#reining disaster
caelumangeli · 1 year
🔪 @reining-disaster
Jesse was rushijng over, with daggers in hand as he heard the commotion. He was rarely the quickest one to the scene anyway but that never stopped him from at least being prepared to fight. He could hear it all, the shouting from the intruder, the tearing of skin and sound of his... head being ripped clean off.
Thank gods he didn't end up making it any sooner though. The intrusion of fresh blood, and moreso the gruesome scene of the body on the ground before the other. Jesse lifted the back of his hand to his mouth and looked off to the side, as if he was trying to keep himself together. Now was not the time to get sick. If he was out with the others fighting maybe he would have been able to prepare himself for that... But this was their camp, they were supposed to be able to relax here.
"Hey- Hey it's okay- you saved everyone!" He said as soon as he realized the other was still worked up, he really didn't want to be on the wrong end of a raging barbarian. Jesse tentatively stepped closer, his daggers put away and reaching out towards him, cautious of getting within arms reach of him.
"Just take a deep breath with me...?" He asked, hopeful. Glancing over at the body again he dry-heaved, immediately regretting it. "-Or you wanna go outside camp and knock down a few trees? We could use some more firewood..."
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aancunin · 1 year
@reining-disaster Cont from x
Astarion scoffed with amusement as he heard the barbarian mock him in frustration. Another slow turn of a page as his eyes wandered upwards. Watching the man fiddle with his hair violently only to come to an unsuccessful conclusion.
He snaps his book closed with a sigh, opting to get up and help Rein. His feet stopped short of Reins's bedroll, body leaning over the man as he stared down with a smirk. “As amusing as it was to watch.. you’ve made me take pity. For your hair, not for you. I cannot fathom it becoming a rats nest because you’re unable to style it.”
He makes a motion with his hand. Urging the other to sit up from his pouting. “Just this once. But after that, you’re going to have to find someone else or learn when I do it.” he seemed rather adamant in the statement. He wasn’t going to do this every day.
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notyourastarion · 11 months
"You can bite me, I trust you."
Starter for @reining-disaster
Out of their merry little band, Astarion had singled out a potential member to feed from straight away: Rein. Rein who was understanding and patient with people. Rein who wouldn't get as angry as the request for blood as say, the Githyanki. Rein who was inviting any old lost soul to join the camp like he was collecting shells at the beach. Helpful Rein. Kind Rein. Friendly Rein.
The little half-elf was simply exhausting sometimes. How on earth were they supposed to save themselves when he felt the need to help every poor sap who crossed their path?
"You trust me? How delightfully naive of you." He smirked, as he often did, and shifted his weight from one foot to another. He wouldn't get what he wanted if he didn't at least act civil. "A bite has lasting effects, you know. Are you sure about this, darling?"
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dxnse-macabre · 1 year
closed starter for @reining-disaster !
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HE WASN'T UNFAMILIAR with waking up to a start in the dead of night. it was a song and dance he was all too familiar with ; he needed to know if a partner he had seduced tried to leave before they could awake, COERCE them back to bed ...
now, waking up to the cold air kissing his cheeks was more of a blessing compared to a ❛ lover's ❜ lips instead. that didn't help his eyes snap open from his meditative slumber when another would shuffle in the early hours.
it also DIDN'T help when another would snap awake themselves. for some reason, it ... STIRRED something within the elf... and not in terms of arousal ; rather, pity ? pity, seeing a reflection of himself.
it was revolting.
❝ bad dream ? ❞ he asked, rather out of POLITENESS if anything else.
though, the sincerity was there. you had to DIG for it.
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exsanguidus · 1 year
Something had perturbed Astarion deeply. Something that he knew he couldn't keep to himself any longer. Of course, he knew that he could tell his beloved Annie anything, but this was something that he wasn't sure if he could elaborate to her properly. At least not in any way that she might misunderstand.
The vampire had few friends, and he certainly wasn't going to summon one of his brothers or sisters from the depths of the Underdark for a chat. Brothers and sisters as they called one another, they had a very strained relationship of centuries that couldn't possibly be mended and improved in less than a few decades. Well, a few decades might have been generous. He simply didn't have a level of trust and rapport enough with them to want to confide something so personal.
