#redraws from the 101 dalmatians stills
sillylilpixie · 1 year
Cruella Headcanons Sources
I really like Cruella but a lot of the things shes in changes lots of things so this is to explain what I pick and choose. I pool from a lot of different sources for my Cruella Headcanons. Now my personal favorites are the original 101 Dalmatian animated movie from 1961 and Evil Thing by Serena Valentino a lot (both the book and graphic novel) The book is one of my favorite Cruella source to pull from it merges with the original movie so wonderfully!
This is the list of 101 Dalmatian sources I use A LOT
101 Dalmatians 1961 Animated Movie
Evil Thing by Serena Valentino (Novel and Graphic Novel)
101 Dalmatian sources I pick apart for my own uses
101 Dalmatians 1996 Live Action Movie
102 Dalmatians 2000 Live Action Movie
101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure
101 Dalmatian sources I'm not sure about using
101 Dalmatian Street I've only seen some episodes, the puppies are cute, but I DEF wouldn't use their Cruella
101 Dalmatian the Series the original cartoon I still need to rewatch the show, I only remember a few episodes from my childhood
This is the list of 101 Dalmatian sources I DON'T Use
Cruella 2021, its just not the Cruella I like
Descendants , I love the series but not for my Cruella things (Even if Carlos is great) once more thats not really my Cruella
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This drawing is actually a redraw from the graphic novel!!!
Some headcanons that come straight from Evil Thing
Cruella has big big mommy issues, in the book her mother is manipulative and Cruella often falls for it. She uses Cruella a lot and is very neglectful at times. Cruella often refers to her as mama
Miss Pricket is a character from the book, she's Cruella's governess which kind of means nanny. She taught Cruella instead of her going to boarding school cuz she was a girl. One of the things she taught Cruella was French. In the book as Cruella gets older she confess she sees Cruella as a friend or even a sister. And tries to tell her that her mother doesn't love her.
Anita and Cruella were very close friends, to the point that Cruella saw her like a sister. They went to finishing school together. Anita was had a lower social status and Cruella's mother didn't like her. Anita saw how Cruella's mother was emotionally abusive.
Mrs Web is Cruella's mom first hand lady, and would report everything to her, after the events of the movie she was put in charge of keeping Cruella under lock and key in Hell Hall to make sure she doesn't embarrass Cruella's mom
Miss Pricket is brought back to help take care of Cruella and is stated to truly have loved her. (And Cruella loves her)
Her earrings come from her dead father, most her fur coats came from her mother, and her ring came from her dead husband
Loved fairy tales growing up, her father had gotten her a fairy tale book when she was a little girl.
Her white hair and unhealthy appearance stems from grief of losing her husband and discovering he had kept a lot of secrets from her
Headcanons inspired by Evil Thing
While Miss Pricket taught Cruella French and she took French lessons in finishing school, Cruella struggles with it and isn't good at it, and more on par to a toddler, Miss Pricket will play cartoons in french and speak in french when shes treating Cruella extra younger. Cruella also calls her Mere Mere when shes feeling on the younger side of her little side which means mom in french
Miss Pricket helps her realize what she did was wrong, and helps her with her obsessive thoughts. She also helps Cruella apologize to Anita
Becomes obsessed with dalmatians and puppies in general. Literally has 101 dalmatian stuffed animals and makes her own dalmatian themed clothes with Miss Pricket's help and encouragement.
Anita sometimes comes over and visits Cruella, and helps babysits her.
Cruella has a hard time connecting and relating to other people due to being raised by a narcissistic mother and her own mental health issues.
Cruella struggles a lot with taking care of herself and doing things like eating and sleeping. She's more willing to eat if Miss Pricket is eating and encourages her, and Cruella needs to be read bedtime stories at the very least to go to bed often ends up in Miss Pricket's bed for cuddles after nightmares. Much to Mrs Web disapproval.
Headcanons inspired by other Cruella Sources
Cruella does end up becoming a fashion designer and always loved fashion. (Inspired by 101 Dalmatians 1996 live action movie)
After the events of the first animated movie, she got sent to a mental hospital instead of prison for almost a year and underwent harsh traumatic treatments by Dr Pavlov before being released on parole under the custody of her mother (Who sent her away to stay in Hell Hall under the watchful eye of Mrs. Web) - This is a headnod to the end of 101 Dalmatian Movie 1996 and 102 Dalmatian Movie 2000 where Cruella under goes harsh therapy
Cruella has never smoked a bunch if shes missing her mom, or in a bad place mentally she'll light a cigarette because the smell reminds her of her mother, Miss Pricket doesn't however approve of this or her actually smoking. This being said Cruella does have a oral fixation, which becomes more noticeable when shes on her younger side. Eats a lot of lollipops to make up for not smoking.
