#reject actual weapon return to bonk
sso-montana · 2 years
I just think it would be funny if the big boss battle between garnok and montana is just her beating him up with a baseball bat
no magic, no circles, just and good ol' baseball bat on the head
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cyb-by-lang · 4 years
Leaning On Each Other (Remix)
This is a while later than I expected to get it finished, but here is @writer-and-artist27‘s birthday gift. She asked for a Kei-style take on this minific she wrote a while ago, so I did a full remix.
Apologies for making it a remix instead of the requested Kei's POV of this exact scene.
“I’m telling you, the difference is all in the wrist,” Kei said, holding out a kunai as though it was a katana. She spun it between her fingers as soon as her demonstration was over. “I mean, imagine this about four times as long in the handle and with ten times as much blade, but the point still stands.” 
“You’d have to get me a bokken and show me directly if you want that to make sense,” said Obito, shaking his head slightly. “Rin?” 
Rin shrugged, though her eyes didn’t quite leave the blade. “The blades I deal with are even shorter. I don’t really use them to stab people outside of a medical context. If you’re stabbing someone with a scalpel, something’s gone wrong,” Rin said, even as Kei made the kunai disappear into the holster on her thigh. 
“Like in the flying clipboard story?” Obito asked. 
“I still don’t know the actual story behind that,” Kei said.
Rin nodded along, but only smiled mysteriously when both of her friends in this conversation turned interrogative stares her way. “It’s funnier if I don’t tell you.” 
On the opposite side of the couch, Kakashi made an agreeing noise, then flipped to the next page in his book. Kei didn’t know for sure what he was reading, other than noticing earlier that the cover art was entirely in grayscale and looked kind of gloomy. If Kei had been the one reading, she probably wouldn’t have paid enough attention to the conversation to know where she was supposed to make obligatory listening sounds. 
Tomoko emerged from the kitchen at this point, flopping down on the couch between Kei and Obito. Kei raised a hand to keep her head from hitting the wall, and the three of them shuffled around a bit to accommodate her. 
“So, done working for now?” Kei asked, silently making sure that all of her weapons were stowed. Sure, she’d left her sword at home, but no shinobi was ever fully unarmed. It was a truth universally acknowledged that a kunai somewhere unfortunate would ruin anyone’s day. 
“You know me,” Tomoko replied, not noticing the shinobi weapons-check or not saying so. She leaned against Kei’s shoulder without hesitation. “Just for now.” 
“That’s what you always say,” Obito said, leaning forward over his knees to get a better look at their faces. “You should’ve let us help.” 
“There was batter on the ceiling last time, wasn’t there?” Rin asked. She’d only heard this story second-hand and the details changed in the telling because no one wanted to admit they’d been the one to start shit. 
“That was Kakashi’s fault,” Obito said instantly. “And we were at Kei’s house, so we only got banned there, so it doesn’t count!” 
“Getting banned from any kitchen still disqualifies you from going into a professional one, I think.” 
“Focus, team,” Kakashi said, but mostly sounded like it was a wordier version of the iconic Uchiha “hn.” He certainly didn’t put any force behind the order. 
“Okay, okay.” Kei nudged Tomoko with her elbow. “So, what’s up? Besides a clear need for a nap.”
“Nothing but the ceiling,” Tomoko replied.
“No, really?” Kei drawled automatically. “Would’ve never guessed. Congrats on your first well-timed pun, though.” 
Tomoko pouted. “It got your attention, even if it’s a horrible one. So I’ll try to be punny more often.”
“Tomo-chan!” Obito said, shaking his head. 
“I don’t regret it. Fight me.”
Kei considered her options carefully. A bad pun used in verbal combat came with a number of acceptable responses, but Tomoko wasn’t Hayate—who Kei would have already shoved off the couch by this point. Possibly backflipped him over the top of it, trusting his combat training to handle the landing. Tomoko needed more delicate handling. 
Therefore, Kei said, “Obito wouldn’t fight you if you paid him, puns or otherwise.” 
“It was a joke!” Tomoko protested, half-sunk into a combination of Kei’s jacket and the plush back of the couch. Her voice was a little muffled and pouty as a result. 
And Kei occasionally pretended she didn’t know about those conversational ripostes solely to exasperate Tomoko. She wasn’t sure Tomoko had caught on yet. 
