#rei/akari asks to go back to their time and Arceus is like yeah yeah sure whatever and throws them into the future
justnoodlefishthings · 6 months
would be incredibly funny if the legends Z-A protag is the same protag from Legends Arceus
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 months
Just gonna….put this here. A VoloRei song. Cause I’ve been getting brainrot over them which I’ve been trying to beat back, but the brain still ponders.
Godless by KANGA. An unconventional interpretation of the song since it’s obvious what it’s meant to be about. But still, it fits in my head!
I do lean towards it being from Lucas/Rei’s perspective but I kinda liked how you could flip it to being from Volo’s POV as well if you twisted the lyrics a bit more.
Okay but rambling time now. I don’t think I’ll change anything in MainVerse no matter how bad the brainrot gets (EDIT: It’s turns out she’s lying right now, she did end up changing things in Mainverse). Juri is lucky she’s super set as Barry’s bio daughter since the plotline about Lucas returning to present day with a bun in the oven still lingers. And while there’s a funny parallel to both Juri and Casimir having bio dads who are the Main Villains of their regions because their moms are making questionable choices during the events of their respective game, I will refrain! I do think it’s important for Juri as a character that her family is more ordinary. It being a secret that Barry isn’t her biological father wouldn’t really add anything. I can def see Barry being willing to cover for Lucas and take responsibility of his unborn child if need be. Would love Lucas and Juri no matter what (boy is just relieved Lucas is back, safe and mostly sound). So that’s not the issue. It just doesn’t jive with how Juri interacts with the other characters, since I think the changed parentage would need to affect her somehow. Also thinking on it more, Juri couldn’t be a beta if Volo was her father, since while Lucas carries the beta gene to make that possible, Volo for sure does not. Thus Juri being a beta is further proof Barry is meant to be her dad. So yeah, I do think MainVerse is safe as is.
ChampionVerse Lucas is in trouble though, since that’s what really got this brainrot started. He’s trapped in Hisui longer in that verse, so he doesn’t adjust as well once he’s unexpectedly thrown back into modern day. Had made a life for himself in Hisui. So there’s a yearning for what he was forced to leave behind. And then he runs into Volo in the modern era, which in this scenario, would lead to a messier outcome. Can’t help but be drawn to the one person who’s the closest he’ll ever get to being reunited with what he lost (and on Volo’s end, Lucas is something from his own past as well. Would be a draw regardless of any anger/bitterness he might feel).
For Mainverse, I kinda flip flop on if Lucas messes around with anyone while he’s in Hisui. I lean towards he probably doesn’t? I think it would ultimately depend on how long he’s in Hisui though. Especially since has omegaverse sabotaging him. There is a catch in that he would be extra paranoid about possible bonding/pregnancy since is not at all familiar with what kinds of medicines/workaround exist in this era. Akari maybe helps him out at some point once he asks for help/she catches on that he’s somehow clueless about what he should be doing to keep himself safe. But before that point, Lucas would he hypervigilant about not letting any alphas near him once his heat is due. He’s also still a virgin (since he and Barry aren’t to that point in their relationship before Arceus whisks him away. They’re not dating yet, but are in that will they won’t they phase where Lucas is pretty much just waiting for Barry to realize his own feelings and confess) so that adds to him most likely not hooking up with anyone while in Hisui.
But what if! Idk, I read this fic and it got the brainworms going about what if Lucas were to cave and get attached to someone while in Hisui. Especially given the angle Barry is back in the modern era trying to get his best friend/not!boyfriend back. Barry and Volo aren’t alike at all, but hey, they’re both blonde! Trading your goodboy blonde almost bf for the evil blonde.
Watch me cave and be like “actually, ChampionVerse!Lucas is just ClingyShipping Round 2” where stuff with Volo does happen while Lucas is in Hisui. But then Barry is the dad who steps up once Lucas is returned to the present and having to cope with everything that happened. Step aside Paul, Lucas is Barry’s true love regardless of the universe (aka my exact same reaction in every AU with Hilbert and trying to not ultimately endgame him with N). And yes, I know the VoloRei post has looped around to being BarryLucas but there’s a lot of good AU angst potential to having both coexist in the same plotline. Calem can’t be the only messy protag.
