myshredda · 2 years
Oh my god, Red and Duck just KEEP adding kids to their family
For Pink’s backstory/lore, maybe she never had a name, just a title- “you’re going to be someone’s special one someday!” (By which they really mean “you’re going to be someone, become a person, when you get married”)
So she ends up with the clump and she can’t help herself from repeating the same bullshit she’s been taught, and she tells them she doesn’t have a name. And they’re like, you get to pick then. And that blows her little mind.
I’ve NEVER thought about her before but… I love her
Yeah they've been infected by my brainrot, sorry guys! Red and Duck grew up with either A. no family (duck, who I've seen headcanoned as growing up in the foster system and eventually aging out of it without being adopted, which breaks my heart but makes SO MUCH SENSE) or B. Had a huge extended family that were all fucking AWFUL and were emotionally distant and pretty unsupportive of Red's personality and life. And they're like. FUCK IT. These traumatized yellow children WILL KNOW WHAT LOVE IS.
You hit the nail on the head with the lore!!!! That's exactly what i'm thinking as well. She really wasn't raised to be her own person, and she CERTAINLY wasn't going to be her own person after getting married, she'd go from virginal prize to obedient wife, to be seen and not heard. So her being allowed to have a name and be her own person is SO FOREIGN to her she's just like "I like you guys, you're fucking crazy" and Red's like "Darling, you're allowed to have a name. People are allowed to have names, we're not the crazy ones for enabling you to have your own name. I need you to understand that having a name is the bare minimum okay? You deserve literally so much more than a name, oh my god."
Red does the Bob Belcher "oh my god" literally every time she brings up some random belief the cult forced on her (like her not hugging anyone because it would sully her purity or some crazy shit) and then he has to go outside and stare into the middle distance until he doesn't feel like biting something anymore.
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whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
I see your whump fake out and raise you… double whump fake out. For example, character gets hit but stands up and says “I’m okay, my armour protected me!” But later they’re taking off the armour and you realize that armour might stop attacks from breaking skin, but they still get hit. And they’re just covered in bruises, but feel like they can’t complain because the armour protects them from the worst of it, unlike their friends/teammates
That’s the only type of whump fakeout I’ll accept! Playing it off like it’s not bad and then it turns out to be really bad.
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myshredda · 2 years
It didn’t occur to me that the thing the Bigger Boys are experimenting on could be Stain Edwards, relocated by Lesley. I honestly thought it was (somehow) the talking, eye-ball-having welt Yellow has in Jobs
My first thought was that it was like the puppet version of Stain Edwards HOWEVER it would be so fucking funny if it was Yellow's "Job" welt that got big and grew teeth like tears in my fucking eyes laughing at the imagery of that
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myshredda · 2 years
I LOVED this chapter! I love Duck being a dad and him and Red being a parenting unit. Duck brought up being a dad in the first place, and it’s so sweet seeing the three of them fit together and find their places.
Also, did Yellow name his pig Doggie because of the pig+dog family from the movie Babe?
Yes!!!!!! Literally yes to everything you said!!!! congratulations on being right and having incredible opinions!!!!
Duck is literally the one fighting for his right to be the dad, the one who keeps little pictures in the family wallet (wrong people but it’s the thought that counts) the one most effected by being alone (his song in the family episode, which makes me cry if i think about it too long) and i don’t think the fact that he has a really strong personality makes him less of a “parent” or means he cares about Yellow less than Red!! Biting builds character! Always remember that!
And yes! Doggie is named after the dog+pig family in Babe! I feel like watching Babe and having the family talk with the other two would have been a huge influence on how Yellow is starting to learn how to feel safe, so he’d name his new gift from his two favorite people after something incredibly important to him. Thus: a pig named Doggie
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