sadruru · 3 months
A little sketch: My merry trio from the DLC "Through the Ashes" and "The Lord of Nothing"! Sendri, Beatrice and Rekarth.
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It was hard to draw Rekarth. He looks very tough for a thief in the official portrait, but I still liked how it turned out. Especially on my first try. And Sendri will be surprisingly cute.
The rat is clearly hinting at something, but what? 🌚 ...YOU GOT IT RIGHT AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Because that's me and I really love tieflings! (Why do I love thieves so much what's wrong with me???)
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rinriya · 1 year
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i want to romance him so bad
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daisymeade · 10 months
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The boys got banished to the shadow realm.
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
I started Magpie in the Lord of Nothing DLC tonight and lemme tell you, I would die for Sendri, Rekarth, OR Penta in a heartbeat.
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mountainashfae · 3 months
Not sure why I'm so incredibly fond of the idea of Penta (and Rekarth to some degree) deciding to tie Orion to their hip. They've seen what this elf gets up to, they need a morality leash. It gets to the point Penta says "we meet all the prerequisites for friendship" to Aurien. To their utter bafflement.
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dragonologist-phd · 11 months
Owlcatober Day 20 - Void
The heroes arrive at Defender’s Heart, fulfilling their mission- but it’s not long before fate throws another surprising twist at them.
also on ao3
After what can only be called the longest day of Eden’s entire life, the sight of Defender’s Heart is almost enough to make her cry. She enjoys approximately forty minutes of calm before the storm stirs up again.
Everything goes according to plan, at first. They deliver Rekarth’s report to Anevia and Irabeth, both of whom immediately leap into action. Between barking orders and preparing defenses, they do spare a moment to thank the ragtag group, and their gratitude is quickly followed by a command to get some rest.
“We can take it from here,” Anevia tells Rekarth. “No offense, but you lot look too beat to be much use right now. You’ve done your part, and we’ve got a fighting chance because of you- now go get some shuteye.”
Eden has never seen Rekarth look so gratified. When he’s done soaking in the praise from his commanders, he leads Eden and Sendri to the back of the tavern, where a set of stairs dips into the darkness below.
“We can hunker down in the basement- nice and out of the way,” he says. He pauses at the top step, and then with more sincerity than Eden would have thought him capable of, turns to her and says, “Thanks, by the way. I wouldn’t have made it here without you.”
“I didn’t do it alone,” Eden points out.
“Yeah,” Rekarth agrees, cracking his knuckles. Realization doesn’t set in until Eden gives him a disapproving look, and when it does he rolls his eyes. “Oh, you meant- fine. Thanks for not blowing us up, Sendri.”
Sendri brightens at the recognition and grants Rekarth a sweeping bow. “It was my greatest pleasure!”
Eden laughs. “Now, I’m ready to- Seelah?”
All thoughts of rest fly from Eden’s mind as the paladin woman she spotted stops in her tracks and turns. Eden half-expects to go unrecognized, but no- Seelah’s face lights with recognition, and a grin spreads across her face.
“Hey! Everbright, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Eden says, standing up straighter. She can’t believe Seelah actually remembers her. “I’m the-”
“The smith down by the square, I remember!” Seelah pushes through the crowd to move closer, still smiling. She pulls at the sword on her hip, showing off the hilt, and Eden feels an odd swooping in her stomach as she recognizes her own craftwork in Seelah’s hands.
“Best weapons we ever had came from your shop,” Seelah says. “Glad to see you looking…well, alive.”
“You too,” Eden replies. “Of course, I knew you’d be fine. You’re- well, you’re you.”
It’s a silly thing to say, but Seelah grins in response all the same. “Aw, it’s all part of the job. And anyway, I had help. A new friend of mine. She’s…well, she’s different. But she’s got this power that I think could really change things.” An edge of awe creeps into Seelah’s tone. Eden has to fight back an irrational twinge of jealousy.
“You should meet her, later,” Seelah continues, oblivious. “She’s out in the city now, but we’ve got runners tracking her down. We’ll need her help for this big battle coming up.”
“Yeah,” Eden agrees, because she can’t think of anything else to say. “Good luck out there.”
“Who needs luck?” Seelah jokes. She slides her sword back into its sheath with another confident grin. “I’ve got an Everbright blade- I’m all set.”
Fortunately, someone else shouts for Seelah before Eden has to think of a response. Seelah gives her a quick wave goodbye and disappears into the crowd, leaving Eden to be scrutinized by Rekarth.
“So…” he drawls, “who was that?”
“Oh, that’s just Seelah. She’s a paladin,” Eden says, fighting to sound normal. “She’s been in my shop a couple times. That’s all.”
“Yeah…” Rekarth sounds doubtful, but he leaves it for now and turns back to Sendri-
But Sendri is gone.
“What the hells did that gnome do now?!” Rekarth cries. He takes off down the stairs, Eden close on his heels.
