borkthemork · 3 years
I'd like to partake in these drabble requests! How ;bout something a bit less sad, maybe a reunion between Sasha, Anne and Marcy after the latter is completely free from...whatever her situation ends up being in season 3. Assume it's possession.
Her first waking moments were of tented ceiling.
Her first waking moments were welcomed with chills, a cocooned warmth, words clogged in her throat.
And if Marcy was told that she would be here, watching one of her best friends rest by her bedside — hand tightly wrapped around hers — she wouldn’t have believed them. In the faint light, where her lungs took in fresh air than the stuffed artificial, it had all felt like a dream.
A crazy, crazy, fantastic dream.
Marcy didn’t stir a muscle. At least, not any that could wake Anne up. Her thoughts stirred into endless questionnaire; they trailed off into tangents as her eyes stared dead-on above her, listening in on the distant chirps of birds, the rustle of leaves (?), at how the world around her grew focused — more observable.
She rested under a tent. A small tent that hinted of pine, cedar, the forest bog. One side was of intricately-pitched tarp, the other supported by solid mountain wall. The rock looked igneous, too; the place they rested in must’ve been the result of numerous millenniums in volcanic activity, a far cry from what she knew of the beautiful mountain peaks or the changing Newtopian tides.
Her head ached considerably. Man, everything that happened back in the castle wasn’t just a terrible nightmare. The scars on her palms proved it. So did the sleepy countenance rested next to her, snoring her heart out, folded arms her makeshift pillow.
Anne didn’t have the old school attire on. After seeing her wear that garb for days, Marcy had gotten used to the idea that the accoutrements were permanent. But now, outlined well in the filtered sunlight, Anne looked good. More clean, taken care of.
She had went home, reconciled with her family, and chose to come back.
That force of nature that duked Marcy out in the engine rooms until Sasha carried her away? That was all Anne.
Anne and Sasha sacrificed a lot to get back here; Marcy barely made it out herself. Why they chose her after all this time baffled her. And it pained her head more than it should’ve.
Marcy remained quiet. Her hands fumbled constantly with Anne’s hand, caressing her knuckles with a thumb, and hoped that the girl dreamt fantastic dreams. Because dang it, she needed those good dreams.
“Hey Anne, Grime says that the mushrooms rotted overnight so the only thing I got is this gravy thing, you chill with that?” The tarp entrance shifted before Marcy could utter a word. A plate in hand, Sasha entered without fanfare, and almost dropped the food entirely at the sight of her. “Holy shit, you’re awake!”
Marcy put on a smile. Her face hurt, a bit achey from having a whole demon amalgam pulled straight out her. But that didn’t stop her from doing jazz hands. “Surpriisee!”
Anne shot up. “I’m awake I’m awake, what we doin’?” Her eyes darted to Marcy’s. “Mar-mar!”
Marcy squeaked when Sasha rushed up to embrace her.  “Oh my God, you’re okay. Thank goodness.”
It wasn’t a tight embrace, thank frog, but even the slightest pressure left her ribs to buzz and prick.
Didn’t help that Anne hopped onto the hug train too, or the fact she was sobbing into Marcy’s tunic with the tightest grip imaginable.
“G-guys!” Marcy gasped. “I missed you too, but I can—I can’t—!”
Sasha pulled herself and Anne away. “Woah, woah. Right. Forgot what the doc said. Let’s give her some space.”
Anne did the same, rubbing her eyes. “Forgot about that. Sorry. It’s been a long day.”
Marcy smiled at them. It still hurt, whatever was burning inside of her hurt a lot, but seeing them all together made her heart leap pleasantly from her chest. She spread her arms wide open, giggling all the while. “It’s alright. A hug wouldn’t hurt. Softer this time, though, I don’t know if I’m going through internal bleeding or what.”
“In that case, let’s not.” Anne looked at her, brows knitted tightly in concern. “You’re really messed up right now.”
Marcy frowned. “I’m positive. Or am I missing something here?”
“They told us you’re gonna be aching all over when you woke up and the latest medical supplies ain’t coming in until uh,” she pursed her lips. “Until we actually find a functional portal back to Earth.”
