#red sails under red skies
uponthemistymoors · 4 months
I finished Republic of Thieves
fuck me what the hell am I gonna do with my life now. How do I survive until the next book?? I have so so so many things to say and so much love for these characters and I’m so so fucking worried
brb gonna go and meet the lights at the bottom of the Amathel so I don’t have to think about this anymore
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tamthewriter · 11 years
A note on the text
I'm reading Scott Lynch's book Red Seas Under Red Skies and having a grand ol' time. The story, just like the story in Lies of Locke Lamora, is funny and crazy and loaded with one liners I wish I could have come up with. Basically, it's exactly the kind of adventure I like.
Over peanut butter toast this morning I was musing on the story and I got to thinking that, given the opportunity, I'd drop into Cammor or Tal Verrar in a heartbeat. Then I realized there are literally no other fantasy worlds where I would do that. And after some consideration I think I can say I came to that conclusion because Lynch's world is a world where female characters are not under constant threat of sexual violence.
I'm 33 next week and I've been reading fantasy for as long as I've been reading. I've never read a fantasy novel that just took sexual violence right out of the equation. So far it's never been a plot point, and it doesn't ever come up as a way to restrict female roles in the world. Women go adventuring, women go pirating, women do all kinds of shit.
As a consequence, there are no Strong Female Characters in his world, there are just characters. Some of them have vaginas and some do not. I have literally never read books like this before. I am delighted.
PS: If you know me in meatspace, you should expect to get Lies for Christmas and Red Seas for your birthday (unless you are my sister in which case it will be the other way around). Just sayin'.
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uponthemistymoors · 4 months
hi hello so the gentleman bastards is my new obsession and I’m 550-some pages into the second book and am LOSING MY GODDAMNED. MIND. Like I was riveted to the page for the first book trying to figure out just how the fuck they were gonna get out of that shitshow. But now I’m even more hooked I read 253 pages of this book yesterday after work.
And this shitshow makes that shitshow look like a fuckin pageant. How the FUCK are these idiots going to pull this off.
Also I’m so happy for my sweet terrifying boy and his wonderful love, and also my terribly clever horrendous scrungly boy and his new cat.
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