#reigen smut
stupidlittlespirit · 4 months
Just For Tonight (Valentines Special)
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Rating: NSFW, mdni Type: Longform Tags: Fake dating, no use of pronouns for reader, messy kissing, pretending to be in a relationship, making out, Reigen being a cheapskate, flirting, riding, fingering, PIV sex, glasses!reigen Word count: 9630 My other works: here on tumblr and here on Ao3!
There's a nice new sushi place in town. It's a shame they're only offering discounts for couples....
“Valentine's day is a total scam,” declares Reigen, feet kicked up on his desk and lounging in his desk chair. “It’s so lame.”
It’s 5PM on a Wednesday afternoon and work is drawing steadily to a close. You’re filing the last few pieces of paperwork for today, tidying up your things before you head home for the evening, and all you’ve done is ask if any of your colleagues are doing something nice tonight for the lauded day.
In his typical fashion, however, Reigen has seized the opportunity to launch into a pointless spiel about his one-sided beef with made-up events and how much he doesn’t buy into them.
“It’s a capitalistic concept invented to sell cheap, poor quality products marked up by like, five hundred percent, to dumb idiots that are so blinded by love that they’ll part with cash hand over fist just to prove how much they allegedly care about someone,” Reigen yaps away. “Don’t people care about the integrity of love? People should show how they feel every day, not just when society tells them they have to. It’s a dumb holiday. It’s stupid. Totally ridiculous.”
“I heard that fancy new sushi place is doing half off for couples,” says Ekubo, floating aimlessly past your head.
“Half off?” says Reigen without missing a beat. “For real?”
You roll your eyes from behind your laptop and click it shut. Trust him to only care when he can save a few Yen.
“Yeah,” Ekubo yawns. “I was gonna go down there and haunt a few couples. Y’know, spoil their day or whatever.”
“Nice,” you snort, wafting the spirit away from your face. “That doesn’t scream bitter at all.”
Ekubo grins. “Gotta make entertainment somehow, honey. You have no idea how boring it is to be dead.”
It’s hard to look disapproving when you’re laughing but you shoot him a look anyway.
Reigen snatches his feet off of the desk and sits up straight, his chair creaking with the abrupt motion. He taps away on his PC, lightning fast, and makes a sound of interest. “Holy shit,” he says. “Looks like you’re right. Half off food and drink.”
Ekubo ignores him and turns his attention to you. “Any plans?”
You shake your head. While you’d rather not give him the satisfaction, you partly agree with Reigen. The holiday is a made up scam; almost every restaurant and bar in the city ups its prices under the guise of special dinners and intimate drinks, filling their windows with hearts and flowers and corny banners about love.
Being single on Valentine’s is even worse. No one wants to go out alone and the commiseration prize for being so is a condescending offering of dating events and pathetic ‘self love’ bullshit. It's unbearably sad and you'd rather drink a bottle of wine alone in the bath than be seen to engage in any of that shit.
Still, the thought of spending it with someone you have feelings for is, in theory, very attractive. It's just a shame the only person you want is sat two meters away and very much not interested in doing anything of the sort.
Bottle of wine in the bath it is, you think.
Once everything is packed up, you wish them both good nights and make your excuses to leave. Reigen lets you go without even looking up from his laptop and you decide that tonight, more than one bottle might be needed.
At six thirty, just as you pour your first glass, your phone buzzes on the coffee table. You pick it up and flip it open, hoping this isn't going to be a late night call to come in to work even earlier tomorrow morning.
[Reigen] - are you free?
You stare at the message and another one comes in straight afterwards.
[Reigen] - obviously you are.
That’s a little hurtful but it’s not like he’s wrong. Why? you message back.
Three dots show up as he types, then they disappear, then return, and after a few minutes another message buzzes through.
[Reigen] - Emergency, meet me ASAP.
He pings through an address in the City and briefly, you're worried that he might be in trouble. The office diary hadn't listed any out of hours clients for tonight and it would be unlike Reigen to take a job that he couldn't handle alone; Serizawa is at night school this week to cram for exams and Mob is busy with his friends, so nothing is due to come up.
Another text comes through.
[Reigen] - and wear something nice.
You have absolutely no idea what he means by that, however if Reigen says it's an emergency then you'll never forgive yourself if you leave him high and dry. The last thing you want is for him to get hurt.
Must be a posh client, you think. Last minute demands for your presence are usually related to a high paying job, so it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that he needs you to butter up a stuffy customer and show off some leg to make a sale. It wouldn’t be the first time and you usually get a good commission for your troubles. It’s easy money.
Sighing, you screw the cap back on your wine bottle and down the half-full glass in record speed.
It’s better than moping about alone.
You make it there in thirty minutes, give or take. The short notice gives you just enough time to make yourself presentable, pick out an outfit and make it into the city, yet by some stroke of luck you manage to catch the last train into central.
The address isn’t far from the office and with a brisk pace, you make it in good time. It’s busy out here tonight. It’s hardly unexpected. You’re in the food district on a major holiday, throngs of people are wandering through here at the best of times.
What is, however, is the sight that greets you when you arrive at the map’s marked location.
Reigen is standing outside a dimly lit restaurant, browsing his phone in one hand and clutching a lush looking bouquet of roses in the other. You almost walk right past him, he's unrecognisable without his usual suit and tie; he's dressed in navy slacks and a perfectly white dress shirt, silver glasses on the end of his nose and hair styled nicely. He looks good.
“Reigen?” You ask, approaching him warily.
At the sound of his name, he glances up from his phone briefly to see who’s asking and double takes. He looks a little surprised to see you and you have to admit that you feel similarly.
“Oh,” he says, looking you up and down. “You made it.”
“Where’s the emergency?” You frown, looking past him to search for awaiting clients.
Reigen clears his throat and jerks his thumb over his shoulder, towards the restaurant. “Here.”
There are no concerned looking people waiting around behind him. In fact, the entire place looks to be filled with couples who are anything but. You glance between him and the shop front again, and wait for him to expand on why you’re here.
Reigen stares back at you for a moment and then proffers the bouquet. “Here,” he says, a little flushed in the face. “You like flowers, right?”
You stare at him, clearly confused, but you take them from him all the same. They’re roses, deep red and freshly cut, tied together in layers of pink paper that rival the colour on his cheeks. You have to admit, they're lovely.
“What are these for?” You ask, laughing. “Where are the clients? You said there was an emergency.”
Reigen looks slightly guilty and you realise, after a moment, that there isn’t any client. No one needs your help and there doesn't appear to be any spirit floating around to cause bother. Now that you think about it, the front of this place seems vaguely familiar and when you look again, you realise he’s totally played you.
“This is that fucking sushi place, isn’t it?” you sigh, shifting the flowers into the crook of your arm. If what Ekubo had said is true, it’s not like you’re going to get to take advantage of the discount he so desperately wants. “Reigen, we're not exactly….” You gesture between you both and the words that go unsaid are obvious: ‘a couple’.
“Look, they’re doing fifty percent off the whole menu!” Reigen launches into his reasoning and you can tell he’s practised it. “It’s just for tonight, and we don’t have to do anything except look like we are, right? They won't know any different!” He pouts slightly for good measure and you hate that it works so well on you. It always does. “Plus, they sell that swanky shrimp shit and I really wanna try it…. Please?”
The flowers suddenly make sense.
“Are you asking me to date you for the night?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. The concept is hardly unappealing. Reigen is cute and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about it. Well, thinking about it and dreaming about it are two very different things and the little candle you hold for him has only been getting bigger over time.
You’ve kept it quiet for the most part; the only person in the office that has any vague idea is Ekubo. He’s perceptive enough to have caught you looking when no one else is and although he's sworn to keep it a secret, you suppose if he isn't around then you can get away with playing things off as pretending.
He shrugs, unabashed in his request.
“Ugh,” is all you say and it's the vague confirmation he needs.
Reigen grins.
He drags you into the restaurant, hand wrapped around your wrist, and announces to the waiter that's taking stock of the visitors that he's booked a table for two. The waiter looks from Reigen, to you, to where he's holding you tightly by your arm.
“Tonight's dinner is for couple's, sir….” He says, looking unconvinced.
Reigen wilts slightly, letting go out of you and gesturing towards the flowers in your arms. “Uh,” he clears his throat. “We are.”
The waiter regards you both with suspicion and Reigen visibly prepares himself to argue with the guy. If you're honest, you'd really rather not cause a scene in an establishment like this by allowing him to fight with the first member of staff he comes into contact with.
The restaurant is clearly not made for people like the two of you: it's modern and luxurious, filled with mahogany and crystalline chandeliers, and all the staff look like they've smelled something unsavoury. It's clearly an upper-class joint.
Still, you think it might be nice to take advantage of an opportunity like this and you don't really want to spend tonight by yourself. Besides, you'll never hear the end of it if this gets screwed up and frankly, pretending to be on a date with him is probably as close to the real thing as you're going to get.
Reigen opens his mouth and you take his hand before he can get himself in trouble, slipping his arm around your waist and leaning into his side. He stiffens, looking at you in surprise, but you ignore him in favour of giving the waiter your best loving smile and lean into him.
Reigen smells like musky aftershave and something that’s distinctly him, and it makes your mouth water. “He's just shy,” you laugh, laying it on thick. “Of course we're a couple.”
It's important that you sell the idea first, Reigen had told you after you'd floundered a sales pitch once. Convince them even a little bit and the rest of it sells itself.
The advice is sound enough and you decide that the situation calls for a little more manipulation in order to close the sale and get the fucking stupid shrimp your boss wants. If nothing else, this'll teach him a lesson for tricking you into things. You press a chaste, but decent, kiss to the corner of his mouth and shoot the waiter a look that you hope conveys how much a couple in love would definitely do something like that.
You can feel your body warm up and you will yourself to stay relaxed, hoping your face doesn’t show how silly you really feel.
Reigen isn’t doing as good a job at running with things and he laughs, a little manic and high pitched. He mumbles something about you being right and gingerly squeezes your waist.
The waiter sighs and gestures for you to follow, apparently adequately persuaded.
When you risk a glance at Reigen, he's alarmingly red and slightly sweaty. All of the argumentative energy has left his sails and he seems rooted to the spot, unable to meet your eyes.
It's more than a little entertaining. You slip out of his half embrace and take his hand, having to drag him along in the wake of the waiter when it becomes clear that he’s forgotten how to move independently. “This better be the best fucking sushi I've ever had,” you warn him, but it's hard not to smile when he almost trips over his own feet on the way to the table.
The meal is otherworldly.
It's a testament to how the other half live. You've never had seafood like this before and knowing you probably won't have it again seems to make it all the sweeter. Everything is ten times better than the usual places you go.
Reigen lets you order whatever you want, provided it’s on the discount menu, obviously, and he even shares some of his fancy shrimp with you. Not much, but some.
The atmosphere is nice, too. Admittedly it's very romantic, candle lit and dark, and you suppose that is rather the point of it all. The lights stay low, the music is soft, and even the sushi arrives arranged into cute little hearts.
Your company is even better. Reigen has taken you out to eat before but usually he drags you to a cheap ramen place on the way home from work, and he always makes for entertaining companionship. This, though, is new. You've never actually gone out with him for a proper dinner and the entire time you sit across from him, you can't stop the way your stomach flutters at the thought of spending time like this together. It's silly, really.
It's not like this is a real date, after all. You don’t want to push the boat too far. There’s no sign that he actually feels any way about you beyond needing your compliance for his plan and you don’t want to make an idiot of yourself by getting too into it all.
You're halfway through sharing a round of nigiri when you realise Reigen is holding your hand. You're not sure how you missed him do it to begin with. After you'd sat down to eat, Reigen had been quick to keep himself to himself. The rosy tint to his face had stayed for a long time after your little over the top display and you had assumed he’d been too embarrassed to try something similar again.
Except halfway through dinner, you realise that his fingers are laced with yours as he laughs about a comment Mob had made the day before and he seems completely oblivious to the way his thumb is stroking over your knuckles.
You don't intend to mention it. It feels nice and you can't deny how enjoyable it is to play pretend like this with him, except he must catch your line of sight because he hums into his water glass, starting like it's also the first time he's noticed it, and starts to untangle himself.
“Shit,” he mumbles. “Sorry, I didn't-”
“I don't mind,” you say immediately. You're not sure what makes you blurt it out, but you tighten your grip to prevent him from backing off and surprisingly he gives in with no resistance.
He glances up at you, taken aback, and you try to clarify your meaning with only the tiniest of white lies. “The waiter already thinks we're making it up,” you say hurriedly. “We should probably keep it up until we leave, right? I’m not getting stuck with the full bill.”
Reigen raises his brows, seemingly astounded that you're not horrified by the concept of holding his hand, and he nods quickly to hide the expression. “Good idea,” he says, tangling his fingers with yours again. “Just for a bit longer.”
The hand holding lasts for more than just a bit. Even when you eat, neither of you let go of one another and no one mentions it. Sushi is easy to eat with one hand anyway, so it’s unobtrusive and easily forgotten. In fact, it’s oddly natural.
As the evening ticks on, you both relax enough that you start to forget that you’re supposed to be acting like you’re totally in love. It’s easy to get on with Reigen. You’ve always played off of each other well and this doesn’t feel any different to how you always behave around each other.
Beyond the handholding and the way his knees bump against yours under the table, you could be anywhere with him right now and you’re not sure you’d notice the change.
You’re not sure if that makes you feel better or worse about the situation.
The menu extends to several good wines and some specialty cocktails too, and in spite of the fact that you’re both scheduled to work tomorrow, you’re not shy about indulging. A single glass for you becomes another and even Reigen takes a risk on a second cocktail once he realises they’re serving something with citrus and fizz in it.
By the end of dinner you’re both getting on for being tipsy. Reigen begs off halfway through, a lightweight as usual, and relinquishes his for you to finish instead. It's probably for the best. His face is turning a pretty pink as he leans forward on the table, the alcohol bleeding into his system nicely, and dinner has been far too nice to puke up on the way home.
The alcohol settles in quickly and as mixing drinks tends to do, it goes to your head. You're not quite drunk, but you're not stone cold sober either. You think it might be why you stop paying attention to whatever Reigen is saying and start to let your thoughts wander a bit.
He's busy explaining a job from a few weeks ago, one that according to Mob had been fairly dicey, yet as you polish off the remainder of your glass, you’re not really listening to him brag about how he’d definitely been the one to save the day anymore.
You’re far too busy admiring the view to care about his stories. The fine wine feels like it cushions your mind in velvet, warming you up from the inside out and blurring everything around you except from him.
The chatter of the restaurant has faded away and the intimate lighting makes it feel like it’s just the two of you in here, trading stories and laughing with each other.
Reigen talks with his hands a lot, especially when he's had a drink, and while he expresses how close he’d come to death for the fifth time that day, he rocks your joined hands back and forth in time with his free one.
Reigen has nice hands: they’re wide and square, strong from all of his massages, with thick, long fingers you can’t help but imagine in places entirely unsuited to a public restaurant.
You’re enjoying a mental movie of said fingers on your body when he waves his hand in front of your face. Obviously you’re not doing a good enough job at showing him the attention he so craves.
“You're drunk,” he says, amused at your embarrassed look.
“No, I'm not,” you protest weakly. The stupid smile on your face belays your dishonesty and Reigen is clearly entertained. He blatantly doesn't believe you and you hide a laugh behind your hand. “Anyway, if I am, it's your fault.”
Reigen pretends to look aghast at the suggestion. “I'm your boss, I'd never get my employee drunk,” he scoffs.
“You don't remember having to scrape me off the floor of that bar at the Christmas party last year?” That one had been a particularly messy night out, even for you. You’re still all banned from the place for being idiots.
He smirks and you can see he's recalling it in real time. “That was your fault, not mine.”
“No way, you practically plied me with alcohol,” you say, laughing. “Very irresponsible of you.”
“Shut up,” Reigen grins and nods to the bouquet that’s propped up on the chair beside you. “I’m a great boss! I got you flowers, didn’t I?”
“Only so I’d date you under duress!” You say.
