#borzois are beautiful honestly
doomreed · 7 months
If Reed was a dog, he’d be a long af silken windhound that’s just slender and long and has the energy of a golden retriever who - while friendly - can be mischievous and a dick ( https://images.app.goo.gl/c59HDtmr9gvnHMMD6 )
Meanwhile Victor would be a pitch black cat with green eyes and fur as soft as silk who’s constantly plotting murder and mayhem and will scream and scratch your eyes out if you get too close or are in his territory.
Cat Victor thinks dog Reed is painfully annoying, but for some reasons they both are inseparable
I deeply agree with all of the above. Also idk if you've seen it but this post by @rraaaarrl is further evidence of Reed as one of them longboi, anteater, letmedoitforyou.gif type creachurs and who am I to argue with the fandom hivemind?
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nerendus · 11 months
Datability/Fuckability of every Bloodborne boss
You know how it is....
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Cleric Beast — First boss of the game and very simple. He's quite the acrobatic, and is permanently burned into my mind whenever I walk across the bridge. He has a lovely voice that he uses to scream at me from the very beginning of the game. 7/10.
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Father Gascoigne — Do I really need to say anything..... Deep voice, bloody, tall, DILF, religious man. Being able to summon him in Central Yharnam and just twirl your hair at how tall he is..... Don't worry about his wife. His wife's dead. And his children need a new mom and I've already accidentally killed them, so there is absolutely nothing in the way of our fucked up bloody romance. 10/10.
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Blood-starved Beast — You know..... I'll give them points for being in one of my favourite locations (the chapel, not exactly Old Yharnam), but the poison sweeping from every orifice of their body really is a major turn off. I love their mangly and skinned look, but I would rather not die while cuddling. 4/10.
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Vicar Amelia — Probably the first boss to give me genuine trouble, but I'm alright with that! She was a very beautiful human woman and became an even more beautiful Borzoi woman. Even in her transformed state, she still holds firm to her values and religion, so she would never betray me just because now she's able to scream really loud. Her friends outside really don't approve of the relationship, but there's nothing more juicier than a forbidden relationship. 8/10.
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Witches of Hemick — I'm not saying yes for her, she isn't really my type (her eyes are a little...too much), but the Mad Ones in the polycule are extremely lovely and I want them to hold me in their arms and protect me from all danger. 5/10.
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Shadows of Yharnam — YES! MY DUDES! Seeing three robed guys slowly creep into view from the fog is already enough to make a lass swoon, but with the added Nazgul effect of them and just the overall fact that they are Pthumerian makes me so desperately be in the middle of whatever they got going on. Don't worry, the Queen will be fine on her own, she's already dead anyhow. 10/10.
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Rom, the Vacuous Spider — MILF, loyal children, loyal to the cause that made her turn into a mindless cosmic spider at the bottom of the lake. Her very tiny legs are kinda silly, and I don't really have that much attraction to her, but I think we could be besties. 4/10.
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Amygdala — YES! WOMAN ALIEN MOMENT! She is seven arms of beauty. There are two particular variations that I'm obsessed with: passed the Yahar'gul Chapel lamp, there's a lass that is...extremely dangerously hanging from one of the buildings, and a few of her arms are just dangling without any purpose as she just lazily looks down at us. The other one is back up the way we came, passed The Girls, and she's just clinging to the bars over this walkway, and you can get so close to her and see her heartbeat and she just stares down at you with all her tentacles and it makes my heart blush. 100/10.
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Laurence, First Vicar — His human form, even though we just hear his voice, is an automatic yes, but this isn't about him, it's about his fucked up flaming transformation version. From the moment of the boss intro, it's obvious that he's just having a bad hangover, and I feel for him! I'll get a washrag and damped the flames before giving him a full bottle of Ibuprofen (I feel like he'd need all that) and taking a cuddle break with him on the altar. 8/10.
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Ludwig, the Holy Blade — Honestly....his second phase is sorta attractive, but he really just gives me dad vibes instead of husband vibes. 2/10.
This is the end of Tumblr post due to photo limit, second part will be reblogged!
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brb gonna go die cause my dog is too gorgeous
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hyzenthlayroseart · 3 years
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leatherbookmarking · 4 years
do you ever think about how xiyao.... like.... a-yao small, and er-ge big. both have lips (very interesting!) and hands. they physically cannot stop touching each other’s hands with their hands. they see each other and they’re like !!!!!!!!!its you!!!! its you!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!!!!! like two dogs who very much do not jump around barking excitedly anymore, so they think no one can tell they’re ECSTATIC but they forget their tails are wagging on full speed behind them. like fuck. xiyao are in love ohhhh fuck. they are wagging so hard
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averageprocrasti · 7 years
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a good $21.34 spent
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basedklee · 2 years
i read your infertility imagines. they were ok i guess (actually i didnt like them) but i believe your writing can be put to better use. can i request something? yandere genshin men reacting to just being mc's little side piece. like mc already has a committed, steady relationship, her men are just little boytoys she keeps around for when she gets bored.
it’s honestly truly terrifying how i can’t tell if this is a real ask or a joke ask sent by a friend, like i genuinely can’t remember if i’ve received a discord message informing me this would be sent and it shakes me to my core. regardless, i hope you enjoy these imagines anon! eat shit and die <3333333333
he’s very hurt, but he also feels like he should have known this was coming. throughout his upbringing, rhinedottir made it clear to him that if he could not perform at a level she was satisfied with she would abandon him, the implication that she would just start fresh with a better version of him always there.
it seems natural to him -- after years of being taught that it’s normal for your value as a person to be based on what you can do for the people around you -- that you would toss him aside as soon as you found someone better than him
but still. despite knowing he should just bow out as gracefully as he can, he tries to appeal to you until the very end.
during what he estimates to be the last few months of your relationship, he begins to study the new man in your life: your Snezhnayan Borzoi/Pug mix, Buttons, that you adopted a year after the two of you married. he follows the dog around the house with his sketchpad and pencil, jotting down notes and drawing sketches of the odd, gangly beast as he slept or ate or played
he takes careful note of everything about the creature you seem to find endearing -- the way he snorts and wheezes when he runs too fast/long, the way he scrabbles around on his spindly limbs and trips over his own paws as he runs, the way he often bonks his head on pieces of furniture and walls because of his night blindness -- everything so that he can make those traits his own and make you his once again
the “transformation” he has planned is almost complete after about four months, but you happen to go through his sketchbook while he’s in the shower and come across his plans, seeing the sketches of his multiple plans to replace Buttons (plan a was a fursuit, plan b was to change his physical form with alchemy, plan c was to fuse himself with Buttons... it went on through the alphabet to plan 20)
fear grips him when he walks out of the bathroom and sees you sitting on your shared bed with it in your lap, your beautiful face twisted up in an expression conveying an emotion even you yourself can’t name
Albedo... you say, shaking your head in disbelief as you lift up the sketchbook. What the hell is this?
the two of you stand there very, very awkwardly for about five minutes and 33 seconds as he tries to come up with an excuse. Any pretty lie that he can spit out that will save him from having to watch you walk out the door right at that moment.
he can’t come up with anything, though, and just starts crying. I had no choice. You were going to leave me for him, I just knew it.