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Past and Future about Discussions - Wait. Strike that. Reverse it.
[Inspired by @monsoon-of-art​‘s Pokerus AU] Lian groaned. His body was… well, still gloopy. Great, it wasn’t a dream… he’d had such a long rest that he’d been hoping this blindness was just a nightmare, but…no. He still couldn’t see anything. His hearing was as good as ever, though, if not more so - meaning he could hear what was going on around him rather easily.
“Seriously, thanks... I wasn’t sure how long he’d be out, or if he would...you know...” Rei? That was Rei, yeah.
“Don’t worry. I just had to rope in some help...” The Survey Team Captain?
Growling grumbles. “Just...shut up.” Well, that was Adaman...
“I...am loath to agree, but he is right. Forcing us to drag our poor Warden back was...quite rude.” C-Clan Leader Iridia?
Cyllene mentioned something about best available options, but the blind Warden paid it no mind. Instead, he pulled his head out of the shell (once he found the hole again) and spoke up. “Miss Irida! Are you alright?!”
The first response was something slamming into his shell, sending him wobbling. The slight chill through his shell was enough to tell him who it was, though. “L-Lian! You’re alright! Oh, we thought we’d lost you...”
The Sliggoo leaned down, giving his Leader a small nuzzle. “It’s alright... I’m far more worried about my Lord...” Wait. “Actually, what are you doing he-” A goopy head jerked up as Lian listened to the surroundings in a way he hadn’t earlier, distracted by grogginess and realizing the Pearl Clan Leader was within earshot. 
The Sliggoo had no choice but to hone his other senses as his sight left him, and right now everything was screaming five words at him: “THIS IS NOT THE FIELDLANDS!!” Even with the strange variations that sprung up a week ago, this sounded far too close to a village to be near his Lord’s home. And it was most definitely NOT the Pearl Settlement. He’d not been to the Diamond Settlement since his...changes (not that he ever had much reason to go there anyways), but given how things were there was only one reasonable conclusion. “...M-Miss Irida...” A gulp. “Why are we in Jubilife Village?”
He could hear the Clan Leader choke back a sob, fear and worry wafting off of her in waves. And not just her, similar emotions were rolling through the room like a Sinnoh-sized bouquet. It honestly made him wonder if going blind was the worst thing that’d happened to him...
And upon hearing his Leader’s answer? He had to accept that yes, blindness was not the worst thing that had happened to him.
“So... you actually had to fight the Warden?” A large Snorlax grunted, trying to draw attention back to him. Sorry pal, Ms. Scary Abra (yes, Akari knew her name was Cyllene and she was the Survey Corps Captain, but to the Dewott she was Ms. Scary Abra until further notice) was kinda keeping more focus. Even if this giant Normal-type was technically above her.
She was able to snap her focus back to the fat ‘mon to reply, however. “Y-yes sir. And it was odd... he’d only been in there for a couple weeks, when usually it takes a month for-”
*SLAM!!* Up she went, and down she fell on on her side. Thank Arceus for Oran Berries. “I wasn’t asking for comments!” A groan as the (Snorlax) head of the Galaxy Team, Commander Kamado, leaned back with a grumble. “The situation is bad enough as it is, we do not need conjecture tossed in.”
“With all due respect, sir?” Wah! Ms. Scary Abra was talking! “I have to politely disagree.” Wait.
“What?!” Ok, Akari had thought that the same exact time the Commander said it. Kinda Creepy, but even weirder was the fact that Ms. Scary Abra apparently wanted Akari’s comments?! “As loath as I am to admit it-” Ah, there’s that good ol’ disapproval- “She does seem to be the only one here who knows anything about these distortions. Thus, I say we should let her speak... Just take all she says with a grain of salt until we can corroborate it.” 
Groan and slump while the Snorlax grumbles, that seems appropriate for the situation. “Well, fine. And I suppose you want me to take Rei’s account as “corroboration” for what happened with Lian?” Aaaand time to perk back up as Ms. Scary Abra just gave a “so-so” motion with her hand. “...FINE. Ugh.” A meaty paw barely ran down a meaty face, the meaty body getting in the way nevertheless. “So. Talk.” Oh-kay, noiw he’s focused on her and is almost as scary as Cyllene (Wah! She forgot to keep the nickname up!). “What normally takes a month?”
