe me nothing. I did this for Wakanda, for you. You all deserved to know the truth, you deserved some form of peace. I only hope that by dredging up the painful past I have not disrupted T’Chaka in the ancestral plane and I have not broken your heart all over again,” you confessed.
Ramonda took your hands within hers and firmly squeezed them as she turned to face you.
“Y/N, T’Chaka blesses you. I have been consulting with the ancestors and they are forever indebted to you for your actions. For rooting out the evil within Wakanda. What you have done is no small feat, but it’s benefits will spread across the land. As for my pain, it will never go away, never but you have lessened it by shining light on the truth. A grave injustice was done to our family, an injustice that broke us down, but you are the piece that will mend us and build us up, starting with the king,” Ramonda spoke.
You allowed her words to seep into your brain.
“How can I mend anything. I am not Wakandan.”
“Like hell you are not. Do you think you are Wakandan just by being born here, by being born with the blood in your veins? If that were the case all of the world is greatly mistaken of their heritage. You are not merely Wakandan because of blood, or birth but because of your heart, your soul. You were Wakandan when you put the happiness and prosperity if its people before your own happiness and prosperity. You are Wakandan when you embody the ways of our practices and teachings, you are Wakandan being true not only to the spirit of Bast herself but by being true to the land. All of which you have done since the day you got here and every day you continue to do so. You are Wakandan because even when your heart broke you chose the ways and people over your own wants, your own love. My child you are Wakanda,” Ramonda finished.
You smiled to yourself and looked up to the sky.
“But, you must stop running. You must forge ahead.”
You nodded and sighed again.
“You’re right.”
“I know I’m right,” Ramonda teased. You snorted and let out a laugh. A laugh you didn’t recognize. It had been so long since you last laughed—too long.
“Now, I am going to tell my son to stop pacing a hole in the floor of his office and to follow his heart and senses to you and you are going to sit here looking as beautiful as ever and forge ahead,” she ordered. You smiled and nervously nodded.
Ramonda stood and gently touched your forehead before she walked away back inside the palace leaving you alone again in the garden. You took another deep breath realizing your heart was not pounding at a maddening pace.
“Relax Y/N, relax,” you calmly recited.
You sat there running through the endless possibilities in your head at break neck speed. You went through tens of scenarios all ending differently, but all evoked the same feelings in you. You felt as if you were going to pass out from the anticipation and the unknown. You wondered if he still felt the same way, wondered if any part of him still wanted you. You wondered if everything had changed for him. You worried about so many of his feelings or lack there of that after ten minutes you began pacing the stone walkway in the garden obsessing over it all.
You quickly spun around with a distressed look on your face to see Okoye standing there.
“Was I interrupting?”
“No, no. Well yes but I'm grateful. I was going down an endless rabbit hole of what ifs and it had to stop, so thank you,” you said as she approached you.
“Are you all right?” You nodded only lying partially.
“Okoye, i wanted to thank you for today, thank you for all you have done in this crazy scheme of mine,” you began.
Okoye smiled a rare smile that paused you.
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“I was happy to help Y/N. I should be thanking you for saving me from a fate worse than death if I had married W’Kabi,” she said with a look of disgust on her face.
“I still can’t believe his part in all this,” you added.
“Neither can I, I never suspected and I feel like such a fool,” she continued. You took her hand gently.
“Okoye, you are not a fool. He was simply good at covering his tracks, they all were. So if you are a fool so is the rest of Wakanda, the king included,” you teased.
Okoye smiled again.
“Well I have always been convinced the king was a fool, and was further proved right watching him these last years,” Okoye laughed, a laugh you joined in on.
“Speaking of the king, I have something for you,” she said holding out an envelope with the Wakandan king’s seal.
You took the envelope and stared at it.
“The staff have prepared your old bedroom for you,” Okoye informed. You nodded and watched her turn and begin to walk back inside the palace. Before she walked inside she stooped and looked back to you.
“Y/N,” Okoye began. You looked to her.
