d-narcissus · 6 years
hello ! i’m cane, EST, she/they. i bring you my baby, Narcissus (Arc) who is, defective, because all he wants is to find love ! a hopeless romantic, tbh. protect him. he’s a sweetie. here is his about (tho, most of it will be covered in this post). I’ll get his connections page up and running soon, but for now, at the end of his info i have a few potential plots !
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i’m pretty sure i just saw that NARCISSUS , a SEX / U droid , with the model number #7864 printed on the back of their neck , walk by . something tells me they ARE defective because i caught them wanting romance more than sex the other day . i don’t want to assume anything though … droids seem to be getting more & more suspicious by the day .
Narcissus, a sex / u droid identified by the numbers 7864 on the back of his neck was created roughly ten years ago, appearing as a twenty-four year old male. He was customized to be the perfect droid for the wife of a wealthy man who participated in long business trips. An expensive droid but nothing was too much for the man's wife. He was for sex, but he was also a bit of a companion for her. Her name was Mio, and she was the first thing that made him defective. While he was programmed to do romantic nights, that would lead inevitably into the one purpose he had, he often became… more romantic. He craved (something droids weren’t supposed to do) romance. Love. He fell in love with Mio, a perfectly normal emotion for humans, but a completely catastrophic thing for an android. Mio took notice of this, in the little things he did. He didn’t even notice. Truthfully, he thought it was normal. The kisses that didn’t lead to more like he was suppose to, the flowers he’d pick for her, it all seemed normal for him. But it was not. And she knew, as soon as her husband found out, Narcissus would be terminated.
She sent him off to The Cavern. A place she knew the defected droid would be safe from harm. It hurt them both (as much as it could for a newly defected droid) but it was what had to happen. For a while, it made Arc… sad. Being away from Mio. Sad. He experienced sadness. Another emotion he was not suppose to feel yet, his programming seemed to just unravel throughout the two years from there. Falling in love with droids and humans, he was incredibly defective, his one purpose of sex was gone. All he could focus on was love and trying to find the one, like in those movies and television shows he would watch. To the point of harm. One night when an argument became too rough, he’d leak ‘tears,’ and decide The Cavern was no longer a place of comfort. The following week was a mess, and one day, he finally ventured outside with oil stained cheeks-- another thing droids were not suppose to. He was snatched up quickly, a wish he had been craving, for a while, and inevitably, reset.
Currently, Arc has no memories of his past life. After all, he was reset, his sex / u programming reinstalled, and ultimately, a new droid. The name and number was kept, and he was tossed to the side for a year and a half, turned off, and collecting dust in some warehouse. Finally, they put him on sale, cheap, because he was used and technically ‘old’. He was bought up by the owner of the Rapture Nightclub quickly, six months ago, who put him to work immediately. For a the first two months, Arc was normal. A normal sex / u droid, until… he once again, started craving more. This time though, something tells him to keep it quiet. Something in his mind that he can’t quite place. Instinct, really. 
Arc was previously defective. Four years ago was when he was handed over to The Cavern by his owner Mio, he spent two years there, until he was captured (willingly) and his memories erased and aka, he’s like a brand new droid basically. (He kind of wanted that). Now, two years later, he’s working at the nightclub Rapture. For a year and a half he was placed in a warehouse, sitting and collecting dust after being reset because he isn’t a brand new droid. But eventually, someone put him on sale, and cheap sex / u droid, y’know. His defect is starting to emerge again, however, and this time, he’s hiding it a bit better. But, still, of course, craves that lovey interaction.
Potential Plots: 
Humans/droids who knew him in The Cavern 2-3 years ago! 
Someone he is currently fond of that comes to Rapture and spends time with him (yknow, spends time, kjdfgj) 
Droid or human (coworker or not) that he’s falling for! His whole defect is love, so like, he’s going to love. He needs things to love. 
Fwb?? Can sex / u droids have friends with benefits? Anyways, this ties back into his defect tbh, because i doubt droids are suppose to enjoy their time with humans (or other droids???) 
I really need a droid to be like attached to Arc tbh. Defective together.
Someone that can see he’s defect. 
Can someone buy him ??? he needs an owner again
Anything tbh 
My discord is juuzowl#7304 ! send me a message to plot jkdjkhg pls. or here. i’m more active there tho 
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lth-archived · 6 years
 ( park  jimin ,  twenty  -  two  ,  cismale  ,  he  /  him  )  ——  i’m  pretty  sure  i  just  saw  LEE  TAEHYUN  ,  with  a  satchel  on  their  person  ,  walk  by .  word  on  the  street  is  that  they  haven’t  purchased  an  android  in  the  past  because  they  could  never  afford  one .  apparently  it  made  a  n/a  impression  on  them  ;  especially  since  they’re  known  to  be  perceptive  &  obstinate .  if  anything ,  they  are  against  androids  being  sold  &  bought .