The basement is far, far brighter than it should be- it’s filled with a shining, blinding light, and as Eden squints into the glare she realizes it’s a portal. What she doesn’t know is how a portal got down here.
“Stay back!” Sendri’s voice sounds out from the center of the portal, and he does not sound nearly as panicked as he likely should. “I’ll be fine. I’m done running. But you two don’t have to do this.”
“What the blazes is that madman talking about?” Rekarth mutters, and Eden has no answer.
But even if she doesn’t have an answer, she knows what she has to do. “Come on, we can’t just leave him!”
Rekarth looks at her as if she’s lost her mind. “Yes,” he says, thoroughly baffled by Eden’s proclamation. “We can! This doesn’t concern us.”
Eden gives the tiefling a steely look. “Fine. I can’t leave him.”
Rekarth glances between her and the portal, his jaw grinding. “Dammit,” he finally says, and Eden knows it’s an agreement.
The decision is likely a bad one…but to sit here in safety while her new friend faces some unknown danger is undoubtedly worse. So Eden takes a deep breath, prepares to leave this place with its safety and security and Seelah behind, and with Rekarth at her side and Sendri up ahead, she steps into the void.
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dujour13 · 1 year
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who’s more protective? for Siavash and Woljif, of course? 😁
Thank you Dragonfly 💕 Ship questions
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Well—I’m waiting on the sequel to the Through the Ashes DLC before I decide if Siavash will ever meet Gran, who was my character in the DLC. Not sure if there’s a redemption arc. At the moment she seems to be comparing Woljif to Rekarth and, as always, finding Woljif lacking. I wonder what her reaction will be to what he’s become, and what his reaction will be to seeing she’s still alive.
On the other side, one of my favorite fluff dreams is to give Woljif a large, happy, stable family, and this he gets in a big way with the Miranis. After all the wonderful things Siavash wrote to them about him during the Crusade, they’re thrilled to welcome him into the fold. He gets fed and called “son” by Siavash’s parents, teased by his older sisters, and clung to by the children. Kyrash found out he had a magic dagger in his boot and was instantly his friend. The two babies are constantly crawling into his lap and playing with his tail. He loves every minute of it.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Nine times out of ten it’s Siavash, because in my headcanon Woljif’s an early riser—things to do, places to go. If, however, the “places to go” include hiking around the Worldwound fighting demons, Woljif will happily be the bad influence. Even in sneaky ways like pretending to be asleep or cold and in need of snuggles.
Who’s more protective?
Each in his own way, but Siavash is more willing to let Woljif do his thing and make mistakes. Woljif, on the other hand, hovers a bit more. The chief has a tendency to rush into things headlong, and he really is a soft little bard except when he gets really riled. In melee they’re often flanking the same target because Woljif’s looking out for him. Also tandem trip – their signature duo combat maneuver.
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444names · 2 years
dragons + bulgarian rivers
Aitsa Alachashka Alagon Alaze Aldiernik Aleka Aliver Alkon Alourna Ancalamet Ancat Andstria Andzha Anens Antha Antra Anube Archa Archerne Astovo Astra Astraka Azlivetsa Azlivyasa Bahancala Bathrough Bathuroka Batnar Batnax Beanskarth Bearitsa Beate Beatevil Beatha Beathan Beldise Belevia Beluse Bigon Biscalijka Biscatevir Biser Bisto Blachamovo Blaedens Blago Blakiyama Blakiyska Blama Blamchir Blamo Blamoon Blastrumo Blath Blauroka Bryago Bryagosin Bryamovad Bryuna Bulyammie Bulyuu Bunar Bundzhan Buniatha Bunidhon Burna Burnar Burneme Buroka Burolnis Burolvagon Burovo Burumesta Burumote Byalduing Byather Cherne Chernemeet Dantha Delduin Deleka Delekar Delevira Denire Denska Denthand Deton Detong Deviam Devilska Devilski Devir Devishka Devitsa Devitska Diamchite Diyka Diykash Diyska Dospatonis Dospyredra Dospyrovo Drach Drache Drack Dracon Draconemen Dracor Dracorch Dracord Dracoro Dracorok Draegald Draentor Dragiana Dragova Draig Draka Drakathuro Draki Drakiyka Drakong Drakor Drane Dranska Dranthusa Dranube Drogo Drova Drovo Dryamut Dryund Dryunit Dryuu Dzham Dzhan Dzhden Dzhulgar Elbaha Elbahana Elessitsa Eleyreka Elijka Eliva Elivadie Elusoka Ermflama Ermflamens Ermflamo Ermflyunik Ernenise Fafni Fafnianar Falaura Farake Feyrbrith Feyro Finth Firanova Firnax Firosin Flaen Flamota Flamut Flarse Flathwin Flaze Floynits Flyagong Flyung Fraitsa Frakaramo Fraki Frameetsa Glack Glaenite Glagon Glaki Glamaug Glammie Glamote Glarack Glarbritsa Glash Glaze Glazlijka