“He is lucky to have you.” Okoye said then the corner inside the palace.
You stood there for a few more minutes before you decided against opening it. Instead you walked back inside the palace toward your bedroom contemplating what he’d written in the envelope.
Once you were safely behind your familiar doors you looked around and took in your surroundings. Everything looked the same as if nothing had been touched. The walls were still the way you’d requested, as was the decor. You leaned your back against the door and pressed the envelope to your chest willing your heart to slow.
After a few moments, you walked further into the room toward the window at the moon shining in. You stood there and unsealed the envelope to open the king’s stationary.
“Wakanda owes you a debt.”
Short and simple, short and mysterious in meaning. You looked at the back of the card bu there was nothing else written. Confusion began to rise as you realized he was most likely not going to meet you tonight.
You put the card down on your desk and looked around the room again. You walked to your bed and softly traced your hand along the patterned duvet to one of the posts. You walked around the room taking in everything. You didn’t know how much you missed this until just now. You’d missed it greatly. you walked into the bathroom and began filling the copper claw-foot tub. You’d missed this tub. While it was old fashioned it was decked out with modern luxuries. At the touch of a button it could be transformed into a luxurious whirlpool, jetted spa escape filled with over fifteen massage patterns. This bad boy was the reason you’d been changed to a bath lover again after nearly a lifetime of preferring showers. Now you spent hours upon hours sitting in this tub.
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You began undressing out of the Dora uniform and filled the tub with the luxuries you loved, essential oils, flower petals, bath salts, a special blended soap that produced the most exhilarating bubbles that some how worked to easily melt away any stress leaving you and your body in the most amazing state of relaxation. You couldn’t wait.
As you walked around the bathroom preparing things for your bath you did your best to not think about anything or anyone. If you thought anymore your head would burst. Once you’d freed yourself and only had your bra and underwear on you swirled your hand in the water to test the temperature was right. Smiling you began to rise but was struck back down by a kick to the back of your calf. You dropped back to the hard floor. Before you could turn to see who or what it was the mystery intruder grabbed your head and pushed it into the tub submerging your head under the water. You screamed in the water which produced no sound. It only brought water into your nose and lungs. You flailed your arms around behind you trying to grab the person. Every time your hand made connection to a garment of clothes they pulled away and sunk your head even further under the water.
After a minute of struggle your actions slowed, your head became heavy, your vision became speckled with bright lights. Your logic told you that you were running out of time. You tried your best to think about your immediate surroundings. You stopped trying to grab the intruder and began to reach for the retractable shower head that was attached to the tub your plan clear in your head. It was difficult to maneuver as your actions slowed more and you felt yourself begin to involuntarily convulse. In the recesses of your mind you knew you only had seconds. Your hands grasped the shower head but it was stuck. You yanked as hard as you could freeing the retractable cord. Gripping it you swung it back behind you and heard an enraged grunt. The action gave you a few seconds of reprieve. You pulled your head out the water and gasped for the precious commodity you desperately needed.
Again you felt the intruder trying to overtake you. You swung your head back connecting with their head. In an instant you felt dizziness ring through your head. Now you were righting two battles, lack of oxygen and dizziness, the odds were definitely stacked against you. You tried to get up but slipped on the flooded floor and dropped back down. You slid and spun around seeing Nakia standing there.
“Nakia?” you spoke in complete shock and confusion.
She dove to you but you ducked instead grabbing her calves and hoisted her up and over your head. You heard a loud crash and a scream. You spun around and saw Nakia splayed on the floor atop the broken the shards of the glass shower door. She groaned as she slowly rose to her hands and knees. She looked to you, blood dripping from several cuts on her face. She looked like pure rage.
“How did you get free?”
“I’ve lived in this place longer than you. I know every hidden tunnel and path. I’ve always known how to get in here. I could have killed you any time I wanted but a Queen doesn’t dirty her hands. She watches as other do her bidding, but now you have pissed me off and if you want something done right you have to do it yourself,” Nakia spat before she dove for you. She landed on top of you tackling you to the wet floor. She drew back her hand and landed a blow to your face. You struggled with her trying to overpower her. You rolled on top of her and punched her three times before she rolled to reclaim the upper hand. She managed to get her hands around you neck and began to squeeze.