Gulp. Alright, pull yourself together Akari. It’s now or never. “I-it normally takes a month in a Mystery Dung-err, distortion, for a ‘mon to go insane enough to attack outsiders on-site.” Can she stop sweating so much please? It was bad enough that she’d already switched to the local parlance for Mystery Dungeons. “T-that’s why Rescue Teams exist, to get ‘mon who get stuck in a dungeon out of there before it’s too late. As it is, Lian...might have some trauma from the matter-”
“Actually, Lian doesn’t remember anything.” Rei covering for her nerves, thank Arce-wait, what did he say? “The last thing he recalls is trying to find some shelter in the Fieldlands to wait for help to arrive. Next thing he knew, he was in Jubilife.” Hang on, what?! “He does seem to be more...capable than we saw him last, too much so for only a week’s worth of practice. But he only agreed with us after we pointed this fact out...”
“Meaning for all he knew, he’d taken a nice, long nap.” Kamado growled as Akari took this new information in. “Well this is just Pecha-y. While it’s good that Lian’s stronger, this means that all our other wardens are likely just as mad as he was!” Paw slammed into table, and Akari had to right herself in mid-air once more. “And if Lord Kleavor is just as frenzied, then the other Nobles will be too!” A loud groan escaped the Commander as he slumped, the poster child of “Angry About Things But Not Knowing What To Do”.
“...erm...s-sir?” All the eyes in the room shot to Akari, who had landed on 2 feet (sorta, but who’s asking?). “I... I think I should mention that I think this...isn’t the Dun-Distortion driving them mad.” A chorus of “What?!”s greeted her statement, and the Dewott took that as permission to continue. “I...I actually think whatever’s creating the distortions could be causing these frenzies...”
“...And that makes a difference how?”
“Ah, well-”
Rei to the rescue again. “From the sound of it, sir, it means that these conditions should be cured by, well, defeating the crazed Warden or Noble in battle.” A gulp. “As...sacrilegious as that sounds, it worked for Lian, so-”
“So there’s no reason it wouldn’t work for the others, right.” A grumble as the earth shifted, the large ‘mon moving a bit. “I suppose it’d be a good idea to go ahead and test that theory with Lord Kleavor. Lian said he was only one or two... floors... below his Lord, right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Very well. You two are to go back to the Fieldlands and recover Lord Kleavor. Lian will accompany you-” Rei opened his mouth to speak, but the Commander beat him to the punch. “-because even if the route is different, he is Lord Kleavor’s Warden. I believe Miss Irelia would agree with me that the recovery of Lord Kleavor is thus part of his duties. However, as she and Sir Adaman are busy looking for any stragglers outside of the Dungeons, I will take command of the situation for the time being.” That...seemed like solid logic, damnit. Hopefully the Sliggoo could move properly, she reeeeeally didn’t want to be the one dragging his heavy shell on a sled this time ‘round. Help or no help.
Well, the sound of steel scraping on wood made those hopes real, the door opening to reveal the Warden in question who began dragging himself into the room. “I...I heard you needed my help with calming Lord Kleavor?”
Kamado blinked, then nodded with a huff as Lian pulled his way next to his two rescuers. “Indeed. I take it you will be joining them?”
“Y-yes, but I’d rather we not set out right yet-”
*WHAM!* And in the air they all went - again (that is a strong fist there, Commander...). “What possible reason could you have to delay? Are the Lords not important to you? Is your Lord not-”
“It’s nothing of the sort! I’d like to prepare some offerings to take with us.” Nicely timed rebuttal, Lian. The Commander shut up to listen. “I-I’d think that having some food for him could prove to be useful in calming him down... at the least, the scent should shake him from the Frenzy briefly.”
