#reigen can also do too but not too informative about it when he experienced it before (eg: the part when he dress up for his job lol)
dailyserirei · 1 year
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me when i found out about ways to make your water-based nail polish stays longer (im strupid
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stuck-in-jelly · 4 years
Don't mind me, just thinking about this conversation I had with @limebitches​again and just wanted to word it a bit better and fully write out our thoughts and theory for this because it haunts me every night. But fair warning this got a bit very long
TW: blood, head injuries, trauma, implied death, murder mention
A lot about the traumatic event from everyone involved is very hazy, the details are all scattered and a lot of it is up for interpretation the most concrete thing we know is that the fear Mob had experienced resulted in the first ever emergence of ???% but we don't know about the other kids, we know Ritsu survived obviously and more than likely so did Shimazaki but how considering the immense powers ???% holds? Well that’s what I’m gonna analyze! that would impact them with each other.     
Considering Shimazaki got his eyes burned out what the hell happened to the punk closest to Mob? I can only imagine how traumatic it was all for all of them to witness this, and how that probably impacted Shimazaki as a kid and how he ended up growing up. Those other kids were his friends, and you can say they were delinquents and probably didn't care about each other but the way I see Shima he probably was a lot like Onigawara:
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Yeah they are punks and trouble makers but they seemed to at least get along to an extent, they knew each other well enough where they kind of joked around and teased each other even though in the end they drifted apart but they were still friends. 
And the last think Shimazaki saw was his friends getting hurt and possibly the first one dying by the hands this powerful being . We don't fully know what happened to them, we see Ritsu in the bandaged up after the events 
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But what about the other kids? There is no indication besides the implications of Shamazaki being one of the kids involved.
However let's move on from that and go onto what happened with Ritsu. There are a lot of implications that Shimazaki was the one who kicked Ritsu out of the way that day when everything went down. 
You can argue and say ‘why would Shimazaki try to protect a kid he was bullying?’ but consider the line that Pre-Mob Teru said
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“Of course, I have no intention of killing him” 
Then look at the scene with all the delinquents in Seasoning City when Koyama was beating up Mob so bad he couldn't breath
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They are horrified, some crying some closing their eyes because its too much to see and some just panicking. Yeah they are delinquents but they are kids. Kids who mostly have a normal life, Onigarawa has a nice mom he doesn't want to disappoint, all the other kids also seemed to have decent families and a good home life. They dont want to murder. They just wanted to have fun. Fun. 
Where have we heard that? 
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That’s right. We have to remember, during the time of these events Shimazaki was a kid. A delinquent yes but a kid at his core, he probably didn't want to murder or to seriously hurt these kids, they were just punks bullying for some money yeah its a bad way of having fun but he didn't want to spill blood, especially on some elementary kids.
Again you could argue that Ritsu lied about being kicked away but let's look at the position of the bodies again shall we?
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In the first picture we don't see Ritsu’s body anywhere, not even a small shoe or a glimpse, then we see Ritsu in the next frame, to the left of the rest of them (from Mob’s perspective), and coincidentally Shimazaki was also the furthest most left. If he had hypothetically kicked Ritsu out of the way, he definitely would have ended up there. 
So when Mob started going berserk mode he didn't really want for this child to get hurt, not seriously. So he did what he thought was best and fastest, he kicked Ritsu out of the way and maybe it’s true that had hurt him however, keeping what ended up happening to Shimazaki in mind. It’s not that bad. 
But this no doubt stuck with Shimazaki, we see that he’s only interested in having fun, we can also assume he’s probably obsessed with it considering how he makes everything into a game, he toys with his victims and likes to show off how much better and stronger he is than them. This is probably how he copes with the event. 
To make an example; remember Ritsu when he got his powers? He told Mob he wasn't scared of him anymore because he could defend himself now, he had the power too. We know espers awaken either just naturally like Mob or with extreme stress/ traumatic events but what if the stress and emotions of these events determined what kind of power one gets? 