“You thought I would just let you win? Did you really think I would just give up and go to the island? You are even dumber than I thought. You will never have him, you will never have Wakanda.”
You gagged and pushed your hands between hers and pushed them apart forcing her to release your neck. A move T’Challa showed you in one of your many sparring matches. You wasted no time grabbing her wrists and twisting them. She screamed loudly and you kicked her off of you over your head into the wooden panel along the wall. You rolled to your knees quickly watching her every move. It was past reasoning with her. There was no reasoning with her. No granting her mercy, nothing would work. Nakia stood up wiping the blood from her mouth. You stood and stared at her, expecting the worst, preparing for it.
Nakia took up a crystal candle holder and charged to you attempting to strike you. You evaded every attempt recognizing she was no longer strategizing, she was attacking on pure rage. She was at her weakest. You took the opportunity to punch her, but she pushed you on the wall and returned the hit. You sunk down and slid through her opened legs. You turned in time to see her coming for you, you kicked out the vanity stool to her forcing her to trip over it. You hurried to the door but saw it was locked from the outside. Nakia wrapped her arm around your neck placing you in a choke-hold.
“No escape, only through death.”
You elbowed her feeling your anger rise to the dangerous level. You turned and kicked her in her gut. She staggered backwards and tried to unsuccessfully evade your onslaught of hits. Each of your hits landed with precision. You felt stronger than you had in a long time. You took a deep breath in and charged Nakia. She landed on the hard floor with a loud thud. You wrapped your hands around her neck and squeezed with all your strength. She gagged and tried to pry your hands free. The fear in her eyes rose and it filled you with even more strength, it was intoxicating. You heard your Kimoyo beads ring from across the room. In the commotion they must have fallen off. In your distracted stare Nakia managed to grab a sliver of the broken glass and slash your collar. You drew back from the pain, she took the opportunity to roll on top of you and inch the glass closer to your jugular.
Every second she inched closer and closer, you struggled back and forth with her strength. When she gained an inch you pushed her back an inch only for the cycle to continue back and forth. You groaned as you saw the glass mere centimeters from your skin. Nakia smiled sinisterly as she kept her eye on the prize, your neck. You felt the sharp edge of the glass puncture your neck, pain rang through you and alarm filled you. You fought against the urge to panic, instead you released one hand to reach for the large shard you saw to the side. The action gave Nakia more leeway to sink her shard further into your neck. You gagged tasting your blood in your throat. You quickly lunged to the shard allowing the glass to sink a few more centimeters into your skin. It was the only way. You grabbed the shard and quickly slammed Nakia to her back and rammed the glass into her chest. Nakia gasped out in shock, but her actions into stop. She reached for a smaller piece of the glass and stabbed it into your abdomen. You gasped and convulsed taking in the impact and the pain of the object.
“You—will not—have—him,” Nakia stuttered out.
You raised your mouth into a vindictive snarl.
“Neither will you!” You shouted and pulled the glass from her chest to ram it into her chest again. You repeated the action two more times, on the final stab you sunk it into her heart. Nakia gurgled her blood oozing from her mouth as she stared at you, all her actions seized. You heard her cough and release her last terrorizing breath.
You sat atop her waiting for her to spring back up like the horror show she was, but after almost thirty seconds of no movement you let go of the shard of glass still sticking from her chest. Your bloodied hands violently shook and weakness overtook you. You toppled of her to the blood covered floor and began gasping for air. You reached your hand to your neck and felt the glass still protruding from your throat. You heard pounding at the door but it was too far for you to make it there. You’d never make it. Your hand slowly traveled to the second piece of glass sticking out from your abdomen and felt tears sting your eyes as reality crept in. Reality was you were dying, reality was Nakia had finally gotten what she wanted, reality was you’d now killed two people. Reality was that these were your last moments. You stared into the ceiling at a replica of the Wakandan night sky and saw a bright light creep in from the corners of your eyes. You heard a loud snap and shrieks of horror before scuffling footsteps. You heard your name as if it was someone far away and it was then T’Challa dropped to your side with a haunted look on his face.