Eyes fell on the Sliggoo, silently asking “How do you know?”. To his credit, the Warden didn’t draw into his shell at the gazes (although if you asked Akari, that might be just the blindness).. “B-because...” A deep breath. This...must not be a nice reason. “Because I...I think my hat was the only reason I didn’t go crazy sooner.” And now everyone was leaning in, eyes open wide (and having jumped a bit from Kamado slamming his hands on the desk). “The first few days, I could...I could feel myself starting to slip. At the time, all I knew was that it was instinct, a need to protect myself...a-and fight.” He clenched (through his shell, and Akari was impressed she caught that!), the air in the room growing heavy from implications. “I...I didn’t want to fight. Not when I couldn’t see. And the smells of Warden Ingo and Lord Kleavor on my hat...they gave me something else to think about. At least until...” He trailed off, leaving the known bout of insanity out of his story. They already knew about it, anyways.
The Snorlax leaned back with a *hmph*. “Well, alright. I won’t deny that this feels like a stretch to me, but it’s probably worth a shot. Alright... you have 2 days to make the offerings, then you need to get over there.” A short, sharp nod - spraying goo everywhere - as the Sliggoo made to head off... And turned around right before the door. “Erm, sorry, but I’m gonna need some help, what with the blindness and all... you two mind?”
“Oh, sure!” The Pikachu scampered over towards the shelled ‘mon as Akari thought for a bit. She could spend the time working out tactics to deal with the Dungeon, especially if this Lord was going to be an even harder fight than Lian, but at the same time...
“Alright, count me in.” Good way to build camaraderie in a team, especially since they had no choice but to take the mission together. That, and while she knew Rei somewhat, she had no clue what Lian could do when he was of sound mind (he was a good shot with those Water Guns in the fight, but he was crazy at the time. That never counts). Not to mention, she had no idea who this Kleavor was, outside of some high-ranking official. Wonder why a human official had a “Warden” for a caretaker...wouldn’t “Butler” be a better fit? She had her answer the next day. “Wait, Kleavor is a type of Pokémon?!?”
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Elevated Railways - Ch 16
Ingo has been in Hisui for two years when two children fall from the sky - with wings like his. Did they come from the same place he did?
Word Count: ~2100
Days turned into weeks. Weeks became a full month. Before any of them realized it, Rei was almost completely healed of his concussion. Ingo and Emmet would switch off which of the twins, if both, they took on excursions. Neither of them wanted to be without an adult anymore. Not after the Volo incident. 
They were working towards a single goal now: finishing the Pokedex. Ingo would take mornings to do his Warden duties, sometimes bringing Akari with him (she was the earliest riser). It was because of this that they managed to get the entries for Cranidos and Shieldon in a space-time distortion. Emmet would take them out during the afternoons as Ingo rested to take one or both at night, if they felt up to it. 
There were very few entries left. In fact, only one entry was left. Giratina. Ingo and Emmet met eyes once again as the younger two fell silent while discussing it. It was early afternoon, and the three others had just returned from their latest excursion, finally managing to capture the Prince of the Seas: Manaphy. As they spoke, it was gliding through the air happily, trilling and squeaking at them as they observed it. The brothers knew what this meant. 
They nodded once. Then they turned their attention back to the children. “How many more entries are left?” Ingo asked them brightly, watching the Mythical Pokemon flutter about. 
Rei was quiet. “Just one,” he said. He flipped to the page with the Pokemon in question on it. Akari shuddered and looked away. 
“Are you two tired?” Ingo asked, “Perhaps just this once, we can go retrieve the Pokemon and you can wait here-”
“I don’t think we can,” Akari interjected. She fiddled with her fingers, recalling Manaphy. “I think me and Rei have to be the ones to do it. I don’t know if it counts otherwise.” 
Ingo grew silent again. 
“Then we all go together,” Emmet said. Ingo glanced at his brother. His hair had grown out in the time he had been in Hisui, now sporting a small soul patch. He tied his hair back and liked to tuck it under his cap, not dissimilar to Ingo. “We can finish this book soon. Then we summon Arceus. Then we go home.” 
The younger twins looked up at their uncle. Their eyes were wide. 
“He has a point,” Ingo said carefully. He kneeled behind them, placing a hand on both of their shoulders. They looked at him now with wide, fearful eyes. “We have time, but we can go take care of it soon. We can stay and watch and ensure nothing goes awry. How does that sound? You managed to capture Darkrai, the Pokemon of nightmares. I think you can handle Giratina.” 