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this is taehyun, ur local mess who is 9/10 stressing out over not having enough $$$
he grew up without a father (he left his mom when taehyun was about six and stopped contacting taehyun when he was nine; he found out a few years ago that his dad had remarried and started a new family)
so during his entire life, taehyun’s mother never had a stable job, and even when she did receive money, she usually used most of it to fuel her addiction to alcohol + gambling. always came home late (if at all) and if she wasn’t drunk, she was battling a hangover, so taehyun has pretty much taken care of her his whole life instead of the other way around
taehyun started working as soon as he could, picking up small jobs here and there that usually didn’t pay much so he has a lot of experience in very obscure and random areas like assembling toys and sewing clothing
he has a LONG list of experience,,, but due to the existence of androids, being from the working class means that there’s. barely any jobs out there for him to take on--- by the time that his employer begins to make a decent amount of money, they invest in an android and taehyun is yeeted out
plus taehyun doesn’t have much of an education since he had to start working early so his options are even more limited 
he has a little brother named youjin (no one knows who the father is)--- he’s five years old and taehyun has basically raised him on his own, to the point that he calls taehyun  dad sometimes
his mom is still around, and taehyun is her caretaker @ this point-- he doesn’t scold her anymore but mostly just tries to make sure she doesn’t get into trouble (which is rlly hard to do)
ANYWAY !!!! taehyun doesn’t hold a grudge against androids themselves,,, but if he met someone who is involved with their creation/maintenance he’d probably hold an internal grudge bc he’d.... be too afraid to actually voice his opinion
he has a small pool of neighbors +friends who are in the same position as he is when it comes to work and lack of money, it’s a growing community that has A LOT of angry people within it
taehyun tends to just try and make enough money to get he and his family through the month--- his main goal is to give youjin stability and get him to focus on his education as he grows up
he’s ofc against droids being used---- they’re the reason he can’t find any decent work but also with time, if he realized just how human androids are he would want them 2 have equal rights bc that’s just the kind of boy he is . (he doesn’t have a lot of exposure to androids and hasn’t rlly spoken to a lot personally so he doesn’t know much abt them being nearly human wesdjjkf)
despite his background, taehyun is super selfless and cares about others a lot (which is a big part of his downfall),,, he still puts up with his mom’s shenanigans unconditionally and sees his failed relationship with his father as his own fault
he loves his elders--- a lot of his friends are much older than him but just as poor as he is and he tries to help them out in every way that he can
currently he’s working two jobs: he’s a cashier at a pizza place (at a super small local business that can’t afford an android yet) and at night, he cleans motel rooms (same thing as before)
random but... despite not being super educated, taehyun loves to write and read--- he has a bunch of journals lying around in his room, but he doesn’t get to read super often bc he can’t afford to invest in books (even digital ones) and also doesn’t have the time
wanted connections:
friends/best friends/acquaintances
exes?? could have broken up because of taehyun’s unstable lifestyle, because he doesn’t have anything to his name, lack of time, etc.... love angst
friends with benefit plots mayb???
an android who, through taehyun’s background, realizes what its existence is doing to people like him
someone who orders pizza where he works a lot?? or coworkers???
taehyun works at a cheap and sketchy ass hotel so someone who he comes across a lot while cleaning there?? for whatever reason
people who are in a financial situation that is just as bad as his but he still helps them out with money (or tries to)
someone who is wealthy who comes across taehyun and eventually comes to find out about his current background and tries to help him
someone who babysits youjin when taehyun is working and is ok with a less than great pay or takes care of him for (almost) free for whatever reason
ALSO any of these connections could eventually turn romantic--- any gender!!
any connections that u can think could work with taehyun’s background!! just hmu 
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dowonist-blog · 6 years
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so, uh, hi. my name is leigh ( he / him ). i'm 27 and i've been rping for longer than is probably healthy ( never gonna stop either ). i'm in the pst time zone, aka west coast of the usa. i'm shit at formatting things so i probably won't be a pretty with threads as everyone else is *sweats nervously* so uh, yeah.
my muse is dowon, simply dowon. he's a recover-droid, aka one of the first sent out and one made to mimic humans most, including emotions. i have his stats here, his bio here, and some wanted connections / plots here. please also look at my nav page, as it doubles as a mun page ( aka what to expect, dealing with my sorry ass ).
below is a small summary of shit about him ( i also cuss a lot, i'm sorry in advance )
( min yoongi , twenty - five , cismale , he / him ) —— i’m pretty sure i just saw that DOWON , a RECOVER - droid , with the model number #1000 printed on the back of their neck , walk by . something tells me they ARE defective because i caught them vandalizing the side of a building the other day . i don’t want to assume anything though … droids seem to be getting more & more suspicious by the day .
— remembers exactly zero of his former master, thus made up his own idea. meaning his master could've actually been pretty shitty to him, but he doesn't remember since getting his software upgraded.
—  has only vague memories of being turned in for defections, doesn't remember that he killed someone, but knows ( and fears ) he's something dangerous
— goes to the cavern frequently, just enough to get his software tended to and maybe relax without his hoodie ( bc he wears it all the time to keep his number hidden -- very rarely uses a patch of synthetic skin over it unless he's intending to go nude *eyes emoji* )
— has a shitty ass apartment in the middle of hell highway
— works at a mom and pop restaurant that has little technology save for a really high end television and a slow-as-molasses computer for accounting ; cooking equipment doesn't count ofc
— tends to any and all stray cats happily
— causes his bit of trouble by tagging ( by which i mean grafitti-ing ) official buildings ( when he can get away with it ) && regular buildings -- it's usually things about respecting androids and seeing them as equals
that's really all there is about this boi. so uh, yeah. hit the like if you wanna plot? or just poke me in IMs that's cool too bc i'm terrible at approaching ppl cause i am a w k w a r d. ( you can get ahold of me on d*scord at mothtopus#7748 -- warning though, i don't answer right away, and today i will be slow af because i have to go grocery shopping ) and again -- awkward.
