doomreed · 7 months
If Reed was a dog, he’d be a long af silken windhound that’s just slender and long and has the energy of a golden retriever who - while friendly - can be mischievous and a dick ( https://images.app.goo.gl/c59HDtmr9gvnHMMD6 )
Meanwhile Victor would be a pitch black cat with green eyes and fur as soft as silk who’s constantly plotting murder and mayhem and will scream and scratch your eyes out if you get too close or are in his territory.
Cat Victor thinks dog Reed is painfully annoying, but for some reasons they both are inseparable
I deeply agree with all of the above. Also idk if you've seen it but this post by @rraaaarrl is further evidence of Reed as one of them longboi, anteater, letmedoitforyou.gif type creachurs and who am I to argue with the fandom hivemind?
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