From cross the table, Rin leaned forward and said, “You need to work on your delivery, Tomo. That landed pretty flat.”
“And the Earth is round and rotating on a crooked axis, sue me,” Tomoko said childishly in return, refusing to raise her head from her new resting spot. “I’m trying and I don’t wanna move.”
“It’s almost like overworking has totally foreseeable consequences,” Kei mused, her voice lilting to take the sting out of her words. 
Tomoko paused, thinking on it for a second. “…Would you have me any other way?”
The answer was immediate. “Nope.”
“Good.” A smile replaced the pout. Tomoko’s habit of puffing her cheeks out to pout mostly made Kei want to poke her. “What’s up with you?”
“Not much.” Kei shrugged as best she could with Tomoko’s head on her shoulder. “To make a long story short, Kakashi doesn’t want to give input on my totally half-assed kenjutsu lesson. Obito and Rin are being good friends and pretending they know what the hell I’m talking about.”
There was a crinkle signaling the turning of a page as Kakashi went back to reading.
“Okay, just for that? Rin and I are going to talk about things that aren’t swords,” Obito said with a comically exaggerated huff. “See how you like it.” 
Kei rolled her eyes. “Oh no. Traitors, et cetera.”  
Rin’s smile was helplessly fond. “All right, all right. No more sniping until we get you both on a practice range.” She turned her head. “So, Obito, did I tell you what happened when Akihito-shishō caught the nurses smuggling candy—” 
Rin’s tempting gossip drew Obito’s attention wholly, which was a good indicator that everyone was indeed done with the sword story. 
Tomoko turned her head so that her face was finally angled up toward Kei’s. “You know I was asking about you, health-wise?”
There were times when it seemed as though Tomoko did little else. The life of a ninja was like riding a rollercoaster with a rickety, rusted track that didn’t deserve to have so many twists and turns. Especially for how unreliable it was. Their lifestyle was a major risk to life and limb. 
Kei didn’t say any of that. Instead: “Yeah, I know.”
Tomoko thumped her head against Kei’s shoulder. “You’re my best friend in the whole wide world, y’know.” 
“I know,” Kei said by rote. Reincarnation time buddies! Who hopefully weren’t going to destroy the universe by accidentally turning something into a paradox. 
Another bonk. “Nagareboshi Café will always be open for you, y’know.”
“I know, Tomo.” Mostly because Kei had enough people in her life that she’d never forget it now. Being able to find half her social group there on a given day made the place a landmark, even if it wasn’t also a homey spot on its own.  
Sounding a little strangled now, Tomoko added after a short pause, “So then, Kei?”
“Whenever you need help, whenever you’re down, you can call me up, y’know. I don’t know how well I can fix things, but I’ll try. I’ll always try.” 
Kei sighed. It was half from fond exasperation, but half from genuine frustration. There was always a part of her that utterly rejected the idea of pushing any of her emotional burdens onto Tomoko. Kei had volunteered practically from the start to chase whatever means of gaining power she could, all so she could make sure her precious people were safe. That was not the choice Tomoko had made. She’d never needed to, and Kei almost needed her to stay out of the blast radius. 
“Tomo, you know I’m not good at asking for—” 
Kei went silent, raising an eyebrow in a silent question as Tomoko stared back. 
“Just listen, okay?” Tomoko rarely demanded direct, sincere statements toward Kei, who was equipped with a bone-deep inclination to deflect and dismiss what she viewed as excessive verbal reassurance. “No matter what happens, no matter what you end up doing, I’ll stay with you. To the end of our days.”
Kei bit down on the urge to interrupt. 
“I care about you, y’know. So when you need it, let me help you like you help me. Just get that memorized.”
Kei sighed again, reaching up to pat Tomoko’s head. “I’ll remember that.” 
When she could. It wouldn’t be as easy as Tomoko made it sound, but perhaps it could be, eventually. 
And that was when Obito bounced onto the couch hard enough to make Tomoko briefly airborne. She landed with a surprised “eep” with her weight still mostly on Kei’s side, but turned to face Obito. 
“Obi?” Tomoko said, startled.
“Nice of you to drop in,” Kei said over Tomoko’s head. It was so much easier to downplay any surprises when she could track everyone’s location within the room. Also, she’d seen Obito move out of the corner of her eye because he definitely wasn’t being stealthy. 