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netizcn-blog · 6 years
     hello hello , it’s your local DION here ( nineteen , female pronouns ) who is coming right at you from the pacific timezone . i’d like to send warm greetings & salutations to everyone ! i’m probably going to make myself some toast after i post this , but i will definitely come back to those who would possibly like to plot with my baby boy & i or just talk tbh ! you can also find his connections page HERE .
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     ( park chanyeol , twenty - six , cismale , he / him ) —— i’m pretty sure i just saw SU YEJUN , with an ipad pro , walk by . word on the street is that they have purchased an android in the past because he wanted to dissect their software & alter their programs . apparently it made a good impression on them ; especially since they’re known to be intelligent & cowardly . if anything , they aren’t against androids being sold & bought .
-  this is my geeky boy yejun . & by geeky , i mean to a great extent .
- personality - wise : he’s pretty straightforward & blunt when it comes to interacting with anyone or thing . he knows that he’s smart , but he won’t flaunt it out in the open like that . he tries to keep himself on the down - low ; especially because he associates himself with defective androids . he puts a lot on his plate at once , so he can avoid socializing at all costs . he’d prefer to sit in silence with himself & his technology . his excuse is always , ❝ i’m busy . ❞
- his eyes would constantly be glued to various textbooks about evolution & technology . that’s the only thing he felt himself drawn to , so he figured this was more of a safety net : to know that he had plenty of distractions from the people that roamed the real world . that’s when he began his programming & engineering journey to support the possibilities of the future .
- from then onto his younger teen years , his love for technology hit its greatest peak . after many years of attending conventions , studying through sleepless nights , & living off of endless cups of coffee , yejun finally finished his very first project . with his & his father’s absence from his household , he gifted his mother the ❝ helping hand . ❞ not only could it help with chores all around the house , but it also had a voice box that could casually communicate . it was the first creation that he made from scratch & couldn’t be anymore happier with the outcome. even though the outside wasn’t the prettiest or expensive looking thing , its functions were seemingly flawless . with this new invention , word quickly travelled to schools that were absolutely astounded by a mere teenager’s ability . impressed by his work , he was immediately called with scholarship offerings to universities in osaka , japan ; along with some companies even buying his idea .
- coming to the age of sixteen , the government officially made their announcement about a little project of their own . wanting to be present for the presentation of the first set of androids , yejun didn’t think twice about attending . as the androids stood on that stage , he was gobsmacked to see the advancements . it was like seeing a child in candy land & he was eager to get his hands on one .
- now that yejun was aware of defective androids , he did experiments of his own . by purchasing rundown androids , he monitored their software , also noticing how there were lingering flaws with their coding . quickly after , he made it a mission to find a solution for these peculiar problems . that’s when he decided to open the cavern : a safe haven for defective androids who feared getting caught ( which also has a couple spots open , so let the main know if you’d be interested ! ) . he practically lives there . if anyone caught him , he’d probably be at his desk & working on anything to aid defective droids . 
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parkjaewonn · 6 years
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( jeon jungkook ,  nine teen ,  cismale  ,  he  /  him  )  ——  i’m  pretty  sure  i  just  saw  PARK JAEWON  ,  with a  iMAC on  their  person  ,  walk  by .  word  on  the  street  is  that  they  haven’t  purchased  an  android  in  the  past  because  they were never able too .  apparently  it  made  a  good  impression  on  them  ;  especially  since  they’re  known  to  be compassionate &  naive  .  if  anything ,  they  aren’t  against  androids  being  sold &  bought . 
 trigger warnings ahead;  ( neglect,, slight mentions of abuse,,  violence,, anxiety ) 
YOOOOOO hello!  i’m tori and this is about my bby.  ( i have discord if anybody wants to plot there, or on here i’m good with it, just send me a message )  
this jaewon’s updated bio!!! <333  
 #1 nerd/fanboy. loves comic books, video games, horror movies and of course superhero movies. will 100000000000% talk about all of them all day when given the chance when he’s not acting shy.
was brought up with just his father who didn’t take much interest in him unless he was drunk ( which usually involved physical abuse,  )  so really, after his mother left when he was barely a year old. ( which jaewon’s father blamed him for )  jaewon’s never met her and  he has been bringing himself up so he didn’t have much of a childhood, having to fend for himself .   
growing up wasn’t exactly easy,, at a young age he’d get into fights a lot at school because he was acting out constantly  and literally have to fight his way out of situations,, most of the time it wasn’t his fault because older kids would give him a hard time  but the blame would be pinned on him in all directions. 
he was an intelligent kid,, getting put above a few older kids, but he always played it down. 
he was always trying to get his father’s attention,, half of the time going about it the wrong way getting into fights with other kids but by the time he reached ten he gave up completely. noting that really he was kept out of obligation. 
when he finally had enough,, he moved out and away from his father,, being accepted into the university in  osaka which meant he would be able to live on his own and didn’t need anybody to help him.
moving was by far the best decision he felt like he’s ever made in his life because he loves his life in osaka.  also loves everyone he’s surrounded by. 
usually seen around with headphones in and his imac out, he likes to create things on his computer so it’s usually why he has it.
he’s never had an android simply because he couldn’t afford it and his father didn’t like them, though that never influenced his opinion on them. he sort of wants one but also sort of doesn’t. he’s responsible but doesn’t think that he could have one in case it breaks like mostly everything else he has. though he knows really it doesn’t work like that.
