#Daken muse
fatummortem · 7 months
@hxllblazer from x
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ㅤㅤA low chuckle slips out at John's reaction, which was possibly a bad mood. Daken has an awful habit of forgetting to use his phone when he's helping his sisters. He could mention that but he figures he'll say t if John wants it. A quick reason from his own lips has always been about another way to have people react exactly how he wishes them to.
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ㅤㅤInstead of saying anything he leans forward & retrieves the wine, only to reach behind his legs for an artfully hidden bag of Indian food. Straightening Daken offers John the bag without from from his spot against the building. The scent of the food reaching the other man the second Daken stops blocking the scent.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ" Peace offering? "
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autumnmongrel · 6 days
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emmatriarchy · 8 months
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"You get a free pass because you gave me my codename. I won't punch you... this time." She says, as if she has any chance to hit him if he didn't want her to.
He is much taller, and a more experienced fighter. Being born a weapon and trained for 13-odd years doesn't trump decades of fighting experience and things he went through that Gabby can't fathom.
"Also, you're my brother and I like you too much to hurt you." She nods sagely.
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coreofgold · 2 months
❛ Tell me everything. ❜ (Daken to Legolas)
This Meme || @devilsmenu
"I suppose I can divulge everything." Legolas said. "Where do you want me to start?"
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dubiousdeviant · 1 month
Daken did not, in fact, die in a ditch. Or maybe he did. It would be impossible to tell, considering death was something he just shook off like a mild cramp. What was easy to tell was whether or not he had been stalking Lester. Obviously, he had. Bumping into someone once in the area was a coincidence, but twice was a cause for concern.
"Well, look who it is again," he mused, feigning surprise. Lester wasn't stupid, and Daken knew as much. That was why he hadn't even bothered to change out of his all-black attire made of soft fabrics that wouldn't make a sound while, oh, following someone. Tight semi-elastic pants hugged his lower half, while his upper half was covered with a well-fitting hooded sweatshirt. He could have been out for a workout, but Bullseye knew better.
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manicr · 21 days
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Day 25: Toys
Bullseye was half-dozing as they got on the highways. He mused he could easily kill Daken — incapacitate at least —  and take the wheel. But it seemed too much of a hassle out in the boondocks. And the thought of being alone somehow felt worse than poor company. It wasn’t much different from any mission he told himself; they’d been sent on enough of those the past year. “Why did you change your mind?” he asked as they drove through Wagoner, fast-food joints and military recruitment billboards whizzing past. “You seemed hellbent on staying.” He stared up at the sign that proclaimed ‘For our Nation. For all of us.’ grinning at it with wry irony. “Staying wouldn’t have made a difference. Killing Osborn or leading the troops — it didn’t matter. Better to let them all burn.” Daken spoke like he was repeating what someone else told him. “They were going to do so regardless. I wasn’t about to go down with them.”
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I stumbled upon your Sunshine HC today while jonesing for my fix and absolutely adore them! I can 100% see Logan not knowing what exactly it is about Sunshine that endears him to her so, it just feels like he'd throttle anyone (other than Theo) who rambles like she does but for some reason he just can't put his finger on it it's (gasp!) cute when she does it.
Secondly, I whole heartedly believe that Sir Bartholomeow adopts Logan when Theo is at home on weekends. Logan doesn't want to like the cat, but it just keeps showing up in his room or laundry or just seeking him out in a room full of people to cuddle up and purr next to, and suddenly before he knows it he's in over his head because every member of the Sunshine family just burrows their way into his heart.
Finally, I saw you post that you are not traditionally a Wolverine/X-Men fan and may I say, I'm *highly* impressed by your Logan!! So many fics have him off the charts OOC but I feel like yours is the perfect blend of gruff yet soft *hearts*
As a lifelong X-Men fan, let me tell you that the Fox timeline absolutely sucks and makes no sense no matter in what order you try and watch. They were all over the place and often not canon to one another.
I can offer a few facts about Logan from the comic book-verse just in case your muse is interested!
