#reia amell
brattern · 8 years
making a list of my da kids so I can investigate my past notes for them/ not forget them -reia amell -heather amell -falafel mahariel -Bernice cousland -Jolene hawke -Georgie Hawke - Roscha Hawke - Rowan Hawke -Marae Lavellan - Sascha Cadash
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singharit · 9 years
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for @magebutts ❤
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magebutts · 9 years
Reia + all the numbers because why the fuck not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1: sexuality headcanonhetero :/2: otpalistair + reia wow what a shock (but i could also get behind nate+reia oops)3: brotpnathaniel + reia, but also zevran+reia, sten+reia, lara+reia, anders+reia... okay she is very close with like all of her friends just slay me4: notpoh gosh uhm??? idk??? honestly i have no idea5: first headcanon that pops into my headeyes that actually glow blue like lyrium ‘cus she’s so powerful and has to drink so damn much of it6: favorite line from this characteri like to think she probably gave a nice speech at Amaranthine7: one way in which I relate to this charactervery bitter wow8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterso bad @ leading (the first time around anyways, she’s much better after Denerim)9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?both honestly.. yikes
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cullensbooty · 10 years
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doodle of Solas and magebutts Reia Amell because she's cute as fuck
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magebutts · 9 years
pls excuse this post I'm on mobile
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magebutts · 9 years
2 + 5 for Maeve and 7 + 11 for Reia
2. They woke up in a strange bedroom with no recollection of getting there?
She’d find a weapon or a knife or something and then try and figure out how she got there. maybe kill some people if she has to.
5. They met someone who claimed to be from the future?
hmm, depending on how far in the future they came from, she’d probably ask them how history remembered her. she’s very worried of having her good name as Inquisitor ruined, or having some destroy all her hard work and bring shame to her title.
7. They were asked to look after someone else’s child for a day?
She’d probably spend all day doing whatever fun stuff she could. They’d sit in the kitchens and eat yummy cakes and cookies and stuff, play with Dog, ride Dog… And if they fell off Dog and scraped their knees, she would kiss it better (because magic healing kisses for the win)
8. They met their double?
Freak out because an actual double would probably be a demon. Or maybe she’s the demon? I don’t think it would go well. Unless it was just a person who bore a striking resemblance to her, in which case they were probably arrested at one point or another as a suspect of posing as the missing/dead Hero while Reia was on the run after the Blight. Oops.
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magebutts · 9 years
i can’t stop thinking about how the blight changed Reia from the quiet, reserved Circle mage who always kept her head down and minded her own business, to powerful warden, rebel mage, and a diplomat demanding of respect, to Warden Commander and Arlessa of Amaranthine, loud Ferelden who gets into too many drinking contests who will fuck you up just for the fun of it (but also totally professional and still demanding of respect)
i love my tiny daughter so much
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magebutts · 10 years
This ones for the pretty girls!! (aka. Reia and Maeve pls)
Amanda u will be the death of me
1. The color of their eyes.
I always describe them in my head as being 'lyrium blue' ;D
2. How old they are.
During the course of Origins, she's 19-20. So I believe she's now 30??
3. One strange thing/quirk/defining characteristic of their body or physical appearance.
her eyes. I like to think she has naturally blue eyes, but her magic/mana makes them glow brighter (like blue lyrium haaaa im lame)
She's really compassionate, but also incredibly unforgiving.
5. How their parents met.
uuHHmm???? idk they probably had an arranged marriage tbh
6. Who their first love was, and why they loved them
she had a dumb puppy love crush on Cullen but I"M GONNA BE LAME AND SAY IT WAS PROBABLY ALISTAIR THOUGH!!!!! In the Circle she dedicated all her time to her studies and making sure she never did anything that would bring her any trouble with the Templars but like once she became a Warden she didnt really have to worry about that stuff anymore so really Alistair was her first chance to actually have a relationship.
7. How/why I came up with the concept for them
I opened up DA:O and I was like 'i have no idea what to do' so I gave her my favorite physical features (from that point in time)??? And she was just kind of like, supposed to be perfect. But I was 14 and naive and my attempt at making a "perfect" character created a very flawed, very broken child.
8. Who they eventually end up with
Alllliiistaaaairrrr :'D
9. Their favorite animal.
It's probably a tie between mabari and cats.
1. The color of their eyes.
Ice blue.