He also certainly didn't want to confide in any of he or Annie's former travel companions. He wanted those relationships to stay casually friendly with a leaning to professional. He didn't want to go exposing his inner most thoughts to them.
Astarion had spent days arguing to himself if it was proper for him to summon Rein for such a thing. But if not Rein than who?
A letter had to be sent before he changed his mind.
Rein, I would like to request your audience for a rather personal matter. Rest assured, Annie is completely safe and out of harms way. This is not a matter of emergency, though it is urgent that we speak. I only ask you use discretion and visit while Annie is away from Baldur's Gate on business in three days time. I'll meet you at Elfsong Tavern after sundown. Drinks will be on me. Astarion
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dreadgloom · 11 months
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@reining-disaster liked this post for a random starter.
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The drow had been ready to use her bow to snag the item off the top shelf before the barbarian had snatched it up and presented it to them. Taking the vial of Wizardsbane Oil, she gave a small nod. ❝ Good boy, ❞ she praised with a small pat on his bicep. ❝ If you see anything else useful on these upper shelves, make sure to grab it. ❞
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remaimed · 11 months
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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withered-scribe · 11 months
"Excuse me, Withers. I hope this isn't a rude question, but... Do you... Eat? I was wondering because I was about to cook and I don't think... I've ever offered you any and I feel bad." He squirmed a bit in place, obviously anxious about it, now that it was all he could think about, "Have I been letting you starve?" He looked like he might cry, almost, pulling the skeleton man into a hug and whimpering, "I'll bring you anything you want, you angel!"
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Withers watched Rein's anxious movements, wondering if something unnerved him. It looked like it was getting worse and he could burst into tears any second.
But then, Rein embraced the scribe. Withers always kept himself at arm's length---a result of how many mortals reacted to his presence---so this caught him off-guard. An observer would note how his eyes widened at the notion of being called an angel.
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Resigning himself to this strange turn of fate, Withers reached behind the barbarian's back and gave him a few reassuring pats.
"Worry not: I require no food to sustain myself. Thou hast done no harm or insult to me."
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johaerys-writes · 3 months
Soooo Work Trip forced trope but it’s disasters!Peleus 🤔 Did Peleus ever take the boys on one of his real work travels?
Honestly, Peleus would like the idea of getting Achilles into his line of work eventually, someone to take care of things and the estate in general when he's too old to do it, ykwim? He sometimes takes Achilles and Patroclus with him to some of the more "legitimate" aspects of his business like the country club or other events like fundraising galas or fancy dinners just to try to introduce them to people, and he actually does introduce them to a lot of people! But Achilles finds those events extremely boring and stuffy and keeps poking Patroclus all the time making it impossible to keep a straight face 😩 Like I just imagine them giggling and throwing peanuts at each other while someone is giving a speech or making a toast (they're such babies)
Peleus doesn't give up though haha, and eventually he starts taking Ajax with him too who IS actually interested in agriculture so like at least there'll be someone to follow in his and Telamon's footsteps in a way. Even though Ajax isn't very good at networking or god forbid shady business so Peleus is left without an heir to the empire sadly 😔
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liltaventures · 10 months
How We Heal
Closed Starter for @reining-disaster As Yanis connected the two tentacles together from the helm's transponder he felt a small pit of anxiety filled in his stomach. First, he had been captured by mind flayers while out on a walk to his favorite tavern. Then he had woken up on their bloody ship only to have one of their tadpoles forced into his head. And now? Now he was assisting a Githyanki woman in escaping the bloody thing as it soared through Avernus. As if things couldn't get any worse a giant red dragon landed on the ship and glared at Yanis as he connected the tentacles. It leaned its large scaly head into the room and breathed fire making the tall half-elf jump back less he wanted to get burned. The beast then flew off and the ship was transported to another realm. As soon as it broke through its barrier Yanis was thrown back against a foul fleshy wall, a grunt escaping his lips. The ship was crashing and he would have to be the luckiest man in all of Faerûn if he were to survive this. Turning his head for a moment he looked around for the woman he had been trying to help save. However, before he was able to locate her the ship dipped on its side and threw the half-elf once more. Yanis made eye contact with the mind flayer who had captured him for a mere moment before he was thrown from the ship. As he fell from the sky his mismatched golden eyes gazed at what was below. A sandy beach, beautiful rocks, and fishing docks caught his eye. There was no doubt the impact was going to kill him and rather than watch as the ground grew closer the rogue closed his eyes and accepted his fate. However, he never hit the ground. Yanis opened his eyes briefly to see that he was suspended in the air. Something or someone had saved him from his fall but before he could call out or react he was dropped to the sandy beach and his head smacked against a rock, knocking him out cold. Yanis lay passed out on the beach his body covered in the blood from his fight for freedom.
