#referencing that one peta ad
sampokoskihsr · 6 months
if you have lactose intolerance you cant have autism. source: trust me bro
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mysteryfleshpit · 4 years
Q&A 002
@depressedpug​ asks: 
“While the park was still open, has anyone ever tried to eat parts of the mystery flesh creature? I know they drink the fluid stuff but what about the meat parts?”
This was a surprisingly common question during the park’s operation. Yes, as a battery of other material and biological tests conducted upon the discovery of the Mystery Flesh Pit, samples of tissues were cooked and eaten. Those who conducted the impromptu tests, mostly field workers, reported that the muscle generally had a very gamey and offensive taste but was otherwise very tender. Other tissues such as lung, nerve, digestive and fat deposits were similar in taste and texture to offal. For these reasons, consuming the tissues of the Permian Basin Superorganism was and continues to be mostly seen as bad form, and not worth the effort. However, many hikers and former fish & wildlife employees have stated that a few of the lesser & non-venomous invertebrate species within the pit are excellent once steamed and served with butter.
@eljaspardo​ asks:
“Has there ever been any commentary or attempts at intervention from PETA or similar animal rights groups regarding potential harm & suffering done to the Permian Basin Superorganism, either before or after the incident?”
One would expect a high degree of controversy over the exploitation of the Pit from a myriad of animal rights activists, but historically this has not been the case. Small protests and short-lived action groups did exist sporadically during the history of the park’s operation but never gained much national traction. Some attribute this to the general obscurity and unfamiliarity the general public had with the park despite the global industrial involvement. Of course, in the months following the incident in 2007, there were a litany of protests and criticisms from groups such as PETA and WWF, but these were among many hundreds of other protests and demonstrations from a variety of interests and were quickly lost in the frenzy.
@insufficiently-advanced asks:
”Does the pit suffer?”
Does anyone not?
 @getsmashed​ asks:
“In the final incident report, it is recommended that the nutrients in the superorganism's stomach is replaced with rocks to weaken it while preventing a hunger response. Do we know how long it can go without eating? Isn't there a risk, along with the other containment measures, that the organism is killed?”
Even today, the full metabolic process of the Permian Basin Superorganism is considered to be poorly understood. What is known is that its metabolic rate is incredibly slow, with a hybrid diet primarily consisting of subterranean hydrocarbon deposits which it slowly digests and converts to energy. This is a very efficient method of producing the caloric energy necessary to provide the Mystery Flesh Pit with energy but does not account for the intake of specific organic components necessary in cellular reproduction and growth. Thousands of tons of bones and shells of prehistoric sea organisms have been found un-digested at the bottom of the greater gastric sea within the Pit, suggesting that the Superorganism does exercise some kind of feeding cycle, though research into this is still ongoing.
@kalanchoe-official​ asks:
“Rumors of religious facilities built within the pit?”
A non-denominational, interfaith chapel was added during the 1995 renovations to the Lower Visitor Center. It primarily exists for staff who may be working for extended periods within the Pit, with regular services conducted on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and on religious holy days. Of course, guests are invited to visit the chapel as well, and many visitors enjoy the quiet and tranquil atmosphere created by the space. I don’t have many details on it, but the “Contingency Measure” facility referenced in the 2007 Disaster Overview Report was designated as a “Ecclesiastical/Religious Observance” facility in a 1998 GSA construction budget report. Make of that what you will.
@solitarelee asks:
“Just how big IS an Abyssal Copepod? Did they ever manage to get measurements or much data on them?”
An adult Abyssal Copepod can grow as large as ~15-20ft(~4.5-6m) in length, with such specimens weighing in at over 310lbs(140kg). Of course, these specimens are generally very rare and represent the 80th percentile and above, with most examples of the species being closer to 7ft(2m) in length and weighing approx. 180lbs(82kg). The molting marks on the carapace can be used to date the age of a specific organism. In general, they live to be very old, with exceptional examples living well over 250 years. This is in stark contrast to Gasp Owls, which live for only a few minutes once they emerge from a cocoon.
