#regulus black x aurora monroe
littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Come Away With Me” : Regulus Black: Plus Size and Shortie : Chapter One “Prisoner”
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Reggie deserved better and by Godric he’s gonna have it. 
You keep makin' it harder to stay But I still can't run away I gotta know, why can't you Why can't you just let me go?
“Prisoner” - Miley Cyrus ft. Dua Lipa
The turning point for Regulus Arcturus Black came the summer before his sixth year.
History was repeating itself.
Walburga Black stared down at her youngest son, seeing nothing more than Sirius in that moment.
She'd warned him about that girl.
Aurora Monroe, or Rory, had been Regulus' best friend since their first day.
It would seem that the Black brothers had a penchant for befriending half blood, half breed combinations.
But that wasn't why Walburga hated the girl.
She didn't even know Rory was a werewolf.
But she did know that she was a half blood and she knew that she was a Monroe.
And that was enough for her to hate her.
Two families who had been at each other's throats since what seemed like the beginning of time.
It all came down to money.
As most things did.
They were two of the wealthiest families in the wizarding communities of England.  
Thus it was a constant competition and rivalry set in a long time ago.
The Black had old money that came from a long line of aristocracy.
The Monroe's built their fortune and built it rather quickly and also managed to spite a Black ancestor in the process.
And thus began the fued.
Walburga had warned her son, over and over again about being around her but he didn't listen.
Regulus was far more mild mannered than Sirius but at his core...he was actually truly very stubborn.
And he refused to budge on that.
She'd threatened to blast him off the family tree just like she had Sirius.
A moment that was still burned into Regulus' memory.
But still he held steadfast.
But then she snapped the final chord.
Her and Orion had never joined Voldemort and his band of followers but she supported them.
And she had every intention of Regulus joining the ranks.
Even if meant she had to force him.
It wasn't even that she was willing to force him to do something.
He was used to that.
But he knew what that meant.
It meant a death sentence for Rory and Regulus would burn it all down before he let that happen.
He flew up the stairs and into his room rummaging around for the mirror he and Rory had gotten from Zonko's before the summer.
"Rory! Aurora!" he called into the mirror.
He could hear her fumbling for a second before her freckly scarred face appeared.
"Hey, Regs!" she broke into a grin but it quickly faded when she could see the distress on his face. "Regulus, what's wrong? What happened?"
"I gotta get out of here." he said, struggling to breathe. "Right now."
"Ok, ok. What happened? Are you ok?" she asked, amber eyes searching him through the mirror.
"I'm fine. But I gotta go.  I'll be ok. But I needed to tell you just in case you don't hear from me for a bit." he said holding the mirror with one hand and shoving things into his trunk with the other.
A loud banging at the door caused his head to snap the side and the unlocking charm could be heard as his mother opened the door.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" she screeched and Aurora gasped.
"Who is that?!" Walburga snapped and snatched the mirror out of Regulus' hand.
She seethed as she took in the sight of Aurora Monroe on the other side of it.
Regulus didn't even have time to prepare for impact when Walburga backhanded him and threw the mirror across the room.
Aurora's angry scream could be heard right before it shattered and Regulus looked at his mother in horror as she advanced.
"The only way you leave this house is over my dead body." she whispered and Regulus looked up at her in horror.
"That can be arranged."
The two of them turned to look at the tiny figure in the door who had clearly just apparated into mass chaos.
Amber eyes ablaze and white hair like a halo around her.
She was furious.
Aurora looked nothing short of an angel of death.
"You little bitch!" Walburga growled. "Stupid filthy mudblood! You'll be expelled for using magic outside of Hogwarts."
Aurora smirked, "I'm of age, you musky hussy."
Walburga drew her wand and Regulus panicked.
"No!" he said lunging at his mother but Aurora had already cast the spell to disarm her.
Walburga grabbed Regulus by the hair jerking his head back.
She narrowed her eyes at Aurora who absolutely refused to back down.
"You're not taking him." Walburga spat.
"You let him go or I snap this in half and turn it over to the ministry.  And I'm betting there's a fair share of unforgivable curses lingering in this wood." Rory said.
She and Walburga stared at each other for the longest time before Walburga's eye twitched.
She pulled her hand back and Regulus squeezed his eyes preparing for the blow when suddenly the pressure was released from hair and he stumbled to regain his balance.
Aurora had stunned Walburga and sent her flying back into the wall where she now lay unconscious.
She performed the body bind curse on her and turned to Regulus.
