embrace-tranquility · 6 years
Closed starter for @redghoulslinger
Genji had asked him to come to the recall with him. And who was he to say no to his student. Not after Genji had done him in with words about making the world a better place and being able to make a change to the world. He wondered who taught him that.
But Genji left before Zenyatta, as the monk still had some unfinished business, and promised his student that he would join him soon. He did not give him a definitive answer yet, preferring to stay a neutral party, helping out those who needed it. Currently, that was Overwatch. But he stayed a wanderer at heart.
Arriving at the Watchpoint, Zenyatta waited before the door of his dropship opened, and hovered out calmly. A brown with orange cotton bag resting in his lap as he moved out of the shuttle. No one around to greet him, and he had even notified Genji...
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yukitscne · 6 years
you’re not meant to be here ♠ @redghoulslinger
A snarl.      Ferocious barking.      Gunshots.      Injured whimpering.      The only things she makes out while in the form of a beast.      A headache plagued her as the body of the creature shifted back to one of a human woman. As the ache in her head wore off, sharp pains in her shoulder began. Her hand came up and touched the blood, which had already begun staining her skin.      What happened?      As her memories cleared, flashes of the previous night came back to her.      A man backing off in terror.      Her clawed hands reaching out for him.      A gun.      She lifted her head from the ground, sure enough spotting the man from her memories sitting by a nearby tree.      ‘Shit.’ Su-Jin got to her hand and knees, currently unable to muster the strength to stand, and feebly crawled over to him. Bite marks punctured both clothing and skin.      ‘Fuck.’ Tears welled up in her eyes, and she was trying her best to not be sick. She was the one that had to be strong in this situation.      ‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry. This... This wasn’t meant to happen. Are you okay?’      Su-Jin lifted her arm, only to find pain shooting through. Her other hand came up to the wound again and clutched it.
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lingzhcu-blog · 6 years
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❝  hehe ! hey mccree , can i try your hat on ? i ‘ ve always thought cowboy hats were cool !  ❞    @redghoulslinger  [  ♡  ] 
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depelcs · 6 years
Shy was not a word that had ever been used to describe Sombra. Though, Jesse was right about one thing; she was teasing him, trying to see how long it would take him to make a move.
Though she found some satisfaction in the quick peck on the lips, she still found herself feeling somewhat unsatisfied; she had been hoping for more.
But, when he kissed her again, really kissed her, a gentle kiss that lasted much longer, she could feel her heart skip a beat. This was the kiss she had been hoping for. She kissed him back, a small smirk on her lips when the kiss was broken. "Took you long enough." she teased.
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@redghoulslinger skomentował(a) Twój post “Happy Halloween, I guess? Stay safe and have fun, you all <3 [[MOR]”
i spy a cute
// you know nothing Eden Snow... :v But thank you <3 I have glasses off and face covered, so fair enough
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entomolo-gist · 6 years
redghoulslinger replied to your post: “I heard country music one time and it felt like I...
it’s cuz yer fuckin weak
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“Who the fuck are you?”
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omniborg · 6 years
   Was Rialto the smartest place to run to after getting chased out of Blackwatch? Probably not, but it felt like it was the safest. She’ll make her way to Paris, eventually ---- after this.... tiny detour, for nostalgia’s sake. There’s a lot of posters plastered around ---- her face, an exorbitant amount of money, sanctioned by the UN...... Closing her eyes is a mistake--- she still can’t remember everything about that Talon base.....
    ....but she remembers Moira vanishing when they needed her most. Her teammates --- her fucking family --- going down one by one. Blood. Being surrounded. The last thing she remembers is sobbing as she clutched Jesse to her, begging him to stay alive before their hiding spot started getting shot to hell.
    And then she got angry. 
   Everything's a blank after that. Some of the footage she’s seen.... White hair, black sclera, blazing blue eyes, steam coming from her mouth.... 
   Maybe she is a monster, if she lost control like that. Maybe those big honchos at the U.N and Overwatch are right. It’s amazing how quickly they buckled from Talon painting a den of villains as an innocent town.
    Hearing footsteps, she tries not to betray any fear, but fuck, she doesn’t want to fight on these docks. Theese docks mean too damn much to her, as weird as it sounds to anyone who’d hear it. It’s too special of a place to her, anyways.