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Everything moved in slow motion and you heard nothing but muffled voices. T’Challa hesitated touching you as he examined your body. When his eyes landed on the glass protruding from your neck the look on his face spoke of fear. Your reality had finally registered with him. T’Challa looked away from you and shouted. You felt the trickles of his tears drip on your cheek and a deep sorrow filled you. You slowly lifted your hand to his face. You traced your bleeding hand along his cheek, down to his jaw. There was so much to say but no time, you opened your mouth to speak but no sound came out.
Fresh tears streamed down your face as you realized this was your last moment with him. T’Challa clasped his hand over yours and nuzzled his face into your palm, but you didn’t feel it. You’d read somewhere that when you were dying your senses would slowly fade. You could not smell him, you could not hear him, nor could you taste the blood you knew filled your throat and mouth. You saw his lips move but the light that was at the corners of your eyes now took over and with that, your sight went.
To Be Continued...
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Author’s AFTER-NOTE: Are y'all OK?
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Cristy, I N E E D a drabble, where they are holding hands, where Caroline takes his hand and Klaus is all shook pleaseee pretty please! slay me with your beautiful words
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Thanks Madina! Love this prompt, know exactly what inspired it hehe. Consider this my take on the way I want this episode to go. I don’t watch the Originals (yet) and haven’t read any spoilers so this is just something I made up. Hope you like it, luv!. 
When theSaints Go Marching In
She isnervous. She taps her feet on the floor at a rapid pace and attempts to calmherself. Is she really here? Is she really doing this? Will he be happy to seeher?
Yes, she’sextremely nervous. But she’s also something else.
CarolineForbes is hopeful. For the first time in her thirty-something life. And it is all because of himand the fact he never gave up on her. On them. 
“However longit takes,” he’d murmured before placing a chaste kiss on her cheek after graduation. His solemnbut slightly optimistic look telling her he meant every uttered word. Years later, and after everything they’d experienced in their own lives and briefly together, it’s those observations that were bringing her back. Back to him.  
Afterstepping off the plane at Louis Armstrong Airport and making her way via cab tothe French Quarter she is buoyed. The fact that Mardi Gras is well and trulyunderway; flashes of green, purple and gold rushing past the car window in alltheir brilliance only adds to her current mood.
Her cellrings, Caroline noting the caller ID and rolling her eyes. “Finally.” Shemutters while connecting. “Take your sweet time, Rebekah, it’s okay I have nothing better to do today.”
“No surprises there. And not that it’s your business but I’m busy doing my nails,” she drawls, her tone icy as usual. “So sue me, Caroline.” This was the very same person that begged her to save Klaus all those weeks back. How quickly she forgot the gratitude she showered on Caroline as early as last week? 
“She’slying,” another voice interrupts. “She’s been sitting on her lazy ass andcomplaining all afternoon as usual, darling.” Caroline rolls her eyes, the Mikaelsonsibling circus in all its Original family glory.
“How manytimes have I told you not to eavesdrop on my conversations, Kol?” She hisses.Caroline can visualise the scene playing out between them without any difficulty. If he wasn’t an Originalvampire, she is certain Kol would be a hot pile of ash right now.
“I have nointerest in your pathetic and mundane conversations, Rebekah, but it’scertainly no fault of mine that your phone is on speaker and…”
“My nailsare still wet…” 
“And Icouldn’t help but hear Klaus’ lady friend on the line. Let’s just say myinterest is piqued.” Lady friend? Caroline wants to argue that particular point but she’s on a deadline and her control freak tendencies won’t allow her to deviate from the plan.