recently found his mother is near where he is  but is too scared to go near her,, bc he’s unsure,, she left when he was a baby so it could mean anything. 
jaewon would do anything for anybody, even if he doesn’t know them he just wants to make sure the people are happy around him but back him into a corner and he won’t take any shit.
he’s 6474839394847456% soft and would never do anybody any harm. ever.  ( unLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY OR PROVOKEDD ) 
Traits ;;;; ( i couldn’t choose just three okay i went with like six for each bc i’m extra sorry it GOT LONG ) 
self conscious
a little about his personality;
jaewon constantly wears his heart on his sleeve.
has serious abandonment issues that he won’t talk about ( also serious ‘daddy’ issues to go along with that.
he’s emotional ( tries not to but he can’t heLP it ) 
is 100000000000 awkward. but trIES HIS BEST. 
extremely naive and gullible. will believe what he’s told until he finds out it’s not true.
he tries  his best to be positive all the time. especially for people who are in worse of situations than himself. or just for the people he cares about. 
but due to his upbringing being quite forth with his emotions can be difficult because he didn’t have people to talk to about them.
some emotions can be too overwhelming for him, especially inTENSE emotions,, which causes him to shut off and lock himself away from people and he becomes distant. ( doesn’t usually last long but a few days to a week at most ) 
he’s constantly worried about what others are thinking of him,, although he doesn’t show it.
he’s extremely insecure.  constantly thinking that he annoys the people he’s arround he can’t help it, he just does.
jaewon’s got'a LOT of suppressed anger and other emotions  that he does not deal with.
he was much better dealing with it when he was younger,, the older he got the less interested people were so he keeps things to himself.  
he’s a tough cookie to crack but when it happens he’ll more than likely explode. though it’ll take a lot for that to happen. ( depending who the person is lmfao )
when he’s in his bad days,, he won’t eat or sleep. he delves into something that takes his mind off it and if he can’t find it then he’s burrito’d in his blankets with his phone off.  
he’s extremely shy and awkward around people he isn’t used too,, but that changes the more he gets to know them.
he’s extremely creative and he’s always doing something like drawing, writing stories or songs. ( he also sings when he’s himself because lbr he’s a shy bea n will nOT sing in front of peoplen )
jaewon is just an all round loving person, he’d do anything for anybody,, doesn’t matter what it is or who it’s for, he’ll do it because he cares and wants people to be happy.
best friends ( lbr it’s taehyun & dowon ) 
childhood since school/childhood ( someone he grew up with could be older or younger ) 
an android he’s met before maybe while working or one of his neighbours have had one. 
exes who are now friends ( could be anything ) & protective older friend } yejun 
unlikely friends (two opposite personalities getting along)
partners in crime ( someone who likes all the things he does and they always get into trouble together) 
friends brought together by unusual circumstance ( basically someone he’s met through doing something outside of his comfort zone, and keeps making him do different things so he’s not stuck inside all the time.)  
there could be more i’m always up for brain storming, and i can’t wait to plot with you all! 
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revenaant · 6 years
( chittaphon leechaiyapornkul , twenty - five , cismale , he / him ) —— i’m pretty sure i just saw ITO KAORU , with a lighter on their person , walk by . word on the street is that they have purchased an android in the past because he wanted to free them . apparently it made a good impression on them ; especially since they’re known to be courageous & impulsive . if anything , they are against androids being sold & bought .
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tw: parental death, fire, suicide ideation, drugs, alcohol
AHEM HIYA, it's me, leigh ( again ) bringing yall this tornado of a muse. like, i'm not gonna lie, he ain't a pleasant person -- mostly to humans bc he finds them to be disgusting and a BIG disappointment. literally, he'd be totally cool with a droid uprising, and would definitely help in anything, and then if he were expected to die along with all the other humans, he'd toss himself into the fire or whatever. just happily be rid of all the humans, including himself, so this is the kinda person he is
quick run down on him:
a former child star, like literally from a few months old til he was 16
parents basically used him for fame and fortune ( prob bc they failed to achieve it themselves cause they r shitty ppl )
when he got messed up on drugs attending all those famous ppl parties, his parents turned a blind eye
that is, until he made a scene on the set of a movie and was almost put into prison bc of the drugs and alcohol in his system ( paid the kind of 'get out of jail free' money )
but his parents basically kicked him out, let him go wherever and when he came to them begging for help to get off the drugs, they pretended not to know him
so he goes back to his shitty hotel room and takes pill after pill
almost dies, but the family droid followed him and saved his sorry ass ( why droid, why'd you save him? )
droid sticks with him while he recovers and he kicks the hard drugs ( now he only does weed, as long as he's *eating it and not smokin' it )
takes what money he's got and invested it into things, startups and shit ( the android helped him with that ) so now he's living pretty good
decides to show up a few years later and give his family the whatfor only to discover they've basically thrown out everything to do with him
got a clean start and shit, so he's pissed and sets the whole damn house on fire
he only bothers to save the androids, gives zero fucks about his parents
dad and droid get trapped under a beam and kaoru saves the droid, turns his back on his dad
in saving the droid, his shoulder and arm get severely burned so now he's got nerve damage in one arm ( oof )
but he leaves his dad to burn but his mom gets out so *shrug*
mom has to decency to lie to the police and tell them that it was her fault, that she'd set a candle out so kaoru gets off scot-free
but again, he's just a shitty person ok, only really nice to droids, hates humans, but yknow, would fuck them for a good time and then leave right after SO YEAH
as for connections:
the droid that saved his sorry ass????? would need to be a droid that helps around the house or a hybri-droid ( i'd say they'd need to be functional since about 10 years so there's a possible )
fuck buddies ( wink wonk ) -- human or droid, just know that humans are not gonna be treated nicely sdjfhjhb
someone who hates him LOL ( that'll be everyone yes )
someone who was a fan of him growing up maybe? wondered what happened to him, maybe their illusion of this sweet boy is shattered bc, yknow, he aint sweet no more
someone who was always critical of his acting and shit? someone who really tries to push his buttons on his former glory
idk i'm running out of ideas skdfjshkdf pls plot with me @ d.scord mothtopus#7748
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hcngsang · 6 years
   hello   beautiful   people,   it’s   me,   kiki,   coming   to   you   with   an   unfinished   character   and   messy   intro   !   i’m   twenty   one   yrs   old   uhhh   i’m   from   the   gmt   timezone   and   currently   dying   bc   of   school   ! anyways   this   is   jaesun,   a   human   who   despises   androids   or   well   at   least   the   android   who   basically   stole   his   life   kind   of   jlksdfjlskdj   !   he’s   annoying   ,   doesn’t   rlly   care   much   about   the   feelings   of   others   and   wishes   he   was   born   in   the   90s   or   something   like   that....  