     “Listen, buddy---- if you’re here to kill me, can we at least do this somewhere else? This place is kinda important t’me---” Turning around was a mistake, because she’s met with the business end of a familiar gun, and if she looks absolutely terrified and her eyes are a little misty.... well, who could blame her? 
       “J-Jess...?” / @redghoulslinger because nobody stopped me and i accidentally angsted
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knowing your partner well makes writing a lot easier. Tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with, but want to get to know better!   REPOST, don’t reblog!
* B A S I C S ◦ NAME: Madalyn ◦ AGE: 21 ◦ PRONOUNS: she/her/they/them ◦ ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn ◦ TAKEN OR SINGLE:  taken
*  T H R E E   F A C T S
◦ I’m studying Game Programming ◦ Video games are my passion ◦ Hard core carnivore. Won’t hesitate to eat a whole rack of ribs x3
* E X P E R I E N C E  
◦ PLATFORMS YOU USED: tumblr, discord, and wattpad ◦ BEST EXPERIENCE: I don’t have a best experience to be honest. I’ve had a lot of great ones though, but I must personally thank Eden and Joshua for getting me to write on this blog again ^-^
also shoutout to everyone I’m currently RPing ya’ll are amazeballs <3
*  M U S E    P R E F E R E N C E
◦ FEMALE OR MALE OR OTHER: I prefer female muses but I’m open to trying male ones too! I have a few male OC’s, one for Overwatch, but mostly Transformers.  ◦ MULTI OR SINGLE: I”m still getting the swing of things so for now I prefer one muse per blog. I currently have the one RP blog but I might consider making more in the future. I’m also open to multi-ship too!
*   W R I T I N G     P R E F E R E N C E  
◦ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: I like ANGST as much as the next guy, and I’m slowly trying to write more “steamy” stuff (emphasis on slowly ^^) but hard core fluff, I’m there. I LIVE FOR IT! ◦ PLOTS OR MEMES: Why not both?.
TAGGED BY: stolen from @redghoulslinger TAGGING:  anyone who wants to do it!!
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dexdeye-whiskey · 6 years
repost, don’t reblog!
TAGGED BY: stolen from @redghoulslinger
TAGGING:  steal it IDGAF
EYES (GENERAL):     large   /   small  /   narrow   /   sharp   /   squinty  /   round   /   wide-set   /   close-set   /   deep-set   /   sunken   /   bulging   /   protruding   /   wide   /   hooded   /   heavy-lidded   /   bright   /   sparkling   /   glittering   /   flecked   /   dull   /   bleary   /   rheumy   /   cloudy   /   red-rimmed   /   beady   /   bird-like   /   cat-like   /   jewel-like   /   steely   /   hard   / long lashes   /   sweeping eyelashes   /   thick eyelashes
EYES (COLOR):     chestnut   /   chocolate brown   /   cocoa brown   /   coffee brown   /   mocha   /   mahogany   /   sepia   /   sienna brown  /   mink brown   /   copper   /   amber   /   cognac   /   whiskey   /   brandy   /   honey   /    tawny   /   topaz   /   hazel   /   obsidian   /   onyx   /   coal   /   raven   /   midnight   /   sky blue   /   sunny blue   /   cornflower blue   /   steel blue   /   ice blue   /   arctic blue   /   glacial blue   /   crystal blue /   cerulean   /   electric blue   /   azure   /   lake blue   /   aquamarine   /   turquoise   /   denim blue   /   slate blue / slate gray   /   storm blue /storm gray   /   silver   /   silver gray   /   chrome   /   platinum   /   pewter   /   smoky gray   /   ash gray   /   concrete gray   /   dove gray   /   shark gray   /   fog gray   /   gunmetal gray   /   olive   /   emerald   /   leaf green   /   moss green
EYEBROWS:   arched   /   straight   /   plucked   /   sparse   /   trim   / dark  /   faint   /   thin   / thick  /   unruly   /   bushy   /   heavy
SKIN (GENERAL):   lined   /   wrinkled   /   seamed   /   leathery   /   sagging   /   drooping   /   loose   /   clear  /   smooth   /   silken   /   satiny  /   dry   /   flaky   /   scaly   /   delicate   /   thin   /   translucent   /   luminescent   /   baby-soft   /   flawless   /   small pores   /   large pores /   glowing   /   dewy   /   dull   /   velvety   /   fuzzy   /   rough  /   uneven   /   mottled   / dimpled  /   doughy   /   firm   /   freckled   /   pimply   /   pockmarked   /   blemished   /   pitted   /  scarred   /   bruised    /   veined   /  scratched   /   sunburned   /   weather-beaten   /   raw   /   tattooed