“Your conversation looked like it needed crashing,” Obito said lightly. “It looked heavy even from where I was standing.” He tilted his head to one side, tucking his legs underneath him. “Tomo, is Kei influencing you? Are you gonna start all your conversations with puns now? Please say no.�� 
“It was my first try, Obi,” Tomoko soothed, reaching over with her right hand to rest against the side of his scalp. “I can try a different joke.”
Kei shifted her weight so that Tomoko ended up leaning more Obito’s way. 
“I don’t know, I think the debut worked,” Rin said, settling back in at her spot. Whatever she and Obito had talked about must’ve scared him back into this conversation. She added to Tomoko specifically, “Just maybe relax a little and let them come naturally.” 
“Wordplay and swordplay are both about timing,” Kei offered, “so I could probably help.” 
“I can see you being a bad influence, you know,” Obito said. “Even if you’re trying to be all underhanded about it.” 
“You’re shinobi,” Tomoko said, “Everything’s sneaky and underhanded! I could’ve sworn bad puns are how eye roll considering the family-friend thing.”
Obito groaned, defeated.  “Kei, you had one job!”
“If she’s not making improvised bombs in her bedroom, I’m still coming out ahead,” Kei told him. “And she’s not. I think?” 
“I’m not!” Tomoko said, half-frantic at the turn. “Just baked goods, like usual!” 
“Oh, if that’s the breaking point,” Obito grumbled.
Tomoko frowned thoughtfully. She rested her hand against the side of Obito’s face in apology, then said, “I’ll hold off on the puns and you can have a batch of cupcakes later. Will that be better?” 
This time, there was a hum of approval. Obito closed his eyes and leaned into Tomoko’s hand like a cat, mollified for now. 
That’d probably last until the next time one of Kei’s friends opened their mouths. Peace reigned until the next half-joking argument in the life of Team Minato. And most of their associates.
“Can I join in?” Rin said, though she was already cramming herself into the space on Kei’s other side with a medical textbook in her lap. Kei didn’t bother wondering where she’d gotten it from; at some point, pulling a “nothing up my sleeve” routine felt like it was expected. “This looks like fun.”
“There’s cookies near the stove if you want to grab those first, Ricchan,” Tomoko said. Her chakra felt floaty with contentment. “Just to help with the studying you have there. The cookies are sugar and snickerdoodle.”
Rin’s smile widened. “Maybe later?” She still absently opened the front cover of her book, glancing at it before leaning against Kei’s other shoulder. “This feels nice right now.”
“Just make yourself at home, I guess,” Kei said with a toss of her head, settling farther down in the couch cushions. She shuffled to handle both hers and Rin’s weights before considering. “What about you, Kakashi?”
“Hn.” He instead disappeared briefly into the kitchen, out of easy spotting range thanks to the movement limitations of the human neck. “There’s not enough space for five people on that couch. There really wasn’t for four, but apparently we’re stacking like apartment blocks,” he judged when he returned, but he settled at the group’s feet and set the plate on the table in front of them all. “I brought the cookies.”
At this point, Tomoko started humming. 
Rin reached forward and retrieved her cookies, passing out others at random. Kakashi demurred, returning his attention to his book, and wrinkling his nose at the thought of eating such sweet things of his free will. He was content just basking in his friends’ company. 
“Just eat and relax?” Tomoko offered, passing a cookie from Rin to Obito. “We don’t have anything going on today, so let’s pass the time like this.”
Kei leaned her head back against the top of the couch, listening with half an ear to the world around her. With sight out of the way, she could focus on her friends’ contentment through her chakra sense and live in the moment. 
Tomoko’s voice rose over the impromptu cookie party: 
“Dream of anything; 
I’ll make it all come true.
Everything you need 
Is all I have for you. 
I’m forever 
Always by your side. 
Whenever you need a friend, 
I’m never far behind.” 
Obito shifted and the couch dipped under his weight. Felt like he was reaching for his next dose of sugar already. The plate scraped across the table. “Could you sing that a bit louder, Tomo-chan? I want to hear.”
“Eh?” A sudden wave of shyness swept through Tomoko. “You sure?”
“We’ve all heard you sing before, Tomo,” said Kei, keeping her eyes shut. “No pressure.” 