Glough Glourokon Goldra Golich Golnit Golvadie Golvagos Griamate Griffirnit Griong Grionitsa Gritsa Haegalduin Hamovagia Hydrack Hydragoche Hydragon Hydraigo Icefyrbit Ichashka Ichir Ineni Inenska Ingue Intong Intonirota Intry Iskarit Iskiyska Kajal Kajala Kajalashka Kalamaugh Kamat Kamcher Kamchern Kameentovo Kamothurni Kamut Karth Krion Krivyamat Krumotha Kruna Krung Lakaram Lakiykathe Lebni Lessibraco Levilskat Levir Levitsa Leynska Leyreka Licefyrok Lichka Lijka Lijkath Liver Liyalashni Liyama Liyska Madiancala Madie Madise Madiyska Mathulga Mathuragia Matlarake Matorchka Meanska Meathar Meatna Mechnirna Meenik Meens Meetsa Meldiatna Meleka Meshka Messitsa Meston Mestra Mestrekar Mestritsa Mnega Mneme Moonitevir Mover Nayskra Nidhon Nishka Nishkasa Nitsa Notevis Notha Nothwin Ogochir Ogone Ogoniscon Oldenik Oldia Oldie Orchiya Osamenska Osamo Ourachir Outhaedra Paarachirn Palauro Paliyska Panova Panska Polvad Popolnite Popopothe Proch Proka Prokord Prolivadis Prouth Pyagon Pyama Pyanoviser Pyash Pyatlagovo Pyren Redra Rekar Rekarsern Rekarth Renth Rezova Rezovagon Rezovetsa Rhaega Rhaegald Rhand Rharion Riffir Rilski Ritsach Rivad Rivagocha Rivetsa Rivetsach Roplaki Ropolameen Ropolnir Rosin Ruing Rumok Runishka Ruseara Rusenska Rusok Rusoka Rusokashka Rusourok Rusout Ryagoch Ryund Ryunitsa Sancath Santher Santranska Sanube Sazliveton Scalaston Scaliyski Scate Scath Scola Scone Sconegar Scong Sconitsa Scorchka Scorma Scormath Scormflout Seatlath Seatnar Seator Senska Shireka Shiret Shiroboro Shiyska Smateviama Smaugh Solake Solduinton Solijkat Soliyski Solvadiyka Spaarivet Spathan Spathusean Spyre Spyreka Spyren Sredeanska Sredeeton Srekar Sretorda Starack Storda Streka Stretorovo Stretsa Strivadie Stroverro Struing Strung Strungue Suhaega Suhaegarth Thaenia Therroka Thurumelba Thwingue Tianen Tiathroch Timoka Timoth Toplameton Toplatha Topold Topopoth Tsibracor Tsingue Tsinth Tunax Tungue Tunishkar Typhi Typhira Typhitsa Typhiyska Typhogg Vacolva Varacorda Velduin Velessitsa Vitsa Vitsaconik Vitska Volva Voyama Voynia Voynir Whiyama Yancate Yandstamen Yandzhdeen Yandzhden Zlamchka
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zahra-hydris · 2 years
I finished through the ashes last night
and while I’m still fairly ambivalent on the two companions (though I do like and prefer rekarth over sendri) and the ending (...), I still enjoyed it?
I liked that it genuinely felt difficult, especially at the start, and I liked the extra layer of trying to ensure all the non-combatant survivors got through. I also liked that it was so focused on kenabres and had a focused storyline (until it didn’t).
it was 100x more satisfying and enjoyable to play than inevitable excess.
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daisymeade · 10 months
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Boyfriends who just don't know it yet. 💚
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daisymeade · 10 months
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I don't know what my cleric is distracted by over on the left but this shadow cathedral is pretty cool.
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daisymeade · 10 months
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Rekarth: "Oh, we're in for it now! See the fancy armor that corpse is wearing?" Rekarth points at the tarnished swords adorning the cadaver's imposing breastplate. "That's the local celebrity, one of the great generals of yore. Something's telling me he didn't rise from the grave to give us a tour of his favorite taverns. Our goose is cooked."
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"It is done. Rest in peace, you valiant carcass."
Bringing this back since I finished replaying Through the Ashes today and love this bit in the graveyard. Rekarth is so funny.
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daisymeade · 2 years
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Owlcat better give me more Rekarth content. I am not asking. 🔫
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daisymeade · 2 years
Just started playing "Through the Ashes" DLC and I-
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What if they kissed? 😳
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daisymeade · 2 years
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Rekarth: "So you're telling me that you can turn that thing off and on at will and never have to deal with stinking, smoking fire torches?" Cyrian: "I fucking hate this thing..." Rekarth: "Wish I could turn my heritage off and on."
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
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Somehow, Rekarth leaving the party briefly means he's not exhausted af like the rest of us and there's uh. a little bit of a speed disparity xD
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