agerefandomstuff · 1 year
Teen Wolf Agere
Regressor Stiles Stilenski | Caregiver Derek Hale
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• stim toys. Stiles LOVES them big or small. You will always find some sort of toy on or around him.
•similarly Lydia got him chewerly so maybe he would stop chewing on his pens/pencils when he couldn’t have his paci
•likes to play video games with Scott when he’s a little bigger but tends to just watch when he’s younger
•Stiles will stay at Derek’s loft when he’s regressed
•sometimes while Stiles waits for Derek to pick him up when he’s regressed his dad will let him color in his office or with Parrish (who ADORES kiddo stiles and gives him kiddy badges all the time)
•both Derek and Sheriff Stilenski have a fridge covered in little stiles drawings
•baby stiles absolutely loves cuddling with his sourwolf and derek really loves getting to hold his sweet sleepy boy
•Derek looks forward to the days he gets to care for stiles. he loves spending his time not stressing over anything really “important” for a while. instead he gets to snuggle his baby and read him stories.
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Heyyyy!! What are your thoughts of Derek winning a plushie for stiles and what plushie it will be? :D
Hiii!!! Right- Okay!!! No one can convince me otherwise, but Derek definitely won a plush during a carnival game or something like that!!! And he most definitely used his fancy werewolf abilities to help him get one of the bigger plushies.
For what plushie it would be I think it would be something like this (I'm sticking with a batman theme for him 😂)
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regressionworldz · 9 months
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Custom DNI that I did!
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Decided to share some of the commissions I've recently finished up! Had fun drawing these and thank you to those who were patient and understanding with me!
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bebbie-bilinski · 4 months
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Fictional Agere Challenge!
day 1: a character u hc as a regressor.....if its not obvious already its stiles xD
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fine-illwriteitmyself · 11 months
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Regressor Derek head canons : Food and drink habits
Derek isn't very picky about what he eats in either headspace, but he likes simpler foods like spaghetti and mac 'n cheese
He will throw a fit if he has to suffer through any of Stiles' 'healthy' meals tho. Soggy tofu and fake meat are some of his few dislikes, and that gets amped up to eleven when he's little
He goes absolutely bananas for applesauce
And watermelon. Most fruits really
He's a very messy eater no matter the food and has a tendency to get it everywhere. And i mean everywhere
Although, he makes an effort to be less messy when he gets to eat in the living room or in Stiles' room, and that effort shows when papa Stilinski is babysitting which makes Stiles ever so jealous
For the most part, he cooperates when getting cleaned up, but if he feels crabby or is upset with Stiles in his big headspace he'll put up a fight
Plain yogurt and granola is his go to snack
He has a secret love of banana baby food that he indulges in when he feels particularly little, sad or deserving of a treat
He once tried some of his cousins baby food when he was about 6 years olds because it smelled good and has loved it ever since
Crackers, all the crackers
He prefers juice over milk during the day and milk in the morning or at night
Warm milk makes him sleepy
He becomes distraught if he accidentally spills his drink no matter how many times he is reassured that its okay and no one's mad
He has a daytime and a nighttime sippy cup and keeps a pair at both his loft and Stiles' house
He rarely drinks during the night but likes to have it anyway
He uses bendy straws sometimes because they help get him into headspace if he feels stuck
He doesn't like orange juice when he's big, but strangely enjoys it when little
He loves smoothies and will ask for one any chance he has. He positively loves strawberry and banana smoothies
Stiles sometimes sneaks veggies into the smoothies when Derek only eats crackers for a week straight. He can tell when he does that, but doesn't mind because it makes him feel cared about
He doesn't like plain water when he's little and only drinks water if it's colorful or has a flavor
He uses sippy cups mostly but has a bottle buried in the back of his cupboard. He wants to be bottle fed, but he is too nervous to ask about it
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juicezone · 4 months
could i request derek and stiles from teen wolf like how u drew bones taking care of u :0 (with a sleepy stiles on dereks lap wearing an orange sweater and a matching pacifier)? his hair changes a lot thru the show but i liked it best when he had a buzzcut! as for derek can be wearing whatever generic outfit that may look nice (like t-shirt and jeans or something)
-@bebbie-bilinski thank u!
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Hope this looks good!! it's definitely the 1000000% way i wanna be held and cuddled but i love. love regressors + cgs holding each other. @bebbie-bilinski ^^!