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breadandbloodybutter · 9 months
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@reining-disaster i have to force myself to go to work, but thank you for letting me draw your wonderful muse to keep my mind focused.
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cimmeriana · 1 year
Melinoe would be remiss if she didn't admit that she enjoyed travelling and camping. She liked being able to explore new places and see new things. One of her most favorite spots was near the water, as it was. Specifically for the sun rises and the sun sets.
She had sat there for at least a few hours, simply staring off, until the blue sky began to fade into a dark purple. The tiefling hummed to herself, finally stirring from her spot to take to strolling from the riverside and just admire the way the woodlands adjusted from celestial day into an enchanting night. She was probably missed from the dinner circle as her companions gathered together around the fire, but she wanted to linger a bit longer. Surely Gale wouldn't be too upset if she missed some of his meal.
It was to her surprise when she finally did wander her way back towards camp that she wasn't the only one who had yet to return back from the privacy of the woods.
❝ Well, well, what have we here? ❞ she purred teasingly, approaching the barbarian from his side, carefully not to completely sneak up on him and have his guard put up.
—— ❝ Our esteemed leader gone for a breath alone? Are you getting sick of us already? ❞
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never-surrender · 7 months
@reining-disaster \\ Aurelia
Running water and vampires weren't exactly the greatest mix in the world, and yet Aurelia was down by the docks now, gaze sweeping across each of the fishermen that hauled in their kills for the day... and when she finally caught sight of the one man in particular that she was hunting for, Aurelia felt a smile sweep across her features.
"Rein, hi!" she greets him warmly, approaching him with no true realization that she had been being followed by a cleric with intent on harm.
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lathal · 1 year
@reining-disaster, continued from here
"Being a barbarian doesn't make you invulnerable," Iveani pointed out with a gentle smile.
His initial perplexed facial expression told the cleric a lot. She understood that there were a lot of people who just weren't used to anyone caring, even in such a simple way.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me," she assured him. "If you are injured, it really isn't a big deal for me to heal you. I have magic."
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freakystrashdump · 1 year
Its a lil bit funny when you think about it, but the TOH team kept physically nerfing Belos the further we went in to the show (and in other aspects too, but that's another story), and his fans kept going "yea I see this as a win"
"Okay, maybe you were in to masks and that's our fault, but without the mask he just looks like an elderly man!"
"You made him infinitely hotter, now he is dilf/gilf material."
"His younger self looks like a nerd hobo who gets shoved in to lockers."
"Oh, he's so skrunkly!"
"....he's a goop monster now."
"Jokes on you, we're in to that shit. What else you got?"
".......he is a kaiju now- DONT SAY IT!"
" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "
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exsanguidus · 1 year
Honestly, Astarion had no fucking clue what he was doing. Family didn't exactly have any positive connotations thanks to Cazador tainting the word. It left a bad taste in his mouth, a taste that was metallic and stale.
He was still get used to defining "family" as something supportive and loving, and learning that was a process every day. It helped that Annette was patient, ever so patient as the day he met her, but some days were better than others.
If only the Astarion from years ago could see him now. Playing house and building a family. Well, being adopted by Annie's family.
Which is thus what led Astarion to this point. Standing at the edge of the forest in the dark of the night, somewhat awkwardly as he counted his arrows, trying to find something to talk about with his beloved's brother.
❝ I spotted the bear cave not far from here. With any luck, the beast will be asleep and we'll have the advantage. ❞
He rolled his shoulders back, stretching in preparation for if said bear was, in fact, not asleep. By the gods, why did he feel so awkward about this all? He shifted from one foot to the other, taking a moment to let out a breath and tell himself that he was being utterly ridiculous. He turned then, finally regarding the other man face-to-face.
Rein looked so much like Annie, he realized then, and that brought him a sense of comfort. She trusted her brother, and he trusted Annie. As such, why should he not trust Rein as well?
❝ Shall we be off then, darling? ❞
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