“I mean, sure, but also because you never get anything for Valentine’s.”
You stare at him, totally caught off guard by the confession. For what it's worth, Reigen looks even more surprised that he's said it. “I…. How did you-”
“Uh,” Reigen rubs the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze. “I… heard you talking to Serizawa about it last week.”
You can barely remember the conversation yourself. Serizawa had been talking about seeing flower arranging classes at his school and you'd made a comment whilst Reigen had been in the other room making tea, off the cuff and totally meaningless, about how you'd never gotten them before, not even for Valentine's day. It hadn't been said for any reason other than conversation, but it had been true. Up until now, anyway.
“Reigen, I-” You don't know if you should be over the moon that he cares so much or humiliated that the object of your affection knows about your shitty dating history. “Thank you.” You say finally, giving his hand a squeeze. “I think that's the nicest thing someone has done for me for a long time.”
Reigen shrugs it off like it's nothing and you're reminded of how much you really, really fucking like this guy. He's so sweet and kind and thoughtful, and no matter how frustrating he can be, he makes up for it so easily that you can never hold it against him.
Your head swims and ridiculously, your eyes start to burn a little.
You’d really rather not cry in front of him and very graciously, Reigen pretends not to notice. Instead, he reaches for the desert menu and this time, he tells you to pick whatever you like.
For the last stretch of the night, the two of you share mochi and a couple more cocktails. The wine is a little heavy for dessert and Reigen talks you into splitting drinks so neither of you get completely wasted.
You're using them and his accidental confession over your flowers as an excuse to show a little more affection than you ought to, and he doesn't give the impression that it's a problem for him. He does start a little when you press your ankle to his under the table at one point, but at your apology and attempt to move it back, he catches your foot between his and holds it there without comment.
The casual touch becomes a subtle form of footsie without either of you consciously meaning it to and by the time dinner is done, you're sitting with your legs slotted together. Despite the fact you've let go of each other's hands to eat, everything feels much more intimate than it had at the start of tonight.
On the last few pieces of mochi, Reigen pauses his chewing. “You've got-” He gestures to his lower lip and you realise he's signifying that there's something on your mouth. “S'not much.”
Your hand flies up to seek out whatever he's talking about and you're mortified momentarily, expecting something obvious and gross clinging to your teeth, but your fingers come away clean with only a little powdered sugar on the tips.
“Oh,” you say, with a relieved laugh. “I guess I've had worse on them.” It isn't supposed to sound suggestive and the hidden meaning bypasses you until Reigen opens his smart mouth.
“Yeah,” he mutters, smirking to himself. “I bet.”
His comment comes out of nowhere and you almost choke on air, blindsided by the double entendre.
Reigen realises you've heard him and he turns so red you're sure he could light the entire way home. He panics a little, holding his hands up and starting to stammer out an apology until he realises you're laughing.
It's more than a little funny and you really don't don't mind. In fact, you suddenly wonder how far you can get him to take things. If he's making jokes like that, you're intrigued to see if you can coax out a different side to him. Just because he's your boss, that doesn't mean you both have to be uptight and on your best behaviour all of the time.
And anyway, it's all in good fun tonight. Couples are supposed to flirt, aren't they?
“Are you trying to push my buttons?” You ask, sucking the sugar from your fingertips and smiling over at him.
Reigen's eyes follow the motion and he clears his throat. “No, I-” He glances up at you, eyes searching yours, and you can almost hear the bell go off in his head when he realises he's safe to mess around a little.
A slow grin begins to bloom on his face and, slipping comfortably back into a playful attitude that you always enjoy being around, he shrugs. Reigen sits forward to lean on the table and props his chin up on his fist. “What are you gonna do if I am?” he asks, smirking. “Report me?”
You mirror him, leaning on the table too, and feint innocence. “No idea,” you say, layering on the helplessness. “Maybe. Maybe I’ll have to call HR and tell them my superior is bullying me….”
“Oh yeah?” Reigen's grin grows, cocky and lopsided. “Unfortunately,” he says, taking your hand again without acknowledging it. “I run that department too.”
Biting your lip to hold back a laugh, you duck your head and take the bait he's so clearly dangling in front of you. “Then I have a complaint to make about my boss….”
“Your boss?” Reigen says, tilting his head and pretending to recall who you might mean. He's extraordinarily good at committing to the bit. “Oh, you mean that really good looking, powerful psychic guy?”
“Uh huh,” you laugh softly and you run your toes up his ankle under the table. “Super powerful, very handsome.”
Reigen's eyes dart down toward where you're touching him, unseen, and he clears his throat again. “Handsome, huh?” He says, playing it as cool as he can. “How handsome are we talking?”
“Oh,” You smirk, shrugging one shoulder. It's hard not to break into giggles, not least because he's so cute when he thinks he's being subtle about fishing for compliments. “Enough that I don't mind him pushing a few of those buttons, I suppose.”
You know you're supposed to be joking around. All of this is a joke, a game, and yet…. The way he's allowing your touch, letting you do it back to him, it's impossible not to keep pushing.
Reigen's brow twitches and he grins. “And what if he pushed them harder?”
“I don't think I'd say no,” you sigh happily. “I like my buttons pushed pretty hard.”
“Careful,” Reigen warns playfully. “I heard he's bad news.”
You laugh under your breath. “He's not that bad once you get to know him.”
“You think so?” Reigen asks, eyes searching yours. Nonchalant, he takes your hand again and turns it over until your palm is facing upwards so he can draw slow circles on the soft skin
The sensation makes you shiver. Distractedly, you chew on your lower lip and nod. “Don't tell him, but I think he secretly likes being nicer than he gives himself credit for….”
Transfixed by your mouth, Reigen bites down on a grin. “How do you know what he likes in secret?” he says quietly. “I bet you've never even asked….”
“D'you think he'd tell me?” You say, toeing off your shoe to push your foot past his trouser leg and curl it around his calf. It's risky and stupid, and you can't even play it off as part of tonight's front, but Reigen doesn't seem to mind at all. “If I did.”
Something has changed in his gaze and all of a sudden, it doesn't feel like you're acting the part anymore. The two of you are very, very close together now and the air feels charged, like it's full of static that's pulling you towards him. He's only a few inches away from your face and you can smell the sweet scent of lemon on his breath.
Reigen is still trying to play it cool, working hard to maintain his composure as though he isn't sweating nervously. “Maybe if you show him yours, he'll show you his.”
“Yeah?” The din of the restaurant is distant and muted, like your head is full of cotton wool, and all you can concentrate on is the way he keeps licking his lips.
Reigen meets your eyes again and there's a tiny glimmer of hopeful interest in them. He doesn't appear to be joking anymore. “Go ahead,” he mutters. “Run it by me first.”
You're practically touching noses by now, leant across the table in each other's space, and if you were to tilt your head only a tiny bit, to pull on his hand, to drag him down onto you, you think you might be able to finally get the real kiss you've been dreaming of since you-
“Are you ready for the bill?”
A voice cuts through the woolly atmosphere, loud and abrasive, and both of you almost fall off of your chairs in sheer surprise, jerking away and righting yourselves in your chairs. You whip your foot back, Reigen stops touching your hand, and the intimate air abruptly feels broken and ruined.
“Apologies,” says the waiter, not looking very sorry at all. “But we do need the table.”
You can barely look up at the guy, face burning hot. It feels like you’ve been caught in the broom closet with your boss, doing something far worse than winding each other up, and Reigen seems just as embarrassed. Awkwardly, he takes the small, folded piece of paper from the waiter and reaches into his back pocket for his card.
Reigen pays the whole bill and when you attempt to offer your half, he looks at you like you're insane. Typically, you split the bill with him whenever you go out to eat. He's a cheap bastard and you know better than to expect anything less, but he refuses your offer the second you hold out your own card.
He doesn't even complain about it, either, apparently just happy to have achieved his goal of qualifying for the discount he's been aiming for all night.
Once everything is settled, Reigen calls a cab for you both to share and the whole time you wait for it, you stand arm in arm with him, grinning like idiots and laughing together about cheating the system.
The taxi arrives quickly and in it, you sit closer to him than necessary, warm and toasty against his side.
The journey is quiet to begin with. You're sated and full, and still a little tipsy, so the silence isn't unpleasant. Slumped down in your seat, hiding your face from him, you can't stop turning over the memories of the dinner. He'd been so close to you, so within kissing distance, and you're too nervous to say anything about it in case he laughs you off.
What if he was just playing along? you think silently. What if I'm reading into it? The thought is nauseating. Perhaps you've sold the idea of dating him a bit too hard….
At your side, Reigen clears his throat softly and you shift so that you can see him properly. He’s sitting so close to you that your head is practically on his shoulder, and he looks down at you with a small, soft smile.
“Thanks,” he says quietly. “For coming. And for, y'know, going along with it. I hope it wasn't too weird.”
“I had a lot of fun, Reigen.” You laugh quietly. “Thank you. It was totally worth it.”
Reigen snorts. “I think we sold it pretty well, too,” he says. “Especially, y’know, on the way in.”
Oh, you think. The kiss.
“Sorry,” you duck your head and laugh, awkward. “I didn’t think he was gonna let us in and, well, you told me to make it work, so….”
He doesn't say anything and risking a look back up, you see that Reigen is watching you closely again, just as he had in the restaurant. Reigen smiles slightly, so warm and soft that your stomach feels like it might climb up your throat, and he looks down at your mouth again.
“Maybe I need to call HR,” he says with a half-laugh. “Kissing a subordinate is probably against some kinda law or something.”
There’s a playfulness in tone, like he's joking and simultaneously trying to see what your reaction to such a comment will be.
You decide to test the water. “Depends on whether the subordinate is into it, I guess….”
Reigen smirks, teasing, and a little bit relieved that you're not backing off. “I dunno, they didn’t get the chance to tell me.”
You realise he’s talking about the conversation you’d had before you had been so rudely interrupted, and your nerves flutter. Tonight has been full of flirting and teasing, and if you're still playing stupid games, you suppose you might as well go all in and see what happens.
You're both tipsy enough that you can play it off if he doesn't go for it. “Well,” you say, biting your lip. “I guess I'm pretty partial to a redhead. Especially if they’re in charge of me.”
“Yeah?” he says quietly, smile growing.
“And men with big mouths that they can't keep shut, too,” you smirk, glancing down at his.
“Noted,” he chuckles, his breath ghosting over your face. “Anything else you like?”
You look back up at his smug expression and decide you can't let him get too ahead of himself. “And swallowing.”
Reigen makes a funny noise, strangled and hoarse, and closes his eyes for a moment. “Fuck,” he murmurs. You can see his throat bob up and down as he tries to compose himself, and when he finally opens them again, he looks like he's struggling to keep it together. A blush crawls up his throat and the look in his eyes is so hungry it makes your knees go weak.
“Fuck HR,” Reigen says, and then sways forward slightly with the motion of the car and, leaning the rest of the way into your space, he ducks his head and kisses you.
Your eyes flutter shut and he cradles the side of your face, turning your head so he can get you exactly where he wants you.
It’s soft and nervous at first, like he's still not sure if he's making the right move and he pulls away almost as soon as he makes contact, only to return without hesitation for a second and a third at your insistent sounds. The chaste kisses become deeper as he lingers, slow and unhurried, and you can taste the sweetness from your desserts and drinks.
It’s so unbelievably fucking perfect.
You press your tongue against his and he gives a low groan, his hand finding your thigh to pull you closer. The kisses keep coming, his fingers trail upwards, crawling closer and closer to your lap, and you drag your teeth over his lower lip when he pulls away to breathe.
Reigen looks like he's had more than just a couple of cocktails to drink now; his face is redder than ever, his gaze glassy, and he's panting against your mouth like he's run a mile. You press another kiss to the corner of his lips and you shift in your seat, encouraging his hand to explore even higher.
He does as he’s asked, thick fingers slipping up between your legs and he leans down again to keep kissing you while he teases you through the fabric of your clothes.
You sigh into his mouth. His touch doesn’t feel like it’s anywhere near enough, the sensation dulled by your stupid fucking outfit, and you try to press up into him to seek out more.
Reigen laughs at your desperation, mumbling a stupid comment about being needy, and you bite his lip again in warning. “Careful,” You whisper, reaching over to palm him through his slacks with a smirk. “Don’t get smart.”
Reigen chokes out a grunt and his hips buck up of their own accord. He’s already hard, tenting his slacks, and you're not about to let him think he's in charge of the show. “HR won’t be happy if they find out I didn’t get my way,” you tut, rubbing his cock up and down slowly. “Then you will be in trouble.... And we don't want that, do we?”
Reigen hisses, eyes dark and pupils blown wide. He stares you down, challenging your gaze, and he smirks at your unwillingness to let him get away with being an asshole. He goes to kiss you again, surging forward, and then the taxi driver clears his throat very loudly.
You're yanked back into your surroundings. The car is parked up outside your apartment, engine running, and the driver is watching you in the mirror. He doesn't look very impressed. “You kids mind taking this somewhere else?”
You cover your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from laughing and grab your bouquet of flowers, flinging open the door while Reigen grabs whatever cash he has in pocket and flings it into the driver's tray.
He scrambles out of the car, darts around the back and grabs you by the hand, dragging you away and ignoring the guy's shouts of how much he's overpaid.
You only live on the first floor. Your apartment is small and simple, so much so that it hardly qualifies as much more than a shoebox with a kitchen attached, and you have to shuffle around in the hallway in order to let Reigen get inside.
He passes down the hall and makes his way into the main room, and once you’ve locked the front door you go after him. He's hovering about in the tiny living area, hands in his pockets as he inspects your room, and you drop the flowers on your coffee table whilst he’s busy.
This is the first time he’s been in here. On a proper night out, you tend to crash at his if you can’t make it home; it’s marginally bigger than yours and the cab is cheaper, which means his place always wins out. It’s a new experience to have him in your space like this.
“This is nice,” Reigen says awkwardly, gesturing to the apartment at large. “Cozy.” He seems a little stiff, unsure what to do now that he’s here.
You snort, coming to stand in front of him. “What are you, an estate agent?” You put your hands on his chest and guide him backwards until his legs hit the edge of your bed, and he falls back with a soft thump!
Willing and able, Reigen makes room for you between his legs. He pushes himself up on his elbows and looks on as you begin to undress. Your movements are slow and deliberate, never once looking away from him, and you can see his breathing pick up in pace.
He’s hypnotised by every move you make. You shed your clothes until you're in just your underwear, exposed to him, and climb carefully into his lap. You take off his glasses and lean over to deposit them on the bedside table before going back to him.
Reigen's hands come up to hold your waist and he boosts himself upward to restart his feverish kisses. He's ungainly and needy, licking and biting his way back into your mouth while you start to strip him of his dress shirt. You make quick work of the buttons, slipping them out with deft fingers and peeling the fabric away.
You tug at the back of his shirt until it slips free of his slacks, hands wandering over his lower back as you explore his soft skin. Much to your delight, the muddy freckles on his face continue down his shoulders, cascading onto his upper arms and spattering the pale skin like paintbrush flecks.
Reigen's body is slight. Narrow and slim, yet soft at the edges. He isn't very muscular; you know he runs on the weekends and you suppose he stays reasonably fit in order to chase after the others at work, so there's a subtle hint of strength hidden underneath the puppy fat of his stomach.
It's more attractive than it has any right to be.
Without breaking away from his kisses, you slip your hands down his chest and work your fingers under his belt until you reach the buckle, blindly undoing it with practiced skill.
The metal gives way and you slide the leather from the pin quickly to give yourself easier access. You're about to do the same to the buttons when he pulls away from you panting hard and clinging to your hips.
You try to chase his mouth, still pressing open mouthed kisses there while he tries to speak.
“Wait, wait,” Reigen says, voice hoarse. “Hang on.”
“Are you alright?” You ask, leaning back to make sure he's okay.
Reigen looks bashful, eyes searching yours. He goes to say something and then stops himself, visibly nervous about whatever he intends to say. "I…" He sighs, closing his eyes to steel himself. Whatever is wrong, it’s enough for him to reconsider what he's doing.