My god. you say as you pull out your phone and schedule an appointment for him with the therapist you’ve been trying to get him to see, knowing he can’t weasel his way out of it by claiming he’s perfectly fine and normal any longer. I don’t know what exactly this is, but it must be the mommy issues again.
he snorts when you tell him he’s only your number two in a heated argument, not taking his gaze away from the sword he’s hammering. the rhythm of his strikes never breaking, he mutters just loud enough for you to hear, And did you think you were the only one for me?
you bite your tongue to keep from screaming at him, not wanting to disturb anyone. it’s dusk, the streetlights lining the roads around the smithy slowly blinking on and the people that are usually around, loitering the streets or tending to their own businesses, have turned in for the day. even schulz, who usually acts as an unwilling mediator between you two during fights like these, has left for the evening
it’s just you and wagner now, but even with it being just the two of you you still can’t seem to catch his eye. I did this for you! you mutter, stifling a sob. So you would look at me! So you would show me that you care.
Foolish. he grumbles, hammer still beating steadily against steel. If you want to go around, throwing yourself at any man that will take you, be my guest. I will never care.
you stagger back a half step as you struggle to swallow down another sob. maybe you brought this all on yourself. maybe this is all your fault for falling into swan’s arms in that single moment of weakness five months ago. maybe you should forget about wagner. finally give in and marry swan like he’s been asking you to for the past few weeks.
wouldn’t it be better for you to be loved by a man you only like than to love a man that can never even look at you? wouldn’t it be better for the baby to have a father that was willing to actually be there and attentive than a father that most likely wouldn’t even claim them if you told him the truth about your recent weight gain? wouldn’t it be better for wagner if you would just let him go? if you would just stop clinging to him uselessly and distracting him from his work? if you would stop deluding yourself into thinking you’re anything special to him
Did you ever love me? you whisper, unsure if he can hear over his hammering but deep in your hear knowing it doesn’t matter. you already know the answer
...Never. Not even for a second.
you swallow down one last sob and, shaking, turn to leave. I know it won’t mean anything, but I love you... Goodbye Wagner.
he waits until you’re streets away -- hurrying to Swan’s apartment where he awaits you with open arms -- to drop his hammer and brace himself against his worktable, a strangled sob wheezing out of him.
he hated hurting you and he detested allowing swan to have you (if any of you have forgotten this is a yandere post so he’s possessive and crazy but in a sexy way y’know?) but he just couldn’t be the man you deserved.
not after losing that drunken bet with cavalry captain kaeya six months ago that forced him to stand at his post in the workshop 24/7 for the next ten years
he tries to be strong when you tell him you’re dating not one, not two, but all three of the male members of his gang and that he’ll have to settle for fourth place after he casually asks you to be his one day
he tries to laugh it off, even. asking you if you’re joking or something because you must be, right? his boys -- his precious, precious boys. his buddies. his amigos -- would never keep such a big secret from him! especially when he had told them how he felt about you as soon as he fell in love at first sight seeing you totally wash the competition in the mochi eating competition you met at. they would never sneak around behind his back!
his heart sinks when the three of them peek their heads around the corner and start shuffling over to the two of you, each of them giving you a (tasteful!) slap on the butt as they walk up and take their positions around you. genta puts his arm around your waist while mamoru links arms with you and akira stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders
We’re sorry, Boss, we didn’t want you to find out like this... mamoru says, staring remorsefully at Itto (taking a quick pause to give you a tender kiss on the neck). It’s just... Y/N confessed to us and, well, you should know how irresistible they are since you wanted them first and all...
We... were definitely... going to... tell you... eventually... Boss... genta continues, giving you a kiss on the lips during each pause.
We really hope this doesn’t change things between us. We all still have nothing but the deepest respect for you, Boss, akira finishes as he massages your shoulders.
itto’s stomach twists, his heart severely conflicted.
on one hand, he was yandere for you. ever since he met you his body and soul has ached for you, the pain greater than the time he ate all that tofu and had the worst allergic reaction of his life. you were beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold. you had a magic that couldn’t be controlled. stronger than one... stronger than ten... stronger than a hundred men you were perfect and he wanted so desperately to have you but.
on the other hand, he was yandere for his gang. for a large part of his life, they and granny oni were all he could call truly his. they were some of the only people that truly understood him, or at least, made the effort to understand. their loyalty (outside of this little slip up), kindness, and bravery that he’s become so intimately familiar with throughout the years has entranced him just as his own greatness has entranced them
he couldn’t tell who he was more jealous of and who, as a yandere, he should get rid of
I... Need time to think... he says before walking away, his heart dashed in many ways.
Oh dear... you say as he finally leaves from view breaking away from genta’s lips to stare after him. I hope he’s not too upset. We did our best to break it to him delicately.
the members of your harem nod.
He just needs time. they assure you as they lead you back to the hideout to cuddle.
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worldwake · 3 years
How do you feel about burmese mountain dogs, rough collies, border collies, and for a bonus dog, borzois?
Thank you!!