SKIN (COLOR):   amber  /   bronze   /   cinnamon   /   copper  /   dark brown   /   deep brown   /   ebony   /   honey   /   golden   /   pale   /   pallid   /   pasty   /   fair   /   light   /   cream   /   alabaster   /   ivory   /   bisque   /   milk   /   porcelain   /   chalky   /   sallow   /   olive   /   peach   /   rosy   /   ruddy   /   florid   /   russet   /   tawny   /   fawn
FACE STRUCTURE: /   square   /   round   /   oblong   /   oval /   elongated   /   narrow   /   heart-shaped   /   cat-like   /   wolfish  /   high forehead  /   broad forehead   /   prominent brow ridge   /   protruding brow bone   /   sharp cheekbones   /   high cheekbones   /   angular cheekbones   /   hollow cheeks   /   square jaw   /   chiseled   /   sculpted   /   craggy   / soft   /   jowly   /   jutting chin   /   pointed chin  /   weak chin   /   receding chin   /   double chin   /   cleft chin   /   dimple in chin   /   visible adam’s apple
NOSE:     snub   /   dainty   /   button   /   turned-up   /   long   /   broad  /   thin   /  straight   /  pointed    /   crooked   /   aquiline   /   roman   /   bulbous  /   flared   /   hawk   /   strong
MOUTH/LIPS:     thin   /   narrow   /   full   /   lush   /   cupid’s bow   /   rosebud   /   dry   /   cracked   /   chapped   /   moist   /   glossy   /   straight teeth  /   crooked teeth   /   gap between teeth   /   gleaming white teeth  /   yellowed teeth   /   braces   /   overbite   /   underbite   /   dimples
FACIAL HAIR:     clean-shaven   /   smooth-shaven   /   beard   /   neckbeard   /   goatee   /   moustache   /   sideburns  /   mutton-chop sideburns   /   stubble   /   a few days’ growth of beard   /   five o’ clock shadow
HAIR (GENERAL):   long   /   short    /   shoulder-length   /   loose   /   limp   /   dull  /   shiny   /   glossy   /   sleek   /   smooth   /   luminous   /   lustrous   /   spiky   /   stringy   /   shaggy   /  tangled   /   messy   /   tousled   /   windblown   /   unkempt   /   straggly   /   neatly combed   /  parted   /   slicked down   /   slicked back   /   cropped    /   clipped   /   buzzed   /   buzz cut   /   curly   /   bushy   /   frizzy   /   wavy   /   straight   /   lanky   /   dry   /   oily   /   greasy   /   layers   /   corkscrews   /   spirals   /   ringlets   /   braids   /   dreadlocks   /   widow’s peak   /   bald   /  shaved   /   comb-over   /  thick   /   luxuriant   /   voluminous   /   full   /   wild   /   untamed   /   bouncy   /   wispy   /   fine   /   thinning
HAIR (COLOR):     black   /   blue-black   /   jet black   /   raven   /   ebony   /   inky black   /   midnight   /   sable   /   salt and pepper   /   silver   /   silver gray   /   charcoal gray   /   steel gray   /   white   /   snow-white   /   brown   /   brunette   /   chocolate brown   /   coffee brown   /   ash brown   /   brown sugar   /   nut brown   /   caramel   /   tawny brown   /   toffee brown   /   red   /   ginger   /   auburn   /   copper   /   strawberry blonde   /   butterscotch   /   honey   /  wheat  /   blonde   /   golden   /   sandy blond   /   flaxen   /   fair-haired   /   bleached   /   platinum
BODY TYPE:     tall   /   average height /   short   /   petite  /   tiny   /   compact   /   big   /   large   /   burly   /   beefy   /   bulky   /   brawny   /   barrel-chested   /   heavy   /   heavy-set   /   fat   /   overweight   /   obese   /   flabby   /   chunky   /   chubby   /   pudgy   /   pot-bellied   /   portly   /  thick   /   stout   /   lush   /   plush   /   full-figured   /   ample   /   rounded   /  voluptuous  /   curvy  /   hourglass   /   plump   /   leggy   /   long-legged  /   gangling   /  lanky   /   coltish   /   lissome   /   willowy   /   lithe   /   lean   /   slim   /   slender   /   trim   /   thin   /  skinny   /   emaciated   /   gaunt   /   bony   /   spare   /   solid   /   stocky   /   wiry   /   rangy   /   sinewy   /   stringy   /   ropy   /   sturdy  /   strapping   /   powerful   /   hulking   /   fit  /   athletic   /   toned  /   muscular   /   chiseled   /   taut   /   ripped   /   herculean   /   broad-shouldered /   sloping shoulders   /   bowlegged