The children looked at each other. Neither of them seemed excited about the prospect, but Rei took his sister’s hand and squeezed. She sighed. “Alright. Let’s do it tomorrow. Then we can find Arceus.” Her Samurott nuzzled into her cheek. It seemed to understand her distress. 
“Your team is stronger now,” Emmet added. “And you can heal beforehand. Make Ultra Balls. Prepare.” 
Ingo felt his blood simmer again. That idiot had forced the twins to challenge him and then fight a god twice without healing in between. He kept his thoughts to himself. There was no need to pull up rusted cars again. 
“And we have more Pokemon and we know what’s going to happen,” Rei said quickly to his sister. “I can start the fight if you want-”
“No.” Her response was a little too quick, too rushed. She blinked and continued, “No, I don’t want you getting hurt by it again. I’ll do it.”
“But Akari-”
“No. I’m going to battle it.” Her tone offered no room for argument and her brother seemed to note that. He fell silent. “I’ll put together a team of dark and ice types. I know its typing now and I’m taking it down.” 
“You sure this is it?” Akari looked around.
“Yeah. This is the cave that Laventon mentioned.” Rei looked up from the map at the hole leading into the ground. “It says it's called Turnback Cave.” 
“That’s very reassuring.” She took a pace forward then stopped, looking into the cave entrance. She shivered. 
Ingo took hold of her shoulders, turning her to face him. Emmet did the same with Rei. “We will be right behind you. Nothing bad will happen in that cave, we swear it,” Ingo promised. Emmet smiled and nodded. The four all hugged each other, holding tight, before breaking apart and entering the cave. 
It was dark, as was to be expected. Dark and cold. The air felt… off here, charged. It felt like being in a space-time distortion. Inside was a pair of bright, glowing red eyes. They watched the four humans enter the space. They did not blink. 
Akari sent out Samurott. She did not speak. Giratina howled at her, roaring loud enough to shake the cave itself. Samurott responded in kind. The battle was on. 
Roll. Roll. Roll. 
Fireworks and smoke puffed from the top unceremoniously, indicating that the ball had latched. 
Akari fell to her knees as she grabbed the ball, looking at it. Rei ran over and hugged her. It was done. Giratina was caught. The Pokedex was complete. 
Ingo and Emmet rushed forward, enveloping her and her brother. They said nothing in the darkness of the cave as they hugged each other again, knowing the implications of this. 
They could go home. 
They dragged Akari out of the cave, Rei trailing with them, pulling them into the sunlight. She looked up at them and her wings fluttered. “L-let’s go tell Laventon. It’s done. We can go back.” 
Emmet smiled at her. Rei got pulled into the hug as Emmet bent down and picked both of them up, twirling around. The twins giggled. Ingo tipped his cap, a small smile on his features. 
He was so proud of his little family. 
They all leaped up, taking flight expertly. Akari’s wings shuddered as she cried out, looping in the air. Rei followed her. Ingo and Emmet swooped below them, crossing paths and making a helix in the sky. Rei hollered out as well. “We did it!” He grinned brightly. 
Akari laughed. “It’s done! We can meet Arceus now!” 
“We can go home!” Rei shouted as he pumped his fists, his wings going rigid for a moment as he did, all of his limbs spread out like a Staryu. 
Emmet laughed. Ingo smiled at them as they looped through the air, making their way back to Laventon and the camp. 
The professor saw them all doing gymnastics in flight and waved at them cheerily. The children landed first, running forward to the professor before they had even shrunken their wings. Ingo and Emmet landed more gracefully somewhat behind them, moving slower. Both of them were smiling, in their own ways. As they approached, Laventon’s voice floated to them, wavering.
“Y-you did it. You’ve finished the entire Pokedex…” The professor’s eyes blew wide as he looked down at the book excitedly. “This is… oh, this is everything I have ever dreamed of.” He flipped through the pages, his smile growing. “You two did it. You completed the whole book.” He shut the book softly, handing it back to Akari. Then he reached down and placed a hand on both of their shoulders. “I know you two are nervous about entering Jubilife, but if you ever do, I would love to throw a celebration for this. The Commander has been meaning to apologize for his actions. He no longer thinks you two are a threat and I daresay many of us miss having you around.” 