He was born in the 19th century as James Howlett, his parents John & Elizabeth were wealthy and it's basically all but spelled out that he's actually the illegitimate son of Thomas Logan, the abusive groundskeeper of the Howletts via an affair with Elizabeth. Side note - Elizabeth and John had another son, John III, who died previous and may also have been Thomas'. Thomas was raising/abusing another son he named (no joke) Dog. A chain of events leads Thomas to kill John, and in turn James' mutation activates and he kills Thomas with his claws and flees. He adopts the name "Logan" and for a time is even living with a pack of wolves.
Eventually he ends up fighting in World War I and II and eventually marries and settles in Japan with his wife. Things go badly (again) and his pregnant wife is murdered - he doesn't know it but the baby was "removed" from her prior to her death and its many *many* years before he meets his son, Daken.
Eventually he's kidnapped into the "Weapon X" program and tortured. The program uses his healing factor against him and forcibly bond adamantium to his bones. Eventually he escapes but is left with post traumatic amnesia. It's at this point that he joins the X-Men and becomes the Wolverine we know and love.
And speaking of Logan as a "girl dad", over the years he unofficially adopts a number of girls including Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Jubilee, and Rogue. Ultimately he 'adopts' a girl named Laura Kinney, who is believed to be his female clone (X-23). Eventually they discover Laura is actually his daughter.
And just for some muse food that may impact future!daughter Sunshine, know that both of his kids (Daken and Laura - and Laura's clone Gabby) have *very* similar abilities to him. All three have enhanced senses, strength, healing and claws (amongst other abilities). The claws do vary though - Daken has two on top of his hand and one in his wrist, Laura has two on the top of her hand and one in her foot and Gabby just has one on each hand.
And I'm going to shut up now that I've word vomited just as bad as our dear Sunshine and Theo!
Hi loveeee! 🥰
Aaaaaaa I absolutely love this, thank you so so much! 😍 It's so wonderful to hear that you liked the HCs ❤️
Oh you're absolutely right, if it were anyone else other than Sunshine (and Theo) rambling his ear off, he would be veeery annoyed but he's literally watching Sunshine with heart eyes whenever she does it ❤️
Sir Bartholomeow adopting Logan asdfghjkl, cat distribution system 😂
suddenly before he knows it he's in over his head because every member of the Sunshine family just burrows their way into his heart. THIS IS SO ADORABLEEEE! ❤️ I can just see him walking into his room one day to find Sunshine sleeping there with Theo and Sir Bartholomeow sitting by them like he's guarding them ❤️
And Logan will be walking around with Sir Bartholomeow comfortably sitting on his shoulder at the weekend😂
OMG OMG it is so nice of youuuu! ❤️ I was like very nervous about it at first, because I didn't know if he was in character because I didn't watch all the movies and it's like very recent for me, so it's so lovely to hear that he in fact is in character! 🥰
Oh noooo his actual father was evil?! 😱
I'm sorry, his father named his son what-
He has a son????
Oh that's why he didn't remember the experiments! 😱
Laura is his actual daughter???