Check my pinned if you’re interested in sending in an agere/related art request ^^!
DNI if nsfw/K!NK/ur blog isnt safe for a kid
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
hellooo!!! may i request a regressor!stiles and cg!derek fic? im thinkin maybe some of the pack heads to the mall for the day, stiles is running on something like 3 hours of sleep and just cant stay in it so he slips! derek helps out? maybe by making the mall trip more bearable for him or getting them out of there?
maybe this could be one of the first few times hes seen stiles regressed so hes still not entirely confident in what to do?! anyways the rest is completely up to u ^^!
- @bebbie-bilinski <3
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cared for ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| derek hale x stiles stilinski | read on my ao3
notes: this got so derek centric & so long my apologies
warnings: mentions of derek’s family, stiles not taking care of himself properly, pet names, pacifiers
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Derek’s hand twitches by his side, an urge to reach out and place it on Stiles’ shoulder, to stop and ask if he’s okay. As the mall trip progresses and the longer they spend walking through each store, the more exhausted Stiles looks.
It’s been at least three hours by now and while Kira’s finished up her shopping, including helping Scott pick out a new heft of clothes, Lydia’s gotten her selection of makeup bought; they’re all still trying to help Malia. This is the first time she’s been in a mall since she turned back into a human, it’s overwhelming for her, Derek can only imagine how her supernatural senses are making things sound and smell. Peters been helping Lydia guide Malia through what to buy, how to find the right sizes and what materials she likes, everything that’s needed for a successful shopping trip. And while Derek would love to indulge in seeing his uncle act so tenderly and be so welcomed by the pack, his mind keeps drifting to Stiles.
They drove here in Stiles’ jeep, just them two, and normally that’d mean Stiles would ramble happily to Derek, but today it was almost dead silent. Part of Hale had been worried it was because of their newest development in their relationship, him watching over Stiles when he’s regressed, but then Stiles had yawned loud enough for Derek to cue into what’s going on with him. He’s far too tired to be on a mall trip, never mind one that runs over three hours.
Derek knows he should take Stiles home and get him tucked into bed, let him sleep the rest of the weekend if he so pleased to. There’s still a hesitation to take that authority, to decide for Stiles, he doesn’t want to push too hard. Risk breaking the trust Stiles has put in him.
“Derek?” Peters voice drags Derek back to the store they stand in, he glances around a second to gain his bearings. Kira, Lydia and Malia are by the dressing room, Scott trailing behind them as he talks to Melissa on the phone, Derek can tell it’s Melissa because Scott never speaks that much Spanish with anyone else. Finally he lands on Stiles, where he leans heavily against the stores wall and struggles to keep his eyes open.
“Are you okay?” Peters hand is firm on Derek’s shoulder, gripping it the same way he did when they were kids, when Derek had been plagued by nightmares that made him scream out for Peter, for Laura, for Talia.
“I think I’m gonna take Stiles back to the loft, he needs sleep.” He thinks he sounds like they did, like Peter, Laura, and Talia did, making the decision for Derek that he needed to be looked after. Cared for. He wants to be that for Stiles, to be the safety he once needed and can now give.
“Okay, text me if you need anything. Take care of him.” Peter pats Derek’s shoulder before he stalks back over towards where Malia’s waving for him. Derek takes a breath to steady himself then turns on his feet to walk to Stiles.
“Stiles? Hey, hey, easy, just me.” Stiles jerks more awake when Derek shakes his arm slightly, watching how the brunettes eyes flick around quickly before settling on Derek’s face.
“We movin’ stores?” It comes out slurred and groggy, Stiles reaching to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
“We’re going home.” Derek keeps his voice as soft as he can muster without letting all his concern show through.
“We’re done?” He nods instead of trying to explain that they’re the only ones leaving, knowing that Stiles would just fight to stay and give a million reasons why he needs to be there. Derek always appreciates the stubbornness Stiles put up, it reminds him of himself, but Stiles isn’t in any state for an argument.
“Yeah bud, we’re done. I’m gonna take you back to my loft.” He takes Stiles hand when the little leans onto Derek’s shoulder, all his weight shifting to be against Hale. It breaks Derek’s heart. He wishes could scoop Stiles into his arms and carry him away, make sure he never exhausts himself like this again. He settles on squeezing Stiles’ hand tighter.