“Or I canjust disconnect and you can keep squabbling.” Caroline is frustrated. If she could arrive quietly she would have but she needs to know where he is and unfortunately these two are her only hope. Sad state of affairs in Caroline’s view. “You just enoy hearing your own voices, don’t you?”  
“Well, Kol certainly does,” Rebekah scoffs. Caroline hears the sounds of a physical altercation wondering who has attacked whom and whether Rebekah’s nails have survived the ordeal. Hopefully the one currently standing can give her the information she needs. 
“Where is Klaus?” She growls in desperation.
“And what do you want with him exactly?”
“To kill him and then dismember the body and bury it in the woods, Rebekah,” she bites out sarcastically knowing that scenario isn’t possible while also unable to control her frustration. The cab driver is now looking at her in the rearview mirror in a mixture of disbelief and shock.  
“Now that I would pay to see,” Kol chuckles, she rolls her eyes thinking she’d rather kill those two instead if she could for withholding precious and much needed information. 
“Oh, for the love of God just tell me or I’ll text Klaus myself and tell him how difficult you are being.” Yes, she’s obviously desperate but if he loves her as much as he says, then this manoeuvre might be successful. They are both eerily silent, Caroline can tell they are holding a conversation with their eyes. At the same time she has this weird allegiance to smooth things over, they may be related one day after all. “Fine, I’ll give you all the gossip afterwards. I promise.”
“If Niklaus cries, I expect to be the first person you tell.” 
Turns out his siblings were Klaroline shippers all along, something she would find out in detail later.   
Klaus ismorose, his shoulders hunched as he nurses a whiskey while people celebratearound him at the bar. Even with his impressive, supernatural hearing he’s tuned out their cheering. Klaus enjoys Mardi Gras usually, the city comes alive and theatmosphere electric. This year he isn’t feeling it.    
He wants to share it with them. 
Both of them. 
His daughter. 
And the love of his life. 
They’re both in Mystic Falls.  One due to a horrible curse and the other because she isn’t ready to accept his proposal. Maybe she never will? It is something that haunts him daily. 
“However long it takes,” he’d offered, knowing that she was in a different place than him at the time. He’d accepted it of course. That’s what love and devotion was all about. Klaus would wait for her forever and for some reason that was okay back then. Now, he is hopelessly lost and doesn’t know how to move forward. No enemy could scare him as much as the thought of an emotionally desolate future without them.  
“So, what’sa girl got to do to get a drink around here?” 
Klaus stills, assuming his innermost thoughts have been hacked by some annoyingly, drunk patron. He turns slightly in disbelief, his eyes drinking in her appearance. Clad head to toe in black and sending him one of her insistent Caroline Forbes stares, he knows he’s not dreaming. 
She smells heavenly, a mixture of Chanel No 5 and soap. Her golden waves are fanned out over her shoulders as she takes the neighbouring stool. She is breathtaking, and given his supernatural status that is saying something. But why is she here, in his city of all places?
“I think this is where you order me a drink,” she presses. Klaus breaks from his Caroline Forbes trance and signals the bartender.   
“You’ll excuse me for being a little surprised by your appearance,” he murmurs, watching as she downs the whiskey in one go. Klaus feels comforted that she seems equally as nervous.
“I hear Mardi Gras is the place to be.” Her gaze is focused straight ahead, her demeanour giving nothing away. For now. 
“It is,” he smiles, gesturing to the barman for another round of dutch courage. “But after we last spoke in Mystic Falls I thought…”
“I was rattled yes,” she admits, throwing back the second glass. “And it was wrong to take it out on you but…” He interrupts, if there is something Klaus hates seeing is Caroline upset and all he wants is the truth before too much alcohol is consumed. 
“How about a tour of the Quarter?” She regards him curiously, relinquishing the glass. “It’s the least I owe since I promised to show you everything New Orleans has to offer years ago.”
“Did you?” She asks, her left eyebrow cocked. 
“You deleted my voice mail?” His tone is higher pitched than he expects. Klaus is hurt his gesture was so callously erased. 