It would make sense with Shimazaki’s powers. He felt weak and helpless in that moment, he wanted to leave he wanted to get away; teleportation. Afterwards he probably wished he knew this was going to happen, wished he knew that he’d get hurt and so would his friends; prediction of movements. No doubt he wished he could have stopped it all from hurting; near impenetrable.
All his abilities would line up in this situation and he probably felt just like Ritsu. He could never be hurt again, he can fight back, he is stronger, he won't allow anyone to hurt him ever again. Eventually leading him down the path to Claw.  
But how would this information play in a redemption arc for Shimazaki? Now we know Shimazaki is most definitely not in good standing with Mob in the slightest, which is a drastic change. When Mob had first approached Shima he was pretty calm just telling Reigen to step away from him and casually talking to him while Shimazaki was sitting there having a mental crisis the whole time, but Mob became enraged when Shimazaki so carelessly said he was just doing this for ‘fun’. It sets him off instantly. 
I doubt The Kageyama’s were able to walk away from that without some anger from the other parents involved, no doubt Ritsu and Mob blocked most of these events out cause obviously it was super traumatic and their parents probably did their best to shelter them from it in the first place, but it might be possible that subconsciously Mob remembers Shimazaki, his excuse of “just having fun”. 
But this is where things get complicated. Mob, Ritsu, and Shimazaki all create a circle of trauma that can't really be solved. Shimazaki was the one who first made Mob lose control of his powers awakening ???% inside of him causing him to hurt not only the people around him but Ritsu as well however, Shimazaki did also save Ritsu’s life that day. But then in current time Shimazaki did also beat the crap out of and almost killed Ritsu yet the only reason why he went down that path was because of Mob. 
The circle doesn't end, you can point fingers all you want but no matter what there will always be another thing to blame. Shimazaki shouldn't have been bullying kids, Ritsu shouldn't have tried to pick a fight with them, Mob shouldn't have burnt out Shimazaki’s eyes, etc. 
Mob is forgiving yes but how well do you think he would take it? Knowing the man who beat up his brother and destroyed a city for ‘fun’ was also the man who saved his little brother that day but also awoken a terrible power in him that causes him daily repression and sadness? He is already pissed at Shimazaki in the first place but he also loves his brother dearly and if it hadn't been for him his brother no doubt would have died.   
How this would get solved or how it would play out for a Shimazaki redemption arc? I have no idea, there are billions of possibilities. Would make for one kick ass fanfic though!
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sandflakedraws · 6 years
Hey so I've been considering checking out abot for a while now. But before I do, I wanna know what the draw is for you. What do you like so much about it ?
Strap yourself in, we’re about to go through one longass hell of a ride. Fair warning that this gushy love letter has a good chunk of spoils for canon mp100 and abot alike, so do with that what you will. (though i keep most of the spoils to the earlier chapters so i can leave some firsthand experience left)
ABoT has 5 main (not all) attractions for me, most of which are incredibly personal :1. nuanced, actually mature depiction of abuse2. lack of a ‘perfect savior’3. plotting cause+effect4. scene setting (okay this one is more a taste thing that i happen to really love)5. incredible writing all around
Part 1. Nuanced, actually mature depiction of abuse.
I was an abused and neglected child. As such, it’s very easy to see where some of the appeal of this type of fanfic would come from. Course, I’d encourage a looksie regardless because it’s written with respect to the subject matter, and because fics like these have great potential to expand on human understanding and empathy.
THAT SAID ! In order to talk about the depiction of abuse in abot, I first need to talk about the abuse in mp100 canon.
To be frank, I think phantomrose96 handles it better than mp100. Especially the execution and aftermath of said topic.
For comparison I’m going to use the Mogami arc (an arc i do like, perhaps less than the majority of fandom, tho this’ll likely shed a light on why)
The depiction of abuse between abot and canon have some similarities. In both cases, Mob is uprooted from his foundations of support, and the strain goes on for a lengthy amount of time. Canon!Mob’s experiences are 6 months long, and abot!Mob is 4 years. The differences start hereafter, though.