They make it to the loft with no complications. Derek’s even able to talk Stiles into riding on his back up the stairs so he could stay in the half asleep state he fell into on the ride back.
“There we go, comfortable?” He asks once he’s taken Stiles’ shoes off and laid him back in Derek’s large bed. He debated taking them back to the Stilinski house but figured they’d have less of a chance of getting interrupted here.
“Jeans aren’t.” A huff of a laugh escapes Derek, he nods before tuning over to his dresser. The bottom drawer has become Stiles designated drawer for all his little gear, it’s not a lot, nor does Derek think it’s enough, but he’s able to pull a pair of fleece pajama pants out and a pacifier Stiles adores.
“Here, now lay still as I get your jeans off.” The idea of causing some type of harm to Stiles or making him more uncomfortable pains Derek. He takes his time pulling the jeans off before slipping the fleece pants on. He darts his eyes up to Stiles as he works, watching with a small smile how Stiles happily sucks on the green pacifier that he’s taken to quickly.
“Feel better?” Stiles nods along before his arms open up, urging Derek to come lay beside him. Derek’s heart stops for a split second seeing it, knowing how much trust it takes for Stiles to be so vulnerable, he’s heard a couple times about how Stiles’ regression is something he doesn’t share with many. With anyone really, Scott and Lydia know, Alison knew, and now Derek knows. That’s it.
So Derek graciously shrugs off his jacket and climbs into the bed, allowing Stiles to curl into his side and place his head on Hales chest. It doesn’t take much longer for Stiles to fall asleep, his heartbeat and breath pattern even out, a comforting rhythm that Derek sits awake to listen to. He carefully moves to take the pacifier that’s gone slack out of Stiles’ mouth, placing it on the bedside table for when he wakes up, before Derek allows himself to drift off. He hopes Stiles feels the safety and security that in Hales arms that Derek did with his family after those nightmares, when he had caregivers looking after him.
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mirrorthoughts · 1 month
you asked for this, so here's my time travel Steter brain vomit:
I have like one and a half pages written for a time travel fic where Stiles sends his memories back (in the most nuclear way possible of course, killing the people who killed his pack) to right after the garage scene in S1 but unfortunately too late to stop Peter from leaving to kill Kate. So now Teenage Stiles has the jumbled memories of twenty-something Stiles but neither the skill nor the wisdom, which is… unfortunate. (Also memories are a fickle thing, especially for an ADHD brain.) Shenanigans happen, Stiles forces Peter to buy a jacket his future self used to steal, something something. (That's actually all I have so far and it's not getting more because my brain already moved on to another idea.)
In your fic you implied that Peter traveled back in time but he clearly remembers less than Stiles, so I immediately was like 👀👀👀 "oohh what happened after the point that Peter remembers? Are he and Stiles closer than he thinks? also: omg STiles what did you DO"
I also have many general thoughts about time traveling fics: like when Stiles travels back does the original time line continue and by changing the past he creates a parallel universe? What does this mean for the people in the original timeline? For them it's like Stiles died. How would Peter react to that (if he's still alive and did not travel back with Stiles)? Does Stiles know? How would he cope with "abandoning" the OG Timeline Peter? Would he try to get back or drag Peter into the past as well?
Then there's the question of does his mind just travel into his younger body or does his whole body travel back? If it's the latter: How does the universe handle two Stiles? Would it erase younger Stiles' existence? What would be the consequences for the Stilinskis and for Scott?
Next question: To which point in time does Stiles travel back? Pre Hale fire? Pre Laura's death? Pre Scott getting bitten? Pre Peter getting killed a second time? Pre …? So many possibilities and consequences AAH I love time travel fics!!!
I also have an idea for a reverse time travel fic, where Peter gets a glimpse of the future while he's still in college. I haven't decided yet if this vision allows him to change the future or if it's more a "sorry, life's gonna kick you in the nuts repeatedly but there's a hot magical boyfriend waiting for you, so yay?" (fun fact: a Garashir fic was the inspiration for this)
ok I think I'm done. (...FOR NOW)
Yay!!! I love reading other peoples brain vomit :D
There are so many fun time travel options! Your idea with just the memories is one of the more angsty I know of, though 😂 Just the memories makes it so hard to actually do something! Especially with ADHD, because that fucks your memory up so hard... I'm definitely looking forward to that!!