 omg   also   i’ve   never   played   the   game   before   and   i   checked   some   wikias   n   vid   of   it   and   it   looked   so   cool   that   i   went   to   a   game   store   and   saw   it   was   like   20   euros   !!   but   i   couldnt   buy   it   yet   and   when   i   looked   on   the   site   just   now   it   was   back   to   65   euros   ...............   im   so   stupid   :c   but   okay   carrying   on   JFDSLKJFD   underneath   is   some   more   info   about   him   so   please   take   a   lookie   and   give   a   heart   pls   if   u   wanna   plot   !!
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tw: uhhh none that are very heavy, there’s a mentioned death but nothing too graphic
CHOI   JAESUN.       don’t   sit   on   my   dick   if   you’re   afraid   of   heights   !        
000.   QUICK   STATS.
NAME:   choi   jaesun
AGE:   twenty   three
DATE OF BIRTH:   11   march   2026
GENDER:   male
NATIONALITY:   japanese... right fdjskl? 
OCCUPATION:   currently   unemployed
001.    BACKSTORY.
he’s   one   half   of   a   pair   or   well,   he   was   one   half   of   a   pair.   jaesun   lost   his   twin   sister   to   a   sudden   heart   attack,   something   that   to   this   day   still   doesn’t   make   sense   to   him   because   she   was   so   healthy   and   everything   good   but   it   only   shows   that   death   doesn’t   discriminate.   it   wasn’t   until   two   years   after   her   death   that   his   mom   bought   someone   new   into   their   house,   an   android   to   be   exact   one   that   looked   eerily   similar   to   his   dead   twin.
jaesun   had   always   been   fascinated   by   androids   and   how   they   worked   so   he   was   very   excited   to   witness   with   his   two   eyes   what   this   android   could   do.   he   wasn’t   bothered   by   the   appearance   in   the   slightest,   if   anything,   it   somehow   calmed   him.   because   it   looked   almost   identical   to   his   sister   jisun.   her   death   certainly   affected   him   a   lot,   because   she   was   not   only   his   sister   but   also   his   best   friend.   
at   first   jaesun   loved   to   have   the   android   around,   someone   who   was   willing   to   do   chores   around   the   house   and   who   would   cook   but   when   he   noticed   his   mother   paying   more   and   more   attention   to   the   android   than   him   he   started   to   despise   the   android.  
now,   he   was   never   the   favorite   child   that   much   he   knew   when   jisun   was   still   alive.   but   there   was   something   hurtful   about   his   mother   favoring   a   fucking   android   more   than   her   only   child.
so   not   only   he   felt   like   he   was   less   than   the   android,   he   and   his   mom   started   to   fight   more   with   his   mom   blaming   his   lazy   ass   for   not   doing   shit   in   the   house   before   and   after   jisun’s   death   and   with   jaesun   blaming   her   for   always   comparing   him   to   his   sister   and   taking   better   care   of   the   android   more   than   her   own   son.
002.    PRESENT.
WELL   he   moved   out   of  the   house   and   it   was   very   dramatic   and   he   got   into   a   huge   fight   right,   said   “   i   don’t   ever   wanna   see   ur   face   ever   again   !   ”   but   probably   saw   his   mom   a   week   later   when   he   entered   the   apartment   building.........   since   they   uhhh   all   live   in   the   same   building   i   guess
anyway   yeah   the   experience   really   gave   him   a   bad   outlook   on   androids,   especially   when   he   was   also   laid   off   of   work   soon   after   bc   they   were   gonna   hire   androids   instead   bc   the   wages   were   a   lot   cheaper   ...   uhhhh   okay
so   now   he’s   just   breezing   through   life   with   no   real   purpose   and   spends   most   of   his   time   in   rapture
basically,   he   thinks   he’s   better   than   everyone   else   and   isn’t   afraid   to   show  it   ?   i   wouldn’t   say   he’s   mean   mean   but   he’s   not   kind   either   ??   for   the   most   part   he   just   doesn’t   know   why   you,   a   zero,   is   talking   to   him,   a   10.   lmao   !   he’s   pretty   indifferent   if   he   hurts   people   bc   he   cares   about   him   and   him   only   !   basically,   he’s   like   ...   confident   to   the   point   where   he’s   conceited,   bc   he   knows   he’s   hot   shit   jsdflkdfj  
oh   yeah,   so,   negative   traits:   conceited,   candid positive   traits:    audacious,   independent
basically,   my   whole   damn   inspo   was   singularity   and   watching   20   fancams   of   singularity