For starters, with canon!Mob, we learn about his torture mainly through his own POV, with Mogami making commentary. His firsthand experience is bolded and put at the forefront, and functions as the end note of the scenes which feature them. Mob is isolated, ostracized, and bullied. He is beat up at several points. One such instance sees him lose a tooth. His bullies torture a cat to death, smash a brick on his head, and stab him with an exacto knife.The ‘maturity’ of canon!Mob’s abuse comes firstly from the severity and cruelty of it. And secondly, for how it could drive him into using his psychic powers against people willingly. It highlights that one can be as shaped by their surroundings as by their choices.It’s dark, and it’s weighty.
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However, the abuse in the arc is used a mechanic, and is glossed over once its primary use is over with. No abuse in this vein crops up after this arc.
The point of it’s presence is to raise the stakes, to showcase “this is fucked up” and then move on when the lesson is learned. We only get 2 peaks that Mob even remembers it. Once is with Mob acting quite fearful when Mogami shows up again, and the other when Mob goes to help a cat off a pole.
Still, the fact remains that it’s never mentioned for the rest of mp100. 
And thusly, Mob is presented with no means to process or deal with the trauma other than to, presumably, remain quiet about it. Or otherwise, for the reader to assume that the experience was relegated to subconsciousness. After all, we’re told expressly with Minori that the memory begins to fade as early as a day after. 
This stance can be detrimental to those who experience abuse, as it can imply that no help exists for the survivor to seek. That it’s better to simply forget about it, and move on without guidance.
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Which, y’know, could work fine if it was ONE’s intention to showcase that some people don’t deal with trauma outright, keeping it hidden.
But there is a difference between “purposefully writing someone to seem unaffected when they really are” and “purposefully writing a macguffin to clear the way of an old arc to make room for a new one" 
I love ONE’s writing, I do, but it seems very clear to me that he was giving himself an out for having to write long reaching consequences of such a brutal arc going forward. Folks can get from the arc what they want, and that’s hella valid. I mean, shit, my trauma was never front and center either when I was Mob’s age. 
However, there’s a clear delineation between coincidence and intentionality. 
By having the abuse all happen in a dreamlike world, he gives himself an out. The characters are more or less able to skirt around the issue, or otherwise forget about it.ONE thereby dodges having to write further complications to the story he wants to tell.
Enter A Breach of Trust.
In Abot, the aftermath of being abused is a part of Mob’s day to day life, like actual trauma do. And here, the process of dealing and coping with said abuse is the main function of it’s appearance in the fanfic.
The four years Mob spends on his own are broadly covered in a punchy ~1k words at the beginning of chapter 4 (the fic is 133k words long, for comparison). They are to let you know the nature of Mob’s problems, without lingering unnecessarily on them, exploiting them, or making them voyeuristic. And in fact, Mob gets out of the Mogami house in chapter 8 (again, in a fic 24 chaps long).
The rest of the chapters where Mob makes an appearance are about addressing what he went through, and trying to help him. 
As opposed to mp100 canon, we learn a lot of information as to the nature of what mob experienced through Reigen. He often has sad or horrified responses, as one could expect to have in his shoes. But his response is not the end note of the scenes which feature them. Instead, it’s the actions he and Mob take, in equal turns, to bring about change which gets the end note.
I’ll use the milk scene in chapter 11 as an example.
Reigen learns a piece of information about Mob’s life, namely that he was denied milk:
“You have milk?”
“Uh…yeah. Not even expired. I bought it like two days ago.”
“But Shishou said…” Mob swallowed the words. His breathing picked up, eyes flickering across the single carton of milk in Reigen’s fridge. Slowly, his voice almost choked, Mob answered, “Yes, yes please…”
Reigen’s response:
He couldn’t fathom what sort of world the kid had just escaped, but he knew now he didn’t want to. And he didn’t want to make Mob relive it, not if it was something so horrific that a single glass of warm milk could move him to tears.