Both are not the same actually started with the idea of using the regression trope I like to read a lot in comics and then, somehow the idea of 'but what if there are two regressors and they come from different points in time?' 😂 So it's probably not even Stiles' fault 😂 (haven't decided yet, tbh) he's just in the same situation as Peter - and confused about it, because it's already wild that he woke up again and then Peter's there too, but then it's not even the Peter he knows (and probably died with??) but at the same time it is and, well, while there are complications, reliving his life isn't that bad, after all they both have more knowledge and access to more power (know of a way to get more access). (Yes, as you can see, there are even more thoughts for this in my brain 😂)
I love your thoughts about the OG timeline... I usually just ignore it and go the 'the OG timeline doesn't get to exist with the changes' because that's the less depressing option for me 😂 but it would be fascinating to read a fic where you have, like, both sides of the coin? Even though that sounds like a lot of work and thought that need to get into this. Especially since you need to decide how someone's (Stiles'?) presence in the past influences the future or if it does at all. Is the past like another dimension so it doesn't influence the future? does the future change bit by bit and the reader can see it, but the people in the future can't? did the presence not change anything at all on the surface, because they have always been there (the 'whatever you do in the past you already have done it while you lived through the same moment in the present' theory) and the only thing "different" is what happens from now on?
And yes, of course, the whole how does the time traveler integrates into the past. Are they a person that just suddenly appeared additionally? Are they resurfacing in their own old body? Are there two identities in one body? Did they merge to one?
It's such a fun thing to pick and choose what changes how, what stays the same and what's completely new (or gets kicked out)! Also I do love to use the time travel trope (more often a fix-it than not) to have an easy excuse for BAMF characters 😂 (also, they are usually even more traumatized than their past counterpart, but yeah 😂)
Time travel definitely is a very nice sandbox to play in what you know but change it even more than usual 😂
And your reverse time travel also sounds like a lot of fun! That reminds me of that one fic I love (but of course can't remember the title or writer now <.<...) where Stiles changes places with his future self. Like, not bodily (I think) but mentaly. That one actually inspired what I did in I can see what could be and I want it 😂 I think the one thing you have to be careful about there is to make a difference between time travel and something like the looking into the future/seer idea?
I do have a couple more ideas for time travel in petto, too. And I'm definitely gonna write more of it 😂 ironically I didn't like time travel that much before but by now I really love a good time travel (fix it) fic 😂😂
Also: you're very welcome to ramble more to me 👀 in general I mean xD it's so much fun to read and answer!
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agerefandomstuff · 1 year
Teen Wolf Agere
Cg!Derek | (Implied)Regressor!Stiles
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Derek taking care of little baby Dino💚
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I dids more Regression Moodboard for Stiles!!!
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
Teel Wolf character AgeRe head canons, because I want to and nobody can stop me!!
Mieczyslaw (Stiles) Stilinski: is a regressor. It started as an involuntary coping mechanism, when his mom died. He was really shy- and felt kinda bad about it at first. Jis dad reassured him that its okay and healthy. So did Melissa, when she learned about it. Stiles stopped regressing in middle school, he tried forcing it every now and then, when he felt stressed with exams and stuff, but wasn't able to actually get into little space for a long time. After a while of not being able to regress, Stiles moved on and accepted it as a thing from the past. He had almost forgotten about regression, but then the Nogitsune horrors happened. All the new trauma, paired with all the guilt and loss of sleep, lead to him re-discovering this coping skill. His Dad gladly took on the role as his caregiver once again, happy to have even more time with his lovely baby boy. And when Scott opened up to him, he felt even less alone!
Scott McCall: is a flip. He loves taking care of little stiles as his babysitter, but often ends up also regressing & playing with him instead. He does also take care of little Isaac, if he has to, but finds him really hard to handle and often finds himself overwhelmed or frustrated with his shenanigans. Nobody but his caregiver (Boyd) seems to be able to keep this kid in check.
Isaac Lahey: is a regressor. Just like in Stile's case, it's also a trauma response (because of his father's abuse). He's an absolute brat, always causes trouble and enjoys creating chaos. Isaac often throws tantrums and/or has meltdowns, when he doesn't get his way. However, he only acts that way, because he really longs for attention and doesn't know how else to get it. He never felt seen, nor safe growing up, so he acts out to seem 'too tough to mess with' and to make himself visible. Boyd (Isaacs cg) is basically the only person who is able to handle him and his outbursts. They're working on it though!