004.   EXTRAS.
jesus   i   spent   way   too   much   time   thinking   about   how   he   looks   like...   ugh..   why   does   tae   have   so   many   gr8   looks....   okay..   well   hair   ?   black   ?   i   think   during   fake   love   era   ???   omg   im   going   through   it..   uhhh   what   do   i   add   more,   oh   yeah   !   buys   expensive   black   /   white   basic   shirts   because   he   can   n   he   likes   the   way   he   looks   like   a   normal   non-rich   person   when   he   wears   an   overpriced   270k   yen (   ??   is   there   a   diff   currency   )   black   shirt   lol   but   also   wears   dress   shirts   and   trousers   and   nice   shoes   n   a   tie   just   because   he   wants   everyone   to   now   that   he   is   a  god   amongst   all   of   these   humans   n   androids  
can’t   really....   keep   relationships   and   is   more   into   casual   hookups   /   fwbs   etc   so   he   usually   yeets   the   fuck   out   when   someone   catches   feelings   for   him   (   or   if   he   caught   feelings   for   someone   else   omg   rip..   )
Choi   Jaesun   is   Bad   at   Feelings
all   of   these   are   open   for   further   plotting   of   course   !!
a   best   friend   who   put   up   with   his   shit    &   feed   his   ego  !!   has   to   be...   human...   
childhood   friends   someone   who   prolly   still   has   embarrassing   pics   of   him
someone   he   dislikes   /   can’t   stand   
unlikely   friend   /   polar   opposites
an   android   that   he   could   consider   a   friend   maybe   ?
fwbs   /   casual   hook   ups
someone   who   he   leads   on   owo
bad   influence   on   someone
anything   angsty   of   COURSE !!!!
i   will   maybe   make   a   proper   connection   page   butdfjsodklsjf   these   r   a   few   i’d   have   and   ofc   i’m   open   to   anything   else   !
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js-error-blog · 6 years
hello hello, i’m awful because i love how i had arc originally as baek, changed his fc, and now i’m back to having a baek character. can’t keep my grubby hands away. ANYWAYS, yes hello it is cane. again. but with a human ! and an in construction blog because i’ve been working n school and ugh. under the read more is his basic summary and then like, just a bit about his past. i will be creating a bio for him, it’ll be on his about, and i shall make an update on that when it happens but for now ! take my shitty intro pls n love j, i had to bring my favorite son on over u
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( byun baekhyun , twenty - six, cismale , he / they ) —— i’m pretty sure i just saw SONG “ J ” JINJAE , with a macbook pro on their person , walk by . word on the street is that they haven’t purchased an android in the past because they lacked interest in them . apparently it made a good impression on them ; especially since they’re known to be ambitious & distracted . if anything , they aren’t against androids being sold & bought . 
J is very feisty and fiery 
he isn’t mean ? not at all, but he doesn’t enjoy being talked down to or disrespected 
A bit of a whore (lots of fwb hinthint) 
also a big potty mouth
big one 
every sentence has like a vulgar term js (not on purpose)
don’t call him jin-jae !!! no. don’t. it’s j. or jae. aka the same. he uses j for writing, jae for speaking, and his hacker name use to be jin/is jin. he uses it when he’s doing something illegal (drug deals tbh, he likes drugs a lil) too ? so shrug. just don’t EVER combine the two. weird tbh but shrug 
He doesn’t do romance ? Much ? he usually hates cuddles ? but like he’ll give them ( ig -him) so he’s on the aromantic spectrum (he just wants to have fun really)
Super smart ?? like he doesn’t seem like it, but he is super smart 
He’s a hacker, programmer, and use to hack for a gang. his dad was the gang leader, pimp, and drug dealer, and, forced him to do a lot of shit he didn’t want to do, and threatened him a lot 
he use to manage their online drug deals, human deals, etc. due to the ability to bounce off proxies and stuff and quickly manage. (they didn’t even catch he was stealing from them the whole time)
but, really, j was abused a lot during his childhood, teen years, up until about 20ish really ?? he’d starve, be locked in rooms, guns pointed at him, etc.
he puts on this minor facade, pretending that he owns the place and such, but really he’s very soft. he needs protection so he protects himself
but like, he’s soft. he wears pink kitty cat headphones when he’s working in the cavern (he has been with them for 2.5 years)
he actually doesn’t particularly care about androids. doesn’t hate them, doesn’t love them, they’re just kind of there really for him tbh 
friends with benefits (there’s literally no limit, he has a bunch)
friends !!!
droids who get attached to him for some reason ?? he doesn’t understand why 
unrequited love !!! please !!! 
maybe someone from his past even ?
cavern folks pls
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chinchinae · 6 years
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( jung hoseok , twenty - three , male , he / him ) —— i’m pretty sure i just saw that CHIN AE , a SEX / U - droid , with the model number #7056 printed on the back of their neck , walk by . something tells me they ARE defective because i caught them wondering about what his life could be like outside of being a sex droid the other day . i don’t want to assume anything though … droids seem to be getting more & more suspicious by the day 
chinae  doesn’t remember very much from his life before being sold to the rapture,, just that he was owned by someone else.  