“Huh, well I’m pretty okay right no—” Pain splintered her chest. Marcy lurched forward, clutching hard at her abdomen. “Okay, okay, forget what I said! Ow!”
The discomfort receded as Anne rushed beside her. Didn’t help that Marcy was shaking, or the fact she was way too sweaty about this. Yep, there was some internal wounds going on. This wasn’t good.
Sasha sighed. “If we don’t defeat the king, we’re not gonna be able to get you the care you need. You’ll practically be bedridden unless we find another way home.”
Looking between them, it was at this moment that Marcy realized how absolutely exhausted these two looked. Not only did they harbor eye bags and reeked of sweat, but their articulations grew sluggish, languid. The battle between them had ended, but the future seemed never-ending, hard to comprehend, and the more Marcy thought about it her gut churned unpleasantly.
No time for guilt, though. If she wanted a part in the battle, she needed to get herself healed. And the only way to get healed now was through...
“What about healing magic?” Marcy asked.
Sasha blinked. “Huh?”
“I got a friend in Wartwood who utilizes in dark magic, all the way from rejuvenation to eldritch summoning,” Marcy said. “Maddie. She’ll be able to send us some healing if she’s still around here somewhere!“
At the frog’s name, Sasha’s face tightened more. Fear pooled into Marcy’s chest, quick and fast. Did Maddie get hurt? Was she captured? How long had Marcy been out?
Much to her relief, Sasha responded quick. “Well, Wartwood’s pretty much looking for new places to set up camp. We’ll not see her until a day or so, but—” She rubbed her chin. “—it sounds crazy enough to work.”
“I saw her rob some creepy dude’s candy supply once with a witch duel,” Anne added. “Other than teaching us a friendship lesson, she’s pretty chill. If we need supernatural backup, then Maddie’s the frog with the plan.”
Sasha smacked Anne on the back. “Alright then. You ready to kick some robot butt?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be!”
Marcy was surprised to find herself in another hug. Not tight this time, but just comfortable, just right. There were still tears, awkward laughter, promises that the two would come back shortly to her even as her heart ached that they wouldn’t, but in these moments Marcy embraced them as if the past ceased meaning.
Reunion was far from perfect, but Marcy preferred to talk when her ribs didn’t ache.
Or when the world wasn’t close to dying.
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dlartistanon · 8 years
Azurrin 1, 3 and 7
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Corrin. Turns out the big freaky dragon is actually a giant puppy. Always eager to show her love (likely Elise rubbed off on her) and sometimes unconsciously searches for Azura’s hand…just to make sure she’s still there. Can’t really blame her though; a comparative lack of social graces tends to not have a sense of propriety instilled until much later, but she does mean it from the heart, 120%. 
3. Most common argument?
Obviously the dangers of Azura’s specialized singing, but once that passes, I’m not sure what would replace it. Martyrdom maybe?
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Inner confusion, perhaps. Mostly of the “do I really feel this way or am I mixing it up with us being kindred spirits?” variety. 
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borkthemork · 3 years
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borkthemork · 3 years
Thanks for the drabble dude! But just wondering, are you ever going to post any of these Amphibia drabbles on AO3? They're all way too good NOT to see the light of day there. Especially that first one dealing with Anne's mom.
That's a good question. The way I usually handle the division between what I put on Ao3 and on Tumblr is just based on quality. The drabbles you see me plop onto Tumblr are what I write in my spare time without revisions or rewrites, and that's usually how the cookie crumbles since I want to try to make a border between casual writing and writing that straight up takes hours of revisions — although, to be fair, I work on each piece of writing extensively so I guess it's based on my mood, haha.
That being said, that does beg the question of if I should put these drabbles onto Ao3. I mean, I'm not against it, it's just the question of how I would go about it, either through one-shots or just an entire work compilation that is all about my drabble stuff for Ao3 peeps to see.
It would be pretty rad to have a second or third opinion about this so feel free to comment on what you guys think I should do.
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dlartistanon · 9 years
Beruka/Selena from FE:F for Femslash February?
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