Vernon Milton Boyd: is Isaac's caregiver. He understands him in a way nobody else seems to be able to. He is compassionate and understanding. No matter the circumstances, his patience seems to have no limits. Boyd never yells at Isaac, he never even looks at him angrily. Instead, he praises his little one when he's been good, explains why a certain behavior isn't nice and teachers him techniques on how to handle (or deal with) negative emotions, without acting out. He also gives the best hugs!
Jackson Whittemore: is a regressor.. okay, I know what you're probably thinking, but hear me out, please. It'll make sense, i promise! We all know he is the typical 'bullie turns out to be gay' stereotype, right? It's basically the same with regression! He learns about Stiles being a regressor, when he finds his emergency pacieᵀᴹ in his bag after practice. At first, Jackson tries to bully him about it. But a heated argument between the two leads to Jackson pouring his heart out, opening up to Stiles (of all people). Learning all about Jackson's mental health struggles and self doubt, Stiles decides to put together a little AgeRe box for him. Finding it in his sports bag, after school, Jackson decides to give 'the regression thing' a try. At first, he feels weird about it, but he quickly learns how much it helps him cope. He has a less hard time expressing his emotions and dealing with all the stress. Jackson has no caregiver (yet), because he's really shy (& frankly embarrassed) about his regression, but Stiles did manage to persuade him into having a playdate every once in a while. (If I had to decide on a caregiver for Jackson, it would be either Boyd or Noah. I'm currently working on a fanfic revolving around this plot, we'll see where it goes sooner or later.)
Noah Stilinski: is the Dad and caregiver of Stiles. He also takes care of Scott, when he is regressed. Noah vehemently refuses to take in Isaac, ever since he threw a rock at Stiles, leading to the latter having to get stitches. Isaac doesn't regret throwing the rock, in his opinion Stiles deserved it, because he didn't wanna watch Isaac do a cool trick on the swing. He did apologize for throwing it that hard though.
Melissa McCall: is the Mom and caregiver of Scott. She takes care of Stiles, when he is regressed, aswell. Melissa also loves to care for little Stiles -and even little Isaac-, together with Scott, when he is big. It's their very special mother & son bonding time. Plus, handling Isaac is a lot easier as a team.. The little trouble maker still practically lives on the Time Out Chairᵀᴹ though.. This kid is quite a hand full and I love him for it.
Derek Hale: is a flip, but doesn't allow himself to regress. He feels it would make others see him as weak. He often acts as a caregiver without any choice in the matter. He get's forced to 'babysit' the little gremlins when no one else is able to.. He loves taking care of little Scott, but he'll never admit to that. Scott is just a sweet kid, always trying to help around the house or with his 'sibbies'. Derek doesn't mind caring for Stiles most of the time, but get's very overwhelmed when he goes nonverbal or won't stop crying, which happens quite often. Taking care of Isaac is-.. well.. Derek may have tried to leave him somewhere in the woods a couple of times.. Boyd threatened to beat him up when he found out, but knew he wasn't a match. So now he just doesn't let Derek near his angel anymore. Derek doesn't mind, quite the opposite is the case, actually.
Alan Deaton: is a caregiver and mainly takes over, when someone is sick or hurt while regressed. He makes the best chicken noodle soup and always kisses boo-boos!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・.゚»・⁠°✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧°・« ゚.・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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banner by @froggy-clubhouse
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bebbie-bilinski · 8 months
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made an agere info card using the templates that i reblogged earlier! i didnt have enough room to add more nicknames, likes and dislikes so i added the top ones
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fine-illwriteitmyself · 10 months
Derek showing up at Stiles' house ready for a week of baby time like
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syskid-central · 2 months
main: @nonbinaryeddiekaspbrak
alters here (non-syskids for safety):
cas / cassian - he/it: flip, doesn't regress often but enjoys the content. host, 14 - 20 (4-6)
steve - it/he/pink (fem terms only): flip, regresses often. subsys caregiver, 15 - 18 (0 - 4)
buck - he/they: caregiver, mod. co-host, 26 - 32
feel free to send asks or request a moodboard! our only objections are inappropriate relationships, gore, & nsfw. anything else goes!
common agere headcanons below!