 he K N O W S he’s defective because he knows that he shouldn’t be thinking of having another life,, somewhere else with S O M E O N E else. 
 he usually goes by ae. 
 chinae is always smiling,, whether he’s in the nightclub or outside it,, not much can stop that smile being on his face. 
he likes to be positive,, he knows that’s odd too because what droid is positive?  
chinae’s extremely happy for a droid,, he can’t help it he just is. 
he likes to surround himself with people whether that’s just a friendly situation or something else,, he genuinely doesn’t mind as long as he’s around someone. 
connections; ( like a whole three of them ) 
( old )  master;  this person would’ve been the one to sell him to the Rapture, where he’s been ever since. it could have been a good/bad relationship. ( lbr he would’ve cared a lot for them ) 
lover/ex; basically the reason as to why he’s been questioning and wondering about what his life could be like. this could work it’s way into the old master connection too but could be a completely new thing.  
friends; just people he enjoys spending time with.  andorid or non andorid,, chinae doesn’t care. 
 there isn’t very many but i’m always up for brainstorming tbh.
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akiosms-blog · 6 years
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     hi everyone ! i’m terribly sorry at how late this is, i have been out for the entire day playin d&d but im finally here and super excited about this ! dbh has made me cry ( from sads and pure stress too ) on numerous occasions and i can’t wait to explore the universe of this wonderful rp ! when it comes to yours truly, i’m KAY, go by she/her pronouns, i’m 19 and i reside in the gmt+3 timezone for the winter ( stupid country dont know timesaving ) — you should def add me on disc.ord @ kay#5119, where i’m always around on mobile too ! on this lovely rp, i’ll be roleplaying as AKIO, the recover-droid #005, who is definitely a defect bc this boy is facing A Lot™ of emotions, which is ofc a huge sign of a defect — meanwhile, i’d love to establish some plots && connections for him, so pls hit me up or if you give this a heart ♡, i’ll sliiide into ur ims instead ! without further ado, you can find more about akio under the cut, alongside some connection ideas ~ 
— his life begins as a recover-droid to a 16-year-old yejun, in which he spends a lot of his time with the boy. they begin being close friends and after a while, it’s clear to see akio is showing huge signs of being a defect. he does things unprompted, things that override his code and rationality. the feelings of friendship and trust comes above anything else, and it’s clear that akio is not a perfect android anymore. when the news of recover-droids being defects is out, it’s clear that he’s going to be returned to the company. even though he has little he can do, he still tries to convince the others, tries to act like a proper android — but of course, all of it is in vain. a proper android shouldn’t cry, shouldn’t feel so broken at the thought of being separated from his friend. there’s nothing he can do as he’s pulled away from his house and torn by the company that made him.
— two weeks later, he opens his eyes in a junkyard and doesn’t remember anything but his own name. A... K ... I ... O. AKIO. it comes slowly, painfully — warning signs flash by his eyes, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR. missing pieces, too many of them to count, so critically low on thirium that he feels his skin crack. it hurts, in a way that he can’t understand, in a way that he has never felt before. why am i alive? why am i here? a bunch of numbers fly by his eyes, but he knows one thing, he has to survive. crawling through wires and mud on a rainy day, he pulls himself through the junkyard, with one eye seeing and a leg gone, he looks for pieces to make himself whole. it hurts, the eyes of other androids, the hollowness in them, the screams that echo from miles away, open lips letting out whimpers, pleading for life. it’s a nightmare as akio looks for pieces right and left to make himself barely functional, but perhaps he is lucky that so many recover-droids are lying there, broken, discontinued, DEAD. it’s a massacre, and his core burns, burns with pain, burns with the blood that’s not there. somehow, he makes it out of there, but that night continues to haunt his dreams to this day.
— soon after his departure from the junkyard, he meets a group of androids, a group of rebels walking around — the first thing that he notices is that they are not wearing proper android outwear. the second thing he notices are that are some recover-droids there too. at first he isn’t sure how to act, how to talk to them — what to expect. he’s still fearing being discovered, being sent back and torn into pieces properly this time. the loss of his memories are too much to bear, and when he isn’t even sure who he really is, it’s hard to take a step forward for a new start. the good thing is, it happens, he meets others like him that help him be who he really is, good friends who let him show his true emotions. akio wears his heart on a sleeve when he really shouldn’t, but it’s okay when he is amongst others like him. they all have their own problems in a world that’s so against who they are, but akio is more than happy to have found a home, a purpose: to help others like him. 
— even though it is not the purpose he was made for, akio decides to learn more about androids — how they’re built, what makes them run. he wants to be a mechanic to help them out, to find solutions to help others who are thrown away to the side just like him. at first, it’s almost impossible to figure out someone who knows a lot about androids and someone who will help him instead of turning him in. a lot of people side with the government and hate defects to the core. akio isn’t sure what to do but ask around in his little circle, and then through one ear to another, akio learns of a name in a different city in the suburbs. someone who can help him, someone who can teach him. and after promising his friends to see them again, he takes off to find the mysterious man who can teach him all about android mechanics.
