ardwick · 3 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 33
Don't interrupt an astral projection mid-call please, thank you.
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ardwick · 3 months
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Full View Here New image for REDUX, one more page to set here so that the final page of the story arc isn’t the first thing people encounter when reading this comic in the future, haha! Again I just want to thank everyone who took their time to read REDUX! It was 257 pages in total from start to finish took 6 and a half years (9 if you count from the start of the concept.) As for the future, Sirus and I want to explore some new things a bit. After a while making comics I’m especially eager to explore animation and game design! But I definitely want to return to world of REDUX and it's critters and spooks. Either way thank you all again! Hope you look forward to what projects comes next!
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ardwick · 3 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 35
We don’t need to shoulder our burdens alone.
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ardwick · 4 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 29
A conversation with a spirit.
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ardwick · 5 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 27
Filling gaps in memory.
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ardwick · 3 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 36 After a long and frightening night they’re exhausted. But for now, they’ve made it. This small group of six friends have decided to entrust one other with their burdens and hopes. For now the curtain on their story closes as we let them rest. But surely, we will catch up with them again for there’s more to do. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for reading! -Ardwick and Sirus
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ardwick · 5 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 24
Do not try this at home.
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ardwick · 3 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 34
But now, it's time to go.
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ardwick · 4 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 32
Why this spirit returned from the beyond.
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ardwick · 4 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 31
Impossible conclusions.
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ardwick · 4 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 30
A forlorn soul.
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ardwick · 7 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 18
Muriel's turn.
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ardwick · 5 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 28
You can only try your best.
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ardwick · 7 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 17
Decent spell craft for amateurs.
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ardwick · 7 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 16
Last Stand.
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ardwick · 8 months
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REDUX: Chapter 9: Page 15
Modius's turn.
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