Things I DON'T Headcanon or like
Hunter De Vil in 101 Dalmatian Street isn't her great nephew, the cartoon is okay, I just hate hate hate Cruella in that series so I dunno if I had anything from it I would change a lot of the stuff involving Cruella and alter Hunter maybe to be her nephew or something. I haven't decided. I still need to watch more episodes to decide
Nothing in Descendants would be in my headcanons (even though I do like the series)
Nothing from Cruella 2021, good movie but thats not Cruella I like >>
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lekinmeradil · 2 years
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learn to work the saxophone, I play just what I feel
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disneytva · 5 years
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Passion Pictures Teams Up With Disney For ‘101 Dalmatian Street’ Cartoon Brew Interviews
Passion Pictures makes some of the most accomplished animation in the UK, and Disney knows it. The London-based studio, which grew out of the Disney production Who Framed Roger Rabbit in 1987, has already worked on a few shorts for the company, including episodes of Rocket & Groot. So when Disney was looking for a studio to handle its biggest ever animation production in the country – a heritage series based on the 101 Dalmatians franchise – Passion was the obvious choice.
101 Dalmatian Street, which premiered on the Disney Channel UK on March 18, actually emerged from another aborted project. Disney and Passion Animation Studios (Passion’s animation division) had been collaborating on a pilot for Green Park Coachstarz, a show based on the art of James Jarvis. When that fell through, Disney proposed this one instead. “The idea of recreating the original Dalmatiansfilm – in 2d – was really appealing,” said Cara Speller, the show’s executive producer. “We said yes.”
The series isn’t a straight remake, of course. The setting is still Camden (a London neighborhood within walking distance of the Passion studio), but we’re in the modern day. The 101 dogs – many of them descended from the original film’s pooches – live unsupervised at the titular address, where they hang out, hold down jobs, and generally lead more dynamic lives than their ancestors.
The concept came from Helsinki-based Gigglebug Entertainment, who developed it with Disney. By the time it reached Passion, work had begun on the design, and Maria O’Loughlin was onboard as head writer. The studio had never taken on a full series before, and it needed a production partner. It solicited pitches, the best of which came from Vancouver’s Atomic Cartoons.
“We always knew that we wanted to keep all the front-end creative work here,” explained Speller. “We send Atomic a locked animatic [example below], which is an edited storyboard with final dialogue and placeholder sound effects. We also send launch notes on animation and effects. They do the animation and compositing on Harmony; we and Disney see their work at various stages. Then we complete the post-production: music, sound design, final color.” Passion uses Photoshop for the designs and Harmony for the storyboards (with some editing in Premiere). It employs around 50 people on the project, with another 65 at Atomic. Disney itself does no animation, but it is closely involved with every stage of the production.
Atomic’s animators have been very responsive to Passion’s guidance, according to Miklos Weigert, the series’s director. “We were keen on keeping a style related to the movie. Of course, it’s a very different platform and very different type of storytelling. This one is a lot more cartoony, more driven by comedy, so we wanted to make the animation more squashy, stretchy, flexible.” Yet the team still observe basic rules about dog behavior. They bring their own pet dogs (though no Dalmatians) to the office, and study their sounds and movements. Anything that breaks the rules – a character gesturing while moving, say – is ruled out.
When One Hundred and One Dalmatians was released in 1961, it looked unlike anything Disney had made before. The reason was xerography, a technical process developed by animator and all-round innovator Ub Iwerks (together with Xerox). It allowed for animators’ drawings to be printed straight onto cels, cutting out the inking process and preserving the original drawings’ sketchy lines. 101 Dalmatian Street references this aesthetic.
“The original was one of the first films where you saw the artist’s hand,” said Jez Hall, one of the episode directors. “[Before that,] everything was hand-inked by teams of people, so it was a very standard inked line. The Xerox thing retained cleanup, so you could see rough lines… This is a 2d kit-based show, but if you look at the kits, they’ve all got little lines, to make it appear a bit more alive and like it’s all hand-done.”
Xerography also enabled Disney’s artists to copy-paste the dogs with all their spots, which would have been a nightmare to redraw individually. Nowadays, digital technologies perform the same shortcut. On the other hand, 101 Dalmatian Street goes further than the movie in differentiating the dogs – which poses a challenge for designers. “It was a really fun process, because limitation can trigger creativity,” noted Weigert. “We had a lot of fun playing with black and white, or proportions; we introduced new assets, little accessories…”
Nor do the difficulties end there. “It’s the staging and the composition [that’s crucial],” explained Hall. “The dogs are fundamentally white shapes with black spots, so if you get those layered in a shot, it becomes really hard to read. The thing about composition is that at soon as something moves, it breaks – and because this is animation, things move! So we had a lot of back and forth on posing, and line of action, and rule of thirds.” Even so, the team sometimes fudged it: some shots feature more than 101 Dalmatians.
Not all the dogs are speaking roles (yet), but the team has designed 450 characters, 900 locations and 730 props – and they are only 36 episodes in. The first series will comprise 40 11-minute episodes, as well as 10 two-minute shorts (made by Gigglebug) and five 22-minute specials. Overall, the production will run to two-and-a-half years.
“The volume, scale and our ambitions for the series were extremely high,” said Speller. “Our team has met that challenge with impressive energy.” They will need to sustain that energy: Passion’s next project will be its first feature, an animation-live action hybrid which it is developing with DNA Films and Tristar Pictures. Meanwhile, 101 Dalmatian Street will launch across Europe, Middle East, and Africa throughout spring, and in the rest of the world later this year.
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