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stranger things
regressors: mike wheeler, robin buckley, el hopper, jonathan byers
flip: steve harrington, lucas sinclair, max mayfield, eddie munson, joyce byers
caregiver: nancy wheeler, chrissy cunningham, will byers, jim hopper, dustin henderson
regressor: evan buckley, may grant
flip: hen wilson, maddie buckley, bobby nash, josh russo
caregiver: eddie diaz, athena grant, chimney han
regressor: jeremy heere (be more chill), will solace (riordanverse), lucifer morningstar (lucifer), jack kline (spn), charlie bradbury (spn), stiles stilinski (teen wolf)
flip: jake dillinger (be more chill), jared kleinman (dear evan hansen), dean winchester (spn), sam winchester (spn), scott mccall (teen wolf), lydia martin (teen wolf), percy jackson (riordanverse), annabeth chase (riordanverse)
caregiver: castiel (spn), zoe murphy (dear evan hansen), christine canigula (be more chill), chloe decker (lucifer), whizzer brown (falsettos)
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jjtheresidentbaby · 11 months
HELLO LOVE!!! @bebbie-bilinski AGAIN!!
ok like we discussed this is def gonna be a more hurt/comfort oriented request :P
as always regressor!stiles and cg!derek at the loft haha
ok i was wondering if you could maybe do something where stiles is upset -very upset- we're talking ugly crying inconsolable throwing pillows full speed at walls that sort of upset tho im not too sure as to why he could be upset maybe its all the stress of having near death experiences thanks to the supernatural world or maybe its due to thinking about past trauma too much (or take some creative liberties! u know i'll eat it up regardless) im thinking stiles will be big during this and derek tries frantically to help in whatever way he can and once hes calmed down hes just too exhausted to do anything else but regress and recuperate from all the big emotions :P then its all derek asking what stiles wants to get comfy and big ol clueless stares from stiles cus he has no idea what he wants lol im not sure if id rather they be alone when stiles regresses or maybe peters there too anyways theres obligatory cuddles in big comfy t shirts and!! itty-bitty-baby regressor stiles coded pretty please (´∀`)♡ ! god im so sorry this is so long i hope that was detailed enough!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ remembering ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| stiles stilinski & derek hale & peter hale || read on ao3
notes: this got requested and hour ago and I’m already answering it & it’s midnight, someone pray for me
warnings: set after s3 before s4, mentions/talk of void stiles, crying, angst, hurt/comfort, pet names, Peter being referred to as “papa”
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Derek watches in horror as Stiles scream sobs in the middle of the lofts living room, his hands are grabbing at his throat as though he can’t breathe, body halfway bent in on itself as he only grows louder. Derek doesn’t know what to do. Stiles had texted him asking if he could come over, saying he felt upset and maybe a slip coming, Derek of course replied immediately saying he’d be waiting.
What Derek didn’t expect was to open the loft door to Stiles already crying, thick tears staining his pale skin and hiccuping breaths leaving his chest. Derek had tried to pull Stiles into his arms, the little usually clings to Derek when upset, but he got pushed away from. There’s been no explanation as to why Stiles is so upset but that doesn’t seem to matter to Derek, he’s too heartbroken to think about it.
���Stiles, Stiles please breathe, it’s okay.” Whether or not Stiles can even hear Derek’s voice is really up for debate, Derek keeps trying anyways. His own tears threatening to spill when Stiles’ knees shake and he drops to the ground, Derek right by his side.
“I can’t- I can’t Der, I can’t!” Small red lines appear on Stiles’ throat where he scratches at the skin, Hale catching his wrists before it can get any worse. The last thing he needs is to try and preform first aid while Stiles is in this state.
“Can’t what? What is it baby? Talk to me.” It shakes coming out of Derek’s mouth, hating how Stiles cries even harder.
“It’s too much! I don’t want it!” Stiles sobs before falling into Derek’s chest, screaming as loud as he can get before another sob bubbles from his throat.
“What don’t you want? You gotta talk to me, let me help.” Derek’s voice is hoarse with desperation, allowing Stiles to hit at his sides after Derek releases his wrists.
“All of it! I- I remember it all Der, I don’t want it, please. Please make it go away.” The begging tone and pleading eyes sent Derek’s way is enough for his breath to catch. He suddenly knows what this is all about, void Stiles, the hell that happened last year and still haunts his little night and day. Hale can’t imagine what it felt like to have someone control Stiles’ mind like that, but he knows what Stiles tells him, and that alone is enough to make Derek nauseous.