Oh that's very interesting! So their abilities are basically the same as his but with small differences aw! ❤️ I wonder what kind of claws his daughter with Sunshine would have🥰 Her strength will shock them too when it first shows😂
Honey I absolutely LOVE THIS! ❤️ You're so amazing, thank you so so much! 🥰🥰🥰
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thetorturedmusesdept · 8 months
Plotting Call - Valentines Masquerade
Below the cut is a plotting call/starter call for the Valentines Masquerade Ball, as well as my muses outfits/dates/vibes for the night! Since all my threads are so new I won't be dropping any, so for this event I'll be capping at 3 starters per character for now! Please reply to this post with who you'd like as a pair for a thread, or message me on discord! Thank you :)
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Megara's outfit Blind Date: Zash Baen (Alexis' muse.) Megara was convinced to sign up for a blind date by... someone. She is not thrilled to be on a date, and may do a bit of complaining throughout the night. And lots of drinking. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 3/3 (Zash/mischiefxmuses, Sha Hualing/mvsicinthedvrk, Junwoong/devilsmenu)
Jim Hawkins
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Jim's outfit Blind Date: Penelope Featherington (Dee's muse.) Jim signed up for a blind date mostly to appease his mother. But, since he is a gentleman and was raised to treat women right, he will be arriving with a corsage for her and will try to give her a great night. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 2/3 (B.E.N/youllalwaysbemyporcelain, Lidia/rcvcrics)
Lilo Pelekai
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Lilo's outfit Blind Date: Dani Dennison (Aria's muse.) Lilo has mixed feelings about Valentine's Day in general as well as having a blind date. On one hand, she's excited to actually technically have a date for Valentines. On the other, she is very very nervous about making a good impression. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 3/3 (Stitch/youllalwaysbemyporcelain, Xie Lian/mvsicinthedvrk, Dani/grcycosmcs)
Minako Aino
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Minako's outfit Blind Date: Akhiro/Daken (Maria's muse.) Minako is so excited to have a blind date! She's a little nervous since romance never seems to work out for her, but she's going to try to make the best impression and have a good time! Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 1/3 (Usagi/drvcxrys)
Elizabeth Comstock
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Elizabeth's outfit Blind Date: Cho Chang (Atlas' muse.) Elizabeth has never been on a date before so she is understandably nervous, but also excited! She hopes that no matter what they will have a fun time. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 1/3 (Jester/circleofstarrs)
Louise Belcher
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Louise's outfit Blind Date: Max Baker (B's muse.) Louise mainly signed up for a blind date as a joke. She doesn't see it as a real date so much as someone she can rope into doing some mischief with. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaosStarters: 2/3 (Wei Wuxian/mvsicinthedvrk, Urumi/devilsmenu)
Phoebe Buffay
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Phoebe's outfit Date: None Phoebe will be going solo, just looking to have fun and maybe meet some new people! She's excited to dance and chit chat with people all night. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 3/3 (Rachel/youllalwaysbemyporcelain, Tohru/drvcxrys, Monica/nightwhispcrs)
Shaggy Rogers
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Shaggy's outfit Blind Date: Lumine (Kasey's muse) Shaggy is really mostly there for the food. But he can be persuaded to hit the dance floor after a drink or two. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 1/3 (Cindy Moon/wndrstruck)
Vanessa Shelly
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Vanessa's outfit Blind Date: Bash De Poitiers (Sammy's muse) Vanessa is attending so that she can meet people and get to know them, maybe make some friends. She's going to be a little on alert because of her job as an officer never truly leaving her mind. But she'll mostly be trying to enjoy herself. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 1/3 (Charlotte/mischiefxmuses)
Alice Kingsleigh
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Alice's outfit Blind Date: Berlioz O'Malley (Ellie's muse) Alice, ever curious, is of course attending with excitement. She wants to dance and meet new people and have a magical night. She's excited to have a date as well! Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 1/3 (Ellie/circleofstarrs)
Mary Jane Watson
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Mary Jane's outfit Blind Date: Ethan Mckinnon (Moon's muse) Mary Jane is attending in order to get her mind off of the whole "Peter Parker is here in DC but it's not her Peter Parker" thing. She also signed up for a blind date mainly to hopefully make a friend here. She will most likely be trying not to watch Peter with his MJ and will be looking for distractions. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 3/3 (Peter/wvsteria, Felicia/devilsmenu, Charlie Dalton/nightwhispcrs)
Alcina Dimitrescu
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Alcina's outfit Date: None Alcina is going so that she can asses DC and it's inhabitants, mainly. Also to keep an eye on her daughters. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaosStarters: 3/3 (Cass/wvsteria, Alastor/mischiefxmuses, Daniela/mcrcki)
Jennifer Check
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Jennifer's outfit Date: None Jennifer is going so that she can maybe possibly find a yummy boy to eat. But also she just wants to have fun. Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaosStarters: 2/3 (Needy/wvsteria, Victoria/mrcki)
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Abigail's outfit Date: None Abigail is attending for a good time tbh! She loves herself a town celebration and a masquerade definitely sounds like fun! Possible Plots: drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos Starters: 0/3
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devilsmenu · 8 months
Here I'm doing a starter/plotting call for my muses for the mini event, currently capping at 5 per muse, also if you want a specific plotting hit me on Discord and we can discuss some plots!