Bernese Mountain Dogs my beloved... they're absolute sweeties with 0 brain cells and bodies filled with unending love. My grandparents have three and going to see them is just 🥺❤... they're probably the breed I have the most experience with outside of Labradors. Unfortunately the breed is extremely inbred as a result of being brought back from the brink of extinction and they have just God Awful amounts of health issues including giant-breed issues, and they tend to just Drop Dead around 6 or 7 and the thought just. Hurts. They're too sweet for it. Anyway they're great dogs, but plenty of work on longevity needs to be done in the breed. Their temperament is just Eternal Puppy it's very cute. They don't know how big they are
Rough Collies are pretty good! In terms of herding dogs they're not like my Number One; from what I've heard they're very very noisy, they do have some health issues, and they seem to require a fair amount of grooming given their coat (really really not a fan of the coat, especially on show-line males. I prefer the coats of Scotch Collies). They have nice muzzles and head shapes though, and I've heard they're fine dogs; I just don't like the appearance of show line Rough Collies in general.
Border Collies ALSO my beloved... I think show line Border Collies leave a lot to be desired (I'm so sorry but like 99% of them are like. Really really aesthetically unappealing I'm just not a fan of that stop or that rough coat at ALL), but sport and working line BCs are very pretty. There's something wrong with me but I love the intensity with which they look at things (the 👁👄👁); I admire their athleticism and their intelligence and I'm Obsessed with all the variation in the breed as well as their typically pretty stellar health. I hate to say it but I've been obsessed with Border Collies for years (literally to a hyperfixation extent), and while I've been told my lifestyle and what I want in a dog could suit one, I worry that I wouldn't be approved by a breeder being a first-time owner without experience with herding breeds and I worry there would be a chance I wouldn't be able to provide enough stimulation to satisfy a dog like that. And honestly the parts of the Border Collie community I've been exposed to outside of Tumblr are pretty... not great... in terms of the way they compare their dogs to others' and I don't really trust a lot of the breeders in my state (although there's a pretty big one here. They just give me weird vibes so it's a no.) Anyway I'm rambling but I'm in love with Border Collies and they're definitely one of my top dream dogs, I have a name and everything picked out and ready to go if I ever end up with one ❤
Borzois are lovely! I would like to own one one day, though from what I've heard, they can be pretty difficult to train in comparison to plenty of other breeds, and I like very quick and obedient breeds. Their muzzles and build in general are beautiful, and I think they're one of the prettiest sighthounds (right up there with Ibizans). They also have some giant-breed typical health issues, and breeders tend not to place them in homes without fenced yards/yards in general for obvious reasons, so it would be a Long time before I'd find myself in a position where I'd be able to own one. They're lovely though. Lovely
Have a great day!
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torterragarden · 4 years
Top 5 Dog breeds
You are an awful man for making me do this but thank you 
1. Borzois. I love how they are simultaneously very elegant and very goofy looking. I have not had the pleasure of meeting a Borzoi irl before but based on what I’ve read and heard of them, they sound like they have generally good dispositions, active and atheletic yet laidback, friendly, intelligent, few health problems. They just sound like a really good fit for me! I really hope to have one someday it’s honestly The Dream
2. Siberian Husky, I mean obviously I would love the dog that looks and sounds closest to a wolf. They’re so beautiful! Like, it’s just stupid how pretty they are, and of course they’re sweet and intelligent and affectionate, just. Good dogs! Excellent dogs!
3. Pitbulls. I have a fondness for dogs with reputations for being vicious when really that trait is not inherent in any breed, and Pitbulls have definitely been the most maligned for this and I hate hearing people talk about how Pitbulls jaws lock. It’s not true! No dog breed has a jaw that locks! Enough! Anyway, Pitbulls are sweet! They’re so friendly and affectionate and they’re adorable! I love their big boxy heads and their goofy smiles and their puppy eyes! I adore them. Pitbull Defense Squad
4. Rottweilers. Similar reasoning for Pitbulls, they’re very sweet dogs with an unfair reputation. When I was a kid I had a friend who had a Rottweiler and I adored that dog, she was so stupid and so sweet! Litchrally don’t understand how anyone could look at that dumbass dog and be like “idk she’s probably dangerous”. I love their little eyebrows. Just. Love them.
5. So since I can’t just say every other dog breed I’m gonna kind of arbitrarily pick Cocker Spaniels. Though really this whole list is arbitrary there is no dog breed that I dislike (well except for like, Pugs and Pekingeses and others that have horrific health problems, but obviously that’s not the breed’s fault it’s our fault for irresponsible breeding but you know what I’m saying). ANYWAY yeah I really love Cocker Spaniels part of that is definitely because Lady and the Tramp has always been one of my favorite movies but also like, name me something cuter than a Cocker Spaniel’s floppy ear. They’re so cute and sweet and I know all I’ve been saying about every breed is “they’re so cute and sweet” but it’s always true THEY’RE ALL GOOD DOGS SAINT
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maevesdarling · 5 years
The Terror/His dark Materials AU
I'm too busy to finish this right now but I thought I'd post some small scraps of what I wrote in the past few days about this AU. If you want a detailed list of everyone's daemons please say so. Let's be honest I'm gonna post it either way...
Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier had forced a smile on his face as he watched the people on the pier waving after the two ships. Some women were openly weeping after their husbands or sweethearts, their daemons pressed tightly against them in comfort.
Next to him, Meabh made a small boof sound in the back of her throat. Her dark gaze was fixed on the two women in the middle of the pier. Lady Jane was holding herself together as best as she could, her monkey daemon sitting on her shoulder, occasionally tightening the grip on her clothes when he felt himself slip on the fine satin. Francis didn't needed to see him to know that Sir John was watching her from the rear, his wolf daemon, Anthea, sitting dutifully at his side.
Next to Lady Jane stood Sophia, as beautiful as the day they had first met, dressed in an azure blue dress, her humming bird nestled into the crook of her neck.
He had loved her, once. Still loved her, in fact, and the sight of her fading in the distance made his heart clench in his chest.
"Let us talk to the lieutenants, Francis." Meabh insisted, stretching her elegant white paws. She could feel his growing melancholy. Francis tried to ignore her, he wanted to keep watching until the pier would vanish in the fine mist and all that was left of Sophia was the memories he kept with him. But the arctic fox wouldn't give up. She head-butted his knees softly, moving him along the rail. "Dwelling won't help us, Francis, you need to focus on the journey ahead instead of looking back."
She was right, of course. "Fine. Then let's go."
You could cut the tension inside the captains cabin with a knife. Francis was brooding, his form hunched over the small desk as he studied the papers in front of him.