He doesn't move you off of him, but he suddenly looks like he wants to hide away somewhere. His flirty confidence from earlier is gone, replaced with the same shyness he'd shown when you had kissed him at the restaurant.
You take his face in his hands and force him to look up at you again. “Reigen, what is it? If you're uncomfortable, we can-”
“No!” He shakes his head, wrapping his arms around your middle to keep you still. “It's not that, I just…. I'm-” Reigen groans, not out of pleasure but embarrassment, and he buries his face in your shoulder. “I haven't really…. Done this. Before”
“What, fuck an employee?” you say, laughing quietly. “It's alright, I was just kidding about making a complaint, I-”
“No, I mean this,” he mumbles into your shoulder. “Sex.”
You push at his chest until he has to sit up, revealing his cherry red face. He's uncharacteristically out of his depth and you're confused as to what he's saying . “You mean, like, it's been a while?” You ask.
Reigen grimaces, shaking his head. “Like, ever.”
“What?” You don't mean for the shock to show so obviously. He’s clearly already struggling and you gaping down at him like he’s mad won’t help the situation, however the idea that he’s never had sex before is utterly insane to you.
“I’m sorry,” Reigen apologises, avoiding meeting your eyes. He shuffles like he means to get up, jostling you about. “I didn’t wanna say anything, I know it’s stupid I can just go-”
“Reigen, stop,“ you put your hands on his shoulders and he stills, nervously glancing up at you through his lashes. He looks like he expects you to laugh at him, to kick him out now that you know his secret. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t think it’d be a good topic over dinner,” Reigen huffs, rolling his eyes. “It’s embarrassing, obviously.” He’s very obviously humiliated by his admission and it makes your chest ache to see him so uncharacteristically vulnerable.
His point is valid enough; tonight was supposed to be fake, it’s not like there had been any need for him to tell you anything of the sort. Still, you feel a little bad for pushing him so much now. Admittedly it’s a surprise. He always seems to know what to say and being able to talk the talk usually gets you pretty far when it comes to sex, but the more you think about it, the more it starts to make sense.
All throughout dinner, he’d been happy to shoot the shit with you when he’d thought it was just a game, however the moment you’d done anything that even bordered on actual affection, he’d been decidedly less confident. Even in the car, his touches were hesitant and his kisses were unskilled.
You run a hand up his chest to soothe him, watching his tense shoulders relax. “Idiot,” you say, fond. “I don’t care.”
Reigen raises his eyebrows. “You don’t?”
“Not even a little bit,” you smile, leaning down to kiss him again.
Reigen doesn’t stop you. He breathes out heavily through his nose, gradually beginning to calm down, and you decide that things will have to go a little differently than you’d originally intended. “Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” You murmur.
He nods quickly and you trail kisses from the side of his mouth down to his jaw line, open mouthed and hot, and he tips his head back with a groan. His skin tastes slightly salty, probably from sweating so much around you, and you drag your teeth over his pulse point.
Reigen sighs happily. He squeezes your hips, grabbing them gently and digging his blunt nails into the skin.
You slip out of your bra and toss it across the room. You stop bothering his neck in order to sit up, and you guide his hands up from your hips to caress your chest.
His big hands grope at you, squeezing experimentally as he explores the new sights, enjoying himself immensely. It makes you keen under his touch and he grins, his bravery growing at your enjoyment.
You unbutton his slacks whilst he's busy touching you up and slip a hand into them to palm at him through his underwear. Reigen grunts and presses his hips up into you, seeking friction to rut against, and you push down to meet him.
He gasps at the contact, his hold on your hips tightening, and before he can get carried away with dry humping you, you tug at his slacks and force him to stop. “Take these off,” you instruct, climbing off of his lap to give him room.
Reigen scrambles to shove off his trousers, kicking them away with his underwear and shuffling back into place, lightning fast. His eagerness is horribly endearing and it makes you grin. You slip out of your underwear and push him back against the pillows. “Lay back,” you smile.
Reigen does as he's told and with him flat on his back, you can finally see him as exactly as you've imagined. A trail of deep red hair leads down to a small patch that surrounds his thick cock, well kept and neat.
His thighs are curved nicely, long legs stretching down to hang off of your bed, and they show far more evidence of his exercise than his upper body. Regardless, he's gorgeous from head to toe. It drives you insane and you drink in the view for a second.
Reigen begins to look a little self-conscious at your attention. He squirms under your scrutiny and you're quick to settle his fear, straddling his waist and kissing him again until he forgets all about his worry.
You trade touches with him, hands roaming over one another as you make out for a while and Reigen's bravery begins to grow. He's encouraged by your soft sighs and casual exploration of his own body, and quite bravely he walks his fingers down from your hip to your bare pussy.
Your breath catches and you look down to him, giving him the silent go ahead.
Reigen bites his lower lip. He looks excited and shy all at the same time. Very carefully, he runs his fingers along the soft folds of you and studies your face to see how you react to his touches.
You gasp and tilt your body towards him, opening your legs to give him better access to you. His fingertips meet wetness and he makes a soft sound, both interested and surprised, and he trails them through your arousal.
Reigen is so busy investigating the feeling that he seems to forget that you're attached to the other end. He toys with your pussy, listening to you gasp and moan, grinning to himself greedily.
“Reigen,” you whine, reaching down to cover his hand with your own. “Put your fucking fingers in me before I-!”
He does as you ask, pushing one into your cunt and silencing your command. You moan loudly and push down onto his hand, desperately seeking more.
“Should I just….” Reigen looks a little awkward, unsure how to proceed, and with your hand that holds his wrist, you guide his finger in and out slowly.
“Keep doing that,” you sigh. “That's perfect.” The motion makes you shudder and you grab at his shoulder with your other hand. Reigen works his hand up and down, slow and steady as though he has all the time in the world.
You’re so wet that he hardly has to wait to add a second finger and you encourage him along to keep him calm.
Reigen appears to be enjoying the praise you give. His cock is hard against your hip, precum smearing against the skin when you shift, and he rocks into you in time with his fingers.
As he moves his digits within you, you lean back to take hold of his cock, squeezing him gently. Reigen practically mewls when you do so, cock twitching in your grip.
You bring your hand back to spit in it and gently, you coat his cock until it's wet enough to glide your hand along smoothly, starting to stroke him.
Reigen gasps and bucks upward into your hold, desperate for more as he grips the sheets with his free hand. He adds another finger into you carefully, watching your face with barely concealed awe. His fingers inside you burn in the best way, and Reigen's digits curl perfectly to hit your sweetest spot, making you cry out.
He pauses for a second, frightened he might have done something wrong, and you shake your head at his silent query. “Don’t stop,” you say, breathless.
Reigen nods and moves in time with you for a minute, unable to look away from where you sit above him. His hand speeds up as yours does and within minutes, Reigen is falling apart under your touch.
Worried he'll get carried away, you lift up off of his hand and guide his fingers out. At first, he protests with an annoyed grunt, trying to snatch you back down, and you shove him back by his chest, grinning.
Reigen looks confused until you shift backward to hover over his cock and he catches on quickly.
“Ready?” You ask, making sure he's okay.
Reigen nods quickly and takes hold of your waist. “Fuck, yes, please.”
You can't help but tease him a little, rubbing the head of his erection over your cunt for a moment and watching how easily he works himself up with unrestrained glee.
He goes to say something smart and you seize the chance to catch him off guard. You ease your weight down onto him until finally, you're completely filled by him. It feels so good you cry out and pitch forward, bracing your hands on his chest.
Reigen chokes out a moan, grip on your waist tightening, and he screws his eyes shut. He tenses for a moment, trying to calm himself before he can manage to go on. As much as you'd like to let loose, you force yourself to be patient. If he's never done this before then you can't ride him too hard to begin with. He'll come in five seconds flat and you're desperate to feel him for as long as possible.
“Relax,” you coo, covering his hands with your own. “Look at me.”
Reigen manages to open his eyes and you smile, reassuring. “Take a deep breath, don't panic.” You say, running your thumbs over his hands. “You're doing so well.”
Reigen blushes and manages a sheepish smile, breathing in and out slowly.
After a long minute, Reigen nods for you to go on, and you lift yourself up and down slowly, thighs straining as you move. He watches you in disbelief for a second, like he's committing the sight of you to memory, and a big grin crawls onto his face. “Fuck,” he gasps. “You're so fucking hot.”
The compliment is unexpected and you feel your face warm up. Having his fingers in you feels like nothing in comparison to the way he's looking at you right now, hungry for more and leering at the sight of you on his cock.
You can't stop yourself from smiling and you roll your hips forward, slow to begin with. Each move has you both moaning and sighing, encouraging each other to give more and more until you're not sure who's fucking who anymore.
Reigen's eyes roll back when you speed up, eyes fluttering to stay open. His fingers are digging into your skin and the thrill of being bruised by him runs straight to your pussy.
The room fills with only tiny moans and sounds of fucking; No smart come backs, no more faking, just pure pleasure and excitement.
With a good pace set, you run your fingers over your clit, sighing happily as you circle your touch. It feels so good that you can't even focus on keeping rhythm, your hips stuttering a little.
Reigen seizes the moment to take charge of the moment instead of letting you control the movements, and he fucks up into you. His confidence is unexpected so you barely have time to process what happens, falling forward and leaning on his chest for support. His gaze moves from your face to where your tits bounce, and back up again. He meets your eyes and the sight of one another is enough to make both of you laugh.
He sits up a bit and presses your foreheads together, kissing you over and over, messy and uncoordinated as he gets closer. You both make soft little sounds, panting into each others space like you're desperate for air, and as your fingers work furiously over your clit, you begin to feel a coil build in your stomach; you're so close you feel like you might explode, and you cry out when Reigen snaps his hips particularly hard.
It's enough to force you over the edge and you tighten around him, body shuddering as your climax hits you. You moan his name loudly as the waves wash over you and the sensation is obviously too much for Reigen, because he buries his face in your neck and makes the most obscene noise you've ever heard.
It's somewhere between a sob and a moan, but his voice breaks halfway through and he bites down hard on your neck to stifle himself.
You can feel him cum inside you, cock twitching, and you collapse forward onto him the second he's done. Both of you go limp, lying pressed up against each other as you try to catch your breath again. Neither of you move for a while and it isn’t until you feel your thighs begin to cramp that you decide you’re going to have to get off. You lift up off of him carefully and you both groan at the loss as he slips out from you, cum trailing after his soft cock, and you flop beside him on the bed.
Reigen looks thoroughly fucked. His hair is astray and his mouth is red, lips bitten and slightly swollen from all the attention you’ve given them throughout tonight. You know you probably don’t look much better, but you’re so exhausted you can’t bring yourself to care.
You shuffle up into his side and Reigen tucks an arm under you, pulling you in close. Your eyes are growing heavy against your will and Reigen drags your leg up over his hips to make you more comfortable.
He draws circles on your skin with his thumb, breathing slowing to a normal pace. The silence is comfortable and calming, and you’re almost drifting off by the time you manage to speak again.
“You okay?" you whisper, peering up at him.
Reigen hums, a ghost of a smile on his face. “Yeah,” he says, sounding entertained. “Very.”
You laugh quietly to yourself at his smug face and snuggle closer to his side. He squeezes your upper arm gently and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Are you?” He asks.
“Definitely,” you sigh happily and close your eyes. “I think we went above and beyond to convince that place tonight, don’t you?”
Reigen smiles into your hair. “Eh, maybe we should go out a few more times. Just to make sure.”
You grin into the crook of his neck. “Sure, if you’re paying.”
Reigen chuckles and gives your ass a gentle slap. “Only if you show me how much you really like swallowing.”
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dollwrites · 11 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, dub con for like a second, praise, dry humping, against the wall, reigen is a quick shooter, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ my actual first reigen fic! it was supposed to go in kinktober but i decided against it so take it now instead. all of my rei fics are motivated by my love for @arabaka and her love for reigen. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
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“Rei, seriously… I have to get back to work. And so do you…”
“In a minute, baby. Fuck, just… please… let me kiss on you a little bit longer.” the two of you were way past just kissing. you knew that, but the way he begs for more time in your ear makes you melt— his ragged panting and the grunts and moans that fill the silence between each breath are telltale signs that he’s enjoying himself too much, as if the thick, hard lump in his gray slacks wasn’t enough of an indicator. he was rubbing it against you, making you feel how bad his cock wanted you. “You taste so good. I’m going crazy.”
pulling your bottom lip between your front teeth, you try to stifle a moan as Reigen litters your neck with haphazard, open mouthed pecks. “If I’m late again…”
“I’m hard, baby,” he croaks, cutting you off, grasping one of your knees, pinning it on his waist. the sound and action effectively halts your train of thought. “I’m so fucking hard.” the gap provided skewed your skirt just enough for him to drag his clothed cock against your panties, and he gargles a whimper of pure ecstasy as your warmth seeps through and caresses the needy bulge. “Wanna fuck you so bad right now. Wanna feel my favorite, little pussy suck me right in,” his mouth scrapes over your ear and your jaw, smearing it with saliva and sloppy kisses, nipping your skin with his teeth. you’re completely trapped against the door, one hand on the knob, smothered in his body heat and the weight of him. you can smell his salty sweat as it trickles down from his temples, soaking the collar of his shirt. “You can feel it, can’t you? How my dick goes crazy for that warm, tight hole?” Reigen grunts, pressing his groin closer to yours, and the swollen tip throbs as it rakes along your panties. “You want it too, don’t you? To feel me in your guts again. Is it making you sloppy wet, just for me?” his fingers dig into your knee, nails scoring your pantyhose, leaving running gashes along it, up your thigh where his hand travels next. “T-tell me, baby… tell me you want me!”
to say yes would mean giving in, and you allow your hand to slip from the doorknob and grasp at his tie, instead, pulling him closer. “Yes,” you moan, back arching. your cunt clenches on empty air, wishing Reigen’s cock was worming its way through the spongy canal. “Fuck, yes, Rei I’m so wet right now.”
when he gropes at your thigh, pulling you closer to meet his needy rutting, you swoon and grind over the pulsating lump, tilting your head up towards the ceiling.
“Make that sound again,” Reigen pleads, bucking his hips harder against yours. he fucks furiously, his cock jabbing pathetically against his zipper, “‘S gonna make me cum…”
“Reigen,” you mewl, twirling his tie around your fist to pull it tighter, “I wish you could… fuck me right now,” you knew what you were doing— forcing him to the edge with the way your breath catches on your sultry moans, “feel your thick cock stretching my tight, little cunt! I want you deep. hard. I wanna scream for you, Reigen—“
“Sh-shit,” his face buries in your neck, grunting and snarling like a beast in rut as his hips piston more erratic and needy than before. each honeyed word that slips from your lips is another nail in his coffin, and you realize that he’s already falling apart against you. “Cumming, baby… cumming!” his hands are mean as they paw at you, his body pushing up against yours. you knew if he’d managed to get his cock into you, he’d be forcing it as deep as it could go, but instead all he can do is pin you to the wall and rub himself off on your lingerie. your name erupts from his swollen lips in scattered syllables, accompanied by the most euphoric of gurgling groans. his muscles, that had all been taut, seem to relax at once, and he slumps against you, panting on your skin.
busying yourself by using your free hand to comb through his soaked, golden tendrils, you squirm, feeling the sensitive ( and now damp ) lump in his slacks tremble at the friction. “Okay,” you suck in a deep breath, and your other hand wanders— feeling down his chest and abdomen until your digits explore the wet fabric of his pants; his release leaving a thick, dark shame on them. “Now, I really have to go. If I’m late again, my boss is going to kill me.”
“Hng,” he lets out a flustered grunt at your teasing, but doesn’t pull back. instead, he seems to grind against it, as if he were enjoying the torturous pleasure of being overstimulated. “You like making me like this,” he pants, nipping at your cheek with his teeth, “— embarrassing me… making me cum in my pants for you… Little tease.” he mutters, breathlessly peppering your jaw and the corner of your mouth in kisses. “I should just hire you here. You’d make a cute, little secretary, and I could stroke myself stupid against that warm pussy over and over again whenever I wanted.”
you roll your eyes at that. “I spoil you enough, Arataka.”