Muses that probably won't be attending: Ally Liddell, Astoria Greengrass, Abby Sciuto, Alison Blaire, Buttercup Utonium, Francis Barton, Harriet Hook, Heiya Akane, Irene Adler, Jamie, Kono Kalakaua, Li Lonnie, Lorna Dane, Noah Foster, Peni Parker, Jeon Pildo, Romeo Montague, Sally, Satana Hellstrom, Kim Sun and Tony Wyzek.
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Chad Charming | Aware | Date with Blossom Utonium (1/5) Blossom
Chad decided to be there with Blossom and have fun with her. Open to small chat and drinking buddies.
Outfit for the gala.
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Chris Hartley | Aware | Blind date with Annie James (2/5) - Emily Davis, Jess, Annie
He would be the type to walk the museums just to see the dinos and the technology exhibition. Would love to dance, chat with friends or new friends and having fun in general.
Outfit for the gala.
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Choi Junwoong | Aware | Blind date with Clara Oswald (2/5) - Clara Oswald, Sakura
He'll probably be strolling around the museum, taking some walk and drink and eating.
Outfit for the gala.
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Daken | Aware | Blind date with Minako Aiko (4/5) - Logan, King, Adrien, Dawn
He'll be at the bar, not wanting to be too much social and maybe walking around the museum.
Outfit for the gala.
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Felicia Hardy | Aware | Blind date with Jem Carstairs (4/5) - Peter Parker, Tadashi, Alani, Kagome
Probably would be drinking, eating and taking a look at the jewelry exhibition to see what fits her oops.
Outfit for the gala.
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Jihyo Kim | Aware | Blind date with Scarlett Thomas (3/5) - Cho Chang, Robin Buckley, Wei Wuxian
Jihyo loves a good party so she'll be doing everything at once lol. Just having fun in general.
Outfit for the gala.
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Lee Hongjo | Unaware | Blind date with Andrew Deluca (1/5) Ellie
Hongjo will definitely have fun, walking around the museum, dancing, drinking, eating, trying to make new friends.
Outfit for the gala.
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Rafael Lightwood-Bane | Aware | Blind date with Adeline Witherdale (2/5) - Max Lightwood Bane, Victoria
Rafe is there to get some booze, free food and maybe dancing. He'll also take a look at the exhibitions.
Outfit for the gala.
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Romeo Montague | Aware | Date with Juliet Capulet (1/5) Jester
Romeo would probably wander around Smithsonian because he loves everything related to history, he's a big fan of museums and want to have a nice ball with the love of his life. Open to a conversation, bar talk and dancing.
Outfit for the gala.
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Sally Ragdoll | Aware | Date with Jack Skeleton (2/5) Parker, Jane
Sally would probably be tired, especially because she had a lotof work doing the dresses for the ball but she can't say no to Jack. She'll be on her own, probably just drinking, eating and resting outside or wandering around.
Outfit for the gala.
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Urumi Akamaki | Aware | Blind date with Princess Aurora (1/5) Xiao Chiye
Urumi don't mind the exhibitions though so she would probably be filming some content at the event and also enjoying some booze and making small talk.
Outfit for the gala.
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goddamnmuses · 9 months
Mostly making this post because I thought up Goddamnmenu and I'm annoyed I've not used it anywhere... but Under the cut I'm gonna showcase all my potential muses.. and if anyone wants a thing from one of them either reply and let me know or send an ask being like "(muse name here) PLS!" and I'll write up a short thing. You can also just request one of my main muses too.
My main muses you can find here!
Potential Muses list:
Ken - Fandom: Barbie.
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Benjamin Tennyson - Fandom: Ben 10
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Kevin Levin - Fandom: Ben 10
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OC: Diego Dynamic - Fandom: Cyberpunk
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John Constantine - Fandom: DC
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The Joker - Fandom: DC - FC not decided yet. Help welcome.
Nanaue aka King Shark - Fandom: DC - FC: King Shark.
Ted Kord aka Blue Beetle - Fandom: DC
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Tim Drake aka Robin - Fandom: DC
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Max Goof - Fandom: Disney - No live action FC yet.