Meabh was lying comfortably in the little basket Jopson had placed inside Francis berth. Normally she wouldn't use it and opt to sleep in Francis arms instead but she had been distant for a few days now. He had asked her repeatedly why she refused to talk to him but to his own surprise, did not get any answers.
The captain shook his head and downed the rest of the alcohol in his glass before focussing on the papers again but his vision was swimming.
"Argh, to hell with it." He mumbled before calling for his steward. "Jopson!"
Seconds later footsteps approached the cabin and Jopson stepped through the door, dutifully. His dog daemon, Maud, a beautiful black Borzoi dog, hot on his heels.
"Fetch me another drink, Thomas." He demanded, holding out the empty glass. Jopson looked sceptical towards his captain, he worried his bottom lip between his teeth as if he was contemplating about telling his captain to stop drinking, but decided against it.
"Very well sir." While he gathered the glass in his hands and moved to fill it, Maud stood awkwardly in the doorway, looking back and forth between Francis and Meabh. "You need to stop drinking, it's making her sick." The dog murmured which earned her a shushing from Thomas.
"Please excuse her, captain, she always speaks before thinking. She means no disrespect." He quickly set a full glass of whiskey in front of the Irishman before motioning the dog to his side. "Is that all?"
Francis nodded, dismissing the pair. Maud's words echoed through his head. Was Meabh really this sick? It was only a few glasses and he could hardly remember a time when he wasn't drunk in the past few months, surely she was used to it by now?
Squinting his eyes, he tried to get a better look at his daemon. She did looked quiet thin and some of her hair had fallen off on her flank but he couldn't feel any pain through their bond. A cold shiver ran down his spine when he realized he was in fact, not feeling anything, it was like she had blocked him out of her mind. Francis hands shook when he carefully traded them through her soft white fur. The arctic fox made the tiniest sound of pleasure in her throat. "I'm sorry old girl."
He inhaled audibly. "But I feel like it's too late for us to turn back now. I- I'm not strong enough. I tried, really I did." And with that he grabbed the whiskey and downed it in a single long gulp.
"Mister Jopson, can I talk to you for a second?" Lieutenant Little asked, knocking against the steward's door. Jopson was on his feet in a matter of seconds, fastening his coat over his night clothes. "What is it, lieutenant? Is something wrong with the captain?!" He asked hastily.
Maud had jumped up from the blanket she had been lying on, her ears poking up.
Lieutenant Little looked exhausted in the lamplight, his usually pristine uniform was crinkled in places and his hair looked unkempt. "No, Lord no!" He quickly said, holding up his hands. Bryony was perched on his shoulder.
Sometimes Jopson wondered what she must feel like sitting on the lieutenants shoulder like that. He had once seen a man with a trained parrot in the streets of London. The parrot was no daemon but merely a tamed animal. The man allowed people to pet him or put them on their own shoulders for a moment. It had looked uncomfortable through. The parrot's long claws would catch onto hair or pieces of clothing and he could see that especially children had struggled to carry the bird.
Was Bryony heavy? How did her feathers feel when they brushed against the lieutenants throat?
A small coughing startled him from his thoughts. "Excuse me, lieutenant. I was- caught up in my own thoughts."
Little waved him off, his posture relaxed ever so slightly. "I come to tell you that doctor MacDonald has asked you to take the morning off. He said the captain is feeling well enough that he won't need to be constantly overseen by the two of you. You should get some rest."
Thomas could feel a heavy weight lifting from his chest that has previously been pressing down on him. If the doctor said the captain was feeling better they were finally making some progress.
He had spend the last two weeks constantly by his captains side, cleaning up sick and spilled drinks, dabbing away the sweat from his feverish forehead and feeding him watery soup, Maud pressed tightly against Meabh's side, liking affectionately between her ears. She was fed a mixture of water and cedarwood to help her sleep even when Francis was awake. Doctor MacDonald had been worried about the captain and visited every hour, even during the night. Sometimes he was only half dressed, Seonag poking out of his pocket. Her spikes causing the fabric to bulge funny.
They had both lost a lot of sleep during the process.
"Thank you, lieutenant, but I can manage. Please tell the doctor I would rather spend my morning by the captains side."
Before he could finish his sentence, Little was already shaking his head. "Please, Jopson, just this once, allow yourself some rest. You earned it. Terror would be nothing without you." Bryony made a surprised caw noise and fluffed her feathers up, both of them looked extremely embarrassed.
"I- I mean-"
"Thank you." Jopson quickly said. "I mean it."
They both stared at each other for a moment, Jopson could feel his heart beating in his throat. "… Would- would you like to come inside to talk, lieutenant?" He asked, feeling bold all of sudden.
Little blinked in surprise. Bryony cawed and hopped up and down on his shoulder. "I would like that very much."
The first time he had touched Hartnell's daemon was after one of their many Bible studies. The kestrel was still sitting on the table, dangerously close to his own pidgeon daemon, Mhairi, and fluffing her feathers.
"She-" He cleared his throat. "She is quite beautiful." He said honestly, watching the kestrel in awe. Hartnell stopped in his tracks and watched the two daemons sitting next to each other but not quite touching. "Thank you." The AB said in a voice so low it could have been mistaken for the wind sweeping through the ship.
"I hope these lessons bring the two of you some peace." Irving said honestly, holding his hand out for Mhairi to climb on. She refused, tilting her head from one side to the other.
"They are, I feel a great peacefulness whenever I am around you- I mean whenever I am reading the- the Bible!" Hartnell spoke quickly, his face going beet red. Irving just stared at him, mouth opening and closing repeatedly.
"I am sorry." He finally said after a long pause, tears welling up in his eyes. "I am so, so sorry, mister Hartnell." The lieutenant sunk down in his chair pressing the backside of his hands against his eyes. He was so tired.
"What for, lieutenant? I don't understand?"
"I have misused your trust! You came to me in a moment of weakness and I wanted to help you, I thought the Lords words would help you with your pain, I thought if I only prayed hard enough the Lord would help both of us! But I just can't- I can't live with this feeling inside me any more, it feels like I'm being torn apart from inside!" His breathing was laboured, Mhairi tried to calm him down by flying up to his shoulder and nuzzling her beak into his neck. "Shhh, John, you need to calm down!"
And then there was another, featherlight touch against his face, where the kestrel sat on the other side of his shoulder. Both he and Hartnell took in a shaky breath, the younger man's eyes fluttered close for a short moment.