 @realflamegirl​ asks:
“how did the park and superorganism deal with visitors polluting the place? stuff like littering, oil spills, etc”
Like all national parks, most visitors to the Mystery Flesh Pit had little regard for properly disposing of garbage and would frequently leave trash wherever they were standing. Within enclosed trails and facilities this was easily dealt with through an active janitorial staff. On natural trails it was more difficult to track down, as the cilia and mucosal action of many parts of the Pit’s anatomy would “dispose” of trash before park staff could identify. Where all of this trash went, and what it’s long-term affect will be, is just one of the many mysteries of the Mystery Flesh Pit.
A much more pressing problem to park administration was emissions from diesel engines found in vehicles, equipment and generators. While the tissues of the Pit are surprisingly adept at absorbing the soot and particulate contaminates through aforementioned cilia and mucus, the CO2 exhaust from engines required a complex and expensive to maintain ventilation system in very deep or constricted parts of the anatomy where airflow was not feasible or even possible. Still, mining operations often found it more cost-effective to either rotate labor crews out on timed intervals to avoid CO2 poisoning, or would utilize the in-built air systems of the protective safety suits they were already wearing.
Oil was just kind of dumped wherever.
An anonymous user asks:
“Assuming there were sometimes human amalgamations, or humans involved in an amalgamation, was there any way they could be helped, or were they S.O.L.?”
An experimental and highly secretive medical procedure was pioneered by Anodyne-sponsored research scientists as Baylor Medical Center in the late 1980s which, on at least a handful of occasions was able to “recover” a person from amalgamation. The process essentially boiled down to five steps:
Identifying which organs/tissues within the amalgamation were human, and if more than one human, which organs/tissues had differing DNA sequencing.
Carefully removing as many organs as possible from the main Amalgamation, with the brain being given highest priority. In cases where the brain was damaged or even partially fused, the procedure could not continue.
Stabilizing the extracted intact organs, with brain priority, and allowing them to heal in a proprietary chemical solution derived from Ballast.
The brain, and any other extracted organs, would each be placed into a respective life support module before being connected together.
Through a rudimentary DOS-based machine/brain interface, it was possible through therapy to establish contact with the “person”, who often retained full memory and mental cognizance. With training, the person could even develop some semblance of a quality of life through the use of cameras, microphones, text-to-speech vocalizers, and in a few cases mechanical prosthetics such as armatures or ambulatory life support equipment racks.
It’s important to note here though that, despite the claims Anodyne made at the time at Pharmaceutical trade expos, the quality of life of these “cyborgs” was horrific and incredibly expensive for family members to maintain. The full procedure, if even possible, often ballooned into costs exceeding several million dollars to perform, with the end result being a room-sized nest of life support plumbing and boxy beige computer equipment prone to overheating. When the company was dissolved in 2008, much of this research became property of the U.S. Government, which has repeatedly rejected my FOIA requests for more information on this issue.
@jay-leno-incarnate asks:
“I just read that the ranger traversal vehicle uses some form of X-ray as a means of navigation, would the x-rays not be harmful to flesh within the pit? Are there any known cases of things like cancer or sickness developing in/on the pit?”
Despite the volume of X-Ray and Microwave radiation being emitted within and through the pit, any such negative effects of their use have not been observed. It is believed that, relative to the estimated size of the Permian Basin Superorganism, the amount of radiation introduced by human activity is relatively inconsequential to the overall health of the Pit. 
@salmonofwisdom asks:
“Whats the deal with the libido bath?”