"Get what you need, Regs.  We gotta go.  Right now." she said  sternly but he was too shocked to move.
She sighed and reached out to touch his arm, "Reggie, we gotta go.  Right now.  Get the essentials."
He seemed to snap out of it and shoved a few things in his trunk before grabbing his broom out of his closet.
"Is there anyone else home, Regs?" she asked as she kept a watchful eye over Walburga's unconscious form and the door.
"No." Regulus shook his head. "Just Kreacher. Oh fuck."
It dawned him in that moment.
"Kreacher!" he called out.
A second later the house elf appeared with a pop and promptly began to freak out over Walburga.
"Mistress!" he wailed.
"Kreacher, please." Regulus said. "I know, I know.  But she was..."
"She was attacking Master Regulus again?" he asked and Regulus nodded.
"I have to go, Kreacher.  Come with us. I can give you clothes and free you.  I haven't been blasted off the tree yet." he pleaded with the elf who had become his friend over the years.
He knew better though.
"Kreacher must stay in the Noble House of Black." he said solemnly.
And suddenly Regulus understood how Sirius must have felt when he had to leave.
He didn't really have a choice but Regulus wouldn't go with him just like Kreacher wouldn't go now.
"Kreacher will keep the Mistress asleep." the elf said.
Aurora watched and Regulus knelt to hug the elf once more before grabbing his trunk and slinging his broom over his shoulder.
"Ok." he said, passing a hand over Kreacher's head once more.
Aurora stepped forward and Regulus wound his arm through hers before she turned and apparated away.
As they disappeared into thin air, Regulus' eyes watered.
Sadness, relief, fear.
It was all mixed into one but one thing was for sure.
Everything changed from that moment on.
Chapter Two Coming Soon
Keep Scrolling after author’s note for additional story pics!
Hello, loves! I hope you enjoy this Regs story! It’s a tragedy what happened to Reggie and he was done really dirty both in his story and the lack of story we get for this multi dimensional selfless character! So he’s gonna have some good times in this story, dammit! 
Anyway, I love you all and I would love to hear from you!  Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, via reblog or just hit up the ask box! 
I love you all. 
Also, feel free to imagine Regs anyway you like but I do like him as Timothee Chalamet... like a lot of people because Timmy is precious. Also, I feel this gif perfectly encompasses his time in that hell hole.  It’s ok, Reggie bebe.  Mama’s got you.  I’ll give you cocoa and noms and blankies.  It’ll be ok now. 
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Some inspiration pics for Rory! 
These all played a part in the inspiration for Aurora’s hair.  Rory’s hair turned white with stress due to her condition much like how Remus’ hair started greying early.  
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I particularly loved the color of the first and how floofy it was.  But I love the texture and also the poof of the second.  I also absolutely adored the second lady’s freckles which I picture Rory’s being absolutely littered with. 
Aurora has golden brown eyes. Warm like the sun.  Here are a few inspiration pics. 
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I also used these and the picture from the freckled girl with the yellow top as inspiration for her skin tone as I see Aurora as very brown but dashed in freckles and heavily scarred just due to years of being afflicted with lycanthropy.   I also think it makes a striking contrast with her hair and such an juxtaposition against Regs’ fair features and dark hair.  
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This was my main inspiration for Rory’s scars.  She has them all over her but perhaps the most noticeable is the one on her face and I feel this one encompasses it perfectly.   
As far as height went I couldn’t find many pics for inspiration so I begrudgingly used my own tiny form of 4′11″ as reference lol.  She is smol bean like me.  I did find some body inspos though! Rory is very fluffy! 
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I don’t always show my inspo pics for characters but I felt like it was nice thing to start to do as it always helps me begin to form the layout of a character.  And I love you all so I figured it’d be a nice thing to share.  
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
@ tb-ctn
@ main-feetoffthetable
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Btw, the only tags I do is for my permanent tag list but if you ever want to be added to that, all you have to do is just go to the ask box and ask to be added! I’d be happy to do so!
Also, if you love the Marauders feel free to check out some of my recent Marauder works! 
Chasing Jess (Sirius Black and Jess Scamander) 
A Deal With Cupid (James Potter x Reader) 
All Fun and Games (Poly Marauders Fics) 
Talking to the Moon (Remus Lupin x Reader)
Torn (Remus Lupin x Rowan Black) 
And honestly so many more. 
I’m kind of a ho for Harry Potter and an outright slut for the Marauders.  Just being honest. 
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