#recklessvibe: prd
fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled ✉︎
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         Daken almost loses his cool when Julio moves, even when he told him not too. He knew it was a normal response, he knew why the other did it, there was no reason for him to snap. He had to grit his teeth, tightening his jaw tightly as he tries to push back the bombardment of scents coursing through the area. It was hard, so very hard. He wasn’t used to this, he usually laughed mockingly when something like this happened, but here he was, freaking out with his heart pounding in his ears. It pissed him off, that it was affecting him so much. That Julio was bleeding so severely right in front of him. So many things where making his emotions go haywire he couldn’t track it. 
            His arm shoots out, balancing Julio with a gentle touch, his other hand moving to tug at Julio’s shirt, to gage how injured he was without nudging the other. Only to get frustrated to the point one of his blank claws slide free with a snikt. ❝ I do know, but tell me anyway. ❞ Maybe if his partner keeps talking he’d be able to keep focused, along with Rictor focusing on something, even if it was nonsense. He really wasn’t that picky about it. Then again, his own voice sounds far too controlled to his ears. Mainly for the fact the idiot was still moving, any other instance he’d be impressed.
           Grabbing the material of Julio’s shirt once he finally stops moving & after Daken helps him slide down the wall, he uses his claw to slice it open to bare his chest. There was too much blood, even he knew that. Blue eyes flick over Julio’s wounds as his claw slides back in, frowning deeply. He didn’t want to move his lover, he really really didn’t want to. ❝ Shhhh... ❞ It comes out as a stuttering sound, licking his lips Daken tries to focus. Maybe if he did something like when he helped Laura with the plague victims. His hands move to press firmly against the bigger gashes, he had to calm down, closing his eyes he focuses on calming, trying to meditate while he concentrates on calming down so it would work.                                                      Is this what being weak feels like?
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