Touching another person's daemon was practically a taboo. The only people who would touch the other part of your soul were either family or partners and yet Hartnell looked pleased with the unfamiliar touch of Irving's shaking fingers in his daemons feathers, not humiliated or afraid. Was he really trusting him this much?
"It's alright, John, I wouldn't have come to you if I didn't wanted to be touched." The older man couldn't remember if he ever heard the kestrel speak before, he was kind of dumbstruck at the moment and so, instead of replying he carefully stroked the soft feathers on her underside, marveling at the feeling.
"We trust you, lieutenant. You won't hurt us. Please, if I can help you with the pain, I- I want to try." Hartnell tried, holding out his hands like Irving was a scared animal.
"I don't think you can help me with this, mister Hartnell." He said honestly.
By now Hartnell was right in front of him, filling his entire vision. "Are you sure?"
He ask, coming nearer and nearer. Irving couldn't help himself. A stronger man might have pushed the AB away, returned to his Bible studies and never spoken of what had just happened again. Irving was not a strong man. Or maybe he was for giving into the urge and allowing the younger man to press a light kiss to his lips.
They both moaned slightly into the kiss, Hartnell tipping forward and almost landing in the older man's lap. "Sorry- I'm so sorry, sir!" He apologized in horror but Irving stopped him with another kiss.
"No. Please. I've never felt this much clarity in my entire life. I- I'm happy."
Thomas smiled down at him. "Good. All I wanted was to make you happy."
Next to them, the pidgeon and kestrel were huddled together, so close their shapes seemed to become one.
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ownedbyaborzoi · 4 years
10 Random Questions ❤
10 Random Questions
Rule: Answer 10 random Questions and tag 10 simmers!
@igglemouse tagged me a while ago and I’m just now getting around to filling it out. Oops.
1. If you could travel one place in the world where would you travel?
Oh god I don’t know. I want to go back to Egypt and do all the sightseeing we didn’t do because we lived there and would do it later. I also would love to go someplace green and mountainy and on the ocean where I can hike with my dogs and enjoy wildlife and beautiful scenery.
2. What do you do in your free time away from sims?
Show dogs and running dogs is my passion, and when we’re not showing I love going hiking and just spending time with my dogs. My dogs take up most of my spare time.
3. What other games do you play besides the sims?
I mainly only play sims, but sometimes I’ll get back into showing petz.
4. How tall are you?
Like 5′6″ or so
5. One random interest of yours?
Besides animals? I like musical theatre
6. Current favorite bands or artists?
I don’t really have a favourite. I like classic rock and right now I’m really liking A Day To Remember
7. Something your looking forward to?
The Borzoi Club of America National Specialty, if it happens. It got rescheduled for September, so fingers crossed.
8. Current favorite films?
I don’t know that I really have one, honestly.
9. Who is a historical icon who has left an impact on your life?
I’m not sure any historical icon has left a personal impact on me. Other than like, the people who fought for feminism and women’s rights and general things like that. But nobody has impacted me on a personal, emotional level.
10. Favorite series (book or movie series)?
Oh god I don’t know. I’m so boring lol.
I’m not gonna tag anyone so just do this if you want to.
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Aric/Aedan Vernersson Character Survey
Basic Character Questions
First name? Aric. Psuedoname is Aedan 
Surname? Vernersson 
Middle names? Axel 
Nicknames? Brother 
Date of birth? September 23rd 
Age? Early to mid-twenties (died around his 25th birthday), but he's quite responsible for a young man. 
 Physical / Appearance
Height? 6'3
Weight? 240
Build? Buff but still soft. 
Hair color? Pale yellow/white. 
Hairstyle? Long, thick and wavy hair that is usually pulled back 
Eye color? Silver 
Glasses or contact lenses?: He wears glasses when he has to do a lot of writing or reading for eyestrain, but other than that, he has excellent vision. 
Distinguishing facial features? He's not big on shaving, so he generally has some form of facial hair. 
Which facial feature is most prominent? His jawline. 
Which bodily feature is most prominent? His arms or his monster hands. 
Other distinguishing features? Bright silver eyes. 
Skin? Tawny brown, like his mother's. 
Hands? Ginormous meat hooks. 
Makeup? Not his thing. Lucio made him put on his eyeliner once. It melted in the sun, and he swore it off because it burned his eyes. 
Scars? His hands are a little rough, and he's got a few cuts up his arms, but nothing too pronounced. 
Birthmarks? Some darker brown pigmentation on the back of his arms. Pretty faint. 
Tattoos? He has some sun paintings (one on each pec) reminiscent of the rock art from his village on his chest in a dark sienna color.
Physical handicaps? Bone spurs on his heels, but that's just an annoyance. 
Type of clothes?: It depends on what he's doing. In the palace, he wears grey and charcoal with red and gold accents. When he's just going about his day, he wears lightweight linens in a rainbow of colors. 
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc.) Like I said, the boy has bone spurs on his heels, so they were already giant monster feet, but that just adds to their length. He takes good care of his feet. He likes high-quality boots and shoes. (Unlike his sister who would go barefoot everywhere.)
Race / Ethnicity?: His father is from Lucio and Morga's tribe, and his mother is one of the southern tribes on the frozen sea. (A/N: for all intents and purposes, I write them as Swedes/Post-Spanish Mission  Chumash Indians because...that's what Kristen (Celeste) and Erik (Aric) are.) 
Are they in good health? Aric was always in generally good health. Until he wasn't... 
Do they have any disabilities? None to speak of. 
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(image of Chumash Rock art for tattoo reference) 
What words or phrases do they overuse? "Yeah, Bud!" 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic 
Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? Nope. You won't find a more chill, friendly guy. 
What bad habits do they have? Nail-biting and hair pulling (trichotillomania, but he has to be very, very anxious) 
What makes them laugh out loud?: So many things. And at inappropriate times. 
How do they display affection? Gifts, acts of service. 
How do they want to be seen by others? Reliable, approachable, trustworthy.
Strongest character trait? Seeing the best in others. 
Weakest character trait? Blind loyalty. 
How competitive are they? Very. 
How do they react to praise? He loves hearing praise and being told he's doing a good job. It gives him warm fuzzies. 
How do they react to criticism? He is very open to criticism as long as it's constructive. 