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arabaka · 2 months
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ nsfw. reigen arataka x afab!reader. cunnilingus. masturbation. public sex. written in a fugue state so sorry abt grammar/spelling/weirdness. 500ish word count.
₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. summary ⤸ reigen eats you out in a parking lot. idk what you expect from me /j
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You’re in an abandoned parking lot. The building is in great shape– well, now it is. A weak curse had picked up traction on social media about the area and before you knew it, the place was swarming with spiritual energy. It wasn’t a piece of cake but it wasn’t anything you and Serizawa couldn’t handle. 
“Hey,” Reigen’s voice is a husky murmur as he hooks a finger onto your jacket to hold you back, “Stay back here with me for a bit.”
Naturally, you do.
Growing up, sensing people’s spiritual energy from an ever-growing radius was maddening: a curse. 
Now though, as your boyfriend eats you out with your palms against the concrete wall in this abandoned building, you definitely can write it off as a blessing.
“G-God, right there, right there.” You hiss, stopping yourself short of digging your nails into the wall. Your pants are hot on your already sweaty skin and you’re only getting more drenched with Reigen’s spit dripping off your folds. 
It’s insane, the work you’re putting in to stay standing on your heels but it’s worth it; Reigen is a master with his tongue. His tongue slides effortlessly between your folds, your slick practically disappearing in his mouth as he works you over. All the while, he’s having a hard time keeping his eyes straight behind closed lids, engorging himself on your taste with every lap and suck. He can’t help it; he loses himself in the soft, tender flesh of your clit. The way you try to hide your little squeaks of his name as your heels skitter along the cement floor. The way you get so wet for him, rivets of your arousal run down your pantyhose-clad legs.
Pantyhose because your boyfriend had been in too much of a hurry to pull them down and instead ripped his way into eating you out in the middle of this freshly-exorcised parking lot. It’s not the first pair he’s ruined and it won’t be the last.
Reigen’s gotten more brazen as of late, this he knows, and it’s a bad habit to have. Because now it’s near impossible to wait when the mood strikes and honestly, seeing you in action earlier… How sexy the confidence on your face looked… 
Ugh, you certainly can’t blame him, can you?
“Tastes so good.” You can hear him casually grumble, your slit clenching around the tip of his tongue as he works his way in. The breaths in his voice make your whole body shiver, your hips stuttering back and pushing your pussy deeper into his mouth, an opportunity he happily seizes with both hands coming to claw deeply into the fat of your ass. The surge in pleasure makes you sing a chorus of moans, the noise bouncing in echoes along the walls. 
Even in the midst of ecstasy, you keep in mind any lingering entities around the area; yes, the risk is sexy but let’s keep it that way. 
Reigen is furiously pumping his shaft as he slurps profanely on your juices. He couldn’t possibly keep his noises to himself; he can hardly shut up as it is. 
In the middle of those moans and grunts, you hear Reigen utter, “I swear, this will be the last time.”
But you and him both know it wouldn’t.
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sunnyangy · 1 month
Office Sex 🍂
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You were walking towards your boss’s office, a stack of papers in your arms. You sighed as it was quite heavy, but you quickly made it to the room. You knocked while trying to balance the papers against your chest, and quickly heard an answer.
« Come in !. »
You opened the door with your hip as you made your way in, saluting your boss who was sat in his chair, a bit laid back. He looked at you with a smug smile and gestured you to put the papers on his desk.
« On time, as always. I don’t doubt the quality of your work either. »
« Thank you sir, but it’s my job, I do the best i can » you answered, smiling back to him before turning away to leave. But his low voice stopped your steps.
« That’s why you’re my favorite employee. Always a good girl. »
You slowly turned your head, feeling the heat quickly go up to your cheeks. It wasn’t the first time he had told you this, but it always got the same effect on you. He slowly stood up from his seat, walking towards you from behind. His forearms were exposed by his rolled up sleeves, and his veiny hands got on your hips as he got his mouth close to your ear.
« Should I give you a reward ?~ » he said, slowly caressing your hips, one hand going up under your chest and the other closer to your ass as he pressed a kiss against your neck, his hair tickling your cheek as you let out a soft sigh. He quickly pushed you against the wall, his taller body forcing you to stay put as he lifted up your skirt. He tugged on the band of your stockings, before playing with the string of your underwear. He moved it to the side, two digits sliding between your thighs, making their way to your heated core. You could hear his smirk as he touched your wetness.
« I see you like that already~ »
He inserted the two fingers, making you bend over against the wall with his other hand as he started his movements in your pussy. He curled his fingers, moved them, applied pressure, and tried to stuff them as far as he could, making your legs quiver and your voice shake.
« Shhh princess, keep quiet. You don’t want others to be jealous mh ?~ »
You nodded as you bit your lip, trying to stay quiet as he bullied his digits in your cunt, kissing your shoulder and leaving bite marks all over you. His fingers got quicker as you puddled on his hand, before you felt your core ready to explode. Your breath got quicker, as you let your head fall back against him. You let out a quite loud moan, as your orgasm rushed all over you, making you soak his hands and his tailored grey pants. His shiny black shoes got wet as well, but he didn’t seem mad about it at all. He smiled and kissed your neck again as he pulled out his fingers, before licking them clean as his dark eyes roamed all over you. He gave a small spank to your ass before returning to his seat.
« Thank you for your work, don’t hesitate to come see me if you need anything.~ » he said with a professional smile. He looked at you, your shaking legs, and sweaty hands as you quickly dressed back. You gave him a quick smile before bowing and getting out, happy and satisfied from your encounter. But you know that next time, you’re gonna have to return the favor.
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| Toji, Kuroo, Gojo, Aizen, Umemiya, Togame, Reigen, Ego, Meliodas, any of your faves <3
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aces-sweetheart · 7 months
So for my request, can you write a drabble featuring Reigen and a gn reader with bondage, gags and humiliation please? In the story, Reigen loses a bet with the reader and has to be their bondage subject. So he has to be stripped naked, tied up and heavily tape gagged and is sexually played with in front of a livestreaming audience.
thank you for the request! it's my first time writing for him even though he's one of my favs lmao. i hope you enjoy 🫶
♥ pairing: reigen x gn!reader (no pronouns or anatomy specified)
♡ smut: SMUT
♥  warnings/info: tape gag, bondage (his hands are tied behind his back), livestreaming, degradation (reigen receiving), handjob, masturbation mention, i had takoyaki one (1) time i don't know how much would make someone full lmao
It was hard to believe that this was the man that you thought of when you lay awake in bed at night, hand down your pants as you pleasured yourself. Crumbs covered his face and he was audibly scarfing down each piece of takoyaki like it was his last meal. Why you agreed to an eating competition with him, you had no clue. Maybe boredom; it had been pretty slow at Spirits and Such lately and you could only occupy yourself by helping Mob with his homework for so long. You weren’t sure you could beat him until you saw him shoving piece after piece into his mouth the second you called go. Rather than follow his approach, you opted to pace yourself, making sure to take a few seconds between each piece you finished. Just as you expected, a look of discomfort spread across Reigen’s face and he brought the pieces to his mouth slower and slower until he lowered his head to the table. 
“Thirty.” He mumbled into the wooden surface. You just hummed and bit into another ball. You two sat in silence while he dealt with his stomachache and you continued to eat. After a few moments you lightly tapped on his shoulder, causing him to lift his head up. You almost felt bad for what you were about to do but the smirk on your face said otherwise.
“Thirty one.” 
This was the first time in his life that Reigen had been speechless. It made sense though; how was he supposed to speak through the duct tape covering his mouth? He was laying with his face pressed against the sheets, tied hands resting at the small of his arched back and his ass facing the webcam. This wasn’t the penalty he assumed you would pick. He thought you would want a free meal or a day off but not to get him off on stream while he was tied up and gagged. He spit out his coffee when you told him but agreed nonetheless; something like this was bound to happen with all the building sexual tension between you two.
Your hand stroked his cock rough and fast, causing his entire body to shudder. His legs wobbled like a fawn’s, barely able to hold himself up at the onslaught of stimulation. If he thought you’d go easy on him at the beginning, he was sorely mistaken. 
“I bet you love being watched.” He moaned against the tape covering his mouth and shook his head into the mattress. You laughed and slowed your pace, nearly stopping. A muffled whine slipped through the tape. 
“Don’t even try to hide it.” You tightened your grasp on his cock as your hand slid further up the shaft. When you reached the tip, you took off one finger to collect some of the precum dripping out. “Everyone can see what a little slut you are.” With one hand you spread one of his asscheeks, giving the audience a better view of your pre-cum covered finger circling his twitching hole. It was mortifying being so on display for strangers on the internet but also incredibly arousing. Knowing that hundreds of people were watching him in his most vulnerable state made more sounds slip from his lips as his cock twitched and shot after shot of cum landed on the sheets beneath him. 
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kasaslovr · 1 year
❈ warning: f!reader, established relationship, pet names, consensual filming, marking?, penetrative sex. wc: 1.6k
❈ notes: i just needed to get something out so i have time to write my eren fic 🤞🏼 and i need request cause i don't got any inpso rn :((( anyway likes and reblogs r much appreciated mwah
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reigen has always been a confident man, when it came to convincing clients or helping out mob and no matter what you always supported him with whatever. of course there would be those days he would be busy and he couldn't give all that attention you deserve, but that never stopped you from trying.
"y/n was quite clingy today, wasn't she?" serizawa asked as he came back in from the kitchen, he was doing some cleaning before locking up in a few minutes.
"uh huh," reigen answered mindlessly, he was more focused on editing out a spirt for client than what serizawa was saying, he really didn't want any homework.
"i can understand why, if i was asked out by someone so popular like you i would-" serizawa was cut off by reigen coughing behind his desk then stood up. "yes! i did ask her out so obviously she wants to be with me 24/7." he said very confidently and also very sweaty? but serizawa didn't pay any mind.
you have forgotten your keys on reigens desk so as soon as you reached the top of the stairs you heard reigns loud voice booming throughout the office.
"she acts like that cause she's grateful for me clearly, out of..lets see..100 women i chose her so its only right for her to be so needy," right after he let out a loud obnoxious laugh. you could see it, reigen with his eyes closed, one hand in his pocket while his other is moving all around exaggerating the story, you laughed to yourself.
you burst through the door with a cheery smile. "hi rei!! i forgot my keys here and i noticed its almost closing time so i thought we should go home together!!" you said all excitedly. reigen jumped a bit, starting to pack up while wiping the sweat on his forehead.
"o-of course let me help serizawa close up.." he said quickly grabbing your and the office keys. the office keys also had the sets to you twos apartment just in case. he was pushing you and serizawa out the office as he locked the door and as soon as you all got outside, he was pushing you to the car, "get home safe, serizawa!" he shouted out.
the car ride was as normal as it got. his hand was set on your thigh and you were humming to the songs on the radio while looking out the window. "what were you two talking about what when i walked in, rei?" you asked so sweetly.
"nothin.." he mumbled trying to focus on the road and not your cute voice and sweet smell of warm vanilla and how he could feel your eyes on him. "nothin important, don't worry about it, sweets." he reassured you.
with a single glance of you he saw you jut your lips out just a bit. oh how he wanted to kiss you and make you feel all better. he pulled up and quickly got out to open your door so that he could hold your hand on the way in. it was cute and small gestures like this that made your heart melt.
he used the keys and let you in first and then he followed locking the door. you took your coat off slowly enough so he could get his off too. "lemme run you a bath, you must've had a long day," reigen let out a strained laugh and made his way to the bathroom, but you caught his hand and pushed him down on the couch.
"i heard what you and serizawa were saying about me.." you started by straddling him and slowly untying his tie. "how i should be soo grateful and how you're just soo popular." you said giggling a little bit as reigen gulped.
"a-angel listen-" you cut him off by giving him a kiss that was almost straight out of porn filled with lust and need. "but reigen i thought you begged me to date you." you said pretending to think about it tilting your head.
"let me make it up to you please." you haven't even done anything and he was already begging with your hand in his, he was kissing it and you could feel the tent forming in his grey slacks.
"how about i give you a little lesson about you know, being grateful since maybe you got it wrong." there was such a sly smile on your face and reigen felt his breath get more and more heavier and his brain turning into mush.
your hands were all up in his hair as reigens were trying to get your clothes off as quickly as you can, he's been wanting this ever since you two got in the car. why were you being so mean?
you pulled away with saliva connecting both of your lips, his more bruised and shiny, he looked away as you dived into the space on his neck to leave dark purple splotches. "angel baby," he moaned as you got his sweet spot, but that didn't stop you.
he was so fucked out at this point, his neck filled with color, his hair all messy, and his cheeks felt like they were on fire. you pushed his shirt off and not even completely getting rid of his grey dress pants along with his boxers which have been dampened already. you began playing with his red and swollen tip, giggling when he let out small whimpers. you never broke eye contact with him while he was struggling to meet your eyes, he would always get flustered like this when its just you two.
you decided it was enough teasing for now so you casted your shirt off to the floor and along with your skirt that did nothing to hide what was underneath. you moved your panties to the side and started to rub reigens cock along the folds of your pussy, sighing in relief as soon you made contact.
reigens head is thrown back and giving every control in the situation, you could do anything you wanted to him right now and he would be so happy. when he lifted his head, he was met with you cute brown nipples at his level so of course he latched his mouth onto one them and used his hand to pinch and pull at your other boob, you looked down and couldn't help grinning down at him. you pulled away and he wanted more, but before he could say anything you finally took him whole into warm and sticky cunt.
"f-fuck, 's so tight-" he placed his hands onto your waist, but didn't leave any pressure so that you could move at your own pace, even when his brain was turning into mush he was so thoughtful. you started to move at a comfortable pace while clinging onto his reddened shoulders.
"you're just so pretty, reigen i w-wanna stay like this forever," you whispered softly in his ear and soon your pace quickened and soon it was too much for him and he was hiding his face in the crook for your neck, mumbling, "too much, you're too much, fuck.." his voice getting higher in pitch and more difficult to understand, but you knew exactly what he wanted. "you wanna cum, baby?"
he nodded still not making eye contact with you. you grabbed your phone from the little table on the side of the couch and turned the camera and focusing on him. "then look, show me how pretty you are. don't be so shy now." you coo at him, he looked up and all of sudden he feels a spotlight on him like he's then star of a show, but he couldn't bring it in himself to come up with a snarky and confident remark like he always would.
"p-please let me cum, need it," reigen pleaded and you we're feeling nicer so your bounces became rougher and quicker, bringing you both to the edge. "m gonna cum, m gonna-," he cut himself off with a fast breaths and louder moans and with his grip tighter on your waist and his eyes rolling back he shoots his hot milky semen into you.
you tossed the phone to the side not caring if its off and rubbing your clit and your climax hit you like a wave and it was like your cunt was trying to squeeze every little drop of him left while mixing his cum with yours. after a couple of labored deep breaths, you got up to clean both you up and when you came back from putting the towel away, reigen reached out for you.
"baby," he mumbled, his voice sounding worn out. "you know i love you and don't think you're clingy, just wanna see cool in front of everyone," he realizes how pathetic he sounds and almost embarrassing. you chuckled softly while running your hands through his hair.
"f course i know that and i love you too," you sighed out, chest tightening at this small moment of intimacy with him. all you could think about was how good of a boyfriend he was and reigen well he started coming up with ways to get you to be his beautiful wife.
"reigen-san...why are you wearing that mask? are you sick??" serizawa asked getting all scared. he's never taken care for a sick person. "reigen-san, why won't you talk to me? i won't get infected with whatever you have, i swear." reigen shook his head.
and with a tug on his mask off and a really strained voice, serizawa saw reigens red and still a lil puffy lips. "im fine, serizawa, lets just...continue work like normal, kay?" both reigen and serizawa looking away and reigen putting his mask back and he swore he heard serizawa let out a little chuckle. god reigen was so embarrassed.