“I’m standing in one of my favourite places, surrounded by food, music, art and culture and all I can think about is how much I want to show it to you…” She recites, Klaus freezes not expecting her to have committed his message to memory. But she has and he isn’t quite sure how to respond. 
“And then you say…” she’s teasing him now, a wicked grin on her face in an attempt to relieve the tension. 
“Maybe one day you’ll let me,” he finishes, his voice barely audible above a whisper. This is the moment he’s dreamed about since he first laid eyes on Caroline Forbes and he’s elated.    
“As you can tell my expectations of your tour guide abilities are very high,” she grins, her blue eyes dancing happily. 
They leave, Klaus feels dizzy in her presence but he’s not about to let this moment pass. They walk the busy streets, he’s drunk. Not on the whiskey but on the feeling that maybe this is finally it. Maybe the evil and tortured hybrid may get a happy ending?
“So, generally tour guides talk a bit more,” she offers playfully. Klaus gives her a look before steering her towards a local artist, one of his favourites as she discovers later. His hand squeezes her arm and he leaves it there unable to extract. She doesn’t seem bothered, in fact she is leaning into him. Klaus has never felt so much happiness than at this moment. 
“George is a visual storyteller,” he explains. She looks at him curiously, a smile gracing those tempting, pink lips. “While other artists paint the local scenery, he asks about favourite memories. Then he paints people’s lives and their stories for future posterity.”
The confusion is evident on her face before he leads her towards his artwork that has been obscured so far. She is moved, the scene he’s portrayed in front of her eerily familiar. “The night of the Mikaelson Ball,” she manages to get out but just barely. 
“If you only knew,” he murmurs. The picture is perfectly reminiscent of that evening, Caroline standing in front of his painting, perfectly stunning in that blue dress Klaus had gifted her. “This picture sums up everything for me, which is why I asked George to capture this exact moment.”
Her interest is piqued, her blue eyes boring into his earnestly now. “Why?”
“Art is one of my greatest loves, has been for over a thousand years,” he admits. “I love the way it captures my imagination, the way it evokes feelings, the way it makes me feel better even if I’m full of anger and torment. On that very night I was surrounded by all that artistic beauty but all I could stare at was you, love.”
She’s struggling to speak now, his words may scare her but at the same time he senses that this is the right time to share those particular feelings. 
“So, why now and here?”
“Our journey has come full circle,” he says, his hand now tracing her arm slowly with his thumb. “I was looking at art that inspired me then and today I am looking at art that inspires me now because you are my muse, Caroline Forbes.”
Her eyes are closed now but her mouth curves into a happy but knowing smile. “You knew I was here, didn't you? That surprise act earlier was truly Oscar worthy. Is there anything your minions don’t know about my whereabouts?”
“No,” he smiles. “But I sensed your presence as soon as you landed.”
“Stalker much?”
“Are you complaining, love?” He chuckles, his arm finding its way around her back comfortingly.
“I’ll let you know,” she replies gruffly, melting into him and Klaus is suddenly wishing the street wasn’t filled with so many people. 
“So, you came back just to tease me?” He murmurs, running his hands through her golden waves. 
“No,” she answers simply, confusing him briefly. “I have a surprise for you actually.” Before he can reply, her hand threads through his and she pulls him away mysteriously. 
“Where are we going?”
“I thought you might like to see someone you’ve been missing a while, consider it my gift for taking so long to come to my senses,” she jokes. 
This was the day father and daughter finally reunited (Klaus amazed that she’d managed to sneak in Hope without his minions’ knowledge). It was also the day his dreams finally came true. Always and Forever.    
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
I can't tell if so many members of the staff are pro-sheith because it's such a good ship or if it's because they know it's going to be canon. Honestly their support for it is what made me think it could become canon in the first place. I can't be the only one.
Well, staff support doesn’t mean it’s going to be cannon, but it certainly helps I think. I’ve just answered an ask about how I think staff feels about sheith and the possibility of whether or not they’d make it cannon here. And I’ve discussed staff’s views on lgbt representation, so I don’t think there’s too much more I can really go into in terms of that. 