What is their greatest fear? Not being able to save his loved ones. 
What are their biggest secrets? He's an open book. Except for that whole...fake name-Lucio is my cousin thing. (Which he is not terribly good at hiding) 
What is their philosophy of life? How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
What haunts them? His mother's face when he left home. 
What will they stand up for? Anyone, anytime. 
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Outdoorsy. 
What is their sinful little habit? He wouldn't consider it immoral, but he does indulge in some of the magician's...herbal remedies. 
What sense do they most rely on? Sight. 
How do they treat people better than them? As equals
How do they treat people worse than them? As equals
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Temperance.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?   Probably would do better to realize that some people just can't be reached, but damned if he doesn't try. 
What is their obsession? Fishing and his dog. 
What are their pet peeves? People that touch his food without permission. Aedan doesn't share food! He will buy your food! NO TOUCH. (Though Celeste will note that he has no compunction about stealing her food.) 
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Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?: Small. Mama, Papa, Sister, and Him. There is, of course, the extended family and his tribe, but the core group was relatively small. 
What is their perception of a family? Family is the most important thing. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?: One sister. Same age. 
Describe their best friend. Bit of a ditz. Funny (though it's unclear if he means to be). Dog lover. Drinking buddy. 
Ideal best friend? Someone not afraid to throw their stuff in a satchel and get lost for a day. Bonfire under the stars. Loves dogs. Not scared of touching fish. 
Do they have any pets? Ebba! Borzoi like M & M but with big brown patches and knows how to mind. 
 Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?: He was a happy, inquisitive baby. He was rough and tumble, always on the go. Occasionally he’d scare himself (falling) but he only needed to be told that he was okay and he’d keep on going. 
Did they grow up rich or poor? They had no real need for money unless they were traveling, and then they mostly traded for what they needed.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured. 
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Left them. Wasn't his idea, though. Still feels terrible.
What are their ambitions? Getting to be free and live his own life. 
What smells remind them of their childhood? Woodfire. Briny seawater. Spice. 
What was their childhood ambition? Be the head of the rowers that went out to the islands. 
What is their best childhood memory? Traveling with dad to the surrounding tribes and making friends with other kids. 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No. He had so many friends he didn't have time for imaginary ones. 
Do they believe in love at first sight? Maybe? His parents had an arranged marriage, and he thinks that's pretty fine.  He likes getting to know people to make sure that what he's feeling is real. 
How do they behave in a relationship? He's all about making his partner feel cherished and comfortable. He likes to move slow...ish. 
What sort of sex do they have? He's not exactly wild. But, he's open-minded. 
Has your character ever been in love? Sure. 
Have they ever had their heart broken? Nah. If he parts with people, it's amicable. 
How do they respond to a threat? Try to reason. If not, try to subdue with as little injury as possible. 
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists, honestly. If it comes to that. Even then, he'd probably just try to wrestle and pin them. 
What is your character's kryptonite? The concept of someone he cares about being hurt. 
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? His dog. Not an object, but things aren't that important. 
How do they perceive strangers? Never met one. 
What are their phobias? Ophidiophobia, so it's probably good that he never really got to know Asra because Faust would have scared him to death. 
What is their choice of weapon? If he had to really fight, he'd use a one-handed battle-ax. 
What living person do they most despise? Valdemar, but living and person are both kinda uncertain terms. 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? No. Even if he was, it wouldn't bother him. 
Where do they go when they're angry? For a walk. 
 Work, Education, and Hobbies
What is their current job? Head guard of the palace. 
What do they think about their current job? Get to hang out with his bud most of the time, so that's pretty neat. Could do with less having to enforce his stupid decrees (which he finds ways around if he can.) 
What are some of their past jobs? Fisherman and hunter. 
What are their hobbies? Fishing, hunting, falconry, reading. 
Educational background? No formal education. Dad taught him how to read and write, but he didn't have much use for either of those skills until he came to Vesuvia. 
Intelligence level? Himbo-lite. 
Do they have any specialist training? Jack of all trades, master of none. 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Rowing and wrestling. 
What is their socioeconomic status? Upper class? Lucio pays well. 
What is their favorite animal? Ebba. 
Which animal to they dislike the most? Snakes. 
What place would they most like to visit? He'd like to travel like his dad did before his parents got married, but he's not picky. 
What is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen? Poppy fields! 
What is their favorite song? No Hurry - Zac Brown Band
Music, art, reading preferred? Reading but music is a close second. 
What is their favorite color? Green or blue. 
Favorite food: Grilled stuffed portobello mushrooms with bleu cheese. 
What is in their fridge: Beer, red wine (that hefty stuff that leaves long tendrils when you swirl it. he likes to chew his wine). Meat, cheese, mushrooms, bread, a lot of veggies. 
What is on their bedside table? Reading glasses and a book. 
What is in their pockets? Money. 
What is their most treasured possession? His dog. But calling her a possession feels terrible. 
Do they believe in the afterlife? Sure. 
What are their religious views? He believes in spiritual guides, and he believes in magic. Though he is sadly more like his father than his mother in that he really can't cast.
Are they superstitious? He's a little 'stitious. 
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A peregrine falcon. 
How would they like to die? Not the way he did, that's for sure. That sucked. 
What is your character's spirit guide? Duckhawk! 
What is their zodiac sign? Libra. 
 Daily life
What are their eating habits? An army marches on their stomach. He always makes sure to have a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
Do they have any allergies? Just pollen. 
Describe their home. The palace. His room is pretty spartan. Bed, dresser, desk, couple side tables, mirror. 
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist. 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Try to get to the bath before everyone else does. 
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Nap or go for a hike out in the woods. 
What do they do on a Friday night? Drink with Lou. 
What is the soft drink of choice? If such a thing existed, it would be original Coke. 
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? He's an appreciator of fine whiskey and wine. But, he won't turn his nose up at a good ale or cider. 
What is their character archetype? The hunter. 
Who is their hero? His dad. 
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Thor. 
Are they comfortable with technology? Ehhhh. Not really. He can use it but would rather not. 
If they could save one person, who would it be? He couldn't pick. 
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Linnea. 
What is their favorite proverb? Friendship is love with understanding. 
What is their greatest extravagance? Gifts. He buys gifts like the world will end tomorrow. 
Do they believe in happy endings? Sure. 