Rin’s sun-on-water chakra perked up along with her voice as she said, “You were the one to say we should relax, right?”
There was a brief back-and-forth between the boys—banter so played-out it was almost entirely fond. Amusement passed through each of them like an electric current. 
Tomoko’s voice rose again. 
“If the stars all fall,
When there’s no more light, 
And the moon should crumble, 
It will be alright.”
Being here, with these precious people, would tide Kei over through their next absence. With the life she and her friends lived, that separation was inevitable. There was always something else coming down the pipeline and eventually disturbing their peace, but that was the future. 
This was now. 
“Don’t you worry about the dark,
I will light up the night with the love in my heart.
I will burn like the sun,
I will keep you safe and warm.
Like the smell of a rose on a summer’s day,
I will be there to take all your fears away.
With a touch of my hand,
I will turn your life to gold.”
Kei seared the moment into her memory, to keep it like a light against the darkness still to come.
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takokola · 7 years
Plot: Canyon Conquest - Epilogue
((The epilogue story is taking place, 5 days ago. After rescuing the Great Zapfish by the two agents that Marie recruited, Inkopolis is in peace once again. Now, where are they now after this?))
Eimie (mentioned) belongs to marchant-girls
Aqua (mentioned) belongs to askthesquidfamily
Agent 7 belongs to agent-7-at-your-service
Dawn was getting dressed in her room, preparing to go out to play some Turf Wars. After venturing through Octo Canyon, she's gotten better with her Heavy Splatling Deco. She was happy than Sheldon gave her back the weapon with a few new adjustments.
Once Dawn was finished, she steps out to the living room to see her parents: Cheryl and Raymond Sparks. Appearently, her dad has the day off from shipping bonuses for egg collectors at the docks. "I'm heading out, now to play!" She says, before giving them the biggest hugs ever.
"Be careful out there, sweetie! Make mama proud with your Splatling!" Cheryl couldn't help, but smile. Not only her daughter left the house some more, but she made friends with Sage from next door. Once Dawn left, she wraps her arms around her husband and smiles. "I can't believe my advice really works! I was worried that she would go back to watching supernatural TV shows, all night long."
Ray lets out a hearty chuckle. "Dawn wanted to have a fresh start in Inkoplis Square after a week. It brings a tear in my eye to see her grow up." He couldn't be any more happier to see his son and daughter, all grown up.
It was a 20 minute walk from her apartment to Inkopolis Square. She would take the bus, but she prefers walking by herself. Once she arrives the center of Inkopolis Square, she took a minute to breathe in the fresh summer air until fall comes. That means, she's going to be attending at a new high school. Suddenly, her relaxation was interrupted when she heard a loud slap from here. She turns to see a girl, leaving a red hand mark on Hanzo.
"Ugh! In your dreams, jerk!!" The random Inkling girl said, before storming off. She must've slapped poor Hanzo in the face from all of that flirting.
Hanzo winced from the stinging pain on his left cheek, where the red hand mark is placed. "Geez.. Even some of the pretty girl are fiesty in Square.. No matter, it was worth it.. Ow.." the hybrid held his cheek with his left palm for a brief moment until he notices Dawn, walking towards him.
"Another rejection, Hanz? Some things never change." She couldn't help but giggle at the hand mark on his face.
"Great to see you again, Dawn! I haven't heard from you in month! How ya been?" The pain subsides as he gave Dawn, a friendly hug. After Skyla's disbandment of the squad, Hanzo's been moving to another part of town with his mother. The Takoshi Grill family restaurant opened for business near the harbor of the Manta Maria.
Dawn returns the hug before letting go of him. It's been a few months since the squad team broke up. Dawn also notices the Skull Bandana around his neck. "Hanz, is that what I think it is..?"
"Oh, this?" Hanzo revealed the bandana to Dawn and smiles. "Scorpia gave her own bandana to me.. Now that she's attending college for 4 years.. She's not afraid to show her scar in public, thanks to Sky by her side.." Hanzo really missed his fellow team member, so much. She's the one who comforts him after another rejection. "She told me to take good care of it before she left.."