The end note of the scene (literally the last line):
“Here,” Reigen said, sliding his mug across the oaken table. “Have mine too…”
Abot, unlike a good chunk of media, seeks not to use traumatic experiences as a throwaway mechanic for a separate, main focus. Or as a stand in for faux character depth or grittiness. I’m lookin at you Kaneki Ken.  Or worse, as an inevitable reality. No.
The actual maturity of abot!Mob’s abuse, which I’ve been hootin about with the title card, comes from its application to Mob.
It will not be brushed off as a bad dream. It will not be relegated to subconscious, or forgotten. It is not a ‘shortcut to coolness’, or a ‘dark history’ to earn abot!mob some tragic backstory cred. Nor will it be “solved” with a single long talk, or hug, or even to just put Mob back in his house.
Abot seeks to offer a more layered, real world approach to it. That trauma, fictional or not, does not make you cooler. That it takes several, seemingly small steps to start on the path of recovery. And that there is no reaching your “before” status, but just changing the shape of your “after”.
For that matter! Mob also has agency of his own. It is not Reigen that springs Mob from the Mogami house, but rather Mob himself, taking matters into his own hands. 
There was no plan to it. Mob moved. He raced to the door and the inky world beyond. His feet collided with cold stone. Stone became grass, which sheared away before each footfall, leaving wet pulp and mud beneath his beating steps. The vastness of the open sky and the world stretching off in all directions, even after four years, could not overwhelm him more than the image of his dead Shishou scorched behind his eyelids.
Mob will fight on matters he considers important, calling the cops, for example.
Mob’s jaw moved, his wide eyes steeled over, harder now, resolve tight in his face. He looked up to Reigen. “I…wouldn’t like that, Mr. Reigen.”
He’ll voice his own opinion, draw his own conclusions, set his own goals.
His hands twisted in his lap, eyes dropping to them for a moment before they flickered up with new, burning resolve. “…If you could teach me…”
“Teach you?”
Mob nodded vigorously. “How you’re getting rid of it.”
And Mob is not relegated to cowering at all times either.  He’ll enjoy things he likes, build himself up, amongst other things.
The rain drenched him. Through the blues and pinks, water could pass. Water wasn’t living, so it wasn’t stopped, it wasn’t shredded. But it felt alive enough to Mob. It felt like something that wanted to reach him, and could.
Mob shut his eyes and smiled. Even if he couldn’t suppress the barrier now, that wasn’t reason enough to give up, not this time around. This time was different.
Rest assured that this journey is as much an active choice on Mob’s part, as it is Reigen’s. Reigen is simply a guide for Mob. And he’s meandering through his guidance half the time, which brings me to part deux.
Part 2. Lack of a perfect savior
I will be the first to admit that Reigen is hilariously flawed. Abot!Reigen likewise. And yes! This is another reason why I like Abot ^^
Preface in place before I talk about this, I am. a tough ass customer. We just had a whole previous section of analysis to illustrate that (which confession time, i cut that down by half), but to go more in depth - It is extremely easy to take me out of a story. And this is because, ironically, I love storytelling.
For better or worse, when I’m consuming media, I cannot turn off the storytelling part of my brain. Ergo, if I see something that can be improved, I’m launched back into a 4th person perspective, no longer engaging directly with the content. Sometimes it’s minor enough where I don’t mind any. But unfortunately, more often than not, it’s enough to get me to drop things when too many instances pile up. 
And as one of those Hoity Toity Connoisseurs of the hurt/comfort genre, the human version of the Messianic Archetype™ is both a common occurrence, and a surefire way to get me to drop your story upon first sight.
I cannot engage with media that have regular ass people know exactly how to react, what to say, what to read into, on the first try, when the nature of human existence so chaotic and varied.
Maybe that kid is hiding under the table because you’re wearing fuchsia, maybe it’s because your voice sounds like someone they had a nightmare about, maybe its because the lights hurt their eyes, maybe it’s because they feel safer in cramped spaces, maybe they’re eating ants. You don’t know. They don’t know. Getting things wrong is as much a part of the process as getting things right.