What would they ask a fortune-teller? Am I doing the right thing?
@vesuviasfastestcourier​ Will this help until I can write more Aedan fic? :)
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Ok, @topaxi said they’d like a post of all the animals I’d like to get so here it is.(under the read more because I am insane and there is so much)
This is a lot (and I know I’m not going to get everything on the first go so this is a work in progress) so let’s start with the smaller categories.
The first category is something I will never actually own because A) I am autistic so a lot of loud noises is something that I CANNOT handle and B) I don’t have the time to devote to them that I would need to keep them happy.
Birds: African Grey Parrot, Cockatoo, some kind of dove or pigeon, and a chicken. As you can probably tell, I haven’t put a ton of thought into these because I know I will never really own a birb.
Reptiles: Tortoise, preferable and African Spurred, but I’d take something smaller. I just think they’re neat. A bearded dragon because they’re hecka cool and cute. I really want some type of snake but my sister is deathly afraid of them so they’re a no-go if I want her in my life even a little bit. 
Amphibian: Axolotl. Have you seen them? THey’re awesome. I don’t want to maintain an aquarium, otherwise I’d have one by now. But maybe someday I’ll be patient enough to have an aquarium pet. 
Cats: An Oriental shorthair. I like long faces and they have a dumb meow. I mostly want a white one right now, but that might change and I might want another if I do get my white guy. I’d also take a maine coone, a savannah cat, an ocecat, or just rescue who is just right. I’m gonna be honest, I’m not much of a cat person but I believe they’re closer to the supernatural than other animals and I’m terrified of anything supernatural so when I move out on my own I’m gonna need a cat of my own to help me out with that stuff. Mostly because i like pets to be guardians and protect me just as much as I protect them and the most and least I expect for protection is warning when there is something there that shouldn’t be.
Rabbits: I will probably never get another rabbit, honestly. Larry is my entire world and I adore my other two rabbits, so I can’t see me being able to move on and get another rabbit if any of them pass. And they are a lot of work that I just am not sure I want to commit myself to again with the dogs that I want to get. However, I do still dream of having a sandy and fawn flemish giant (gotta catch ‘em all), a rex, a french lop, a holland lop, a dutch, and probably any other breed that I see.
Foxes: I just want a fox. I’m not picky. I just think they’re cool. Again, I never will because they’re too much work and require too much time and aren’t really good with any other pet, especially rabbits, but I can dream.
Farm animals: I want a cow, a goat, a couple sheep, a pig, and a horse. I’m not picky about what kind for any of them. Except maybe the horse. Let me do some research and get back to you. But, unless I win the lottery, they’re just not financially viable and, again, I don’t have the time to give them the care they need.
And now the big category, Dogs.
First is another collie. I’m not sure I’d stop at just one more because they’re great dogs, but I also can’t imagine owning more than two at once because I work in a grooming salon so I know exactly what they need in that regard and there’s only so much work that I want to bring home. But, specifically, I’d ideally get another sable merle, or just sable, from the same breeder I got Barkley from. Preferably same parents and everything so they’re siblings. I think that’d be cute. Oh, and I want a girl this time. 
Then, I want to rescue a greyhound. They look so dumb and are so funny and I love them. They’re super fragile, though, or at least that’s what I’m told, so I need a lot more financial stability before I can even consider that. Plus more room. I believe our house is big enough for another dog, but not a greyhound. 
Borzoi. Named Z. Because I have a friend who, for a while, really like that “the birds work for the bourgeoisie,” meme so I think it’s funny. Plus, I was watching Ocean’s 8 and the ex-boyfriend is shown walking two of them for a moment and I thought they were beautiful dogs that look like number 1 and number 2 on my list mixed together so I immediately thought that I need all 3 so I could have the whole trilogy.
A border collie. They’re probably my favorite breed but I have a mental block that I can’t get one without replacing Midnight so I want a blonde female to get as opposite from him as possible. (Her name was going to be what I’m going to name my next collie, but it’s more fitting for the collie now that I’ve decided to get another) There are generally more health problems for blonde border collies, though, and you’re almost guaranteed to have to buy them from breeders, which I don’t especially want to do. I mean, I’m fine with going through a breeder for collies but I’d rather rescue for other breeds. I don’t know why but that’s where I’m at right now.
Great Dane. I want a horse dog. I’ve always loved big dogs, in general if an animal has a large size I want it. And there’s this one named Pip who comes to my work and he’s so big and so much fun and I adore him so I want one now.
Irish Wolfhound. I think wire hair looks really cool and, again, I like big dogs, so I’ve wanted this breed for years. About 10 years, to be specific. One named Castiel comes to work for nails and I talked mom into letting me brush him out one time and damn, did he look good.
Smooth Saint Bernard. Purely because of a dog named Daisy who came to my work and she was the sweetest girl. She recently passed, about three months ago I believe, and I cried when I heard.
Standard Poodle. I don’t really want a curly coated dog because that doesn’t seem like fun daily maintenance, but I really love the way black standard poodles look. Especially with a clean face and clean feet. Plus there are so many fun, cute haircut options to play around with. 
Shih-tzu, Maltese, or Japanese Chin: I won’t actually own a small dog, until maybe when I’m old, but they’re all real cute.
Pit Bull. They’re so cute and sweet and I love them so much. 
Old English Sheepdog and/or Bearded Collie. They just look like such big dumbs and I love that in a dog.
Bull Terrier. I’m a sucker for long faces and they’re basically nothing but a long face.
Afghan Hound. They’re similar to Borzois to me, honestly. Just long face skinny bois with long hair. Which I like.
Smooth Collie. Specifically blue merle. I hate the way that color pattern looks on rough collies, but I think it looks fly as hell on smooths.
To be honest, I would love to own any herding breed other than a german shepherd. And I have a type, I love the long, sleek, skinny bois. (And american eskimo was never on this list, nor would it ever have made it, but I love Oso to death and he has made it so I have the most patience with eskies at work because they need to be handled a specific way and he has taught me the correct way)
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summercourtship · 5 years
I know you said it was a joke but honestly, the idea of getting a lik tatto of something in reference to lucio is such a cool idea?? Like a tiny gauntlet, a dainty white rose, two cute borzois, etc. I got an idea of the designs in my head but they’re to difficult to explain geez
I would definitely get a white rose because it also has other symbolism attached to it- not that you need a symbolic reason (white roses are also very beautiful in general), and that is more in the type of tattoos that I could see myself getting (im totally getting some literature inspired ones and maybee a phantom one once i figure out what i want). What can I say, I like flowers. 