Dawn's smile fades, the moment she thinks about Scorpia. She can never forget the time she spent with her. She looked intimidating to Dawn at first, but it didn't take long for Dawn to open up to her. Her last moment with her was visiting an abandoned apartment in Bluefin Depot on last Halloween. She thought there was an actual ghost, but it was none other than Scopria's sister. ("Speaking of which, where is Azalea...? She hasn't called me since we returned the Great Zapfish...?") Not only she misses Scorpia, but she also worries about Azalea's absence.
"Dawn? Hey, Dawn? Are you alright? You're kinda spacing out.." Hanzo interrupts by waving a hand in front of her.
"H-Huh..?" Dawn snapped back to reality and stared at Hanzo. She was daydreaming about Azalea, she acts like she didn't see Hanzo in front of her. "Sorry about that.. I tend to do that.." Dawn giggled, rubbing the back of her head with one hand. She'll worry about Azalea, another time. First, she's planning on battling in Turf Wars but she's waiting on a certain someone. "That reminds me.. Remember when I told you about Sage, yesterday? He's coming to join us for some matches.. Of course, he'll be arriving late.."
"Yeah, you did mentioned me about that guy. What is he? Your boyfriend, or something?" Hanzo couldn't help, but smirk at her. Dawn has been thinking about Sage, the moment she arrived to the Square.
Dawn rolls her eyes and gave him, a playful jab on the arm. "Shaddup, Hanz.. We're just starting over to become friends after I was being such a prude since I moved here. Nothing more.." She wondered how Sage is doing after they saved the Great Zapfish, together.
Meanwhile in Octo Valley...
"Ugh.. Can we take a break now...?" Alexandra said, finished with mopping the floors from top to bottom. The two reformed Octolings were busy with sprucing up Tundra's battle dojo. The damage wasn't as extreme, but the entire dojo was a hot mess.
Tundra was sitting at the dining room table with Agent 7 and Eris. And of course, Fynn is also here to help out with the cleaning. "Alright, take 10! You too, Fynn!" The one-eyed Octoling called out the two of them from the dining room. She turns back to face Agent 7 with a smile. "So.. What can I do you for, Mr. Seven? I haven't heard from you in a while."
Agent 7 clears his throat, before he could explain the details. "I've come here to take your associate for some questioning. Not a lot, but it has something to do with Callie and Fynn's disappearance.. It appears that a couple of new recruits that Marie hired, restored the Great Zapfish again. Correct?"
Eris hung her her down in shame and defeat. She was responsible for the creation of the Hypno Chamber and the kidnapping of Fynn. "Yes.. I honestly, don't remember a thing, after that I woke up.. That was until Alex explained about my madness.. But, there's no point in resisting your request. I'll come with you to give you the answers, you need. Starting now, I'm no longer working for Lord Octavio."
Agent 7 was happy to hear Eris's response. "Splendid! It long take you that long. Give or take about 30 minutes of your time. We could take this outside, if you want."
Eris looks over to Alex and Fynn. The pink Inkling was talking about his plans for the future. He recently, quit his dishwashing job at Aqua's Diner for just one reason. He wanted to become a photographer and start his own photography business. His supervisor, Aqua Blau understood all of this and relieved him from his duties. As for Alexandra, she's not sure what to do after the Great Zapfish was restored.
The blue-ringed Octoling made her decision and stood up from her seat. She knows that everything will be fine. As long as Alex is safe and sound. "30 minutes, right?" She asked.
Agent 7 got up from his seat. He escorted her to the exit, while Tundra was sitting by herself. "Like I said, it won't take long. Just be honest with yourself and you're free to go." Before he opens the door, Agent 7 looks directly at Fynn. "Fynn. It's great to have you back.. For real, this time. Whoever these agents are, they've fought well enough to bring you back to reality." With one last smile, he stepped outside with Eris to talk.
"I'm planning on staying that way.. Give grandma Marie, my regards. Kay?" Fynn was leaning against the wall with Alex. He brought his guitar with him to play a few tunes during his break. He mostly plays his guitar during the fall season.
"What are you going to do now, Fynn? When this is over, I mean.." This is the first time that Alex said his own name, instead of "inkrat". That doesn't change her attitude towards Fynn.
Fynn continued playing the guitar while listening to her question. "My girl, Eimie is taking me to a bar called McWoomie's. I've never heard or been to this place, before.. Man... What have I been missing while I was gone..?" Sooner or later, Fynn will be new in Inkopolis Square after a week ago.