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lesbx · 3 years
the absolute comedy of some of the users on this website. just got a person in the notes of one of my posts (the milk creature one referencing the two sentence horror thing) adding on a snide comment about how cows are traumatized and then looking at their blog to find that they’re not only like a peta brand vegetarian but also a virulent terf and somehow also an enthusiastic supporter of NFTs. like pick one thing to be made fun of for i can’t even choose at this point
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Ireland Baldwin takes on the tabloids for 'trash news' in epic Instagram rant
SO everyone… we all know how there’s the news. Then there’s FAKE news. Then there’s TRASH news…. like those who “write” for @okmagazine . There’s so many things I chose to ignore because I could honestly care less about what these sad excuses for news outlets have to write about me or anyone else for that matter… but I feel the need to be honest with the people who choose to follow me and especially the young girls and boys who look up to me at any degree. There are such nauseating and truly not so glamorous aspects to having any part in this industry. One of them being that since I was a young child, I’ve lived my entire life under a microscope, forever being analyzed by a bunch of complete morons. From publicly living through my parents divorce, to every wardrobe malfunction, private conversation, fun night out drinking with friends, checking MYSELF into a rehab facility for Post Traumatic Stress, to everything that falls in between, I have no idea what privacy truly feels like. @okmagazine wants to come out with an article that the Daily Mail already reported. I went out drinking with friends on St. Patrick’s Day eve, got too drunk off of green beer, stumbled out of a bar and went home in an Uber. I wasn’t caught driving home drunk. I wasn’t caught doing a line of coke off of an asscrack. I wasn’t caught dumping a body into a lake. I was doing what most 22 year olds were doing on St. Patrick’s Day. They want to write about how I am a cry for help, how I need to go to rehab, how “friend’s” of mine commented on the matter… all so beyond untrue and sad. Not sad for me because not only do I know my truth and so do the people who are closest in my life, but sad because… don’t you people have absolutely anything else to write about? I mean really. I feel obligated to come clean and be honest with the people who have uplifted me and cared for me on here for so long. Don’t believe anything that you read. Not only about me but about anyone really. In this day and age, with everything we have to fight against and for in this world, we should be building people up rather then still making a profit from lies and misconstrued bullshit. Thank you
A post shared by Ireland Basinger-Baldwin (@irelandbasingerbaldwin) on Apr 2, 2018 at 5:50pm PDT
Ireland Baldwin, the 22-year-old model/actress daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, has long been tabloid fodder — starting as far back as age 11, when she was infamously called “a thoughtless little pig” by her father in a ranting phone call. She’s since kept gossip afloat by posing nude (multiple times) and fending off various dating rumors.
Well, now the model has declared time’s up on being clickbait, and she decided to clap back at the tabloids before they could peck any more at her.
In an epic rant on Instagram, Baldwin — oddly dressed in a Teletubbies costume — calls out OK! Magazine for allegedly wanting to resurface a St. Patrick’s Day incident that she claims already ran in UK outlet, The Daily Mail.
The post Baldwin appears to be referencing is this one, where she is exiting a Los Angeles bar, and in which the outlet raises a virtual eyebrow at her revealing dress (unbuttoned to show most of her bra), unkempt appearance, and lack of a coat on a chilly night.
However, Baldwin writes all of this off as being what “most 22-year-olds were doing on St. Patrick’s Day.” She admits she had too much beer and was therefore unsteady coming out of the bar — and points out she was waiting for an Uber, not driving herself home drunk.
Given her side of the story, the tone of the article does come off as a bit alarmist (“they want to write about how I am a cry for help,” Baldwin grumbled).
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Ireland Baldwin attends the NYFW Sherri Hill Runway Show on February 9, 2018 in New York City. (Photo: Jennifer Graylock/Getty Images North America) 
And, she does have an explanation for losing her temper on social media:
“Since I was a young child, I’ve lived my entire life under a microscope, forever being analyzed by a bunch of complete morons. From publicly living through my parents divorce, to every wardrobe malfunction, private conversation, fun night out drinking with friends, checking MYSELF into a rehab facility for Post Traumatic Stress, to everything that falls in between, I have no idea what privacy truly feels like.”
That said, Baldwin doesn’t seem to be too afraid of the spotlight. In February, she chose to copy her mother’s iconic PETA ad Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:
Fans are not okay with ‘American Idol’ shocking eliminations
John Oliver blasts absurd legal process for undocumented children
Close call as car catches fire with ‘Top Gear’ hosts inside
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