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fortnitegammer1-blog · 3 months
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Coworkers ;)
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warning- very good smut, god tier written.
you and your coworker reigen finished cleaning up. the two of you worked in a kitchen at a private school. Reigen finished the dishes and sighed “sighhhh”. he walked over to you and smirked. “i’m so stressed~. “okay?” you said confused and not caring. Reigen put his hand on your waist which surprised you, “help me destredd baby” he smirked. you blushed and looked away “no way reigen”. he placed his other hand on your waist, rubbing softly. “no one will know…” he said quietly in your ear. your blush intensified magnificently. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “let’s make it quick then” he smiled as you said this. he leaned in and kissed your lips softly. he lifted you up and placed you on the kitchen counter. his hands ran down to your thighs, squeezing them as his tongue explored the warmth of your mouth. you moaned softly into the kiss and gripped onto his back. he pressed himself against you, his hands lifting your thighs. he smirked and kissed down to your neck, his fingers finding their way under your work pants. “reigen!” you blushed as you felt his fingers brush against your wet panties. “so wet for me…” he kissed your neck softly. he leaned you back against the counter before pulling your pants down. he admired your wetness through your panties before pulling them off. he quickly undid his pants before looking down at you. “ready?” he asked, you nodded in response. he ran his hog over your wet hot folds before softly entering you. you moaned softly as you felt his length in you. he began thrusting slowly, grunting lowly as he did. “mmm… so tight and warm…” he moved a piece of your hair behind your ear. you gripped onto his shoulders as he began thrusting harder. eventually the two of your reached your peak and finished. the both of you left work satisfied and no stressed i guess 🤔
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anomaly-hivemind · 9 months
Candle Wanker || Wax play w/Reigen Arataka x Fem!Reader
Tags: wax play, massage, vaginal fingering.
Word count: 1111
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You were home from a stressful day at work so after a hot shower I dropped on my bed. Reigen walked into the room half an hour or so, he had his button up shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow. His tie was already loosen and his belt to dress pants was on the ground. He throws a smile at you and places a kiss on your forehead. Reigen tilts his head as he looks down at your stressed form on the bed. He leaned down on the bed and hugged you.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” he rubbed his hand in a small circle on your back.
“I just had a bit of a stressful day, “ you sigh.
“Would you like me to make your day a bit better.” he said in a low tone.
“Yes please.” nodding your head.
“Well you know what to do gorgeous. “ a smirk started to form on Reigen’s face as you stripped out of your clothes.
He walked over to a draw and pulled out some fancy ‘special’ wax candles and vanilla scented oils. Reigen dropped the oil into his hand until they were slick. His warm hands gripped at your waist in a gently yet firm hand. Pushing his hand up your back and to your shoulders then down your spine.
“Do you want to talk about work?” Reigen’s hand groped at the mound of your ass then back you to your shoulder blades.
“Definitely not.” You sigh, eyes closed.
He lets out a hum and his hand dips down to your thigh. He massaged your caves, cupping the muscle in his strong hands then did the same with your other thigh. He kneaded your ass with his hands. He grabbed a candle and dripped it on the warm wax on your back, as the droplets fell down his spine. A shiver runs over your body and you sigh.
His hand trailed up your inner leg before he flipped you over. He feels his way up your stomach to your chest, his lubed up hand caressing your tits. He placed a kiss on your cheek then went back to putting in the work on your body. Definitely getting wax over the sheets but that was a problem for later.
“You're a real piece of work, I love you. You know that right.” he grabbed another lit candle and dripped its content on to your chest. You jumped a bit, but it wasn't hot enough to hurt. It felt good actually, the warm liquid solidifying on your skin.
“I love you too.” you say in a breathy groan, the warm wax falling on to you making your nibbles harden. Reigen let the candle melt all the way through before putting the wick away. Your body was covered in hardened wax all on your breast and stomach. Even a bit on Your caves and toes which makes you giggle.
His oiled up hands rubbing down your thigh, he rubbing closer and closer to your cunt, which at this point was craving attention. He fingers runs his fingers on the outer parts of your folds. You let out a moan as he teases you with a smirk.
His hand gets even more slick from your arousal, then Reigen moves his hand to your hips. Massaging your skin with a slowness that was starting to frustrate you a bit. You were dripping in cooling wax and your pussy was glistening for his touch. Reigen was going to take his time with you if you don’t say anything out right.
“Baby please don’t tease me today.” you say in a hushed tone.
“You sure hun.” he asked while cheesing.
“Yes, touch me.”
“Well my exprect hands are already doing that. Are you saying you want more?”
“Oh my gosh, you know what I mean.“ you groan and roll your eyes.
“Do i, though.” Reigen laughs, his hands still rubbing your body… just not in the places you wanted him. You have half the mind to glare at him but you don't.
“You know what I mean, “
“Yeah I know.” he snorts and kisses you on the neck, his hand falls and between your legs. Parting your legs opens, for easier access, he runs his hands back to your wet pussy. Reigen dipped his fingers over your slit, he let out a groan.
“So wet already, just from a little massage.” He snickered.
“Shut up”
“Was it the wax?” he leaned over to pick off a strip of hardened wax that had stuck to your stomach, it peeled slowly off your skin.
He takes your silence as an answer and chuckles. He runs his hands back on your folds, his slick fingers rubbed on to your hole teasing it. Reigen’s other hands rubbed over your clit. His other hand went into your entrance, he slid his digit all the way in. he was knuckle deep in your hole, caressing your walls.
He thrusted his finger into you as his other hand pinched and circled your clitoris. You do your best not to squirm in his touch, yet you are failing. Your legs were twitching and moans escaped you every time he would curl his finger in you. He didn't let out his combo attacks on your cunt, you wouldn't last very long from his expert hands.
Your walls clenched around his fingers when he hit your spot, letting out a cry he was making you feel good.
“You Close You close ya close. '' Reigen said with a joking tone, he doesn't stop his movements.
You were close to a climax no matter how unserious your boyfriend is he was good at making you come.
“Well come on now and say it darling, you wouldn’t want me to stop now would you?” he kept thrusting his fingers inside you but the hand on your clit had slowed down to an annoying pace.
“No! Please don't stop.” You said through a whine making your eyebrows twitch, your climbing climax was threatening to fall with his current tempo.
“Alright dearest.” he smiled and went back to his pace.
He thrusted his fingers in you with a harsher pace and he placed more pressure on your clit. You pull closer and closer to coming and your legs start to shake. He flicked your clit making you arch your back.
You let out a moan and Reigen makes work to push you through your orgasm. He whispered loving words to you as you came down from you high, not stopping his movements.
“So are you still stressed?”
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dilfsfordinner · 1 year
He’s a virgin you know, so be gentle with him. Besides the calloused seal of his own fist, nobody, absolutely no one has touched him on that part of his body before. Although he was inexperienced, he wasn’t entirely stupid, for he knew what occurred between lovers, what could be possible for him one day; that day now coming to fruition by your hand. Because he had succumbed to your wiles, nothing would ever satisfy his hunger ever again. The curl of your tongue around his leaking tip was just the first thing to break him, your teeth grazing the throbbing veins of his shaft ripping apart his self control piece by piece. The soft lining of your cheeks was one thing, but your cunt was entirely another.
Straddling his shaking form, the sinking of your most intimate part clamping down on his cock had his lungs fighting for air, goosebumps erupting up the length of his spine. Never would he have expected it to feel this good, and it was all because of you. You were so snug and tight around his length, his previously innocent body now corrupted by your perfect cunt. Your soaked walls squelched as his twitching tip nudged at your cervix, and you would never forget the sight caused by it. Hair disheveled, chest rising and falling with erratic breaths, lips swollen and coated with your saliva, cheeks flushed a pretty red. You couldn’t even begin to list the sinful sight he bore, his eyes squeezed shut from the sensitivity, eyebrows drawn up and hands shaking to find the right place on your body. He was so clueless, it was adorable.
The problem with him being a virgin was how long he had stored himself up. His balls were so swollen, the lewd sound of his skin slapping yours pulling a reaction out of his body he couldn’t control. Clutching onto you, years worth of his abstinence spilled into you, his heartbeat spiking and eyes rolling back. Don’t ever forget this moment because the vulnerability seeping from him would probably be the last bit you would ever see.
Losing his virginity to you may have been one of the best moments of his life, but be sure to expect an insatiable hunger now, one that you would be subject to for weeks to come.
LEVI ACKERMAN, Jean Kirstein, (literally all the AoT characters), Yuta Okkotsu, Toge Inumaki, Choso Kamo, Vinsmoke Sanji, Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy, Rin Itoshi, Hyoma Chigiri, Isagi Yoichi, Doppo Kunikida, Reigen Arataka
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maedae-maedae · 17 days
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☆ Reigen Arataka x F!Reader
☆ Chapter 1/3
☆ Genre: Smut
☆ Warnings: NSFW 18+
☆ Contents: Sub!Reigen, Co-workers, Office Masturbation, Humiliation Kink, Caught in the Act, Mutual Pining
☆ Word Count: 6.7k
☆ Summary: A boss and his employee is quite the forbidden love affair. It could never happen, really it shouldn't. He would never let his feelings for you get the better of him and let you see. But Reigens worst nightmare is where you find out about what he allows himself to do and think in private. What would you think of him? And why does the outcome arouse him anyways?
Or at least it does until it becomes his reality.
☆ A/N: i am incapable of being normal about this man.
Read on AO3
Chapter 1 - Cause
Reigen was never one to be perverted, especially at work. He knew how to separate business and pleasure. Even when certain cases walked into his office (like a spirit mark on a woman’s breasts, or giving a full body massage to particularly attractive customers), it was important for him to keep his business composure. And maybe he’s had a perverted thought or two in moments like those, but who wouldn’t? The mind wanders. What’s important was that it never left that moment. Once it was over, those thoughts were out of his head, and he would never act on such thoughts.
Something weird has been happening lately, though.
He’s been feeling strange. Having perverted thoughts when he shouldn’t. It started off at home, he started watching porn more often, which he rarely does, and that’s to say of course he started touching himself more often. But then it started happening at work in the morning too. Getting aroused and having a strong urge to relieve himself, sometimes he couldn’t even get his head straight with customers in the middle of a session with him. It was quite troubling to say the least. And recently he realized why it started.
It was you.
Having you in the office wasn’t really that much of a change from before, other than being able to get work done more efficiently of course. He wouldn’t say just having a woman in the office itself did this to him, because that would be gross. But really in the beginning everything was fine. The two of you had normal co-working banter while you did your work, nothing special really. And you were very respectful in the beginning towards him so you weren’t really close. That is, until the “company dinner” together, when all three of you got fairly drunk. After that, the two of you have been closer, like friends more than boss-and-worker honestly.
He cant put his finger on exactly when his perverted feelings started coming into play. Maybe it was the day you gave him a ride home. Being alone with eachother outside the office (like actually alone, just the two of you), he remembers it feeling pretty intimate. And also being extremely nervous, but playing it off cool of course (you could see him sweating).
Ever since he’s started seeing you as more of a friend, his mind started to wander into the danger zone. It’s like his business filter is flipped off when he thinks of you now, and he can’t find it to turn it off anymore. He always keeps it appropriate at work of course. But maybe sometimes when you stand up to get water, or talk to a customer, perhaps you could catch him looking at you for a bit too long. And maybe if you looked over at the wrong time, you would catch his eyes wandering to places they shouldn’t be. That he scolds himself for afterwards every time.
Just like he’s doing now. You’re taking a customers payment and having him fill out some forms from across the office, your back facing Reigen. He can just never get over how good you look in that skirt. It’s not like it’s even particularly short, it’s appropriate length, but the way it hugs your figure….
Work. You’re at work. You need to focus, Reigen.
He turns to the computer again.
The thing is, he didn’t like being like this. And he tried to fight it at first, but it’s like you’ve put some kind of horny spell on him or something. Are regular crushes supposed to make you more sexually driven? He doesn’t think so. There must be something wrong with him.
“Okay, Reigen,” You call out, snapping him awake, “I’m gonna start running the calculations for this weeks total income. Do you need me to do anything else before going home for the weekend?” You ask politely, turning your body slowly to face him, tapping some documents together in your hands. The guy from before is gone now. When did that happen?
He buffers for a second looking at you, and probably for a moment too long, because you turn to look back at him curiously.
“Oh- No, no. You’re all good to go home after this, (Y/n).” He finally replies.
You crack a smile at this statement, looking pleased to hear that. He watches as you turn to sit in your chair and start typing with a newly determined end-of-the-workweek energy. He ends up also smiling at this, managing to turn his attention back to his work as well.
The next hour or so goes by in mostly silence, only the sounds of tapping and the occasional thinking noises that comes from Reigen. The sun starts to set now, orange tinting the room through the slightly-open shades.
You push yourself up to stand, clicking the shut down on your computer, all while smiling. Finally you get to go home early. And not late like you always tend to do.
You alert his attention again at this, and he looks up at you. “Heading out?” He asks.
You smile proudly at him, “Yep! Unless you want me to stay. But if you do, I think I’m qualified to start asking for overtime pay at this point.” You say, partially joking.
He chuckles, shaking his head. “No, no. Really, you’re good to go.”  He reassures you.
You squint your eyes at him, leaning on your hand placed on your desk. “This is suspicious. You never let me go home early.” You accuse him.
He frowns at you, leaning back into his chair and crossing his arms. “What am I, some kind of ceo villain? It’s not like I try to trap you here. If you’re done with your work, you can go.” He states simply.
“Yeah, you say that but,” You stand up straight and take your purse, moving around your desk to make your way to the coat hanger. “There seems to always be something you want me to help you with, even if I finish my work. You’re sure you don’t need anything?” You finish and turn to face him again.
“What? Do you want to stay later? If you really want something to do I can make something up and-“
“No! I just…” You cut him short and then trail off, holding eye contact for a weird amount of time in silence.
He tilts his head at you, confused. “What is it? Is something wrong?” He asks, a sudden concerned tone in his voice. You are acting a little strange, so it makes sense. You stand there for a few more seconds without answering.
“Are you going to be going home soon?” You blurt out, and he blinks a few times at the sudden question.
“Uh.. No, I don’t think so. I’ve got some more things I gotta take care of before the weekend, so I’ll probably be here for a while.” He says, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.
You frown at this, and he starts to see what’s going on now. It’s cute, and he tries not to smile and make it obvious what he’s thinking. Or at least he puts on a fake, sly smile, prepared to tease you about your reasonable concern instead.
“What? Are you worried about me? That’s oh so sweet of you, but don’t be. I’ll be fine. This won’t take too long. Believe it or not, I don’t especially love working past close either.”  He does his best to reassure you, but you’re still frowning at him, clearly not convinced. “Hey, don’t give me that face. Just go home and get some rest. I’ll see you on Monday, yeah?” He says again, trying to wave you off as he directs his attention back to his monitor, pretending to do something.
Of course he doesn’t want you to go either, but as your boss he really didn’t have anything to give you. And as your— what he guesses could be called “admirer”— he did want you to actually get some rest.
You watch him sadly for a few more moments, and then let out a sigh. You reach for your coat, and he can hear it ruffle as you put it on.
You don’t know why you’re suddenly sad about leaving, since you were just over the moon about it a minute ago. Maybe it’s because lately you get out so late that you end up closing with him most nights. When this happens you’d always be a little annoyed, since no one likes working beyond their hours, but now you’re realizing maybe you actually grew to enjoy it? Or at least to be accustomed to it. Since you feel weird like this about leaving early now. It’s not because you want to work obviously, but you guess…
You just really like being in Reigens company.
You glance over your shoulder again at him before you go for the door. He’s busy at work again. You know he probably has more than he’s letting on, and he’s probably just letting you go since you were so happy about leaving early.
You suppose you’re lucky to have a boss who’s also a friend. So much that he cares more about your health than work. So much that you dread leaving his side…
You spot the heating/ac control panel on the wall next to you. You realize it’s pretty hot, forgetting you just put your jacket on.