"And then what, huh? Are you going to 'ink her splat zones'? Or is that what you Inklings call it.." Alex smirks at Fynn. She often jokes around people who are already taken. She nudges him on his shoulder, but Tundra shuts it down by bonking her head with a rolled up newspaper. "Hey..!! I was pullin' his leg..!!" She cried.
"That question remains unanswered." Tundra shook her head in response. She sat down in the middle of the group. "Don't listen to her.. You've earned this night for yourself and your girlfriend. It won't hurt to try out this bar. Trust me, I've gotten wasted there once."
Ignoring Alex's nudging, he agrees with his person trainer. He hasn't taken Eimie out to dinner in a long time. Their last dinner was at their favorite restaurant, which involves a ton of shrimp. "Alright then. I guess, I'll eat over there. It has been a while.
The door opens while the three were chatting up a storm. Agent 7 steps in with a sobbing blue-ringed Octoling next to him. Eris kept apologizing for what she did to Fynn and Alex until the agent gives her a pat on the shoulder. "I-I'm... sorry.. I'm so very sorry..!!" Eris cried.
"Whoa, Eris... " Fynn was surprised by this. If it's about the kidnapping, he was over it. He couldn't even stay mad at her after they were reformed. "It's okay, man.. I know it must be hard, leaving the base for good and all.." Fynn hugs the sobbing Octoling. He wraps his arms around her torso to comfort her. "But this isn't your fault.. I told you, I'm over the whole kidnapping and brainwashing thing.. You need to just let go of your dark past and start anew. If I can do it, you and Alex can.. Can you do it for a friend..? You did say, we're friends. Right..?"
Eris was a bit surprised by the hug. No one has ever hugged the former commander. To her, it felt very nice. "O-Okay..." Eris hugged him back, tightly.
The entire went silent while Fynn was still comforting the blue-ringed Octoling. It felt like hours of embracing until they let go of each other. And then, Alex steps in a grabbed Eris's hand. "How about I take you to the guest bedroom.. You need some rest.." Alex escorted her upstairs, leaving the three cephalopods behind.
"Agent 7.." Fynn broke the silence as he got 7's attention. "What were you asking Eris about...? Does it have anything to do with the hypno chamber....?" Fynn couldn't bare to ignore the only place, he remembered last.
Agent 7 lets out a deep sigh and nods. "Yes... Truth is, Eris is the one who created the hypno chamber when Octavio developed the hypnoshades for all units.. She did a test on herself and it went well for Octavio but for her.... She was a different person..." Agent 7 takes off his hat. "That was when she was in anguish.."
"I see..." Maybe it follows up of Eris finding out about Agent 11's whereabouts. He doesn't want to think too much into it, now.
Tundra looks back to hear a light sob from the reformed blue-ringed Octling. She turns back to them, rubbing her head in response. "Well, carp.. I guess, I'll go upstairs to check on Eris.. I would ask Fynn for more work around the house, but he's done enough. You know you're way out, right?"
Agent 7 and Fynn both nodded. Fynn will be the one who can navigate their way out of Octo Valley and back in Inkopolis Plaza. Right now, it's fairly deserted. It used to be hip for 2 years until everyone moved to Inkopolis Square. "I'm sure, Fynn will take us back to the surface."
"I should go back home before it's time to go out tonight. Eimie said, she has something special to give me and I can't turn down an offer like this." Fynn checks the time. It's about 4 in the afternoon. "Yeah, I better get ready before the bar gets crowded. I'll text you later in the morning, teach." Fynn wastes no time to leave the dojo.
Agent 7 looks back to see Fynn being in such a hurry. He turns back to Tundra and tips his hat to her. "I must be off, then. Please comfort Eris as soon as possible. Farewell for now." With that said, he closed the door behind him.
As the two Inklings left the dojo, Tundra walked up the stairs to find Alex and Eris the the guest room. She entered the room to see Eris, sleeping peacefully in the room with Alex. The blue-ringed Octoling has calmed down for a bit and she decides to take a long nap. Alex purrs cutely in her sleep. She was so exhausted from cleaning, she had it sleep here with Eris for the time being.
"Cute." Tundra smiles at the two sleeping Octlings. She slowly closed the door to leave them in peace. Once she descended down the stairs, she takes off her eyepatch again. She sat down on the sofa with a cold beer on the table. She was happy that she finally got herself out of a jam.