“It wasn’t you, it wasn’t you baby. It’s okay.” He soothes the best he can despite knowing how little it really does. Nothing can fix what happened, or the results it left behind.
“I don’t want to remember, I hate it. I wanna go back, let me go back.” Stiles’ hands cling around Dereks neck, fingers pulling at the t shirt he has on so tightly the material could rip.
“Go back where?” If there’s a place Stiles wants to go that’ll comfort him Derek will move hell on earth to get him there.
“To before. When- when void didn’t exist, to before it all happened.” Oh.
“Oh honey…” Derek has no words to say, he can only pull Stiles up into his lap more and rub his hand down the brunettes back. There’s still small whimpers and tears spilling from Stiles, Derek hates that he can’t make it all feel better, that he can’t take this kind of hurt away. He wishes he could hold Stiles’ hand and watch his veins turn black as he drained Stiles of his pain, but this isn’t physical, and there’s no easy fix to it.
“I want papa.” There’s a tremble when Stiles talks, he’s obviously dropped into his regression, a younger headspace from what Derek can tell just by his voice. And he wants Peter. Derek knows Peter went out to the grocery store at least an hour ago, he hopes he’ll be getting back soon.
“I’ll text him, okay?” Stiles nods along, eyes already drooping with exhaustion from his overwhelmed state. The attire he has on can’t be comfortable, jeans and a t shirt is fine while big but Hale knows Stiles will want something softer in his regressed state.
With that, Derek decides Stiles should change and quickly picks him up to walk them over to Peters bedroom, knowing that Stiles will want to wear something of Peters if he’s not here. He always likes to have something of one of his caregivers on, whether it he Derek’s hoodie or Peters shirt all depends on who Stiles is feeling clinger towards.
“Which one do you wanna wear?” The top drawer of Peters dresser is open wide enough for Stiles to see each t shirt folded neatly, Peters always been a precise person and his organization never fails to portray that.
“Do you want me to pick for you?” After a long beat of silence where Stiles only stares blankly into the drawer Derek figures he’d have a better bet choosing himself. Stiles nods in approval before Hale grabs the cranberry red t shirt that he knows is oversized even for Peter so it should be hanging off of Stiles, how he likes his shirts to be when small.
“Alright buddy let me text your papa and then we’ll get you out of those clothes.” A quick text messily explaining everything that just happened gets sent out quickly to Peter, he replies immediately, assuring Derek he’d be home as soon as he could and that grocery shopping would have to wait.
Once Stiles is changed into a small pair of pajama shorts and Peters shirt, him and Derek curl into the couch together. There’s a kids show playing lowly but neither are paying attention. Stiles is chewing the collar of Peters shirt, having refused a tether or pacifier, and Derek’s busy focusing in on Stiles’ heartbeat. It’s normal, not spiking in anxiety or panic, he should be relaxing with that information. He can’t. His brain is too busy running through what possibly could’ve happened to trigger Stiles like that.
It could’ve been his own overthinking, that’s happened a couple times, but never lead to that intense of a reaction. Derek prays silently that it wasn’t somebody saying something to upset Stiles, or a random bout of flashbacks as that always leaves Stiles restless for at least a few days if not a full week.
“Munchkin! What happened?!” Peters booming voice cuts through Derek’s thoughts and he’s quickly met with Peter barreling over to where the two are on the couch. Stiles instantaneously climbs off of Derek to cling around Peter with a happy giggle at Peter hugging him in close. At least he’s calmed down now.
“Are you okay sweetheart?” Seconds pass where Stiles just stares at Peter, the older Hale obviously growing more concerned as his brow furrows and Derek swears his eyes couldn’t grow any wider.
“Papa!” Stiles finally bursts out and latches around Peter again, it makes both the caregivers give out a small sigh of relief and chuckle at Stiles’ endless need for affection and his lack of communication skills in baby space.
Derek knows he and Peter will have to talk about what happened once Stiles goes to sleep, which shouldn’t be too far away with how tired he looks. The questions buzzing in his head will have to wait to get answered, and Peter might genuinely never let Stiles leave the loft again, but for now Derek leans back into the couch and tries to relax. Peter gives him a knowing look, that one that says he can feel how much tension Derek still holds about the situation, he lets Peter knock his shoulder into Derek in support. They’ll figure it out.
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 year
Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
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Is a baby regressor!
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