Phantomrose makes it clear, as early as Reigen & Mob’s first meeting, that we’re dealing with a regular ass human fuckup, even in the midst of the rose filter from Mob’s POV.
In the scene, Reigen is presented as being undoubtedly ignorant as to the true nature of what the hell is going on. He, mistakenly, does not believe that the barrier is real. All he knows that is Mob has come from some Yikes and needs help. Oh, and in Reigen’s limited knowledge, he thinks there’s a confirmed Dead Man off somewhere too.
And yet, despite the pressing circumstances, or y’know, having a presumed corpse he should probably mention to somebody, Reigen does not call the cops.
“Okay. Okay… Do you—just—do you want to come to my house? Just for tonight. It’s…late. Don’t feel like dealing with any more police officers tonight anyway. Maybe we just…go sleep. Get you some clothes or, a shower probably. It’s…I’m tired. You’ve got to be tired too.”
We get an explanation for this later on, in chapter 14…
What if he ran off again, back to his dead Shishou’s basement…?
…but. Were the audience not clued into Mob’s circumstances, one would argue that though well intentioned, Reigen’s messing up. And despite the many things Reigen does to help Mob (which he does, he really does) this motif continues throughout the fic.
With Reigen sometimes saying insensitive things to Mob.
“No, I’m…” Mob paused. He hiccupped, voice still hitching, body still trembling. “I’m sorry Shishou is dead. I did something to make him kill himself. I know it.”
“Good, Mob. Good…”
Mob stared up, jaw slack, baffled.
With Reigen often acting as much as his own interest as in Mob’s.
“Toast, Mob, it’s going to be toast. And eggs. And yes. This is breakfast for both of us, and you’re going to help.” Reigen looked the boy over, and the feeling in his chest was almost manic. He was looking at something maybe he could fix.
Where Reigen will make logical assumptions, but false ones nonetheless.
“I’m going to grab just a handful of things from those aisles, okay? Not going far. I just want you to stay here, with the paper, and pick up our order when it’s ready. Okay? It’s another exercise. I’m still here. I’m still suppressing the barrier. I just think you’re strong enough to stand here for a moment by yourself. Can you do that?”
–carved things up, sliced them, killed them…
Mob’s mind filled with static.
He nodded. It was the only thing he could think to do.
Reigen smiled, and stood up from his crouched position. He turned on his heel, toward the left side of the store. He rounded the edge of the counter, and suddenly he was gone.
And yes ! As a survivor, this shit is important to me. 
These scenes showcase that comfort does not have to be found gift wrapped, pure and untainted, and delivered by an angel spluttering down from the shiniest parts of heaven. No. It can be found in people who are flawed and sometimes selfish and who are just trying. It can be found in folks like abot!Reigen.
In folks who weren’t predestined by some holy undertaking, but rather who are just making the best of the circumstances they find themselves thrust into.
Part 3. Plotting cause + effect 
I’ll be honest and say this is something I learned very recently from Phanrose. 
From my creative perspective, as long as an action is in character for someone, I can find a way to make it happen. A good showcase for this is, ironically enough, Attic Au, and it’s many incarnations. I can adapt to circumstances to cause what I want to happen. 
This is, again, a tie-in to the way I rationalize the chaotic nature of human existence. Sometimes shit can just do, and as long as you pull hard enough emotionally, you can get people on board. So I spend a lot of time on the “why”, with my “hows” remaining fairly lose and interchangeable.
Abot takes this in the opposite direction. She says ‘okay but what if I use the chaotic nature of human existence to cause everything to bump into eachother’.
And honestly I’m kinda tripping over it ?? Like it’s extremely fun ? Connecting all these dots? And it doesn’t feel convenient either. It feels like a logical progression.
To use early examples, as I have been for the most part:
Jun hires Reigen to investigate her husband Tetsuo disappearing at weird hours.
“That’s really all I want from this.” She looked up now, palms in her lap, eyes set to Reigen. “I want you to just figure out what’s going on because I can’t.”
Reigen then discovers that Tetsuo is being possessed.