OC: The Blacksmith - Fandom: Doctor Who - FC: Various (Depends on regeneration)
Rodrik Forrester - Fandom: Game of Thrones
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Sandor Clegane - Fandom: Game of Thrones
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Tyrion Lannister - Fandom: Game of Thrones
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Andre Anderson - Fandom: Gen V / The Boys
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Luigi - Fandom: Mario - No Live Action FC yet (Possibly Charlie Day)
Bowser - Fandom: Mario - No Live Action FC Yet (Possibly Jack Black)
Akihiro aka Daken aka Wolverine sometimes - Fandom: Marvel
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OC: Benjy Parker (Alternate universe son of Peter) - Fandom: Marvel
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Brian Braddock aka Captain Britain - Fandom: Marvel
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Cloak of Levitation aka Levi - Fandom: Marvel
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Franklin Richards - Fandom: Marvel
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Marcus Milton aka Hyperion - Fandom: Marvel
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Skaar - Fandom: Marvel
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Katsuki Bakugo aka Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight - Fandom: My Hero Academia - No Live Action FC Yet
Shoto Todoroki - Fandom: My Hero Academia - No Live Action FC Yet
Vinsmoke Sanji - Fandom: One Piece (Netflix.. Still working my way through the anime.. will take me years)
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Monkey D. Luffy - Fandom: One Piece (Netflix.. Still working my way through the anime.. will take me years)
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Roronoa Zoro - Fandom: One Piece (Netflix.. Still working my way through the anime.. will take me years)
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Saitama aka Caped Baldy - Fandom: One Punch Man - No Live Action FC Yet
Ren Amimya aka Joker - Fandom: Persona 5
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Sly Cooper - Fandom: Sly Cooper - No Live Action FC Yet
Loid Forger - Fandom: Spy x Family
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OC: B1-NG aka Bing - Fandom: Star Wars - FC: Generic B1 Battle Droids
Cal Kestis - Fandom: Star Wars
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C1-10P aka Chopper - Fandom: Star Wars - FC: Chopper.
OC: CT-7473 aka Bunker - Fandom: Star Wars
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Darth Maul - Fandom: Star Wars - FC: Maul (Maybe Sam Witwer too?)
Savage Opress - Fandom: Star Wars
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OC: Grey - Fandom: Supernatural
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OC: Ryan Thompson - Fandom: The Last of us
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Geralt of Rivia - Fandom: Witcher
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Laszlo Cravensworth - Fandom: What we do in the shadows.
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OC: Death (Personification of Death) - Fandom: None - FC: Varies but primarily : Adam Driver. OC: Pan (Greek God / Ancient Being / Inspired by Peter Pan / Some Horror-esc vibes) - Fandom: None - FC: Varies but primarily: Daniel Radcliffe
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fatummortem · 1 year
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@lilmelvin asked: She's not gonna lie, she's disappointed. Three seconds ago, she was really excited about hearing the door locks and the door open and now she's just pouty and astoundingly disappointed. Staring him down, Melvin crossed her arms.
"I really wanted you to be Deb," she muttered. Now this is just awkward. I mean, who even knows if stranger is good at making bracelets? Accepting Random Asks
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ㅤㅤRyouta wasn't expecting anyone to be at Deb's place, so he stood there half inside the door just taking in the smell of the room. She doesn't smell like someone where they're not supposed to. Tucking his keys into his pocket he nudges the door closed.
ㅤㅤHis blue eyes blink in amusement at the young girl, giving her a grin as he walks over to one of Deb's end tables & sets three circus rose flowers down.
ㅤㅤ" If it helps, I can leave & come back. You can expect me then. " There's a hint of teasing amusement in his voice. He does glance back to the door & decides to ask anyway. He should ask Deb about the girl later. " Do you have a key? "
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bothsidesofaquestion · 10 months
Thought you'd have higher standards than Daken
Come bother my muse about their crush/ships in my inbox! | accepting
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“Sorry to disappoint you, nonni.”
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emmatriarchy · 11 months
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@dusktrip asked: daken @ shinobi: "i'm not looking for anything serious."