2. How old they are.
Somewhere around 30, I haven't decided and exact age yet. Most likely between 29-34
3. One strange thing/quirk/defining characteristic of their body or physical appearance.
4. One strange thing/quirk/defining characteristic of their personality
She's naturally very defensive and stand-offish as a self-preservation mechanism. But she's like, a told baby who loves picking flowers and reading and is super cuddle-y.
5. How their parents met.
UhhmmMm.... Probably at some noble thing. Like a party or a ball. Something stupid and romantic.
6. Who their first love was, and why they loved them
Oh I just came up with this last night!!! She escaped the Circle once with a boy she was friends with. They were probably like 18 or so at the time. They managed to stay away from the Templars for a while and they were just super in love and enjoying having their freedom. And then the Templars found them and he used blood magic to defend them. And so basically the Templars killed him and assumed that Maeve had just been his thrall so they dragged her back to the Circle, The End. :)
7. How/why I came up with the concept for them
I started designing her about 7 months ago just for fun and I didn't really plan on developing her at all as a character. She started off as being this cute, soft little thing with round features and just being totally nice and sweet and now she's this angry rebel mage apostate who despises authority and kicks a lot of butt (but is still super sweet on the inside)
8. Who they eventually end up with
Cuuuullennn~ :D
9. Their favorite animal.
Answered (bunnies!!!!)
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magebutts · 10 years
basically i think a lot about Wynne comforting Reia, holding her and stroking her hair gently, sushing her like a mother trying to calm down a crying child
lmao and then Reia p much kills herself and that is when I die
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magebutts · 10 years
i like to imagine that during really long and intense battles, like Denerim and Amaranthine, Reia's bun falls out and she comes out in the end with a loose braid with loose strands of hair sticking to her sweat-covered, dirty face
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magebutts · 10 years
i bet at some point during the Blight, Reia and Alistair stumble across a wanted poster with their faces on it and the drawings look a lot like them, but they're drawn to be really intimidating and scary and the both get really upset with the depictions of them
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magebutts · 10 years
i have so many dumb little mage-y headcanons for reia it's ridiculous
my favorite one is that on nights when it's really cold and the fire in camp isn't enough to keep completely warm, reia sits in alistair's lap and they cup their hands together and she lights a little spark inside them and keeps it going until they're both sufficiently heated it's so dumb im  so  d u m bi i can t  handle this an y m oreeee
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magebutts · 10 years
after reading up on them in Reia's tag, i kinda don't want to, but i'm a masochist so the meme of domesticity: Reia Amell and Alistair
hah ahaha okay i'll do the ones that apply since most of them are modern
who is the big spoon/little spoon
alistair is definitely the big spoon. even if reia wanted to try and be the big spoon, there's not way she's be able to get her arms around him. scrawny little baby
what is their favorite non-sexual activity
they talk... a lot. they sit by the fire and talk, go for walks... .lots of lame-o talking
what is the most trivial thing they fight over
where the dog sleeps. (reia always wins and the dog sleeps with them)
who does most of the cleaning
reia's a total neat-freak, so yeah definitely her
who steals the blankets
seeing as they live in ferelden, neither of them steal blankets. they turn themselves into one big giant blanket burrito.
who leaves their stuff around
definitely Alistair.
who remembers to buy the milk
who remembers anniversaries
my gut is telling me they're both really bad at remembering that stuff, but I'm leaning towards Alistair being the one that usually ends up remembering.
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magebutts · 10 years
if ur gonna try and tell me that alistair and the warden don't have a rose garden at the castle in denerim ur wrong sorry ur just wrong no room for argument
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magebutts · 10 years
hi! would you mind telling what your Amell did with Jowan in Redcliffe and why?
She left him in the dungeon for the Arl to deal with. She definitely wasn't about ready to let go what happened at the Circle and how things ended, but also after finding out what he did to the arl, she knew that it wasn't her place to decide what happened to him. So yeah, he was killed by the Arl, if memory serves.
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magebutts · 10 years
hardest decision of your fav wardens life?
hardest decision Reia Amell ever made was putting Alistair on the throne. She avoided the topics of the Landsmeet like the plague because everyone was pressuring her about what decision she would make (Eamon wanted her to put an un-Hardened romanced Alistair on the throne, Alistiar didn’t want to be king, Anora wanted herself on the throne… politics are scary after she screwed up in Orzamar and she wants no part in political decisions oops), which backfired BIG TIME when the Landsmeet actually came and she was left with no choice but to put Alistair on the throne. 
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