“Is it hot in here? Do you want me to turn the heat down for you while I’m on my way out?” You ask, breaking the loud silence.
“Hm? Oh, no, it’s fine.” He mumbles back to you.
“Okay..” You mumble and finally head for the door.
You stop again.
“Oh! By the way,” You start and turn to him again. “I’m gonna go to the supercenter this weekend to pick up a few things. So, let me know if there’s anything I should pick up for the office.”
He cracks a smile, leaning his body to the left from behind the monitor, his chin coming to rest in his hand. “Alright, I’ll make sure to do that. Anything else you wanna ask me?” He teases, giving you a smug look.
You smile back at him, rolling your eyes. You’re about to have a witty comeback, but suddenly remember another thing. You can’t believe you almost forgot.
“Oh! Okay, one last thing!” You hurry over to your desk, and his eyes follow you as you make your way over and bend down to open up a drawer. He’s doing the thing again, his eyes lingering.
You find a folder you were searching for immediately and take out the first paper in it. You make your way over to him, still not looking at him yet. As you approach, he shakes himself out of the daze he had just gone into.
You stand next to him, staring at the paper for another second as he waits for whatever you have to show him. Then finally, you hand it over to him.
“What’s this?” He immediately asks.
“The first client that came in today had a follow-up session request. It was pretty detailed and picky so I had him fill out a form about it. I told him you’d call back about it in a few days.” You inform him.
“Huh. Must be serious if he’s so strict about it. Or maybe he’s just picky, I guess.” He says, skimming over the several paragraphs of writing under the ‘extra comments/requests’ section. “Guess I’ll just have to charge extra. I can give him a call tomorrow.” He finishes with a signature grin.
Then to his surprise, he suddenly feels you next to him, as you bend over him to point to something on the page.
You start to make a comment about something the client wrote, but Reigens mind kind of stops working for a moment. He glances over at you, your face dangerously close to his. He can smell your signature perfume, already familiar with it from the times you’d get close to him, pass him by, or give him rides home in your car. He loves the smell, the smell of you, and he remembers times where he’d wished he could get to experience it even when you’re not around. He starts to let himself admire you as you continue to talk to him about something he should probably be listening to.
“-And I mean I told him that might be out of our control, but he insisted on writing it. So, it’s up to you.” You finish your explanation that you didn’t realize was going unheard. But when you get no response at all, you finally turn your head. Your eyes meet for a moment, and his widen a little, snapping out of his daze again.
He immediately snaps his head forward and nods. “Mm, Okay. Understood. I’ll take care of it, (Y/n). Thank you.” He says quickly and very matter-of-factly.
You blush a little from your one second of intimacy, not expecting for him to have been staring at you like that. You slowly bring yourself to stand again.
He won’t look at you now, placing the piece of paper down next to him and pushing himself further into the desk as he goes back to scrolling on the computer.
You stand there for a little too long, like you’re a stunned animal, just looking at him curiously, wondering ‘what was that?’.
He can feel you still next to him, and there’s an awkward air. Was that too obvious? Did you finally catch him? Gotta play it off.
He clears his throat, glancing up at you again with a straight face. “I’ll take care of it, so you can head out, (Y/n).”
You jump a little, face flushing darker at how awkward you were probably making him feel just standing there in silence. “Oh, right. Thank you.”
“And, you have something in your teeth. By the way.” He adds on bluntly.
Very smooth.
Your brows furrow as you cover your mouth, tongue feeling around for something. Now you feel especially embarrassed.
Of course he just saw something in your teeth, idiot. Why else would he stare like that?
Your internal dialogue as you make your way to the door again, not dragging your pace this time.
He watches you subtly as you go, feeling a bit guilty now.
“Have a good weekend!” He calls out, but you don’t stop or look back, feeling too humiliated at the moment. You just nod and hum a “you too”, and then you’re gone.
He throws himself back, his chair reclining with him, throwing his hands over his face. His hands run back through his hair.
He wishes he had thought of a different excuse, but he was frantic, and he really can’t have you finding out about the way he feels for you. On the likely chance it makes you weirded out and decide to quit, he’d still be able manage same as he did before you were hired, but of course that’s not the reason he doesn’t want to loose you.
Once he gets over his regret or whatever this is, he gets back to work, and then an hour or so passes quickly. He finally takes a break to look at his phone.
No messages.
What was he expecting?
He thinks about you again, and all the different ways the two of you interacted today. This became a pass time for him, thinking about you, and replaying you in his mind. Before he knows it, he’s been staring at the ceiling for 10 minutes. A sigh leaves his lips.
“Damn. I need to go home too… I should wrap this up.” He speaks to himself, pulling his attention away from your temptation.
But as he tries to finish up the last of his to-do list for today, he can’t stop letting his mind wander. Every time he starts to get into the rhythm, his focus gets lost again, and there you are. Work that should’ve only taken about another hour or so turns into 2 hours. And as time passes, his thoughts of you only get more perverted.
This was like clockwork, when he couldn’t get you off his mind, his fantasizing eventually ended up a little X-rated. He finds himself starting to palm at the buldge that had appeared under his pants, staring blankly at the screen in front of him with an unfinished email, totally spaced out now.
He pushes out a shaky breath, gently massaging himself to the thought of you. The fantasy of getting to have you in any context, but right now his fantasy scenario is one that takes place in the office. You tying his hands behind his chair, straddling his lap and having your way with him. His cheeks are bright red, engulfed in his imagination. The PC fan, clock ticking, and Reigen’s unsteady breathing being the only sounds in the empty office. He’s started to work himself up without realizing.
The sound of a notification suddenly brings him out of his daydream, his actions stopping all at once, his eyes refocusing. At first he searches the computer screen, thinking he’d have gotten an email, but there’s nothing new. He reaches for his phone, and sure enough, a text notification. From you.
The text reads:
[hey! you still at the office?]
And as he’s reading it, he receives another.
[better not be.. if you end up sick from overworking im not coming in for you! :p]
He laughs through his nose, running his hand through his hair again. He sighs. You’re right, he really needs to finish up here. If only you knew what he was really doing right now.
He was basically finished, just needed to send this last email that he’d already started. Yet, when he tries to finish it again, he just can’t seem to focus at all. He got himself too riled up, and there was only one real way he knew how to fix it, of course.
He contemplates it for a minute. Masturbating in the office… It’s a terrible idea, right? But it’s not like anyone would come after close, and he could just make it quick.
He wastes more time contemplating, but eventually comes to the conclusion that the only way he can finish up today is if he can be relieved of his thoughts of you first. This is a lie of course, he really could make himself power through, but he convinces himself otherwise. After all, he is very convincing.
He gets up from his chair and makes his way to the door, checking to make sure it’s 100% locked. God forbid something unthinkable occurs.
As he’s about to walk back to his own desk and finally get down to “business”, he stops in front of your desk, spotting something.
Your scarf is left on the headrest of your chair, and he doesn’t know how neither of you spotted it before you left. You always take it with you.
He stays frozen in place for a moment. An awful idea occurs to him.
He cant even believe what he’s doing as he saunters over to the chair, taking the scarf in his hand and bringing it close to his face. It smells like you. And your perfume. Just like he thought it probably would.
This is bad. Dangerous, even. He shouldn’t be doing this.
But then he’s sitting down in your desk chair, nuzzling his face into your left-behind apparel laced with your scent, his hand slipping down to massage himself again.
And then before he knows it, his length is out in his hand, and he’s pleasuring himself. In your chair. Surrounded by your things. Everything around him reminds him of you. The cute trinkets on the desk, the colorful paper clips keeping papers tidy, the dog-shaped sticky notes on the monitor with reminders written in your pretty handwriting. And your scent. God, he goes crazy for it.
Sighs start to escape his lips, and then soft moans begin to follow. His pumping gets faster, his hips start to buck up into his hand, his breathing getting more unstable.
This is so so wrong. Horribly wrong. You’d probably kill him if you found out.
The things you’d do to him, if you knew.
His shame only fuels his arousal for some reason. Even though it’d be a nightmare if you walked in right now, for some reason the thought still turns him on. You seeing him desperate and needy like this, his dirty secret finally out. You’d finally know what you do to him, and he could confess that only you make him act like this.
“Fuck… (Y/n)…” He whines into the soft fabric in his hand.
As his imagination runs wild in his mind, he just gets more needy. All this time of touching himself to the thought, but he wants the real thing more than anything. So badly. He wants you— no— he needs you.
This prompts him to start letting out short whines, your name leaving his lips again and again. He keeps fucking his hand, wishing that somehow he’d open his eyes and see you around him instead.
“Please.. please-Ah-.. fuck..“
He starts pleading and babbling nonsense, head tilting back to look up at the ceiling.
Faster. He strokes himself at a faster pace now, sometimes stuttering as his hips jerk up involuntarily.
He cant believe he’s doing this. But it feels so good, there’s no way he could stop.
He’s nearing climax now, and his noises get less controllable as he continues to get immense pleasure from this perverted situation he’s cultivated.
He brings the scarf back up to his face, the scent renewing and giving him a better illusion of you. The fabric helping to muffle himself as well. His eyes squeeze shut and with your aroma so close to him, he can make out the image of you. Wrapped around him, moaning his name into his ear, your plush skin pressed against his own.
Finally, with one last hard thrust, he reaches his climax, his hips thrusting up and locking for a moment as he shakes with pleasure. He’s not able to catch the first line of semen that comes out way more intense than he expected. It gets on the top of your desk, but thankfully not on his clothes somehow. The rest he catches with his hand.
He sits there shocked for a moment, breathing hard and heavy. He hasn’t finished that intensely in a while.
Then he lets himself lean back into the chair to relax for a moment, sighing heavily at his intense relief.
Jesus, Reigen. You’re a fuckin creep. Look at what you’re doing right now.
He thinks to himself in his post-clarity.
He sits there in silence for a while, letting himself wallow in the shame of his actions tonight.
Then he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath. He’s ready to just put this behind him, pretend it never happened.
“Alright… Guess I should-“ His own speaking to himself gets cut off as there’s a knock on the door.
He immediately goes into panic mode for a few moments. He almost answers, until he realizes it’s probably a customer. They’ll go away once they realize the shop is closed.
So he stays still and silent.
Then probably one of his worst case scenarios takes place.
He hears the security system unlock, followed by the door opening slowly, and then-
You pop your head in slowly as you look around the room, eventually locking eyes with Reigen. His heart sinks.
Luckily for him, your desk faces the door, so he’s still in the clear from your point of view. Of course not the most ideal situation to be in right now.
“Oh! You’re here,” You step inside, shutting the door behind you. “You didn’t say anything when I texted. And usually I knock before I come in during close, incase you might be busy with something, but-“ You come to a stop when you realize how in-shock— and sweaty?— he looks right now. And just the overall weird tenseness in the air. And-
“Why are you at my desk?” You ask with a slight tilt of the head.
He’s suddenly snapped back into reality, realizing the urgency of this situation. He needs to figure out how to get out of this smoothly, and fast. His hand is literally full of his own-
“HEY!” He startles you with his sudden volume. “(Y/n)! Hey! Funny seeing you here so late I thought you went home already!” He smiles as genuinely as he can manage as he pushes out that regrettable concoction of words.
You blink a few times. “Uh… Yeahhh, well I did! I mean I was on my way, but-“ He nods along as you speak, eyes glancing around for something to wipe off the desk. “-then I found that brand of salt you like so much when I stopped at Daiso and yknow it’s always sold out so I brought it back for you. Never a bad thing to have extra stock right? Just in case.“ You tell him sweetly. He now notices the three bags of salt in your arms. Normally he’d be very pleased with this. In ideal circumstances.
“Wow, look at you! You’re really an amazing employee, (Y/n), yknow that? Have I ever told you that?” He starts to babble, giving you a big fake smile. “Thanks so much, hey, uh- Why don’t you just put them on the couch and I’ll put them away when I’m done over here. You should really head home and actually get some rest for tonight, right?”
“Oh, right.” You remember how badly you want to put these bags down now. They’re kinda heavy. You move over to the couch, hunching over to drop them down.
While you’re looking away, Reigen glances around frantically for any sort of paper towels on your desk. His eyes lock onto your box of tissues, grabbing a handful and quickly wiping the mess on the table, just before you turn back around with a labored exhale. He’s wiping himself off discretely under the desk when you make eye contact again. “So what is it you’re doing over there anyways?” You ask to his dismay. Of course you’re curious about the situation though, since he is in your work space after work hours.
He opens his mouth to answer, and he only buffers for a moment. Almost suspicious, but not quite. “Ah, I just wanted to restart your computer, I do that with mine every once in awhile. Keeps em running smoothly. But yknow then it started acting strange, so I was just checking it out.” He comes up with an adequate excuse on the fly.
“Oh, seriously? Strange how? I can help you, let me-“
“NO!” He practically shouts when you take a step towards him, making you jump. Then he clears his throat immediately. “I mean, seriously, I got it. Cmon, you don’t trust your own boss? Just get home, will ya? You worked hard today.”
His rare compliment/considerateness blinds you to how weird he was being for a moment. You start to grin a little.
“Hmm.. I mean, you’re right. But honestly I’m not sure how comfortable I am with you fixing my computer, considering I was the one who had to fix yours the last time it started having issues.” You say in a joking tone, placing a hand on your hip.
He lets out an awkward, but still believable laugh. “Ahhh, that’s right! BUT I do know my fair share about computers. I did have to function somehow before you got here, right?”
“Yeah, it’s almost unthinkable.” You roll your eyes smiling. “I’ll go home after, but I can just help real quick. I’m sure you were doing something more important before this.”
He certainly was. And he definitely regrets getting off track now. Lesson learned. And as much as he appreciates your eagerness to help him, it literally could not be a worse time for it.
“(Y/n), it’s fine. You just stay right there and watch the master at work-“
“Master? Is there a spirit in the PC or something?” You say sarcastically, crossing your arms.
“Will that convince you to leave it to the professional?”
“Well if that’s the case, maybe I should call Mob?”
Woooow. Okay, that makes him crack an actual smile, his tenseness losing up a little. “What are you talking about? You know what mob calls me, right?” He says cockily, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Oh whatever, just let me help you!” You say letting out a laugh, like this is some kind of game.
“I don’t need your help!”
“Yeah right!” You take another step towards him.
“Don’t move another muscle!”
“What, are you naked behind the desk or something?” You ask jokingly.
He lets out a loud “Ha!” At your (scarily close) accusation. “I’m sure you’d love that, wouldn't you?” His words come out as quickly as he regrets them immediately afterwards. Both of your eyes go wide at the same time, and a blush quickly surfaces on your cheeks.
His expression and his heart drop the same.
“I am so sorry. That came out wrong.” He apologizes immediately, and he’s genuine because he really did not mean for it to sound that way. With you being both his friend and now secret desire, the line between professional and unprofessional is sometimes a little foggy. He has to remind himself to tone it down maybe.
Your mouth hangs open slightly, trying to think of something, anything to say after that, but you can’t seem to form anything together. You’re not really offended, just embarrassed. What did he mean by that? Why would he think you want to see him naked? Does he know you like him?
Stupid! Idiot! Why would you say that! His mind practically screams at him. He has to say something else.
He clears his throat. “Anyways!” Of course, perfect segway. “Just watch this. Like I said, master at work.” He says quickly and slides himself out of your chair and down under the desk where the PC box sits.
You just kind of stand there awkwardly. You don’t really have anything to say to him anymore, overthinking about whatever just happened.
“Alright, come here.” He finally calls out to you after a few moments and you oblige, coming over to behind the desk. He comes up again, clicking the start button on the PC before he does. And then of course your totally-fine-in-the-first-place computer boots back up.
He gives you a satisfied look. “There. Fresh as new. You’ll thank me later.”
You cross your arms, rolling your eyes. “Wow.. I guess you really are the master.” You reply sarcastically.
“I told you, didn’t I?”
Now being this close to him, you notice again how worked he looks. Like he’d just done a workout or something.
“Why are you sweating so much? Are you sick or something? I told you not to overwork yourself..” You scold, leaning over to take some tissues out of the box off your desk and taking a few to hand to him.
