#recusant sigil
blowingoffsteam2 · 1 year
Speaking of that Ephemer scene here’s something I noticed a while back
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If it actually is the sigil and I’m not just seeing things, could it help explain how Ephemer was able to appear to Sora? The chi symbol is not inherently evil- Xehanort used it to track people but in remind we also see how it became a symbol of connection for the sea-salt trio. A connection between Sora and Ephemer. We also don’t know the origin of the symbol- maybe Ephemer has something to do with it.
The English translation of the jp name is pretty accurate. Other translations might be “Heretic’s Sign” or “Mark of Heterodoxy”. They all basically have the same meaning
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burnthybread · 5 months
my theory is that the cost Sora paid to use the power of waking was his capital c Connection with riku and that’ll be shown in his inability to summon his half of the gayblade
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goldensunset · 8 months
if you’re looking for a simple sketch idea, what about a Chirithy?
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pudgy lil fantasy cat creature
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xomnus · 11 months
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4 land of departure wallpapers - 1242x2208
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The line "as your flesh bears the sigil so shall your name be known as that of a recusant" is so cool you'd think it came from something good and not kingdom hearts where it has virtually no meaning in context
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vanibear · 1 year
they werent lying. the end of ddd really is a nightmare if you are severely underleved but also refuse to go back and grind
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rayvenden · 2 years
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One of the plot threads I’m most looking forward to in KH. I just want to see more Lea/Isa remarried shenanigans lmao
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stararise · 5 months
xe/xem pronouns but the x is a recusant's sigil so whenever anyone is talking about me i know exactly who and where they are
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starlightwayfinder · 2 months
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@recusant-s-sigil He’s very meticulous about his work.. ❄️
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rosie-kairi · 5 months
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Drawings done on magma starring @recusant-s-sigil, @starlightwayfinder, @thetwilightroadtonightfall, @cq-studios, @corishadowfang, and me <3
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empyrealen · 9 months
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Kingdom Ponies!! Sea Salt trio edition!! 🩵
Last post, I got requests for design notes so first off, all Organization members are branded with the Recusant's sigil. For ponies, this replaces their cutie mark.
Axel being a griffon layers with his insecurities, he doesn’t have a mark like ponies do so he worries he will be forgettable, especially after leaving the organization. His name reflects this; an old memory that’s fading at the edges. Vignette also means to recount evocatively with nostalgia.
Roxas’ design is a fusion of Sora (Easy Breezy) and Ven’s (Windfall) most notably he gets Sora’s crown shaped fur tuffs. His cutie mark is supposed to emulate his X shaped symbol and he’s the only character with mismatched hoof tones. His name is very literal but as an idiom, it reflects Roxas’ role in the organization!
Pareidolia is the act of seeing faces in things that do not. She’s also a changeling! Changelings feed off of energy and affection so just like in Days, she’s accidentally absorbing Roxas throughout. Reformed changelings are very colorful so I based the tones on Thalassa shells. She also gets a pony form-just like white lies, she resembles pinky promise. Together they both make up Kairi’s alicorn status (Xion pegasus Namine unicorn) Xions main seashell on her mark is shaped like the organization symbol. In the story, her cutie mark would change depending on who sees her, before she establishes her identity
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recusant-s-sigil · 9 months
I am so proud to present:
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Dun dada duuuun! The (un)official KHTober 2023 prompt list! Share your love for Kingdom Hearts through Inktober by following these prompts, and don't forget to use the hashtag #KHTober 2023
[Image I.D.: An Inktober list with various prompts related to Kingdom hearts against a starry background with a dark blue gradient sky. Constellations that look like various important symbols from the Kingdom Hearts series dot the image: A Paopu fruit; the Heartless, nobody, Unversed, Spirit, and Nightmare emblems; Terra's Mark, and the Recusant's Sigil. Three stars inside the Paopu fruit constellation are colored to look like the stars that represent Terra, Aqua, and Ventus in Birth by Sleep. End I.D.]
[Transcription: KHTober 2023 Prompt List
Prompts written by @starlightwayfinder. Graphic designed by Moon (@recusant-s-sigil)
Destiny Islands
Favorite Character
New Outfit
Guardian of Light
Simple and Clean vs. Sanctuary
Unlikely Duo
Seeker of Darkness
Favorite World
Original Keykid or Keyblade
Favorite Trio
Square Enix
Face My Fears vs. Don't Think Twice
Spirit vs. Nightmare
Black Coat
Game Over
To participate, use the hashtag #KHTober 2023 (or #KHTober2023)! Happy Inktober!
End transcript.]
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corishadowfang · 4 months
3 or 12?
(For this)
3. A character the fandom helped you appreciate.
Basically all of the Radiant Garden crew, haha. They were less interesting to me compared to everyone else (Braig and Xehanort aside), but the fandom's done a lot of cool stuff with them that's won me over, haha.
12. Compliment someone in your fandom.
I...will not be sticking to just one haha.
@starlightwayfinder You create such beautiful art and amazing fics, and are just a really sweet person overall.