Back in Inkopolis Square...
"You wanted to do what?" Hanzo asked, leaning closer to what Dawn has to say. They've been waiting for Sage for 20 minutes at the table.
"I wanted to form a squad. Skyla already quit the team with Scorpia and there's only two of us. It's about time, I take matters into my own hands and form one." Dawn has been doing well on her cousin's team. Also she saved Inkopolis from losing power. She just don't know where to start.
"Well, if you wanted to do this... We need like 2 players who has a B- rank or higher for tryouts. It could be anyone.." Hanzo wouldn't mind joining her newly formed team.
"Maybe it's someone I know for a while ..." While Dawn was thinking of a better ideal teammate, Sage appears in front of them. He arrived, 15 minutes late and he had to run to get to the Square. "Well, look who the Judd dragged in." Dawn smiles, looking at her next door neighbor.
"H-Hey... Sorry for the delay.. heh.. I had to see my brother, since he was leaving the hospital after a whole week.." Sage was running out of breath after he sprinted to the main entrance to Inkopolis Square. "I got some great news, Dawn! While Gale, Mareena, and Chilli were getting back from the hospital, I explained to him about my improvement in Ranked. After I recently showed my rank to my brother, he decides to add me as the fourth member since that no one else was recruited. I'm part of the Elemental Four, now!!" Sage recovered from the 30 minute run and he was so excited to start his first day as the new recruit.
Dawn was both surprised and extremely happy for Sage. Unfortunately, she was about to ask him to ask her new squad. "That's great, Sage! Your goal is finally coming true, at last! I'm proud of you, champ!" Dawn gives her a playful jab at his arm and smiled. For a split second, Dawn realized that she forgot to introduce him to Hanzo who was listening in one conversation. "Oh! I'd like for you to meet Hanzo. He's a friend of mine and a new recruit to my new team."
The Inktoling extends a hand to Sage, giving him a warm welcome. "Pleasure to make your aquaintance. Sage, was it? We've know each other since Sky Splash got started. Right now, we're searching 2 new recuits." Hanzo shakes his hand in response.
"It's great to meet you, Hanzo! And I hope you two find what you're looking for." Sage smiles and returns the enthusiastic handshake. They both let go after a few seconds. "To make up for my tardiness, how about we all eat at the Crust Bucket after some battles? I want to show you, how much I improved since then." After the rescue mission in Octo Canyon, he's changed into a different person.
"Better late than never, y'know." Dawn gets up from her seat. She stretches her arms to get ready for battle. Before she could go to the lobby, she wanted to ask him about something. "Hey, uh.. Sage?" Dawn asks, a bit shyly. She can act as tough as her big brother, but she's still a sweet after two years. "Can you help me with something? I was wondering if you can teach me how to use the Dualies. The thing is, I bought the Dapple Dualies and still sucked." She was fiddling with her short tentacles, before looking into Sage's eyes.
"Really? No one has ever asked me for any advice before.. It's like you're asking me out on a date or something." Sage joked, a bit until he cleared his throat. "Sure thing! Since school is starting next week, how about I tutor you after classes. So, how about it?"
After hearing Sage's response, Dawn's magenta eyes were sparkling like diamonds. "For eel?! Thank you, thank you!" In return, she surprised him with a hug. She was a bit shorter than him and her face was against his chest. After a few seconds of her embrace, she lets go of him and grins. "Alright, now can go out there and kick some ass!" Dawn was back to her spunky attitude and marched over to the Deca Tower lobby.
While Sage was standing still and his face blushing, Hanzo nudges at him. "You're lucky to have a nice girl like her. Make sure, you don't break her heart." Hanzo catches up to her, leaving Sage behind.
"H-Hey, wait up!" Sage can finally move, but he was still flushed from the suden hug. He's glad that she's getting along very well with him since their successful mission.
While the trio was entering the lobby to play, someone was listening from the corner near the lobby and the cafe where a certain sea urchin was killing time on the laptop. A dark violet vampire inkling was standing there and curious about this new team, Dawn was talking about. "2 new recruits, huh..? Interesting.." This could be a good idea to make new friends by joining a squad just like her older sister said to her. But for now, the lonely vampire squid sit back to her corner. She's not use to crowds, just yet.
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