#red and duck see an emotionally traumatized yellow child and is like IS SOMEBODY GONNA LOVE THIS THING? NO? I WILL THEN
myshredda · 2 years
Oh my god, Red and Duck just KEEP adding kids to their family
For Pink’s backstory/lore, maybe she never had a name, just a title- “you’re going to be someone’s special one someday!” (By which they really mean “you’re going to be someone, become a person, when you get married”)
So she ends up with the clump and she can’t help herself from repeating the same bullshit she’s been taught, and she tells them she doesn’t have a name. And they’re like, you get to pick then. And that blows her little mind.
I’ve NEVER thought about her before but… I love her
Yeah they've been infected by my brainrot, sorry guys! Red and Duck grew up with either A. no family (duck, who I've seen headcanoned as growing up in the foster system and eventually aging out of it without being adopted, which breaks my heart but makes SO MUCH SENSE) or B. Had a huge extended family that were all fucking AWFUL and were emotionally distant and pretty unsupportive of Red's personality and life. And they're like. FUCK IT. These traumatized yellow children WILL KNOW WHAT LOVE IS.
You hit the nail on the head with the lore!!!! That's exactly what i'm thinking as well. She really wasn't raised to be her own person, and she CERTAINLY wasn't going to be her own person after getting married, she'd go from virginal prize to obedient wife, to be seen and not heard. So her being allowed to have a name and be her own person is SO FOREIGN to her she's just like "I like you guys, you're fucking crazy" and Red's like "Darling, you're allowed to have a name. People are allowed to have names, we're not the crazy ones for enabling you to have your own name. I need you to understand that having a name is the bare minimum okay? You deserve literally so much more than a name, oh my god."
Red does the Bob Belcher "oh my god" literally every time she brings up some random belief the cult forced on her (like her not hugging anyone because it would sully her purity or some crazy shit) and then he has to go outside and stare into the middle distance until he doesn't feel like biting something anymore.
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