@kicktwine Your art is absolutely amazing and I LOVE your worldbuilding. (My knowledge on FF14 is limited but I still get excited every time I see a spec bio post from you.)
@goldensunset I love seeing your thoughts on the games (they have a tendency to either make me emotional or go feral over how interesting they are, haha). Also, stairposting.
@rosie-kairi SO MANY of your shitposts/memes/etc. make me laugh, haha. Also, your art is fantastic.
@serenedash Good takes and fics and art!! I always get excited when I see something new from you.
@thetwilightroadtonightfall OVERMORROW IS MAKING ME CRY (positive). But also seeing you talk about Ephemer is so much fun because you're clearly having such a great time with it.
@psianabel Your FICS. Man, I love them so much; I have reread many of them several times, they're so good!
@hallowed-nebulae Also an amazing fic writer!! Seriously, I love your prose and how you handle the characters, and your worldbuilding is just so COOL.
@fungeiful Your art is fantastic; I've loved seeing all of the Brain and Player doodles. Also, bagelposting.
@cq-studios You're so enthusiastic about the mobile games and it makes me SO HAPPY. Your art style is also adorable.
@recusant-s-sigil I LOVE seeing/hearing your thoughts about the series; they're so well thought-out and interesting. Also, Scala Ask Caelum is very cool.
@scalacaelumx Amazing art and a very sweet person! I may not see you on my dash as much as some others, but I always get excited when I do.
@chibifightfu You have such amazing art and are just a super cool person in general! I always love talking with you, whether about KH stuff or random things.
@lightwithinthedarknessu You are one of the kindest people I've ever met. Also, I adore all of your writing.
@bookwormally ALSO A REALLY FANTASTIC WRITER and I will be continually impressed by your management abilities. (Also, thank you so much for organizing the World Guidebook Zine.)
@blazernot When I saw someone else was doing Skuld and Brain stuff, I got SO EXCITED, haha. Also, you're just a very cool person, and I love your OCs.
And...and there are definitely people I'm missing, so just know that all of you are awesome and I'm happy you're here!
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goldensunset · 4 months
I don’t know how else to say this… kh—> yugioh pipeline real -moon
not me but i HAVE witnessed it multiple times over with a lot of people on here lol
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autumn-may · 7 months
Ngl I'm thinking so hard abt the comic u made with isa and how he got the scar do you have thoughts on it? I'm rotating it in my brain....
Hm.. Well I guess I could share a bit on how I interpret the pre 358/2 days Akusai relationship, (and how beserk/the scar throws a wrench into it). this ended up being considerably longer than I thought It would be so the rest is under the read more (543 words under cut) 
A big reason I find this era interesting is because it kinda plays into how nobodies function as a whole? If that makes sense. Like the idea of how nobodies replicate the experiences/emotions of their past lives, without having the proper feelings to truly emulate them, and I think that’s really interesting with a relationship such as what was presented in bbs era Lea+isa. They really were close, and I’d suspect that after getting pretty-much-killed they’d still be close, either from a legitimate want or a urge to keep some norm from when they were somebodies. This would probably result in the slow deterioration of their relationship as they attempt to replicate an experience from a memory that’s around eleven years old by 358/2, and eventually their relationship becomes distorted (like trying to paint a portrait through a funhouse mirror). This is my main hc for how they got to the point seen in 358/2. 
A major thing that I think would ‘break’ this is Xemnas/the scar. It’s seen as abnormal by the other members that Saïx was able to reach his position as second-in-command, and that makes me wonder what sacrifices he had to make. The scar itself is what I’m using in the comic, but lunatic (and how he’s somewhat possessed by it when berserking if his nobodies are anything to go off of) is also a thing I think about a lot here. The scar itself is kinda unnecessary when you consider the fact that saïx. Already has a recusant's sigil in his name idk. It kinda feels like possessive if I’m being honest which is neat in reference to how kh2 saïx acts. (NOT suggesting saïx was 100% possessed, or unwilling to do what happened in kh2 that kinda weakens him as a character to me. But bro literally was a highly prioritized member of a cult at the age of 16 there is no way he wasn’t manipulated.) so yeah the scar and what it represents (greater importance in the running of the org) probably fricked them up a lot. 
And one final thing, subject X and loyalty. Just, saix runs on loyalty, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to a cause and loses himself to it. He *literally* gave up his humanity for a girl he doesn't even know the name of, and continued the search for her until he lost even the shadow of what he once was. I don’t know if I can attribute that level of devotion to Axel, and I think that conflict could create some interesting ideas. Specifically, the point in which Axel’s already started to doubt that subX is even real, and Saïxs is at the beginning of a downward spiral. There’s conflict in that! It’s interesting! 
In conclusion Akusai/leaisa is awesome because you get like twoish hours of them interacting in the whole series but every minute of that is so packed with implication and you know the characters individually and you know how the series functions enough to piece together what has to happen in order to get to how they’re shown in [insert cutscene here]. It’s cool and lets me think a lot about the ramifications™ thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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khgenerator · 1 year
Roxas, that's a Recusant's Sigil
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