#lies of Locke lamora
uponthemistymoors · 4 months
Locke Lamora is the most successful fail girl of all time and no one can change my mind otherwise
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some average guy who steals too much
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I'm currently reading The Lies of Locke Lamora (and loving it!) and I find it fascinating that Locke and Jean have no interest in being better people.
Their entire lives come crashing down around them and instead of learning a moral lesson, fleeing the city and being better afterwards, they decide "fuck it, we're burning this bitch down" (language not that far off from the actual novel). No moment of self-reflection - just a moment of mourning and then straight to vengeance.
Locke especially is just a villain. He lies, cheats, steals, manipulates and murders in cold blood. By every metric of being a good person, he's an awful person. Despite that, you can't help but like him, and as his schemes pile up one on top of the other, it becomes more and more fascinating.
10/10 so far.
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howlsmovinglibrary · 6 months
What didn't you like about lies of locke lamora?
Hey anon!
So the first thing you need to know about me is that I'm very shallow, and I struggle to enjoy any book that doesn't have a woman in, or doesn't have two women that talk to each other. I don't mean this in a tumblr media criticism way - although obviously, if a book has no main female characters, it is somewhat a red flag representation-wise. But I do absolitely mean it when I say I'm shallow. It's really not that deep, the diet of fantasy and YA fantasy i raised myself on (both good and bad) means that I prefer the concerns of non-male protagonists and if there's no women for me to latch onto I'm often bored. So Locke Lamora pining after that one girl we never see, and then that other girl who seemed cool then just died, didn't really do enough to hold my attention. The old lady was cool, though she wasn't there much!
I also didn't find the way the plot resolved itself very fun either. Unfortunately, Locke being a confidence trickster meant that many plot points were (understandably) resolved through him talking himself out of problems, which makes total sense! It's just, by the fifth or sixth time of him talking himself out of his problems I wanted a bit of variety, which wasn't the book's fault I just didn't get much serotonin from Locke's type of competency.
I've always struggled with act 1 of that book and idk why, so finishing it was a win for me! It's not badly written or even a bad book, it's just not for me. I got bored of the way sex was talked about, I didn't feel much attachment to the characters, and I didn't care about them succeeding which is bad, in a heist setting lol.
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In case anyone hadn’t heard of Locke Lamora before Jasper mentioned it on Adventuring Party Stotal Recall, he’s from a series of books by Scott Lynch, the first of which is named The Lies of Locke Lamora
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a-certain-serpent · 8 months
I am fucking vibrating i need more bastards content
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itsablindowl · 8 months
Jasper Cartwright is a gentleman bastards fan and based a dnd character off of Locke Lamora, I knew I liked this guy let’s fucking go !!!
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rereading lies of Locke Lamora and Scott Lynch always delivers so well on ridiculous smart ass dialogue
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coraldonkey1102 · 1 year
god I love the gentleman bastards sequence and all but I also hate enjoying a popular thing whose target audience isn't really the fandom type. like cmon please I need more cis white adult men to write some angsty hurt/comfort fanfic or draw pretty pixels with Colours and Lines and Style or make cosplay of the cool fantasy people or-
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uponthemistymoors · 4 months
I finished Republic of Thieves
fuck me what the hell am I gonna do with my life now. How do I survive until the next book?? I have so so so many things to say and so much love for these characters and I’m so so fucking worried
brb gonna go and meet the lights at the bottom of the Amathel so I don’t have to think about this anymore
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dramaticmonologue · 1 year
You know who will be a worthy rival for the crows? The Gentleman Bastards from Scott Lynch's Gentlemen Bastard series. Imagine a heist where Kaz and Locke and Jean compete against each other to get to the same prize. It will be just endless loops of them one-uping one another. The crows have stonger with a heart render and a durast, but the bastards are notorious for being always ten steps ahead of their rival with their foresight and planning.
P.S: imagine if Freddy Carter plays the character of Locke Lamora! It's so different from Kaz yet the core is the same!!
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Is The Lies of Locke Lamora about the titular character pulling a Nigerian Prince scam in a fantasy setting?
....Goddammit, Scott Lynch!
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rinn-e · 11 months
re-reading Lies of Locke Lamora; I feel so normal about everything that's going to happen :)
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maybe it’ll end better this time
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coquette-bathtub · 1 month
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pls I didn't know my book daddies were such absolute HUNKS 😩
Club Members: Scott Lynch, Joe Abercrombie, Christopher Paolini, George R.R. Martin, R.A Salvatore, Patrick Rothfuss, Anthony Ryan, Brandon Sanderson.
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