He clears his throat again, hesitantly taking the tissues from you with his free hand that doesnt already have crumpled up ones in it. “Ah, no.. It’s just hot in here. I should’ve let you turn down the heater earlier. I’ve been too busy to bother getting up to adjust it.” He makes another excuse. Truly, he feels gross being this close to you right know, knowing what he just did, and that there��s still evidence of it lingering. Normally this is very much an at-home-only activity. He never thought he’d get himself in a situation like this.
You tilt your head a bit, forgetting that you had even offered to do that earlier. “Oh yeah…” You eyes trail over to the control panel across the room, while Reigen wipes his face, watching your expression carefully.
When you look back over, the two of you makes eye contact for a moment. For some reason, it feels intimate, and Reigen thinks maybe it’s just his imagination still. He should say something to get you to leave though. This situation feels way too weird.
Right before he can say anything though, your eyes finally pull away, coming to spot something on the floor.
You make a slight “Oh!” sound, noticing the scarf you left behind, now on the floor.
Reigen follows your eyes to it and doesn’t stop you when you walk around him to pick it up.
“That’s funny, I left my scarf here. I didn’t even notice I was missing it.” You shrug.
His heart beats faster watching you hold it. Maybe because he can’t stop thinking about what he was just using it for.
He watches as you unravel it and wrap it around you, still filled with anxiety, like you’d sense his filthy use of your precious accessory just by touching it. You look at him when its back on, and you make the same strong eye contact again.
This is so weird. For the both of you.
The atmosphere feels unreal, like you’re experiencing a dream right now, being alone together in the dim-lit office way after hours. And reigen was acting so strange to how he normally is, though you don’t want to address it and let him know you’re that observant to his behaviors.
“Um.. I still have more bags of the salt in my car. I couldn’t carry them all in one go.” You finally say, eyes still connected to his.
“Oh. I can help.” He replies with no real emotion, like he’s in a trance right now.
“No no, it’s okay. You finish up work. I’ll just bring the rest in.” You assure him, still not breaking eye contact.
“I should help you. You already went through the effort of buying and transporting them here.” He says and finally breaks the contact for a moment to glance over at his desk. “Actually… if you want to do something, there’s an unfinished email on my desk. I’ve been trying to write it for a while but I don’t know, I guess I’ve just lost my work energy for the day.”
“Oh! Okay yeah, I can do that. Then,” You begin to take your scarf off again, taking it and reaching up to wrap it around Reagan’s neck instead. He blushes slightly at this, but not flinching or acting bothered at all. You can feel his eyes on you as you adjust it correctly into place. “You need this instead.”
He laughs through his nose slightly, and for some reason, he’s no longer tense or anxious. Smiling at you, and you smiling back, he feels his nerves calm, and he nearly forgets about whatever the hell he was worried about.
The eye contact continues, and it feels like you might… kiss? Or that’s what would happen if this was some cliche movie or something. But neither of you would ever be brave enough to make that risky first move. So you just stand in silence again for a weird amount of time.
“So..” Reigen finally breaks it when he comes back to earth before you do “Keys?”
You jump a little “Right!” You agree and fiddle for them in your coat pocket, pulling them out and handing them over.
Then for the next 20 minutes or so, the two of you say nothing to each other. You finish up his emails at his computer while he comes in and out of the office a few times with the salt.
You’re shutting the computer down when he puts the last sack of bags down with a heavy last heave of breath. You admire the way he rolls his neck and rubs at the muscles on his arms. His sleeves are rolled up and he pulls at his tie to unloosen it a bit as he turns to look at you. You pretend like you weren’t just having questionable thoughts about him.
You offer him a ride home, and he reluctantly takes it. During the ride, the two of you get back to your everyday conversational banter, like nothing happened. And really, nothing did anyways. When you turn the corner to his apartment, the two of you are still laughing at something stupid he just said.
You’d normally pull into the parking area in front of his place, but some idiot parked on the side of the ride is too far into the entrance. Definitely not legal, and also incredibly annoying.
“What the hell. What was this dumbass thinking?” You say in disbelief, gesturing out to the car in front of you.
“Ugh. They’re notoriously bad at parking, everytime I see that car there’s always some type of note on it. Guess there’s no free spaces.” He comments, peeking out the window to try to see into the gate.
“Yeah, but they couldn’t have just parked a little further up the street? This is actually laughably bad. Like illegal, even.” You say to him and just put the car in park where you are on the side of the road. You’re obviously not getting in.
“You think we could get compensation if we reported it?” You ask, turning to him with a mischievous look. He turns to face you and can’t help but mirroring your expression.
“I’ve taught you well. I’m sure I could somehow.” He tells you to confirm your question. “But, if I’m being honest, I can’t be bothered. I just want to sleep right now.”
You give him a disappointed look and he shrugs.
“Well. Then… are you okay walking in from here then?”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine walking a few extra feet to my front door, yeah.” He answers you sarcastically and you roll your eyes immediately.
“Oh okay, attitude. Go ahead then.” You tell him with your own tone, but you’re clearly teasing with the smile across your face.
“Wow I can’t believe you’re really going to make me walk so far, (Y/n). After everything I do for you, really. If I-“
“Oh my gosh, gooooooooo!” You say, cutting off his silly monologue and pushing him towards the door with both hands.
“Alright! Alright! I’m going!” He obliges with a laugh and you let him go. When he opens the passenger door you can feel the wave of cold air and you involuntarily shiver. You’re watching him step out and come to stand, when you notice that he’s still wearing your scarf.
“Wait!” You call out on impulse and he turns around to face you, his hand placed on the hood of the car.
You think about it for a second, looking at your scarf around his neck. It looks… cute on him. And you feel like he kinda needs it, he’s not really dressed very warm. Even though he’s only walking a few extra feet like he said. You want him to use it.
You’re about to say it’s nothing and let him take it, but he seems to notice where you’re looking and looks down to notice for himself.
“Oh, right. Here.” He says and starts to take it off, but you stop him.
“No, no! Take it.” You insist. He looks at you confused, eyebrow raising.
“What? Why? You wear this everyday.” He says.
“I have other ones. You never dress warm. Just use it for the weekend and give it back to me on Monday, kay?” You tell him.
“But-“ He starts and then trails off with seemingly nothing else to say.
You just smile at him and give him a wave goodbye. He buffers there for a moment before just going with it, nodding and waving back.
“Thank you.” He says as he reaches for the door.
“Goodnight.” You tell him gently and watch him go even after he shuts the door and walks off. You sit there just for a moment, wondering why you wanted him to have your scarf so bad. And also why he agreed. He has his own, you’ve seen it before, though not often.
Well, whatever.
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stupidlittlespirit · 4 months
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Rating: NSFW, mdni Type: Drabble Tags: Dry humping, no use of pronouns for reader, messy kissing, premature ejaculation, making out Word count: 1129 My other works: here on tumblr and here on Ao3! Making out with Reigen on the couch (Have this small kissy drabble I cranked out before the gym today!)
Reigen is a clumsy kisser.
He's desperate and messy, and every time you make out with him, he clings to you like he's drowning. Bumping noses, clashing teeth, biting lips, he's hardly graceful in his movements.
When he'd made the first move on your second date, he had very nearly headbutted you with his lack of grace.
Still, his lack of experience had been endearing and after some time, when he'd calmed down from the excitement of knowing that his feelings weren't just reciprocated but desperately hoped for, you'd been able to encourage him to relax a little, and soon enough he had become putty in your hands.
Early on, it had been clear he had an oral fixation. Reigen is bad at hiding his feelings, no matter how much he pretends to be cool headed, and you had noticed it almost immediately.
Watching your mouth when you spoke aloud, staring when you bit your lips, his interest had been blatant from the start. You'd even tested it one warm, sunny evening after work with the help of a melon ice pop from the conbini. The poor thing could hardly carry a conversation at the sight of your lips wrapped around the frozen treat, enraptured as the lolly slipped in and out and in again, gliding into your mouth with practised skill, and the theory had been confirmed in ten seconds flat.
Tonight is date number six. The open invite to hang out at his for a movie marathon had been a transparent cover for an excuse to be alone with you, but you hardly mind. He's always fun to be around, whether you're relaxing or heavy petting, and you'll never say no to him.
Reigen is pliant under you as you sit in his lap, mouths interlocked for the fourth make-out session in barely a couple of hours.
His lips are slick with spit, bitten a cherry red, and they glide against your own with every slow, languid kiss.
The terrible B movie that's playing on TV in the background is drowned out in favour of the wet sounds of kissing, punctuated by Reigen's soft moans and your whispery sighs of satisfaction.
You can feel that he's hard through his jeans and when you pull back a little from his mouth to praise his improvement, he twitches against your crotch.
"You're so good at this now," you murmur, smiling.
Reigen, flushed and dazed, looks up at you through half-lidded eyes. "I think I still need more practise." He grins, crooked.
"Oh?" You laugh softly, pressing another kiss to his half open mouth, then another and another until he's dragging you back down, his hands tangled in your hair and his eyes fluttering shut.
Reigen had confessed to you on the second date that he had never done much more than kiss another person, and even in that, his experience extended to roughly two people in his near thirty years.
He's inexperienced in all of this and you've decided that it's your job to bring him out of his shell. Reigen is nervous and shy about sex, embarrassed about his lack of ability, and although it's no problem for you, you don't want him to feel scared of exploring it. There's no reason for him to feel shy but you won't ask more of him than he's willing to give.
The open-mouthed kisses heat up slowly; your hands slip up from his chest to cradle the side of his face, and your tongue timidly presses against his.
It's a test. Again, everything you've tried with him so far has been snail-paced. Reigen's comfort is paramount and he's happy to discover what he likes gradually. Tonight, you want to see if he's ready to move further along.
Reigen's breathing hitches, but he doesn't move away. Bravely, he touches his tongue to yours and at the contact, he groans. The moment is short and sweet, and you begin to pull away to give him some space, but Reigen isn't interested in stopping.
His hands drop to your waist and tighten against the flesh to prevent you from leaving, and he silences your sound of surprise with his own tongue this time.
The kiss becomes wetter, spit swapping from your mouth to his, and once he finds the rhythm he wants, Reigen is off and away.
He keens underneath you, breathing hard through his nose, and the new style of making out must bolster his confidence because his typically hesitant-to-touch attitude is tossed to the wind as he grabs at your ass, brazen and wanting.
The unexpected contact makes you rock your hips forward and Reigen bucks up to meet you with his own. His cock pushes up against the thin fabric of your clothing again and you can feel a heat growing between your legs.
You allow him to control the pace. If he wants to turn this into something more than just kissing, you're certainly not going to stop him.
A gentle nip at his lower lip and even more tongue has him squirming and shuddering, his hips bucking upward to seek the friction of you.
Reigen's breathing is laboured and deep through his nose, hot breath damp against your cheek, head turning from side to side with every other pass of your tongue on his.
He makes a soft whine, then a gasp, and he chokes out a curse and a warning all at once. "Fuck, I'm gonna-!"
Reigen cries out, broken and loud, and his cock jerks once, twice, three times until the fabric under you suddenly feels slicker than it had.
He holds you close as you kiss him through his orgasm, murmuring your approval and revelling in his bruising grip until finally, he collapses back against the couch, panting hard and bright red.
Reigen looks drunk. His hair is messy, his cheeks pink, and there's a glassy glaze in his eyes that comes with either alcohol or sex. You're over the moon that it's from the latter.
"M'sorry," Reigen mumbles, sheepish. "It was an accident, I-."
You smile, wide and excited. "Got carried away?"
Reigen seems embarrassed, but he nods.
You lean forward and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I like it when you do that."
He perks up slightly. "Yeah?"
"I don't think you know how hot it is that you can cum from just kissing...." You say, running a hand through his hair to ruffle it further.
Reigen snorts, and though he seems bashful, he can't help the grin that splits his face. "I think I can cum from anything if it's with you."
You match his smile, proud and pleased, and then you're pressing yourself down into the mess with a laugh. "I think we ought to test that...."
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dollwrites · 11 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader but she’s not really there, masturbation, reigen keeps videos, oral sex ( m!receiving ), probably poorly written reigen, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ big big special thankies to @arabaka for not only introducing me to reigen but also giving me advice about his characterization and helping me get to know him better 🥺. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
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Reigen is so sloppy when he jacks off. that’s why he typically prefers to lie in bed, moaning your name, that way he can ruin his own sheets, or roll over on to his stomach to hump against the mattress. his sweat and cum mingle on the bedding, cheeks red and glistening, eyes closed as he digs his fingers into his pillow, rutting, needy. he imagines you under him, legs spread and eyes glassy like they get when he pounds you hard. he likes to make you go dumb on his cock, and remember how you drooled and begged him, later when he’s alone.
but every now and then, the urge for you rears its head while he’s at the office.
and that’s what the videos are for.
so that he might find himself sprawled in his chair, legs spread wide and cock jabbing upwards, pink-tipped and throbbing, coated in the spit in his palm as he strokes himself silly with one hand, and grips his phone tightly in the other. the audio is cranked, and the way your visage slurps as you worship his tip on the video before him is forcing his breathing to catch in his throat. you were always so damn eager to suck him off, and he was way more than willing to let you.
“So cute… how are you s-so cute when you—” he grunts to himself, and when your tongue glides against his slit on the screen, Reigen mimics, pressing his thumb against the sensitive hole and rubbing back and forth, just the way you would. he groans in the back of his throat, and his eyes threaten to close, but he wants to watch so bad, they simply flutter instead, lids heavy. after a moment of teasing himself, he watches your mouth open wide, and he elicits a soft, happy whimper when the squishy head slips in. he can remember exactly how the inside of your mouth feels, and he attempts to imitate the sensation by enveloping his cock tip with his palm, tightening his grip around the frenulum to simulate the tight, stretch of your plushy lips. your eyes, though zeroed in on the camera as he films you, go hazy when his dick fills your mouth, and Reigen’s hips push forward, fucking his own hand and the air, simultaneously, breathing ragged. he loves that look on your face— when your senses are overwhelmed, and all you can see, smell, and taste is his sex; it’s as if the moment his cock slips in, your brain turns off.
when your head starts to bob, up and down, Reigen has to shift, changing the pace and angle of his stroking, smearing spit and the beading precum over his cock as he pumps furiously to keep up with the rhythm you’d set a few nights prior. the cocktail dribbles along the edges of his fly, soaking a ring of wetness against his gray pants, but he doesn’t care, he’s too caught up in it. jaw hanging slack, cheeks cherry red, his breathing comes and goes in furious, strangled puffs in between gargling, desperate moaning.
“Pretty, little cocksucker… my pretty girl, so f—fucking talented with that, hng, soft mouth a’yours…” perspiration runs in racing stripes down his temple, over his cheeks, and streams on his throat as a prominent vein bulges there, a telltale sign that he was inching closer to release. Reigen can hear his own voice over the recording, begging you to suck it, pleading for you to suck his cock like it’s the only thing in the world that matters to you, and he can tell by the dizzy look on your face, that it is.
“P-please, oh— shit, ‘s good… you make me feel so, so good!” Reigen hunches forward, closer to the screen as his strokes become erratic, squeezing his tip and then bucking his hips to slide through his slick palm, fucking it like it was your throat. seeing the digital clone of his dick disappear, only to watch your cheeks bulge and your eyes roll back in your head, he’s teetering on the edge of a big orgasm, a needy one, but when you start to cluck with each thrust, Reigen knows that must’ve been about the time he was battering your gag reflex, and he lost it.
furiously pistoning his fist up and down his own length, he forgets where he’s at. he forgets himself, and becomes a grunting, panting, whimpering mess of taut muscles and rutting. “That’s it, y-yes, yes, yes!”
falling back against his office chair, his knees spread, the muscles in his arm burns, but he can’t stop, he can’t ease up off this brutal rhythm until the first spurts of his release erupt from his swollen, twitching cock. a flustered gasp, one in the form of your name, escapes his lips, and so does a small trickle of drool, as the first streamers land against his phone screen, dripping on and obscuring your euphoric expression. Reigen gargles a contented moan, his fist running up to wring at his tip, extracting more of his load in a milking fashion, until it splatters on his abdomen, staining his suit and dampening the white shirt underneath. what he had left to siphon out of his tender, softening cock dribbled out from his slit and oozed down along his shaft while he panted like a wild animal, globbing in the patch of golden hair at his base.
the video ends, and he’s too worn out to do much but allow his phone to clatter against his desk, twitching and bathing in afterglow. his office smells of his sweat and sex, and he closes his eyes, taking a ragged, satiated breath.
he still can’t believe the power you hold over him, how you make him a depraved, base fool. just the thought of you is enough to have his cock twitching again, and he groans, running the pad of his thumb over the throbbing vein nearest the base. “Already?” he asked aloud, incredulous at just how willing his body was to spring back and demand your attention. he would have to rub at least one more out before he could focus long enough to get through the rest of his work day.
but he would still be desperate enough that you would get the fuck of your life when he got home.