The twins looked up at him and nodded awkwardly. He grinned at them and hugged them, tears in his eyes. “Thank you both. This is my lifelong dream and seeing people dedicated enough to help it become a reality… this never would have happened without you two. Thank you.” They hugged him back. 
He broke away. “If you would ever like to take me up on my offer, I am always in my office. Do not hesitate to ask me if you need anything. I know that these two,” he gestured to Ingo and Emmet with a smile, “have been keeping you safe and fed, but I am always happy to help, too.” They both nodded at him again as he let them go and they rejoined their uncle and father, taking off once again. 
The flight to Ingo’s tent was much more calm than the flight to Laventon, but it was no less joyous. Ingo kept hollering his praises to the two children. Gliscor popped out and joined in, too, screeching in delight. It must have heard the news. It got close enough in flight to nuzzle each of the twins and smile. It made Akari giggle. Ingo’s tent came into view before long and all of them landed neatly. Sneasler was waiting for them. She greeted them as she normally did, with hair ruffles and snorts at their displeasure. The adults sat down together as the young twins went into the tent to grab something. Ingo did not ask about it. He knew they would be back before long. And they were. He heard their voices long before he saw them, though.
"He had a point, Rei. We can't just hide forever."
"I know but… I don't want you getting hurt."
"You can just admit that you're scared, too."
"No I'm not-"
"You look like you want to run away right now. I don't like it either, but we can't just hide away forever and then just leave." 
Ingo patted Gliscor on the head. It lounged over the silver twins in the chilly sunlight, purring, not at all caring about the cold. Lady Sneasler sat next to Ingo. She was also simply enjoying the day. 
Ingo knew that they needed to have this conversation for themselves, but he still itched to tell them it would be okay. He and Emmet had not mentioned the conversation they'd had with Kamado almost two months prior to them. He had no idea how much Laventon had told about the children to the Commander, either. 
"Dad? Uncle Emmet?"
"Hmm?" Both brothers hummed in response, looking over their shoulders. The young twins were standing together, looking at them. "I think we should go to Jubilife. After Arceus," Akari clarified. "We'd like to see everyone at least one more time before we leave for good." Rei nodded along. 
"That sounds like a decent schedule to keep. Do you still anticipate going to see Arceus tomorrow?" Ingo turned his body so that he was facing them. Emmet and the Pokemon did the same. 
"Yeah. We'll go do it in the morning," Rei said. He sat down with the adults and Pokemon. "And then in the afternoon go to Jubilife. By tomorrow night, we could go home." His tone wavered. Ingo cocked his head slightly. 
"Are you nervous about the prospect of switching tracks again?" 
They paused. "Yes," Akari admitted quietly. "What if we get separated? What if we lose our memories again? What if-"
"There is no reason to consider unexpected delays unless they happen," Emmet cut in. "Trying to control for all possible schedule changes will never help the train to move." 
They all sat in silence for a beat. "We're gonna miss you guys," Akari whimpered. Rei wouldn't make eye contact. Ingo reached forward and laid a hand on Akari's leg. 
"Miss Akari, we already know we are from the same time and region. I do not think you would be able to shake us that easily. You know where we reside, and we never really move around much. You both are always more than welcome in our home in Nimbasa." 
"But it won't be the same. Not like it is now." 
"You are right, it will not be." Ingo straightened and lifted her chin so she was looking at him. Her eyes were already red. "It can be better. We can order pizza and coffee and watch old TV shows. We can introduce each other to our partner Pokemon. We can take you to the theme park and ride the Rendez-view. You can meet our sister, I'm positive she would love you both. We can still preen each other and nest on the floor, but in our original station." She smiled softly. "We will help you find Arceus and then go to Jubilife. We will figure things out after that." 
She nodded. Ingo leaned back. 
"Now, what would you all like for dinner? It seems a celebratory meal is in order." 
taglist: @ruyi-years
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