A thousand memories assaulted him at once, tainted with the raw smell of incense, the grittiness of salt between his fingers and under his nails, dimmed lights and candles and incantations and that dread in the air, like pressure, that he felt whenever a Spirits and Such case turned out to be real.
Reigen decides to confront Mogami 2 different times. The first time he learns his identity, and the second time Reigen gets too close to hitting on Mob’s presence for Mogami’s comfort.
“Why did you buy cough syrup today?” Reigen blurted out. “You miss that taste too? Tetsuo doesn’t have a cold. It’s not for him. You got other puppets I don’t know about?!”
Mogami threatens to kill Tetsuo and take Reigen, so Reigen makes a bargain (with newly cut up hand to make his 1 sigil out of 1000 work).
Reigen thrust his hands down and out, body displayed unprotected. Sweat slid down his face, soaked through his suit, mixed with the blood in his palm. “Come possess me! Space for rent right here, y-yeah? Yeah! Not gonna resist. Not gonna fight. All I’m gonna do is slam you with these tags if you get too close!” 
The tag works, banishing Mogami. Mob notices the lack of Mogami’s presence, and goes looking for him.
Even when Mogami left the house, his aura only ever grew fainter, steadily diffused as Mogami established distance between himself and the house. It was an easy blip to detect at all times. It was a constant thrumming presence in Mob’s life for the last four years.
And it had vanished in an explosion that left Mob’s psychic core ringing.
“…Shishou?” Mob called through the door.
Upon finding Mogami’s corpse in the attic, Mob makes for the streets, thinking Mogami has freshly killed himself and that he can no longer stay there.
Mob shot down the hall, took the stairs two at a time with his hand skimming the banister. His mind wasn’t clearing. His thoughts weren’t forming. The reality of what he’d seen beat in heavier against him with each passing second. Mob let out another keening crying, finding no response in the black house.
Another brush of wind, Mob turned toward the foyer. He’d been right—the front door had been left open.
This makes for a wonderful storytelling device. Firstly, it makes the audience both wary and excited for the consequences of any actions in the future. If any action can seemingly build off one another, what’s to say a throwaway moment wont come back to haunt us? 
Plus! Aside from making scenes engaging, it also subverts some tropes while it’s at it.
Reigen, despite literally being a PI, does not find Mob on a missing person’s case. And does not discover Mob either of the times he followed Tetsuo into the Mogami house. Instead he only finds Mob by the boy crashing into him. Which only happens again because of a set up in chapter 3.
This carries on and spills over into Ritsu’s plotline too! Which nbnmbxn, I haven’t touched on as much in order to leave a good chunk of story there to peruse as you will.
I’ve learned a lot just from watching pr96 chisel out a story. And you wanna know what else I’ve learned?
Part 4. Scene setting 
With that out of the way, she’s damn good at it yall.
Phantomrose96 likes to employ what I call mood scenery. Where the physical objects present in a setting take a backseat to how the characters feel about it, and therefore flesh it out all the better.
Compare how Reigen sees his apartment:
Reigen cringed a bit as he looked about, taking in, remembering the mess decorating the living room. The ashtray on the table overflowed with cigarette butts, staining the wood around it with sooty acrid residue. Three empty plates were pushed to the table’s edge, scraped of food and left to stagnate for…how many days, Reigen wasn’t sure. Empty beer cans gathered in a herd near them, a few on the floor, leaving sticky coagulated rings around their rim and smelling of staleness, of stagnant fermentation.
With how Mob sees it:
Mob’s apprehension eased off. The look was replaced entirely with something like confusion. He pulled out of his blanket cocoon, let his eyes rove over the apartment in full inspection. The confusion never left his face.
“It’s so much cleaner than Shishou’s house.”
Scenes like this are peppered and expertly handled throughout the entirety of abot. 
As a comic illustrator, I often struggle with coming up with backgrounds that tell you a bit about the circumstances of the people who live there, and about the mood of someone viewing it. But Phananarosa does it.