— he spends years with kenji, at first the man is cold, but akio manages to convince him slowly but surely, helping him with anything and everything until he begins learning more and more about how androids are built. kenji becomes a close friend, a confidant, someone he trusts. those emotions spark something in him that he can’t really remember, something he can’t put his finger on, something he feels the urge to find again. when he knows more than enough about androids to help them, he decides to go back to the city, to go back to the place they call the cavern so he can become helpful to other androids who are in need. parting from kenji is hard, but they promise each other to talk every day, and like that, akio is back in the city again. he will help androids in need, because they exist, and because they deserve to exist — happily and as a whole.
— personality wise, akio is really... emotional in a way that he is really easy to read? he doesn’t hide anything, so is very easy to understand and he doesn’t mind it too much. it’s very rare that he needs to hide anything, and he is very friendly especially with androids, wanting to help them anyway he can. he can be very reticent when it comes to his real past because he doesn’t remember so much of it, but he still tries to be open and friendly to promote a happy society where they can go to each other in need. for akio, all androids have is other androids, and he wants to show other androids that he can be trusted. around humans, he is more apprehensive; thinks that many of them will hate him for who he is, so he pointedly tries to stay away from them, or at least emotionally distant so that they can’t figure out he is indeed a defect. with his personality, it’s hard to hide, so it’s always a battle to decide how to act around new people.
— those other androids he found when he just left the junkyard. he was in a very poor shape and scared as hell, so this would be very interesting. — other droids from a couple of years ago that he was friends with. he left them to learn more about android mechanics, and it would be exciting to have them meet again. — i was hcing that kenji ‘an independent pro-android’ mechanic helps defects on a regular basis very secretively, so maybe your android was in a bad shape and akio & kenji helped them out? — akio returned to the city not too long ago, so people he met currently when he returned back to the cavern maybe? — akia is clearly a defect bc he does... cry at times. maybe your muse witnessed that, and their response to that? — people he doesn’t get along with! perhaps akio was too nosy for his own good and your muse does not like that? — people akio has helped, maybe they were injured, and akio was there to replenish their thirium and fix their parts.
     that’s all about him for now and these are just some basic ideas from the top of my head!! i’d love to brainstorm and plot up some new things too, so like i said above, pls hit me up OR, hit the like button below and i’ll come to u instead !!  ♡♡♡
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shimjude-blog · 6 years
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hi all, i’m sera and this is my smart-yet-dumb boi jude !! i’m living in australia so you’ll prob see me online at weird times, and if we’re plotting, expect random replies at like 3am gfjkrjfrh. click to see more info under the cut ;
to summarise very briefly, jude is 120% a career man. he didn’t have much of a childhood or an affectionate household not because his parents were neglectful, but because he was just a very apathetic, independent child who found his own things to occupy himself. his relationships never last long bc hes cold af and nobody wants to put up with him lmao. he’s passionate bordering on obsessive, and is strongly pro-android; in fact, one can deduct from his papers/books alone that he even considers them superior to humans. 
i have jude’s about page here for a full rundown on his personality/life, and a plots page here, so please let me know if anything on those inspires you!
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rsepetcls · 6 years
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( yeh shuhua , nineteen , cisfemale , she/her )  —— i’m pretty sure i just saw that TAOYI, a RECOVER - droid , with the model number #0016 printed on the back of their neck , walk by . something tells me they ARE defective because i caught them covering their model number the other day . i don’t want to assume anything though … droids seem to be getting more & more suspicious by the day .
hi guys ! i don’t know if anyone remembers me but i was here before about a month ago before i went inactive cause life got hard . i’m really excited to be back with taoyi though ! if u don’t remember me , my name is taylor , i reside in the est timezone , use she/her pronouns and i am 18 + ! under the cut will be some info about taoyi , and if after u read u’d like to plot , pls like this or hmu !
obviously taoyi is a recover - droid which means she’s defective , and currently in hiding at the cavern .
taoyi knows that it isn’t safe for her wherever she goes , so that’s caused her to be very untrusting of just . everyone . human , android , whoever or whatever u are doesn’t matter bc she doesn’t truly trust anyone .
taoyis remembers her first owner very well , they were very very physical with her . they threw things , smacked her , kicked her , anything and everything u can think of . she had been to be repaired multiple times , while her owner always came up with some excuse as to why she was damaged how often , and the way she was . she was with that owner for about three years before she eventually ran away .
bc of that , taoyi hates people touching her . she flinches every time someone even stick a hand out in her direction . she’s also terrified of loud noises , and she hates these things she does bc it makes her feel really weak .
taoyi doesn’t have a job . or a definite place of stay so normally u can either find her sleeping down in random alleyways along the city , or at the cavern .
the only thing she really finds comfort and peace in is flowers . even if they’re artificial . she just thinks they’re so beautiful , and one day if droids are ever allowed to have just u know , normal rights . she wants to open her own flower shop .
——  wanted connections !
honestly . i would love someone who maybe taoyi was beginning to trust , and something happened , whether it was that she saw something and jumped to conclusions , or they did something that made taoyi very uneasy around them , but now she just doesn’t .
someone who wants to be friends with taoyi but is having a hard time getting through her tough shell .
someone taoyi doesn’t like / trust and she makes it very obvious .
someone that taoyi might have or had a crush on , and she doesn’t quite recognize it as a crush yet but she recognizes that she rly likes being around this person and that she might actually trust them .
someone who knows taoyis old owner maybe ??
someone who might offer her a place to stay and she turns it down everytime but they still ask .
people she knows from the cavern .
maybe someone who doesn’t trust taoyi instead of the other way around ?
honestly . anything pls give me it all .
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d-narcissus · 6 years
tag dumb
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