I think it’s def a cool idea, and I love the concept of having a tattoo that has a secret meaning that only you really know. I like secrets. 
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Ocean’s 8
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It’s a scientific fact that every single time I watched the Ocean’s 8 trailer, I got 3-6% more gay. Listen, I recognize that this is another in a long slew of unnecessary sequels that we’re getting in 2018 (did you know they’re making a fucking Bumblebee movie??) but I will show up for every single one if they’re all comprised of 8 fantastic, interesting, kickass women like this. Also if Cate Blanchett could wear exquisitely tailored suits in all of them, that would be great too. But let’s get back to reality - clearly this is catnip for ladygays all over the world, but is there actually anything TO this sequel/reboot (sequoot?) of the classically cool franchise? Well...
There are bits and pieces of commentary verging on incisive, but for the most part this is a fun and frothy collection of competent women doing illegal things incredibly stylishly. If you don’t think you’re going to like that, first of all, literally why are you reading my blog, I can’t imagine there is anything here for you at all. Second of all, I get the argument that women should be able to have their own stories, independent of the male-driven intellectual property of old, and I agree with that! But you know who’s lazy? Hollywood. They’re not going to buy something untested if they can just make a reboot of something tried and true - they’re just not. I agree that’s shitty, but I also would rather have 10,000 female-driven reboots than 10 female-driven original narratives. Honestly, why not both?? So back to Ocean’s. The movie centers on Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), sister of Danny, newly released from prison after 5 years. During that time, she planned a heist at the Met Gala to rival all jewelry heists, and now that she’s out, she rounds up a team to help her pull it off...and to frame her ex-boyfriend (Richard Armitage) for the crime. 
Some thoughts:
This is a spoiler that’s not a spoiler because the studio spoiled it first, so I’m complaining about it. The promotional photos and the most recent trailer showed Anne Hathaway with the rest of the team (because she’s the 8th in Ocean’s 8). But it’s kind of a big plot twist that she gets roped into the heist, and for the first 75% of the movie she’s completely oblivious to the scheme. I just feel like this would have been a really cool twist but the audience is already clued in that it’s coming, and the trailers try to make her seem like a victim of the heist but then also show her as an accomplice...I just really disagree with how this was all marketed.
Ok now to the things that were excellent - basically everything else. I loved all of these different personalities playing off each other, and the fact that 3 of the female leads are WOC, and 1 is a lesbian just...unf. *kisses fingers like an Italian chef*
Did I mention Cate Blanchett and the tailoring? And that Debbie only ever refers to her as Lou or “my partner”? And that she rides motorcycles? And that half her looks incorporate leather? She’s like a lesbian siren robot created by the Australian government to lure queers to our doom.
As if that weren’t enough, Richard Armitage is literally dressed like a goddamned king at the Met Gala and he plays kind of a douchey artist who owns two fussy borzois and even though he’s the bad guy who set up Debbie so she would go to prison for his low-level cons, he’s still got kind of a scruffy bad idea vibe about him that shouldn’t work but really does and I just *vibrates away into outer space*
Honestly, though, the movie belongs to Anne Hathaway as Daphne Kluger, the temperamental actress who is wearing the jewels being stolen. Her performance shifts from shrewd to flighty to insecure to cutting on a dime, and Hathaway does an incredible job of showcasing a lot of the vapidity of what it means to be a mega-celebrity. She’s just having a ball here and it shows.
James Corden is also a bright spot (because he is used sparingly) as the very intense insurance investigator trying to find the stolen jewels.
I got really excited about the couple of cameos from the original Ocean’s trilogy, and I felt like both were executed very well.
While the cinematography is not quite as funky and interesting as Soderbergh’s in Ocean’s 11, the editing and pacing are interesting enough to fit in with the other entries in the series. 
What can I say, I’m a sucker for heist movies, and I am especially a sucker for heist movies starring beautiful and badass women. I told Wife afterwards, “Now you really need to see Ocean’s 11,” and she says, “Mmm I mean, I’m sure it’s fine, but I just really would rather watch a movie where all those cool women are doing stuff.” And you know what? Same. 
Fuck you, John Mulaney, women can pull of heists just fiiiiiiine.
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xmarvelstanx-blog · 7 years
I just.... Everyone keeps making the note that Loki would probably prefer Friggason over anything, but I honestly feel like (because he's stubborn af and has a hard time believing people actually care about him and would protect him despite vulnerability) Loki wouldn't take a surname. He'd refuse. He's just LOKI and he hates that because he's /alone/ but he doesn't belong anywhere else. He's a frost giant but is he really? They're huge, they have no hair - magic user or not, he's not a Jotun, not quite. He's not an Asgardian either.
And so they get to Earth and he's LOST okay. He's sort of attached to Thor, but it's very loose thread that could snap at any moment.
And Midgard is awful. Everything dies so quickly and Loki /hates/ it because he's used to having things last so long.
And maybe, just maybe after they save the planet, Loki gets a pet. I'm super fond of dogs so lets just say a Borzoi and maybe it was meant to be Bruce's (Thor got it for him) but it will hardly even look at Bruce, it always follows Loki, and it's not /fair/ how fragile the thing is, but he protects it because it cares about him in a way that others haven't before - it doesn't see difference and its loyalty is unwavering.
And maybe people start to see he isn't so bad - you know after helping save the galaxy and adopting a dog and all.
And then maybe, just maybe people start to look up to him and Loki has no idea what to do with /that/.
And he pretends it doesn't matter, but at night he'll look on the internet on one of Stark's infernal Starkpads and look at what people have to say and that's how he starts realizing that there's so many different people out there and none of them are the same. Humans are so wildly different - their planet had /so many/ different kinds of life.
And suddenly Loki realizes maybe he does belong somewhere - and yeah, it's awful that everything lives so short, but nothing beautiful ever lasts as someone pointed out in response to one of his quotes the media had taken and twisted.
And that's how Loki becomes the most fierce protector of Earth out of all the Avengers and even when the Asgardians eventually leave Earth to find a better home for themselves, Loki stays behind because Earth is his home now.
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