HANDS:     delicate  /   small  /   large   /   square   /   sturdy   /   strong   /   smooth   /   rough   /   calloused  /   elegant   /   plump   /   manicured   /   stubby fingers  /   long fingers   /  ragged nails /   grimy fingernails   /   ink-stained
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yukitscne · 6 years
@redghoulslinger ★ wait, i know you!
She couldn’t kill it. Even fighting it was a struggle.      She had heard that the beast had been bringing terror to the area’s inhabitants - stealing children, taking those who dare walk out in the cover of night - but it was still a living thing. How could she possibly bring harm to anything?      Artemis hadn’t been trained for this. She knew of the creature and its weaknesses, but had never considered bringing one to an end.      Her hesitance was what landed her against the wall, slumped against it in a most vulnerable position. She clutched at her arm, as though a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.      The creature lifted an arm, clawed hand ready to strike.      But it was not her who fell that night. Rather, it was the creature.      At first it seemed to fall by itself, blood pooling beneath the fresh corpse as she looked on in disbelief. Had she done something? No, she realised, as her mismatched eyes followed an additional long shadow up to its owner.      It had been the newcomer to the scene, whose own garb appeared old and worn compared to hers, though of a much higher quality. His arm glowed a menacing red, seeming even more so given the situation.      And her face lit up as much as it could, given that she was at risk of bleeding dry.      ‘I think I know who you are,’ was all the starstruck Artemis could say.
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Ray has appeared! What to do?
Act cool
Do "it"
Throw salt
Make them mine 
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entomolo-gist · 6 years
redghoulslinger replied to your post: ooc
[cocks gun.] trick or treat.
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“Aren’t you like forty?”
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trxnquilite-blog · 6 years
@redghoulslinger replied to your post: reprogram zen to be ur best friend
why reprogram when it’s already in his system
just for that he’s not your best friend anymore
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omniborg · 6 years
Blackwatch training is good for a lot of things --- namely, covert missions, being stealthy in general... Even if she IS a tank, her target’s never gonna know what hit them. It’s only a matter of vaulting onto the high ground in the courtyard and finding them.
She looks pretty intimidating, at the very least, with the sun behind her and Jesse’s serape billowing in the wind.
Speaking of which...
There’s nothing more terrifying than when Jesse uses Deadeye and nobody knows where he is. The sound effect is the same, but---
“It’s high smooch.” 
Uh-oh. / @redghoulslinger RUN JESSE , RUN
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OTP Prompt Challenge!
From here (X) Search an OTP 5 times and see what 5 prompts you get that the ship would do together/for each other!  NOTE: Type “and” in different ways to get different results such as “AND”, “&”, etc, and try adding characters last names. 
Tagging: @redghoulslinger as Jesse McCree
Prompts: 1.  Make each other gifts. 2.  in 'got locked out of Dorm Room' AU. 3.  Raising a kid together. 4.  Are watching TV together, one of them starts screaming when their fav character dies. Who is it? 5.  Meet at a cafe.
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yukitscne · 6 years
@redghoulslinger ☺ continued from (x)
     ‘Hello.’ The word was soft, gentle, just like the kisses he had placed upon the cowboy’s neck.      Yuki’s gaze wandered to the book. ‘What are you reading?’ he asked, before his lips returned to Jesse again, barely ghosting his skin.
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