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"Did I say I was?" he deadpanned. Holding a serious, committed relationship was not one of Shin's forte, and he was well aware of that. One of the instances where the apple didn't fall far from the rotten tree, and he hated that. "I'm just living the day."
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coreofgold · 5 months
[ blood ] sender notices that receiver is bleeding (Daken to Taka)
This Meme || @devilsmenu
"This? Cut myself after being startled by a noise while cooking. Stupid, right?" Taka chuckled. "I thought it would stop after a while."
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fulcrumredeemed · 17 days
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"Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know. When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you. The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth." -Laozi 老子
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ミ🌟░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁Fulcrumredeemed s a roleplay blog for a Marvel AU verse of the Star Wars character Ahsoka Tano. This blog has a mature rating and nsfw and triggering content will be featured on this blog.   This blog is an 18+ blog. ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░🌟 彡 ---This account is associated with oozeyboozey and marvelmyriad . the-innumerable-heroes,, is my Main blog and My side RP blogs are house0f3, totemxweb, the-Innumerable-responders, the-Innumerable-fairy-tale, My Jubilee blog is 80sretroboom, my Akihiro Howlet / Daken Akihiro blog is autumnmongrel, my mutant OC Jenny LeBeau has been moved to her own blog wavenparticles. ---
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Rules BASICS SHIPPING: SO I am not anti-shipping but I am particular about it. So IF you plan or want to ship characters please talk to me about it first. I will not ship any character under the age of 21. I am asexual, so if the shipping is desired to be sexual in nature,  please, please please  talk to me first about that desire. TRIGGERS: So sometimes there are things that are more common than other things to trigger people. IF a post has something triggering in it I will post it with a  TWs before the post as to say TRIGGER WARNING. I do ask for writings with me to have the same curtesy. WRITING & PLOTTING: I don't have any specific way I expect people to format their posts. I do pleadingly ask that at least make it more than one sentence and please make it descriptive. Other than that write however you like.I am all for plotting and discussing things for writing together. Just let me know you want to do that and we can go from there. FOLLOWING: I follow blogs that I think have muses that I will write with, be it canon, oc, or crossover. That being said I may or may not be interested in crossover fandoms.  Please Ask.  RATING: This blog is a  mature blog , with mature themes in this blog. I will be roleplaying as characters who are under the age of eighteen but as stated above, all smut will be written with muses of at least eighteen.  I will not be writing with any muns under the age of 21.  This is for my own comforts as I am in my thirty's. Thank you for understanding.
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ Naki Nɔki
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knot-ee · 2 months
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Thinking about The Boys and how my muses would exactly fit there. Maybe it's because I love that world, but I think the majority of my guys would fit in with ease.
Roy — honestly can see him as both a normal human and a supe, and in either case he would be a good guy and not aligned with Vought's mission.
Cole — would be more of a chaotic entity. Doesn't have much at stake nor is he some speech giving hero, but with his abilities and his training, he'd kinda vibe with the Butcher, Hughie, and gang. Though Cole is more skilled than any of them, and their fuckups might hinder his ability to take down Vought.
Daken — would be an incredible supe asset for Vought... except he is very unhinged and hard to control. He's a rabid dog who would do all the dirty work but would not care if it blows back on Vought.
Piers — a normal would who would want to fight against the abuse of power by Vought supes. First he would go about it through with pacifist intentions, but after witnessing some horrid shit, he would go into lethal mode. However he would not outright kill every supe or even every Vought aligned supe, only those he has proof have willing killed others.
Horangi — i gotta make him into a supe, and with his callsign you know it's gonna be tiger related. He's definitely not flashy about it though and even keeps his powers on the down low. Don't know if he would get involved with the Vought bullshit unless he was dragged into it.
Lambert — would be a doozy. Definitely a supe, and a really fucking jaded one. He's out for himself, frankly.
Sukuna — he's fucking giga powerful in canon, so I don't know how he would fit in the world without usurping Homelander. Maybe he was created during the Soldier Boy era but kept under sleep/confinement on a need to know basis for Vought. He's probably the fucker they'd bring out to really devastate the playing field, and the fucker they'd use to bring Homelander down, but it's a last resort.
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