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arabaka · 15 days
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ nsfw. reigen arataka x afab! reader no explicit sex. dry humping. just a tiny thought about jealous reigen...
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he's sweaty, hovering above you as he humps against your sex erratically, clothes still on. you all practically tumbled into bed, reigen being especially needy tonight after a job you tagged along for. your lips are wet and the kisses are messy, reigen in his thoughts when he mumbles against your skin, "i can't live without you."
it's not that you haven't heard those words before, it's the way he says them now that has you doing a double-take.
that's when you realize that his gaze lingered on you for longer than usual at the last job because the client had been right next to you, eyes only on you. you didn't think much of it then but he sure did.
"you won't have to." you assure him in a whisper that blows hotly over his ear as your your nails pick the buttons apart from his shirt until he has enough skin exposed for you to kiss and nip at. he groans weakly, voice breaking softly as you mark a path to his happy trail. "i'm yours."
the bulge in his slacks throbs, pre-cum already leaking through the fabric as he grunts, "mine."
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
Multifandom x Reader Masterlist and Socials! (both sfw and nsfw)
instagram: PrinceThomas_ART
Main Tumblr: Princethomas-art
Ao3(nsfw): PrettyboyPistol
writing tag: Prettyboypistol
art tag: princethomasart
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/princethomasart
Writing Commissions
commission carrd
writing commission carrd
Asking The Mercs to Join You in The Shower(M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs x Romantic!SO (M!Reader)
Mercs' Wet Dreams (M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Reacting to Safeword Use nsfw controversial??
How to Seduce the Mercs!
Mercs x Shy!Reader (M!Reader)
First Respawn Panic Attack Comfort(M!Reader)
Valentines Headcanons
Random Headcanons
More Lore-Based Headcanons
How the Mercs Like to be Topped(M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Thanksgiving Headcanons
How The Mercs Jerk Off (M!Reader) nsfw
How You Fluster the Mercs (M!Reader)
How the Mercs Kiss!(GN!Reader)
Mercs Being Jealous Over You! (M!Reader)
Mercs Having a Gay Awakening!(M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Keeping "Us" a Secret! (M!Reader) nsfw
How The Mercs Manage Anger
Mercs Walking In On You Changing! (M!Reader) 16+
Mercs x MessySleeper!S/O(GN!Reader)
Mercs Get Kabedon'd (Mercs x M!Reader) 16+
7 Minutes in Heaven! (Mercs x M!Reader) 16+
Mercs Realizing You Have a Voice Kink! (M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Comforting You After a Stressful Day (M!Reader)
Telling The Mercs You're Autistic(GN!Reader)(shitpost)
Pride Month Headcanons 16+(shitpost??)
Mercs Falling For a FWB (M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Giving Head for the First Time (M!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Getting Head for the First Time (M!Reader) nsfw
Calling the Mercs "Good Boy"(GN!Reader) nsfw
Mercs Walking in on Self-Stimulation (M!Reader) nsfw
First Time With the Mercs (M!Reader) nsfw
Turning The Mercs On Accidentally (M!Reader) nsfw
Hitting on the Mercs (M!Reader)
Mercs Crushing on the New Guy (M!Reader)
Mercs Crushing, but non-merc reader (M!Reader)
OFFENSE CLASS- Domestic Life (GN!Reader)
SUPPORT CLASS- x Chronic Sleepy Bf!(M!Reader)
SUPPORT CLASS- Calling You a Good Boy!(M!Reader)
SNIPER- With a Short Boyfriend! (M!Reader)
SNIPER- Eating You Out Headcanons (FtM!Reader) nsfw
SNIPER- Fucking Around, Finding Out(M!Reader) nsfw
SNIPER- Secrets of an Isolationist(M!Reader) nsfw
SNIPER- Relationship Headcanons(GN!Reader)
SNIPER- Flustering Sniper (+art)(GN!Reader)
SNIPER- Rough Day's Lament (M!Reader) nsfw
SNIPER- Passenger Princess (M!Reader) nsfw
SNIPER- First Haircut! (xFTM!Reader)
ENGINEER- NSFW Headcanons nsfw
ENGINEER- Leg Disability Meet-Cute/Comfort (M!Reader)
ENGINEER- "Hey Daddy" (M!Reader) nsfw
ENGINEER- Blowing Off Steam(M!Reader) nsfw
SCOUT- NSFW Headcanons nsfw
SCOUT- Cheerleader Reject(M!Reader) nsfw
SCOUT- Daddy Issues(M!Reader) nsfw
SCOUT- Mind Meltdown(M!Reader) nsfw
SCOUT- Domming The Bostonian (M!Reader) nsfw
PYRO- Drawer Shrine of You (GN!Reader)
PYRO- NSFW Headcanons nsfw
PYRO- Meet the Pyro(GN!Reader) nsfw
MEDIC- Oral Exam(FtM!Reader) nsfw
MEDIC- Lonliness Comfort(GN!Reader)
MEDIC- Unreliable Nurse (M!Reader)
DEMOMAN- Friends With Multiple Benefits (M!Reader) nsfw
SOLDIER- Fluffy Drabble
SOLDIER- Private Inspection nsfw
SOLDIER- NSFW Headcanons! nsfw
TNG- Reacting to You Confessing! (M!Reader)
TNG- Accidental Kisses! (M!Reader)
Meeting to Relationship (M!Reader)
Bachelor Relationship Headcanons (M!Reader)
Reigen/M!Reader First Date
Junkrat+Roadhog Getting Head(GN!Reader) nsfw
Zenyatta Relationship Headcanons nsfw
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zweigsons · 2 years
when you sleep
arataka reigen x fem!reader smut
summary: kinktober day 10 - somnophilia
warnings: nsfw, dub-con, i hate reigen (loving)
a/n: first time writing for reigen i hope people like it :)
word count: 775
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Reigen was horny. He definitely couldn’t deny that. And you looked so pretty asleep under the moonlight, that he just couldn’t help himself! And he had said you could do things to him while he was asleep, doesn’t it go the same way?
He carefully slipped the covers off of you. Thankfully, you were so deep in your sleep that you didn’t seem to notice. He stared at the white and lacy tanktop you had worn to bed, and then the panties you were wearing that sort of matched it. “You’re so beautiful,” He murmured, even if you couldn’t hear it.
He moved so that his knees were planted on either side of you, and he placed his hand inside of his boxers. He palmed his erection roughly, and groaned softly. You looked so pretty, and you had no idea the things he was thinking, the things he was doing.
He pressed his other hand into your inner thigh, and then moved his fingers up to your panties. He gently rubbed his fingers on you, and you shifted in your sleep, your face twitching a little before you went back to soft breathing.
He had stopped for a moment when you moved, but continued when you went still. He sighed a little, and started to move your underwear to the side. He was delighted at the sight of you already being wet and ready for his fingers.
“Sorry about this, babe,” He said, and he started to play with your folds, excited at what type of reactions would arise from your sleeping self.
He started to push a finger into you, and you moved restlessly. He bit his lip in careful concentration as his finger made its way to his knuckle inside of you. As he stilled, so did you.
Once he was sure you were fully asleep again, he poked another finger inside of you. You groaned a little, and your eyes seemed to shut a little tighter.
He experimentally began to pump his fingers in and out of you, and a soft groan came from you.
His voice hitched in his throat, but he continued on. Your breathing seemed to get heavier, and he pulled his fingers out of you.
When you were resting peacefully again, he began to pull his cock out of his boxers. He carefully lifted your hips so that he could begin to push inside of you, and he was discovering that despite everything, you were a pretty heavy sleeper.
He groaned softly, pushing his length inside of you. There was nothing from you except a few small movements, and he managed to push all the way to the base of his cock.
He sighed a little bit, and then pulled out again carefully, and thrusted back in. He continued the motion, his pace gradually speeding up a little.
Your eyes opened slightly and you mumbled out, “Arataka…?”
Then you realized what was happening, and was suddenly fully awake. “Arataka, what are you doing?!” You exclaimed, your face burning.
“Morning, sweetheart,” He said with a smirk.
You groaned a little, your body suddenly feeling everything that was happening. “This is okay, right?” He asked, bringing your hand up and kissing into it.
A soft moan left your lips, “Yes, God, just hurry up and make me cum.”
He groaned, “Whatever you want, babe.”
He started thrusting faster, and you moaned. You brought your hands up to the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
He kissed you sloppily, roughly forcing his tongue into your mouth.
You moaned into his lips, and he smiled against yours. You pulled away from his kiss to bite down on his shoulder, and he snapped his hips in suddenly.
“Fuck you,” He groaned, and the change in attitude was surprising.
“Are you gonna cum?” You purred, and he nodded.
“Can I cum inside you, please?” He asked, and a groan traced his words.
You nodded, and reached a hand down to your clit to rub at it, getting yourself to release quicker. You moaned softly, and your hips rolled against his. “I’m gonna cum, too,” You told him, covering your mouth with your other hand.
He sighed a little bit, and his hip movements stuttered a little as he came, filling you up. He jerked his hips a few more times and got you to your climax, which ended in your mind going momentarily blank.
Once he pulled out of you, you groaned in slight annoyance. “It is three in the fucking morning, Arataka. I’m gonna go wash up, asshole.”
You moved off of the bed and slinked into the bathroom.
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leakyweep · 1 year
Same Time Next Week? Reigen Arataka x Fem!Reader
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A/N: yeah this was self indulgent sorry but i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did! i’ll be starting a tag list soon, so let me know if you wanna be part of that! also, MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE B-B-BLOCKED :)
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, office sex, cunnilingus, fingering, sucking dick and cock like no big deal, quickie? sorta? serizawa totally knows lmao
Word count: 1.2K
As you walked in the door to the quaint office of Spirits and Such, you couldn’t help but give the blonde man behind the main desk a knowing look. He matched your gaze as he stood up, smiling warmly.
“Ah, welcome in!” his voice was as it always was, loud and arrogant. Serizawa didn’t so much as look up from his schoolwork as you sauntered up to the man’s desk, winking slightly. He confirmed your “name and appointment time” before leading you back to his consultation room.     
As soon as you two walked in and closed the door, your lips were crashing against each other quickly and sloppily, two sets of hands desperately reaching for shirts and belts. His lips were hurried, but soft as he kissed you, his hands pulling your button-up off and your own fingers unbuckling his belt.
Reigen was your... friend with benefits, you supposed. It had started when you two met a bar, and hasn’t stopped since. He had to keep you under the guise of customer, so he did all the theatrics as to not tip off his dark-haired coworker. Although you two did your best to be quiet, Serizawa was more observant than you both gave him credit for. 
As the kiss escalated and clothes were forgotten, you found yourself sitting on the edge of his desk, eyes rolled to the back of your head as the blonde slowly kissed down your abdomen to the place you wanted- needed him most. 
“Arataka,” you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper. The tone was dripping in lust, as soft as velvet. “fuck.”
He smiled against your hot skin as he finally made it between your legs, kneeling onto the floor to be level with your dripping cunt. It was throbbing, and you needed some kind of friction as he ran his hands up and down your thighs. “Ah.. you missed your appointment last week. Where were you?” His voice was teasing as he looked up to your gaze. He almost sounded jealous. He ran a finger softly down your slick, a barely there touch. A soft gasp escaped your lips.
“Maybe I found another blonde business man to fuck me while he’s at work,” you joked, a smirk playing across your lips. His brows furrowed, a devilish smirk of his own on his face. 
“But can he do this like I can?” He asked confidently, his tongue finally making contact with your clit. He rolled it around his tongue, teasing you before attaching his lips around your slit. his velvety muscle traveling up and down your wet. You moaned softly, his name escaping your lips as his tongue finally inserted into your entrance. 
“No, fuck- no one can,” you praised, fingers tangling into his blonde hair. You felt his cocky smile against your slit, rolling your eyes playfully as he continued his assault on your pussy. His pace quickened, his tongue being replaced with his fingers as they prodded at your entrance. He inserted two fingers, soft squelches from your sex filling the room. It turned both of you on more than you thought. 
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, babygirl.” His voice was strained as his fingers quickened, bumping your g-spot with each thrust. It had you gasping and clutching the man’s blonde hair as you could feel the spring in your core coil tightly. The sound of his slurps and grunts through your cunt pushed you further, being totally overthrown by your pleasure and lust.
“Rei, ‘m gonna-” your tone was soft as you were cut off by your own moan, clamping your hand over your mouth to stifle the sound of Reigen’s name being sung from your lips. Your toes curled as you bit your lip and groaned gently. He bit his lip, watching pleasure wash over your face as he rode you through your climax. 
You quickly clamored from his desk, kneeling in front of it as he stood. His dick stood at attention, precum beaded at the top. You licked your lips, taking the base of his cock in your hand and connecting your mouth to the swollen tip, sucking the precum from his slit. He moaned, one of his hands reaching down to hold the back of your head as you found a rhythm to suck him off to. 
The sounds of his cock choking you and his groaning and grunting filled the room. He quickly pulled out from your mouth, grabbing your hand to desperately pull you up from the ground. He hastily pushed your hips against his desk, your torso laying on the desk with your ass in the air. He gave it a quick smack before prodding your entrance with his cock. You craned your neck to look back at him with half-lidded eyes.
“You missed this pussy, didn’t you?” you teased, biting your lip. “Who else’s pussy is this good for, Rei?” you pushed your hips back, brushing his tip against your entrance before it slid down your wet. Your hips jerked back as you felt him run the tip from your clit to your entrance, grunting as he pushed in all the way to the hilt. 
His hand found your hair as he gave you a second to bottom out, his length filling your pussy and stretching it deliciously. “You have such a perfect pussy, I can’t deny,” he chuckled, a lust-filled sparkle in his eyes. You moaned softly, feeling his hips press you against the desk. He pulled out slowly, snapping his hips back to fill you up quickly, and hard. You moaned, gripping the edges of his desk. 
His pace quickened as he rocked his hips back slowly and then snapping them forward in a sudden motion, his length pulling and pushing against your sensitive walls. Soft, wet smacks surrounded the two as things started to heat up, sweat beading on Reigen’s brow as his pace was fast and merciless. You could tell he had missed you last week by the way he desperately shoved his cock as far into you as possible. His hands pulled your hair, bringing you up to arch your back into an almost U shape. 
“Fuck,” He breathed through grunts of your name, his hips stuttering as he got closer to his climax. You encouraged him by throwing your hips back to meet his in the rhythm he had going. A strangled moan left his mouth as he buried his dick as deep as it would go into your pussy, coating your walls in his warm fluid. 
You came simultaneously, soft praises of his name leaving your lips for the second time that day. Your walls fluttered around his already spent cock, milking him for everything he had. He kept his cock there for a moment before pulling out slowly, his cum dripping from your pussy down your legs. 
After getting cleaned up and making sure each of you looked put together, you walked out of his office, feigning an innocent smile. 
“So, (y/n), same time next week?” He asked, his voice now filled with that arrogance and professionalism before. They put on a good guise, smiling and waving goodbye to each other as you left the office. 
However, Reigen couldn’t miss that gleam in Seri’s eyes as he walked past. 
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