If we were to just look at sheith from how it’s presented in cannon though, I think there are a lot of interesting things about their dynamic that really set them apart from other potential ships (and give it a better shot at being cannon). And this starts right with their introduction; Keith’s shift from raw rage to tender softness when he looks down at Shiro, the way he breathes out Shiro’s name–his very first line–and then reaches out to gently turn his head to the side. It’s a very emotional scene, and one where you can clearly see Keith’s pain. Keith’s rescue of Shiro means you automatically associate one with the other right at the start; I don’t think that’s accidental. And it does seem like the intro of a possible love interest to me. 
The fact that so much of Shiro and Keith’s past is purposely hidden from the viewer is also just…really curious to me. What reason could they possibly have for that? We know from Joaquim that “[Keith] latches onto Shiro at times because Shiro’s sort of the only thing that can really calm him down and keep him in check.” We also know that Keith tells Shiro “If it weren’t for you, my life would have been a lot different.” 
So we know that Shiro made quite the impression on Keith, but what in the world did he do? How is it he literally changed Keith’s life, and what exactly was their relationship like prekerberos? And why in the world is their backstory such a mystery that the writers feel the need to be so secretive about it? What is it about Shiro that makes Keith feel so strongly about him, that makes Keith live in constant fear of losing him? 
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Something else that really drew me about sheith was all their thematic parallels. Their roles, reactions, and reunions feel inevitably fated–like a fairytale. The way Keith follows this siren call out into the desert, searching for something, anything, because he “felt lost” but then finds Shiro of all people, looks him in the eye and says “Then you showed up.” Also, right after Ulaz tells Shiro “The Blade of Marmora is with you” Keith frees Shiro–with his Marmora blade. For Shiro, this gives the added thematic implication of Don’t worry, Keith is with you. There’s also the added parallels between Sven being given a dagger by his love interest Romelle, Keith’s mom giving a knife to Keith’s dad, and the fact that said knife is not only what Keith uses to rescue Shiro, but also ties them together during the Marmora trial. Other parallels include but are not limited to: 
Keith pilots the right arm of Voltron, which is also the arm that Shiro lost
The implication that by being the right arm of Voltron Keith is also Shiro’s “right hand man,” and how this reflects their dynamic in cannon
The way both their bayards combine to form blazing sword 
Keith and Shiro both undergoing this internal struggle with the notion that they’re a monster, that they both belong to the galra empire; of everyone on Team Voltron, they’re the only ones who can really understand the other’s pain over that on such a deeply personal level
All of Keith’s parallels to Black and all of Shiro’s parallels to Red
Repeating dialogue back to one another, which strikes me as really romantic honestly. Exchanges of “It’s good to have you back” “It’s good to be back” and “Patience yields focus” is something completely unique to sheith. No other pair has a go to phrase they recite back and forth to one another, and it’s just really sweet. Also, the way Shiro looks so touched when he says to Keith, “That really stayed with you, didn’t it?” It means something to him that Keith remembered 
The way they keep getting torn apart but always come crashing back together. Like they’re caught in each other’s orbit, like against all odds they’re just meant to be 
The way they both anchor one another; Shiro being the only thing that can really “calm Keith down” and Keith always being the first to try to snap Shiro back to the present during one of his flashbacks, always trying to be there for him and center him–like Shiro always did for him 
Keith and Shiro maintaining a facade in front of everyone else, but opening up to each other when they’re on their own–allowing themselves to be vulnerable and painfully honest with one another 
A lot of Shiro and Keith’s scenes mirror one another. Just looking at visuals, I think this is especially obvious with Keith saving Shiro in the pilot and Shiro’s rescue of Keith in BOM. Again, I personally just happen to read parallels like these as romantic 
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I think the role that Shiro played in Keith’s galra arc also demonstrates just how close they are. Before season 2 (and even after) it was very common for fans to write aus that focused on a romance with Keith tied to his galra reveal. Whoever the chosen partner was, fans would often show them 1) Noticing the change Keith was going through before anyone else, 2) Comforting Keith, and 3) Offering to keep his secret or defend Keith if the rest of the team distrusted him (which they often did). For a while, this was a common theme in fan works. And the thing is? In season 2, Shiro is that character. Out of all the paladins, Shiro is the one who picks up on Keith’s self-loathing and isolation, is the only one who reaches out and tries to help. Asks him what’s wrong, if he’s okay, if he wants to talk 
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He’s also the only one there for Keith’s trial and galra reveal. This is a defining moment of Keith’s character development, and of all the paladins, Shiro is the sole witness to it. When everything with Marmora is said and done, the rest of the team doesn’t even say goodbye to Keith. But Shiro does. He pulls him into a warm hug, and the focus on Keith’s tender expression is just the sweetest thing. Keith is so emotional in this scene, that it actually humanizes him enough to unnerve Allura–who turns away almost guiltily–because how can she say Keith is a monster when he holds Shiro so close and affectionately? 