And, like. every setting is like this. Instead of getting fatigue at scene changes, I eagerly dive in because what’s not to love !!! It captures just enough details that it can be fleshed out, without boring the audience with a surplus of inconsequential details.
Teruki walked past the rows of lockers. Further back were bathroom stalls. Three sinks lined up beneath a wall-length mirror. This area existed as its own pocket, seemingly separate from the rest of the lockers, and the light only scarcely touched it. The shadows grew heavy along a gradient, the farthest sink half shrouded in darkness. Even farther back, crowned by a single burnt-out hanging light, was a row of four showerheads, no curtains separating one from the next.
It is no coincidence that some of the backgrounds I consider to be some of my better ones, are ones I made for abot.
It’s very apparent that Phanro9 knows what she’s doing with the words she chooses to dress these with. And, you guessed it, TIME TO SEGUE INTO
Part 5. Incredible writing all around
Okay now I can just gush about some the extra little details that GhostFlower96 uses that just make her tale that much more fun to read.
Amazing dialogue. Especially in Reigen’s case.
“Gottaswirl the eggs to seal in the moisture. Gotta just…put extra butteron the toast, I guess, so you don’t taste the black part cuz that’sprobably bitter, so you—never mind I’ll make different toast thatisn’t burned, gimme your plate.”
You ever tire of reading fics where the characters sound the same ? Spectreblossom has got you covered!
He thrust a hand out, palm open to Ritsu. “My name is Teruki Hanazawa. I’m the esper who’s better than you.”
Ritsu stared at the offered hand. He fought the instinct to step back. “The spirits didn’t say anyone owned them.” He paused, and weighed his options. “And who says you’re stronger than I am?”
Say you wanna feel ur heartstrings tugged because god oh god he’s a mess but he’s still good for something. we got a fresh supply
Beside them, the rice pot boiled over, glutinous water dripping down the black pot’s side and charring against the newly cleaned grating. The sauce bowl sat stagnant and undissolved, a colloid of new and stale ingredients perhaps unsalvageable for the recipe. Broken spoons, filthy sponges, open containers of starch and sugar and soy sauce littered the counter tops, the smell of something burning lingering overtop.
And at the center of the mess, Mob sliced the knife clean through the red bell pepper.
You wanna be haunted by singular closing lines? Already on it.
Thebarrier swept back around Mob, like the curtain drawn at the close ofa play.
Kids ? Being written like kids ? In phantomroseyboboeybananafanafofoseyfiphimomoseyphantomrosey’s fanfic? It’s more likely than you think! 
“After this, can we go back to the park?” Mob asked. He wobbled, tilting his head over his shoulder to ask Mogami directly.
“We go to the park every day.” Mogami answered. He walked the sidewalk, thin silver hair catching sunlight and twists of icy wind. The hollow pockets beneath his eyes were deep, but not unkind, intently watchful of Mob who dipped and wavered with each balance-beam step.
“Yeah, because I like it.”
You want some de-glorification of teenage violence? Boy have I just the thing.
He felt 9 again, scared, weak, unsafe, and he cried quietly while he watched the consciousness leave Teruki’s body.
Limp and loose, Teruki’s hands dropped from the tie around his neck.
You like metaflours and symbopolism ? WE GOT THAT TOO
Reigen looked over his shoulder. Mob shut the door behind them, turning to investigate the apartment with wide captive eyes. “…It’s warm,” he muttered, and stepped in line behind Reigen.
You wanna feel like you got punched in your chest ? Even on things you knew already ? Even things you had every tool in your belt to see coming?
Reigen stopped. He lost track of his own words as his focus fell entirely on the sight in front of him. The kid was standing halfway between the bathroom and the living room, his hair still a bit wet, and his borrowed clothes soft and loose. He stood a head shorter than Reigen, and his wide eyes stared back, lost, waiting for instruction. Waiting as though he needed permission to even get his sheets and go to bed.God, it really was just a kid…
fuck ing , d we . g o t       tHat    t o o         goddammit
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If you wanna read, you can start here ! Or here, on tumblr.
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