Shiro offers nothing but unconditional support in the wake of Keith’s galra reveal, something that no one else does. This was such a prominent trope in fandom before season 2, that I can’t believe people hardly ever acknowledge the character who actually did it. Because it does feel like Shiro’s role in Keith’s galra arc is often dismissed in fandom or cast to the wayside in favor of fanon–which is something I’ve never liked. At any rate, Shiro’s role is one that was kind of romanticized in fandom a lot before season 2. That’s at least interesting, I think. And it shows that Shiro is always a support Keith can rely on no matter what. There are also a lot of noticeable parallels between sheith and kallura (another ship people seem to feel staff has been building up romantically) in season 2, so that’s interesting. 
Also, really quickly, but everything with Keith’s trial strikes me as kind of odd if Keith really just sees Shiro as a brother figure. For one thing, the fake Shiro calls all of Team Voltron Keith’s family–“We’re your family,” he says–but the fact that Keith moves the focus of the conversation to Shiro proves that he thinks of his connection with Shiro as running deeper than what he has with Team Voltron (all of whom we know he also sees as found family). But there’s something about the line “Your friend desperately wants to see you” that evokes a sense of unrequited love to me. As much as I look at it, to me, that line just does not read as brotherly. Desperation is not the word I would use to describe someone talking about their bro. Desperation implies a sense of desire, a sense of longing for what one will never know, a sense of agony over that desire. 
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When commenting on this scene, Josh said that “[Keith’s] constantly scared he’s going to say or do something wrong and he’s going to lose Shiro.” Again, nothing about that sounds brotherly to me. With someone who’s a sibling (or like one) you wouldn’t feel so insecure as to believe they’ll walk out on you any second and just leave you all alone. You’re not so scared of losing them. But Keith being worried that one wrong move will cost him his bond with Shiro? That sure sounds a lot like someone who’s fallen for their friend but would never admit it for fear of scaring them away. 
And for someone like Keith, who’s deepest fear (according to the paladin quiz) is apparently feelings, I think it makes sense that Keith would hide any possible feelings for Shiro. Especially given his fear of abandonment; Shiro is Keith’s one longterm, significant relationship with someone. The possibility of ruining that friendship by bringing unwanted romantic feelings into it is definitely something he would avoid. I also think it says a lot that, while many people zero in on the brother line (simultaneously ignoring the “we’re your family line”) and insisting that sheith can only be read in a platonic context–at the same time, there are lots of instances of fans replacing Shiro with Lance and treating the scene as romantic. So, whatever someone’s personal shipping preferences, I think the scenario itself–“your friend desperately wants to see you” and that friend manifesting as your greatest hopes and dreams, your deepest desire–can easily be seen as romantic. 
So long story short, yes. I think there’s a lot of precedence for sheith already covered in canon. I can see why plenty of people on the staff either ship it or support shipping it; in my opinion, they have the most well developed dynamic in canon, and they have so many scenes that just demonstrate their intimacy and implicit trust. Whatever their relationship grows into, I know I’ll still love it a lot. 
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